using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using UnityEngine; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Text; using System.Linq; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Boombox", "Reheight/RyanJD", "1.0.1")] [Description("Allows players to easily set the url of a boombox.")] public class Boombox : RustPlugin { private const string UsePerm = "boombox.customurluse"; private const string StationUsePerm = "boombox.stationsuse"; private const string AdminUsePerm = "boombox.admin"; private PropertyInfo _serverIpinfo = typeof(BoomBox).GetProperty("CurrentRadioIp"); private PluginConfig _config; Regex limitedURLS; string presetStationsList; Dictionary stationsNumbered = new Dictionary(); Dictionary stationsNumberedName = new Dictionary(); private void SetBoomBoxServerIp(BoomBox box, string ip) { _serverIpinfo.SetValue(box, ip); box.baseEntity.ClientRPC(RpcTarget.NetworkGroup("OnRadioIPChanged"), ip); } private void SetBoomBoxServerIp(DeployableBoomBox box, string ip) { SetBoomBoxServerIp(box.BoxController, ip); } private void Init() { permission.RegisterPermission(UsePerm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(StationUsePerm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(AdminUsePerm, this); AddCovalenceCommand("boombox", nameof(boomboxCMD)); AddCovalenceCommand("stations", nameof(stationsCMD)); AddCovalenceCommand("station", nameof(stationCMD)); AddCovalenceCommand("addstation", nameof(addStationCMD)); AddCovalenceCommand("removestation", nameof(removeStationCMD)); _config = Config.ReadObject(); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => _config = GetDefaultConfig(); protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _config = Config.ReadObject(); if (_config == null) { throw new JsonException(); } if (!_config.ToDictionary().Keys.SequenceEqual(Config.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value).Keys)) { PrintWarning($"PluginConfig file {Name}.json updated."); SaveConfig(); } } catch { LoadDefaultConfig(); PrintError("Config file contains an error and has been replaced with the default file."); } BuildVars(false); } private void BuildVars(bool renewing) { limitedURLS = new Regex($@"^(http||https):\/\/({ String.Join("|", _config.WhitelistedDomains) }).*", RegexOptions.Compiled); if (renewing) { stationsNumbered.Clear(); stationsNumberedName.Clear(); } StringBuilder stationsBuilder = new StringBuilder("The following stations we have are below!\n\n"); int index = 1; foreach (var item in _config.PresetStations) { stationsBuilder.Append(index.ToString()).Append(". ").AppendLine(item.Key); stationsNumbered[index] = item.Value; stationsNumberedName[index] = item.Key; index++; } stationsBuilder.AppendLine().Append("Type /station to play a station while holding or looking at a boombox!"); presetStationsList = stationsBuilder.ToString(); } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(_config, true); private class PluginConfig { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Whitelist", Order = 0)] public bool Whitelist { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Whitelisted Domains", Order = 1)] public List WhitelistedDomains { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Boombox Deployed Require Power", Order = 2)] public bool BoomboxDeployedReqPower { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Preset Stations", Order = 3)] public Dictionary PresetStations { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Deployed Boombox Never Decays", Order = 4)] public bool DeployedBoomboxImmortal { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Handheld Boombox Never Breaks", Order = 5)] public bool HandheldBoomboxImmortal { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Microphone Stand Never Breaks", Order = 6)] public bool MicrophoneStandImmortal { get; set; } public string ToJson() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); public Dictionary ToDictionary() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(ToJson()); } private PluginConfig GetDefaultConfig() { return new PluginConfig { Whitelist = true, WhitelistedDomains = new List() { "" }, BoomboxDeployedReqPower = true, PresetStations = new Dictionary() { { "Country Hits", "" }, { "Todays Hits", "" }, { "Pop Hits", "" } }, DeployedBoomboxImmortal = false, HandheldBoomboxImmortal = false, MicrophoneStandImmortal = false }; } private void stationsCMD(IPlayer player, string cmd, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.Id, StationUsePerm) && !IsAdministrator(player.Object as BasePlayer)) { player.Reply("You do not have permission to use this command!"); return; } player.Reply(presetStationsList); } private void addStationCMD(IPlayer player, string cmd, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.Id, AdminUsePerm) && !IsAdministrator(player.Object as BasePlayer)) { player.Reply("You do not have permission to use this command!"); return; } if (args.Length < 2) { player.Reply("You must provide a valid radio station you'd like to add!" + "\n\n" + "Example: /addstation \"Station Name\" \"URL\""); return; } if (_config.PresetStations.ContainsKey(args[1])) { player.Reply($"There is already a station by the name of: {args[0]}"); return; } _config.PresetStations.Add(args[0], args[1]); SaveConfig(); BuildVars(true); player.Reply($"You have successfully added {args[0]}!"); } private void removeStationCMD(IPlayer player, string cmd, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.Id, AdminUsePerm) && !IsAdministrator(player.Object as BasePlayer)) { player.Reply("You do not have permission to use this command!"); return; } if (args.Length <= 0) { player.Reply("You must provide a valid radio station you'd like to remove!" + "\n\n" + "Example: /addstation "); return; } int index; string stationURL; if (args.Length <= 0 || !int.TryParse(args[0], out index) || !stationsNumbered.TryGetValue(index, out stationURL)) { player.Reply("You must input a number that correlated to a station!"); return; } string stationName = stationsNumberedName[index]; _config.PresetStations.Remove(stationName); SaveConfig(); BuildVars(true); player.Reply($"You have successfully removed station #{args[0]} ({stationName})!"); } private void stationCMD(IPlayer player, string cmd, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.Id, StationUsePerm) && !IsAdministrator(player.Object as BasePlayer)) { player.Reply("You do not have permission to use this command!"); return; } int index; string stationURL; if (args.Length <= 0 || !int.TryParse(args[0], out index) || !stationsNumbered.TryGetValue(index, out stationURL)) { player.Reply("You must input a number that correlated to a station!"); return; } bool stationSwtich = switchStation(player.Object as BasePlayer, stationURL); if (stationSwtich) player.Reply($"You are listening to station [#ffcc00]#{index} ({stationsNumberedName[index]})[/#]!"); } private void boomboxCMD(IPlayer player, string cmd, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.Id, UsePerm) && !IsAdministrator(player.Object as BasePlayer)) { player.Reply("You do not have permission to use this command!"); return; } if (args.Length <= 0) { player.Reply("You must provide a URL to a audio stream!"); return; } if (!args[0].StartsWith("http")) args[0] = $"https://{args[0]}"; if (_config.Whitelist && !limitedURLS.IsMatch(args[0]) && !IsAdministrator(player.Object as BasePlayer)) { player.Reply("You must use an accepted URL/Domain"); return; } bool stationSwitch = switchStation(player.Object as BasePlayer, args[0]); if (stationSwitch) player.Reply($"You are now streaming audio from URL:\n[#ffcc00]{args[0]}[/#]"); } private bool switchStation(BasePlayer player, string station) { Item heldItem = player.GetActiveItem(); if (heldItem == null || != "fun.boomboxportable") { DeployableBoomBox boombox; if (!IsLookingAtBoomBox(player, out boombox)) { player.ChatMessage("You must be holding or looking at a boombox!"); return false; } if (!player.IsBuildingAuthed() && !IsAdministrator(player)) { player.ChatMessage("You must have building priviledge to change this boombox station!"); return false; } boombox.BoxController.ServerTogglePlay(false); SetBoomBoxServerIp(boombox, station); if (_config.BoomboxDeployedReqPower) { if (boombox.ToEntity().currentEnergy >= boombox.PowerUsageWhilePlaying) { NextTick(() => { boombox.BoxController.ServerTogglePlay(true); }); } } else boombox.BoxController.ServerTogglePlay(true); } else { BoomBox heldBoombox = heldItem.GetHeldEntity().GetComponent(); heldBoombox.ServerTogglePlay(false); SetBoomBoxServerIp(heldBoombox, station); heldBoombox.ServerTogglePlay(true); } return true; } void OnLoseCondition(Item item, ref float amount) { if (item == null) return; if ( == "fun.boomboxportable" && _config.HandheldBoomboxImmortal) { amount = 0f; } } void OnEntitySpawned(DeployableBoomBox boombox) { if (!_config.BoomboxDeployedReqPower) { NextTick(() => { boombox.SetFlag(IOEntity.Flag_HasPower, true); }); } } object OnEntityTakeDamage(DeployableBoomBox boomBox, HitInfo info) { if (!_config.DeployedBoomboxImmortal) return null; if (info.damageTypes.Has(Rust.DamageType.Decay)) { return true; } return null; } object OnEntityTakeDamage(MicrophoneStand microphoneStand, HitInfo info) { if (!_config.MicrophoneStandImmortal) return null; if (info.damageTypes.Has(Rust.DamageType.Decay)) { return true; } return null; } private bool IsAdministrator(BasePlayer player) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, AdminUsePerm) && !player.IsAdmin) return false; return true; } private bool IsLookingAtBoomBox(BasePlayer player, out DeployableBoomBox boombox) { RaycastHit hit; boombox = null; if (Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out hit, 5)) { BaseEntity entity = hit.GetEntity(); if (entity is DeployableBoomBox) boombox = entity as DeployableBoomBox; } return boombox != null; } } }