using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Oxide.Core.Configuration; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Rust; using Facepunch; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui; using Oxide.Core; #region Changelogs and Todo /********************************************************************** * * 1.0.0 : - Initial release * 1.0.1 : - Added HumanNPC support * - Added perms for shop or npc useage * - Added NPC responce message in language file * 1.0.2 : - Added various text color options * - Added Font type option * 1.0.3 : - fix Item amount minimum check. * - Added Internal Skin.ID check if custom bone name is removed. * 1.1.0 : - Added check for server to be fully initialised to set values * - Updated and added messages in the language file * - When the players inventory is full the Tradeitem will drop on the floor * - When the players inventory is full a warning is displayed in the UI * - Code cleanup * - Fixed handout amounts * 1.1.1 - Fix for random serversave nre * 1.2.0 - Fix for OnServerSave Patched by Mabel * 1.2.1 - Patched for Rust oct update * **********************************************************************/ #endregion namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("BoneMarket", "Krungh Crow", "1.2.1")] [Description("Trade market for animal bones")] class BoneMarket : CovalencePlugin { [PluginReference("HumanNPC")] Plugin HumanNPC, FishR, SkinAndBones; #region Variables const string Shop_Perm = "bonemarket.useshop"; const string NPC_Perm = "bonemarket.usenpc"; bool IsReady; DynamicConfigFile _BonePrices = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetDatafile("BoneMarket_Prices"); public float MarketRefreshTime = 7.0f; Timer RefreshTimer; int NeededAmount; int BearBoneValue; int BoarBoneValue; int ChickenBoneValue; int FishBoneValue; int HorseBoneValue; int StagBoneValue; int WolfBoneValue; string TIDName; string TItem; string prefix; bool UseNPCBool; string _Font; string _BoneTXTColor; #endregion void OnServerInitialized(bool initial) { if (initial) { IsReady = false; CheckInit(); return; } IsReady = true; if (IsReady) { SetPrices(); MarketRefreshTimer(); Puts("Server is Ready for Market values"); } } #region Configuration void Init() { if (!LoadConfigVariables()) { Puts("Config file issue detected. Please delete file, or check syntax and fix."); return; } MarketRefreshTime = configData.Refreshtime; RefreshValues(); TIDName = configData.TradeItemName; TItem = configData.TradeItem; UseNPCBool = configData.Npcs.UseNPC; permission.RegisterPermission(Shop_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(NPC_Perm, this); prefix = configData.Prefix; _Font = configData.UISettings.Font; _BoneTXTColor = configData.UISettings.BoneItemColor; } private ConfigData configData; class ConfigData { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat Prefix")] public string Prefix = "[Bone Market] : "; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "NPC Vendor settings")] public NPC Npcs = new NPC(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "UI Settings")] public UISettings UISettings = new UISettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Market refresh time (gameday)")] public float Refreshtime = 7.0f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Market Trade item (shortname)")] public string TradeItem = "scrap"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Market Trade item (View name in GUI)")] public string TradeItemName = "Scrap"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Market Unit Value")] public Prices Prices = new Prices(); } class NPC { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use NPC shop")] public bool UseNPC = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "NPC Id's")] public List NPCID = new List(); } class UISettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Font to use")] public string Font = "permanentmarker.ttf"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Market Title")] public string Title = "Bone Market"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Market Title Color (RGBA)")] public string TitleColor = "0.5 1 1 0.90"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Market Description")] public string Description = "Trade market for hunters\nTrade your Bones right here !!!"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Market Description Color (RGBA)")] public string DescriptionColor = "1 1 1 0.90"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Bone item text Color (RGBA)")] public string BoneItemColor = "0.5 1 1 0.90"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use a background image")] public bool UseBackgroundImage = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Background Image link")] public string BackgroundImageLink = ""; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Background Image transparency (0-1)")] public float BackgroundImageAlpha = 0.2f; } class Prices { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Bear bones Low value")] public int BearBonePriceMin = 2; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Bear bones High value")] public int BearBonePrice = 6; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Boar bones Low value")] public int BoarBonePriceMin = 1; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Boar bones High value")] public int BoarBonePrice = 3; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chicken bones Low value")] public int ChickenBonePriceMin = 1; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chicken bones High value")] public int ChickenBonePrice = 3; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Horse bones Low value")] public int HorseBonePriceMin = 1; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Horse bones High value")] public int HorseBonePrice = 3; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fish bones Low value")] public int FishBonePriceMin = 1; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fish bones High value")] public int FishBonePrice = 3; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Stag bones Low value")] public int StagBonePriceMin = 1; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Stag bones High value")] public int StagBonePrice = 3; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Wolf bones Low value")] public int WolfBonePriceMin = 1; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Wolf bones High value")] public int WolfBonePrice = 4; } private bool LoadConfigVariables() { try { configData = Config.ReadObject(); } catch { return false; } SaveConf(); return true; } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { Puts("Creating new config file."); configData = new ConfigData(); SaveConf(); } void SaveConf() => Config.WriteObject(configData, true); #endregion #region LanguageAPI protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["FullInventory"] = "Your inventory was full handout is dropped on the floor", ["FullInventoryUI"] = "Your Inventory is full handout will drop on the floor", ["Info"] = "\n\nAvailable Commands :\n/bone info : Shows info on version/author and commands\n/bone market : Opens the market interface where prices change each gameday", ["InvalidInput"] = "Please enter a valid command!", ["OnlyNPC"] = "The Bone Market is only available at the Bone Trader NPC in Town", ["Succesfulltrade"] = "You traded your bones for {0} {1}", ["MarketReset"] = "Market started a new day with fresh trade prices.", ["NotFound"] = "You dont have any to trade", ["NotEnough"] = "You dont have enough bones for this trade", }, this); } #endregion #region Commands [Command("bone")] private void Bone(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (player.IsServer) { return; } if (args.Length < 1) { player.Message(msg("InvalidInput")); return; } switch (args[0]) { case "market": { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.Id, Shop_Perm)) { ASUI(player.Object as BasePlayer); break; } else { player.Message(msg("OnlyNPC")); break; } } case "info": { player.Reply(lang.GetMessage("Version : V" + this.Version.ToString() + " By : " + this.Author.ToString() + msginfo("Info") , this, player.Id)); break; } default: player.Reply(msg("InvalidInput")); break; } } [Command("BoneMarket")] private void BoneUI(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.Id, Shop_Perm)) { ASUI(player.Object as BasePlayer); } else { player.Message(msg("OnlyNPC")); } } #endregion #region CUI void Unload() { foreach (BasePlayer player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) DestroyMenu(player); } void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player) => DestroyMenu(player); void OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) => DestroyMenu(player); void DestroyMenu(BasePlayer player) => CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "ASUI"); [Command("BMClose")] private void BMClose(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (player == null) return; DestroyMenu(player.Object as BasePlayer); } void ASUI(BasePlayer player) { DestroyMenu(player); RefreshValues(); var elements = new CuiElementContainer(); var mainName = elements.Add(new CuiPanel { Image = { Color = $"0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4", Material = "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur.mat" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.3 0.2", AnchorMax = "0.7 0.8" }, CursorEnabled = true, FadeOut = 0.1f }, "Overlay", "ASUI"); var height = 0.7; var heightlow = 0.66; { if (configData.UISettings.UseBackgroundImage == true) { elements.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = "ASUI", Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent { Url = $"{configData.UISettings.BackgroundImageLink}", Color = string.Format($"1 1 1 {configData.UISettings.BackgroundImageAlpha}"), FadeIn = 0f }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = $"0 0", AnchorMax = $"1 1" } } }); } elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{configData.UISettings.Title}", Color = $"{configData.UISettings.TitleColor}", FontSize = 16, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0 0.90", AnchorMax = "1 1" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{configData.UISettings.Description}", Color = $"{configData.UISettings.DescriptionColor}", FontSize = 14, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0 0.75", AnchorMax = "1 1" } }, mainName); #region top titles elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Merchandise", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.0 0.66", AnchorMax = $"0.2 0.7" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Trade Units", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.205 0.66", AnchorMax = $"0.80 0.7" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Unit value (10)", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.805 0.66", AnchorMax = $"0.995 0.7" } }, mainName); #endregion #region Bear Bones height -= 00.05; heightlow -= 0.05; elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Bear Bones", Color = $"{_BoneTXTColor}", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.0 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.2 {height}" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TBearB10", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.205 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.40 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "10", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TBearB100", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.405 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.60 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "100", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TBearB1000", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.605 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.80 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "1000", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{_BonePrices["BearBonePrice"]} {TIDName}", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.805 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.995 {height}" } }, mainName); #endregion #region Boar Bones height -= 00.05; heightlow -= 0.05; elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Boar Bones", Color = $"{_BoneTXTColor}", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.0 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.2 {height}" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TBoarB10" + "", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.205 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.40 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "10", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TBoarB100", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.405 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.60 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "100", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TBoarB1000", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.605 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.80 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "1000", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{_BonePrices["BoarBonePrice"]} {TIDName}", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.805 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.995 {height}" } }, mainName); #endregion #region Chicken Bones height -= 00.05; heightlow -= 0.05; elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Chicken Bones", Color = $"{_BoneTXTColor}", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.0 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.2 {height}" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TChickenB10", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.205 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.40 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "10", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TChickenB100", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.405 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.60 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "100", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TChickenB1000", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.605 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.80 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "1000", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{_BonePrices["ChickenBonePrice"]} {TIDName}", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.805 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.995 {height}" } }, mainName); #endregion #region Fish Bones height -= 00.05; heightlow -= 0.05; elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Fish Bones", Color = $"{_BoneTXTColor}", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.0 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.2 {height}" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TFishB10", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.205 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.40 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "10", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TFishB100", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.405 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.60 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "100", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TFishB1000", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.605 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.80 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "1000", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{_BonePrices["FishBonePrice"]} {TIDName}", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.805 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.995 {height}" } }, mainName); #endregion #region Horse Bones height -= 00.05; heightlow -= 0.05; elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Horse Bones", Color = $"{_BoneTXTColor}", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.0 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.2 {height}" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "THorseB10", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.205 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.40 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "10", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "THorseB100", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.405 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.60 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "100", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "THorseB1000", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.605 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.80 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "1000", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{_BonePrices["HorseBonePrice"]} {TIDName}", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.805 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.995 {height}" } }, mainName); #endregion #region Stag Bones height -= 00.05; heightlow -= 0.05; elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Stag Bones", Color = $"{_BoneTXTColor}", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.0 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.2 {height}" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TStagB10", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.205 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.40 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "10", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TStagB100", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.405 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.60 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "100", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TStagB1000", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.605 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.80 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "1000", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{_BonePrices["StagBonePrice"]} {TIDName}", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.805 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.995 {height}" } }, mainName); #endregion #region Wolf Bones height -= 00.05; heightlow -= 0.05; elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"Wolf Bones", Color = $"{_BoneTXTColor}", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.0 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.2 {height}" } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TWolfB10", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.205 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.40 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "10", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TWolfB100", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.405 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.60 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "100", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "TWolfB1000", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.605 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.80 {height}" }, Text = { Text = "1000", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{_BonePrices["WolfBonePrice"]} {TIDName}", Color = "1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 12, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.805 {heightlow}", AnchorMax = $"0.995 {height}" } }, mainName); #endregion #region Full Inventory if (player.inventory.containerMain.IsFull()) { elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = msg("FullInventoryUI"), Color = $"1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 14, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.0 0.15", AnchorMax = "1.0 0.2" } }, mainName); } #endregion elements.Add(new CuiLabel { Text = { Text = $"{this.Name.ToString()} V{this.Version.ToString()} by Krungh Crow", Color = $"1 1 1 0.90", FontSize = 11, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleRight }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.60 0.0", AnchorMax = "0.99 0.05" } }, mainName); } elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "BMClose", Color = "0 0 0 0.80" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.90 0.95", AnchorMax = "0.995 0.995" }, Text = { Text = "close", FontSize = 15, Font = $"{_Font}", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements); } #endregion #region Hooks void CheckInit()//checks if server is fully initialised { timer.Once(10f, () => { if (Rust.Application.isLoading) { Puts($"[Debugging] Server still loading...."); CheckInit(); return; } IsReady = true; Puts("Server is Ready for Market values....."); }); } void OnServerSave() { if (server != null && server.Time != null && RefreshTimer != null && server.Time.TimeOfDay.Hours != MarketRefreshTime) { RefreshTimer.Destroy(); MarketRefreshTimer(); Puts("Market refresh Check...."); return; } } void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination) { if (configData.Npcs.NPCID != null && configData.Npcs.NPCID.Contains(npc.UserIDString) && UseNPCBool) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, NPC_Perm)) { ASUI(player); } } } #endregion #region Trades private void TradeTheItem(IPlayer player , int takeamount , Item item , int returnvalue) { RefreshValues(); BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; var amount = returnvalue.ToString(); item.UseItem(takeamount); Item TradeItem = ItemManager.CreateByName($"{TItem}" , returnvalue , 0); if (plyr.inventory.containerMain.IsFull()) { TradeItem.DropAndTossUpwards(plyr.transform.position); Puts(amount); player.Message(msg("FullInventory")); return; } player.Message(msg("Succesfulltrade").Replace("{0}" , amount).Replace("{1}" , TItem)); plyr.inventory.GiveItem(TradeItem); return; } #region Bear Bone Trade [Command("TBearB10")] private void TBearB10(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 10; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsBearBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player , NeededAmount, item ,BearBoneValue); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TBearB100")] private void TBearB100(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 100; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsBearBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, BearBoneValue * 10); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TBearB1000")] private void TBearB1000(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 1000; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsBearBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, BearBoneValue * 100); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } #endregion #region Boar Bone Trade [Command("TBoarB10")] private void TBoarB10(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 10; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsBoarBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, BoarBoneValue); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TBoarB100")] private void TBoarB100(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 100; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsBoarBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, BoarBoneValue * 10); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TBoarB1000")] private void TBoarB1000(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 1000; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsBoarBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, BoarBoneValue * 100); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } #endregion #region Chicken Bone Trade [Command("TChickenB10")] private void TChickenB10(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 10; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsChickenBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, ChickenBoneValue); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TChickenB100")] private void TChickenB100(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 100; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsChickenBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, ChickenBoneValue * 10); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TChickenB1000")] private void TChickenB1000(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 1000; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsChickenBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, ChickenBoneValue * 100); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } #endregion #region Fish Bone Trade [Command("TFishB10")] private void TFishB10(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 10; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsFishBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, FishBoneValue); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TFishB100")] private void TFishB100(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 100; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsFishBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, FishBoneValue * 10); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TFishB1000")] private void TFishB1000(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 1000; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsFishBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, FishBoneValue * 100); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } #endregion #region Horse Bone Trade [Command("THorseB10")] private void THorseB10(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 10; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsHorseBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, HorseBoneValue); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("THorseB100")] private void THorseB100(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 100; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsHorseBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, HorseBoneValue * 10); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("THorseB1000")] private void THorseB1000(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 1000; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsHorseBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, HorseBoneValue * 100); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } #endregion #region Stag Bone Trade [Command("TStagB10")] private void TStagB10(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 10; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsStagBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, StagBoneValue); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TStagB100")] private void TStagB100(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 100; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsStagBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, StagBoneValue * 10); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TStagB1000")] private void TStagB1000(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 1000; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsStagBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, StagBoneValue * 100); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } #endregion #region Wolf Bone Trade [Command("TWolfB10")] private void TWolfB10(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 10; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsWolfBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, WolfBoneValue); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TWolfB100")] private void TWolfB100(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 100; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsWolfBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, WolfBoneValue * 10); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } [Command("TWolfB1000")] private void TWolfB1000(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { NeededAmount = 1000; BasePlayer plyr = player.Object as BasePlayer; foreach (var item in GetAllItems(plyr)) if (IsWolfBone(item)) { if (item.amount < NeededAmount && item != null) { player.Message(msg("NotEnough")); return; } TradeTheItem(player, NeededAmount, item, WolfBoneValue * 100); return; } player.Message(msg($"NotFound")); return; } private IEnumerable GetAllItems(BasePlayer player) { return player.inventory.containerMain.itemList .Concat(player.inventory.containerBelt.itemList) .Concat(player.inventory.containerWear.itemList); } #endregion #endregion #region Core private void RefreshValues() { BearBoneValue = Convert.ToInt32(_BonePrices["BearBonePrice"]); BoarBoneValue = Convert.ToInt32(_BonePrices["BoarBonePrice"]); ChickenBoneValue = Convert.ToInt32(_BonePrices["ChickenBonePrice"]); FishBoneValue = Convert.ToInt32(_BonePrices["FishBonePrice"]); HorseBoneValue = Convert.ToInt32(_BonePrices["HorseBonePrice"]); StagBoneValue = Convert.ToInt32(_BonePrices["StagBonePrice"]); WolfBoneValue = Convert.ToInt32(_BonePrices["WolfBonePrice"]); } private void SetPrices() { _BonePrices["BearBonePrice"] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(configData.Prices.BearBonePriceMin, configData.Prices.BearBonePrice); _BonePrices["BoarBonePrice"] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(configData.Prices.BoarBonePriceMin, configData.Prices.BoarBonePrice); _BonePrices["ChickenBonePrice"] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(configData.Prices.ChickenBonePriceMin, configData.Prices.ChickenBonePrice); _BonePrices["FishBonePrice"] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(configData.Prices.FishBonePriceMin, configData.Prices.FishBonePrice); _BonePrices["HorseBonePrice"] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(configData.Prices.HorseBonePriceMin, configData.Prices.HorseBonePrice); _BonePrices["StagBonePrice"] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(configData.Prices.StagBonePriceMin, configData.Prices.StagBonePrice); _BonePrices["WolfBonePrice"] = UnityEngine.Random.Range(configData.Prices.WolfBonePriceMin, configData.Prices.WolfBonePrice); _BonePrices.Save(); } private void MarketRefreshTimer() { if (server != null && server.Time != null && server.Time.TimeOfDay != null) { RefreshTimer = timer.Repeat(1f , 0 , () => { if (server.Time.TimeOfDay.Hours == MarketRefreshTime) { RefreshTimer.Destroy(); server.Broadcast(msg("MarketReset")); foreach (var player in players.Connected) { DestroyMenu(player.Object as BasePlayer); } } }); } } #endregion #region API private bool IsBearBone(Item item) { if ( == ("Bear Bones") || == (2582006231)) return true; return false; } private bool IsBoarBone(Item item) { if ( == ("Boar Bones") || == (2582018117)) return true; return false; } private bool IsChickenBone(Item item) { if ( == ("Chicken Bones") || == (2582002045)) return true; return false; } private bool IsFishBone(Item item) { if ( == ("Fish Bones") || == (2583801321)) return true; return false; } private bool IsHorseBone(Item item) { if ( == ("Horse Bones") || == (2582022311)) return true; return false; } private bool IsStagBone(Item item) { if ( == ("Stag Bones") || == (2582020463)) return true; return false; } private bool IsWolfBone(Item item) { if ( == ("Wolf Bones") || == (2582021640)) return true; return false; } #endregion #region Message helper private string msg(string key, string id = null) => prefix + lang.GetMessage(key, this, id); private string msginfo(string key, string id = null) => lang.GetMessage(key, this, id); #endregion } }