using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using Newtonsoft.Json; using UnityEngine; using Facepunch; #region Changelogs and ToDo /********************************************************************** * * 1.0.0 : - Initial release * 1.0.1 : - Coding Optimisations * - Added messaging on refunding items * 1.0.2 : - More Optimisations added/changed * 1.0.3 : - Fixed switched counts * - Added Prefix and Chaticon to cfg * 1.0.4 : - Possible Nre Fix * - Added correct ResourceId * 1.0.5 : - Excempt of renaming softcore respawn bags * 1.0.6 : - Added permission NOCD_Perm * 1.0.7 : - Patches done by : Solarix * 1.0.8 : - Fixes for pickup and messaging (Patched by BaluDog) * 1.0.9 : - Set timer on placement (ignore visual maptimer) * - Added command /bag check {playername or id} * - Added command /bag teleport {bagid} * - Added command /bag remove {bagid} * - Added command /bag purge {player} * - Added check when giving bags/beds to steamfriends * - Updated language file * 1.0.10 : - Fixed issue with sleepingbag removal through Map interface * **********************************************************************/ #endregion namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Better Beds", "Krungh Crow", "1.0.10", ResourceId = 531)] [Description("Edit various settings on sleepingbags and beds")] class BetterBeds : RustPlugin { #region Variables const string RestrictDef_Perm = "betterbeds.restrictdefault"; const string RestrictVip_Perm = "betterbeds.restrictvip"; const string RenameBlock_Perm = "betterbeds.renameblock"; const string Chat_Perm = ""; const string Admin_Perm = "betterbeds.admin"; const string NOCD_Perm = "betterbeds.nocd"; const string DenyPickup_Perm = "betterbeds.denypickup"; ulong chaticon = 0; string prefix; bool Debug = false; Dictionary> BagIDs = new Dictionary>(); Dictionary> BedIDs = new Dictionary>(); private int BagCount(BasePlayer player) => BagIDs.TryGetValue(player.userID, out var bags) ? bags.Count : 0; private int BedCount(BasePlayer player) => BedIDs.TryGetValue(player.userID, out var beds) ? beds.Count : 0; #endregion #region Configuration void Init() { if (!LoadConfigVariables()) { Puts("Config file issue detected. Please delete file, or check syntax and fix."); return; } permission.RegisterPermission(Admin_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(NOCD_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(Chat_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(RestrictDef_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(RestrictVip_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(RenameBlock_Perm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(DenyPickup_Perm, this); Debug = configData.PlugCFG.Debug; prefix = configData.PlugCFG.Prefix; chaticon = configData.PlugCFG.Chaticon; if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] trigger for Debug is true"); } private ConfigData configData; class ConfigData { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Settings Plugin")] public SettingsPlugin PlugCFG = new SettingsPlugin(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Settings Global")] public SettingsGlobal Global = new SettingsGlobal(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Settings Bags")] public SettingsBags SpawnBags = new SettingsBags(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Settings Beds")] public SettingsBeds SpawnBeds = new SettingsBeds(); } class SettingsPlugin { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Debug")] public bool Debug = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat Steam64ID")] public ulong Chaticon = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat Prefix")] public string Prefix = "[Better Beds] "; } class SettingsGlobal { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Bag cooldown")] public float BagCooldown = 30f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Bed cooldown")] public float BedCooldown = 20f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Only 1x rename per placement")] public bool OneRename = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "NO bed/sleepingbag cooldown")] public bool NoBedCooldown = false; } class SettingsBags { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Refund Sleepingbags")] public bool RefundBags = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Max placements Default")] public int LimitBagsAmountDef = 5; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Max placements Vip")] public int LimitBagsAmountVip = 10; } class SettingsBeds { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Refund Beds")] public bool RefundBeds = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Max placements Default")] public int LimitBedsAmountDef = 1; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Max placements Vip")] public int LimitBedsAmountVip = 3; } private bool LoadConfigVariables() { try { configData = Config.ReadObject(); } catch { return false; } SaveConf(); return true; } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { Puts("Fresh install detected Creating a new config file."); configData = new ConfigData(); SaveConf(); } void SaveConf() => Config.WriteObject(configData, true); #endregion #region LanguageAPI protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["InvalidInput"] = "Please enter a valid command!" , ["BagText"] = "Welcome to our server" , ["Version"] = "Version : V" , ["LimitBags"] = "You have been limited to {0} sleeping bag(s)" , ["LimitBeds"] = "You have been limited to {0} bed(s)" , ["MaxLimitDefault"] = "You have already placed the limit of {0} for a player" , ["MaxLimitVip"] = "You have already placed the limit of {0} for VIPs" , ["LimitHeader"] = "Your Restrictions and Placements:" , ["Info"] = "\nAvailable Commands\n/bag info : Shows info on version/author and commands" , ["InfoMyLimit"] = "\n/bag mylimit : Lists your restriction heights and placements" , ["InventoryFull"] = "You had no inventory space; no item was refunded!" , ["InventoryNotFull"] = "Your item has been refunded!" , ["NoPermission"] = "You do not have permission to use that command!" , ["RenameBlock"] = "Renaming is blocked on this server" , ["RenameBlock2nd"] = "Max 1 rename allowed on this server" , ["BagsUsed"] = "You have placed {0}" , ["BagsLeft"] = "You have {0} placement(s) left" , ["RestrictedLimit"] = "You are restricted to placing only 1 sleeping bag and 1 bed." , ["TargetPlayerMaxLimit"] = "The player {0} has reached their maximum number of beds/bags.", ["BagCheckHeader"] = "Bag/Bed count for player {0}:" , ["BagCount"] = "Bags: {0}" , ["BedCount"] = "Beds: {0}" , ["PlayerNotFound"] = "Player {0} not found." , ["InvalidInputCommand"] = "Invalid input. Please use '/bag check playerName'." , ["InvalidBagID"] = "Invalid bag ID format. Please provide a valid ID." , ["BagNotFound"] = "Bag with ID {0} not found." , ["BagRemoved"] = "Bag with ID {0} has been removed." , ["TeleportedToBag"] = "You have been teleported to the bag with ID {0}." , ["PurgeSuccess"] = "All bags and beds for player {0} have been removed." , ["PurgePlayerNotFound"] = "Player {0} not found. No bags were purged.", ["BagIds"] = "Bag IDs: {0}" , ["BedIds"] = "Bed IDs: {0}" } , this); } #endregion #region Commands [ChatCommand("Bag")] private void cmdBags(BasePlayer player , string command , string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("InvalidInputCommand") , chaticon); return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "info": Player.Message(player , prefix + string.Format(msg("Version" , player.UserIDString) , this.Version.ToString()) + " By : " + this.Author.ToString() + "\n" + msg("Info") + "\n" + msg("InfoMyLimit") , chaticon); return; case "mylimit": if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString , Chat_Perm)) { int limitAmountBag = 1; int limitAmountBed = 1; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString , RestrictVip_Perm)) { limitAmountBag = configData.SpawnBags.LimitBagsAmountVip; limitAmountBed = configData.SpawnBeds.LimitBedsAmountVip; } else if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString , RestrictDef_Perm)) { limitAmountBag = configData.SpawnBags.LimitBagsAmountDef; limitAmountBed = configData.SpawnBeds.LimitBedsAmountDef; } RecalculateCounts(); // Force recalculation before displaying Player.Message(player , prefix + "" + string.Format(msg("LimitHeader" , player.UserIDString)) + "\n" + string.Format(msg("LimitBags" , player.UserIDString) , limitAmountBag.ToString()) + "\n" + string.Format(msg("BagsUsed" , player.UserIDString) , BagCount(player)) + "\n" + string.Format(msg("LimitBeds" , player.UserIDString) , limitAmountBed.ToString()) + "\n" + string.Format(msg("BedsUsed" , player.UserIDString) , BedCount(player)) , chaticon); return; } else { Player.Message(player , prefix + string.Format(msg("NoPermission" , player.UserIDString)) , chaticon); } return; case "check": if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString , Admin_Perm)) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("NoPermission" , player.UserIDString) , chaticon); return; } if (args.Length < 2) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("InvalidInputCommand") , chaticon); return; } BasePlayer targetPlayer = FindPlayerByNameOrID(args[1]); if (targetPlayer == null) { Player.Message(player , prefix + string.Format(msg("PlayerNotFound" , player.UserIDString) , args[1]) , chaticon); return; } RecalculateCounts(); int targetBagCount = BagCount(targetPlayer); int targetBedCount = BedCount(targetPlayer); var bagIds = BagIDs.ContainsKey(targetPlayer.userID) ? BagIDs[targetPlayer.userID] : new HashSet(); var bedIds = BedIDs.ContainsKey(targetPlayer.userID) ? BedIDs[targetPlayer.userID] : new HashSet(); string bagIdList = bagIds.Count > 0 ? string.Join(", " , bagIds) : "None"; string bedIdList = bedIds.Count > 0 ? string.Join(", " , bedIds) : "None"; Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("BagCheckHeader").Replace("{0}" , targetPlayer.displayName) + "\n" + msg("BagCount").Replace("{0}" , targetBagCount.ToString()) + "\n" + msg("BedCount").Replace("{0}" , targetBedCount.ToString()) + "\n" + msg("BagIds").Replace("{0}" , bagIdList) + "\n" + msg("BedIds").Replace("{0}" , bedIdList) + "\n" , chaticon); return; case "teleport": if (args.Length < 2) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("InvalidInputCommand") , chaticon); return; } if (!ulong.TryParse(args[1] , out ulong teleportBagID)) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("InvalidBagID") , chaticon); return; } var teleportBagEntity = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType() .FirstOrDefault(bag => == teleportBagID); if (teleportBagEntity == null) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("BagNotFound") , chaticon); return; } player.transform.position = teleportBagEntity.transform.position + new Vector3(0 , 1f , 0); // Adjust height if necessary Player.Message(player , prefix + string.Format(msg("TeleportedToBag" , player.UserIDString) , teleportBagID.ToString()) , chaticon); return; case "remove": if (args.Length < 2) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("InvalidInputCommand") , chaticon); return; } if (!ulong.TryParse(args[1] , out ulong removeBagID)) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("InvalidBagID") , chaticon); return; } var removeBagEntity = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType() .FirstOrDefault(bag => == removeBagID); if (removeBagEntity == null) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("BagNotFound") , chaticon); return; } if (removeBagEntity.OwnerID != player.userID && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString , Admin_Perm)) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("NoPermission") , chaticon); return; } removeBagEntity.Kill(); Player.Message(player , prefix + string.Format(msg("BagRemoved" , player.UserIDString) , removeBagID.ToString()) , chaticon); return; case "purge": if (args.Length < 2) { Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("InvalidInputCommand") , chaticon); return; } BasePlayer purgePlayer = FindPlayerByNameOrID(args[1]); if (purgePlayer == null) { Player.Message(player , prefix + string.Format(msg("PurgePlayerNotFound") , args[1]) , chaticon); return; } RecalculateCounts(); var bagsToRemove = BagIDs.ContainsKey(purgePlayer.userID) ? BagIDs[purgePlayer.userID] : new HashSet(); var bagsToRemoveCopy = new HashSet(bagsToRemove); foreach (var bagIDToRemove in bagsToRemoveCopy) { var bagEntityToRemove = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType() .FirstOrDefault(bag => == bagIDToRemove); if (bagEntityToRemove != null) { bagEntityToRemove.Kill(); } } Player.Message(player , prefix + string.Format(msg("PurgeSuccess") , purgePlayer.displayName) , chaticon); return; default: Player.Message(player , prefix + msg("InvalidInputCommand") , chaticon); break; } } #endregion #region Hooks object CanAssignBed(BasePlayer player , SleepingBag bag , ulong targetPlayerId) { int limit; bool isRestricted = true; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString , RestrictVip_Perm)) { limit = bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed") ? configData.SpawnBeds.LimitBedsAmountVip : configData.SpawnBags.LimitBagsAmountVip; isRestricted = false; } else if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString , RestrictDef_Perm)) { limit = bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed") ? configData.SpawnBeds.LimitBedsAmountDef : configData.SpawnBags.LimitBagsAmountDef; isRestricted = false; } else { limit = 1; } var entityDict = bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed") ? BedIDs : BagIDs; if (!entityDict.TryGetValue(targetPlayerId , out var targetEntities)) { targetEntities = new HashSet(); entityDict[targetPlayerId] = targetEntities; } if (targetEntities.Count >= limit) { var targetPlayer = BasePlayer.FindByID(targetPlayerId); if (targetPlayer != null) { Player.Message(player , prefix + string.Format(msg("TargetPlayerMaxLimit" , targetPlayer.displayName)) , chaticon); } return false; } RemoveEntityFromPlayer(player , bag); targetEntities.Add(; bag.OwnerID = targetPlayerId; bag.SendNetworkUpdate(); return null; } void OnServerInitialized() { foreach (var bag in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType()) { if (BedIDs.ContainsKey(bag.OwnerID) && BedIDs[bag.OwnerID].Contains( || BagIDs.ContainsKey(bag.OwnerID) && BagIDs[bag.OwnerID].Contains( continue; if (bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed")) { if (!BedIDs.ContainsKey(bag.OwnerID)) BedIDs[bag.OwnerID] = new HashSet(); BedIDs[bag.OwnerID].Add(; } else { if (!BagIDs.ContainsKey(bag.OwnerID)) BagIDs[bag.OwnerID] = new HashSet(); BagIDs[bag.OwnerID].Add(; } } RecalculateCounts(); timer.Every(30f, RecalculateCounts); // Recalculate every 1 minutes } void OnEntityKill(SleepingBag bag) { if (bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed")) { if (BedIDs.TryGetValue(bag.OwnerID, out var beds)) beds.Remove(; } else if (BagIDs.TryGetValue(bag.OwnerID, out var bags)) bags.Remove(; RecalculateCounts(); } void OnSleepingBagDestroyed(SleepingBag sleepingBag , ulong userID) { if (sleepingBag == null || userID == 0) return; if (sleepingBag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed")) { if (BedIDs.TryGetValue(userID , out var beds)) { beds.Remove(; if (Debug) Puts($"Bed {} removed from player's bed list."); } sleepingBag.Kill(); } else { if (BagIDs.TryGetValue(userID , out var bags)) { bags.Remove(; if (Debug) Puts($"Sleeping bag {} removed from player's bag list."); } sleepingBag.Kill(); } RecalculateCounts(); } void OnEntityPickup(Item item, BasePlayer player) { if ("sleepingbag") ||"bed") ||"beachtowel")) { BaseEntity entity = item.GetHeldEntity(); if (entity != null) { ulong entityId =; if ("bed")) { if (BedIDs.TryGetValue(player.userID, out var beds)) { beds.Remove(entityId); } } else { if (BagIDs.TryGetValue(player.userID, out var bags)) { bags.Remove(entityId); } } } } RecalculateCounts(); } private object CanRenameBed(BasePlayer player, SleepingBag bag) { if (bag == null || bag.OwnerID == 0 || player == null) return true; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, Admin_Perm)) return null; if (bag.niceName != (lang.GetMessage("BagText", this)) && configData.Global.OneRename) { Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("RenameBlock2nd", player.UserIDString)), chaticon); if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] {player} attempted to rename a bag/bed but it is allready renamed once"); return true; } if (bag.OwnerID != player.userID || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, RenameBlock_Perm)) { Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("RenameBlock", player.UserIDString)), chaticon); if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] {player} attempted to rename a bag/bed but had no permission"); return true; } return null; } private void OnEntitySpawned(SleepingBag bag) { BasePlayer player = BasePlayer.FindByID(bag.OwnerID); if (player == null) return; int limit; Dictionary> entityDict; bool isRestricted = true; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, RestrictVip_Perm)) { limit = bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed") ? configData.SpawnBeds.LimitBedsAmountVip : configData.SpawnBags.LimitBagsAmountVip; isRestricted = false; } else if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, RestrictDef_Perm)) { limit = bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed") ? configData.SpawnBeds.LimitBedsAmountDef : configData.SpawnBags.LimitBagsAmountDef; isRestricted = false; } else { limit = 1; } entityDict = bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed") ? BedIDs : BagIDs; if (!entityDict.TryGetValue(player.userID, out var entities)) { entities = new HashSet(); entityDict[player.userID] = entities; } if (entities.Count >= limit) { NextTick(() => { if (bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed")) RefundBed(bag, player); else RefundBag(bag, player); }); if (isRestricted) { Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("RestrictedLimit", player.UserIDString)), chaticon); } } else { entities.Add(; } RecalculateCounts(); } private object CanPickupEntity(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) { if (entity.ShortPrefabName.Contains("sleepingbag") || entity.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed") || entity.ShortPrefabName.Contains("beachtowel")) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, Admin_Perm)) return true; if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, DenyPickup_Perm) ) { Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("pickup is disabled", player.UserIDString)), chaticon); if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] {player} attempted to pickup a bag/bed but this is disabled"); return false; } return true; } return null; } private void OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) { if (!player) return; if (player.IsSleeping() == true || player.IsConnected == false) return; BagCooldownSet(player); } #endregion #region Methods private BasePlayer FindPlayerByNameOrID(string nameOrID) { BasePlayer targetPlayer = BasePlayer.Find(nameOrID); if (targetPlayer != null) return targetPlayer; foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (player.displayName.ToLower().Contains(nameOrID.ToLower())) return player; } foreach (var sleeper in BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList) { if (sleeper.displayName.ToLower().Contains(nameOrID.ToLower())) return sleeper; } return null; } void RemoveEntityFromPlayer(BasePlayer player , SleepingBag bag) { Dictionary> entityDict; if (bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed")) { entityDict = BedIDs; } else { entityDict = BagIDs; } if (entityDict.TryGetValue(player.userID , out var entities)) { entities.Remove(; if (entities.Count == 0) { entityDict.Remove(player.userID); } } } private void BagCooldownSet(BasePlayer player) { if (!IsValidPlayer(player)) return; bool hasNoCooldownPermission = permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString , NOCD_Perm); bool hasAdminPermission = permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString , Admin_Perm); // Check permissions only once and handle global cooldown override bool shouldSetNoCooldown = configData.Global.NoBedCooldown && (hasAdminPermission || hasNoCooldownPermission); SleepingBag[] bags = SleepingBag.FindForPlayer(player.userID , true); foreach (SleepingBag bag in bags) { SetCooldownForBag(bag , player , shouldSetNoCooldown); } } private bool IsValidPlayer(BasePlayer player) { if (player == null || player.IsSleeping() || !player.IsConnected) return false; return true; } private void SetCooldownForBag(SleepingBag bag , BasePlayer player , bool noCooldown) { string prefabName = bag.ShortPrefabName; if (noCooldown) { bag.secondsBetweenReuses = 0; bag.unlockTime = 0; DebugLog($"No cooldown set for [{prefabName}] belonging to player [{player.displayName}]"); return; } switch (prefabName) { case string name when name.Equals("bed") || name.Equals("beachtowel"): bag.secondsBetweenReuses = configData.Global.BedCooldown; bag.unlockTime = configData.Global.BedCooldown; DebugLog($"Set bed or beachtowel cooldown to {configData.Global.BedCooldown} seconds for [{player.displayName}]"); break; case string name when name.Equals("sleepingbag"): bag.secondsBetweenReuses = configData.Global.BagCooldown; bag.unlockTime = configData.Global.BagCooldown; DebugLog($"Set sleeping bag cooldown to {configData.Global.BagCooldown} seconds for [{player.displayName}]"); break; default: DebugLog($"Unknown bag type [{prefabName}] for player [{player.displayName}]"); break; } } private void DebugLog(string message) { if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] {message}"); } void RefundBag(BaseEntity entity, BasePlayer player) { if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] cancelling a sleepingbag placement"); if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, RestrictVip_Perm) == true) { Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("MaxLimitVip", player.UserIDString), configData.SpawnBags.LimitBagsAmountVip), chaticon); } else if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, RestrictDef_Perm) == true) { Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("MaxLimitDefault", player.UserIDString), configData.SpawnBags.LimitBagsAmountDef), chaticon); } entity.KillMessage(); if (configData.SpawnBags.RefundBags) { Int32 number = -1754948969; if (entity.ShortPrefabName.Contains("beachtowel")) number = -8312704; var itemtogive = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(number, 1); if (!player.inventory.GiveItem(itemtogive)) { if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] Bag refund canceled no room in inventory"); Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("InventoryFull", player.UserIDString)), chaticon); itemtogive.Remove(0f); //// Destroy item if give isn't possible ItemManager.DoRemoves(); //// } else { if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] Bag refunded"); Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("InventoryNotFull", player.UserIDString)), chaticon); } if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] Bag refund = true"); } } void RefundBed(BaseEntity entity, BasePlayer player) { if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] cancelling a bed placement"); if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, RestrictVip_Perm) == true) { Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("MaxLimitVip", player.UserIDString), configData.SpawnBeds.LimitBedsAmountVip), chaticon); } else if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, RestrictDef_Perm) == true) { Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("MaxLimitDefault", player.UserIDString), configData.SpawnBeds.LimitBedsAmountDef), chaticon); } entity.KillMessage(); if (configData.SpawnBeds.RefundBeds) { var itemtogive = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(-1273339005, 1);//bed if (!player.inventory.GiveItem(itemtogive)) { if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] Bed refund canceled no room in inventory"); Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("InventoryFull", player.UserIDString)), chaticon); itemtogive.Remove(0f); ItemManager.DoRemoves(); } else { if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] Bed refunded"); Player.Message(player, prefix + string.Format(msg("InventoryNotFull", player.UserIDString)), chaticon); } if (Debug) Puts($"[Debug] Bed refund = true"); } } private void RecalculateCounts() { BagIDs.Clear(); BedIDs.Clear(); foreach (var bag in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType()) { if (bag.ShortPrefabName.Contains("bed")) { if (!BedIDs.ContainsKey(bag.OwnerID)) BedIDs[bag.OwnerID] = new HashSet(); BedIDs[bag.OwnerID].Add(; } else { if (!BagIDs.ContainsKey(bag.OwnerID)) BagIDs[bag.OwnerID] = new HashSet(); BagIDs[bag.OwnerID].Add(; } } } #endregion #region Message helper private string msg(string key, string id = null) => lang.GetMessage(key, this, id); #endregion } }