using Facepunch; using Network; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Rust; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Custom Entities", "Nikedemos", "1.0.10")] [Description("A robust framework for registering, spawning, loading and saving entity prefabs")] public class CustomEntities : RustPlugin { #region CONST public const string FORMAT_FILENAME = "{0}.{1}"; public const string PREFAB_PREFIX = "assets/custom/"; public const string PREFAB_SPHERE = "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab"; public const string PREFAB_WOOD_STORAGE_BOX = "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab"; public const string PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_BLUNT = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/impacts/blunt/metal/metal1.prefab"; public const string PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_SLASH = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/impacts/slash/metal/metal1.prefab"; public const string PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_STAB = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/impacts/stab/metal/metal1.prefab"; public const string PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_BULLET = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/impacts/bullet/metal/metal1.prefab"; public const string PREFAB_PLAYER = "assets/prefabs/player/player.prefab"; public const string PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_PHYSICAL = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/impacts/physics/phys-impact-metal-hollow-hard.prefab"; public const string PREFAB_FX_EXPLOSION = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/impacts/additive/explosion.prefab"; public const string PREFAB_FX_FIRE = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/impacts/additive/fire.prefab"; public const string CMD_SPAWN_AT = "spawn_at"; public const string CMD_PURGE_PREFAB = "purge_prefab"; public const string CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN = "purge_plugin"; public const string CMD_COUNT_PLUGIN = "count_plugin"; public const string PERM_ADMIN = "customentities.admin"; //required for the commands above #endregion #region STATIC public static CustomEntities Instance; public static bool Unloading = false; public static Effect ReusableEffect; public static readonly ReadOnlyDictionary DEFAULT_PROTECTION_AMOUNTS = new ReadOnlyDictionary(new Dictionary { [DamageType.Generic] = 0F, //Generic [DamageType.Hunger] = 0F, //Hunger [DamageType.Thirst] = 0F, //Thirst [DamageType.Cold] = 0F, //Cold [DamageType.Drowned] = 0F, //Drowned [DamageType.Heat] = 0F, //Heat [DamageType.Bleeding] = 0F, //Bleeding [DamageType.Poison] = 0F, //Poison [DamageType.Suicide] = 0F, //Suicide [DamageType.Bullet] = 0F, //Bullet [DamageType.Slash] = 0F, //Slash [DamageType.Blunt] = 0F, //Blunt [DamageType.Fall] = 0F, //Fall [DamageType.Radiation] = 0F, //Radiation [DamageType.Bite] = 0F, //Bite [DamageType.Stab] = 0F, //Stab [DamageType.Explosion] = 0F, //Explosion [DamageType.RadiationExposure] = 0F, //RadiationExposure [DamageType.ColdExposure] = 0F, //ColdExposure [DamageType.Decay] = 0F, //Decay [DamageType.ElectricShock] = 0F, //ElectricShock [DamageType.Arrow] = 0F, //Arrow [DamageType.AntiVehicle] = 0F, //AntiVehicle [DamageType.Collision] = 0F, //Collision [DamageType.Fun_Water] = 0F //Fun Water }); #endregion #region LANG public const string MSG_PREFAB_REGISTERING_CUSTOM = nameof(MSG_PREFAB_REGISTERING_CUSTOM); public const string MSG_PREFAB_REGISTERING_MODIFIED = nameof(MSG_PREFAB_REGISTERING_MODIFIED); public const string MSG_PREFAB_REGISTRATION_EXCEPTION = nameof(MSG_PREFAB_REGISTRATION_EXCEPTION); public const string MSG_BUNDLE_UNREGISTRATION_REMOVED_VANILLA = nameof(MSG_BUNDLE_UNREGISTRATION_REMOVED_VANILLA); public const string MSG_BUNDLE_UNREGISTRATION_REMOVED_CUSTOM = nameof(MSG_BUNDLE_UNREGISTRATION_REMOVED_CUSTOM); public const string MSG_SAVING_SAVEFILES = nameof(MSG_SAVING_SAVEFILES); public const string MSG_SAVED_ENTITIES_1 = nameof(MSG_SAVED_ENTITIES_1); public const string MSG_SAVING_DATAFILE_EXCEPTION = nameof(MSG_SAVING_DATAFILE_EXCEPTION); public const string MSG_LOADING_NO_SAVEFILE = nameof(MSG_LOADING_NO_SAVEFILE); public const string MSG_LOADING_YES_DATAFILE = nameof(MSG_LOADING_YES_DATAFILE); public const string MSG_LOADING_FRESH_WIPE_DETECTED = nameof(MSG_LOADING_FRESH_WIPE_DETECTED); public const string MSG_LOADING_EMPTY_SAVEFILE = nameof(MSG_LOADING_EMPTY_SAVEFILE); public const string MSG_LOADING_ENTITIES_FROM_SAVEFILE = nameof(MSG_LOADING_ENTITIES_FROM_SAVEFILE); public const string MSG_LOADING_ERROR_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS = nameof(MSG_LOADING_ERROR_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS); public const string MSG_LOADING_ERROR_ENTITY_COULDNT_SPAWN = nameof(MSG_LOADING_ERROR_ENTITY_COULDNT_SPAWN); public const string MSG_LOADING_SPAWNING_ENTITIES = nameof(MSG_LOADING_SPAWNING_ENTITIES); public const string MSG_LOADED_ENTITIES = nameof(MSG_LOADED_ENTITIES); public const string MSG_LOADING_DATAFILE_LOAD_EXCEPTION = nameof(MSG_LOADING_DATAFILE_LOAD_EXCEPTION); public const string MSG_LOADING_NEW_SAVEFILE = nameof(MSG_LOADING_NEW_SAVEFILE); public const string MSG_LOADING_DATAFILE_NEW_EXCEPTION = nameof(MSG_LOADING_DATAFILE_NEW_EXCEPTION); public const string MSG_SAVING_BACKUP_EXCEPTION = nameof(MSG_SAVING_BACKUP_EXCEPTION); public const string MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PREFAB = nameof(MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PREFAB); public const string MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PLUGIN_NAME = nameof(MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PLUGIN_NAME); public const string MSG_CMD_PURGE_PREFAB_KILLED_ENTITIES = nameof(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PREFAB_KILLED_ENTITIES); public const string MSG_CMD_PURGE_PREFAB_NO_ENTITIES_FOUND = nameof(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PREFAB_NO_ENTITIES_FOUND); public const string MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NO_PLUGINS_REGISTERED = nameof(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NO_PLUGINS_REGISTERED); public const string MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_MAKE_SURE_LOADED = nameof(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_MAKE_SURE_LOADED); public const string MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NOTHING_FOUND = nameof(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NOTHING_FOUND); public const string MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NO_ENTITIES_FOUND = nameof(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NO_ENTITIES_FOUND); public const string MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_KILLED_ENTITIES = nameof(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_KILLED_ENTITIES); public const string MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR = nameof(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR); public const string MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_GAMEOBJECT_NULL = nameof(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_GAMEOBJECT_NULL); public const string MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_NO_OLD_COMPO_ATTACHED = nameof(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_NO_OLD_COMPO_ATTACHED); public const string MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_ALREADY_HAS_NEW_COMPO = nameof(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_ALREADY_HAS_NEW_COMPO); public const string MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_DEBUG_HEADER = nameof(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_DEBUG_HEADER); public const string MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_DEBUG_FIELD_INFO = nameof(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_DEBUG_FIELD_INFO); private static readonly Dictionary LangMessages = new Dictionary { [MSG_PREFAB_REGISTERING_CUSTOM] = "Registering custom entity {0} : {1} as prefab \"{2}\"...", [MSG_PREFAB_REGISTERING_MODIFIED] = "Registering modified entity based on prefab \"{0}\" as prefab \"{1}\"...", [MSG_PREFAB_REGISTRATION_EXCEPTION] = "Exception while trying to register prefab: {0}\n{1}", [MSG_BUNDLE_UNREGISTRATION_REMOVED_VANILLA] = "Removed {0} instances of various vanilla entities handled by the savefile from world.", [MSG_BUNDLE_UNREGISTRATION_REMOVED_CUSTOM] = "Removed {0} instances of a custom prefab \"{1}\" from world.", [MSG_SAVING_SAVEFILES] = "Saving {0} binary savefiles...", [MSG_SAVED_ENTITIES_1] = "INFO: Saved {0} out of {1} entities ({2} custom, {3} vanilla. {4} removed because invalid) to \"{5}\"", [MSG_SAVING_DATAFILE_EXCEPTION] = "ERROR: {0} while trying to save \"{1}\": {2}\n{3}", [MSG_LOADING_NO_SAVEFILE] = "INFO: Savefile \"{0}\" doesn't exist, nothing to load.", [MSG_LOADING_YES_DATAFILE] = "Loading savefile from \"{0}\"...", [MSG_LOADING_FRESH_WIPE_DETECTED] = "INFO: The ID of the current Community Entity ({0}) is different than the one from the savefile ({1}) - this usually means a fresh wipe or switching between maps mid-wipes. A new savefile will be generated.", [MSG_LOADING_EMPTY_SAVEFILE] = "INFO: The savefile \"{0}\" contains no entities, nothing to load.", [MSG_LOADING_ENTITIES_FROM_SAVEFILE] = "Loading {0} entities from the savefile \"{1}\"...", [MSG_LOADING_ERROR_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS] = "ERROR: The savefile \"{0}\" contains an entity with prefab ID {1} ({2}), Net.ID {3}, but another entity with that Net.ID already exists. Skipping to the next entity...", [MSG_LOADING_ERROR_ENTITY_COULDNT_SPAWN] = "ERROR: The savefile \"{0}\" contains an entity with prefab ID {1} ({2}), Net.ID {3} that could not be spawned. Skipping to the next entity...", [MSG_LOADING_SPAWNING_ENTITIES] = "Spawning {0} entities from the save file at {1}...", [MSG_LOADED_ENTITIES] = "INFO: Loaded {0} out of {1} entities ({2} custom, {3} vanilla) from \"{4}\"", [MSG_LOADING_DATAFILE_LOAD_EXCEPTION] = "ERROR: {0} while trying to load \"{1}\": {2}\n{3}", [MSG_LOADING_NEW_SAVEFILE] = "INFO: Generating default (blank) savefile at \"{0}\"...", [MSG_LOADING_DATAFILE_NEW_EXCEPTION] = "ERROR: {0} while trying to create a new datafile \"{1}\": {2}\n{3}", [MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PREFAB] = "Please provide the short prefab name, or the initial part of it.", [MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PLUGIN_NAME] = "Please provide the plugin name, or the initial part of it.", [MSG_CMD_PURGE_PREFAB_KILLED_ENTITIES] = "Purged {0} entities matching short prefab name \"{1}\"", [MSG_CMD_PURGE_PREFAB_NO_ENTITIES_FOUND] = "Could not find any entities matching short prefab name \"{0}\"", [MSG_SAVING_BACKUP_EXCEPTION] = "ERROR: {0} while trying to save backups of the datafile \"{1}\": {2}\n{3}", [MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NO_PLUGINS_REGISTERED] = "There's currently no Custom Entities plugins registered.", [MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_MAKE_SURE_LOADED] = "Make sure it's loaded in. If it isn't, just delete the appropriate savefile from /oxide/data/CustomEntities/ and it will have the same effect.", [MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NOTHING_FOUND] = "Could not find any Plugins matching the provided name \"{0}\"", [MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NO_ENTITIES_FOUND] = "Could not find any entities from the Plugin \"{0}\"", [MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_KILLED_ENTITIES] = "Purged {0} entities from the Plugin \"{1}\"", [MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR] = "ERROR WHILE TRYING TO REPLACE `{0}` with `{1}`:", [MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_GAMEOBJECT_NULL] = "The GameObject is null!", [MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_NO_OLD_COMPO_ATTACHED] = "There's no `{0}` component attached to the GameObject!", [MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_ALREADY_HAS_NEW_COMPO] = "The GameObject already has a `{0}` component attached (and there's only one allowed!)", [MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_DEBUG_HEADER] = "`{0}` is a subclass of `{1}`, replacing matching fields:\n", [MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_DEBUG_FIELD_INFO] = " set `{0}` to `{1}`", }; private static string MSG(string msg, string userID = null, params object[] args) { if (args == null) { return Instance.lang.GetMessage(msg, Instance, userID); } else { return string.Format(Instance.lang.GetMessage(msg, Instance, userID), args); } } #endregion #region COVALENCE COMMANDS private void CommandCountPlugin(IPlayer iplayer, string command, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { iplayer.Reply(MSG(MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PLUGIN_NAME, iplayer.Id)); return; } string pluginName = args[0].ToLower(); BinaryData.PlayerRequestedPluginCount(iplayer, pluginName); } private void CommandPurgePlugin(IPlayer iplayer, string command, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { iplayer.Reply(MSG(MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PLUGIN_NAME, iplayer.Id)); return; } string pluginName = args[0].ToLower(); BinaryData.PlayerRequestedPluginPurge(iplayer, pluginName); } private void CommandPurgePrefab(IPlayer iplayer, string command, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { iplayer.Reply(MSG(MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PREFAB, iplayer.Id)); return; } string prefabName = args[0].ToLower(); BaseEntity[] iterateOver = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType().ToArray(); int countKilled = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterateOver.Length; i++) { BaseEntity entity = iterateOver[i]; if (entity == null) { continue; } if (entity.IsDestroyed) { continue; } if ( == null) { continue; } if (!entity.ShortPrefabName.StartsWith(prefabName)) { continue; } entity.Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.None); countKilled++; } if (countKilled == 0) { iplayer.Reply(MSG(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PREFAB_NO_ENTITIES_FOUND, iplayer.Id, prefabName)); return; } iplayer.Reply(MSG(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PREFAB_KILLED_ENTITIES, iplayer.Id, countKilled, prefabName)); } private void CommandSpawnAtPlayerEyes(IPlayer iplayer, string command, string[] args) { BasePlayer player = iplayer.Object as BasePlayer; if (player == null) { return; } if (args.Length == 0) { iplayer.Reply(MSG(MSG_CMD_PROVIDE_PREFAB, iplayer.Id)); return; } string prefabName = args[0].ToLower(); string commandResponse = ConVar.Entity.svspawn(prefabName, player.eyes.position,; iplayer.Reply(commandResponse); } #endregion #region HOOK SUBSCRIPTIONS void Init() { lang.RegisterMessages(LangMessages, this); } void OnServerInitialized() { Instance = this; ReusableEffect = new Effect(); permission.RegisterPermission(PERM_ADMIN, this); AddCovalenceCommand(CMD_PURGE_PREFAB, nameof(CommandPurgePrefab), PERM_ADMIN); AddCovalenceCommand(CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN, nameof(CommandPurgePlugin), PERM_ADMIN); AddCovalenceCommand(CMD_SPAWN_AT, nameof(CommandSpawnAtPlayerEyes), PERM_ADMIN); AddCovalenceCommand(CMD_COUNT_PLUGIN, nameof(CommandCountPlugin), PERM_ADMIN); BinaryData.Init(); CastingNonAlloc.Init(); CustomPrefabs.Init(); } void Unload() { if (Instance == null) { return; } Unloading = true; //after this point, no saving and unregistering possible CustomPrefabs.Unload(); BinaryData.Unload(); //doesn't do much either. CastingNonAlloc.Unload(); //unload top-level static Unloading = false; Instance = null; ReusableEffect = null; } void OnServerSave() { if (Instance == null) { return; } BinaryData.SaveAll(); } void OnItemAddedToContainer(ItemContainer container, Item item) { if (Instance == null) { return; } List maybeCustomList = GetOwnerThingCustomSaveList(container); if (maybeCustomList == null) { return; } CustomPrefabs.EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursively(item, maybeCustomList); } void OnItemRemovedFromContainer(ItemContainer container, Item item) { if (Instance == null) { return; } List maybeCustomList = GetOwnerThingCustomSaveList(container); if (maybeCustomList == null) { return; } CustomPrefabs.EnsureMovedToVanillaSaveListRecursively(item); } void OnEntityKill(BaseEntity entity) { if (Instance == null) { return; } if (Unloading) { return; } //only vanilla List checkForVanillaEnityList = CustomPrefabs.TryGetEntityCustomSaveList(entity, CustomPrefabs.SaveListEntityType.Vanilla); if (checkForVanillaEnityList == null) { return; } CustomPrefabs.ForgetEntityFromSaveListAndCache(entity, checkForVanillaEnityList); } #endregion #region CUSTOM PREFAB MANAGER public static class CustomPrefabs { //naughty reflection private static FieldInfo _entityPrefabNameFieldInfo = null; private static GameObjectRef _emptyImpactGameObjectRef = null; private static Dictionary _prefabsPreProcessedCustom = null; private static Dictionary _preProcessedGoToEntityCache = null; private static ListHashSet _cachedRecipes = null; private static Dictionary _pluginToBinaryData = null; private static List _gameManifestEntityList = null; //this is not vanilla, just for building the vanilla manifest array private static Dictionary> _vanillaEntityToCustomSaveList = null; public static Dictionary ModifiedPrefabFullNameToModifiedPrefabIDHandledByBundles = null; public static Dictionary> ModifiedPrefabFullNameToCustomSaveList = null; public static void Init() { _emptyImpactGameObjectRef = new GameObjectRef(); _prefabsPreProcessedCustom = new Dictionary(); _preProcessedGoToEntityCache = new Dictionary(); //naughty reflection _entityPrefabNameFieldInfo = typeof(BaseNetworkable).GetField("_prefabName", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); _gameManifestEntityList = new List(); _cachedRecipes = new ListHashSet(); _pluginToBinaryData = new Dictionary(); _vanillaEntityToCustomSaveList = new Dictionary>(); ModifiedPrefabFullNameToModifiedPrefabIDHandledByBundles = new Dictionary(); ModifiedPrefabFullNameToCustomSaveList = new Dictionary>(); } public static void Unload() { _emptyImpactGameObjectRef = null; _prefabsPreProcessedCustom = null; _preProcessedGoToEntityCache = null; //naughty reflection _entityPrefabNameFieldInfo = null; _gameManifestEntityList = null; _cachedRecipes = null; _pluginToBinaryData = null; _vanillaEntityToCustomSaveList = null; ModifiedPrefabFullNameToModifiedPrefabIDHandledByBundles = null; ModifiedPrefabFullNameToCustomSaveList = null; } public static void NaughtyReplaceEntityFullPrefabName(BaseEntity entity, string fullPrefabName) { //naughty reflection _entityPrefabNameFieldInfo.SetValue(entity, fullPrefabName); } public static BaseEntity TryGetPreprocessedPrototypeFromVanilla(string prefabName) => TryGetPreprocessedPrototypeFrom(GameManager.server.preProcessed.prefabList, prefabName); public static BaseEntity TryGetPreprocessedPrototypeFromCustom(string prefabName) => TryGetPreprocessedPrototypeFrom(_prefabsPreProcessedCustom, prefabName); private static BaseEntity TryGetPreprocessedPrototypeFrom(Dictionary preProcessedDictionary, string prefabName) { GameObject goResult; if (!preProcessedDictionary.TryGetValue(prefabName, out goResult)) { return null; } //is it in the cache? BaseEntity baseEntityResult; if (!_preProcessedGoToEntityCache.TryGetValue(goResult, out baseEntityResult)) { //get the component... if non null, add to cache baseEntityResult = goResult.GetComponent(); if (baseEntityResult != null) { _preProcessedGoToEntityCache.Add(goResult, baseEntityResult); } } //now you get it or a null return baseEntityResult; } //public API public static void ForgetEntityFromSaveListAndCache(BaseEntity vanillaEntity, List maybeCustomList) { maybeCustomList.Remove(vanillaEntity); _vanillaEntityToCustomSaveList.Remove(; } public enum SaveListEntityType { Vanilla, Custom, VanillaAndCustom } public static List TryGetEntityCustomSaveList(BaseEntity vanillaOrCustomEntity, SaveListEntityType entityType) { if (!BaseNetworkableEx.IsValid(vanillaOrCustomEntity)) { return null; } bool checkForVanilla = (entityType == SaveListEntityType.Vanilla) || (entityType == SaveListEntityType.VanillaAndCustom); bool checkForCustom = (entityType == SaveListEntityType.Custom) || (entityType == SaveListEntityType.VanillaAndCustom); if (checkForCustom) { ICustomEntity asInterface = vanillaOrCustomEntity as ICustomEntity; if (asInterface != null) { //no need to check for vanilla any more return asInterface.SaveListInDataFile; } } if (checkForVanilla) { List maybeCustomList; if (!_vanillaEntityToCustomSaveList.TryGetValue(, out maybeCustomList)) { //neither custom nor vanilla. return null; } return maybeCustomList; } return null; } public static void EnsureMovedToVanillaSaveList(BaseEntity vanillaEntity) { ICustomEntity asInterface = vanillaEntity as ICustomEntity; if (asInterface != null) { return; } List maybeAlreadyExistingList = TryGetEntityCustomSaveList(vanillaEntity, SaveListEntityType.Vanilla); if (maybeAlreadyExistingList != null) { //it exists in some other custom save list, so let's forget it first... ForgetEntityFromSaveListAndCache(vanillaEntity, maybeAlreadyExistingList); } vanillaEntity.EnableSaving(true); //this will add it back } public static void EnsureMovedToVanillaSaveListRecursively(Item item) { ForEachItemEntityRecursively(item, (entity) => EnsureMovedToVanillaSaveList(entity)); } public static void EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursively(Item item, List targetList) { ForEachItemEntityRecursively(item, (entity) => EnsureMovedToCustomSaveList(entity, targetList)); } private static void EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyEntireContainer(ItemContainer itemContainer, List saveList) { if (itemContainer == null) { return; } var itemListCount = itemContainer.itemList?.Count ?? 0; if (itemListCount == 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < itemContainer.itemList.Count; i++) { var item = itemContainer.itemList[i]; if (item == null) { continue; } EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursively(item, saveList); } } private static void ForEachEntityInTransformHierarchyRecursivelyAndAlsoConsideringItemsInInventories(BaseEntity entity, Action entityAction, List saveList) { entityAction(entity); //still! if (entity == null) { return; } //so we have several "obvious" cases here //in fact, maybe we should re-visit MetaphysicsEnchantedItems to get everything that has a container, presumably? //first obvious case: var someSortOfContainer = entity as IItemContainerEntity; //this covers a broad range of things that have "ItemContainer inventory". if (someSortOfContainer != null) { //this will do nothing if the inventory is null or empty EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyEntireContainer(someSortOfContainer.inventory, saveList); } else { var asDroppedItem = entity as WorldItem; if (asDroppedItem != null) { //this will do nothing if the asDroppedItem.item is null. EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursively(asDroppedItem.item, saveList); } else { var asPlayer = entity as BasePlayer; if (asPlayer != null) { var playerInventory = asPlayer.inventory; if (playerInventory != null) { EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyEntireContainer(playerInventory.containerMain, saveList); EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyEntireContainer(playerInventory.containerBelt, saveList); EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyEntireContainer(playerInventory.containerWear, saveList); //any backpacks? almost forgot! var getBackpack = playerInventory.GetBackpackWithInventory(); if (getBackpack != null) { EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyEntireContainer(getBackpack.contents, saveList); } } } else { var asDroppedItemContainer = entity as DroppedItemContainer; if (asDroppedItemContainer != null) { EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyEntireContainer(asDroppedItemContainer.inventory, saveList); } else { //and last chance... so far, that I can see, as much as edge cases go. var asLootableCorpse = entity as LootableCorpse; if (asLootableCorpse != null) { var inventories = asLootableCorpse.containers; if (inventories != null) { int invLength = inventories.Length; for (var i = 0; i < invLength; i++) { var inventory = inventories[i]; EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyEntireContainer(inventory, saveList); } } } } } } } if (entity.children == null) { return; } var childrenCount = entity.children.Count; for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { ForEachEntityInTransformHierarchyRecursivelyAndAlsoConsideringItemsInInventories(entity.children[i], entityAction, saveList); } } private static void ForEachItemEntityRecursively(Item item, Action entityAction) //so the action will be either move to custom, or move to vanilla... and keep passing the action { if (item == null) { return; } //sub entity... if (item.instanceData != null) { if (item.instanceData.subEntity.IsValid) { BaseEntity subEnt = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(item.instanceData.subEntity) as BaseEntity; if (subEnt != null) { entityAction(subEnt); } } } //world entity... BaseEntity worldEntity = item.GetWorldEntity(); if (worldEntity != null) { entityAction(worldEntity); } //held entity... BaseEntity heldEntity = item.GetHeldEntity(); if (heldEntity != null) { entityAction(heldEntity); } //and then, if your item container is not null, keep going. if (item.contents == null) { return; } if (item.contents.itemList.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return; } int count = item.contents.itemList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Item containerItem = item.contents.itemList[i]; if (containerItem == null) { continue; } ForEachItemEntityRecursively(containerItem, entityAction); } } /* * public static void EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursively(Item item, List targetList) { ForEachItemEntityRecursively(item, (entity) => EnsureMovedToCustomSaveList(entity, targetList)); } */ public static void EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyTopDown(BaseEntity vanillaEntity, List targetList) { bool first = true; ForEachEntityInTransformHierarchyRecursivelyAndAlsoConsideringItemsInInventories(vanillaEntity, (entity) => { EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListMindingIfFirstOneIsForced(entity, targetList, ref first); }, targetList); } public static void EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListMindingIfFirstOneIsForced(BaseEntity vanillaEntity, List targetList, ref bool first) { //so. subentities, and stuff like that, //their "enableSaving" status WILL matter. //i.e. here, in this lambda thingy, //if entity.enableSaving is false, we should NOT do this. //HOWEVER. For the first one, i.e. the topmost one, //we already know that we WANT it there. //so it needs to be ignored for that one. //so keep passing a bool. // if (!first) { if (vanillaEntity.enableSaving == false) { return; } } first = false; EnsureMovedToCustomSaveList(vanillaEntity, targetList); } public static void EnsureMovedToCustomSaveList(BaseEntity vanillaEntity, List targetList) { if (vanillaEntity == null) { return; } if ( == null) { return; } if (vanillaEntity.IsDestroyed) { return; } ICustomEntity asInterface = vanillaEntity as ICustomEntity; if (asInterface != null) { //this is already a custom entity, rest assured it's handled by a custom save file already return; } if (targetList.Contains(vanillaEntity)) { //already contains return; } //already a part of a list? List maybeAlreadyExistingList = TryGetEntityCustomSaveList(vanillaEntity, SaveListEntityType.Vanilla); if (maybeAlreadyExistingList != null) { if (maybeAlreadyExistingList == targetList) { return; //already where it needs to be } //it exists in some other custom save list, so let's forget it first... ForgetEntityFromSaveListAndCache(vanillaEntity, maybeAlreadyExistingList); } vanillaEntity.EnableSaving(false); //this will remove from vanilla list if enabled - use after spawning targetList.Add(vanillaEntity); _vanillaEntityToCustomSaveList.Add(, targetList); } public static List EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListSameAs(BaseEntity vanillaEntity, ICustomEntity sameAsCustomEntity) { if (sameAsCustomEntity.SaveListInDataFile == null) { //null for some reason, so false just to be on the safe side return null; } EnsureMovedToCustomSaveList(vanillaEntity, sameAsCustomEntity.SaveListInDataFile); return sameAsCustomEntity.SaveListInDataFile; } public static bool RegisterAndLoadBundle(CustomPrefabBundle bundle, string optionalSuffix = default(string)) { //step 0: ensure the data... BinaryData binaryData = BinaryData.SummonBinaryData(bundle.Owner, optionalSuffix); binaryData.PrefabBundle = bundle; List customRecipes = Pool.Get>(); List modifiedRecipes = Pool.Get>(); //step 1: separate the grain from the hull for (int i = 0; i < binaryData.PrefabBundle.Recipes.Length; i++) { GenericPrefabRecipe recipe = binaryData.PrefabBundle.Recipes[i]; if (recipe is CustomPrefabRecipe customRecipe) { customRecipes.Add(customRecipe); } else if (recipe is ModifiedPrefabRecipe modifiedRecipe) { modifiedRecipes.Add(modifiedRecipe); } } bool allGood = true; //step 2: register custom prefabs from recipes... for (int i = 0; i < customRecipes.Count; i++) { CustomPrefabRecipe recipe = customRecipes[i]; Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_PREFAB_REGISTERING_CUSTOM, null, recipe.EntityType.Name, (recipe.BaseCombat == null ? nameof(BaseEntity) : nameof(BaseCombatEntity)), recipe.FullPrefabName)); try { RegisterPrefabCustom(recipe, binaryData); } catch (Exception e) { Instance.PrintError(MSG(MSG_PREFAB_REGISTRATION_EXCEPTION, null, e.Message, e.StackTrace)); allGood = false; } } //step 3: register modified recipes. We're doing that second since we might wanna modify a custom prefab too for (int i = 0; i < modifiedRecipes.Count; i++) { ModifiedPrefabRecipe recipe = modifiedRecipes[i]; Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_PREFAB_REGISTERING_MODIFIED, null, recipe.OriginalFullPrefabName, recipe.FullPrefabName)); try { RegisterPrefabModified(recipe, binaryData); } catch (Exception e) { Instance.PrintError(MSG(MSG_PREFAB_REGISTRATION_EXCEPTION, null, e.Message, e.StackTrace)); allGood = false; } } Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref customRecipes); Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref modifiedRecipes); //step 4: now that everything is registered, load. //now they should all know their appropriate save lists. binaryData.Load(); return allGood; } public static bool SaveAndUnregisterBundle(CustomPrefabBundle cookbook, string optionalSuffix = default(string)) { //and this should be the exact opposite. //first, save... //this will ensure the data wrapper, just in case it wasn't before BinaryData binaryData = BinaryData.SummonBinaryData(cookbook.Owner, optionalSuffix); binaryData.Save(); //this will save everything List customRecipes = Pool.Get>(); List modifiedRecipes = Pool.Get>(); for (int i = 0; i < binaryData.PrefabBundle.Recipes.Length; i++) { GenericPrefabRecipe recipe = binaryData.PrefabBundle.Recipes[i]; if (recipe is CustomPrefabRecipe customRecipe) { customRecipes.Add(customRecipe); } else if (recipe is ModifiedPrefabRecipe modifiedRecipe) { modifiedRecipes.Add(modifiedRecipe); } } bool allGood = true; for (int i = 0; i < modifiedRecipes.Count; i++) { ModifiedPrefabRecipe recipe = modifiedRecipes[i]; if (!UnregisterPrefabInternal(recipe)) { allGood = false; } } for (int i = 0; i < customRecipes.Count; i++) { CustomPrefabRecipe recipe = customRecipes[i]; //caveat: this removes from _modified... cache! if (!UnregisterPrefabInternal(recipe)) { allGood = false; } } Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref customRecipes); Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref modifiedRecipes); //and now we need to kill off vanilla entities that might still linger about int countKilled = 0; for (int i = 0; i < binaryData.CustomEntitySaveList.Count; i++) { BaseEntity entity = binaryData.CustomEntitySaveList[i]; if (entity == null) { continue; } if (entity.IsDestroyed) { continue; } entity.Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.None); countKilled++; } if (countKilled > 0) { Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_BUNDLE_UNREGISTRATION_REMOVED_VANILLA, null, countKilled)); } BinaryData.ForgetBinaryData(cookbook.Owner); return allGood; } //and the rest are private methods private static bool RegisterPrefabModified(ModifiedPrefabRecipe recipe, BinaryData data) { var tryFindPrototype = TryGetPreprocessedPrototypeFromVanilla(recipe.OriginalFullPrefabName); if (tryFindPrototype == null) { tryFindPrototype = TryGetPreprocessedPrototypeFromCustom(recipe.OriginalFullPrefabName); } if (tryFindPrototype == null) { return false; } var newGo = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(tryFindPrototype.gameObject, null, true); newGo.SetActive(false); var newEntity = newGo.GetComponent(); //we know entity won't be null because TryGetPreprocessed looks for an entity in first place if (recipe.ModificationFunction != null) { if (!recipe.ModificationFunction(newEntity)) { return false; } } AddToGameManifest(recipe.FullPrefabName, newGo, recipe.EnableInSpawnCommand); AddToPreprocessed(recipe.FullPrefabName, newGo); //var originalPrefabStringPoolID = newEntity.prefabID; var modifiedPrefabStringPoolID = AddToStringPool(recipe.FullPrefabName); //MUST DISABLE VANILLA SAVING BECAUSE NOW IT HAS A NON-EXISTING PREFAB ID! //in this case, it will help identify the modified prefab in the dictionary, given its full prefab name. if (recipe.SaveHandling == ModifiedSaveHandling.SaveInVanillaSaveList) { newEntity.enableSaving = true; } else { newEntity.enableSaving = false; //naughty reflection NaughtyReplaceEntityFullPrefabName(newEntity, recipe.FullPrefabName); ModifiedPrefabFullNameToModifiedPrefabIDHandledByBundles.Add(recipe.FullPrefabName, modifiedPrefabStringPoolID); //add the compo var newCompo = newGo.AddComponent(); newCompo.RecipeFullPrefabName = recipe.FullPrefabName; if (recipe.SaveHandling == ModifiedSaveHandling.SaveInBundleSaveList) { ModifiedPrefabFullNameToCustomSaveList.Add(recipe.FullPrefabName, data.CustomEntitySaveList); newCompo.AddToCustomSaveList = true; } } UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(newGo); if (!_cachedRecipes.Contains(recipe)) { _cachedRecipes.Add(recipe); } return true; } private static bool RegisterPrefabCustom(CustomPrefabRecipe recipe, BinaryData data) { GameObject newGo = new GameObject(recipe.ShortPrefabName) { layer = (int)recipe.Layer }; BaseEntity newEntity = newGo.AddComponent(recipe.EntityType) as BaseEntity; AddToGameManifest(recipe.FullPrefabName, newGo, recipe.EnableInSpawnCommand); AddToPreprocessed(recipe.FullPrefabName, newGo); if (recipe.BaseCombat != null) { ApplyBaseCombatEntityProperties((BaseCombatEntity)newEntity, recipe.ShortPrefabName, recipe.BaseCombat); } newEntity.impactEffect = _emptyImpactGameObjectRef; newEntity.prefabID = AddToStringPool(recipe.FullPrefabName); //naughty reflection NaughtyReplaceEntityFullPrefabName(newEntity, recipe.FullPrefabName); ICustomEntity asInterface = (newEntity as ICustomEntity); var tryFindPrototype = TryGetPreprocessedPrototypeFromVanilla(asInterface.DefaultClientsideFullPrefabName()); if (tryFindPrototype != null) { newEntity.bounds = tryFindPrototype.bounds; } asInterface.SaveListInDataFile = data.CustomEntitySaveList; //we know that at this point it's not null asInterface.OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityRegistered(); newGo.SetActive(false); UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(newGo); if (!_cachedRecipes.Contains(recipe)) { _cachedRecipes.Add(recipe); } return true; } private static bool UnregisterPrefabInternal(GenericPrefabRecipe recipe) { GameObject go; string recipeFullPrefabName = recipe.FullPrefabName; if (!_prefabsPreProcessedCustom.TryGetValue(recipe.FullPrefabName, out go)) { return false; } CustomPrefabRecipe recipeAsCustom = recipe as CustomPrefabRecipe; RemoveFromPreProcessed(recipeFullPrefabName); RemoveFromGameManifest(recipeFullPrefabName, recipe.EnableInSpawnCommand); RemoveFromStringPool(recipeFullPrefabName); ModifiedPrefabRecipe recipeAsModified = recipe as ModifiedPrefabRecipe; if (recipeAsModified != null) { if (recipeAsModified.SaveHandling == ModifiedSaveHandling.SaveInBundleSaveList) { if (ModifiedPrefabFullNameToModifiedPrefabIDHandledByBundles.ContainsKey(recipeFullPrefabName)) { ModifiedPrefabFullNameToModifiedPrefabIDHandledByBundles.Remove(recipeFullPrefabName); } if (ModifiedPrefabFullNameToCustomSaveList.ContainsKey(recipeFullPrefabName)) { ModifiedPrefabFullNameToCustomSaveList.Remove(recipeFullPrefabName); } } } //kill the prototype BaseEntity prototypeEntity = go.GetComponent(); if (recipeAsCustom != null) { (prototypeEntity as ICustomEntity).OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityUnregistered(); if (recipeAsCustom.BaseCombat != null) { BaseCombatEntity asBaseCombat = prototypeEntity as BaseCombatEntity; if (asBaseCombat != null) { if (asBaseCombat.baseProtection != null) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(asBaseCombat.baseProtection); asBaseCombat.baseProtection = null; } } } } prototypeEntity.Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.None); var iterateOver = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType().ToArray(); int countKilled = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iterateOver.Length; i++) { BaseEntity entity = iterateOver[i]; if (entity == null) { continue; } if (entity.IsDestroyed) { continue; } if (entity.PrefabName != recipeFullPrefabName) { //not what we're looking for continue; } //kill it, because we're about to unregister. it was already saved. entity.Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.None); countKilled++; } if (_cachedRecipes.Contains(recipe)) { _cachedRecipes.Remove(recipe); } if (countKilled > 0) { Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_BUNDLE_UNREGISTRATION_REMOVED_CUSTOM, null, countKilled, recipeFullPrefabName)); } return true; } private static void ApplyBaseCombatEntityProperties(T newBaseCombatEntity, string shortPrefabName, CustomPrefabBaseCombat baseCombatRecipeStuff) where T : BaseCombatEntity { newBaseCombatEntity._health = baseCombatRecipeStuff.HealthStart; newBaseCombatEntity.startHealth = baseCombatRecipeStuff.HealthStart; newBaseCombatEntity._maxHealth = baseCombatRecipeStuff.HealthMax; newBaseCombatEntity.pickup.enabled = baseCombatRecipeStuff.PickupEnabled; = baseCombatRecipeStuff.RepairEnabled; newBaseCombatEntity.markAttackerHostile = baseCombatRecipeStuff.MarkAttackerHostile; newBaseCombatEntity.baseProtection = SummonProtectionProperties(shortPrefabName, baseCombatRecipeStuff.ProtectionProperties ?? DEFAULT_PROTECTION_AMOUNTS.Values.ToArray()); } private static ProtectionProperties SummonProtectionProperties(string shortPrefabName, float[] amounts) { ProtectionProperties result = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); result.comments = $"DamageProperties.{shortPrefabName}"; result.amounts = amounts; return result; } private static uint AddToStringPool(string fullPrefabName) { uint value; if (!StringPool.toNumber.TryGetValue(fullPrefabName, out value)) { value = fullPrefabName.ManifestHash(); StringPool.toString.Add(value, fullPrefabName); StringPool.toNumber.Add(fullPrefabName, value); } return value; } private static void RemoveFromStringPool(string fullPrefabName) { if (StringPool.toNumber.ContainsKey(fullPrefabName)) { StringPool.toNumber.Remove(fullPrefabName); } uint value = fullPrefabName.ManifestHash(); if (StringPool.toString.ContainsKey(value)) { StringPool.toString.Remove(value); return; } } private static void AddToGameManifest(string fullPrefabName, GameObject newGo, bool alsoAddToCurrentEntities) { GameManifest.pathToGuid.Add(fullPrefabName, fullPrefabName); GameManifest.guidToPath.Add(fullPrefabName, fullPrefabName); GameManifest.guidToObject.Add(fullPrefabName, newGo); if (!alsoAddToCurrentEntities) { return; } _gameManifestEntityList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < GameManifest.Current.entities.Length; i++) { _gameManifestEntityList.Add(GameManifest.Current.entities[i]); } _gameManifestEntityList.Add(fullPrefabName); GameManifest.Current.entities = _gameManifestEntityList.ToArray(); UpdateGameManifestArray(); } private static void RemoveFromGameManifest(string fullPrefabName, bool alsoRemoveFromCurrentEntities) { GameManifest.pathToGuid.Remove(fullPrefabName); GameManifest.guidToPath.Remove(fullPrefabName); GameManifest.guidToObject.Remove(fullPrefabName); if (!alsoRemoveFromCurrentEntities) { return; } _gameManifestEntityList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < GameManifest.Current.entities.Length; i++) { string entityPrefabName = GameManifest.Current.entities[i]; if (entityPrefabName == fullPrefabName) { continue; //skip that element } _gameManifestEntityList.Add(entityPrefabName); } UpdateGameManifestArray(); } private static void UpdateGameManifestArray() { GameManifest.Current.entities = _gameManifestEntityList.ToArray(); } private static void AddToPreprocessed(string fullPrefabName, GameObject newGo) { RemoveFromPreProcessed(fullPrefabName); GameManager.server.preProcessed.prefabList.Add(fullPrefabName, newGo); _prefabsPreProcessedCustom.Add(fullPrefabName, newGo); } private static void RemoveFromPreProcessed(string fullPrefabName) { if (GameManager.server.preProcessed.prefabList.ContainsKey(fullPrefabName)) { GameManager.server.preProcessed.prefabList.Remove(fullPrefabName); } if (_prefabsPreProcessedCustom.ContainsKey(fullPrefabName)) { _prefabsPreProcessedCustom.Remove(fullPrefabName); } } } #endregion #region BINARY DATA private class BinaryData { private static Dictionary _cacheByOwner = null; private static ListHashSet _prefabNamesToKill = null; private static Dictionary _pluginPrefabCount = null; private readonly string _fullFileDirectory; private readonly Plugin _ownerPlugin; private readonly string _fullFilePath; public List CustomEntitySaveList; public CustomPrefabBundle PrefabBundle = null; public static void Init() { _cacheByOwner = new Dictionary(); _prefabNamesToKill = new ListHashSet(); _pluginPrefabCount = new Dictionary(); } public static void Unload() { _cacheByOwner = null; _prefabNamesToKill = null; _pluginPrefabCount = null; } public static void SaveAll() { if (_cacheByOwner.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return; } Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_SAVING_SAVEFILES, null, _cacheByOwner.Count)); foreach (KeyValuePair binaryData in _cacheByOwner) { binaryData.Value.Save(); //do not kill here. } } public static void PlayerRequestedPluginCount(IPlayer iplayer, string partialPluginNameLowercase) { BinaryData findMatchingEntry = null; for (int i = 0; i < _cacheByOwner.Count; i++) { KeyValuePair cacheEntry = _cacheByOwner.ElementAt(i); if (cacheEntry.Key.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(partialPluginNameLowercase)) { findMatchingEntry = cacheEntry.Value; break; } } if (findMatchingEntry == null) { iplayer.Reply($"NO PLUGINS FOUND LOLO"); return; } //why don't we do that in PlayerRequestedPluginPurge? if (findMatchingEntry.CustomEntitySaveList.IsNullOrEmpty()) { iplayer.Reply($"CUSTOM ENTITY SAVE LIST FOR THAT FILE IS NULL"); return; } _pluginPrefabCount.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < findMatchingEntry.CustomEntitySaveList.Count; i++) { var entry = findMatchingEntry.CustomEntitySaveList[i]; if (entry == null) { continue; } bool contains; string fullPrefabName = entry.PrefabName; if (!_pluginPrefabCount.TryGetValue(fullPrefabName, out var currentTuple)) { currentTuple.Item1 = 0; currentTuple.Item2 = entry is ICustomEntity; contains = false; } else { contains = true; } currentTuple.Item1++; if (contains) { _pluginPrefabCount[fullPrefabName] = currentTuple; } else { _pluginPrefabCount.Add(fullPrefabName, currentTuple); } } _pluginPrefabCount = _pluginPrefabCount.OrderByDescending(e => e.Value.Item2).ThenByDescending(e => e.Value.Item1).ThenBy(e => e.Key).ToDictionary(e => e.Key, e => e.Value); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("ENTITY COUNTS (custom first, then vanilla): \n"); foreach (var entry in _pluginPrefabCount) { builder.Append(entry.Value.Item1.ToString("00000")); builder.Append(" of "); builder.Append(entry.Key); builder.AppendLine(); } iplayer.Reply(builder.ToString()); } public static void PlayerRequestedPluginPurge(IPlayer iplayer, string partialPluginNameLowercase) { if (_cacheByOwner.Count == 0) { iplayer.Reply($"{MSG(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NO_PLUGINS_REGISTERED, iplayer.Id)} {MSG(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_MAKE_SURE_LOADED, iplayer.Id)}"); return; } BinaryData findMatchingEntry = null; for (int i = 0; i < _cacheByOwner.Count; i++) { KeyValuePair cacheEntry = _cacheByOwner.ElementAt(i); if (cacheEntry.Key.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(partialPluginNameLowercase)) { findMatchingEntry = cacheEntry.Value; break; } } if (findMatchingEntry == null) { iplayer.Reply($"{MSG(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NOTHING_FOUND, iplayer.Id)} {MSG(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_MAKE_SURE_LOADED, iplayer.Id)}"); return; } int countKilled = 0; _prefabNamesToKill.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < findMatchingEntry.PrefabBundle.Recipes.Length; i++) { GenericPrefabRecipe recipe = findMatchingEntry.PrefabBundle.Recipes[i]; _prefabNamesToKill.Add(recipe.FullPrefabName); } ICustomEntity[] iterateOver = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType().ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < iterateOver.Length; i++) { ICustomEntity customEntity = iterateOver[i]; if (customEntity == null) { continue; } if (!_prefabNamesToKill.Contains(customEntity.PrefabName)) { continue; } if (customEntity.IsDestroyed) { continue; } customEntity.Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.None); countKilled++; } if (countKilled == 0) { iplayer.Reply(MSG(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_NO_ENTITIES_FOUND, iplayer.Id, findMatchingEntry._ownerPlugin.Name)); return; } iplayer.Reply(MSG(MSG_CMD_PURGE_PLUGIN_KILLED_ENTITIES, iplayer.Id, countKilled, findMatchingEntry._ownerPlugin.Name)); } public static BinaryData SummonBinaryData(Plugin maybeOwnerPlugin, string optionalSuffix) { BinaryData resultData; if (!_cacheByOwner.TryGetValue(maybeOwnerPlugin, out resultData)) { //we need to summon it and add to cache by path resultData = new BinaryData(maybeOwnerPlugin, optionalSuffix); _cacheByOwner.Add(maybeOwnerPlugin, resultData); } return resultData; } public static void ForgetBinaryData(Plugin maybeOwnerPlugin) { if (!_cacheByOwner.TryGetValue(maybeOwnerPlugin, out BinaryData data)) { return; } data.CustomEntitySaveList = null; _cacheByOwner.Remove(maybeOwnerPlugin); } public BinaryData(Plugin ownerPlugin, string optionalSuffix) { _ownerPlugin = ownerPlugin; if (optionalSuffix == default(string)) { optionalSuffix = string.Empty; } _fullFileDirectory = Path.Combine(Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.Directory, Instance.Name); var filenameWithOrWithoutSuffixBuilder = new StringBuilder(); filenameWithOrWithoutSuffixBuilder.Append(ownerPlugin.Name); if (optionalSuffix != string.Empty) { filenameWithOrWithoutSuffixBuilder.Append('.'); filenameWithOrWithoutSuffixBuilder.Append(optionalSuffix); } filenameWithOrWithoutSuffixBuilder.Append(".sav"); _fullFilePath = Path.Combine(_fullFileDirectory, filenameWithOrWithoutSuffixBuilder.ToString()); CustomEntitySaveList = new List(); EnsureFileDirectory(); } private void EnsureFileDirectory() { if (Directory.Exists(_fullFileDirectory)) { return; } Directory.CreateDirectory(_fullFileDirectory); } public void ShiftSaveBackups() { if (!File.Exists(_fullFilePath)) { return; } try { int num = Mathf.Max(ConVar.Server.saveBackupCount, 2); int num2 = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= num && File.Exists(_fullFilePath + "." + j); j++) { num2++; } string text = GetBackupName(_fullFilePath, num2 + 1); for (int num3 = num2; num3 > 0; num3--) { string text2 = GetBackupName(_fullFilePath, num3); if (num3 == num) { File.Delete(text2); } else if (File.Exists(text2)) { if (File.Exists(text)) { File.Delete(text); } File.Move(text2, text); } text = text2; } File.Copy(_fullFilePath, text, true); } catch (Exception e) { Instance.PrintError(MSG(MSG_SAVING_BACKUP_EXCEPTION, null, e.GetType(), _fullFilePath, e.Message, e.StackTrace)); throw; } } public void Save() { int countAll = CustomEntitySaveList.Count; int countVanilla = 0; int countCustom = 0; int countSaved = 0; try { EnsureFileDirectory(); ShiftSaveBackups(); bool swaparoo = false; uint swaperooPrefabID = 0; uint originalPrefabID = 0; //so also we need to deal with invalids somehow. //for now, just test if things were not broken by refactoring. //ok, they work fine, seemingly List indicesToRemove = Pool.Get>(); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(_fullFilePath, FileMode.Create)) { using (BinaryWriter finalWriter = new BinaryWriter(fileStream)) { using (MemoryStream intermediateMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BinaryWriter intermediateWriter = new BinaryWriter(intermediateMemoryStream)) { //and optionally... for (int i = 0; i < countAll; i++) { BaseEntity entity = CustomEntitySaveList[i]; //now here, you're not doing any null checks... or checks if it's destroyed. if (entity == null) { indicesToRemove.Add(i); continue; } if ( == null) { indicesToRemove.Add(i); continue; } if (entity.IsDestroyed) { indicesToRemove.Add(i); continue; } if (entity.enableSaving) { //just a safeguard lol. indicesToRemove.Add(i); continue; } swaparoo = false; //if the full prefab name of that entity is found in this cache, //it means that a swaperoo is required. if (CustomPrefabs.ModifiedPrefabFullNameToModifiedPrefabIDHandledByBundles.TryGetValue(entity.PrefabName, out swaperooPrefabID)) { swaparoo = true; originalPrefabID = entity.prefabID; } //Do a swap? if (swaparoo) { entity.prefabID = swaperooPrefabID; entity.InvalidateNetworkCache(); } //this is done always, even without swaperoo MemoryStream vanillaMemoryStream = entity.GetSaveCache(); //Do a roo? if (swaparoo) { entity.prefabID = originalPrefabID; } long vanillaMemoryStreamLength = vanillaMemoryStream.Length; //first, vanilla stuff, that always happens... intermediateWriter.Write((uint)vanillaMemoryStreamLength); //4 bytes intermediateWriter.Write(vanillaMemoryStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)vanillaMemoryStreamLength); //this may or may not be a vanilla thing, so handle accordingly ICustomEntity asInterface = entity as ICustomEntity; if (asInterface != null) { using (MemoryStream customMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(4)) { using (BinaryWriter customWriter = new BinaryWriter(customMemoryStream)) { asInterface.Handler.SaveExtra(customMemoryStream, customWriter); long customMemoryStreamLength = customMemoryStream.Length; //and now we write custom stuff. intermediateWriter.Write((uint)customMemoryStreamLength); //4 bytes intermediateWriter.Write(customMemoryStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)customMemoryStreamLength); } } countCustom++; } else { //is it normal vanilla, or modified vanilla? countVanilla++; } countSaved++; } finalWriter.Write(; finalWriter.Write(countSaved); long intermediateMemoryStringLength = intermediateMemoryStream.Length; finalWriter.Write(intermediateMemoryStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)intermediateMemoryStringLength); } } } } if (indicesToRemove.Count > 0) { indicesToRemove.Sort((a, b) => b.CompareTo(a)); foreach (int index in indicesToRemove) { if (!(index >= 0 && index < countAll)) { CustomEntitySaveList.RemoveAt(index); } } } int countInvalid = indicesToRemove.Count; Pool.FreeUnmanaged(ref indicesToRemove); Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_SAVED_ENTITIES_1, null, countSaved, countAll, countCustom, countVanilla, countInvalid, _fullFilePath)); } catch (Exception e) { Instance.PrintError(MSG(MSG_SAVING_DATAFILE_EXCEPTION, null, e.GetType(), _fullFilePath, e.Message, e.StackTrace)); } } public void Load() { EnsureFileDirectory(); if (!File.Exists(_fullFilePath)) { Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_LOADING_NO_SAVEFILE, null, _fullFilePath)); return; } Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_LOADING_YES_DATAFILE, null, _fullFilePath)); bool needsBlankFile = false; try { using (FileStream readStream = File.OpenRead(_fullFilePath)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(readStream)) { ulong ceInstanceNetIDfromFile = reader.ReadUInt64(); ulong ceInstanceNetIDfromCurrent =; if (ceInstanceNetIDfromFile != ceInstanceNetIDfromCurrent) { Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_LOADING_FRESH_WIPE_DETECTED, null, ceInstanceNetIDfromCurrent, ceInstanceNetIDfromFile)); needsBlankFile = true; } else { //the next in32 will be the amount of entities saved here. int entityAmount = reader.ReadInt32(); if (entityAmount == 0) { Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_LOADING_EMPTY_SAVEFILE, null, _fullFilePath)); } else { //this is where entities are actually loaded. Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_LOADING_ENTITIES_FROM_SAVEFILE, null, entityAmount, _fullFilePath)); //implement the loop that will call ProtoBuf.Entity.Deserialize limited on the //entire stream. Add them all to the dictionary below. HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); Dictionary dictionaryVanilla = new Dictionary(); Dictionary dictionaryCustom = new Dictionary(); try { while (true) { //first we read the vanilla bytes... int vanillaLength = reader.ReadInt32(); ProtoBuf.Entity entData = ProtoBuf.Entity.DeserializeLength(readStream, vanillaLength); if (entData.baseNetworkable.uid.Value != 0 && (hashSet.Contains(entData.baseNetworkable.uid.Value) || BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Contains(entData.baseNetworkable.uid))) { Instance.PrintError(MSG(MSG_LOADING_ERROR_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS, null, _fullFilePath, entData.baseNetworkable.prefabID, StringPool.Get(entData.baseNetworkable.prefabID), entData.baseNetworkable.uid)); continue; } if (entData.baseNetworkable.uid.Value != 0) { hashSet.Add(entData.baseNetworkable.uid.Value); } bool skipAfterReadingCustomLength = false; BaseEntity baseEntity = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(StringPool.Get(entData.baseNetworkable.prefabID), entData.baseEntity.pos, Quaternion.Euler(entData.baseEntity.rot)); if ((bool)baseEntity) { baseEntity.InitLoad(entData.baseNetworkable.uid); //this will restore net ID baseEntity.PreServerLoad(); dictionaryVanilla.Add(baseEntity, entData); } else { Instance.PrintError(MSG(MSG_LOADING_ERROR_ENTITY_COULDNT_SPAWN, null, _fullFilePath, entData.baseNetworkable.prefabID, StringPool.Get(entData.baseNetworkable.prefabID), entData.baseNetworkable.uid)); //ok but we actually have to advance, still. skipAfterReadingCustomLength = true; } ICustomEntity asInterface = baseEntity as ICustomEntity; if (asInterface == null) { //well in that case it's just a vanilla entity existing here in the save. continue; } //and now we read custom bytes. The entity isn't spawned yet, so let's just get some streams and put them in the cache. int customLength = reader.ReadInt32(); //typically 4 or more //those need to be read to advance the stream to the next entity, whether we need them or not if (skipAfterReadingCustomLength) { //just advance, don't read readStream.Position += customLength; continue; } //if we're not skipping, we need to add those bytes to a cache and apply when the Handler is ready dictionaryCustom.Add(asInterface, reader.ReadBytes(customLength)); } } catch (EndOfStreamException) { //reached the end of the file } Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_LOADING_SPAWNING_ENTITIES, null, dictionaryVanilla.Count, _fullFilePath)); BaseNetworkable.LoadInfo info = default(BaseNetworkable.LoadInfo); info.fromDisk = true; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); int num2 = 0; int countVanillaAndCustom = 0; int countVanilla = 0; int countCustom = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair item in dictionaryVanilla) { BaseEntity key = item.Key; if (key == null) { continue; } RCon.Update(); info.msg = item.Value; countVanillaAndCustom++; ICustomEntity asInterface = key as ICustomEntity; if (asInterface != null) { byte[] maybeSomeExtraData; if (dictionaryCustom.TryGetValue(asInterface, out maybeSomeExtraData)) { using (MemoryStream customStream = new MemoryStream(maybeSomeExtraData)) { using (BinaryReader customReader = new BinaryReader(customStream)) { asInterface.Handler.LoadExtra(customStream, customReader); } } countCustom++; } } else { //it's vanilla, so it's not gonna auto-add itself on Load unless we do this CustomPrefabs.EnsureMovedToCustomSaveList(key, CustomEntitySaveList); countVanilla++; } key.Spawn(); key.Load(info); if (key.IsValid()) { num2++; if (stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > 2000.0) { stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Start(); DebugEx.Log("\t" + num2 + " / " + dictionaryVanilla.Count); } } } foreach (KeyValuePair item2 in dictionaryVanilla) { BaseEntity key2 = item2.Key; if (key2 == null) { //IT SHOULDN'T continue; } RCon.Update(); if (key2.IsValid()) { key2.UpdateNetworkGroup(); key2.PostServerLoad(); } } Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_LOADED_ENTITIES, null, countVanillaAndCustom, entityAmount, countCustom, countVanilla, _fullFilePath)); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Instance.PrintError(MSG(MSG_LOADING_DATAFILE_LOAD_EXCEPTION, null, e.GetType(), _fullFilePath, e.Message, e.StackTrace)); needsBlankFile = true; } if (needsBlankFile) { Instance.PrintWarning(MSG(MSG_LOADING_NEW_SAVEFILE, null, _fullFilePath)); try { using (FileStream writeStream = new FileStream(_fullFilePath, FileMode.Create)) { using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(writeStream)) { writer.Write(; writer.Write(0); //0 entities by default } } } catch (Exception e) { Instance.PrintError(MSG(MSG_LOADING_DATAFILE_NEW_EXCEPTION, null, e.GetType(), _fullFilePath, e.Message, e.StackTrace)); } } } } #endregion #region CUSTOM PREFAB RECIPES AND THEIR BUNDLES public class CustomPrefabBundle { public Plugin Owner; public GenericPrefabRecipe[] Recipes; public CustomPrefabBundle(Plugin owner, params GenericPrefabRecipe[] recipes) { Owner = owner; Recipes = recipes; } } public class GenericPrefabRecipe { public readonly string ShortPrefabName; public readonly string FullPrefabName; public readonly bool EnableInSpawnCommand; public GenericPrefabRecipe(string shortName, bool enableInSpawnCommand = true) { ShortPrefabName = shortName; FullPrefabName = SanitizedFullPrefabName(shortName); EnableInSpawnCommand = enableInSpawnCommand; } } public class ModifiedPrefabRecipe : GenericPrefabRecipe { public readonly string OriginalFullPrefabName; public readonly Func ModificationFunction; public readonly ModifiedSaveHandling SaveHandling; public ModifiedPrefabRecipe(string shortName, string originalFullPrefabName, Func modificationFunction = null, bool enableInSpawnCommand = true, ModifiedSaveHandling saveHandling = ModifiedSaveHandling.DontSave) : base(shortName, enableInSpawnCommand) { OriginalFullPrefabName = originalFullPrefabName; ModificationFunction = modificationFunction; SaveHandling = saveHandling; } } public class CustomPrefabRecipe : GenericPrefabRecipe { public readonly Layer Layer; public readonly Type EntityType; public readonly CustomPrefabBaseCombat BaseCombat; public CustomPrefabRecipe(string shortName, Type entityType, Layer layer = Layer.Default, CustomPrefabBaseCombat baseCombat = null, bool enableInSpawnCommand = true) : base(shortName, enableInSpawnCommand) { EntityType = entityType; Layer = layer; BaseCombat = baseCombat; } } #endregion #region CUSTOM PREFAB RECIPE BASE COMBAT EXTENSION public class CustomPrefabBaseCombat { public float HealthStart = 100F; public float HealthMax = 100F; public bool RepairEnabled = false; public bool PickupEnabled = false; public bool MarkAttackerHostile = false; public float[] ProtectionProperties = null; } #endregion #region INTERFACE FOR CUSTOM ENTITIES public interface ICustomEntity { CustomHandler Handler { get; set; } List SaveListInDataFile { get; set; } bool IsDestroyed { get; } bool HasDefaultInventory { get; } bool DefaultInventoryHandledByBaseType { get; } int DefaultInventoryCapacity { get; } void OnDefaultInventoryPreAnnihilation(); void OnDefaultInventoryFirstCreated(); bool DefaultInventoryItemFilter(Item item, int targetSlot); void OnItemAddedOrRemoved(Item item, bool added); void OnDefaultInventoryDirty(); ItemContainer DefaultInventory { get; set; } string PrefabName { get; } bool EnableSavingToDiskByDefault { get; } string DefaultClientsideFullPrefabName(); void OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityRegistered(); void OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityUnregistered(); void OnParentChanging(BaseEntity oldParent, BaseEntity newParent); void Awake(); void ServerInit(); void Save(BaseNetworkable.SaveInfo info); void Load(BaseNetworkable.LoadInfo info); void Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode destroyMode = BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.None); MemoryStream GetSaveCache(); bool IsBaseCombat(); void DestroyShared(); void SaveExtra(Stream stream, BinaryWriter writer); void LoadExtra(Stream stream, BinaryReader reader); void OnEntitySaveForNetwork(BaseNetworkable.SaveInfo info); } public enum ModifiedSaveHandling { DontSave, SaveInVanillaSaveList, SaveInBundleSaveList } //wait a sec. You're adding. That's nice... //...but what about removing? //...shall we keep the mono alive, instead of destroying it... //...and do OnDestroy()? And there ignore if Unloading? //...but how do we detect if the bundle is unloading? //...I think that during each save, if a null element is detected in the save list, //... public class ModifiedBundleSaveBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { public string RecipeFullPrefabName = string.Empty; public bool AddToCustomSaveList = false; BaseEntity modifiedEntity; void Awake() { if (RecipeFullPrefabName == string.Empty) { //means most likely this is a prototype. return; } modifiedEntity = GetComponent(); if (modifiedEntity.PrefabName != RecipeFullPrefabName) { CustomPrefabs.NaughtyReplaceEntityFullPrefabName(modifiedEntity, RecipeFullPrefabName); } } //this won't happen unless instantiated. Start() so the entity has time to populate inventory, spawn subentities etc. void Start() { if (modifiedEntity == null) { goto DestroyStuff; //congrats, I think this is the first time you actually found a use for "goto" and labels, like it's 2002 again and you're //messing about in QBASIC on Windows 98 } //so as it turns out, somewhere along the way of instantiation with GameManager.server.Create and/or spawn command, //if a "prototype" MonoBehaviour living in the DontDestroyOnLoad scene has a List, like List, //when we use the `spawn` command and/or GameManager.server.CreateEntity (presumably, haven't even bothered checking that case) //the new instance will have that List cloned - instead of having its value set to the same reference as the prototype. //this goes against all Instantiation intuitions, but at this point, we just want a solution that works. //originally this class just had a field with a reference to the save list, but clearly, that is not the way to go! if (!AddToCustomSaveList) { goto DestroyStuff; } List entitySaveList; if (!CustomPrefabs.ModifiedPrefabFullNameToCustomSaveList.TryGetValue(RecipeFullPrefabName, out entitySaveList)) { goto DestroyStuff; } CustomPrefabs.EnsureMovedToCustomSaveListRecursivelyTopDown(modifiedEntity, entitySaveList); DestroyStuff: Destroy(this); } } //SO ACTUALLY. //BinaryData can handle this, like it handles saving. Let's keep it confined. //if a vanilla prefabID is found in the Dictionary of modified prefab IDs, //then we alter the original prefab id of that modifed base entity during saving to the modified prefab id. public class CustomHandler { private readonly BaseEntity _ownerEntity; private readonly ICustomEntity _ownerEntityAsInterface; private readonly string _ownerDefaultClientsideFullPrefabName; private uint _clientsidePrefabID = 0; private string _clientsideFullPrefabName = string.Empty; public string ServersideFullPrefabName; private bool _enableSavingToDisk = false; //this is false by default, so setting it the first time will auto add it public static void AttachNewHandlerToCustomEntityIfNotPrototype(BaseEntity entity) { BaseEntity tryPrototypeEntity = CustomPrefabs.TryGetPreprocessedPrototypeFromCustom(entity.PrefabName); if (tryPrototypeEntity == null) { //that means you, yourself, are the prototype return; } ICustomEntity asInterface = (ICustomEntity)entity; asInterface.Handler = new CustomHandler(entity, asInterface.DefaultClientsideFullPrefabName(), tryPrototypeEntity); } //using this will update the ID public string ClientsideFullPrefabName { get { if (_clientsideFullPrefabName == string.Empty) { _clientsideFullPrefabName = _ownerDefaultClientsideFullPrefabName; } return _clientsideFullPrefabName; } set { if (_clientsideFullPrefabName == value) { return; } _clientsideFullPrefabName = value; ClientsidePrefabID = StringPool.Get(_clientsideFullPrefabName); } } //and using this will update the string. now it shouldn't cause an infinite loop because both setter/getter pairs do a check before setting public uint ClientsidePrefabID { get { if (_clientsidePrefabID == 0) { _clientsidePrefabID = StringPool.Get(ClientsideFullPrefabName); } return _clientsidePrefabID; } set { if (_clientsidePrefabID == value) { return; } _clientsidePrefabID = value; ClientsideFullPrefabName = StringPool.Get(_clientsidePrefabID); if ( == null) { return; } if ( == null) { return; } if ( == null) { return; } DestroyClientsideForSendInfo(_ownerEntity, new SendInfo(, true); } } public bool EnableSavingToDisk { get { return _enableSavingToDisk; } set { if (_enableSavingToDisk == value) { return; //nothing changes } if (value) { AddToSaveListIfNotContains(); } else { RemoveFromSaveListIfContains(); } _enableSavingToDisk = value; } } public void OnParentChanging(BaseEntity oldParent, BaseEntity newParent) { //TODO: //the purpose of this method is that when a custom entity switches parents, //we need to move that entity to the proper save file if needed. //implement this when there's a hook for detecting any entity changing any parents. //propose that hook first lol. //TODO LOGIC HERE ACTUALLY ONE DAY LOL. oldParent can be null or non null, newParent can be null or non null. Either of them can be custom or vanilla. //So we need to be prepared for all 8 combinations here. /* bool oldParentIsCustom = false; bool newParentIsCustom = false; bool oldParentIsNull = oldParent == null; bool newParentIsNull = newParent == null; if (!oldParentIsNull) { oldParentIsCustom = oldParent is ICustomEntity; } if (!newParentIsNull) { newParentIsCustom = newParent is ICustomEntity; } if (oldParentIsNull && newParentIsNull) { //If both are null, do nothing. only 7 possibilities to go, lol. return; } if (!oldParentIsNull && !newParentIsNull) { //none are null. }*/ } private void RemoveFromSaveListIfContains() { if (_ownerEntityAsInterface.SaveListInDataFile.Contains(_ownerEntity)) { _ownerEntityAsInterface.SaveListInDataFile.Remove(_ownerEntity); } } private void AddToSaveListIfNotContains() { if (!_ownerEntityAsInterface.SaveListInDataFile.Contains(_ownerEntity)) { _ownerEntityAsInterface.SaveListInDataFile.Add(_ownerEntity); } } public CustomHandler(BaseEntity ownerEntity, string defaultClientsidePrefabName, BaseEntity prototypeEntity) { _ownerEntity = ownerEntity; _ownerEntity.enableSaving = false; //disable vanilla saving, always _ownerEntityAsInterface = (ICustomEntity)ownerEntity; _ownerDefaultClientsideFullPrefabName = defaultClientsidePrefabName; if (_clientsidePrefabID == 0) { _clientsideFullPrefabName = _ownerDefaultClientsideFullPrefabName; _clientsidePrefabID = StringPool.Get(_clientsideFullPrefabName); } ServersideFullPrefabName = _ownerEntity.PrefabName; List useThisList = ((ICustomEntity)prototypeEntity).SaveListInDataFile; _ownerEntityAsInterface.SaveListInDataFile = useThisList; } public void PreServerLoad() { if (!_ownerEntityAsInterface.HasDefaultInventory || _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventoryHandledByBaseType) { return; } _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventory = CreateInventory(_ownerEntity, false, _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventoryCapacity); } public void ServerInit() { EnableSavingToDisk = _ownerEntityAsInterface.EnableSavingToDiskByDefault; // if (!_ownerEntityAsInterface.HasDefaultInventory || _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventoryHandledByBaseType) { return; } if (_ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventory != null) { return; } _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventory = CreateInventory(_ownerEntity, true, _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventoryCapacity); _ownerEntityAsInterface.OnDefaultInventoryFirstCreated(); } public void Save(BaseNetworkable.SaveInfo info) { if (info.forDisk) { if (!_ownerEntityAsInterface.HasDefaultInventory || _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventoryHandledByBaseType) { return; } if (_ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventory != null) { info.msg.storageBox = Pool.Get(); info.msg.storageBox.contents = _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventory.Save(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Assigned storage container is null!"); } return; } //for networking? Then pretend you're something else, PREFERABLY SOMETHING THAT EXISTS info.msg.baseNetworkable.prefabID = ClientsidePrefabID; _ownerEntityAsInterface.OnEntitySaveForNetwork(info); } public void Load(BaseNetworkable.LoadInfo info) { if (!_ownerEntityAsInterface.HasDefaultInventory || _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventoryHandledByBaseType) { return; } if (info.msg.storageBox != null) { if (_ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventory != null) { _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventory.Load(info.msg.storageBox.contents); _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventory.capacity = _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventoryCapacity; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Assigned storage container is null!"); } } } public void SaveExtra(Stream stream, BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(_clientsidePrefabID); _ownerEntityAsInterface.SaveExtra(stream, writer); } public void LoadExtra(Stream stream, BinaryReader reader) { ClientsidePrefabID = reader.ReadUInt32(); _ownerEntityAsInterface.LoadExtra(stream, reader); } public void DestroyShared() { //I think this is th eonly part that doesn't care whether vanilla handles it or not! //Annihilation is important. We need to get rid of all those nasty entities. if (_ownerEntityAsInterface.HasDefaultInventory) { //this gives you a chance to move, duplicate, analyse or w/e _ownerEntityAsInterface.OnDefaultInventoryPreAnnihilation(); AnnihilateInventory(_ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventory); } if (Unloading || Instance == null) { return; } if (EnableSavingToDisk) { RemoveFromSaveListIfContains(); } } public ItemContainer CreateInventory(BaseEntity owner, bool giveUID, int capacity) { ItemContainer newInventory = new ItemContainer { entityOwner = owner, allowedContents = ItemContainer.ContentsType.Generic }; newInventory.SetOnlyAllowedItems(null, null); newInventory.maxStackSize = 0; newInventory.ServerInitialize(null, capacity); if (giveUID) { newInventory.GiveUID(); } newInventory.onDirty += OnInventoryDirty; newInventory.onItemAddedRemoved = _ownerEntityAsInterface.OnItemAddedOrRemoved; newInventory.canAcceptItem = _ownerEntityAsInterface.DefaultInventoryItemFilter; return newInventory; } public void OnInventoryDirty() { _ownerEntity.InvalidateNetworkCache(); _ownerEntityAsInterface.OnDefaultInventoryDirty(); } public static void AnnihilateInventory(ItemContainer assignedInventoryContainer) { if (assignedInventoryContainer == null) { return; } if (assignedInventoryContainer.itemList.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return; } assignedInventoryContainer.Clear(); ItemManager.DoRemoves(); } } #endregion #region CUSTOM BASE ENTITY public class CustomBaseEntity : BaseEntity, ICustomEntity { public CustomHandler Handler { get; set; } public List SaveListInDataFile { get; set; } public virtual bool EnableSavingToDiskByDefault => true; public virtual bool HasDefaultInventory => false; public virtual bool DefaultInventoryHandledByBaseType => false; public virtual bool DefaultInventoryItemFilter(Item item, int targetSlot) => true; public virtual void OnDefaultInventoryDirty() { } public virtual void OnItemAddedOrRemoved(Item item, bool added) { } public ItemContainer DefaultInventory { get; set; } = null; public virtual int DefaultInventoryCapacity => 48; public virtual string DefaultClientsideFullPrefabName() => PREFAB_SPHERE; public bool IsBaseCombat() => false; public virtual void OnDefaultInventoryPreAnnihilation() { } public virtual void OnDefaultInventoryFirstCreated() { } public virtual void OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityRegistered() { } public virtual void OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityUnregistered() { } public virtual void Awake() { CustomHandler.AttachNewHandlerToCustomEntityIfNotPrototype(this); } public override void ServerInit() { base.ServerInit(); Handler?.ServerInit(); } public override void Save(SaveInfo info) { base.Save(info); Handler?.Save(info); } public override void Load(LoadInfo info) { base.Load(info); Handler?.Load(info); } public override void DestroyShared() { base.DestroyShared(); Handler?.DestroyShared(); } //prior to 1.0.5, this was never called for some reason. Lol. public override void PreServerLoad() { base.PreServerLoad(); Handler?.PreServerLoad(); } public virtual void OnEntitySaveForNetwork(SaveInfo info) { } public override void OnParentChanging(BaseEntity oldParent, BaseEntity newParent) { //do we even need that rigidbody shit from base? Most base entities wouldn't have one, would they base.OnParentChanging(oldParent, newParent); Handler?.OnParentChanging(oldParent, newParent); } public virtual void SaveExtra(Stream stream, BinaryWriter writer) { } public virtual void LoadExtra(Stream stream, BinaryReader reader) { } } #endregion #region CUSTOM BASE COMBAT ENTITY public class CustomBaseCombatEntity : BaseCombatEntity, ICustomEntity { public CustomHandler Handler { get; set; } public List SaveListInDataFile { get; set; } = null; public virtual bool ShouldDoNormalVanillaBaseCombatEntityHurt => true; public virtual bool EnableSavingToDiskByDefault => true; public virtual bool HasDefaultInventory => false; public virtual bool DefaultInventoryHandledByBaseType => false; public virtual bool DefaultInventoryItemFilter(Item item, int targetSlot) => true; public virtual void OnDefaultInventoryDirty() { } public virtual void OnItemAddedOrRemoved(Item item, bool added) { } public ItemContainer DefaultInventory { get; set; } = null; public virtual int DefaultInventoryCapacity => 48; public virtual string DefaultClientsideFullPrefabName() => PREFAB_SPHERE; //change this to sth base combat related for testing yo. public bool IsBaseCombat() => true; public virtual void OnDefaultInventoryPreAnnihilation() { } public virtual void OnDefaultInventoryFirstCreated() { } public override float MaxVelocity() { return 100000F; } public override void Hurt(HitInfo info) { if (!ShouldDoNormalVanillaBaseCombatEntityHurt) { return; } base.Hurt(info); } public virtual void OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityRegistered() { } public virtual void OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityUnregistered() { } public virtual void Awake() { CustomHandler.AttachNewHandlerToCustomEntityIfNotPrototype(this); } public override void ServerInit() { base.ServerInit(); Handler?.ServerInit(); } public override void Save(SaveInfo info) { base.Save(info); Handler?.Save(info); } public override void Load(LoadInfo info) { base.Load(info); Handler?.Load(info); } public virtual void OnEntitySaveForNetwork(SaveInfo info) { } public override void OnParentChanging(BaseEntity oldParent, BaseEntity newParent) { //do we even need that rigidbody shit from base? Most base entities wouldn't have one, would they base.OnParentChanging(oldParent, newParent); Handler?.OnParentChanging(oldParent, newParent); } //that's purely base combat entity shit right here public float lastNotifyFrameReplacement = float.MinValue; public void DoHitNotifyWithArgForcedToFalseOtherwiseItDoesntWorkLol(HitInfo info) { using (TimeWarning.New("DoHitNotify")) { if (sendsHitNotification && !(info.Initiator == null) && info.Initiator is BasePlayer && !(this == info.Initiator) && (!info.isHeadshot || !(info.HitEntity is BasePlayer)) && Time.frameCount != lastNotifyFrameReplacement) { lastNotifyFrameReplacement = Time.frameCount; bool flag = info.Weapon is BaseMelee; if (isServer && (!flag || sendsMeleeHitNotification)) { //the solution was obvious and staring us in the face all along //if the client receives an RPC for the HitNotify, but we mention an entity net ID that actualy got hit //and that entity has a client-sided prefab that suggests it's NOT a BaseCombatEntity, it will not play-client-side. //so the solution is to make the player think they... hit themselves. Thanks 0xF! ClientRPC(RpcTarget.PlayerAndSpectators("HitNotify", info.Initiator as BasePlayer), false); //this must be false } } } } //that's also purely base combat shit public override void OnAttacked(HitInfo info) { using (TimeWarning.New("BaseCombatEntity.OnAttacked")) { if (!IsDead()) { DoHitNotifyWithArgForcedToFalseOtherwiseItDoesntWorkLol(info); } string effectToRun; switch (info.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType()) { case DamageType.Blunt: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_BLUNT; } break; case DamageType.Stab: case DamageType.Arrow: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_STAB; } break; case DamageType.Slash: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_SLASH; } break; case DamageType.Bullet: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_BULLET; } break; default: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_PHYSICAL; } break; } Effect.server.Run(effectToRun, info.HitPositionWorld, info.HitNormalWorld); if (info.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Explosion)) { Effect.server.DoAdditiveImpactEffect(info, PREFAB_FX_EXPLOSION); } if (info.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Heat)) { Effect.server.DoAdditiveImpactEffect(info, PREFAB_FX_FIRE); } Hurt(info); } } public override void DestroyShared() { base.DestroyShared(); Handler?.DestroyShared(); } public override void PreServerLoad() { base.PreServerLoad(); Handler?.PreServerLoad(); } public virtual void SaveExtra(Stream stream, BinaryWriter writer) { } public virtual void LoadExtra(Stream stream, BinaryReader reader) { } } #endregion #region CUSTOM STORAGE CONTAINER public class CustomStorageContainer : StorageContainer, ICustomEntity { public CustomHandler Handler { get; set; } public List SaveListInDataFile { get; set; } = null; public virtual bool ShouldDoNormalVanillaBaseCombatEntityHurt => true; public virtual bool EnableSavingToDiskByDefault => true; public virtual bool HasDefaultInventory => true; public virtual bool DefaultInventoryHandledByBaseType => true; //this is important! public virtual bool DefaultInventoryItemFilter(Item item, int targetSlot) => true; public virtual void OnDefaultInventoryDirty() { //not needed as the base invalidates network cache which was already done before calling this //base.OnInventoryDirty(); } public override void OnItemAddedOrRemoved(Item item, bool added) { base.OnItemAddedOrRemoved(item, added); } public ItemContainer DefaultInventory { get { return _inventory; } set { _inventory = value; } } public virtual int DefaultInventoryCapacity => 48; public virtual string DefaultClientsideFullPrefabName() => PREFAB_WOOD_STORAGE_BOX; public bool IsBaseCombat() => true; public virtual void OnDefaultInventoryPreAnnihilation() { } public virtual void OnDefaultInventoryFirstCreated() { } public override float MaxVelocity() { return 100000F; } public override void Hurt(HitInfo info) { if (!ShouldDoNormalVanillaBaseCombatEntityHurt) { return; } base.Hurt(info); } public virtual void OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityRegistered() { panelName = "generic"; panelTitle = new Translate.Phrase("loot", "Loot"); dropLootDestroyPercent = 0F; dropFloats = true; onlyOneUser = false; pickup.enabled = false; //for now, pickup disabled, unless we handle associated item shortname/skin combos inventorySlots = DefaultInventoryCapacity; } public virtual void OnCustomPrefabPrototypeEntityUnregistered() { } public virtual void Awake() { CustomHandler.AttachNewHandlerToCustomEntityIfNotPrototype(this); } public override void ServerInit() { base.ServerInit(); Handler?.ServerInit(); } public override void Save(SaveInfo info) { base.Save(info); Handler?.Save(info); } public override void Load(LoadInfo info) { base.Load(info); Handler?.Load(info); } public virtual void OnEntitySaveForNetwork(SaveInfo info) { } public override void OnParentChanging(BaseEntity oldParent, BaseEntity newParent) { //do we even need that rigidbody shit from base? Most base entities wouldn't have one, would they base.OnParentChanging(oldParent, newParent); Handler?.OnParentChanging(oldParent, newParent); } //that's purely base combat entity shit right here public float lastNotifyFrameReplacement = float.MinValue; public void DoHitNotifyWithArgForcedToFalseOtherwiseItDoesntWorkLol(HitInfo info) { using (TimeWarning.New("DoHitNotify")) { if (sendsHitNotification && !(info.Initiator == null) && info.Initiator is BasePlayer && !(this == info.Initiator) && (!info.isHeadshot || !(info.HitEntity is BasePlayer)) && Time.frameCount != lastNotifyFrameReplacement) { lastNotifyFrameReplacement = Time.frameCount; bool flag = info.Weapon is BaseMelee; if (isServer && (!flag || sendsMeleeHitNotification)) { //bool arg = == info.Predicted; ClientRPC(RpcTarget.PlayerAndSpectators("HitNotify", info.Initiator as BasePlayer), false); //this must be false } } } } //that's also purely base combat shit public override void OnAttacked(HitInfo info) { using (TimeWarning.New("BaseCombatEntity.OnAttacked")) { if (!IsDead()) { DoHitNotifyWithArgForcedToFalseOtherwiseItDoesntWorkLol(info); } string effectToRun; switch (info.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType()) { case DamageType.Blunt: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_BLUNT; } break; case DamageType.Stab: case DamageType.Arrow: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_STAB; } break; case DamageType.Slash: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_SLASH; } break; case DamageType.Bullet: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_BULLET; } break; default: { effectToRun = PREFAB_FX_IMPACT_METAL_PHYSICAL; } break; } Effect.server.Run(effectToRun, info.HitPositionWorld, info.HitNormalWorld); if (info.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Explosion)) { Effect.server.DoAdditiveImpactEffect(info, PREFAB_FX_EXPLOSION); } if (info.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Heat)) { Effect.server.DoAdditiveImpactEffect(info, PREFAB_FX_FIRE); } Hurt(info); } } public override void DestroyShared() { base.DestroyShared(); Handler?.DestroyShared(); } public override void PreServerLoad() { base.PreServerLoad(); Handler?.PreServerLoad(); } public virtual void SaveExtra(Stream stream, BinaryWriter writer) { } public virtual void LoadExtra(Stream stream, BinaryReader reader) { } } #endregion #region DRAWING public const int CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_DOWN_BACK = 0; public const int CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_DOWN_FORWARD = 1; public const int CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_UP_BACK = 2; public const int CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_UP_FORWARD = 3; public const int CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_DOWN_BACK = 4; public const int CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_DOWN_FORWARD = 5; public const int CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_UP_BACK = 6; public const int CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_UP_FORWARD = 7; public const string TEXT_BULLET_SMALL = "X"; public const string TEXT_BULLET_BIG = "X"; public static bool PrePlayerDraw(BasePlayer player) { if (!player.HasPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin)) { player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, true); player.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); return true; } return false; } public static void PostPlayerDraw(BasePlayer player, bool setAdmin) { if (setAdmin) { player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, false); player.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); } } public static void DrawText(BasePlayer player, float duration, Color color, Vector3 position, string text) { bool setAdmin = PrePlayerDraw(player); DrawTextCommon(player, duration, color, position, text); PostPlayerDraw(player, setAdmin); } public static void DrawTextCommon(BasePlayer player, float duration, Color color, Vector3 position, string text) { player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", duration, color, position, text); } public static Vector3[] GetObbCoordinates(OBB obb) { Vector3[] result = new Vector3[8]; result[0] = obb.GetPoint(-1F, -1F, -1F); result[1] = obb.GetPoint(-1F, -1F, 1F); result[2] = obb.GetPoint(-1F, 1F, -1F); result[3] = obb.GetPoint(-1F, 1F, 1F); result[4] = obb.GetPoint(1F, -1F, -1F); result[5] = obb.GetPoint(1F, -1F, 1F); result[6] = obb.GetPoint(1F, 1F, -1F); result[7] = obb.GetPoint(1F, 1F, 1F); return result; } public static void DrawCube(BasePlayer player, float duration, Color color, Vector3 center, Vector3[] eightPoints, bool alsoDrawCenterDot = true, bool centerDotIsBig = false) { bool setAdmin = PrePlayerDraw(player); DrawCubeCommon(player, duration, color, center, eightPoints, alsoDrawCenterDot, centerDotIsBig); PostPlayerDraw(player, setAdmin); } public static void DrawCubeCommon(BasePlayer player, float duration, Color color, Vector3 center, Vector3[] eightPoints, bool alsoDrawCenterDot = true, bool centerDotIsBig = false) { if (color.Equals(Color.clear)) { return; } if (eightPoints == null) { return; } if (eightPoints.Length != 8) { return; } //draw 4 floor lines DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_DOWN_BACK], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_DOWN_BACK]); DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_DOWN_BACK], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_DOWN_FORWARD]); DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_DOWN_FORWARD], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_DOWN_BACK]); DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_DOWN_FORWARD], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_DOWN_FORWARD]); //draw 4 ceiling lines DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_UP_BACK], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_UP_BACK]); DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_UP_BACK], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_UP_FORWARD]); DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_UP_FORWARD], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_UP_BACK]); DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_UP_FORWARD], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_UP_FORWARD]); //draw 4 columns DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_DOWN_BACK], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_UP_BACK]); DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_DOWN_BACK], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_UP_BACK]); DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_DOWN_FORWARD], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_LEFT_UP_FORWARD]); DrawLineCommon(player, duration, color, eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_DOWN_FORWARD], eightPoints[CUBE_CORNER_RIGHT_UP_FORWARD]); if (alsoDrawCenterDot) { DrawTextCommon(player, duration, color, center, centerDotIsBig ? TEXT_BULLET_BIG : TEXT_BULLET_SMALL); } } public static void DrawLineCommon(BasePlayer player, float duration, Color color, Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2) { if (color.Equals(Color.clear)) { return; } player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", duration, color, point1, point2); } #endregion #region CASTING NON ALLOC public static class CastingNonAlloc { public static Collider[] ReusableColBuffer; public static RaycastHit[] ReusableRaycastBuffer; public static int ReusableColCount = 0; public static int ReusableHitCount = 0; public static void Init() { ReusableColBuffer = new Collider[2048]; ReusableRaycastBuffer = new RaycastHit[2048]; ReusableColCount = 0; ReusableHitCount = 0; } public static void Unload() { ReusableColBuffer = null; ReusableRaycastBuffer = null; ReusableColCount = 0; ReusableHitCount = 0; } private static void BufferForVisEntitiesUniqueClear(ListHashSet list) { list.Clear(); } public static void ClearBufferExcess(int num) { for (int i = ReusableColCount; i < num; i++) { ReusableColBuffer[i] = null; } if (ReusableColCount >= ReusableColBuffer.Length) { Debug.LogWarning("Vis query is exceeding collider buffer length."); ReusableColCount = ReusableColBuffer.Length; } } private static void BufferForVisEntitiesUniqueWithinOBB(OBB bounds, ListHashSet listToClear, int layerMask = -1, QueryTriggerInteraction triggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore) { GetCollidersWithinOBB(bounds, layerMask, triggerInteraction); BufferForVisEntitiesUniqueClear(listToClear); } public static void RaycastNonAlloc(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float maxDistance, int layerMask = -1, QueryTriggerInteraction queryTriggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal) { ReusableHitCount = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(origin, direction, ReusableRaycastBuffer, maxDistance, layerMask, queryTriggerInteraction); } public static void SpherecastNonAlloc(Vector3 origin, float radius, Vector3 direction, float maxDistance, int layerMask = -1, QueryTriggerInteraction queryTriggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal) { ReusableHitCount = Physics.SphereCastNonAlloc(origin, radius, direction, ReusableRaycastBuffer, maxDistance, layerMask, queryTriggerInteraction); } public static void GetCollidersWithinOBB(OBB bounds, int layerMask = -1, QueryTriggerInteraction triggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore) { int num = ReusableColCount; ReusableColCount = Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc(bounds.position, bounds.extents, ReusableColBuffer, bounds.rotation, layerMask, triggerInteraction); ClearBufferExcess(num); } private static void BufferForVisEntitiesUniqueWithinRadius(Vector3 position, float radius, ListHashSet listPrimaryToClear, int layerMask = -1, QueryTriggerInteraction triggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore, ListHashSet listSecondaryToClear = null) { GetCollidersWithinRadius(position, radius, layerMask, triggerInteraction); listSecondaryToClear?.Clear(); BufferForVisEntitiesUniqueClear(listPrimaryToClear); } public static void GetCollidersWithinRadius(Vector3 position, float radius, int layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction triggerInteraction) { int num = ReusableColCount; ReusableColCount = Physics.OverlapSphereNonAlloc(position, radius, ReusableColBuffer, layerMask, triggerInteraction); ClearBufferExcess(num); } public static void ProcessColliderBufferInto(ListHashSet listPrimary, Func conditionForAddingPrimary = null, ListHashSet listSecondary = null, Func conditionForAddingSecondary = null, bool stopAfterFirstFound = false) where T : BaseEntity { bool conditionForAddingPrimaryIsNotNullNull = conditionForAddingPrimary != null; bool conditionForAddingSecondaryIsNotNull = conditionForAddingSecondary != null; bool secondaryListIsNull = listSecondary == null; for (int i = 0; i < ReusableColCount; i++) { Collider collider = ReusableColBuffer[i]; if (!(collider == null) && collider.enabled) { T val = GameObjectEx.ToBaseEntity(collider) as T; if (val == null) { continue; } if (listPrimary.Contains(val)) { //if it's in the primary list already, means we checked it for both //primary and secondary conditions continue; } if (conditionForAddingPrimaryIsNotNullNull) { if (!conditionForAddingPrimary(val)) { continue; } } listPrimary.Add(val); if (secondaryListIsNull) { continue; } if (conditionForAddingSecondaryIsNotNull) { if (!conditionForAddingSecondary(val)) { continue; } } listSecondary.Add(val); if (stopAfterFirstFound) { return; } } } } public static void VisEntitiesUniqueWithinRadius(Vector3 position, float radius, ListHashSet list, int layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction interaction = QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore, Func conditionForAdding = null) where T : BaseEntity { BufferForVisEntitiesUniqueWithinRadius(position, radius, list, layerMask, interaction); ProcessColliderBufferInto(list, conditionForAdding); } public static void VisEntitiesUniqueWithinRadiusPrimarySecondary(Vector3 position, float radius, ListHashSet listPrimary, int layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction interaction, Func conditionForAddingPrimary, ListHashSet listSecondary, Func conditionForAddingSecondary) where T : BaseEntity { BufferForVisEntitiesUniqueWithinRadius(position, radius, listPrimary, layerMask, interaction, listSecondary); ProcessColliderBufferInto(listPrimary, conditionForAddingPrimary, listSecondary, conditionForAddingSecondary); } public static void VisEntitiesUniqueWithinOBB(OBB obb, ListHashSet list, int layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction interaction = QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore, Func conditionForAdding = null) where T : BaseEntity { BufferForVisEntitiesUniqueWithinOBB(obb, list, layerMask, interaction); ProcessColliderBufferInto(list, conditionForAdding); } } #endregion #region HELPERS public static string DumpObjectFields(T obj) { var flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static; var fields = typeof(T).GetFields(flags); var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var field in fields) { // Handling for static fields to avoid passing instance var value = field.IsStatic ? field.GetValue(null) : field.GetValue(obj); sb.Append(field.Name); sb.Append(" = "); sb.Append(value); sb.AppendLine(); } // Removes the last comma and space if sb is not empty if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.Remove(sb.Length - 2, 2); } return sb.ToString(); } public static NEW TryComponentReplacement(GameObject go, bool onlyOneNewAllowed = true, bool printDebug = false) where OLD : Component where NEW : Component { var typeofOld = typeof(OLD); var typeofNew = typeof(NEW); if (go == null) { Instance.PrintError($"{MSG(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR, null, typeofOld, typeofNew)} {MSG(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_GAMEOBJECT_NULL)}"); return null; } var oldComponent = go.GetComponent(); if (oldComponent == null) { Instance.PrintError($"{MSG(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR, null, typeofOld, typeofNew)} {MSG(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_NO_OLD_COMPO_ATTACHED, null, typeofOld)}"); return null; } if (onlyOneNewAllowed) { var maybeOldComponentOfNewType = go.GetComponent(); if (maybeOldComponentOfNewType != null) { Instance.PrintError($"{MSG(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR, null, typeofOld, typeofNew)} {MSG(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_ERROR_ALREADY_HAS_NEW_COMPO, null, typeofNew)}"); return null; } } var newComponent = go.AddComponent(); bool newIsSubclassOfOld = typeofNew.IsSubclassOf(typeofOld); if (!newIsSubclassOfOld) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(oldComponent); return newComponent; } StringBuilder buildDebug = null; if (printDebug) { buildDebug = new StringBuilder(MSG(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_DEBUG_HEADER, null, typeofNew, typeofOld)); } //naughty reflection var fields = typeofOld.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static); foreach (var field in fields) { var value = field.GetValue(oldComponent); field.SetValue(newComponent, value); if (printDebug) { buildDebug.AppendLine(MSG(MSG_TRY_COMPO_REPLACE_DEBUG_FIELD_INFO, null, field.Name, value)); } } if (printDebug) { Instance.PrintWarning(buildDebug.ToString()); } UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(oldComponent); return newComponent; } public static string GetBackupName(string fileName, int i) => string.Format(FORMAT_FILENAME, fileName, i); public static void PlayEffect(string effect, Vector3 position, Vector3 forward, BasePlayer player = null) { ReusableEffect.Clear(); ReusableEffect.Init(Effect.Type.Generic, position, Vector3.up); ReusableEffect.pooledString = effect; if (player != null) { EffectNetwork.Send(ReusableEffect,; } else { EffectNetwork.Send(ReusableEffect); } } public static List GetOwnerThingCustomSaveList(ItemContainer container) { BaseEntity ownerThing = GetOwnerThing(container); if (ownerThing == null) { return null; } return CustomPrefabs.TryGetEntityCustomSaveList(ownerThing, CustomPrefabs.SaveListEntityType.VanillaAndCustom); } public static BaseEntity GetOwnerThing(ItemContainer container) { if (container == null) { return null; } if (container.entityOwner != null) { return container.entityOwner; } else return container.playerOwner ?? null; } public static string SanitizedFullPrefabName(string prefabName) { if (!prefabName.StartsWith(PREFAB_PREFIX)) { if (prefabName.StartsWith("/")) { prefabName = prefabName.Substring(1); } prefabName = $"{PREFAB_PREFIX}{prefabName}.prefab"; } prefabName = Regex.Replace(prefabName, "[^0-9|a-zA-Z|.|-|_|\\/]", ""); return prefabName.ToLower(); } public static void DestroyClientsideForAll(BaseNetworkable entity, bool networkUpdateAfterwards = true) => DestroyClientsideForSendInfo(entity, new SendInfo(, networkUpdateAfterwards); public static void DestroyClientsideForSendInfo(BaseNetworkable entity, SendInfo sendInfo, bool networkUpdateAfterwards = true) { if ( == null) { return; } if ( { NetWrite netWrite =; netWrite.PacketID(Message.Type.EntityDestroy); netWrite.EntityID(; netWrite.UInt8(0); netWrite.Send(sendInfo); } if (networkUpdateAfterwards) { entity.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); } } #endregion } }