using Rust; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Oxide.Core.Configuration; using Random = System.Random; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; /* * This update 3.5.7 * Added 5 missing prefabs using automation checks so far. * Re-wrote config generations now includes planned auto updater features. * This update is fully backwards compatible with your current files. * This update also does not affect any websites. * Added Lang File System * Updated blacklist command * Fixed items not being removed from held entity */ namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("BetterLoot", "Tryhard & Khan", "3.5.8")] [Description("A light loot container modification system")] public class BetterLoot : RustPlugin { #region Fields [PluginReference] Plugin CustomLootSpawns; private static BetterLoot _instance; private static PluginConfig _config; private bool Changed = true; private bool initialized; private double baseItemRarity = 2; private int populatedContainers; private const string Admin = "betterloot.admin"; StoredExportNames storedExportNames = new StoredExportNames(); StoredBlacklist storedBlacklist = new StoredBlacklist(); Random rng = new Random(); Dictionary[]> Items = new Dictionary[]>(); Dictionary[]> Blueprints = new Dictionary[]>(); Dictionary itemWeights = new Dictionary(); Dictionary blueprintWeights = new Dictionary(); Dictionary totalItemWeight = new Dictionary(); Dictionary totalBlueprintWeight = new Dictionary(); private static int RarityIndex(Rarity rarity) { switch (rarity) { case Rarity.None: return 0; case Rarity.Common: return 1; case Rarity.Uncommon: return 2; case Rarity.Rare: return 3; case Rarity.VeryRare: return 4; } return -1; } #endregion #region DataFile DynamicConfigFile lootTable; Dictionary lootTables = null; DynamicConfigFile getFile(string file) => Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetDatafile($"{Name}/{file}"); bool chkFile(string file) => Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ExistsDatafile($"{Name}/{file}"); private class StoredExportNames { public int version; public Dictionary AllItemsAvailable = new Dictionary(); } private int ItemWeight(double baseRarity, int index) { return (int)(Math.Pow(baseRarity, 4 - index) * 1000); } private object GetAmounts(ItemAmount amount, int mul = 1) { if (amount.itemDef.isWearable || (amount.itemDef.condition.enabled && amount.itemDef.GetComponent() == null)) mul = 1; object options = new Dictionary { ["Min"] = (int)amount.amount * mul, ["Max"] = ((ItemAmountRanged)amount).maxAmount > 0f && ((ItemAmountRanged)amount).maxAmount > amount.amount ? (int)((ItemAmountRanged)amount).maxAmount * mul : (int)amount.amount * mul, }; return options; } private void GetLootSpawn(LootSpawn lootSpawn, ref Dictionary items) { if (lootSpawn.subSpawn != null && lootSpawn.subSpawn.Length > 0) { foreach (var entry in lootSpawn.subSpawn) GetLootSpawn(entry.category, ref items); return; } if (lootSpawn.items != null && lootSpawn.items.Length > 0) { foreach (var amount in lootSpawn.items) { object options = GetAmounts(amount, 1); string itemName = amount.itemDef.shortname; if (amount.itemDef.spawnAsBlueprint) itemName += ".blueprint"; if (!items.ContainsKey(itemName)) items.Add(itemName, options); } } } private void LoadAllContainers() { try { lootTable = getFile("LootTables"); } catch (JsonReaderException e) { PrintWarning($"JSON error in 'LootTables' > Line: {e.LineNumber} | {e.Path}"); Interface.GetMod().UnloadPlugin(Name); return; } lootTables = new Dictionary(); lootTables = lootTable["LootTables"] as Dictionary; if (lootTables == null) lootTables = new Dictionary(); bool wasAdded = false; foreach (var lootPrefab in _config.Generic.WatchedPrefabs) { if (!lootTables.ContainsKey((string)lootPrefab)) { var loot = GameManager.server.FindPrefab((string)lootPrefab)?.GetComponent(); if (loot == null) continue; var container = new Dictionary(); container.Add("Enabled", !((string)lootPrefab).Contains("bradley_crate") && !((string)lootPrefab).Contains("heli_crate")); container.Add("Scrap", loot.scrapAmount); int slots = 0; if (loot.LootSpawnSlots.Length > 0) { LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[] lootSpawnSlots = loot.LootSpawnSlots; for (int i = 0; i < lootSpawnSlots.Length; i++) slots += lootSpawnSlots[i].numberToSpawn; } else slots = loot.maxDefinitionsToSpawn; container.Add("ItemsMin", slots); container.Add("ItemsMax", slots); container.Add("MaxBPs", 1); var itemList = new Dictionary(); if (loot.lootDefinition != null) GetLootSpawn(loot.lootDefinition, ref itemList); else if (loot.LootSpawnSlots.Length > 0) { LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[] lootSpawnSlots = loot.LootSpawnSlots; foreach (var lootSpawnSlot in lootSpawnSlots) { GetLootSpawn(lootSpawnSlot.definition, ref itemList); } } container.Add("ItemList", itemList); lootTables.Add((string)lootPrefab, container); wasAdded = true; } } if (wasAdded) { lootTable.Set("LootTables", lootTables); lootTable.Save(); } wasAdded = false; bool wasRemoved = false; int activeTypes = 0; foreach (var lootTable in lootTables.ToList()) { var loot = GameManager.server.FindPrefab(lootTable.Key)?.GetComponent(); if (loot == null) { lootTables.Remove(lootTable.Key); wasRemoved = true; continue; } var container = lootTable.Value as Dictionary; if (!container.ContainsKey("Enabled")) { container.Add("Enabled", true); wasAdded = true; } if ((bool)container["Enabled"]) activeTypes++; if (!container.ContainsKey("Scrap")) { container.Add("Scrap", loot.scrapAmount); wasAdded = true; } int slots = 0; if (loot.LootSpawnSlots.Length > 0) { LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[] lootSpawnSlots = loot.LootSpawnSlots; for (int i = 0; i < lootSpawnSlots.Length; i++) slots += lootSpawnSlots[i].numberToSpawn; } else slots = loot.maxDefinitionsToSpawn; if (!container.ContainsKey("MaxBPs")) { container.Add("MaxBPs", 1); wasAdded = true; } if (!container.ContainsKey("ItemsMin")) { container.Add("ItemsMin", slots); wasAdded = true; } if (!container.ContainsKey("ItemsMax")) { container.Add("ItemsMax", slots); wasAdded = true; } if (!container.ContainsKey("ItemsMax")) { container.Add("ItemsMax", slots); wasAdded = true; } if (!container.ContainsKey("ItemList")) { var itemList = new Dictionary(); if (loot.lootDefinition != null) GetLootSpawn(loot.lootDefinition, ref itemList); else if (loot.LootSpawnSlots.Length > 0) { LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[] lootSpawnSlots = loot.LootSpawnSlots; for (int i = 0; i < lootSpawnSlots.Length; i++) { LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot lootSpawnSlot = lootSpawnSlots[i]; GetLootSpawn(lootSpawnSlot.definition, ref itemList); } } container.Add("ItemList", itemList); wasAdded = true; } Items.Add(lootTable.Key, new List[5]); Blueprints.Add(lootTable.Key, new List[5]); for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { Items[lootTable.Key][i] = new List(); Blueprints[lootTable.Key][i] = new List(); } foreach (var itemEntry in container["ItemList"] as Dictionary) { bool isBP = itemEntry.Key.EndsWith(".blueprint") ? true : false; var def = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(itemEntry.Key.Replace(".blueprint", "")); if (def != null) { if (isBP && def.Blueprint != null && def.Blueprint.isResearchable) { int index = (int)def.rarity; if (!Blueprints[lootTable.Key][index].Contains(def.shortname)) Blueprints[lootTable.Key][index].Add(def.shortname); } else { int index = 0; object indexoverride; if (_config.Rare.Override.TryGetValue(def.shortname, out indexoverride)) index = Convert.ToInt32(indexoverride); else index = (int)def.rarity; if (!Items[lootTable.Key][index].Contains(def.shortname)) Items[lootTable.Key][index].Add(def.shortname); } } } totalItemWeight.Add(lootTable.Key, 0); totalBlueprintWeight.Add(lootTable.Key, 0); itemWeights.Add(lootTable.Key, new int[5]); blueprintWeights.Add(lootTable.Key, new int[5]); for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { totalItemWeight[lootTable.Key] += (itemWeights[lootTable.Key][i] = ItemWeight(baseItemRarity, i) * Items[lootTable.Key][i].Count); totalBlueprintWeight[lootTable.Key] += (blueprintWeights[lootTable.Key][i] = ItemWeight(baseItemRarity, i) * Blueprints[lootTable.Key][i].Count); } } if (wasAdded || wasRemoved) { lootTable.Set("LootTables", lootTables); lootTable.Save(); } lootTable.Clear(); Puts($"Using '{activeTypes}' active of '{lootTables.Count}' supported containertypes"); } private void SaveExportNames() { storedExportNames = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject("BetterLoot\\NamesList"); if (storedExportNames.AllItemsAvailable.Count == 0 || (int)storedExportNames.version != { storedExportNames = new StoredExportNames(); var exportItems = new List(ItemManager.itemList); storedExportNames.version =; foreach (var it in exportItems) storedExportNames.AllItemsAvailable.Add(it.shortname, it.displayName.english); Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.WriteObject("BetterLoot\\NamesList", storedExportNames); Puts($"Exported {storedExportNames.AllItemsAvailable.Count} items to 'NamesList'"); } } private class StoredBlacklist { public List ItemList = new List(); } private void LoadBlacklist() { storedBlacklist = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject("BetterLoot\\Blacklist"); if (storedBlacklist.ItemList.Count != 0) return; Puts("No Blacklist found, creating new file..."); storedBlacklist = new StoredBlacklist(); storedBlacklist.ItemList.Add("flare"); Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.WriteObject("BetterLoot\\Blacklist", storedBlacklist); } private void SaveBlacklist() => Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.WriteObject("BetterLoot\\Blacklist", storedBlacklist); #endregion #region Config private class PluginConfig : SerializableConfiguration { public Generic Generic = new Generic(); public Loot Loot = new Loot(); [JsonProperty("Rarity")] public Rare Rare = new Rare(); public string ToJson() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); public Dictionary ToDictionary() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(ToJson()); } private class Generic { public double blueprintProbability = 0.11; public bool listUpdatesOnLoaded = true; public bool removeStackedContainers = true; public List WatchedPrefabs = new List(); } private class Loot { public bool enableHammerLootCycle = false; public double hammerLootCycleTime = 3.0; public int lootMultiplier = 1; public int scrapMultiplier = 1; } private class Rare { public Dictionary Override = new Dictionary { {"autoturret", 4}, {"lmg.m249", 4}, {"", 3}, }; } private void CheckConfig() { foreach (GameManifest.PrefabProperties category in GameManifest.Current.prefabProperties) { if (!("resource/loot") ||"misc/supply drop/supply_drop") ||"/npc/m2bradley/bradley_crate") ||"/npc/patrol helicopter/heli_crate") ||"/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/chinooklocked") ||"/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelocked") ||"prefabs/radtown") ||"props/roadsigns")) ||"radtown/ore") ||"static") ||"/spawners") ||"radtown/desk") ||"radtown/loot_component_test")) continue; if (!_config.Generic.WatchedPrefabs.Contains( { _config.Generic.WatchedPrefabs.Add(; } } SaveConfig(); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => _config = new PluginConfig(); protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _config = Config.ReadObject(); if (_config == null) { PrintWarning($"Generating Config File for Better Loot"); throw new JsonException(); } if (MaybeUpdateConfig(_config)) { PrintWarning("Configuration appears to be outdated; updating and saving Better Loot"); SaveConfig(); } } catch (Exception ex) { PrintWarning("Failed to load Better Loot config file (is the config file corrupt?) (" + ex.Message + ")"); } } protected override void SaveConfig() { //PrintToConsole($"Configuration changes saved to {Name}.json"); PrintWarning($"Configuration changes saved to {Name}.json"); Config.WriteObject(_config, true); } #endregion #region Updater internal class SerializableConfiguration { public string ToJson() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); public Dictionary ToDictionary() => JsonHelper.Deserialize(ToJson()) as Dictionary; } private static class JsonHelper { public static object Deserialize(string json) => ToObject(JToken.Parse(json)); private static object ToObject(JToken token) { switch (token.Type) { case JTokenType.Object: return token.Children().ToDictionary(prop => prop.Name, prop => ToObject(prop.Value)); case JTokenType.Array: return token.Select(ToObject).ToList(); default: return ((JValue) token).Value; } } } private bool MaybeUpdateConfig(SerializableConfiguration config) { var currentWithDefaults = config.ToDictionary(); var currentRaw = Config.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); return MaybeUpdateConfigDict(currentWithDefaults, currentRaw); } private bool MaybeUpdateConfigDict(Dictionary currentWithDefaults, Dictionary currentRaw) { bool changed = false; foreach (var key in currentWithDefaults.Keys) { object currentRawValue; if (currentRaw.TryGetValue(key, out currentRawValue)) { var defaultDictValue = currentWithDefaults[key] as Dictionary; var currentDictValue = currentRawValue as Dictionary; if (defaultDictValue != null) { if (currentDictValue == null) { currentRaw[key] = currentWithDefaults[key]; changed = true; } else if (MaybeUpdateConfigDict(defaultDictValue, currentDictValue)) changed = true; } } else { currentRaw[key] = currentWithDefaults[key]; changed = true; } } return changed; } #endregion #region Oxide private void Init() { CheckConfig(); LoadBlacklist(); _instance = this; } private void OnServerInitialized() { ItemManager.Initialize(); permission.RegisterPermission(Admin, this); LoadAllContainers(); UpdateInternals(_config.Generic.listUpdatesOnLoaded); } private void Unload() { var gameObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType().ToList(); if (gameObjects.Count > 0) { foreach (var objects in gameObjects) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(objects); } } _instance = null; } private object OnLootSpawn(LootContainer container) { if (!initialized || container == null) return null; if (CustomLootSpawns != null && (CustomLootSpawns && (bool)CustomLootSpawns?.Call("IsLootBox", container.GetComponent()))) return null; if (Interface.CallHook("OnPopulateBetterLoot", container) != null) return null; if (PopulateContainer(container)) { ItemManager.DoRemoves(); return true; } return null; } //void OnLootEntity(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity target) //{ //Puts($"{player.displayName} looted {target.PrefabName}"); //} #endregion #region Core private bool PopulateContainer(LootContainer container) { Dictionary con; object containerobj; if (!lootTables.TryGetValue(container.PrefabName, out containerobj)) return false; con = containerobj as Dictionary; if (!(bool)con["Enabled"]) return false; var lootitemcount = (con["ItemList"] as Dictionary)?.Count(); int itemCount = Mathf.RoundToInt(UnityEngine.Random.Range(Convert.ToSingle(Mathf.Min((int)con["ItemsMin"], (int)con["ItemsMax"])) * 100f, Convert.ToSingle(Mathf.Max((int)con["ItemsMin"], (int)con["ItemsMax"])) * 100f) / 100f); if (lootitemcount > 0 && itemCount > lootitemcount && lootitemcount < 36) itemCount = (int)lootitemcount; if (container.inventory == null) { container.inventory = new ItemContainer(); container.inventory.ServerInitialize(null, 36); container.inventory.GiveUID(); } else { container.inventory.Clear(); container.inventory.capacity = 36; ItemManager.DoRemoves(); } var items = new List(); var itemNames = new List(); var itemBlueprints = new List(); var maxRetry = 10; for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { if (maxRetry == 0) { break; } var item = MightyRNG(container.PrefabName, itemCount, (bool)(itemBlueprints.Count >= (int)con["MaxBPs"])); if (item == null) { --maxRetry; --i; continue; } if (itemNames.Contains( || (item.IsBlueprint() && itemBlueprints.Contains(item.blueprintTarget))) { item.Remove(); --maxRetry; --i; continue; } else if (item.IsBlueprint()) itemBlueprints.Add(item.blueprintTarget); else itemNames.Add(; items.Add(item); if (storedBlacklist.ItemList.Contains( { items.Remove(item); item.Remove(); // broken item fix } } foreach (var item in items.Where(x => x != null && x.IsValid())) if (!item.MoveToContainer(container.inventory, -1, false)) { item.DoRemove(); } // broken item fix / fixes full container if ((int)con["Scrap"] > 0) { int scrapCount = (int)con["Scrap"]; Item item = ItemManager.Create(ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("scrap"), scrapCount * _config.Loot.scrapMultiplier, 0uL); if (!item.MoveToContainer(container.inventory, -1, false)) { item.DoRemove(); } // broken item fix } container.inventory.capacity = container.inventory.itemList.Count; container.inventory.MarkDirty(); container.SendNetworkUpdate(); populatedContainers++; return true; } private void UpdateInternals(bool doLog) { SaveExportNames(); if (Changed) { SaveConfig(); Changed = false; } Puts("Updating internals ..."); populatedContainers = 0; NextTick(() => { if (_config.Generic.removeStackedContainers) FixLoot(); foreach (var container in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Where(p => p != null && p.GetComponent() != null && p is LootContainer).Cast().ToList()) { if (container == null) continue; if (CustomLootSpawns != null && (CustomLootSpawns && (bool)CustomLootSpawns?.Call("IsLootBox", container.GetComponent()))) continue; if (PopulateContainer(container)) populatedContainers++; } Puts($"Populated '{populatedContainers}' supported containers."); initialized = true; populatedContainers = 0; ItemManager.DoRemoves(); }); } private void FixLoot() { var spawns = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll() .Where(c => c.isActiveAndEnabled). OrderBy(c => c.transform.position.x).ThenBy(c => c.transform.position.z).ThenBy(c => c.transform.position.z) .ToList(); var count = spawns.Count(); var racelimit = count * count; var antirace = 0; var deleted = 0; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var box = spawns[i]; var pos = new Vector2(box.transform.position.x, box.transform.position.z); if (++antirace > racelimit) { return; } var next = i + 1; while (next < count) { var box2 = spawns[next]; var pos2 = new Vector2(box2.transform.position.x, box2.transform.position.z); var distance = Vector2.Distance(pos, pos2); if (++antirace > racelimit) { return; } if (distance < 0.25f) { spawns.RemoveAt(next); count--; (box2 as BaseEntity).KillMessage(); deleted++; } else break; } } if (deleted > 0) Puts($"Removed {deleted} stacked LootContainer"); else Puts($"No stacked LootContainer found."); ItemManager.DoRemoves(); } private Item MightyRNG(string type, int itemCount, bool blockBPs = false) { bool asBP = rng.NextDouble() < _config.Generic.blueprintProbability && !blockBPs; List selectFrom; int limit = 0; string itemName; Item item; int maxRetry = 10 * itemCount; do { selectFrom = null; item = null; if (asBP) { var r = rng.Next(totalBlueprintWeight[type]); for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { limit += blueprintWeights[type][i]; if (r < limit) { selectFrom = Blueprints[type][i]; break; } } } else { var r = rng.Next(totalItemWeight[type]); for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { limit += itemWeights[type][i]; if (r < limit) { selectFrom = Items[type][i]; break; } } } if (selectFrom == null) { if (--maxRetry <= 0) break; continue; } itemName = selectFrom[rng.Next(0, selectFrom.Count)]; ItemDefinition itemDef = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(itemName); if (asBP && itemDef.Blueprint != null && itemDef.Blueprint.isResearchable) { var blueprintBaseDef = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("blueprintbase"); item = ItemManager.Create(blueprintBaseDef, 1, 0uL); item.blueprintTarget = itemDef.itemid; } else item = ItemManager.CreateByName(itemName, 1); if (item == null || == null) continue; break; } while (true); if (item == null) return null; object itemOptions; if (((lootTables[type] as Dictionary)["ItemList"] as Dictionary).TryGetValue(, out itemOptions)) { Dictionary options = itemOptions as Dictionary; item.amount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(Math.Min((int)options["Min"], (int)options["Max"]), Math.Max((int)options["Min"], (int)options["Max"])) * _config.Loot.lootMultiplier; //if (options.ContainsKey("SkinId")) // = (uint)options["SkinId"]; } item.OnVirginSpawn(); return item; } private bool ItemExists(string name) { // remove useless loop ItemDefinition itemDef = ItemManager.itemList.Find((ItemDefinition x) => x.shortname == name); if (itemDef != null) return true; return false; } private bool isSupplyDropActive() { Dictionary con; object containerobj; if (!lootTables.TryGetValue("assets/prefabs/misc/supply drop/supply_drop.prefab", out containerobj)) return false; con = containerobj as Dictionary; if ((bool)con["Enabled"]) return true; return false; } #endregion [ChatCommand("blacklist")] private void CmdChatBlacklistNew(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!initialized) { SendReply(player, BLLang( "initialized")); return; } if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, Admin)) { SendReply(player, BLLang("perm")); return; } if (args.Length == 0) { if (storedBlacklist.ItemList.Count == 0) { SendReply(player, BLLang("none")); } else { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in storedBlacklist.ItemList) { if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(item); } SendReply(player, BLLang("blocked", player.UserIDString, sb.ToString())); } return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "additem": if (!ItemExists(args[1])) { SendReply(player, BLLang("notvalid", player.UserIDString, args[1])); return; } if (!storedBlacklist.ItemList.Contains(args[1])) { storedBlacklist.ItemList.Add(args[1]); UpdateInternals(false); SendReply(player, BLLang("blockedpass", player.UserIDString, args[1])); SaveBlacklist(); return; } SendReply(player, BLLang("blockedtrue", player.UserIDString, args[1])); break; case "deleteitem": if (!ItemExists(args[1])) { SendReply(player, BLLang("notvalid", player.UserIDString, args[1])); return; } if (storedBlacklist.ItemList.Contains(args[1])) { storedBlacklist.ItemList.Remove(args[1]); UpdateInternals(false); SendReply(player, BLLang("unblacklisted", player.UserIDString, args[1])); SaveBlacklist(); return; } SendReply(player, BLLang("blockedfalse", player.UserIDString, args[1])); break; default: SendReply(player, BLLang("syntax")); break; } } #region Hammer loot cycle object OnMeleeAttack(BasePlayer player, HitInfo c) { //Puts($"OnMeleeAttack works! You hit {c.HitEntity.PrefabName}"); DEBUG FOR TESTING var item = player.GetActiveItem(); if (item.hasCondition) return null; //Puts($"{item.ToString()}"); if (!player.IsAdmin || c.HitEntity.GetComponent() == null || !item.ToString().Contains("hammer") || !_config.Loot.enableHammerLootCycle) return null; var inv = c.HitEntity.GetComponent(); inv.gameObject.AddComponent(); player.inventory.loot.StartLootingEntity(inv, false); player.inventory.loot.AddContainer(inv.inventory); player.inventory.loot.SendImmediate(); player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "RPC_OpenLootPanel", inv.panelName); //Timer s = timer.Every(1f, () => { PopulateContainer(inv}) return null; } private class HammerHitLootCycle : FacepunchBehaviour { private void Awake() { if (!_instance.initialized) return; InvokeRepeating(Repeater, (float)_config.Loot.hammerLootCycleTime, (float)_config.Loot.hammerLootCycleTime); } private void Repeater() { if (!enabled) return; LootContainer loot = GetComponent(); _instance.Puts($"{loot}"); _instance.PopulateContainer(loot); } private void PlayerStoppedLooting(BasePlayer player) { //_instance.Puts($"Ended looting of the box"); Doesn't call but it works for a reason I don't quite understand CancelInvoke(Repeater); Destroy(this); } } #endregion #region Lang private string BLLang(string key, string id = null) => lang.GetMessage(key, this, id); private string BLLang(string key, string id = null, params object[] args) => string.Format(lang.GetMessage(key, this, id), args); protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { { "initialized", "Plugin not enabled"}, { "perm", "You are not authorized to use this command"}, { "syntax", "Usage: /blacklist [additem|deleteitem] \"ITEMNAME\""}, { "none", "There are no blacklisted items"}, { "blocked", "Blacklisted items: {0}"}, { "notvalid", "Not a valid item: {0}"}, {"blockedpass", "The item '{0}' is now blacklisted"}, {"blockedtrue", "The item '{0}' is already blacklisted}"}, {"unblacklisted", "The item '{0}' has been unblacklisted"}, {"blockedfalse", "The item '{0}' is not blacklisted"}, }, this); //en } #endregion } }