using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.Linq; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Chat Triggers", "Drxp", "1.0.0")] [Description("Help players based on keywords in chat")] public class ChatTriggers : CovalencePlugin { private PluginConfig config; #region Config private PluginConfig GetDefaultConfig() { return new PluginConfig { Triggers = new List { new PluginConfig.Trigger { Keywords = new List { "admin", "help" }, ResponseMessage = "AutoHelp: Need an admin? Open up a ticket on our Discord:", DiscordWebhookUrls = new List { "" }, WebhookTitle = "This player may need an admin!", WebhookDescriptionTemplate = "[{0}]({1}) was automagically helped on how to contact an admin.\n```{2}```\n**Server Reply**\n```Need an admin? Open up a ticket on our Discord:```", WebhookColor = 4160982 }, new PluginConfig.Trigger { Keywords = new List { "group", "limit" }, ResponseMessage = "AutoHelp: This server is 6man only.", DiscordWebhookUrls = new List { "" }, WebhookTitle = "Player helped with group limits!", WebhookDescriptionTemplate = "[{0}]({1}) was automagically helped with the group limits.\n```{2}```\n** Server Reply**\n```This server is 6man only```", WebhookColor = 4160982 }, new PluginConfig.Trigger { Keywords = new List { "Cheating", "Hacking", "Hacks", "AimBot" }, ResponseMessage = "AutoHelp: If you think someone is cheating F7 report them and open a ticket up in our discord.", DiscordWebhookUrls = new List { "" }, WebhookTitle = "Player helped with reporting", WebhookDescriptionTemplate = "[{0}]({1}) was automagically help with reporting cheaters limits.\n```{2}```\n**Server Reply**\n```AutoHelp: If you think someone is cheating F7 report them and open a ticket up in our discord.```", WebhookColor = 4160982 }, new PluginConfig.Trigger { Keywords = new List { "!pop" }, ResponseMessage = "AutoHelp: Players online: {playerCount}", DiscordWebhookUrls = new List { "" }, WebhookTitle = "Pop Trigger Activated!", WebhookDescriptionTemplate = "[{0}]({1}) activated the pop trigger.\n```{2}```", WebhookColor = 4160982 } } }; } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { PrintWarning("Creating a new configuration file"); config = GetDefaultConfig(); SaveConfig(); } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(config); private void Init() { try { config = Config.ReadObject(); } catch { PrintError("Could not read the configuration file. A new one will be generated."); LoadDefaultConfig(); } if (config == null) { PrintError("Configuration file is missing or invalid. A new one will be generated."); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } #endregion #region Hooks private int GetOnlinePlayerCount() { return covalence.Players.Connected.Count(); } private void OnUserChat(IPlayer player, string message) { Puts($"Received message from {player.Name}: {message}"); foreach (var trigger in config.Triggers) { foreach (var keyword in trigger.Keywords) { if (message.ToLower().Contains(keyword.ToLower())) { if (keyword.Equals("!pop", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { timer.Once(1.0f, () => { int playerCount = GetOnlinePlayerCount(); string responseMessage = trigger.ResponseMessage .Replace("{playerCount}", playerCount.ToString()); player.Message(responseMessage); SendWebhookMessage(trigger, player.Name, player.Id, message); }); } else { timer.Once(3.0f, () => { player.Message(trigger.ResponseMessage); SendWebhookMessage(trigger, player.Name, player.Id, message); }); } return; } } } } #endregion #region Discord Webhook private class Embed { public string title { get; set; } public string description { get; set; } public int color { get; set; } } private class DiscordWebhookPayload { public List embeds { get; set; } } private void SendWebhookMessage(PluginConfig.Trigger trigger, string playerName, string playerId, string message) { var embed = new Embed { title = trigger.WebhookTitle, description = string.Format(trigger.WebhookDescriptionTemplate, playerName, playerId, message), color = trigger.WebhookColor }; var payload = new DiscordWebhookPayload { embeds = new List { embed } }; var payloadJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload); var headers = new Dictionary { { "Content-Type", "application/json" } }; foreach (var url in trigger.DiscordWebhookUrls) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(payloadJson)) { webrequest.EnqueuePost(url, payloadJson, (code, response) => ValidateResponse(code, response, url), this, headers); } } } private void ValidateResponse(int code, string response, string url) { if (code != 204 && code != 200) { Puts($"Webhook to {url} failed with code {code}: {response}"); } } #endregion #region Configuration private class PluginConfig { public List Triggers { get; set; } public class Trigger { public List Keywords { get; set; } public string ResponseMessage { get; set; } public List DiscordWebhookUrls { get; set; } public string WebhookTitle { get; set; } public string WebhookDescriptionTemplate { get; set; } public int WebhookColor { get; set; } } } #endregion } }