using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core.Libraries; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("GameCMS", "GameCMS.ORG", "0.1.5")] [Description("Link your game server with the GameCMS.ORG API.")] class GameCMS : CovalencePlugin { private string messagePrefix = "[GameCMS] "; private DateTime lastSent = DateTime.Now; private void Init() { timer.Every(60, TryToFetchCommands); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { Log("Creating a new configuration file."); Config["ServerApiToken"] = ""; } [Command("gamecms.force"), Permission("gamecms.force")] private void ForceCommand(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { try { player.Reply(messagePrefix + "Forcing command execution..."); FetchCommands(res => { DispatchCommands(res.Data); }, code => Log("Unable to fetch data from GameCMS.ORG API (code {0})", code)); } catch (Exception ex) { player.Reply(messagePrefix + $"Error executing command: {ex.Message}"); Log(messagePrefix + $"Error in ForceCommand: {ex}"); } } [Command("gamecms.server.verify"), Permission("gamecms.server.verify")] private void SetApiKeyCommand(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { player.Reply(messagePrefix + "Usage: gamecms.server.apikey "); return; } string apiKey = args[0]; var serverAddress = GetExternalIpAddress(); // Get server address var serverPort = server.Port; // Get server port // Create the data to send in the POST request as URL-encoded form data var postData = new Dictionary { { "address", serverAddress }, { "port", serverPort.ToString() } }; // Convert the dictionary to a URL-encoded string var requestBody = string.Join("&", postData.Select(kvp => $"{Uri.EscapeDataString(kvp.Key)}={Uri.EscapeDataString(kvp.Value)}")); var url = ""; webrequest.Enqueue(url, requestBody, (code, response) => { if (code == 200) { // If the response is successful, set the API key in the config Config["ServerApiToken"] = apiKey; SaveConfig(); player.Reply(messagePrefix + "Server API Key verified and updated successfully."); } else { // Handle error - display the response message var responseObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(response); if (responseObj != null && responseObj.ContainsKey("message")) { player.Reply(messagePrefix + $"{responseObj["message"]}"); } else { player.Reply(messagePrefix + "Failed to verify the API key. Please check the key and try again."); } } }, this, RequestMethod.POST, new Dictionary { { "Authorization", $"Bearer {apiKey}" }, { "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } }); } private void TryToFetchCommands() { var now = DateTime.Now; if ((now - lastSent).TotalSeconds < 60) { return; } lastSent = now; FetchCommands(res => { DispatchCommands(res.Data); }, code => LogError("Unable to fetch data from GameCMS.ORG API (code {0})", code)); } private void FetchCommands(Action callback, Action errorHandler) { var url = ""; webrequest.Enqueue(url, null, (code, response) => { if (code != 200) { errorHandler(code); return; } callback(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response)); }, this, RequestMethod.GET, GetRequestHeaders()); } private void DispatchCommands(List commands) { List executedCommandIds = new List(); foreach (var commandData in commands) { var player = players.FindPlayerById(commandData.SteamId.ToString()); if (player == null) continue; if (commandData.MustBeOnline && !player.IsConnected) continue; foreach (var command in commandData.Commands) { server.Command(command); } executedCommandIds.Add(commandData.Id); } if (executedCommandIds.Count > 0) { MarkCommandsAsCompleted(executedCommandIds); } Log("Fetched {0} commands.", executedCommandIds.Count); } private void MarkCommandsAsCompleted(List commandIds) { var url = ""; var requestBody = $"ids={Uri.EscapeDataString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(commandIds))}"; webrequest.Enqueue(url, requestBody, (code, response) => { }, this, RequestMethod.POST, GetFormRequestHeaders()); } private Dictionary GetFormRequestHeaders() { var ServerApiToken = (string)Config["ServerApiToken"]; return new Dictionary { { "Authorization", $"Bearer {ServerApiToken}" }, { "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } }; } private Dictionary GetRequestHeaders() { var ServerApiToken = (string)Config["ServerApiToken"]; return new Dictionary { { "Authorization", $"Bearer {ServerApiToken}" }, { "Accept", "application/json" }, { "Content-type", "application/json" } }; } private string GetExternalIpAddress() { try { using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { string ip = client.DownloadString("").Trim(); return ip; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return ""; // Default to localhost if unable to fetch } } } class GameCMSApiResponse { [JsonProperty("status")] public int Status { get; set; } [JsonProperty("data")] public List Data { get; set; } } class CommandData { [JsonProperty("id")] public int Id { get; set; } [JsonProperty("username")] public string Username { get; set; } [JsonProperty("must_be_online")] public bool MustBeOnline { get; set; } [JsonProperty("steam_id")] public string SteamId { get; set; } [JsonProperty("commands")] public List Commands { get; set; } } }