using System; using Facepunch; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Rust; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Oxide.Core; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; using Oxide.Plugins.NpcSpawnExtensionMethods; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("NpcSpawn", "KpucTaJl", "2.4.4")] internal class NpcSpawn : RustPlugin { #region Config internal class NpcBelt { public string ShortName; public int Amount; public ulong SkinID; public List Mods; public string Ammo; } internal class NpcWear { public string ShortName; public ulong SkinID; } internal class NpcConfig { public string Name { get; set; } public List WearItems { get; set; } public List BeltItems { get; set; } public string Kit { get; set; } public float Health { get; set; } public float RoamRange { get; set; } public float ChaseRange { get; set; } public float DamageScale { get; set; } public float TurretDamageScale { get; set; } public float AimConeScale { get; set; } public bool DisableRadio { get; set; } public bool CanUseWeaponMounted { get; set; } public bool CanRunAwayWater { get; set; } public float Speed { get; set; } public int AreaMask { get; set; } public int AgentTypeID { get; set; } public string HomePosition { get; set; } public HashSet States { get; set; } public SensoryStats Sensory { get; set; } } public class SensoryStats { public float AttackRangeMultiplier { get; set; } public float SenseRange { get; set; } public float MemoryDuration { get; set; } public bool CheckVisionCone { get; set; } public float VisionCone { get; set; } } #endregion Config #region Methods private ScientistNPC SpawnNpc(Vector3 position, JObject configJson) { CustomScientistNpc npc = CreateCustomNpc(position, configJson.ToObject()); if (npc != null) { _scientists.Add(, npc); npc.skinID = 11162132011012; } return npc; } private static CustomScientistNpc CreateCustomNpc(Vector3 position, NpcConfig config) { ScientistNPC scientistNpc = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/", position, Quaternion.identity, false) as ScientistNPC; ScientistBrain scientistBrain = scientistNpc.GetComponent(); CustomScientistNpc customScientist = scientistNpc.gameObject.AddComponent(); CustomScientistBrain customScientistBrain = scientistNpc.gameObject.AddComponent(); CopySerializableFields(scientistNpc, customScientist); CopySerializableFields(scientistBrain, customScientistBrain); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(scientistNpc, true); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(scientistBrain, true); customScientist.Config = config; customScientist.Brain = customScientistBrain; customScientist.enableSaving = false; customScientist.gameObject.AwakeFromInstantiate(); customScientist.Spawn(); return customScientist; } private static void CopySerializableFields(T src, T dst) { FieldInfo[] srcFields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (FieldInfo field in srcFields) { object value = field.GetValue(src); field.SetValue(dst, value); } } private void AddTargetRaid(CustomScientistNpc npc, BuildingPrivlidge cupboard) { if (npc == null || cupboard == null || !_scientists.ContainsKey( return; npc.AddTargetRaid(cupboard); } private void AddTargetGuard(CustomScientistNpc npc, BaseEntity target) { if (npc == null || target == null || !_scientists.ContainsKey( return; npc.AddTargetGuard(target); } private void ChangeHomePosition(CustomScientistNpc npc, Vector3 pos) { if (npc == null || !_scientists.ContainsKey( return; npc.HomePosition = pos; } private BasePlayer GetCurrentTarget(CustomScientistNpc npc) { if (IsCustomScientist(npc)) return npc.CurrentTarget; else return null; } #endregion Methods #region Controller internal class DefaultSettings { public float EffectiveRange; public float AttackLengthMin; public float AttackLengthMax; } private static readonly Dictionary _weapons = new Dictionary { ["rifle.bolt"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 150f, AttackLengthMin = -1f, AttackLengthMax = -1f }, ["bow.compound"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 15f, AttackLengthMin = -1f, AttackLengthMax = -1f }, ["smg.2"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 20f, AttackLengthMin = 0.4f, AttackLengthMax = 0.4f }, ["shotgun.double"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 10f, AttackLengthMin = 0.3f, AttackLengthMax = 1f }, ["pistol.eoka"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 10f, AttackLengthMin = -1f, AttackLengthMax = -1f }, ["rifle.l96"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 150f, AttackLengthMin = -1f, AttackLengthMax = -1f }, ["pistol.nailgun"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 15f, AttackLengthMin = 0f, AttackLengthMax = 0.46f }, ["pistol.python"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 15f, AttackLengthMin = 0.175f, AttackLengthMax = 0.525f }, ["pistol.semiauto"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 15f, AttackLengthMin = 0f, AttackLengthMax = 0.46f }, ["pistol.prototype17"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 15f, AttackLengthMin = 0f, AttackLengthMax = 0.46f }, ["smg.thompson"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 20f, AttackLengthMin = 0.4f, AttackLengthMax = 0.4f }, ["shotgun.waterpipe"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 10f, AttackLengthMin = -1f, AttackLengthMax = -1f }, ["multiplegrenadelauncher"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 20f, AttackLengthMin = -1f, AttackLengthMax = -1f }, ["snowballgun"] = new DefaultSettings { EffectiveRange = 5f, AttackLengthMin = 2f, AttackLengthMax = 2f } }; private static readonly HashSet _meleeWeapons = new HashSet { "", "knife.bone", "knife.butcher", "candycaneclub", "knife.combat", "longsword", "mace", "machete", "paddle", "pitchfork", "salvaged.cleaver", "salvaged.sword", "spear.stone", "spear.wooden", "chainsaw", "hatchet", "jackhammer", "pickaxe", "axe.salvaged", "hammer.salvaged", "icepick.salvaged", "stonehatchet", "stone.pickaxe", "torch", "sickle", "mace.baseballbat" }; private static readonly HashSet _firstDistanceWeapons = new HashSet { "bow.compound", "shotgun.double", "pistol.eoka", "flamethrower", "pistol.m92", "pistol.nailgun", "multiplegrenadelauncher", "shotgun.pump", "pistol.python", "pistol.revolver", "pistol.semiauto", "pistol.prototype17", "snowballgun", "shotgun.spas12", "shotgun.waterpipe" }; private static readonly HashSet _secondDistanceWeapons = new HashSet { "smg.2", "smg.mp5", "rifle.semiauto", "smg.thompson" }; private static readonly HashSet _thirdDistanceWeapons = new HashSet { "rifle.ak", "rifle.lr300", "lmg.m249", "rifle.m39", "hmlmg", "" }; private static readonly HashSet _fourthDistanceWeapons = new HashSet { "rifle.bolt", "rifle.l96" }; public class CustomScientistNpc : ScientistNPC { public NpcConfig Config { get; set; } public BasePlayer CurrentTarget { get; set; } public AttackEntity CurrentWeapon { get; set; } public Vector3 HomePosition { get; set; } public float DistanceFromBase => Vector3.Distance(transform.position, HomePosition); public float DistanceToTarget => Vector3.Distance(transform.position, CurrentTarget.transform.position); public override void ServerInit() { base.ServerInit(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.HomePosition)) HomePosition = transform.position; else HomePosition = Config.HomePosition.ToVector3(); if (NavAgent == null) NavAgent = GetComponent(); if (NavAgent != null) { NavAgent.areaMask = Config.AreaMask; NavAgent.agentTypeID = Config.AgentTypeID; } startHealth = Config.Health; _health = Config.Health; damageScale = Config.DamageScale; if (Config.DisableRadio) { CancelInvoke(PlayRadioChatter); RadioChatterEffects = Array.Empty(); DeathEffects = Array.Empty(); } ClearContainer(inventory.containerWear); ClearContainer(inventory.containerBelt); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.Kit) && _ins.Kits != null) _ins.Kits.Call("GiveKit", this, Config.Kit); else UpdateInventory(); displayName = Config.Name; InvokeRepeating(LightCheck, 1f, 30f); InvokeRepeating(UpdateTick, 1f, 2f); } private void UpdateInventory() { if (Config.WearItems.Count > 0) { foreach (Item item in Config.WearItems.Select(x => ItemManager.CreateByName(x.ShortName, 1, x.SkinID))) { if (item == null) continue; if (!item.MoveToContainer(inventory.containerWear)) item.Remove(); } } if (Config.BeltItems.Count > 0) { foreach (NpcBelt npcItem in Config.BeltItems) { Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(npcItem.ShortName, npcItem.Amount, npcItem.SkinID); if (item == null) continue; foreach (ItemDefinition itemDefinition in npcItem.Mods.Select(ItemManager.FindItemDefinition).Where(x => x != null)) item.contents.AddItem(itemDefinition, 1); if (!item.MoveToContainer(inventory.containerBelt)) item.Remove(); } } } private static void ClearContainer(ItemContainer container) { List allItems = container.itemList; for (int i = allItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Item item = allItems[i]; item.RemoveFromContainer(); item.Remove(); } } private void OnDestroy() { if (_healCoroutine != null) ServerMgr.Instance.StopCoroutine(_healCoroutine); if (_fireC4Coroutine != null) ServerMgr.Instance.StopCoroutine(_fireC4Coroutine); if (_fireRocketLauncherCoroutine != null) ServerMgr.Instance.StopCoroutine(_fireRocketLauncherCoroutine); CancelInvoke(); } private void UpdateTick() { if (CanRunAwayWater()) RunAwayWater(); if (CanThrownGrenade()) ThrownGrenade(CurrentTarget.transform.position); if (CanHeal()) _healCoroutine = ServerMgr.Instance.StartCoroutine(Heal()); EquipWeapon(); if (Config.States.Contains("RaidState") && Foundations.Count == 0) { if (CurrentTarget == null) { FirstTarget = null; CurrentRaidTarget = null; } else { BuildingBlock block = GetNearEntity(CurrentTarget.transform.position, 0.1f, 1 << 21); if (block.IsExists() && IsTeam(CurrentTarget, block.OwnerID)) FirstTarget = block; else { FirstTarget = null; CurrentRaidTarget = null; } } } if (_beforeGuardHomePosition != { if (_guardTarget.IsExists()) HomePosition = _guardTarget.transform.position; else { HomePosition = _beforeGuardHomePosition; _beforeGuardHomePosition =; _guardTarget = null; Interface.Oxide.CallHook("OnCustomNpcGuardTargetEnd", this); } } } #region Targeting public new BasePlayer GetBestTarget() { if (IsRunAwayWater) return null; BasePlayer target = null; float delta = -1f; foreach (BasePlayer basePlayer in Brain.Senses.Players) { if (!CanTargetBasePlayer(basePlayer) || Interface.CallHook("OnCustomNpcTarget", this, basePlayer) != null) continue; float rangeDelta = 1f - Mathf.InverseLerp(1f, Brain.SenseRange, Vector3.Distance(basePlayer.transform.position, transform.position)); if (Config.Sensory.CheckVisionCone) { float dot = Vector3.Dot((basePlayer.transform.position - eyes.position).normalized, eyes.BodyForward()); if (dot < Brain.VisionCone) continue; rangeDelta += Mathf.InverseLerp(Brain.VisionCone, 1f, dot) / 2f; } rangeDelta += (Brain.Senses.Memory.IsLOS(basePlayer) ? 2f : 0f); if (rangeDelta <= delta) continue; target = basePlayer; delta = rangeDelta; } return target; } public bool CanTargetBasePlayer(BasePlayer target) { if (IsRunAwayWater) return false; if (target == null || target.Health() <= 0f) return false; if (target.IsSleeping() || target.IsWounded() || target.IsDead() || target.InSafeZone()) return false; if (target._limitedNetworking) return false; return true; } #endregion Targeting #region Equip Weapons private bool _isEquiping = false; private bool CanEquipWeapon() { if (inventory == null || inventory.containerBelt == null) return false; if (_isEquiping) return false; if (IsFireRocketLauncher) return false; if (_isHealing) return false; if (IsMounted() && !Config.CanUseWeaponMounted) return false; return true; } public override void EquipWeapon(bool skipDeployDelay = false) { if (!CanEquipWeapon()) return; Item weapon = null; if (CurrentTarget == null) { if (CurrentWeapon == null) { Dictionary> weapons = new Dictionary> { [0] = new List(), [1] = new List(), [2] = new List(), [3] = new List(), [4] = new List() }; foreach (Item item in inventory.containerBelt.itemList) { int type = GetTypeWeaponItem(item); if (type == -1) continue; weapons[type].Add(item); } if (weapons[3].Count > 0) weapon = weapons[3].GetRandom(); else if (weapons[2].Count > 0) weapon = weapons[2].GetRandom(); else if (weapons[1].Count > 0) weapon = weapons[1].GetRandom(); else if (weapons[4].Count > 0) weapon = weapons[4].GetRandom(); else if (weapons[0].Count > 0) weapon = weapons[0].GetRandom(); } else return; } else { float distanceToTarget = DistanceToTarget; int type = -1; foreach (Item item in inventory.containerBelt.itemList) { int currentType = GetTypeWeaponItem(item); if (currentType == -1) continue; if (type == -1) { weapon = item; type = currentType; } else { if (type == currentType) continue; float oldDistance = type > 0 ? Config.Sensory.AttackRangeMultiplier * type * 10f : 2f; float newDistance = currentType > 0 ? Config.Sensory.AttackRangeMultiplier * currentType * 10f : 2f; if ((oldDistance > distanceToTarget && newDistance > distanceToTarget && newDistance < oldDistance) || (oldDistance < distanceToTarget && newDistance > distanceToTarget) || (oldDistance < distanceToTarget && newDistance < distanceToTarget && newDistance > oldDistance)) { weapon = item; type = currentType; } } } } if (weapon == null) return; AttackEntity attackEntity = weapon.GetHeldEntity() as AttackEntity; if (attackEntity == null) return; if (CurrentWeapon == attackEntity) return; _isEquiping = true; UpdateActiveItem(weapon.uid); CurrentWeapon = attackEntity; attackEntity.TopUpAmmo(); if (attackEntity is Chainsaw) (attackEntity as Chainsaw).ServerNPCStart(); if (attackEntity is BaseProjectile) { if (_weapons.ContainsKey( { attackEntity.effectiveRange = _weapons[].EffectiveRange; attackEntity.attackLengthMin = _weapons[].AttackLengthMin; attackEntity.attackLengthMax = _weapons[].AttackLengthMax; } string ammo = Config.BeltItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShortName ==; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ammo)) { BaseProjectile baseProjectile = attackEntity as BaseProjectile; baseProjectile.primaryMagazine.ammoType = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(ammo); baseProjectile.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); } } Invoke(FinishEquiping, 1.5f); } private void FinishEquiping() => _isEquiping = false; private int GetTypeWeaponItem(Item item) { if (_meleeWeapons.Contains( return 0; if (_firstDistanceWeapons.Contains( return 1; if (_secondDistanceWeapons.Contains( return 2; if (_thirdDistanceWeapons.Contains( return 3; if (_fourthDistanceWeapons.Contains( return 4; return -1; } internal void HolsterWeapon() { if (CurrentWeapon == null) return; CurrentWeapon.SetHeld(false); CurrentWeapon = null; SendNetworkUpdate(); inventory.UpdatedVisibleHolsteredItems(); } #endregion Equip Weapons protected override string OverrideCorpseName() => displayName; public override float GetAimConeScale() => Config.AimConeScale; #region Heal private Coroutine _healCoroutine = null; private bool _isHealing = false; private bool CanHeal() { if (_isHealing || health >= Config.Health || CurrentTarget != null || IsFireC4 || IsFireRocketLauncher || _isEquiping) return false; return inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Any(x => == "syringe.medical"); } private IEnumerator Heal() { _isHealing = true; Item syringe = inventory.containerBelt.itemList.FirstOrDefault(x => == "syringe.medical"); CurrentWeapon = null; UpdateActiveItem(syringe.uid); MedicalTool medicalTool = syringe.GetHeldEntity() as MedicalTool; yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(1.5f); medicalTool.ServerUse(); InitializeHealth(health + 15f > Config.Health ? Config.Health : health + 15f, Config.Health); yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(2f); _isHealing = false; EquipWeapon(); } #endregion Heal #region Grenades private readonly HashSet _barricades = new HashSet { "barricade.cover.wood", "barricade.sandbags", "barricade.concrete", "barricade.stone" }; private bool _isReloadGrenade = false; private bool _isReloadSmoke = false; private void FinishReloadGrenade() => _isReloadGrenade = false; private void FinishReloadSmoke() => _isReloadSmoke = false; private bool CanThrownGrenade() { if (_isReloadGrenade || CurrentTarget == null) return false; if (IsMounted() && !Config.CanUseWeaponMounted) return false; return DistanceToTarget < 15f && inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Any(x => == "grenade.f1" || == "grenade.beancan" || == "grenade.molotov" || == "grenade.flashbang") && (!CanSeeTarget(CurrentTarget) || IsBehindBarricade()); } internal bool IsBehindBarricade() => CanSeeTarget(CurrentTarget) && IsBarricade(); private bool IsBarricade() { SetAimDirection((CurrentTarget.transform.position - transform.position).normalized); RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(eyes.HeadRay()); GamePhysics.Sort(hits); return hits.Select(x => x.GetEntity() as Barricade).Any(x => x != null && _barricades.Contains(x.ShortPrefabName) && Vector3.Distance(transform.position, x.transform.position) < DistanceToTarget); } private void ThrownGrenade(Vector3 target) { Item item = inventory.containerBelt.itemList.FirstOrDefault(x => == "grenade.f1" || == "grenade.beancan" || == "grenade.molotov" || == "grenade.flashbang"); if (item != null) { GrenadeWeapon weapon = item.GetHeldEntity() as GrenadeWeapon; if (weapon != null) { Brain.Navigator.Stop(); SetAimDirection((target - transform.position).normalized); weapon.ServerThrow(target); _isReloadGrenade = true; Invoke(FinishReloadGrenade, 10f); } } } internal void ThrownSmoke() { if (!_isReloadSmoke) { Item item = inventory.containerBelt.itemList.FirstOrDefault(x => == "grenade.smoke"); if (item != null) { GrenadeWeapon weapon = item.GetHeldEntity() as GrenadeWeapon; if (weapon != null) { weapon.ServerThrow(transform.position); _isReloadSmoke = true; Invoke(FinishReloadSmoke, 30f); } } } } #endregion Grenades #region Run Away Water internal bool IsRunAwayWater = false; private bool CanRunAwayWater() { if (!Config.CanRunAwayWater || IsRunAwayWater) return false; if (CurrentTarget == null) { if (transform.position.y < -0.25f) return true; else return false; } if (transform.position.y > -0.25f || TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(CurrentTarget.transform.position) > -0.25f) return false; if (CurrentWeapon is BaseProjectile && DistanceToTarget < EngagementRange()) return false; if (CurrentWeapon is BaseMelee && DistanceToTarget < CurrentWeapon.effectiveRange) return false; return true; } private void RunAwayWater() { IsRunAwayWater = true; CurrentTarget = null; Invoke(FinishRunAwayWater, 20f); } private void FinishRunAwayWater() => IsRunAwayWater = false; #endregion Run Away Water #region Raid internal bool IsReloadC4 = false; internal bool IsReloadRocketLauncher = false; internal bool IsFireRocketLauncher = false; internal bool IsFireC4 = false; private Coroutine _fireC4Coroutine = null; private Coroutine _fireRocketLauncherCoroutine = null; internal BaseCombatEntity Turret = null; internal BaseCombatEntity FirstTarget = null; internal BuildingPrivlidge MainCupboard = null; internal HashSet Boxes = new HashSet(); internal HashSet Cupboards = new HashSet(); internal HashSet Foundations = new HashSet(); internal BaseCombatEntity CurrentRaidTarget = null; internal void AddTargetRaid(BuildingPrivlidge cupboard) { Cupboards = GetCupboards(cupboard); Boxes = GetBoxes(Cupboards); HashSet allBlocks = GetBlocks(Cupboards); Foundations = allBlocks.Where(x => x.ShortPrefabName.Contains("foundation")); Vector3 centerHome = GetCenterHomePos(allBlocks); MainCupboard = Cupboards.Min(x => Vector3.Distance(x.transform.position, centerHome)); Cupboards.Remove(MainCupboard); } internal void AddTargetRaidMelee(BuildingPrivlidge cupboard) { Foundations = GetBlocks(GetCupboards(cupboard)).Where(x => x.ShortPrefabName.Contains("foundation")); } internal void AddTurret(BaseCombatEntity turret) { if (!Turret.IsExists() || Vector3.Distance(transform.position, turret.transform.position) < Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Turret.transform.position)) { Turret = turret; BuildingBlock block = GetNearEntity(Turret.transform.position, 0.1f, 1 << 21); CurrentRaidTarget = block.IsExists() ? block : Turret; } } private static T GetNearEntity(Vector3 position, float radius, int layerMask) where T : BaseCombatEntity { List list = new List(); Vis.Entities(position, radius, list, layerMask); return list.Count == 0 ? null : list.Min(s => Vector3.Distance(position, s.transform.position)); } private static List GetEntities(Vector3 position, float radius, int layerMask) where T : BaseCombatEntity { List list = new List(); Vis.Entities(position, radius, list, layerMask); return list.Count == 0 ? null : list; } private static Vector3 GetCenterHomePos(HashSet blocks) { float Xmin = blocks.Min(x => x.transform.position.x).transform.position.x; float Xmax = blocks.Max(x => x.transform.position.x).transform.position.x; float Ymin = blocks.Min(x => x.transform.position.y).transform.position.y; float Ymax = blocks.Max(x => x.transform.position.y).transform.position.y; float Zmin = blocks.Min(x => x.transform.position.z).transform.position.z; float Zmax = blocks.Max(x => x.transform.position.z).transform.position.z; return new Vector3((Xmin + Xmax) / 2, (Ymin + Ymax) / 2, (Zmin + Zmax) / 2); } private static HashSet GetCupboards(BuildingPrivlidge cupboard) { HashSet ids = cupboard.authorizedPlayers.Select(x => x.userid).ToHashSet(); return GetEntities(cupboard.transform.position, 100f, 1 << 8).Where(x => x.authorizedPlayers.Any(y => ids.Contains(y.userid))).ToHashSet(); } private static HashSet GetBlocks(HashSet cupboards) => cupboards.SelectMany(x => x.GetBuilding().buildingBlocks); private static HashSet GetBoxes(HashSet cupboards) => cupboards.SelectMany(x => x.GetBuilding().decayEntities.OfType()); internal BaseCombatEntity GetRaidTarget() { BaseCombatEntity result = GetRaidMainTarget(); if (result == null) return null; BaseCombatEntity targetPath = GetTargetPath(result); return targetPath != null ? targetPath : result; } internal BaseCombatEntity GetRaidTargetMelee() { if (Foundations.Count == 0) return null; foreach (BuildingBlock block in Foundations.Where(x => !x.IsExists())) Foundations.Remove(block); if (Foundations.Count == 0) return null; BaseCombatEntity result = Foundations.Min(x => Vector3.Distance(transform.position, x.transform.position)); NavMeshHit navMeshHit; if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(result.transform.position, out navMeshHit, 3f, NavAgent.areaMask)) { NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath(); if (NavMesh.CalculatePath(transform.position, navMeshHit.position, NavAgent.areaMask, path) && path.status != NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete) result = GetNearEntity(path.corners.Last(), 3f, 1 << 8 | 1 << 21); } return result; } private BaseCombatEntity GetRaidMainTarget() { if (Turret.IsExists()) { BuildingBlock block = GetNearEntity(Turret.transform.position, 0.1f, 1 << 21); return block.IsExists() ? block : Turret; } if (FirstTarget.IsExists()) return FirstTarget; if (MainCupboard.IsExists()) return MainCupboard; if (Boxes.Count > 0) { foreach (BoxStorage storage in Boxes.Where(x => !x.IsExists())) Boxes.Remove(storage); if (Boxes.Count > 0) return Boxes.Min(x => Vector3.Distance(transform.position, x.transform.position)); } if (Cupboards.Count > 0) { foreach (BuildingPrivlidge cupboard in Cupboards.Where(x => !x.IsExists())) Cupboards.Remove(cupboard); if (Cupboards.Count > 0) return Cupboards.Min(x => Vector3.Distance(transform.position, x.transform.position)); } if (Foundations.Count > 0) { foreach (BuildingBlock block in Foundations.Where(x => !x.IsExists())) Foundations.Remove(block); if (Foundations.Count > 0) return Foundations.Min(x => Vector3.Distance(transform.position, x.transform.position)); } return null; } private BaseCombatEntity GetTargetPath(BaseCombatEntity target) { NavMeshHit navMeshHit; int attempts = 0; while (attempts < 20) { if (target == null) return null; attempts++; float targetHeight = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(target.transform.position); if (target.transform.position.y - targetHeight > 15f) { List blocks = GetEntities(new Vector3(target.transform.position.x, targetHeight, target.transform.position.z), 30f, 1 << 21); if (blocks != null) target = blocks.Min(s => Vector3.Distance(s.transform.position, transform.position)); else return null; } if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(target.transform.position, out navMeshHit, 30f, NavAgent.areaMask)) { NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath(); if (NavMesh.CalculatePath(transform.position, navMeshHit.position, NavAgent.areaMask, path)) return path.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete ? target : GetNearEntity(path.corners.Last(), 5f, 1 << 8 | 1 << 21); } float x1 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(target.transform.position.x - 30f - 5f, target.transform.position.x - 30f); float x2 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(target.transform.position.x + 30f, target.transform.position.x + 30f + 5f); float z1 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(target.transform.position.z - 30f - 5f, target.transform.position.z - 30f); float z2 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(target.transform.position.z + 30f, target.transform.position.z + 30f + 5f); Vector3 vector1 = new Vector3(x1, 500f, z1); vector1.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(vector1); Vector3 vector2 = new Vector3(x2, 500f, z1); vector2.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(vector2); Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(x1, 500f, z2); vector3.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(vector3); Vector3 vector4 = new Vector3(x2, 500f, z2); vector4.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(vector4); HashSet list = new HashSet { vector1, vector2, vector3, vector4 }; target = GetNearEntity(list.Min(x => Vector3.Distance(transform.position, x)), 5f, 1 << 8 | 1 << 21); } return null; } internal bool StartExplosion(BaseCombatEntity target) { if (target == null) return false; if (CanThrownC4(target)) { _fireC4Coroutine = ServerMgr.Instance.StartCoroutine(ThrownC4(target)); return true; } if (CanRaidRocketLauncher(target)) { ThrownSmoke(); _fireRocketLauncherCoroutine = ServerMgr.Instance.StartCoroutine(ProcessFireRocketLauncher(target)); return true; } return false; } private bool CanRaidRocketLauncher(BaseCombatEntity target) => !IsReloadRocketLauncher && !IsFireRocketLauncher && inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Any(x => == "rocket.launcher") && !_isEquiping && !_isHealing && Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position) < 30f; private IEnumerator ProcessFireRocketLauncher(BaseCombatEntity target) { IsFireRocketLauncher = true; EquipRocketLauncher(); if (!IsMounted()) SetDucked(true); Brain.Navigator.Stop(); Brain.Navigator.SetFacingDirectionEntity(target); yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(1.5f); if (target.IsExists()) { if (target.ShortPrefabName.Contains("foundation")) { Brain.Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); SetAimDirection((target.transform.position - new Vector3(0f, 1.5f, 0f) - transform.position).normalized); } FireRocketLauncher(); IsReloadRocketLauncher = true; Invoke(FinishReloadRocketLauncher, 6f); } IsFireRocketLauncher = false; EquipWeapon(); Brain.Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); if (!IsMounted()) SetDucked(false); } private void EquipRocketLauncher() { Item item = inventory.containerBelt.itemList.FirstOrDefault(x => == "rocket.launcher"); CurrentWeapon = null; UpdateActiveItem(item.uid); } private void FireRocketLauncher() { RaycastHit raycastHit; SignalBroadcast(Signal.Attack, string.Empty); Vector3 vector3 = IsMounted() ? eyes.position + new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, 0f) : eyes.position; Vector3 modifiedAimConeDirection = AimConeUtil.GetModifiedAimConeDirection(2.25f, eyes.BodyForward()); float single = 1f; if (Physics.Raycast(vector3, modifiedAimConeDirection, out raycastHit, single, 1236478737)) single = raycastHit.distance - 0.1f; TimedExplosive rocket = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_basic.prefab", vector3 + modifiedAimConeDirection * single) as TimedExplosive; rocket.creatorEntity = this; ServerProjectile serverProjectile = rocket.GetComponent(); serverProjectile.InitializeVelocity(GetInheritedProjectileVelocity(modifiedAimConeDirection) + modifiedAimConeDirection * serverProjectile.speed * 2f); rocket.Spawn(); } private void FinishReloadRocketLauncher() => IsReloadRocketLauncher = false; private bool CanThrownC4(BaseCombatEntity target) => !IsReloadC4 && !IsFireC4 && inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Any(x => == "explosive.timed") && Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position) < 5f; private IEnumerator ThrownC4(BaseCombatEntity target) { Item item = inventory.containerBelt.itemList.FirstOrDefault(x => == "explosive.timed"); IsFireC4 = true; Brain.Navigator.Stop(); Brain.Navigator.SetFacingDirectionEntity(target); yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(1.5f); if (target.IsExists()) { (item.GetHeldEntity() as ThrownWeapon).ServerThrow(target.transform.position); IsReloadC4 = true; Invoke(FinishReloadC4, 15f); } IsFireC4 = false; Brain.Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); } private void FinishReloadC4() => IsReloadC4 = false; private static bool IsTeam(BasePlayer player, ulong targetId) { if (player == null || targetId == 0) return false; if (player.userID == targetId) return true; if (player.currentTeam != 0) { RelationshipManager.PlayerTeam playerTeam = RelationshipManager.ServerInstance.FindTeam(player.currentTeam); if (playerTeam == null) return false; if (playerTeam.members.Contains(targetId)) return true; } if (_ins.plugins.Exists("Friends") && (bool)_ins.Friends.Call("AreFriends", player.userID, targetId)) return true; if (_ins.plugins.Exists("Clans") && _ins.Clans.Author == "k1lly0u" && (bool)_ins.Clans.Call("IsMemberOrAlly", player.UserIDString, targetId.ToString())) return true; return false; } #endregion Raid #region Guard private Vector3 _beforeGuardHomePosition =; private BaseEntity _guardTarget = null; internal void AddTargetGuard(BaseEntity target) { _beforeGuardHomePosition = HomePosition; _guardTarget = target; } #endregion Guard #region Multiple Grenade Launcher internal bool IsReloadGrenadeLauncher = false; private int _countAmmoInGrenadeLauncher = 6; internal void FireGrenadeLauncher() { RaycastHit raycastHit; SignalBroadcast(Signal.Attack, string.Empty); Vector3 vector3 = IsMounted() ? eyes.position + new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, 0f) : eyes.position; Vector3 modifiedAimConeDirection = AimConeUtil.GetModifiedAimConeDirection(0.675f, eyes.BodyForward()); float single = 1f; if (Physics.Raycast(vector3, modifiedAimConeDirection, out raycastHit, single, 1236478737)) single = raycastHit.distance - 0.1f; TimedExplosive grenade = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/ammo/40mmgrenade/40mm_grenade_he.prefab", vector3 + modifiedAimConeDirection * single) as TimedExplosive; grenade.creatorEntity = this; ServerProjectile serverProjectile = grenade.GetComponent(); serverProjectile.InitializeVelocity(GetInheritedProjectileVelocity(modifiedAimConeDirection) + modifiedAimConeDirection * serverProjectile.speed * 2f); grenade.Spawn(); _countAmmoInGrenadeLauncher--; if (_countAmmoInGrenadeLauncher == 0) { IsReloadGrenadeLauncher = true; Invoke(FinishReloadGrenadeLauncher, 8f); } } private void FinishReloadGrenadeLauncher() { _countAmmoInGrenadeLauncher = 6; IsReloadGrenadeLauncher = false; } #endregion Multiple Grenade Launcher #region Flame Thrower internal bool IsReloadFlameThrower = false; internal void FireFlameThrower() { FlameThrower flameThrower = CurrentWeapon as FlameThrower; if (flameThrower == null || flameThrower.IsFlameOn()) return; if (flameThrower.ammo <= 0) { IsReloadFlameThrower = true; Invoke(FinishReloadFlameThrower, 4f); return; } flameThrower.SetFlameState(true); Invoke(flameThrower.StopFlameState, 0.25f); } private void FinishReloadFlameThrower() { FlameThrower flameThrower = CurrentWeapon as FlameThrower; if (flameThrower == null) return; flameThrower.TopUpAmmo(); IsReloadFlameThrower = false; } #endregion Flame Thrower #region Melee Weapon internal void UseMeleeWeapon(bool damage = true) { BaseMelee weapon = CurrentWeapon as BaseMelee; if (weapon.HasAttackCooldown()) return; weapon.StartAttackCooldown(weapon.repeatDelay * 2f); SignalBroadcast(Signal.Attack, string.Empty, null); if (weapon.swingEffect.isValid) Effect.server.Run(weapon.swingEffect.resourcePath, weapon.transform.position, Vector3.forward, net.connection, false); if (!damage) return; Vector3 vector31 = eyes.BodyForward(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { List list = Pool.GetList(); GamePhysics.TraceAll(new Ray(eyes.position - (vector31 * (i == 0 ? 0f : 0.2f)), vector31), (i == 0 ? 0f : weapon.attackRadius), list, weapon.effectiveRange + 0.2f, 1219701521, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal, null); bool flag = false; for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { RaycastHit item = list[j]; BaseEntity entity = item.GetEntity(); if (entity != null && (entity == null || entity != this && !entity.EqualNetID(this)) && (entity == null || !entity.isClient) && entity.Categorize() == "player") { float single = weapon.damageTypes.Sum(x => x.amount); entity.OnAttacked(new HitInfo(this, entity, DamageType.Slash, single * weapon.npcDamageScale * Config.DamageScale)); HitInfo hitInfo = Pool.Get(); hitInfo.HitEntity = entity; hitInfo.HitPositionWorld = item.point; hitInfo.HitNormalWorld = -vector31; if (entity is BaseNpc || entity is BasePlayer) hitInfo.HitMaterial = StringPool.Get("Flesh"); else hitInfo.HitMaterial = StringPool.Get(item.GetCollider().sharedMaterial != null ? item.GetCollider().sharedMaterial.GetName() : "generic"); weapon.ServerUse_OnHit(hitInfo); Effect.server.ImpactEffect(hitInfo); Pool.Free(ref hitInfo); flag = true; if (entity == null || entity.ShouldBlockProjectiles()) break; } } Pool.FreeList(ref list); if (flag) break; } } #endregion Melee Weapon } public class CustomScientistBrain : ScientistBrain { private CustomScientistNpc _npc = null; public override void InitializeAI() { if (_npc == null) _npc = GetBaseEntity() as CustomScientistNpc; SenseTypes = EntityType.Player; MaxGroupSize = int.MaxValue; AttackRangeMultiplier = _npc.Config.Sensory.AttackRangeMultiplier; SenseRange = _npc.Config.Sensory.SenseRange; TargetLostRange = SenseRange * 2f; MemoryDuration = _npc.Config.Sensory.MemoryDuration; CheckVisionCone = _npc.Config.Sensory.CheckVisionCone; VisionCone = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.forward, Quaternion.Euler(0f, _npc.Config.Sensory.VisionCone, 0f) * Vector3.forward); base.InitializeAI(); UseAIDesign = false; ThinkMode = AIThinkMode.Interval; thinkRate = 0.25f; PathFinder = new HumanPathFinder(); ((HumanPathFinder)base.PathFinder).Init(_npc); Navigator.Speed = _npc.Config.Speed; } public override void AddStates() { if (_npc == null) _npc = GetBaseEntity() as CustomScientistNpc; states = new Dictionary(); if (_npc.Config.States.Contains("RoamState")) AddState(new RoamState(_npc)); if (_npc.Config.States.Contains("ChaseState")) AddState(new ChaseState(_npc)); if (_npc.Config.States.Contains("CombatState")) AddState(new CombatState(_npc)); if (_npc.Config.States.Contains("MountedState")) AddState(new MountedState(_npc)); if (_npc.Config.States.Contains("IdleState")) AddState(new IdleState(_npc)); if (_npc.Config.States.Contains("CombatStationaryState")) AddState(new CombatStationaryState(_npc)); if (_npc.Config.States.Contains("RaidState")) AddState(new RaidState(_npc)); if (_npc.Config.States.Contains("SledgeState")) AddState(new SledgeState(_npc)); if (_npc.Config.States.Contains("BlazerState")) AddState(new BlazerState(_npc)); } public override void Think(float delta) { if (_npc == null) return; Senses.Update(); base.Think(delta); if (sleeping) return; if (!_npc.IsRunAwayWater) _npc.CurrentTarget = _npc.GetBestTarget(); } public new class RoamState : BasicAIState { private readonly CustomScientistNpc _npc; public RoamState(CustomScientistNpc npc) : base(AIState.Roam) { _npc = npc; } public override float GetWeight() => 25f; public override void StateEnter(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateEnter(brain, entity); _npc.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Relaxed, true); } public override void StateLeave(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateLeave(brain, entity); _npc.ThrownSmoke(); _npc.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Relaxed, false); } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta, BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateThink(delta, brain, entity); if (_npc.DistanceFromBase > _npc.Config.RoamRange) brain.Navigator.SetDestination(_npc.HomePosition.UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); else if (!brain.Navigator.Moving) brain.Navigator.SetDestination(GetRoamPosition().UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Slowest); return StateStatus.Running; } private Vector3 GetRoamPosition() { Vector3 result = brain.PathFinder.GetRandomPositionAround(_npc.HomePosition, 0f, _npc.Config.RoamRange - 2f < 0f ? 0f : _npc.Config.RoamRange - 2f); NavMeshHit navMeshHit; if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(result, out navMeshHit, 2f, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask)) { NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath(); if (NavMesh.CalculatePath(_npc.transform.position, navMeshHit.position, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask, path)) result = path.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete ? navMeshHit.position : path.corners.Last(); else result = _npc.HomePosition; } else result = _npc.HomePosition; return result; } } public new class ChaseState : BasicAIState { private readonly CustomScientistNpc _npc; private Vector3 _lastTargetPosition =; public ChaseState(CustomScientistNpc npc) : base(AIState.Chase) { _npc = npc; } public override float GetWeight() { if (_npc.CurrentTarget == null) return 0f; if (_npc.DistanceFromBase > _npc.Config.ChaseRange) return 0f; if (_npc.IsRunAwayWater) return 0f; if (_npc.IsMounted()) return 0f; if (_npc.IsFireC4 || _npc.IsFireRocketLauncher) return 0f; if (_npc.CurrentRaidTarget != null) return 0f; if (!_npc.CanTargetBasePlayer(_npc.CurrentTarget)) return 0f; return 50f; } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta, BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateThink(delta, brain, entity); if (_npc.CurrentTarget == null) return StateStatus.Error; if (Vector3.Distance(_lastTargetPosition, _npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position) > 2f) { _lastTargetPosition = _npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position; if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseProjectile) brain.Navigator.SetDestination(GetChasePosition().UpPos(), _npc.DistanceToTarget >= 10f ? BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast : BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Normal); else brain.Navigator.SetDestination(GetChasePosition().UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); } return StateStatus.Running; } private Vector3 GetChasePosition() { NavMeshHit navMeshHit; float range = _npc.EngagementRange(); int maxDistance = range > 2f ? (int)range : 2; for (int i = 0; i < maxDistance; i++) { if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(_npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position, out navMeshHit, i, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask)) { NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath(); if (NavMesh.CalculatePath(_npc.transform.position, navMeshHit.position, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask, path)) { if (path.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete) return navMeshHit.position; else return path.corners.Last(); } } } return _npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position; } } public new class CombatState : BasicAIState { private readonly CustomScientistNpc _npc; private float _nextStrafeTime; public CombatState(CustomScientistNpc npc) : base(AIState.Combat) { _npc = npc; } public override float GetWeight() { if (_npc.CurrentTarget == null || _npc.CurrentWeapon == null) return 0f; if (_npc.DistanceFromBase > _npc.Config.ChaseRange) return 0f; if (_npc.IsRunAwayWater) return 0f; if (_npc.IsMounted()) return 0f; if (_npc.IsFireC4 || _npc.IsFireRocketLauncher) return 0f; if (!_npc.CanTargetBasePlayer(_npc.CurrentTarget)) return 0f; if (_npc.DistanceToTarget > _npc.EngagementRange()) return 0f; if (!_npc.CanSeeTarget(_npc.CurrentTarget) || (_npc.CanSeeTarget(_npc.CurrentTarget) && _npc.IsBehindBarricade())) return 0f; if (_npc.CurrentWeapon.ShortPrefabName == "mgl.entity" && _npc.IsReloadGrenadeLauncher) return 0f; if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is FlameThrower && _npc.IsReloadFlameThrower) return 0f; return 75f; } public override void StateEnter(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateEnter(brain, entity); brain.mainInterestPoint = _npc.transform.position; brain.Navigator.SetCurrentSpeed(BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Normal); brain.Navigator.SetFacingDirectionEntity(_npc.CurrentTarget); } public override void StateLeave(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateLeave(brain, entity); _npc.SetDucked(false); brain.Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta, BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateThink(delta, brain, entity); if (_npc.CurrentTarget == null) return StateStatus.Error; brain.Navigator.SetFacingDirectionEntity(_npc.CurrentTarget); if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseProjectile) { if (Time.time > _nextStrafeTime) { if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3) == 1) { float deltaTime = _npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseLauncher ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1f) : UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, 2f); _nextStrafeTime = Time.time + deltaTime; _npc.SetDucked(true); brain.Navigator.Stop(); } else { float deltaTime = _npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseLauncher ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, 1.5f) : UnityEngine.Random.Range(2f, 3f); _nextStrafeTime = Time.time + deltaTime; _npc.SetDucked(false); brain.Navigator.SetDestination(brain.PathFinder.GetRandomPositionAround(brain.mainInterestPoint, 1f, 2f).UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Normal); } if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseLauncher) _npc.FireGrenadeLauncher(); else _npc.ShotTest(_npc.DistanceToTarget); } } else if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is FlameThrower) { if (_npc.DistanceToTarget < _npc.CurrentWeapon.effectiveRange) _npc.FireFlameThrower(); else brain.Navigator.SetDestination(_npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position.UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); } else if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseMelee) { if (_npc.DistanceToTarget < _npc.CurrentWeapon.effectiveRange * 2f) _npc.UseMeleeWeapon(); brain.Navigator.SetDestination(_npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position.UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); } return StateStatus.Running; } } public new class MountedState : BasicAIState { private readonly CustomScientistNpc _npc; public MountedState(CustomScientistNpc npc) : base(AIState.Mounted) { _npc = npc; } public override float GetWeight() => _npc.IsMounted() ? 100f : 0f; public override void StateEnter(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateEnter(brain, entity); if (!_npc.Config.CanUseWeaponMounted) _npc.HolsterWeapon(); DisableNavAgent(); } public override void StateLeave(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateLeave(brain, entity); EnableNavAgent(); _npc.EquipWeapon(); } private void EnableNavAgent() { Vector3 position = _npc.transform.position; _npc.NavAgent.Warp(position); _npc.transform.position = position; _npc.HomePosition = position; _npc.NavAgent.enabled = true; _npc.NavAgent.isStopped = false; brain.Navigator.SetDestination(position, BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); } private void DisableNavAgent() { if (!_npc.NavAgent.enabled) return; _npc.NavAgent.destination = _npc.transform.position; _npc.NavAgent.isStopped = true; _npc.NavAgent.enabled = false; } } public new class IdleState : BasicAIState { private readonly CustomScientistNpc _npc; public IdleState(CustomScientistNpc npc) : base(AIState.Idle) { _npc = npc; } public override float GetWeight() => 50f; public override void StateEnter(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateEnter(brain, entity); _npc.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Relaxed, true); } public override void StateLeave(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateLeave(brain, entity); _npc.ThrownSmoke(); _npc.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Relaxed, false); } } public new class CombatStationaryState : BasicAIState { private readonly CustomScientistNpc _npc; private float _nextStrafeTime; public CombatStationaryState(CustomScientistNpc npc) : base(AIState.CombatStationary) { _npc = npc; } public override float GetWeight() { if (_npc.CurrentTarget == null || _npc.CurrentWeapon == null) return 0f; if (_npc.IsFireC4 || _npc.IsFireRocketLauncher) return 0f; if (!_npc.CanTargetBasePlayer(_npc.CurrentTarget)) return 0f; if (_npc.DistanceToTarget > _npc.EngagementRange()) return 0f; if (!_npc.CanSeeTarget(_npc.CurrentTarget)) return 0f; if (_npc.IsBehindBarricade()) return 0f; if (_npc.CurrentWeapon.ShortPrefabName == "mgl.entity" && _npc.IsReloadGrenadeLauncher) return 0f; if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is FlameThrower && _npc.IsReloadFlameThrower) return 0f; return 100f; } public override void StateEnter(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateEnter(brain, entity); brain.Navigator.SetFacingDirectionEntity(_npc.CurrentTarget); } public override void StateLeave(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateLeave(brain, entity); if (!_npc.IsMounted()) _npc.SetDucked(false); brain.Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta, BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateThink(delta, brain, entity); if (_npc.CurrentTarget == null) return StateStatus.Error; brain.Navigator.SetFacingDirectionEntity(_npc.CurrentTarget); if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseProjectile) { if (Time.time > _nextStrafeTime) { if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3) == 1) { float deltaTime = _npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseLauncher ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1f) : UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, 2f); _nextStrafeTime = Time.time + deltaTime; if (!_npc.IsMounted()) _npc.SetDucked(true); } else { float deltaTime = _npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseLauncher ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, 1.5f) : UnityEngine.Random.Range(2f, 3f); _nextStrafeTime = Time.time + deltaTime; if (!_npc.IsMounted()) _npc.SetDucked(false); } if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseLauncher) _npc.FireGrenadeLauncher(); else _npc.ShotTest(_npc.DistanceToTarget); } } else if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is FlameThrower && _npc.DistanceToTarget < _npc.CurrentWeapon.effectiveRange) _npc.FireFlameThrower(); return StateStatus.Running; } } public class RaidState : BasicAIState { private readonly CustomScientistNpc _npc; public RaidState(CustomScientistNpc npc) : base(AIState.Cooldown) { _npc = npc; } public override float GetWeight() { if (_npc.IsFireC4 || _npc.IsFireRocketLauncher) return 125f; if (_npc.IsRunAwayWater) return 0f; if (_npc.CanTargetBasePlayer(_npc.CurrentTarget) && _npc.CanSeeTarget(_npc.CurrentTarget) && _npc.DistanceToTarget <= _npc.EngagementRange()) return 0f; if (_npc.GetRaidTarget() == null) return 0f; if (_npc.inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Any(x => == "rocket.launcher") || _npc.inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Any(x => == "explosive.timed")) return 125f; return 0f; } public override void StateEnter(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateEnter(brain, entity); _npc.CurrentRaidTarget = _npc.GetRaidTarget(); } public override void StateLeave(BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateLeave(brain, entity); if (!_npc.IsMounted()) _npc.SetDucked(false); brain.Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta, BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateThink(delta, brain, entity); if (_npc.IsFireC4 || _npc.IsFireRocketLauncher) return StateStatus.Running; if (!_npc.CurrentRaidTarget.IsExists()) { _npc.CurrentRaidTarget = _npc.GetRaidTarget(); if (!_npc.CurrentRaidTarget.IsExists()) return StateStatus.Error; } if (!_npc.StartExplosion(_npc.CurrentRaidTarget) && Vector3.Distance(_npc.transform.position, _npc.CurrentRaidTarget.transform.position) > 5f && !_npc.IsMounted()) { _npc.SetDucked(false); brain.Navigator.SetDestination(GetRaidPosition().UpPos(), _npc.CurrentRaidTarget is AutoTurret || _npc.CurrentRaidTarget is GunTrap || _npc.CurrentRaidTarget is FlameTurret || Vector3.Distance(_npc.transform.position, _npc.CurrentRaidTarget.transform.position) > 30f ? BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast : Vector3.Distance(_npc.transform.position, _npc.CurrentRaidTarget.transform.position) > 5f ? BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Normal : BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Slow); } return StateStatus.Running; } private Vector3 GetRaidPosition() { if (_npc.CurrentRaidTarget is BuildingPrivlidge || _npc.CurrentRaidTarget is BuildingBlock || _npc.CurrentRaidTarget is BoxStorage) return brain.PathFinder.GetRandomPositionAround(_npc.CurrentRaidTarget.transform.position, 1f, 2f); else { NavMeshHit navMeshHit; if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(_npc.CurrentRaidTarget.transform.position, out navMeshHit, 5f, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask)) { NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath(); if (NavMesh.CalculatePath(_npc.transform.position, navMeshHit.position, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask, path)) return path.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete ? navMeshHit.position : path.corners.Last(); } } return _npc.CurrentRaidTarget.transform.position; } } public class SledgeState : BasicAIState { private readonly CustomScientistNpc _npc; private HashSet _positions = new HashSet(); public SledgeState(CustomScientistNpc npc) : base(AIState.Cooldown) { _npc = npc; _positions = _ins.WallFrames.ToHashSet(); _positions.Add(_ins.GeneralPosition); } public override float GetWeight() { if (_npc.CanTargetBasePlayer(_npc.CurrentTarget) && _npc.CanSeeTarget(_npc.CurrentTarget) && IsPath(_npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position)) return 0f; return 125f; } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta, BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateThink(delta, brain, entity); Vector3 barricadePos = GetNearBarricadePos; bool haveBarricade = barricadePos !=; Vector3 generalPos = _ins.GeneralPosition; bool haveGeneral = _ins.GeneralPosition !=; bool nearBarricade = haveBarricade && DistanceToPos(barricadePos) < 1.5f; bool nearGeneral = haveGeneral && DistanceToPos(generalPos) < 1.5f; if (nearBarricade || nearGeneral) { _npc.viewAngles = nearBarricade ? Quaternion.LookRotation(barricadePos + new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, 0f) - _npc.transform.position).eulerAngles : Quaternion.LookRotation(generalPos - _npc.transform.position).eulerAngles; if (_npc.CurrentWeapon is BaseMelee) _npc.UseMeleeWeapon(false); } else if (!brain.Navigator.Moving) brain.Navigator.SetDestination(GetResultPos().UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); return StateStatus.Running; } private bool IsPath(Vector3 pos) { NavMeshHit navMeshHit; if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(pos, out navMeshHit, _npc.CurrentWeapon.effectiveRange * 2f, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask)) { NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath(); if (NavMesh.CalculatePath(_npc.transform.position, navMeshHit.position, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask, path)) { if (path.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete) return true; else return DistanceToPos(path.corners.Last()) < _npc.CurrentWeapon.effectiveRange * 2f; } else return false; } else return false; } private Vector3 GetResultPos() { List list = Pool.GetList(); list = _positions.Where(x => NecessaryPos(x)).OrderBy(x => DistanceToPos(x)); Vector3 point1 = list[0]; Vector3 point2 = list[1]; float distance0 = DistanceToGeneral; float distance1 = DistanceToPos(point1); float distance2 = DistanceToPos(point2); float distance3 = Vector3.Distance(_ins.GeneralPosition, point1); float distance4 = Vector3.Distance(_ins.GeneralPosition, point2); Pool.FreeList(ref list); Vector3 result =; if (distance3 < distance4) result = point1; else { if (distance0 >= distance2) { if (distance0 < distance3) result = point2; else result = point1; } else result = point2; } result = brain.PathFinder.GetRandomPositionAround(result, 0f, 1.5f); NavMeshHit navMeshHit; if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(result, out navMeshHit, 1.5f, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask)) { NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath(); if (NavMesh.CalculatePath(_npc.transform.position, navMeshHit.position, _npc.NavAgent.areaMask, path)) result = path.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete ? navMeshHit.position : path.corners.Last(); } return result; } private float DistanceToGeneral => Vector3.Distance(_npc.transform.position, _ins.GeneralPosition); private float DistanceToPos(Vector3 pos) => Vector3.Distance(_npc.transform.position, pos); private Vector3 GetNearBarricadePos => _ins.CustomBarricades.Count == 0 ? : _ins.CustomBarricades.Min(x => DistanceToPos(x)); private static bool IsEqualVector3(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) => Vector3.Distance(a, b) < 0.1f; private bool IsCustomBarricadePos(Vector3 pos) => _ins.CustomBarricades.Any(x => IsEqualVector3(pos, x)); private bool NecessaryPos(Vector3 pos) => IsEqualVector3(pos, _ins.GeneralPosition) || Vector3.Distance(_npc.transform.position, pos) > 0.5f || IsCustomBarricadePos(pos); } public class BlazerState : BasicAIState { private readonly CustomScientistNpc _npc; private float _radius; private Vector3 _center; private List circlePositions = new List(); public BlazerState(CustomScientistNpc npc) : base(AIState.Cooldown) { _npc = npc; _radius = _npc.Config.Sensory.VisionCone; _center = _ins.GeneralPosition; for (int i = 1; i <= 36; i++) circlePositions.Add(new Vector3(_center.x + _radius * Mathf.Sin(i * 10f * Mathf.Deg2Rad), _center.y, _center.z + _radius * Mathf.Cos(i * 10f * Mathf.Deg2Rad))); } public override float GetWeight() { if (IsInside) return 87.5f; if (_npc.CurrentTarget == null) return 87.5f; else { if (IsOutsideTarget) return 0f; else { Vector3 vector3 = GetCirclePos(GetMovePos(_npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position)); if (DistanceToPos(vector3) > 2f) return 87.5f; else return 0f; } } } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta, BaseAIBrain brain, BaseEntity entity) { base.StateThink(delta, brain, entity); if (IsInside) brain.Navigator.SetDestination(GetCirclePos(GetMovePos(_npc.transform.position)).UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); if (_npc.CurrentTarget == null) _npc.CurrentTarget = GetTargetPlayer(); if (_npc.CurrentTarget == null) brain.Navigator.SetDestination(GetCirclePos(GetMovePos(_npc.transform.position)).UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); else brain.Navigator.SetDestination(GetNextPos(GetMovePos(_npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position)).UpPos(), BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); return StateStatus.Running; } private Vector3 GetNextPos(Vector3 targetPos) { int numberTarget = circlePositions.IndexOf(GetCirclePos(targetPos)); int numberNear = circlePositions.IndexOf(GetNearCirclePos); int countNext = numberTarget < numberNear ? circlePositions.Count - 1 - numberNear + numberTarget : numberTarget - numberNear; if (countNext < 18) { if (numberNear + 1 > 35) return circlePositions[0]; else return circlePositions[numberNear + 1]; } else { if (numberNear - 1 < 0) return circlePositions[35]; else return circlePositions[numberNear - 1]; } } private Vector3 GetCirclePos(Vector3 targetPos) => circlePositions.Min(x => Vector3.Distance(targetPos, x)); private Vector3 GetMovePos(Vector3 targetPos) { Vector3 normal3 = (targetPos - _center).normalized; Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(normal3.x, normal3.z) * _radius; return _center + new Vector3(vector2.x, _center.y, vector2.y); } private BasePlayer GetTargetPlayer() { List list = Pool.GetList(); Vis.Entities(_center, _npc.Config.ChaseRange, list, 1 << 17); HashSet players = list.Where(x => x.IsPlayer()); Pool.Free(ref list); return players.Count == 0 ? null : players.Min(x => DistanceToPos(x.transform.position)); } private Vector3 GetNearCirclePos => circlePositions.Min(x => DistanceToPos(x)); private bool IsInside => DistanceToPos(_center) < _radius - 2f; private bool IsOutsideTarget => Vector3.Distance(_center, _npc.CurrentTarget.transform.position) > _radius + 2f; private float DistanceToPos(Vector3 pos) => Vector3.Distance(_npc.transform.position, pos); } } #endregion Controller #region Oxide Hooks [PluginReference] private readonly Plugin Kits, Friends, Clans; private static NpcSpawn _ins; private readonly Dictionary _scientists = new Dictionary(); private void Init() => _ins = this; private bool IsCustomScientist(BaseEntity entity) => entity != null && entity.skinID == 11162132011012; private void OnServerInitialized() { CheckVersionPlugin(); GenerateSpawnpoints(); } private void Unload() { foreach (CustomScientistNpc npc in _scientists.Values.Where(x => x.IsExists())) npc.Kill(); _ins = null; } private void OnEntityKill(CustomScientistNpc npc) { if (npc.IsExists() && _scientists.ContainsKey( _scientists.Remove(; } private object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { if (entity == null || info == null) return null; BaseEntity attacker = info.Initiator; if (IsCustomScientist(entity)) { if (attacker == null) return true; CustomScientistNpc victimNpc = _scientists[]; if (attacker is AutoTurret || attacker is GunTrap || attacker is FlameTurret) { if (attacker.OwnerID.IsSteamId()) victimNpc.AddTurret(attacker as BaseCombatEntity); info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(victimNpc.Config.TurretDamageScale); return null; } BasePlayer attackerBP = attacker as BasePlayer; if (attackerBP != null) { if (victimNpc.CurrentTarget == null && victimNpc.CanTargetBasePlayer(attackerBP)) victimNpc.CurrentTarget = attackerBP; return null; } return true; } return null; } private object OnNpcTarget(BaseEntity npc, CustomScientistNpc entity) { if (IsCustomScientist(entity)) return true; else return null; } private object CanBradleyApcTarget(BradleyAPC apc, CustomScientistNpc entity) { if (apc != null && IsCustomScientist(entity)) return false; else return null; } private void OnCorpsePopulate(ScientistNPC entity, NPCPlayerCorpse corpse) { if (entity == null || corpse == null) return; if (IsCustomScientist(entity)) { ItemContainer container = corpse.containers[1]; for (int i = container.itemList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Item item = container.itemList[i]; item.RemoveFromContainer(); item.Remove(); } } } #endregion Oxide Hooks #region Other plugins hooks private void CheckVersionPlugin() { webrequest.Enqueue("", null, (code, response) => { if (code != 200 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) return; string[] array = response.Replace("\u0022", string.Empty).Split('.'); VersionNumber latestVersion = new VersionNumber(Convert.ToInt32(array[0]), Convert.ToInt32(array[1]), Convert.ToInt32(array[2])); if (Version < latestVersion) PrintWarning($"A new version ({latestVersion}) of the plugin is available! You need to update the plugin ("); }, this); } private object OnNpcKits(CustomScientistNpc npc) { if (IsCustomScientist(npc)) return true; else return null; } private object CanEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { if (entity == null || info == null) return null; BaseEntity attacker = info.Initiator; if (IsCustomScientist(entity)) return attacker != null && ((attacker as BasePlayer).IsPlayer() || attacker.skinID == 14922524 || attacker is AutoTurret || attacker is GunTrap || attacker is FlameTurret); if (IsCustomScientist(attacker)) { if ((entity as BasePlayer).IsPlayer()) return true; if (entity.OwnerID.IsSteamId()) { BaseEntity weaponPrefab = info.WeaponPrefab; if (weaponPrefab != null && (weaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName == "rocket_basic" || weaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName == "explosive.timed.deployed")) return true; } } return null; } private void SetWallFramesPos(List positions) => WallFrames = positions.ToHashSet(); private void SetGeneralPos(Vector3 pos) => GeneralPosition = pos; private void OnCustomBarricadeSpawn(Vector3 pos) => CustomBarricades.Add(pos); private void OnCustomBarricadeKill(Vector3 pos) => CustomBarricades.Remove(pos); private void OnGeneralKill() => GeneralPosition =; private void OnDefendableBasesEnd() { GeneralPosition =; WallFrames.Clear(); CustomBarricades.Clear(); } internal Vector3 GeneralPosition =; internal HashSet WallFrames = new HashSet(); internal HashSet CustomBarricades = new HashSet(); #endregion Other plugins hooks #region Find Random Points private readonly Dictionary> _points = new Dictionary>(); private const int VIS_RAYCAST_LAYERS = 1 << 8 | 1 << 17 | 1 << 21; private const int POINT_RAYCAST_LAYERS = 1 << 4 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 10 | 1 << 15 | 1 << 16 | 1 << 21 | 1 << 23 | 1 << 27 | 1 << 28 | 1 << 29; private const int BLOCKED_TOPOLOGY = (int)(TerrainTopology.Enum.Cliff | TerrainTopology.Enum.Cliffside | TerrainTopology.Enum.Lake | TerrainTopology.Enum.Ocean | TerrainTopology.Enum.Monument | TerrainTopology.Enum.Offshore | TerrainTopology.Enum.River | TerrainTopology.Enum.Swamp); private void GenerateSpawnpoints() { for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { Vector2 random = World.Size * 0.475f * UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle; Vector3 position = new Vector3(random.x, 500f, random.y); if ((TerrainMeta.TopologyMap.GetTopology(position) & BLOCKED_TOPOLOGY) != 0) continue; float heightAtPoint; if (!IsPointOnTerrain(position, out heightAtPoint)) continue; position.y = heightAtPoint; TerrainBiome.Enum majorityBiome = (TerrainBiome.Enum)TerrainMeta.BiomeMap.GetBiomeMaxType(position); List list; if (!_points.TryGetValue(majorityBiome, out list)) _points[majorityBiome] = list = new List(); list.Add(position); } foreach (KeyValuePair> dic in _points) Puts($"Points found in the biome {dic.Key}: {dic.Value.Count}"); } private object GetSpawnPoint(string biomeName) { TerrainBiome.Enum biome = (TerrainBiome.Enum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TerrainBiome.Enum), biomeName, true); if (!_points.ContainsKey(biome)) return null; List spawnpoints = _points[biome]; if (spawnpoints.Count == 0) return null; Vector3 position = spawnpoints.GetRandom(); List list = Facepunch.Pool.GetList(); Vis.Entities(position, 15f, list, VIS_RAYCAST_LAYERS); int count = list.Count; Facepunch.Pool.FreeList(ref list); if (count > 0) { spawnpoints.Remove(position); if (spawnpoints.Count == 0) { GenerateSpawnpoints(); return null; } return GetSpawnPoint(biomeName); } return position; } private static bool IsPointOnTerrain(Vector3 position, out float heightAtPoint) { RaycastHit raycastHit; if (Physics.Raycast(position, Vector3.down, out raycastHit, 500f, POINT_RAYCAST_LAYERS)) { if (raycastHit.collider is TerrainCollider) { heightAtPoint = raycastHit.point.y; return true; } } heightAtPoint = 500f; return false; } #endregion Find Random Points } } namespace Oxide.Plugins.NpcSpawnExtensionMethods { public static class ExtensionMethods { public static bool Any(this IEnumerable source, Func predicate) { using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator()) while (enumerator.MoveNext()) if (predicate(enumerator.Current)) return true; return false; } public static HashSet Where(this IEnumerable source, Func predicate) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator()) while (enumerator.MoveNext()) if (predicate(enumerator.Current)) result.Add(enumerator.Current); return result; } public static TSource FirstOrDefault(this IEnumerable source, Func predicate) { using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator()) while (enumerator.MoveNext()) if (predicate(enumerator.Current)) return enumerator.Current; return default(TSource); } public static List Select(this IList source, Func predicate) { List result = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i++) { TSource element = source[i]; result.Add(predicate(element)); } return result; } public static HashSet SelectMany(this IEnumerable source, Func> predicate) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); foreach (TSource elements in source) foreach (TResult element in predicate(elements)) result.Add(element); return result; } public static HashSet OfType(this IEnumerable source) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator()) while (enumerator.MoveNext()) if (enumerator.Current is T) result.Add((T)(object)enumerator.Current); return result; } public static HashSet ToHashSet(this IEnumerable source) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator()) while (enumerator.MoveNext()) result.Add(enumerator.Current); return result; } public static List ToList(this IEnumerable source) { List result = new List(); using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator()) while (enumerator.MoveNext()) result.Add(enumerator.Current); return result; } public static List OrderBy(this IEnumerable source, Func predicate) { List result = source.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < result.Count - 1; j++) { if (predicate(result[j]) > predicate(result[j + 1])) { TSource z = result[j]; result[j] = result[j + 1]; result[j + 1] = z; } } } return result; } public static float Sum(this IList source, Func predicate) { float result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i++) result += predicate(source[i]); return result; } public static TSource Last(this IList source) => source[source.Count - 1]; public static TSource Min(this IEnumerable source, Func predicate) { TSource result = source.ElementAt(0); float resultValue = predicate(result); using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { TSource element = enumerator.Current; float elementValue = predicate(element); if (elementValue < resultValue) { result = element; resultValue = elementValue; } } } return result; } public static TSource Max(this IEnumerable source, Func predicate) { TSource result = source.ElementAt(0); float resultValue = predicate(result); using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { TSource element = enumerator.Current; float elementValue = predicate(element); if (elementValue > resultValue) { result = element; resultValue = elementValue; } } } return result; } public static TSource ElementAt(this IEnumerable source, int index) { int movements = 0; using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { if (movements == index) return enumerator.Current; movements++; } } return default(TSource); } public static bool IsPlayer(this BasePlayer player) => player != null && player.userID.IsSteamId(); public static bool IsExists(this BaseNetworkable entity) => entity != null && !entity.IsDestroyed; public static Vector3 UpPos(this Vector3 vector3) => vector3 + new Vector3(0f, 2f, 0f); } }