using Facepunch; using JSON; using Network; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Configuration; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using static RelationshipManager; /* * */ /* 1.0.14 * Added hook: OnPlayerItemsRestored(BasePlayer player) - called when the player's items are restored. * Added support for custom item.contents.capacity values. * Patched for October update */ namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("EventHelper", "imthenewguy", "1.0.14")] [Description("A plugin that devs can use to help get players into events.")] class EventHelper : RustPlugin { #region Config private Configuration config; public class Configuration { [JsonProperty("A list of items that cannot be taken into an event")] public List black_listed_items = new List() { "cassette", " cassette.medium", "cassette.short", "fun.casetterecorder", "boombox" }; [JsonProperty("The command to recover items")] public string redeem_items_command = "recoveritems"; [JsonProperty("How often should we cycle through events")] public float event_cycle_timer = 7200f; [JsonProperty("Set to true if the server is giving players a kit on respawn and you want players to receive their saved items back automatically")] public bool auto_rekit = false; [JsonProperty("Unban players on server wipe?")] public bool unban_players = true; [JsonProperty("Allow players to vote for games manually?")] public bool voting_enabled = true; [JsonProperty("Command to initiate a vote for an event")] public string vote_start_cmd = "eventvote"; [JsonProperty("Command to vote for an event")] public string vote_cmd = "vote"; [JsonProperty("Max vote time (seconds)")] public int max_vote_time = 300; [JsonProperty("Percentage of players required for a vote to pass [1.0 = 100% of players]")] public float vote_percentage = 0.3f; [JsonProperty("Minimum temperature while at an event")] public float temperature_min = 25f; [JsonProperty("Maximum temperature while at an event")] public float temperature_max = 25f; [JsonProperty("How often should players be reminded of the voting feature (seconds)? [0 = off]")] public float voting_reminder_time = 1200f; [JsonProperty("Minimum online players before voting is allowed? [0 = no limit]")] public int minimum_players_online_vote = 0; [JsonProperty("Minimum online players before automatic arenas start? [0 = no limit]")] public int minimum_players_online_auto_start = 0; [JsonProperty("Remove entities that are stuck to the player on entry to the event?")] public bool clear_stuck_entities = true; [JsonProperty("Prevent players who are flagged with the NoEscape plugin from joining the event?")] public bool prevent_no_escape_joins = true; [JsonProperty("Announce in chat when a player joins an event?")] public bool announce_player_join = true; [JsonProperty("Settings for Discord plugin")] public DiscordSettings discordSettings = new DiscordSettings(); public string ToJson() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); public Dictionary ToDictionary() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(ToJson()); } public class DiscordSettings { [JsonProperty("Webhook URL")] public string webhook; [JsonProperty("Send a discord notification when an event starts?")] public bool send_on_event = true; } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => config = new Configuration(); protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); if (config == null) { throw new JsonException(); } if (!config.ToDictionary().Keys.SequenceEqual(Config.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value).Keys)) { PrintToConsole("Configuration appears to be outdated; updating and saving"); SaveConfig(); } } catch { PrintToConsole($"Configuration file {Name}.json is invalid; using defaults"); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } protected override void SaveConfig() { PrintToConsole($"Configuration changes saved to {Name}.json"); Config.WriteObject(config, true); } #endregion #region classes public Dictionary Events = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); public Dictionary EventRunning = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); List FirstRespawnAfterGame; List BagPreventDropList = new List(); public class EventInfo { public bool automatic_start; public bool strip_items; public bool leaves_event_on_death; public bool full_health_on_join; public bool give_items_back_automatically; public bool full_metabolism_on_join; public bool restricted_temp; public Vector3 teleport_destination; public List participants = new List(); public bool manually_started; public bool allow_Teams; public string[] black_listed_commands; public ExternalPluginSettings external_plugin_settings = new ExternalPluginSettings(false, false, false, false, false, false); public EventInfo(bool automatic_start, bool strip_items, bool leaves_event_on_death, bool full_health_on_join, bool give_items_back_automatically, bool full_metabolism_on_join, Vector3 teleport_destination, bool restricted_temp = true, bool allow_Teams = true) { this.automatic_start = automatic_start; this.strip_items = strip_items; this.leaves_event_on_death = leaves_event_on_death; this.full_health_on_join = full_health_on_join; this.give_items_back_automatically = give_items_back_automatically; this.full_metabolism_on_join = full_metabolism_on_join; this.teleport_destination = teleport_destination; this.restricted_temp = restricted_temp; this.allow_Teams = allow_Teams; } public class ExternalPluginSettings { public bool canDropBackpack; public bool canEraseBackpack; public bool canOpenBackpack; public bool canBackpackAcceptItem; public bool canRedeemKit; public bool CanLoseXP; public ExternalPluginSettings(bool canDropBackpack, bool canEraseBackpack, bool canOpenBackpack, bool canBackpackAcceptItem, bool canRedeemKit, bool CanLoseXP) { this.canDropBackpack = canDropBackpack; this.canEraseBackpack = canEraseBackpack; this.canOpenBackpack = canOpenBackpack; this.canBackpackAcceptItem = canBackpackAcceptItem; this.canRedeemKit = canRedeemKit; this.CanLoseXP = CanLoseXP; } } } public enum ContainerType { Main, Belt, Wear, None } public class ItemInfo { public string shortname; public ulong skin; public int amount; public float condition; public float maxCondition; public int ammo; public string ammotype; public ContainerType container; public int position; public int frequency; public Item.Flag flags; public KeyInfo instanceData; public class KeyInfo { public int dataInt; public int blueprintTarget; public int blueprintAmount; } public int contentsSlots; public List item_contents; public string text; public string name; } #endregion #region Data PlayerEntity pcdData; private DynamicConfigFile PCDDATA; const string perm_admin = "eventhelper.admin"; void Init() { WasAtEvent = new Dictionary(); PCDDATA = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile(this.Name); LoadData(); permission.RegisterPermission(perm_admin, this); cmd.AddChatCommand(config.vote_cmd, this, "VoteForEvent"); cmd.AddChatCommand(config.vote_start_cmd, this, "StartEventVote"); Temperature_Min = config.temperature_min; Temperature_Max = config.temperature_max; if (config.voting_reminder_time > 0 && config.voting_enabled) { timer.Every(config.voting_reminder_time, () => { PrintToChat(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("VotingReminder", this), config.vote_start_cmd)); }); } } void Unload() { cmd.RemoveChatCommand(config.redeem_items_command, this); cmd.RemoveChatCommand(config.vote_cmd, this); cmd.RemoveChatCommand(config.vote_start_cmd, this); foreach (var kvp in pcdData.pEntity) { kvp.Value.AtEvent = false; kvp.Value.Event = null; } foreach (var e in Events.ToList()) { EMRemoveEvent(e.Key); } SaveData(); foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { DestroyTempRestriction(player); } WasAtEvent.Clear(); WasAtEvent = null; } void SaveData() { PCDDATA.WriteObject(pcdData); } void LoadData() { try { pcdData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject(this.Name); } catch { Puts(lang.GetMessage("NoPlayerDataLoading", this)); pcdData = new PlayerEntity(); } } class PlayerEntity { public Dictionary pEntity = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary> banned_players = new Dictionary>(); } class PCDInfo { public string Event; public float Health; public float Food; public float Water; public bool AtEvent; public Vector3 Location; public List Items = new List(); } [PluginReference] private Plugin Backpacks, NoEscape, RestoreUponDeath; #endregion; #region Localization protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["AtEvent"] = "You are already at an event.", ["ItemsStored"] = "You have items stored that must be claimed before joining another event. Type /{0} to recover your items (doing this will delete your current inventory).", ["NoCrafting"] = "You must stop crafting in order to join this event.", ["EscapeBlocked"] = "You cannot join the game while you are escape blocked.", ["BlackListedItem"] = "You cannot bring a {0} into a minigame.", ["BlackListedItemSub"] = "You cannot bring a {0} into a minigame. This was found inside of your {1}", ["AlreadyEnrolled"] = "You are already enrolled in this event.", ["FailedToStrip"] = "Failed to strip your items.", ["ManualItemRecovery"] = "You must type /{0} to recover them (doing this will delete your current inventory).", ["NoRecovery"] = "You cannot recover your items until you leave the event.", ["NoCommand"] = "You cannot use the {0} command at this event.", ["UnclaimedItems"] = "You have unclaimed items. Type /{0} to recover them.", ["SkipStart"] = "Skipping event start due to manual start.", ["ManualStart"] = "Manually started event {0}", ["RemovedEvent"] = "Removed Event: {0}", ["SetupEvent"] = "Setup Event: {0}", ["EndedEvent"] = "Ended the event", ["NotSetup"] = "{0} has not been setup.", ["EventNotSetupExternalPluginSettings"] = "Event: {0} has not been setup. Must call EMCreateEvent before EMExternalPluginSettings.", ["EventNotSetupBlackList"] = "Event: {0} has not been setup. Must call EMCreateEvent before EMBlackListCommands.", ["RegisteredCommands"] = "Registered {0} black listed commands.", ["NoPlayerDataLoading"] = "Couldn't load player data, creating new Playerfile", ["NoEventData"] = "You have no event data stored.", ["MorePlayersFound"] = "More than one player found: {0}", ["NoMatch"] = "No player was found that matched: {0}", ["EHBanUsage"] = "Usage: /ehban ", ["BannedPlayer"] = "Banned {0} from all EventHelper events.", ["EHUnbanUsage"] = "Usage: /ehunban ", ["UnbannedPlayer"] = "Unbanned {0} from all EventHelper events.", ["NoBan"] = "{0} does not have any bans.", ["VotingReminder"] = "You can vote to start your favourite event by typing /{0} ", ["EventNotRegistered"] = "Failed to join - Event: {0} has not been registered!", ["PreventTeamCreation"] = "The event you are in does not allow team creation.", ["DiscordMessageEventStarted"] = ":globe_with_meridians: Event Started: {0}.", ["JointAnnounceMsg_1"] = "{0} has decided to join the action at the {1} event!", ["JointAnnounceMsg_2"] = "{0} has joined the {1} event and is ready to take some names!", ["JointAnnounceMsg_3"] = "Oh no, {0} has joined the {1} event!", }, this); } #endregion #region Methods bool IsPlayerBanned(BasePlayer player, string eventName) { if (pcdData.banned_players.ContainsKey(eventName) && pcdData.banned_players[eventName].Contains(player.userID)) return true; if (pcdData.banned_players.ContainsKey("global") && pcdData.banned_players["global"].Contains(player.userID)) return true; return false; } bool CanJoinEvent(BasePlayer player, string eventName) { if (IsPlayerBanned(player, eventName)) { PrintToChat(player, $"You are banned from the event and cannot join."); return false; } var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); if (playerData.AtEvent) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("AtEvent", this, player.UserIDString)); return false; } if (HasItemsStored(player.userID) && !playerData.AtEvent) { PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("ItemsStored", this, player.UserIDString), config.redeem_items_command)); return false; } if (player.inventory.crafting.queue.Count != 0) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("NoCrafting", this, player.UserIDString)); return false; } if (NoEscape != null && config.prevent_no_escape_joins && Convert.ToBoolean(NoEscape.Call("IsEscapeBlocked", player.UserIDString))) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("EscapeBlocked", this, player.UserIDString)); return false; } if (HasProhibitedItems(player)) return false; if (Interface.CallHook("EMOnEventJoin", player, eventName) != null) { PrintToChat(player, "Another plugin preventing you from joining"); return false; } var hook = Interface.CallHook("OnEventJoin", player, eventName); if (hook != null) { if (hook is string) PrintToChat(player, hook as string); else PrintToChat(player, "An external plugin has preventing you from joining the event."); return false; } return true; } object OnEventJoin(BasePlayer player, string eventName) { var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID, false); if (playerData == null) return null; if (playerData.AtEvent) return $"You must leave the {playerData.Event} event before attempting to join a new one."; return null; } bool StorePlayerItems(BasePlayer player) { var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); playerData.Items.AddRange(GetItems(player, player.inventory.containerWear)); playerData.Items.AddRange(GetItems(player, player.inventory.containerMain)); playerData.Items.AddRange(GetItems(player, player.inventory.containerBelt)); player.inventory.Strip(); SaveData(); return true; } List GetItems(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer container) { List result = new List(); foreach (var item in container.itemList) { result.Add(new ItemInfo() { shortname =, position = item.position, container = GetContainer(player, container), amount = item.amount, ammo = item.GetHeldEntity() is BaseProjectile ? (item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile).primaryMagazine.contents : item.GetHeldEntity() is FlameThrower ? (item.GetHeldEntity() as FlameThrower).ammo : item.GetHeldEntity() is Chainsaw ? (item.GetHeldEntity() as Chainsaw).ammo : 0, ammotype = (item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile)?.primaryMagazine.ammoType.shortname ?? null, skin =, condition = item.condition, maxCondition = item.maxCondition, flags = item.flags, instanceData = item.instanceData != null ? new ItemInfo.KeyInfo() { dataInt = item.instanceData.dataInt, blueprintTarget = item.instanceData.blueprintTarget, blueprintAmount = item.instanceData.blueprintAmount, } : null, name = ?? null, text = item.text ?? null, item_contents = item.contents?.itemList != null ? GetItems(player, item.contents) : null, contentsSlots = item.contents?.capacity ?? 0 }); } return result; } //bool StorePlayerItems(BasePlayer player) //{ // var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); // foreach (var item in player.inventory.AllItems()) // { // var item_save = new ItemInfo() // { // shortname =, // container = GetContainer(player, item.parent), // position = item.position, // amount = item.amount, // ammo = item.GetHeldEntity() is BaseProjectile ? (item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile).primaryMagazine.contents : item.GetHeldEntity() is FlameThrower ? (item.GetHeldEntity() as FlameThrower).ammo : 0, // ammotype = (item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile)?.primaryMagazine.ammoType.shortname ?? null, // skin =, // condition = item.condition, // maxCondition = item.maxCondition, // contents = item.contents?.itemList.Select(item1 => new ItemInfo // { // shortname =, // amount = item1.amount, // condition = item1.condition, // maxCondition = item1.maxCondition // }).ToArray(), // }; // if (item.instanceData != null) // { // item_save.instanceData = new ItemInfo.KeyInfo() // { // ShouldPool = item.instanceData.ShouldPool, // dataInt = item.instanceData.dataInt, // blueprintTarget = item.instanceData.blueprintTarget, // blueprintAmount = item.instanceData.blueprintAmount, // subEntity = item.instanceData.subEntity // }; // } // if (item.text != null) item_save.text = item.text; // if ( != null) =; // if ( != null) item_save.description =; // playerData.Items.Add(item_save); // } // player.inventory.Strip(); // return true; //} bool RestoreItems(BasePlayer player, bool strip = true) { if (player.IsDead() || !player.IsConnected) return false; var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); if (strip) player.inventory.Strip(); if (playerData.Items == null || playerData.Items.Count == 0) return true; foreach (var item in playerData.Items) { if (item.amount < 1) continue; if (item.container == ContainerType.Main) GetRestoreItem(player, player.inventory.containerMain, item); else if (item.container == ContainerType.Wear) GetRestoreItem(player, player.inventory.containerWear, item); else if (item.container == ContainerType.Belt) GetRestoreItem(player, player.inventory.containerBelt, item); } return true; } Item GetRestoreItem(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer container, ItemInfo savedItem) { var item = ItemManager.CreateByName(savedItem.shortname, savedItem.amount,; if ( != null) =; if (savedItem.text != null) item.text = savedItem.text; item.condition = savedItem.condition; item.maxCondition = savedItem.maxCondition; BaseEntity heldEntity = item.GetHeldEntity(); item.flags = savedItem.flags; if (savedItem.instanceData != null) { item.instanceData = new ProtoBuf.Item.InstanceData(); item.instanceData.ShouldPool = false; item.instanceData.dataInt = savedItem.instanceData.dataInt; item.instanceData.blueprintTarget = savedItem.instanceData.blueprintTarget; item.instanceData.blueprintAmount = savedItem.instanceData.blueprintAmount; } if (savedItem.item_contents != null && savedItem.item_contents.Count > 0) { if (item.contents == null) { item.contents = new ItemContainer(); item.contents.ServerInitialize(null, savedItem.item_contents.Count); item.contents.GiveUID(); item.contents.parent = item; } foreach (var _item in savedItem.item_contents) { GetRestoreItem(player, item.contents, _item); } } if (savedItem.contentsSlots > 0) item.contents.capacity = savedItem.contentsSlots; BaseProjectile weapon = heldEntity as BaseProjectile; if (weapon != null) { weapon.DelayedModsChanged(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(savedItem.ammotype)) weapon.primaryMagazine.ammoType = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(savedItem.ammotype); weapon.primaryMagazine.contents = savedItem.ammo; } else if (savedItem.ammo > 0) { FlameThrower flameThrower = heldEntity as FlameThrower; if (flameThrower != null) flameThrower.ammo = savedItem.ammo; else { Chainsaw chainsaw = heldEntity as Chainsaw; if (chainsaw != null) chainsaw.ammo = savedItem.ammo; } } if (!item.MoveToContainer(container, savedItem.position)) player.GiveItem(item); item.MarkDirty(); return item; } //bool RestoreItems(BasePlayer player, bool strip = true) //{ // if (player.IsDead() || !player.IsConnected) return false; // var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); // if (strip) player.inventory.Strip(); // if (playerData.Items == null || playerData.Items.Count == 0) return true; // List unpositioned_items = Pool.GetList(); // foreach (var saved_item in playerData.Items) // { // try // { // var item = ItemManager.CreateByName(saved_item.shortname, saved_item.amount,; // if ( != null) =; // if (saved_item.description != null) = saved_item.description; // item.condition = saved_item.condition; // item.maxCondition = saved_item.maxCondition; // BaseProjectile weapon = item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile; // if (weapon != null) // { // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(saved_item.ammotype)) // weapon.primaryMagazine.ammoType = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(saved_item.ammotype); // weapon.primaryMagazine.contents = saved_item.ammo; // } // FlameThrower flameThrower = item.GetHeldEntity() as FlameThrower; // if (flameThrower != null) // flameThrower.ammo = saved_item.ammo; // if (saved_item.contents != null) // { // foreach (ItemInfo contentData in saved_item.contents) // { // Item newContent = ItemManager.CreateByName(contentData.shortname, contentData.amount); // if (newContent != null) // { // newContent.condition = contentData.condition; // newContent.MoveToContainer(item.contents); // } // } // } // if (saved_item.instanceData != null) // { // item.instanceData = new ProtoBuf.Item.InstanceData(); // item.instanceData.ShouldPool = saved_item.instanceData.ShouldPool; // item.instanceData.dataInt = saved_item.instanceData.dataInt; // item.instanceData.blueprintTarget = saved_item.instanceData.blueprintTarget; // item.instanceData.blueprintAmount = saved_item.instanceData.blueprintAmount; // item.instanceData.subEntity = saved_item.instanceData.subEntity; // } // if (saved_item.text != null) item.text = saved_item.text; // switch (saved_item.container) // { // case ContainerType.Belt: // item.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerBelt, saved_item.position); // break; // case ContainerType.Wear: // item.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerWear, saved_item.position); // break; // case ContainerType.Main: // item.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerMain, saved_item.position); // break; // default: // unpositioned_items.Add(item); // break; // } // } // catch { Puts($"Failed to return {saved_item?.name ?? saved_item?.shortname}"); } // } // if (unpositioned_items.Count > 0) // { // foreach (var item in unpositioned_items) // { // player.GiveItem(item); // } // } // playerData.Items.Clear(); // Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref unpositioned_items); // return true; //} ContainerType GetContainer(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer container) { if (container.uid == player.inventory.containerBelt.uid) return ContainerType.Belt; else if (container.uid == player.inventory.containerWear.uid) return ContainerType.Wear; else if (container.uid == player.inventory.containerMain.uid) return ContainerType.Main; else return ContainerType.None; } bool HasProhibitedItems(BasePlayer player) { var items = AllItems(player); try { if (config.black_listed_items == null || config.black_listed_items.Count == 0 || items.Count == 0) return false; foreach (var item in items) { if (config.black_listed_items.Contains( { PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("BlackListedItem", this, player.UserIDString),; return true; } if (item.contents != null && item.contents.itemList != null && item.contents.itemList.Count > 1) { foreach (var sub_item in item.contents.itemList) { if (config.black_listed_items.Contains( { PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("BlackListedItemSub", this, player.UserIDString),,; return true; } } } } } finally { Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref items); } return false; } private bool HasItemsStored(ulong id) { var playerData = GetPlayer(id); if (playerData.Items.Count == 0) return false; return true; } bool IsPlayerSetup(ulong id) { return pcdData.pEntity.ContainsKey(id); } PCDInfo GetPlayer(ulong id, bool create = true) { PCDInfo result; if (pcdData.pEntity.TryGetValue(id, out result)) return result; if (!create) return null; pcdData.pEntity.Add(id, result = new PCDInfo()); return result; } void RestoreStats(BasePlayer player) { if (player.IsDead() || !player.IsConnected) return; var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); if (playerData.Food > 0) player.metabolism.calories.SetValue(playerData.Food); if (playerData.Water > 0) player.metabolism.hydration.SetValue(playerData.Water); if (playerData.Health > 0) player.SetHealth(playerData.Health); if (playerData.Location != TeleportToEvent(player, playerData.Location); player.metabolism.bleeding.SetValue(0); playerData.Location =; playerData.Food = 0; playerData.Water = 0; playerData.Health = 0; player.State.unHostileTimestamp = Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp; player.MarkHostileFor(0); DestroyTempRestriction(player); } void StorePlayerInfo(BasePlayer player, bool StoreHealth, bool StoreStats, bool StoreTemp) { var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); if (StoreStats) { playerData.Food = player.metabolism.calories.value; playerData.Water = player.metabolism.hydration.value; player.metabolism.calories.SetValue(player.metabolism.calories.max); player.metabolism.hydration.SetValue(player.metabolism.hydration.max); player.metabolism.bleeding.SetValue(0); player.metabolism.radiation_level.SetValue(0); player.metabolism.radiation_poison.SetValue(0); } if (StoreHealth) { playerData.Health =; player.SetHealth(100f); } if (StoreTemp) AddTempRestriction(player); playerData.Location = player.transform.position; } void TeleportToEvent(BasePlayer player, Vector3 loc) { if (loc == return; Player.Teleport(player, loc); player.StartSleeping(); player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.ReceivingSnapshot, true); player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "StartLoading"); //player.ClientRPC(RpcTarget.SendInfo("StartLoading", new SendInfo(; player.SendEntityUpdate(); player.UpdateNetworkGroup(); player.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(false); if (config.clear_stuck_entities) { if (player.children != null) { List stuck = Pool.Get>(); foreach (var child in player.children) { if (child.PrefabName == "assets/prefabs/misc/burlap sack/generic_world.prefab") { var item = child.GetItem(); if (item != null) { var heldEntity = item.GetHeldEntity(); if ((heldEntity != null && heldEntity is BaseMelee) ||"arrow.") ||"ammo.nailgun.nails")) stuck.Add(child); } } } foreach (var child in stuck) { child.KillMessage(); } Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref stuck); } } } void RemoveFromEvent(BasePlayer player, string eventName) { if (!IsPlayerSetup(player.userID)) return; var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); playerData.AtEvent = false; EventInfo ei; if (eventName != null) Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei); else ei = null; ei.participants.Remove(player); } BasePlayer FindPlayerByID(string id, BasePlayer searchingPlayer = null) { if (!id.IsSteamId()) return null; var player = BasePlayer.allPlayerList.Where(x => x.UserIDString == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (player == null) { if (searchingPlayer != null) PrintToChat(searchingPlayer, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("NoMatch", this), id)); else Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("NoMatch", this), id)); } return player ?? null; } private BasePlayer FindPlayerByName(string Playername, BasePlayer SearchingPlayer = null) { var lowered = Playername.ToLower(); var targetList = BasePlayer.allPlayerList.Where(x => x.displayName.ToLower().Contains(lowered)).OrderBy(x => x.displayName.Length); if (targetList.Count() == 1) { return targetList.First(); } if (targetList.Count() > 1) { if (targetList.First().displayName.Equals(Playername, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return targetList.First(); } if (SearchingPlayer != null) { PrintToChat(SearchingPlayer, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("MorePlayersFound", this, SearchingPlayer.UserIDString), String.Join(",", targetList.Select(x => x.displayName)))); } else Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("MorePlayersFound", this), String.Join(",", targetList.Select(x => x.displayName)))); return null; } if (targetList.Count() == 0) { if (SearchingPlayer != null) { PrintToChat(SearchingPlayer, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("NoMatch", this, SearchingPlayer.UserIDString), Playername)); } else Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("NoMatch", this), Playername)); return null; } return null; } public bool AddBan(BasePlayer player, string event_name) { if (!pcdData.banned_players.ContainsKey(event_name)) pcdData.banned_players.Add(event_name, new List()); if (!pcdData.banned_players[event_name].Contains(player.userID)) { pcdData.banned_players[event_name].Add(player.userID); SaveData(); return true; } return false; } public bool RemoveBan(BasePlayer player, string event_name) { if (!pcdData.banned_players.ContainsKey(event_name) || !pcdData.banned_players[event_name].Contains(player.userID)) return false; pcdData.banned_players[event_name].Remove(player.userID); SaveData(); return true; } #endregion #region Event Stuff string LastEvent; List automatic_Events = new List(); void StartNextEvent() { if (config.minimum_players_online_auto_start > 0 && BasePlayer.activePlayerList?.Count < config.minimum_players_online_auto_start) { Puts($"Attmempted to start a game, but there are not enough players online [{BasePlayer.activePlayerList?.Count}/{config.minimum_players_online_auto_start}]."); return; } if (Events == null || Events.Count == 0 || automatic_Events.Count == 0) return; foreach (var _event in Events) if (_event.Value.manually_started) { Puts($"Attempted to start a new event, but {_event.Key} is still flagged as manually started."); return; } if (LastEvent != null && Events.ContainsKey(LastEvent) && !Events[LastEvent].manually_started) { Interface.CallHook("EMEndGame", LastEvent); EMEndEvent(LastEvent); } if (LastEvent == null) { Interface.CallHook("EMStartNextEvent", automatic_Events.First()); Puts($"Attempting to start: {automatic_Events.First()}. Events: {string.Join(", ", automatic_Events)}"); LastEvent = automatic_Events.First(); } else { var foundLastEvent = false; var setNewEvent = false; foreach (var e in automatic_Events) { if (Events[e].manually_started) continue; if (foundLastEvent) { Interface.CallHook("EMStartNextEvent", e); Puts($"Attempting to start: {e}. Events: {string.Join(", ", automatic_Events)}"); LastEvent = e; setNewEvent = true; break; } else if (e == LastEvent) foundLastEvent = true; } if (!setNewEvent) { var e = automatic_Events.First(); if (!Events[e].manually_started) { Interface.CallHook("EMStartNextEvent", e); Puts($"Attempting to start: {e}. Events: {string.Join(", ", automatic_Events)}"); LastEvent = e; } else Puts(lang.GetMessage("SkipStart", this)); } } } [HookMethod("EMWasManuallyStarted")] public bool EMWasManuallyStarted(string eventName) { EventInfo ei; if (Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) { return ei.manually_started; } return false; } [HookMethod("EMManuallyStarted")] public void EMManuallyStarted(string eventName) { EventInfo ei; if (Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) { ei.manually_started = true; Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("ManualStart", this), eventName)); } } [HookMethod("EMEventEnded")] public void EMEventEnded(string eventName) { if (!Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out var ei)) return; ei.manually_started = false; } [HookMethod("EMRemoveEvent")] public void EMRemoveEvent(string eventName) { Interface.CallHook("EMEndGame", eventName); EventInfo ei; if (Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) { if (ei.participants.Count > 0) { foreach (var player in ei.participants.ToList()) { EMPlayerLeaveEvent(player, eventName); } } if (ei.automatic_start) automatic_Events.Remove(eventName); } Events.Remove(eventName); Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("RemovedEvent", this), eventName)); } [HookMethod("EMCreateEvent")] private void EMCreateEvent(string eventName, bool automatic_start, bool stripItems, bool leaves_event_on_death, bool full_health_on_join, bool give_items_back_on_respawn, bool full_metabolism_on_join, Vector3 teleport_destination, bool restricted_metabolism = true, bool allow_teams = true) { if (Events.ContainsKey(eventName)) EMRemoveEvent(eventName); EventInfo ei; Events.Add(eventName, ei = new EventInfo(automatic_start, stripItems, leaves_event_on_death, full_health_on_join, give_items_back_on_respawn, full_metabolism_on_join, teleport_destination, restricted_metabolism, allow_teams)); Puts(lang.GetMessage("SetupEvent", this), eventName); if (automatic_start && !automatic_Events.Contains(eventName)) { automatic_Events.Add(eventName); } } [HookMethod("EMUpdateLobby")] private void EMUpdateLobby(string eventName, Vector3 pos) { EventInfo ei; if (!Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) return; ei.teleport_destination = pos; } [HookMethod("EMStartEvent")] private void EMStartEvent(string eventName) { EventInfo ei; if (!Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) return; if (!EventRunning.ContainsKey(eventName)) EventRunning.Add(eventName, true); else EventRunning[eventName] = true; SendDiscordMsg(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("DiscordMessageEventStarted", this), eventName.TitleCase())); } [HookMethod("EMEndEvent")] private void EMEndEvent(string eventName) { if (EventRunning.ContainsKey(eventName)) { EventInfo ei; if (eventName == null || !Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) return; if (ei.participants.Count > 0) { foreach (var player in ei.participants.ToList()) { EMPlayerLeaveEvent(player, eventName); } } ei.participants.Clear(); ei.manually_started = false; if (!ei.allow_Teams) { HandleEndGameRestoration(); SetLeaders(); ClearTeamCache(); } EventRunning.Remove(eventName); //Interface.CallHook("EMEndGame", eventName); Puts(lang.GetMessage("EndedEvent", this)); } } [HookMethod("EMEnrollPlayer")] private bool EMEnrollPlayer(BasePlayer player, string eventName) { EventInfo ei; if (!Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) { Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("EventNotRegistered", this), eventName)); return false; } if (ei.participants.Contains(player)) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("AlreadyEnrolled", this, player.UserIDString)); return false; } if (!CanJoinEvent(player, eventName)) return false; if (ei.strip_items && !StorePlayerItems(player)) { if (RestoreItems(player)) Interface.Oxide.CallHook("OnPlayerItemsRestored", player); pcdData.pEntity.Remove(player.userID); PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("FailedToStrip", this, player.UserIDString)); return false; } StorePlayerInfo(player, ei.full_health_on_join, ei.full_metabolism_on_join, ei.restricted_temp); if (!ei.allow_Teams) HandleTeam(player, true); ei.participants.Add(player); TeleportToEvent(player, ei.teleport_destination); var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); playerData.AtEvent = true; playerData.Event = eventName; Interface.CallHook("EMOnEventJoined", player, eventName); if (config.announce_player_join) AnnouncePlayerJoin(player, eventName); return true; } void AnnouncePlayerJoin(BasePlayer player, string eventName) { string prefix = Convert.ToString(Interface.CallHook("EMGetAnnounceJoinPrefix", player, eventName)); string message = ValidJoinMessages.Count > 0 ? ValidJoinMessages.GetRandom() : "JointAnnounceMsg_1"; var eventTitle = eventName.TitleCase(); foreach (var p in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) PrintToChat(p, (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? prefix + " " : null) + string.Format(lang.GetMessage(message, this, p.UserIDString), player.displayName, eventTitle)); } List ValidJoinMessages = new List(); [HookMethod("EMPlayerLeaveEvent")] private void EMPlayerLeaveEvent(BasePlayer player, string eventName = null, bool manually_left = false) { if (!IsPlayerSetup(player.userID)) { if (manually_left) PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("NoEventData", this, player.UserIDString)); return; } var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); EventInfo ei; if (eventName != null) Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei); else ei = null; RestoreStats(player); if (playerData.Items.Count > 0 && (ei == null || ei.give_items_back_automatically || manually_left)) { if (RestoreItems(player)) { Interface.Oxide.CallHook("OnPlayerItemsRestored", player); pcdData.pEntity.Remove(player.userID); } } else { player.inventory.Strip(); playerData.AtEvent = false; if (playerData.Items.Count > 0) PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("ManualItemRecovery", this, player.UserIDString), config.redeem_items_command)); } ei?.participants.Remove(player); if (!ei.allow_Teams) HandleTeam(player, false); Interface.CallHook("EMOnEventLeft", player, eventName); } //Related to chat commandf void RestoreItemsCMD(BasePlayer player) { RestoreItemsAndStats(player, false); } void RestoreItemsAndStats(BasePlayer player, bool respawned = false, bool autokit = false) { if (!IsPlayerSetup(player.userID)) return; var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); if (playerData.AtEvent) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("NoRecovery", this, player.UserIDString)); return; } RestoreStats(player); if (autokit) { NextTick(() => { if (RestoreItems(player, respawned ? true : false)) { Interface.Oxide.CallHook("OnPlayerItemsRestored", player); pcdData.pEntity.Remove(player.userID); } }); } else if (RestoreItems(player, respawned ? true : false)) { Interface.Oxide.CallHook("OnPlayerItemsRestored", player); pcdData.pEntity.Remove(player.userID); } } #endregion #region API Stuff List AllItems(BasePlayer player) { List result = Pool.Get>(); if (player.inventory.containerMain?.itemList != null) result.AddRange(player.inventory.containerMain.itemList); if (player.inventory.containerBelt?.itemList != null) result.AddRange(player.inventory.containerBelt.itemList); if (player.inventory.containerWear?.itemList != null) result.AddRange(player.inventory.containerWear.itemList); return result; } [HookMethod("EMPlayerDiedAtEvent")] public bool EMPlayerDiedAtEvent(BasePlayer player) { if (EMAtEvent(player.userID)) return true; return WasAtEvent.ContainsKey(player.userID); } [HookMethod("EMPlayerDiedAtSpecificEvent")] public bool EMPlayerDiedAtSpecificEvent(BasePlayer player, string eventName) { if (EMIsParticipating(player, eventName)) return true; string wasEvent; if (WasAtEvent.TryGetValue(player.userID, out wasEvent) && wasEvent.Equals(eventName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return true; return false; } object STOnPouchOpen(BasePlayer player) { if (EMAtEvent(player.userID)) return true; return null; } [HookMethod("EMExternalPluginSettings")] void EMExternalPluginSettings(string eventName, bool canDropBackpack = false, bool canEraseBackpack = false, bool canOpenBackpack = false, bool canBackpackAcceptItem = false, bool canRedeemKit = false, bool CanLoseXP= false) { EventInfo ei; if (!Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) { Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("EventNotSetupExternalPluginSettings", this), eventName)); return; } Puts($"Setting up external plugin settings: eventName: {eventName}. canDropBackpack: {canDropBackpack}. canEraseBackpack: {canEraseBackpack}. canOpenBackpack: {canOpenBackpack}. canBackpackAcceptItem: {canBackpackAcceptItem}. canRedeemKit: {canRedeemKit}. CanLoseXP: {CanLoseXP}."); ei.external_plugin_settings = new EventInfo.ExternalPluginSettings(canDropBackpack, canEraseBackpack, canOpenBackpack, canBackpackAcceptItem, canRedeemKit, CanLoseXP); } [HookMethod("EMBlackListCommands")] void EMBlackListCommands(string eventName, string[] commands) { if (commands == null) return; EventInfo ei; if (!Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) { Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("EventNotSetupBlackList", this), eventName)); return; } ei.black_listed_commands = commands; Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("RegisteredCommands", this), ei.black_listed_commands.Length)); } [HookMethod("EMIsParticipating")] bool EMIsParticipating(BasePlayer player, string eventName) { EventInfo ei; if (!Events.TryGetValue(eventName, out ei)) return false; return ei.participants.Contains(player); } [HookMethod("EMAtEvent")] bool EMAtEvent(ulong id) { if (IsPlayerSetup(id) && pcdData.pEntity[id].AtEvent) return true; return false; } object CanRedeemKit(BasePlayer player) { var eventData = GetEventInfo(player.userID); if (eventData != null && eventData.participants.Contains(player) && !eventData.external_plugin_settings.canRedeemKit) return false; return null; } object CanDropBackpack(ulong backpackOwnerID, Vector3 position) { if (BagPreventDropList.Contains(backpackOwnerID)) { BagPreventDropList.Remove(backpackOwnerID); return false; } return null; } object STOnPouchDrop(BasePlayer player) { var eventData = GetEventInfo(player.userID); if (eventData != null && eventData.participants.Contains(player) && !eventData.external_plugin_settings.canDropBackpack) return true; return null; } string CanOpenBackpack(BasePlayer player, ulong backpackOwnerID) { var eventData = GetEventInfo(backpackOwnerID); if (eventData != null && eventData.participants.Contains(player) && !eventData.external_plugin_settings.canBackpackAcceptItem) { try { LogToFile("EventHelper_CanOpenBackpack", $"Failed to open backpack for {player.displayName} [{player.UserIDString}]. Participant count: {eventData.participants?.Count ?? 0}. WasAtEvent: {WasAtEvent.ContainsKey(player.userID)} . Last event: {LastEvent}", this, true, true); } catch { } return "You cannot open your backpack during an event."; } return null; } object CanBackpackAcceptItem(ulong backpackOwnerID, ItemContainer backpackContainer, Item item) { var player = BasePlayer.Find(backpackOwnerID.ToString()); if (player == null) return null; var eventData = GetEventInfo(backpackOwnerID); if (eventData != null && eventData.participants.Contains(player) && !eventData.external_plugin_settings.canBackpackAcceptItem) return false; return null; } object CanEraseBackpack(ulong backpackOwnerID) { var player = BasePlayer.Find(backpackOwnerID.ToString()); if (player == null) return null; var eventData = GetEventInfo(backpackOwnerID); if (eventData != null && eventData.participants.Contains(player) && !eventData.external_plugin_settings.canEraseBackpack) return false; return null; } object STOnLoseXP(BasePlayer player) { var eventData = GetEventInfo(player.userID); if (eventData != null && eventData.participants.Contains(player) && !eventData.external_plugin_settings.CanLoseXP) return true; return null; } EventInfo GetEventInfo(ulong userID) { if (!IsPlayerSetup(userID)) return null; var playerData = GetPlayer(userID); EventInfo eventData; string _event = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerData.Event) ? playerData.Event : WasAtEvent.ContainsKey(userID) ? WasAtEvent[userID] : null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_event) || !Events.TryGetValue(_event, out eventData)) return null; return eventData; } object CanBePenalized(BasePlayer player) { var eventData = GetEventInfo(player.userID); if (eventData != null && eventData.participants.Contains(player) && !eventData.external_plugin_settings.CanLoseXP) return false; return null; } object OnRestoreUponDeath(BasePlayer player) { if (FirstRespawnAfterGame != null && FirstRespawnAfterGame.Contains(player)) { FirstRespawnAfterGame.Remove(player); return true; } return null; } object CanRevivePlayer(BasePlayer player, Vector3 pos) { if (!WasAtEvent.ContainsKey(player.userID)) return null; return false; } #endregion #region Hooks void OnServerSave() { SaveData(); } void OnNewSave(string filename) { pcdData.pEntity.Clear(); if (config.unban_players) pcdData.pEntity.Clear(); SaveData(); } object OnPlayerCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (IsPlayerSetup(player.userID)) { var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); EventInfo ei; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerData.Event) && Events.TryGetValue(playerData.Event, out ei) && ei.participants.Contains(player) && ei.black_listed_commands.Contains(command)) { PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("NoCommand", this, player.UserIDString), command)); return true; } } return null; } object OnServerCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Player(); if (player == null || arg.cmd.FullName == "chat.say") return null; if (IsPlayerSetup(player.userID)) { var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); EventInfo ei; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerData.Event) && Events.TryGetValue(playerData.Event, out ei) && ei.participants.Contains(player) && (ei.black_listed_commands.Contains(arg.cmd.Name) || ei.black_listed_commands.Contains(arg.cmd.FullName))) { PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("NoCommand", this, player.UserIDString), arg.cmd.FullName)); return true; } } return null; } void OnPlayerRespawned(BasePlayer player) { if (player.IsNpc || !player.userID.IsSteamId()) return; if (!IsPlayerSetup(player.userID)) return; var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); if (playerData.AtEvent || playerData.Items == null || playerData.Items.Count == 0) return; if (playerData.Event != null && Events.ContainsKey(playerData.Event) && (Events[playerData.Event].give_items_back_automatically || config.auto_rekit)) { RestoreItemsAndStats(player, true, config.auto_rekit); } else PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("UnclaimedItems", this, player.UserIDString), config.redeem_items_command)); } void OnServerInitialized(bool initial) { cmd.AddChatCommand(config.redeem_items_command, this, "RestoreItemsCMD"); if (config.event_cycle_timer > 0) { timer.Every(config.event_cycle_timer, () => { try { StartNextEvent(); } catch { } }); } if (RestoreUponDeath != null) FirstRespawnAfterGame = new List(); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { var message = lang.GetMessage($"JointAnnounceMsg_{i}", this); if (message != null && message != $"JointAnnounceMsg_{i}") ValidJoinMessages.Add($"JointAnnounceMsg_{i}"); } } Dictionary WasAtEvent; void OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) { if (!IsPlayerSetup(player.userID)) return; var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); if (playerData.Event == null || !Events.ContainsKey(playerData.Event) || !Events[playerData.Event].leaves_event_on_death) return; Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerDiedAtEvent", player, playerData.Event); if (RestoreUponDeath != null) { if (FirstRespawnAfterGame == null) FirstRespawnAfterGame = new List(); if (!FirstRespawnAfterGame.Contains(player)) FirstRespawnAfterGame.Add(player); } EventInfo ei; if (Events.TryGetValue(playerData.Event, out ei) && ei.external_plugin_settings != null) { if (!ei.external_plugin_settings.canDropBackpack && !BagPreventDropList.Contains(player.userID)) { BagPreventDropList.Add(player.userID); timer.Once(1f, () => BagPreventDropList.Remove(player.userID)); } if (ei.leaves_event_on_death) { WasAtEvent[player.userID] = playerData.Event; RemoveFromEvent(player, playerData.Event); timer.Once(1f, () => WasAtEvent.Remove(player.userID)); } } } #endregion #region Chat commands [ConsoleCommand("ehban")] void BanPlayerCMD(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Player(); if (player != null && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, perm_admin)) return; if (arg == null || arg.Args.Length == 0) { arg.ReplyWith(lang.GetMessage("EHBanUsage", this, player?.UserIDString ?? null)); return; } var name = string.Join(" ", arg.Args); var target = name.IsNumeric() ? FindPlayerByID(name, player ?? null) : FindPlayerByName(name, player ?? null); if (target == null) { arg.ReplyWith($"No user matched {name}"); return; } if (AddBan(target, "global")) arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("BannedPlayer", this, player?.UserIDString ?? null), target.displayName)); } [ChatCommand("ehban")] void BanPlayer(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, perm_admin)) return; if (args.Length == 0) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("EHBanUsage", this, player.UserIDString)); return; } var name = args.First(); var target = name.IsNumeric() ? FindPlayerByID(name, player ?? null) : FindPlayerByName(name, player ?? null); if (target == null) return; if (AddBan(target, "global")) PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("BannedPlayer", this, player.UserIDString), target.displayName)); } [ChatCommand("ehunban")] void UnbanPlayer(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, perm_admin)) return; if (args.Length == 0) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("EHUnbanUsage", this, player.UserIDString)); return; } var name = args.First(); var target = name.IsNumeric() ? FindPlayerByID(name, player ?? null) : FindPlayerByName(name, player ?? null); if (target == null) return; var foundBan = false; foreach (var cat in pcdData.banned_players) { if (cat.Value.Contains(player.userID)) { RemoveBan(target, cat.Key); foundBan = true; PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("UnbannedPlayer", this, player.UserIDString), target.displayName)); } } if (!foundBan) PrintToChat(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("NoBan", this, player.UserIDString), target.displayName)); } #endregion #region Event vote public Dictionary Voting = new Dictionary(); public class VoteInfo { public Timer _timer; public int votes; public int votes_required; public List voters = new List(); } // void StartEventVote(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!config.voting_enabled) return; if (config.minimum_players_online_vote > 0 && BasePlayer.activePlayerList?.Count < config.minimum_players_online_vote) { PrintToChat(player, $"There are not enough players online to initiate a vote. There must be at least {config.minimum_players_online_vote} players online."); return; } if (args == null || args.Length == 0) { PrintToChat(player, $"You can initiate a vote for an arena event by typing /{config.vote_start_cmd} . Available events: \n- {string.Join("\n- ", automatic_Events)}"); return; } var eventName = automatic_Events.Where(x => x.Equals(string.Join(" ", args), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventName)) { PrintToChat(player, $"Invalid event. Available events: \n{string.Join("\n", automatic_Events)}"); return; } if (EventRunning.ContainsKey(eventName) && EventRunning[eventName]) { PrintToChat(player, $"Event {eventName} is already running. Please wait for it to finish before calling a vote."); return; } VoteInfo vi; if (Voting.TryGetValue(eventName, out vi) && vi._timer != null && !vi._timer.Destroyed) { PrintToChat(player, $"Vote for {eventName} is already running [{vi.votes}/{vi.votes_required}]"); return; } if (vi == null) Voting.Add(eventName, vi = new VoteInfo()); vi.voters.Add(player); vi.votes++; var maxTime = config.max_vote_time; vi.votes_required = Math.Max(2, Convert.ToInt32(BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count * config.vote_percentage)); PrintToChat($"A vote to start the event [{eventName}] has been initiated by {player.displayName}. Type /{config.vote_cmd} {eventName} to vote in favour [{vi.votes}/{vi.votes_required}]"); vi._timer = timer.Every(1, () => { maxTime--; if (maxTime <= 0) { PrintToChat($"The vote for {eventName} has failed [{vi.votes}/{vi.votes_required}]"); RemoveVote(eventName, vi); } if (EventRunning.ContainsKey(eventName) && EventRunning[eventName]) { PrintToChat($"Vote for {eventName} has been cancelled as the game has started."); RemoveVote(eventName, vi); } CheckVotes(eventName, vi); }); } void VoteForEvent(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!config.voting_enabled) return; if (args == null || args.Length == 0) { if (Voting.Count == 0 || !IsActiveVote()) PrintToChat(player, $"There are no active votes. To initiate a vote, type /{config.vote_start_cmd} . \nAvailable events: \n- {string.Join("\n- ", automatic_Events)}"); else { List activeVotes = Pool.Get>(); activeVotes.AddRange(Voting.Where(x => x.Value._timer != null && !x.Value._timer.Destroyed).Select(y => y.Key)); PrintToChat(player, string.Format("There {0} {1} active {2} running.", activeVotes.Count > 1 ? "are" : "is", activeVotes.Count, activeVotes.Count > 1 ? "votes" : "vote")); if (activeVotes.Count == 1) PrintToChat(player, $"Type /{config.vote_cmd} {activeVotes.First()} to vote in favour of the event."); else { var vote_text = $"Type /{config.vote_cmd} . Active event votes:"; foreach (var name in activeVotes) { vote_text += $"\n- {name}"; } PrintToChat(player, vote_text); } Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref activeVotes); } return; } var eventName = automatic_Events.Where(x => x.Equals(string.Join(" ", args), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventName)) { PrintToChat(player, $"Invalid event. Available events: \n- {string.Join("\n- ", automatic_Events)}"); return; } VoteInfo vi; if (Voting.TryGetValue(eventName, out vi)) { if (vi.voters.Contains(player)) { PrintToChat(player, "You have already voted for this event."); return; } vi.voters.Add(player); vi.votes++; PrintToChat($"{player.displayName} has voted to initiate {eventName} [{vi.votes}/{vi.votes_required}]."); CheckVotes(eventName, vi); } else PrintToChat(player, "Event vote not available."); } bool IsActiveVote() { var eventName = Voting.Where(x => x.Value._timer != null && !x.Value._timer.Destroyed).FirstOrDefault().Key; return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventName); } void RemoveVote(string eventName, VoteInfo vi = null) { if (vi == null) { if (!Voting.TryGetValue(eventName, out vi)) return; } if (vi._timer != null && !vi._timer.Destroyed) vi._timer.Destroy(); Voting.Remove(eventName); } void CheckVotes(string eventName, VoteInfo vi = null) { if (vi == null) { if (!Voting.TryGetValue(eventName, out vi)) return; } if (vi.votes >= vi.votes_required) { PrintToChat($"The vote for {eventName} has been successful. Starting a new game."); Interface.CallHook("EMStartNextEvent", eventName); EMManuallyStarted(eventName); RemoveVote(eventName, vi); } } #endregion #region monobehaviour void AddTempRestriction(BasePlayer player) { Puts("Adding temp restriction."); DestroyTempRestriction(player); player.gameObject.AddComponent(); } void DestroyTempRestriction(BasePlayer player) { var gameObject = player.GetComponent(); if (gameObject != null) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(gameObject); } public static float Temperature_Min; public static float Temperature_Max; public class Temperature : MonoBehaviour { private BasePlayer player; private float adjustmentDelay; private void Awake() { player = GetComponent(); adjustmentDelay = Time.time + 1f; } public void FixedUpdate() { if (player == null) return; if (adjustmentDelay < Time.time) { adjustmentDelay = Time.time + 1f; DoChange(); } } public void DoChange() { if (player == null || !player.IsConnected || !player.IsAlive()) return; if (player.metabolism.temperature.value < Temperature_Min) player.metabolism.temperature.value = Temperature_Min; else if (player.metabolism.temperature.value < Temperature_Max) player.metabolism.temperature.value = Temperature_Max; } private void OnDestroy() { enabled = false; CancelInvoke(); } } #endregion #region Team management // ulong = TeamID. Dictionary TeamCache = new Dictionary(); public class TeamData { public ulong leader; public List members; public string name; public RelationshipManager.PlayerTeam _team; public TeamData(ulong leader, List members, RelationshipManager.PlayerTeam _team, string name) { this.leader = leader; this.members = members; this._team = _team; = name; } } void HandleEndGameRestoration() { foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { HandleTeam(player, false); } } void HandleTeam(BasePlayer player, bool joining) { if (joining) StoreTeamData(player); else RestoreTeamData(player); } TeamData FindExistingStoredTeam(BasePlayer player) { foreach (var kvp in TeamCache) { if (kvp.Value.members.Contains(player.userID)) { return kvp.Value; } } return null; } void StoreTeamData(BasePlayer player) { if (player.Team == null) return; TeamData teamData = FindExistingStoredTeam(player); if (teamData == null) { List members = Pool.Get>(); members.AddRange(player.Team.members); TeamCache.Add(player.Team.teamID, teamData = new TeamData(player.Team.teamLeader, members, player.Team, player.Team.teamName)); } player.Team.RemovePlayer(player.userID); } void RestoreTeamData(BasePlayer player) { var teamData = FindExistingStoredTeam(player); if (teamData == null) return; if (player.Team != null) { if (player.Team == teamData._team) return; player.Team.RemovePlayer(player.userID); } if (teamData._team == null || teamData._team.members.Count == 0) { //Puts("Test4"); //var team = ServerInstance.CreateTeam(); //team.teamLeader = player.userID; //team.AddPlayer(player); //team.teamName =; //Facepunch.Rust.Analytics.Azure.OnTeamChanged("created", team.teamID, player.userID, player.userID, team.members); //teamData._team = team; //Puts("Test4.5"); //return; PlayerTeam playerTeam = ServerInstance.CreateTeam(); PlayerTeam playerTeam2 = playerTeam; playerTeam2.teamLeader = player.userID; playerTeam2.AddPlayer(player); Facepunch.Rust.Analytics.Azure.OnTeamChanged("created", playerTeam2.teamID, player.userID, player.userID, playerTeam2.members); teamData._team = playerTeam2; return; } teamData._team.AddPlayer(player); if (teamData.leader == player.userID) teamData._team.SetTeamLeader(player.userID); } void SetLeaders() { foreach (var kvp in TeamCache) { if (kvp.Value._team == null) continue; if (kvp.Value._team.teamLeader != kvp.Value.leader && kvp.Value.members.Contains(kvp.Value.leader)) kvp.Value._team.SetTeamLeader(kvp.Value.leader); } } void ClearTeamCache() { foreach (var kvp in TeamCache) { if (kvp.Value.members != null) Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref kvp.Value.members); } Puts("Clearing team data"); TeamCache.Clear(); } object OnTeamCreate(BasePlayer player) { if (IsPlayerSetup(player.userID)) { var playerData = GetPlayer(player.userID); EventInfo ei; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerData.Event) && Events.TryGetValue(playerData.Event, out ei) && ei.participants.Contains(player) && !ei.allow_Teams) { PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("PreventTeamCreation", this, player.UserIDString)); return true; } } return null; } #endregion #region Discord public void SendDiscordMsg(string message) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.discordSettings.webhook) || !config.discordSettings.webhook.StartsWith("")) return; try { Dictionary headers = new Dictionary(); headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); string payload = "{\"content\": \"" + message + "\"}"; webrequest.Enqueue(config.discordSettings.webhook, payload, (code, response) => { if (code != 200 && code != 204) { if (response == null) { PrintWarning($"Discord didn't respond. Error Code: {code}. Try removing escape characters from your string such as \\n."); } } }, this, Core.Libraries.RequestMethod.POST, headers); } catch (Exception e) { Puts($"Failed. Error: {e?.Message}.\nIf this error was related to Bad Request, you may need to remove any escapes from your lang such as \\n."); } } #endregion } }