using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("AirDropMarker", "AhigaO#4485", "1.1.1")] internal class AirDropMarker : RustPlugin { #region Static private Configuration _config; private Dictionary Markers = new Dictionary(); private float Size; private float Square; private class Configuration { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show notify in chat")] public bool chatNotify = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Create MapMarker on map")] public bool createMarker = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Select the type of marker (shopmarker | cratemarker)")] public string marker = "cratemarker"; } #endregion #region Config protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _config = Config.ReadObject(); if (_config == null) throw new Exception(); SaveConfig(); } catch { PrintError("Your configuration file contains an error. Using default configuration values."); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(_config); protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => _config = new Configuration(); #endregion #region OxideHooks private void OnServerInitialized() { var size = ConVar.Server.worldsize; Size = size / 2f; Square = Mathf.Floor(size / 146.3f); foreach (var check in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType()) { if (!check.IsValid()) continue; SpawnMarker(check); } } private void Unload() { if (!_config.createMarker) return; foreach (var check in Markers) check.Value?.Kill(); } private void OnEntitySpawned(SupplyDrop drop) { if (!drop.IsValid()) return; SpawnMarker(drop); } private void OnEntityKill(SupplyDrop entity) { if (!entity.IsValid()) return; Markers[]?.Kill(); Markers.Remove(; } #endregion #region Function private void SpawnMarker(SupplyDrop drop) { var position = drop.transform.position; if (_config.createMarker) { if (Markers.ContainsKey( return; var marker = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(_config.marker == "cratemarker" ? "assets/prefabs/tools/map/cratemarker.prefab" : "assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/vending_mapmarker.prefab", position); if (_config.marker != "cratemarker") (marker as VendingMachineMapMarker).markerShopName = "Air Drop"; marker.enableSaving = false; marker.Spawn(); Markers.Add(, marker); } if (!_config.chatNotify) return; var msg = GetGrid(position); foreach (var check in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) SendMessage(check, "CM_DROPSPAWNED", msg); } private string GetGrid(Vector3 pos) { var letter = 'A'; var xCoordinate = Mathf.Floor((pos.x + Size) / 146.3f); var z = Square - Mathf.Floor((pos.z + Size) / 146.3f) - 1; letter = (char) (letter + xCoordinate % 26); return xCoordinate > 25 ? $"A{letter}{z}" : $"{letter}{z}"; } #endregion #region Language private void SendMessage(BasePlayer player, string msg, params object[] args) => Player.Message(player, GetMsg(player.UserIDString, msg, args), 0); private string GetMsg(string player, string msg, params object[] args) => string.Format(lang.GetMessage(msg, this, player), args); protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["CM_DROPSPAWNED"] = "AirDrop has been dropped in square {0} (You can see the marker when you open the map)" }, this); } #endregion } }