using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Fix RHIB on Cargoship", "bsdinis", "0.0.8")] [Description("Adds missing containers to RHIBs on Cargoship")] class FixCargoshipRHIB : RustPlugin { void OnServerInitialized() { string output = string.Empty; foreach (BaseNetworkable entity in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.ToList()) { StorageContainer container = entity as StorageContainer; if (container != null) { if ((container.ShortPrefabName != "fuel_storage" && container.ShortPrefabName != "rhib_storage") || container.parentEntity.IsValid(container.isServer) || Vector3.Distance(container.transform.position, > 5f) continue; output += $"\nKilled unparented {container} at {container.transform.position}"; container.Kill(); continue; } RHIB rhib = entity as RHIB; if (rhib != null) { CargoShip cargo = rhib.GetParentEntity() as CargoShip; if (cargo == null || rhib.fuelSystem.fuelStorageInstance.Get(rhib.fuelSystem.isServer) != null) continue; output += $"\nKilled {rhib} with missing fuel container on {cargo}"; rhib.Kill(); RHIB escapeBoat = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(cargo.escapeBoatPrefab.resourcePath, cargo.escapeBoatPoint.position, cargo.escapeBoatPoint.rotation, true) as RHIB; if (escapeBoat == null) continue; output += $"\n Spawned new {escapeBoat} for {cargo}"; escapeBoat.enableSaving = false; escapeBoat.SetParent(cargo, true, false); escapeBoat.Spawn(); escapeBoat.rigidBody.isKinematic = true; timer.Once(0.25f, () => { if (escapeBoat == null) return; StorageContainer storageContainer = escapeBoat.fuelSystem.fuelStorageInstance.Get(escapeBoat.fuelSystem.isServer); if (storageContainer == null) return; ItemContainer itemContainer = storageContainer.inventory; if (itemContainer == null) return; Item fuel = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(-946369541, 50); if (fuel != null && !fuel.MoveToContainer(itemContainer, 0, false, false)) fuel.Remove(); }); } } if (output != string.Empty) PrintWarning(output); } } }