using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Configuration; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Custom Item Drops", "MACHIN3", "1.1.200")] [Description("Drops items from custom lists for gathering, mining, looting, and more.")] public class CustomItemDrops : RustPlugin { #region Update Log /***************************************************** 【 𝓜𝓐𝓒𝓗𝓘𝓝𝓔 】 Website: Discord: *****************************************************/ #region 1.1.200 /* -------------- Version 1.1.200 -------------- ✯ Added option to disable drop chance when using power tools ✯ Fix for Rust update */ #endregion #region 1.1.1 /* -------------- Version 1.1.1 -------------- ✯ Fix for Rust May Update */ #endregion #region 1.1.0 /* -------------- Version 1.1.0 -------------- ✯ Fix for OnEntityDeath error */ #endregion #region 1.0.9 /* -------------- Version 1.0.9 -------------- ✯ Added API for player kill item list ✯ Fixed OnCollectiblePickup hook changes */ #endregion #region 1.0.8 /* -------------- Version 1.0.8 -------------- ✯ Added custom item list for player kills */ #endregion #region 1.0.7 /* -------------- Version 1.0.7 -------------- ✯ Fixed NPC drop list not dropping correct list items */ #endregion #region 1.0.6 /* -------------- Version 1.0.6 -------------- ✯ Added API for XPerienceAddon support */ #endregion #region 1.0.5 /* -------------- Version 1.0.5 -------------- ✯ Added custom item list for animal kills ✯ Option to exclude certain animals ✯ Added custom item list for npc kills ✯ Option to exclude certain NPCs */ #endregion #region 1.0.4 /* -------------- Version 1.0.4 -------------- ✯ Separated hooks and cleaned up coding ✯ Added custom item name option to lists ✯ Now shows item names instead of shortnames in chat message */ #endregion #region 1.0.3 /* -------------- Version 1.0.3 -------------- ✯ Added option to enable/disable certain resources within gathering and looting lists */ #endregion #region 1.0.2 /* -------------- Version 1.0.2 -------------- ✯ Added option to add SkinID to custom item lists */ #endregion #region 1.0.1 /* -------------- Version 1.0.1 -------------- ✯ Added option to disable chat message ✯ Fixed gathering chance not working on some sources */ #endregion #region 1.0.0 /* -------------- Version 1.0.0 -------------- ✯ Initial Release ✯ 3 Custom Item Lists (Gathering, Mining, Looting) ✯ Percentage drop option for each list ✯ Each list has their own permissions ✯ VIP chance increase permission */ #endregion #endregion #region Fields private readonly LootData _CID_lootData; private DynamicConfigFile _CID_LootContainData; private Dictionary _CID_lootCache; private Configuration config; private const string PermGatheringChance = "customitemdrops.gathering"; private const string PermMiningChance = "customitemdrops.mining"; private const string PermLootingChance = "customitemdrops.looting"; private const string PermAnimalChance = "customitemdrops.animal"; private const string PermNPCChance = "customitemdrops.npc"; private const string PermPlayerChance = "customitemdrops.player"; private const string PermVIPChance = "customitemdrops.vipchance"; #endregion #region Config private class Configuration : SerializableConfiguration { [JsonProperty("General Settings")] public GeneralSettings generalSettings = new GeneralSettings(); [JsonProperty("Gathering Options / List")] public GatheringOptions gatheringoptions = new GatheringOptions(); [JsonProperty("Mining Options / List")] public MiningOptions miningoptions = new MiningOptions(); [JsonProperty("Looting Options / List")] public LootingOptions lootingoptions = new LootingOptions(); [JsonProperty("Animal Kill Options / List")] public AnimalOptions animaloptions = new AnimalOptions(); [JsonProperty("NPC Kill Options / List")] public NPCOptions NPCoptions = new NPCOptions(); [JsonProperty("Player Kill Options / List")] public PlayerOptions Playeroptions = new PlayerOptions(); } public class GeneralSettings { public bool showchatmessage = true; public bool disablepowertoolchance = true; } public class GatheringOptions { public int dropchance = 10; public int vipdropchance = 20; public bool trees = true; public bool berries = true; public bool wood = true; public bool stones = true; public bool ore = true; public bool hemp = true; public bool mushrooms = true; public bool pumpkins = true; public bool corn = true; public bool potatos = true; public Dictionary gatheringItemList = new Dictionary { [0] = new GatheringItemList { shortname = "apple", displayname = "", amount = 1, SkinID = 0 }, [1] = new GatheringItemList { shortname = "bandage", displayname = "", amount = 1, SkinID = 0 }, }; } public class MiningOptions { public int dropchance = 10; public int vipdropchance = 20; public Dictionary miningItemList = new Dictionary { [0] = new MiningItemList { shortname = "metal.fragments", displayname = "", amount = 5, SkinID = 0 }, [1] = new MiningItemList { shortname = "metal.refined", displayname = "", amount = 2, SkinID = 0 }, }; } public class LootingOptions { public int dropchance = 10; public int vipdropchance = 20; public bool lootcontainer = true; public bool freeablelootcontainer = true; public bool lockedbyentcrate = true; public bool hackablelockedcrate = true; public Dictionary lootingItemList = new Dictionary { [0] = new LootingItemList { shortname = "scrap", displayname = "", amount = 2, SkinID = 0 }, [1] = new LootingItemList { shortname = "metal.fragments", displayname = "", amount = 1, SkinID = 0 }, }; } public class AnimalOptions { public int dropchance = 10; public int vipdropchance = 20; public bool chicken = true; public bool boar = true; public bool stag = true; public bool wolf = true; public bool bear = true; public bool polarbear = true; public bool horse = true; public bool shark = true; public Dictionary AnimalItemList = new Dictionary { [0] = new AnimalItemList { shortname = "scrap", displayname = "", amount = 2, SkinID = 0 }, [1] = new AnimalItemList { shortname = "metal.fragments", displayname = "", amount = 1, SkinID = 0 }, }; } public class NPCOptions { public int dropchance = 10; public int vipdropchance = 20; public bool scientist = true; public bool dweller = true; public bool bradley = true; public bool heli = true; public bool scarcrow = true; public bool customnpc = true; public bool zombie = true; public Dictionary NPCItemList = new Dictionary { [0] = new NPCItemList { shortname = "scrap", displayname = "", amount = 2, SkinID = 0 }, [1] = new NPCItemList { shortname = "metal.fragments", displayname = "", amount = 1, SkinID = 0 }, }; } public class PlayerOptions { public int dropchance = 10; public int vipdropchance = 20; public bool enableplayers = true; public Dictionary PlayerItemList = new Dictionary { [0] = new PlayerItemList { shortname = "scrap", displayname = "", amount = 2, SkinID = 0 }, [1] = new PlayerItemList { shortname = "metal.fragments", displayname = "", amount = 1, SkinID = 0 }, }; } public class GatheringItemList { public string shortname = ""; public string displayname = ""; public int amount = 1; public ulong SkinID = 0; } public class MiningItemList { public string shortname = ""; public string displayname = ""; public int amount = 1; public ulong SkinID = 0; } public class LootingItemList { public string shortname = ""; public string displayname = ""; public int amount = 1; public ulong SkinID = 0; } public class AnimalItemList { public string shortname = ""; public string displayname = ""; public int amount = 1; public ulong SkinID = 0; } public class NPCItemList { public string shortname = ""; public string displayname = ""; public int amount = 1; public ulong SkinID = 0; } public class PlayerItemList { public string shortname = ""; public string displayname = ""; public int amount = 1; public ulong SkinID = 0; } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => config = new Configuration(); protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); if (config == null) { throw new JsonException(); } if (MaybeUpdateConfig(config)) { PrintWarning("Configuration appears to be outdated; updating and saving"); SaveConfig(); } } catch { PrintWarning($"Configuration file {Name}.json is invalid; using defaults"); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } protected override void SaveConfig() { PrintWarning($"Configuration changes saved to {Name}.json"); Config.WriteObject(config, true); } #endregion #region UpdateChecker internal class SerializableConfiguration { public string ToJson() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); public Dictionary ToDictionary() => JsonHelper.Deserialize(ToJson()) as Dictionary; } private static class JsonHelper { public static object Deserialize(string json) => ToObject(JToken.Parse(json)); private static object ToObject(JToken token) { switch (token.Type) { case JTokenType.Object: return token.Children().ToDictionary(prop => prop.Name, prop => ToObject(prop.Value)); case JTokenType.Array: return token.Select(ToObject).ToList(); default: return ((JValue)token).Value; } } } private bool MaybeUpdateConfig(SerializableConfiguration config) { var currentWithDefaults = config.ToDictionary(); var currentRaw = Config.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); return MaybeUpdateConfigDict(currentWithDefaults, currentRaw); } private bool MaybeUpdateConfigDict(Dictionary currentWithDefaults, Dictionary currentRaw) { bool changed = false; foreach (var key in currentWithDefaults.Keys) { object currentRawValue; if (currentRaw.TryGetValue(key, out currentRawValue)) { var defaultDictValue = currentWithDefaults[key] as Dictionary; var currentDictValue = currentRawValue as Dictionary; if (defaultDictValue != null) { if (currentDictValue == null) { currentRaw[key] = currentWithDefaults[key]; changed = true; } else if (MaybeUpdateConfigDict(defaultDictValue, currentDictValue)) changed = true; } } else { currentRaw[key] = currentWithDefaults[key]; changed = true; } } return changed; } #endregion #region Storage private void SaveLoot() { if (_CID_lootData != null) { _CID_lootData.CID_LootRecords = _CID_lootCache; _CID_LootContainData.WriteObject(_CID_lootData); } } private class LootData { public Dictionary CID_LootRecords = new Dictionary(); } private class Loot { public NetworkableId lootcontainer; public List id; } private void AddLootData(BasePlayer player, LootContainer lootcontainer) { Loot loot; if (!_CID_lootCache.TryGetValue(, out loot)) { _CID_lootCache.Add(, loot = new Loot { lootcontainer =, id = new List(), }); } if (! {; } } #endregion #region Load/Save private void Init() { permission.RegisterPermission(PermGatheringChance, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermMiningChance, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermLootingChance, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermAnimalChance, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermNPCChance, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermPlayerChance, this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermVIPChance, this); _CID_lootCache = new Dictionary(); } private void OnServerInitialized() { _CID_LootContainData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile(nameof(CustomItemDrops) + "/CIDLootData"); SaveLoot(); } private void Unload() { SaveLoot(); } private void OnServerShutdown() { _CID_lootCache.Clear(); _CID_LootContainData.Clear(); SaveLoot(); } private void OnServerSave() { SaveLoot(); } #endregion #region Hooks private void OnLootSpawn(LootContainer container) { if (container != null && _CID_lootCache.ContainsKey( { _CID_lootCache[].id.Clear(); } } private void OnLootEntity(BasePlayer player, LootContainer lootcontainer) { // Null Checks if (player == null || !player.userID.Get().IsSteamId() || !lootcontainer.IsValid()) return; // Check Settings, Permissions, and Data if (config.lootingoptions.dropchance == 0) return; if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermLootingChance)) return; var loot = lootcontainer.GetType().Name.ToLower(); var lootid =; if (_CID_lootCache.ContainsKey(lootid) && _CID_lootCache[lootid].id.Contains(player.UserIDString)) { return; } int chance = config.lootingoptions.dropchance; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermVIPChance)) { chance = config.lootingoptions.vipdropchance; } // Check Container Types bool resource = false; switch (loot) { case "lootcontainer": if (config.lootingoptions.lootcontainer) resource = true; break; case "freeablelootcontainer": if (config.lootingoptions.freeablelootcontainer) resource = true; break; case "lockedbyentcrate": if (config.lootingoptions.lockedbyentcrate) resource = true; break; case "hackablelockedcrate": if (config.lootingoptions.hackablelockedcrate) resource = true; break; } // Calculate Chance & Give Items if ((Random.Range(0, 101) <= chance) == true && resource) { CreateItemFromList(player, "lootinglist"); } // Add Player & Container to Data to Prevent Exploits AddLootData(player, lootcontainer); } private void OnContainerDropItems(ItemContainer lootcontainer) { // Null Checks if (lootcontainer == null) return; var lootentity = lootcontainer.entityOwner as LootContainer; if (lootentity == null || lootentity.IsDestroyed) return; var player = lootentity.lastAttacker as BasePlayer; if (player == null || player.IsNpc) return; // Check Settings & Permissions if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermLootingChance)) return; int chance = config.lootingoptions.dropchance; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermVIPChance)) { chance = config.lootingoptions.vipdropchance; } // Calculate Chance & Give Items if ((Random.Range(0, 101) <= chance) == true) { CreateItemFromList(player, "lootinglist"); } } private void OnEntityDeath(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hitInfo) { // Check for null or Suicide if (entity == null || hitInfo == null || hitInfo.Initiator == null || entity == hitInfo.Initiator) return; // Get Killer & Ignore NPCs var attacker = hitInfo.Initiator as BasePlayer; if (attacker == null || !attacker.userID.Get().IsSteamId() || attacker.IsNpc) return; // Detect Teamkills if (attacker.Team != null) { foreach (var team in attacker.Team.members) { if (team == attacker.userID) continue; BasePlayer teammember = RelationshipManager.FindByID(team); var isteammember = entity as BasePlayer; if (isteammember != null && isteammember.userID.Get().IsSteamId()) continue; if (teammember == isteammember) return; } } // Detect Kill Type & Pick Proper List string KillType = entity?.GetType().Name.ToLower(); bool animalkill = false; bool npckill = false; bool playerkill = false; string droplist = "none"; switch (KillType) { case "chicken": if(config.animaloptions.chicken) { animalkill = true; droplist = "animal"; } break; case "boar": if (config.animaloptions.boar) { animalkill = true; droplist = "animal"; } break; case "stag": if (config.animaloptions.stag) { animalkill = true; droplist = "animal"; } break; case "wolf": if (config.animaloptions.wolf) { animalkill = true; droplist = "animal"; } break; case "bear": if (config.animaloptions.bear) { animalkill = true; droplist = "animal"; } break; case "polarbear": if (config.animaloptions.polarbear) { animalkill = true; droplist = "animal"; } break; case "simpleshark": if (config.animaloptions.shark) { animalkill = true; droplist = "animal"; } break; case "horse": case "ridablehorse": if ( { animalkill = true; droplist = "animal"; } break; case "scientistnpc": case "scientist": if (config.NPCoptions.scientist) { npckill = true; droplist = "npc"; } break; case "tunneldweller": case "underwaterdweller": if (config.NPCoptions.dweller) { npckill = true; droplist = "npc"; } break; case "bradleyapc": if (config.NPCoptions.bradley) { npckill = true; droplist = "npc"; } break; case "patrolhelicopter": if (config.NPCoptions.heli) { npckill = true; droplist = "npc"; } break; case "scarecrownpc": if (config.NPCoptions.scarcrow) { npckill = true; droplist = "npc"; } break; case "customscientistnpc": if (config.NPCoptions.customnpc) { npckill = true; droplist = "npc"; } break; case "zombienpc": if (config.NPCoptions.zombie) { npckill = true; droplist = "npc"; } break; case "baseplayer": if(config.Playeroptions.enableplayers) { playerkill = true; droplist = "player"; } break; } // Check Settings & Permissions int chance = 0; if (animalkill) { // Check Settings & Permissions if (!permission.UserHasPermission(attacker.UserIDString, PermAnimalChance)) return; chance = config.animaloptions.dropchance; if (permission.UserHasPermission(attacker.UserIDString, PermVIPChance)) { chance = config.animaloptions.vipdropchance; } } else if(npckill) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(attacker.UserIDString, PermNPCChance)) return; chance = config.NPCoptions.dropchance; if (permission.UserHasPermission(attacker.UserIDString, PermVIPChance)) { chance = config.NPCoptions.vipdropchance; } } else if(playerkill) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(attacker.UserIDString, PermPlayerChance)) return; chance = config.Playeroptions.dropchance; if (permission.UserHasPermission(attacker.UserIDString, PermVIPChance)) { chance = config.Playeroptions.vipdropchance; } } // Calculate Chance & Give Items if ((Random.Range(0, 101) <= chance) == true && (animalkill || npckill || playerkill)) { CreateItemFromList(attacker, droplist); } } private void OnDispenserGather(ResourceDispenser dispenser, BaseEntity entity, Item item) { // Null Checks var player = entity.ToPlayer(); if (player == null || !player.userID.Get().IsSteamId() || dispenser == null || entity == null || item == null) return; bool resource = false; var tool = player.GetActiveItem().ToString().ToLower(); if (config.generalSettings.disablepowertoolchance && (tool.Contains("chainsaw") || tool.Contains("jackhammer"))) return; switch (dispenser.gatherType) { // Trees - Gathering case ResourceDispenser.GatherType.Tree: // Check Settings & Permissions if (config.gatheringoptions.trees) resource = true; if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermGatheringChance)) return; if (config.gatheringoptions.dropchance == 0) return; int gchance = config.gatheringoptions.dropchance; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermVIPChance)) { gchance = config.gatheringoptions.vipdropchance; } // Calculate Chance & Give Items if ((Random.Range(0, 101) <= gchance) == true && resource) { CreateItemFromList(player, "gatheringlist"); } break; // Ore - Mining case ResourceDispenser.GatherType.Ore: // Check Settings & Permissions if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermMiningChance)) return; if (config.miningoptions.dropchance == 0) return; int mchance = config.miningoptions.dropchance; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermVIPChance)) { mchance = config.miningoptions.vipdropchance; } // Calculate Chance & Give Items if ((Random.Range(0, 101) <= mchance) == true) { CreateItemFromList(player, "mininglist"); } break; } } private void OnCollectiblePickup(CollectibleEntity collectible, BasePlayer player) { // Null Checks if (player == null || !player.userID.Get().IsSteamId() || collectible == null) return; // Check Settings & Permissions if (config.gatheringoptions.dropchance == 0) return; if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermGatheringChance)) return; int gchance = config.gatheringoptions.dropchance; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermVIPChance)) { gchance = config.gatheringoptions.vipdropchance; } // Check Gathering Types bool resource = false; foreach (var itemAmount in collectible.itemList) { var name = itemAmount.itemDef.shortname; if (name.Contains("berry") && !name.Contains("seed")) { name = "berry"; } else if (name.Contains("ore")) { name = "ore"; } switch (name) { case "wood": if (config.gatheringoptions.wood) resource = true; break; case "ore": if (config.gatheringoptions.ore) resource = true; break; case "stones": if (config.gatheringoptions.stones) resource = true; break; case "berry": if (config.gatheringoptions.berries) resource = true; break; case "mushroom": if (config.gatheringoptions.mushrooms) resource = true; break; case "cloth": if (config.gatheringoptions.hemp) resource = true; break; case "pumpkin": if (config.gatheringoptions.pumpkins) resource = true; break; case "corn": if (config.gatheringoptions.corn) resource = true; break; case "potato": if (config.gatheringoptions.potatos) resource = true; break; } // Calculate Chance & Give Items if ((Random.Range(0, 101) <= gchance) == true && resource) { CreateItemFromList(player, "gatheringlist"); } } } private void OnGrowableGathered(GrowableEntity growable, Item item, BasePlayer player) { // Null Checks if (player == null || !player.userID.Get().IsSteamId() || growable == null || item == null) return; // Check Settings & Permissions if (config.gatheringoptions.dropchance == 0) return; if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermGatheringChance)) return; int gchance = config.gatheringoptions.dropchance; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, PermVIPChance)) { gchance = config.gatheringoptions.vipdropchance; } // Check Gathering Types bool resource = false; var name =; if (name.Contains("berry") && !name.Contains("seed")) { name = "berry"; } else if (name.Contains("ore")) { name = "ore"; } switch (name) { case "wood": if (config.gatheringoptions.wood) resource = true; break; case "ore": if (config.gatheringoptions.ore) resource = true; break; case "stones": if (config.gatheringoptions.stones) resource = true; break; case "berry": if (config.gatheringoptions.berries) resource = true; break; case "mushroom": if (config.gatheringoptions.mushrooms) resource = true; break; case "cloth": if (config.gatheringoptions.hemp) resource = true; break; case "pumpkin": if (config.gatheringoptions.pumpkins) resource = true; break; case "corn": if (config.gatheringoptions.corn) resource = true; break; case "potato": if (config.gatheringoptions.potatos) resource = true; break; } // Calculate Chance & Give Items if ((Random.Range(0, 101) <= gchance) == true && resource) { CreateItemFromList(player, "gatheringlist"); } } private void CreateItemFromList(BasePlayer player, string selectedlist) { if (player == null || selectedlist == null) return; switch (selectedlist) { // Gathering List #region Gathering case "gatheringlist": // Get Random Item From List int randomroll = Random.Range(0, config.gatheringoptions.gatheringItemList.Count); // Check for Valid Item & Get Item Details var gselected = config.gatheringoptions.gatheringItemList[randomroll]; ItemDefinition gdefinition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(gselected.shortname); if (gdefinition == null) { Puts($"[Gathering List] Invalid shortname in config for item {gselected.shortname}"); return; } // Create Item & Get Skin Needed Item gcreateitem = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(gdefinition.itemid, gselected.amount, gselected.SkinID); // Change Name if Needed var gitemdisplayname =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gselected.displayname)) { = gselected.displayname; gcreateitem.MarkDirty(); gitemdisplayname = gselected.displayname; } // Return if Item is Null if (gcreateitem == null) { Puts($"[Looting List] Error creating item with skinid {gselected.SkinID} for item {gselected.shortname}"); return; } // Give Item to Player player.GiveItem(gcreateitem); // Send Chat Message if Enabled if (config.generalSettings.showchatmessage) { player.ChatMessage(CIDLang("giveitem", player.UserIDString, gselected.amount, gitemdisplayname)); } break; #endregion // Mining List #region Mining case "mininglist": // Get Random Item From List randomroll = Random.Range(0, config.miningoptions.miningItemList.Count); // Check for Valid Item & Get Item Details var mselected = config.miningoptions.miningItemList[randomroll]; ItemDefinition mdefinition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(mselected.shortname); if (mdefinition == null) { Puts($"[Mining List] Invalid shortname in config for item {mselected.shortname}"); return; } // Create Item & Get Skin Needed Item mcreateitem = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(mdefinition.itemid, mselected.amount, mselected.SkinID); // Change Name if Needed var mitemdisplayname =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mselected.displayname)) { = mselected.displayname; mcreateitem.MarkDirty(); mitemdisplayname = mselected.displayname; } // Return if Item is Null if (mcreateitem == null) { Puts($"[Looting List] Error creating item with skinid {mselected.SkinID} for item {mselected.shortname}"); return; } // Give Item to Player player.GiveItem(mcreateitem); // Send Chat Message if Enabled if (config.generalSettings.showchatmessage) { player.ChatMessage(CIDLang("giveitem", player.UserIDString, mselected.amount, mitemdisplayname)); } break; #endregion // Looting List #region Looting case "lootinglist": // Get Random Item From List randomroll = Random.Range(0, config.lootingoptions.lootingItemList.Count); // Check for Valid Item & Get Item Details var lselected = config.lootingoptions.lootingItemList[randomroll]; ItemDefinition ldefinition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(lselected.shortname); if (ldefinition == null) { Puts($"[Looting List] Invalid shortname in config for item {lselected.shortname}"); return; } // Create Item & Get Skin Needed Item lcreateitem = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(ldefinition.itemid, lselected.amount, lselected.SkinID); // Change Name if Needed var litemdisplayname =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lselected.displayname)) { = lselected.displayname; lcreateitem.MarkDirty(); litemdisplayname = lselected.displayname; } // Return if Item is Null if (lcreateitem == null) { Puts($"[Looting List] Error creating item with skinid {lselected.SkinID} for item {lselected.shortname}"); return; } // Give Item to Player player.GiveItem(lcreateitem); // Send Chat Message if Enabled if (config.generalSettings.showchatmessage) { player.ChatMessage(CIDLang("giveitem", player.UserIDString, lselected.amount, litemdisplayname)); } break; #endregion // Animal Kills #region AnimalKills case "animal": // Get Random Item From List randomroll = Random.Range(0, config.animaloptions.AnimalItemList.Count); // Check for Valid Item & Get Item Details var aselected = config.animaloptions.AnimalItemList[randomroll]; ItemDefinition adefinition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(aselected.shortname); if (adefinition == null) { Puts($"[Animal List] Invalid shortname in config for item {aselected.shortname}"); return; } // Create Item & Get Skin Needed Item acreateitem = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(adefinition.itemid, aselected.amount, aselected.SkinID); // Change Name if Needed var aitemdisplayname =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aselected.displayname)) { = aselected.displayname; acreateitem.MarkDirty(); aitemdisplayname = aselected.displayname; } // Return if Item is Null if (acreateitem == null) { Puts($"[Animal List] Error creating item with skinid {aselected.SkinID} for item {aselected.shortname}"); return; } // Give Item to Player player.GiveItem(acreateitem); // Send Chat Message if Enabled if (config.generalSettings.showchatmessage) { player.ChatMessage(CIDLang("giveitem", player.UserIDString, aselected.amount, aitemdisplayname)); } break; #endregion // NPC Kills #region NPCKills case "npc": // Get Random Item From List randomroll = Random.Range(0, config.NPCoptions.NPCItemList.Count); // Check for Valid Item & Get Item Details var nselected = config.NPCoptions.NPCItemList[randomroll]; ItemDefinition ndefinition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(nselected.shortname); if (ndefinition == null) { Puts($"[NPC List] Invalid shortname in config for item {nselected.shortname}"); return; } // Create Item & Get Skin Needed Item ncreateitem = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(ndefinition.itemid, nselected.amount, nselected.SkinID); // Change Name if Needed var nitemdisplayname =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nselected.displayname)) { = nselected.displayname; ncreateitem.MarkDirty(); nitemdisplayname = nselected.displayname; } // Return if Item is Null if (ncreateitem == null) { Puts($"[NPC List] Error creating item with skinid {nselected.SkinID} for item {nselected.shortname}"); return; } // Give Item to Player player.GiveItem(ncreateitem); // Send Chat Message if Enabled if (config.generalSettings.showchatmessage) { player.ChatMessage(CIDLang("giveitem", player.UserIDString, nselected.amount, nitemdisplayname)); } break; #endregion // Player Kills #region PlayerKills case "player": // Get Random Item From List randomroll = Random.Range(0, config.Playeroptions.PlayerItemList.Count); // Check for Valid Item & Get Item Details var pselected = config.Playeroptions.PlayerItemList[randomroll]; ItemDefinition pdefinition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(pselected.shortname); if (pdefinition == null) { Puts($"[Player List] Invalid shortname in config for item {pselected.shortname}"); return; } // Create Item & Get Skin Needed Item pcreateitem = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(pdefinition.itemid, pselected.amount, pselected.SkinID); // Change Name if Needed var pitemdisplayname =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pselected.displayname)) { = pselected.displayname; pcreateitem.MarkDirty(); pitemdisplayname = pselected.displayname; } // Return if Item is Null if (pcreateitem == null) { Puts($"[Player List] Error creating item with skinid {pselected.SkinID} for item {pselected.shortname}"); return; } // Give Item to Player player.GiveItem(pcreateitem); // Send Chat Message if Enabled if (config.generalSettings.showchatmessage) { player.ChatMessage(CIDLang("giveitem", player.UserIDString, pselected.amount, pitemdisplayname)); } break; #endregion } } #endregion #region Lang protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["giveitem"] = "You have received {0} {1} in your inventory.", }, this); } private string CIDLang(string key, string id = null, params object[] args) => string.Format(lang.GetMessage(key, this, id), args); #endregion #region API private int GetItemDropChance(string list, string type) { if (list == null) return 0; int chance = 0; switch(list) { case "gathering": switch(type) { case "default": chance = config.gatheringoptions.dropchance; break; case "vip": chance = config.gatheringoptions.vipdropchance; break; } break; case "mining": switch (type) { case "default": chance = config.miningoptions.dropchance; break; case "vip": chance = config.miningoptions.vipdropchance; break; } break; case "looting": switch (type) { case "default": chance = config.lootingoptions.dropchance; break; case "vip": chance = config.lootingoptions.vipdropchance; break; } break; case "animal": switch (type) { case "default": chance = config.animaloptions.dropchance; break; case "vip": chance = config.animaloptions.vipdropchance; break; } break; case "npc": switch (type) { case "default": chance = config.NPCoptions.dropchance; break; case "vip": chance = config.NPCoptions.vipdropchance; break; } break; case "player": switch(type) { case "default": chance = config.Playeroptions.dropchance; break; case "vip": chance = config.Playeroptions.vipdropchance; break; } break; } return chance; } private string GetItemDropLists(string list) { if (list == null) return null; switch(list) { case "gathering": list = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config.gatheringoptions.gatheringItemList); break; case "mining": list = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config.miningoptions.miningItemList); break; case "looting": list = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config.lootingoptions.lootingItemList); break; case "animal": list = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config.animaloptions.AnimalItemList); break; case "npc": list = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config.NPCoptions.NPCItemList); break; case "player": list = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config.Playeroptions.PlayerItemList); break; } return list; } #endregion } }