"Don't do Hud on top of everything": false, "Hud scale": 0.6, "Hud transparency": 0.5, "Name of your server": "VOOXTOPIA", "Server name color": "#7f39c4", "Hud position on the screen(Left of Right)": "Right", "Offset from the top of the screen(in px)": 5, "Offset from the right/left of the screen": 10, "Display active players": true, "Display offline players": true, "Display players in queue": false, "Display Bradley": true, "Display Helicopter": true, "Display Big Helicopter (CH47)": true, "Display Cargo Ship": true, "Display AirDrop": true, "Use 12 hour format": false, "Use the Economics plugin": false, "User the Server Rewards plugin": true, "Use additional menu": true, "Auto minimize aditional menu timer (Set to 0 if you want to disable the function)": 10, "Display player pos": true, "Use grid pos system for player pos": true, "Offset from the left of the screen for text": 45, "Offset from the bottom of the screen for text": -10, "Interval between messages": 1800, "Display info text": true, "Disable aidrop after a cargo plane leaves": false, "Currency for the Economy plugin": "$" }