using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Network; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Game.Rust; using Rust.Modular; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Horse Breeds", "iLakSkiL", "1.1.0")] [Description("Change the breed of your horse.")] public class HorseBreeds : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] private Plugin ServerRewards, Economics; #region Configuration private Configuration _config; public class Configuration { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use ServerRewards")] public bool currencySR = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Economics")] public bool currencyEC = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Item as Currency")] public bool currencyItem = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Item Short Name")] public string itemToUse = "scrap"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Horse Breed Costs")] public Costs costs = new Costs(); public class Costs { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Dapple Grey")] public double cost4 = 20; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Red Roan")] public double cost7 = 20; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Appalosa")] public double cost0 = 30; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Bay")] public double cost1 = 30; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Buckskin")] public double cost2 = 30; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Pinto")] public double cost6 = 30; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chestnut")] public double cost3 = 40; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Piebald")] public double cost5 = 40; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "White Thoroughbred")] public double cost8 = 50; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Black Thoroughbred")] public double cost9 = 50; } } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _config = Config.ReadObject(); SaveConfig(); } catch { PrintError("Error reading config, please check!"); } } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { _config = new Configuration(); Puts("Loading Default Config"); SaveConfig(); } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(_config); #endregion #region Hooks void Loaded() { permission.RegisterPermission("horsebreeds.use", this); permission.RegisterPermission("horsebreeds.bypass", this); //check for using more than one currency type if ((_config.currencySR && _config.currencyEC) || (_config.currencySR && _config.currencyItem) || (_config.currencyItem && _config.currencyEC)) { Puts("ERROR: Cannot use more than one currency type. Default config loaded."); LoadDefaultConfig(); } //check for _config.itemToUse not being string if (!(_config.itemToUse is string) && (_config.itemToUse != null)) { Puts("ERROR: Item Short Name listed as currency is not valid. Default config loaded."); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } #endregion #region Commands [ChatCommand("horse")] private void horseChatCmd(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { //check for player permission if (!(permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "horsebreeds.use"))) { Player.Message(player, "Horse Breeds:You do not have permission to use this command."); return; } //null and error checks if (player == null || command == null || args == null || args.Length != 1) { Player.Message(player, "Horse Breeds: Syntax Error. Use \"/horse help\" for more info."); return; } if (args[0] == "help") { string currency = null; if (_config.currencySR) { currency = "RP"; } if (_config.currencyEC) { currency = "Dollars"; } if (_config.currencyItem) { currency = _config.itemToUse; } Player.Message(player, $"Horse Breeds:\n\nTo change the breed of your horse, use \"/horse (breed)\" while sitting on a horse. (breed) can either be the name or the numerical value of the breed below.\n\n" + $"Breed # - Breed Name - Cost\n" + $"0 - Appalosa - {_config.costs.cost0} {currency}\n" + $"1 - Bay - {_config.costs.cost1} {currency}\n" + $"2 - Buckskin - {_config.costs.cost2} {currency}\n" + $"3 - Chestnut - {_config.costs.cost3} {currency}\n" + $"4 - Dapple Grey - {_config.costs.cost4} {currency}\n" + $"5 - Piebald - {_config.costs.cost5} {currency}\n" + $"6 - Pinto - {_config.costs.cost6} {currency}\n" + $"7 - Red Roan - {_config.costs.cost7} {currency}\n" + $"8 - White Thoroughbred - {_config.costs.cost8} {currency}\n" + $"9 - Black Thoroughbred - {_config.costs.cost9} {currency}"); return; } //Mounted on Horse check if (player.GetMountedVehicle() == null || !player.GetMountedVehicle().ToString().Contains("ridablehorse")) { Player.Message(player, "Horse Breeds:You must be on a horse to use this command."); return; } //breed variable check int breed; string breedName; double cost; if (!IsValidBreed(args[0], out breed, out breedName, out cost)) { Player.Message(player, "Horse Breeds: Invalid Breed. Use \"/horse help\" for more info."); return; } if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "horsebreeds.bypass")) cost = 0; ChangeHorse(player, breed, breedName, cost); } [ConsoleCommand("horse")] private void horseConsoleCmd(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { //only admin and console can use if (!arg.IsAdmin || arg.Args == null) return; if (arg.Args.Length != 2) { Puts("Syntax Error"); return; } //player checks var target = RustCore.FindPlayer(arg.Args[0]); if (target == null) { Puts($"Player '{arg.Args[0]}' not found"); return; } if (!target.IsConnected) { Puts($"Player '{arg.Args[0]}' is not online"); return; } if (target.GetMountedVehicle() == null || !target.GetMountedVehicle().ToString().Contains("ridablehorse")) { Puts($"Player '{arg.Args[0]}' is not on a horse"); return; } //breed variable check int breed; string breedName; double cost; if (!IsValidBreed(arg.Args[1], out breed, out breedName, out cost)) { Puts("Invalid breed type"); return; } if (permission.UserHasPermission(target.UserIDString, "horsebreeds.bypass")) cost = 0; ChangeHorse(target, breed, breedName, cost); } #endregion #region Helpers private void ChangeHorse(BasePlayer player, int breed, string breedName, double cost) { //get player's horse var horse = player.GetMountedVehicle() as RidableHorse; //check if horse is already the breed requested if (horse.currentBreed == breed) { Player.Message(player, $"Horse Breeds: Your horse is already a {breedName}"); return; } // code to run for ServerRewards if (_config.currencySR) { int balance = (int)ServerRewards?.Call("CheckPoints", player.userID); //balance check if (balance != null && balance < cost) { Player.Message(player, "Horse Breeds: Insufficient balance"); return; } //apply horse breed and charge ServerRewards horse.ApplyBreed(breed); ServerRewards?.Call("TakePoints", player.userID, (int)Math.Round(cost)); Player.Message(player, $"Horse Breeds: Your horse is now a {breedName}"); Puts($"{player.displayName}'s horse breed has been changed to {breedName}."); return; } //code to run for Economics if (_config.currencyEC) { double balance = (double)Economics?.Call("Balance", player.userID); //balance check if (balance != null && balance < cost) { Player.Message(player, "Horse Breeds: Insufficient balance"); return; } //apply horse breed and charge Economics horse.ApplyBreed(breed); Economics?.Call("Withdraw", player.userID, cost); Player.Message(player, $"Horse Breeds: Your horse is now a {breedName}"); Puts($"{player.displayName}'s horse breed has been changed to {breedName}."); return; } //code to run for Item as curreny if (_config.currencyItem) { //search for item in player inventory if (player.inventory.FindItemByItemName(_config.itemToUse) != null) { Item item = player.inventory.FindItemByItemName(_config.itemToUse); int itemAmount = player.inventory.GetAmount(; List list = new List(); //needed for player.inventory.Take method //Check if player has enough for the cost of their selection if (cost <= itemAmount) { player.inventory.Take(list,, (int)cost); //convert cost to int since items have to be whole numbers horse.ApplyBreed(breed); Player.Message(player, $"Horse Breeds: Your horse is now a {breedName}"); Puts($"{player.displayName}'s horse breed has been changed to {breedName}."); return; } else { Player.Message(player, "Horse Breeds: Insufficient balance"); return; } } else { Player.Message(player, "Horse Breeds: Insufficient balance"); return; } } //code to run when not using any currency else { //apply horse breed and charge Economics horse.ApplyBreed(breed); Player.Message(player, $"Horse Breeds: Your horse is now a {breedName}"); Puts($"{player.displayName}'s horse breed has been changed to {breedName}."); return; } } private bool IsValidBreed(string option, out int breed, out string breedName, out double cost) { if (option == "0" || option.Contains("appalosa")) { breed = 0; breedName = "Appalosa"; cost = _config.costs.cost0; return true; } if (option == "1" || option.Contains("bay")) { breed = 1; breedName = "Bay"; cost = _config.costs.cost1; return true; } if (option == "2" || option.Contains("buckskin")) { breed = 2; breedName = "Buckskin"; cost = _config.costs.cost2; return true; } if (option == "3" || option.Contains("chestnut")) { breed = 3; breedName = "Chestnut"; cost = _config.costs.cost3; return true; } if (option == "4" || option.Contains("dapple")) { breed = 4; breedName = "Dapple Grey"; cost = _config.costs.cost4; return true; } if (option == "5" || option.Contains("piebald")) { breed = 5; breedName = "Piebald"; cost = _config.costs.cost5; return true; } if (option == "6" || option.Contains("pinto")) { breed = 6; breedName = "Pinto"; cost = _config.costs.cost6; return true; } if (option == "7" || option.Contains("red")) { breed = 7; breedName = "Red Roan"; cost = _config.costs.cost7; return true; } if (option == "8" || option.Contains("white")) { breed = 8; breedName = "White Thoroughbred"; cost = _config.costs.cost8; return true; } if (option == "9" || option.Contains("black")) { breed = 9; breedName = "Black Thoroughbred"; cost = _config.costs.cost9; return true; } breed = 10; breedName = null; cost = 0; return false; } #endregion } }