using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using Oxide.Core;
using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Facepunch;
#region Changelogs and ToDo
* 1.0.0 : - Initial release
namespace Oxide.Plugins
[Info("FrankiesPower", "Krungh Crow", "1.0.0")]
[Description("hp and dmg multipliers for Frankensteinpet")]
class FrankiesPower : RustPlugin
#region Variables
const string _HPBoost_Perm = "";
const string _AttBoost_Perm = "frankiespower.damage";
const string Chat_Perm = "";
ulong chaticon = 0;
string prefix;
bool Debug = false;
float _MultiplierHP;
float _MultiplierAtt;
#region Configuration
void Init()
if (!LoadConfigVariables())
Puts("Config file issue detected. Please delete file, or check syntax and fix.");
permission.RegisterPermission(Chat_Perm, this);
permission.RegisterPermission(_HPBoost_Perm, this);
permission.RegisterPermission(_AttBoost_Perm, this);
Debug = configData.PlugCFG.Debug;
prefix = configData.PlugCFG.Prefix;
chaticon = configData.PlugCFG.Chaticon;
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] trigger for Debug is true");
_MultiplierHP = configData.FrankCFG.MultiplierHealth;
_MultiplierAtt = configData.FrankCFG.MultiplierAttack;
private ConfigData configData;
class ConfigData
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Main config")]
public SettingsPlugin PlugCFG = new SettingsPlugin();
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Frankie config")]
public FrankieSetup FrankCFG = new FrankieSetup();
class SettingsPlugin
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Debug")]
public bool Debug = false;
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat Steam64ID")]
public ulong Chaticon = 0;
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat Prefix")]
public string Prefix = "[FrankiesP] ";
class FrankieSetup
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "HP multiplier")]
public float MultiplierHealth = 3.0f;
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Attack multiplier")]
public float MultiplierAttack = 1.1f;
private bool LoadConfigVariables()
configData = Config.ReadObject();
return false;
return true;
protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
Puts("Fresh install detected Creating a new config file.");
configData = new ConfigData();
void SaveConf() => Config.WriteObject(configData, true);
#region LanguageAPI
protected override void LoadDefaultMessages()
lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary
["Info"] = "\nAvailable Commands\n/frankiesp info : Shows info on version/author and commands",
["InvalidInput"] = "Please enter a valid command!",
["Frankie_Spawned"] = "Frankie is boosted with {0}HP and {1} Strength",
["Version"] = "Version : V",
["NoPermission"] = "You do not have permission to use that command!",
}, this);
#region Commands
private void FrankiesP(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, Chat_Perm))
Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("NoPermission", player.UserIDString)), chaticon);
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] {player} had no permission for using Commands");
if (args.Length == 0)
Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("InvalidInput", player.UserIDString)), chaticon);
if (args[0].ToLower() == "info")
Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("Version", player.UserIDString)) + this.Version.ToString() + " By : " + this.Author.ToString()
+ msg("Info")
, chaticon);
Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("InvalidInput", player.UserIDString)), chaticon);
#region Hooks
void OnEntitySpawned(FrankensteinPet frankie)
if (frankie == null) return;
NextTick(() =>
var _ownerplayer = frankie.OwnerID;
string _OwnerIdString = frankie.OwnerID.ToString();
global::BasePlayer player = global::BasePlayer.FindByID(_ownerplayer);
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] frankie start health : [{frankie.MaxHealth()}]");
var _Health = frankie.MaxHealth();
if (permission.UserHasPermission(_OwnerIdString, _HPBoost_Perm))
frankie.InitializeHealth(_Health * _MultiplierHP, _Health * _MultiplierHP);
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] frankie Health multiplier: [x {_MultiplierHP}]");
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] frankie boosted health : [{frankie.MaxHealth()}]");
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] frankie base attack damage : [{frankie.BaseAttackDamge}]");
if (permission.UserHasPermission(_OwnerIdString, _AttBoost_Perm))
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] frankie attack multiplier: [x {_MultiplierAtt}]");
frankie.BaseAttackDamge = frankie.BaseAttackDamge * _MultiplierAtt;
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] frankie boosted attack damage : [{frankie.BaseAttackDamge}]");
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] frankie base attack rate : [{frankie.BaseAttackRate}]");
if(permission.UserHasPermission(_OwnerIdString, _HPBoost_Perm)|| permission.UserHasPermission(_OwnerIdString, _AttBoost_Perm))
if (player != null && !player.IsSleeping())
var _MaxHealth = frankie.MaxHealth();
var _Attackdamage = frankie.BaseAttackDamge;
Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg($"Frankie_Spawned", _OwnerIdString),_MaxHealth, _Attackdamage), chaticon);
if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] [{player}] has perms (HP and/or Att)");
#region Message helper
private string msg(string key, string id = null) => lang.GetMessage(key, this, id);
//Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("InvalidInput", player.UserIDString)), chaticon);