using Facepunch; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Globalization; using System.Collections.Generic; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Game.Rust; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Rust.Ai.HTN; //V2.1.5 namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("BotSpawn", "Steenamaroo", "2.1.5", ResourceId = 15)] [Description("Spawn tailored AI with kits at monuments, custom locations, or randomly.")] class BotSpawn : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] Plugin Kits, CustomLoot, ServerRewards; int no_of_AI; bool loaded; Single currentTime; static BotSpawn botSpawn; const bool True = true, False = false; const object Null = null; const string permAllowed = "botspawn.allowed"; static System.Random random = new System.Random(); int GetRand(int l, int h) => random.Next(l, h); public Dictionary popinfo = new Dictionary(); public class PopInfo { public int population; public int queued; } public Dictionary weaponCheck = new Dictionary(); public static string Get(ulong v) => RandomUsernames.Get((int)(v % 2147483647uL)); bool HasPermission(string id, string perm) => permission.UserHasPermission(id, perm); public Dictionary> spawnLists = new Dictionary>(); public bool IsNight => currentTime > configData.Global.NightStartHour || currentTime < configData.Global.DayStartHour; Dictionary editing = new Dictionary(); public static Timer aridTimer, temperateTimer, tundraTimer, arcticTimer; public Dictionary timers = new Dictionary() { { "BiomeArid", aridTimer }, { "BiomeTemperate", temperateTimer }, { "BiomeTundra", tundraTimer }, { "BiomeArctic", arcticTimer } }; bool IsAuth(BasePlayer player) => player?.net?.connection?.authLevel == 2; public Dictionary NPCPlayers = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary AllProfiles = new Dictionary(); void OnServerInitialized() { timer.Once(1f, () => { botSpawn = this; currentTime = TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour; timer.Repeat(2f, 0, () => currentTime = TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour); CheckMonuments(False); LoadConfigVariables(); storedData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject($"BotSpawn/{configData.DataPrefix}-CustomProfiles"); defaultData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject($"BotSpawn/{configData.DataPrefix}-DefaultProfiles"); spawnsData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject($"BotSpawn/{configData.DataPrefix}-SpawnsData"); var files = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFiles("BotSpawn"); StoredData storedUpdate; UpdateData defaultUpdate; string name; foreach (var file in files) { name = file.Substring(file.IndexOf("BotSpawn") + 9); name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 5); if (file.Contains("-CustomProfiles")) { storedUpdate = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject($"BotSpawn/{name}"); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"BotSpawn/{name}", storedUpdate); } if (file.Contains("-DefaultProfiles")) { defaultUpdate = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject($"BotSpawn/{name}"); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"BotSpawn/{name}", defaultUpdate); } } SaveData(); SetupProfiles(); timer.Once(10, () => timer.Repeat(5, 0, () => AdjustPopulation())); foreach (BasePlayer player in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType()) { foreach (var comp in player?.GetComponents()) if (comp?.GetType()?.Name == "HumanPlayer") { HumanNPCs.Add(player.userID); break; } } loaded = True; }); } void Init() { JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented, ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore, }; var filter = RustExtension.Filter.ToList(); filter.Add("cover points"); filter.Add("resulted in a conflict"); RustExtension.Filter = filter.ToArray(); no_of_AI = 0; } void Loaded() { ConVar.AI.npc_families_no_hurt = False; foreach (var entry in timers) spawnLists.Add(entry.Key, new List()); lang.RegisterMessages(Messages, this); permission.RegisterPermission(permAllowed, this); } void Unload() { foreach (var obj in RemoveObj.ToList()) UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(obj); var filter = RustExtension.Filter.ToList(); filter.Remove("cover points"); filter.Remove("resulted in a conflict"); RustExtension.Filter = filter.ToArray(); Wipe(); } void Wipe() { foreach (var bot in NPCPlayers.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value).Where(bot => bot.Value != null)) NPCPlayers[bot.Key].Kill(); } #region BiomeSpawnsSetup void GenerateSpawnPoints(string name, int number, Timer myTimer, int biomeNo) { int getBiomeAttempts = 0; var spawnlist = spawnLists[name]; int halfish = Convert.ToInt16((ConVar.Server.worldsize / 2) / 1.1f); var rand = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle * halfish; if (AllProfiles[name].Kit.Count > 0 && Kits == null) { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("nokits", this), name); return; } timers[name] = timer.Repeat(0.01f, 0, () => { bool finished = True; if (spawnlist.Count < number + 10) { getBiomeAttempts++; if (getBiomeAttempts > 200 && spawnlist.Count == 0) { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("noSpawn", this), name); timers[name].Destroy(); return; } rand = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle * halfish; Vector3 randomSpot = new Vector3(rand.x, 0, rand.y); finished = False; if (TerrainMeta.BiomeMap.GetBiome(randomSpot, biomeNo) > 0.5f) { var point = CalculateGroundPos(new Vector3(randomSpot.x, 200, randomSpot.z)); if (point != spawnlist.Add(CalculateGroundPos(new Vector3(randomSpot.x, 200, randomSpot.z))); ; } } if (finished) { int i = 0; var target = TargetAmount(AllProfiles[name]); if (target > 0) { int amount = CanRespawn(name, target, False); if (amount > 0) { timer.Repeat(2, amount, () => { if (CanRespawn(name, 1, True) == 1) { SpawnBots(name, AllProfiles[name], "biome", null, spawnlist[i], -1); i++; } }); } } timers[name].Destroy(); } }); } public bool HasNav(Vector3 pos) { NavMeshHit navMeshHit; return (NavMesh.SamplePosition(pos, out navMeshHit, 2, 1)); } public static Vector3 CalculateGroundPos(Vector3 pos) { pos.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(pos); NavMeshHit navMeshHit; if (!NavMesh.SamplePosition(pos, out navMeshHit, 2, 1)) pos =; else if (WaterLevel.GetWaterDepth(pos, true) > 0) pos =; else if (Physics.RaycastAll(navMeshHit.position + new Vector3(0, 100, 0), Vector3.down, 99f, 1235288065).Any()) pos =; else pos = navMeshHit.position; return pos; } Vector3 TryGetSpawn(Vector3 pos, int radius) { int attempts = 0; var spawnPoint =; Vector2 rand; while (attempts < 200 && spawnPoint == { attempts++; rand = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle * radius; spawnPoint = CalculateGroundPos(pos + new Vector3(rand.x, 0, rand.y)); if (spawnPoint != return spawnPoint; } return spawnPoint; } int GetNextSpawn(string name, DataProfile profile) { if (profile.UseCustomSpawns && spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Count > 0) { if (availableStatSpawns.Count == 0) return -1; int spawnnum = availableStatSpawns[name][random.Next(availableStatSpawns[name].Count())]; availableStatSpawns[name].Remove(spawnnum); return spawnnum; } return -1; } #endregion #region population void AdjustPop(string profile, int num) => popinfo[profile].population += num; void AdjustQueue(string profile, int num) => popinfo[profile].queued += num; int TargetAmount(DataProfile profile) => IsNight ? profile.Night_Time_Spawn_Amount : profile.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount; int CanRespawn(string name, int amount, bool second) { if (AllProfiles[name].UseCustomSpawns && availableStatSpawns.ContainsKey(name) && availableStatSpawns[name].Count == 0) return 0; int response = TargetAmount(AllProfiles[name]) - popinfo[name].population; if (!second) response += popinfo[name].queued; if (response > 0) { if (!second) AdjustQueue(name, Mathf.Min(amount, response)); return Mathf.Min(amount, response); } else if (second) AdjustQueue(name, -1); return 0; } List buffer = new List(); Dictionary> availableStatSpawns = new Dictionary>(); void AdjustPopulation() { foreach (var profile in AllProfiles.Where(x => x.Value.AutoSpawn == True && x.Key != "AirDrop" && x.Key != "HackableLockedCrate")) { int targetAmount = TargetAmount(profile.Value); if (targetAmount == 0) return; var current = popinfo[profile.Key].population + popinfo[profile.Key].queued; if (current < targetAmount) { popinfo[profile.Key].queued += targetAmount - current; timer.Repeat(1f, targetAmount - current, () => { if (profile.Value.UseCustomSpawns && spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations.ContainsKey(profile.Key)) { int spawnnum = 0, num = spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[profile.Key].Count; if (num > 0) { spawnnum = GetNextSpawn(profile.Key, profile.Value); if (spawnnum == -1) { Puts("ADJUSTPOP FAILING"); return; } SpawnBots(profile.Key, AllProfiles[profile.Key], null, null, new Vector3(), spawnnum); if (profile.Value.Announce_Spawn && profile.Value.Announcement_Text != String.Empty) PrintToChat(profile.Value.Announcement_Text); } } else { if (timers.ContainsKey(profile.Key)) { if (spawnLists[profile.Key].Count > 0) SpawnBots(profile.Key, AllProfiles[profile.Key], "biome", null, spawnLists[profile.Key][random.Next(spawnLists[profile.Key].Count)], -1); } else { SpawnBots(profile.Key, AllProfiles[profile.Key], null, null, new Vector3(), -1); if (profile.Value.Announce_Spawn && profile.Value.Announcement_Text != String.Empty) PrintToChat(profile.Value.Announcement_Text); } } }); continue; } else { foreach (var npc in NPCPlayers.ToList()) { var bData = npc.Value.GetComponent(); if (bData.monumentName == profile.Key && bData.respawn) { if (popinfo[profile.Key].population > targetAmount) npc.Value.Kill(); if (configData.Global.Staggered_Despawn) break; } } } } } #endregion #region BotSetup void DeployNpcs(Vector3 location, string name, DataProfile profile, string group, int num) => SpawnBots(name, profile, "Attack", group, location, num); void SpawnBots(string name, DataProfile zone, string type, string group, Vector3 location, int spawnNum) { bool respawn = type != "Attack" && type != "AirDrop" && type != "HackableLockedCrate"; var pos = zone.Location; var finalPoint =; bool stationary = zone.Stationary; float rot = 0; if (location == && type != "AirDrop" && type != "HackableLockedCrate" && zone.UseCustomSpawns && spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Count > 0) { var customLoc = spawnNum == -1 ? spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name][random.Next(spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Count)] : spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name][spawnNum]; Vector3 loc = s2v(customLoc); rot = s2r(customLoc); var l = mons.ContainsKey(zone.Parent_Monument) ? mons[zone.Parent_Monument].transform : mons.ContainsKey(name) ? mons[name].transform : null; if (l != null) finalPoint = l.TransformPoint(loc); if (!HasNav(finalPoint) && !zone.Stationary) { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("noNav", this), name, spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].IndexOf(customLoc)); return; } } else stationary = False; if (finalPoint == { if (location != pos = location; if (type != "biome") finalPoint = TryGetSpawn(pos, zone.Radius); else finalPoint = location; if (finalPoint == { Puts($"Can't get spawn point at {name}. Skipping one npc."); AdjustQueue(name, -1); return; } } if (zone.Chute && !stationary) { var rand = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle * zone.Radius; finalPoint = type == "AirDrop" ? pos + new Vector3(rand.x, -40, rand.y) : new Vector3(finalPoint.x, 200, finalPoint.z); } NPCPlayer entity = (NPCPlayer)InstantiateSci(finalPoint, new Quaternion(), zone.Murderer); var npc = entity.GetComponent(); npc.Spawn(); NextTick(() => { if (npc == null || npc.IsDestroyed || npc.IsDead()) { if (respawn)//popinfo.ContainsKey(name)) AdjustQueue(name, -1); if (spawnNum != -1 && respawn) availableStatSpawns[name].Add(spawnNum); return; } if (!NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npc.userID)) NPCPlayers.Add(npc.userID, npc); else { npc.Kill(); PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("dupID", this)); if (respawn)//popinfo.ContainsKey(name)) AdjustQueue(name, -1); if (spawnNum != -1 && respawn) availableStatSpawns[name].Add(spawnNum); return; } npc.EnablePlayerCollider(); timer.Once(1f, () => { if (npc != null) { var n = mons.ContainsKey(zone.Parent_Monument) ? mons[zone.Parent_Monument].transform : mons.ContainsKey(name) ? mons[name].transform : null; if (n != null) { npc.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, n.transform.eulerAngles.y + rot, 0); npc.SetFact(NPCPlayerApex.Facts.IsAggro, 0, False, False); } } }); if (zone.Murderer) { var suit = ItemManager.CreateByName("scarecrow.suit", 1, 0); var eyes = ItemManager.CreateByName("gloweyes", 1, 0); if (!suit.MoveToContainer(npc.inventory.containerWear)) suit.Remove(); if (!eyes.MoveToContainer(npc.inventory.containerWear)) eyes.Remove(); } var bData = npc.gameObject.AddComponent(); bData.stationary = stationary; if (spawnNum != -1 && respawn) bData.CustomSpawnNum = spawnNum; bData.monumentName = name; no_of_AI++; bData.respawn = True; bData.profile = zone.Clone(); = group ?? null; bData.spawnPoint = finalPoint; bData.biome = type == "biome"; npc.startHealth = zone.BotHealth; npc.InitializeHealth(zone.BotHealth, zone.BotHealth); npc.CommunicationRadius = 0; npc.AiContext.Human.NextToolSwitchTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 10; npc.AiContext.Human.NextWeaponSwitchTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 10; if (zone.Chute && !stationary) AddChute(npc, finalPoint); int kitRnd; kitRnd = random.Next(zone.Kit.Count); if (zone.BotNames.Count == zone.Kit.Count && zone.Kit.Count != 0) SetName(zone, npc, kitRnd); else SetName(zone, npc, random.Next(zone.BotNames.Count)); GiveKit(npc, zone, kitRnd); npc.clothingMoveSpeedReduction = -zone.Running_Speed_Boost; SortWeapons(npc); int suicInt = random.Next(zone.Suicide_Timer, zone.Suicide_Timer + 10); if (!respawn) { bData.respawn = False; RunSuicide(npc, suicInt); } else { AdjustPop(name, 1); AdjustQueue(name, -1); } if (zone.Disable_Radio) npc.RadioEffect = new GameObjectRef(); ToggleAggro(npc, Convert.ToByte(!zone.Peace_Keeper), zone.Aggro_Range); npc.Stats.DeaggroChaseTime = 10; npc.Stats.Defensiveness = 1; }); } BaseEntity InstantiateSci(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, bool murd) { string type = murd ? "murderer" : "scientist"; string prefabname = $"assets/prefabs/npc/{type}/{type}.prefab"; GameObject gameObject = Instantiate.GameObject(GameManager.server.FindPrefab(prefabname), position, rotation); = prefabname; SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(gameObject, Rust.Server.EntityScene); if (gameObject.GetComponent()) UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(gameObject.GetComponent()); if (!gameObject.activeSelf) gameObject.SetActive(True); BaseEntity component = gameObject.GetComponent(); return component; } void AddChute(NPCPlayerApex npc, Vector3 newPos) { float wind = random.Next(0, Mathf.Min(100, configData.Global.Max_Chute_Wind_Speed)) / 40f; float fall = random.Next(60, Mathf.Min(100, configData.Global.Max_Chute_Fall_Speed) + 60) / 20f; var rb = npc.gameObject.GetComponent(); rb.isKinematic = False; rb.useGravity = False; rb.drag = 0f; npc.gameObject.layer = 0;//prevent_build layer fix var fwd = npc.transform.forward; rb.velocity = new Vector3(fwd.x * wind, 0, fwd.z * wind) - new Vector3(0, fall, 0); var col = npc.gameObject.AddComponent(); col.size = new Vector3(1, 1f, 1);//feet above ground var Chute = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/misc/parachute/parachute.prefab", newPos, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); Chute.gameObject.Identity(); Chute.SetParent(npc); Chute.Spawn(); } void SetName(DataProfile zone, NPCPlayerApex npc, int number) { if (zone.BotNames.Count == 0 || zone.BotNames.Count <= number || zone.BotNames[number] == String.Empty) { npc.displayName = Get(npc.userID); npc.displayName = char.ToUpper(npc.displayName[0]) + npc.displayName.Substring(1); } else npc.displayName = zone.BotNames[number]; if (zone.BotNamePrefix != String.Empty) npc.displayName = zone.BotNamePrefix + " " + npc.displayName; if (npc is Scientist) (npc as Scientist).LootPanelName = npc.displayName; } void GiveKit(NPCPlayerApex npc, DataProfile zone, int kitRnd) { if (npc == null || npc.inventory == null) return; var bData = npc.GetComponent(); string type = zone.Murderer ? "Murderer" : "Scientist"; if (zone.Kit.Count != 0 && zone.Kit[kitRnd] != null) { object checkKit = Kits?.CallHook("GetKitInfo", zone.Kit[kitRnd], True); if (checkKit == null) { PrintWarning($"Kit {zone.Kit[kitRnd]} does not exist - Spawning default {type}."); } else { bool weaponInBelt = False; JObject kitContents = checkKit as JObject; if (kitContents != null) { JArray items = kitContents["items"] as JArray; foreach (var weap in items) { JObject item = weap as JObject; if (item["container"].ToString() == "belt") weaponInBelt = True; } } if (!weaponInBelt) { PrintWarning($"Kit {zone.Kit[kitRnd]} has no items in belt - Spawning default {type}."); } else { if (bData.profile.Keep_Default_Loadout == False) npc.inventory.Strip(); Kits?.Call($"GiveKit", npc, zone.Kit[kitRnd], True); } } } } void SortWeapons(NPCPlayerApex npc) { if (npc == null) return; var bData = npc.GetComponent(); ItemDefinition fuel = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("lowgradefuel"); foreach (var attire in npc.inventory.containerWear.itemList) if ("hat.miner") ||"hat.candle")) { bData.hasHeadLamp = True; Item newItem = ItemManager.Create(fuel, 1); attire.contents.Clear(); if (!newItem.MoveToContainer(attire.contents)) newItem.Remove(); else { npc.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); npc.inventory.ServerUpdate(0f); } } foreach (Item item in npc.inventory.containerBelt.itemList)//store organised weapons lists { var held = item.GetHeldEntity(); if (held != null && held as HeldEntity != null) { if (held is FlameThrower ||"launcher")) continue; if (held as BaseMelee != null || held as TorchWeapon != null) { bData.Weapons[1].Add(item); bData.Weapons[0].Add(item); } else if (held as BaseProjectile != null) { bData.Weapons[0].Add(item); if ("m92") ||"pistol") ||"python") ||"waterpipe")) bData.Weapons[2].Add(item); else if ("bolt") ||"l96")) bData.Weapons[4].Add(item); else bData.Weapons[3].Add(item); } } } if ((npc is Scientist && (bData.Weapons[0].Count == 0 || (bData.Weapons[0].Count == bData.Weapons[1].Count))) || npc is NPCMurderer && bData.Weapons[0].Count == 0) { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("noWeapon", this), bData.monumentName); bData.noweapon = True; return; } npc.CancelInvoke(npc.EquipTest); } void RunSuicide(NPCPlayerApex npc, int suicInt) { if (!NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npc.userID)) return; timer.Once(suicInt, () => { if (npc == null) return; if (npc.AttackTarget != null && Vector3.Distance(npc.transform.position, npc.AttackTarget.transform.position) < 10 && npc.GetNavAgent.isOnNavMesh) { var position = npc.AttackTarget.transform.position; npc.svActiveItemID = 0; npc.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); npc.inventory.UpdatedVisibleHolsteredItems(); timer.Repeat(0.05f, 100, () => { if (npc == null) return; npc.SetDestination(position); }); } timer.Once(4, () => { if (npc == null) return; Effect.server.Run("assets/prefabs/weapons/rocketlauncher/effects/rocket_explosion.prefab", npc.transform.position); HitInfo nullHit = new HitInfo(); nullHit.damageTypes.Add(Rust.DamageType.Explosion, 10000); npc.IsInvinsible = False; npc.Die(nullHit); } ); }); } #endregion static BasePlayer FindPlayerByName(string name) { BasePlayer result = null; foreach (BasePlayer current in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (current.displayName.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || current.UserIDString.Contains(name, CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || current.displayName.Contains(name, CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) result = current; } return result; } #region Hooks object OnNpcKits(ulong userID) { return NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(userID) ? True : Null; } private object CanBeTargeted(BaseCombatEntity player, BaseEntity entity)//stops autoturrets targetting bots { NPCPlayer npcPlayer = player as NPCPlayer; return (npcPlayer != null && NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npcPlayer.userID) && configData.Global.Turret_Safe) ? False : Null; } private object CanBradleyApcTarget(BradleyAPC bradley, BaseEntity target)//stops bradley targeting bots { NPCPlayer npcPlayer = target as NPCPlayer; return (npcPlayer != null && NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npcPlayer.userID) && configData.Global.APC_Safe) ? False : Null; } object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { var botMelee = info?.Initiator as BaseMelee; bool melee = False; if (botMelee != null) { melee = True; info.Initiator = botMelee.GetOwnerPlayer(); } NPCPlayerApex bot = entity as NPCPlayerApex; BotData bData; //If victim is one of mine if (bot != null && NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(bot.userID)) { if (configData.Global.APC_Safe && info?.Initiator is BradleyAPC) return true; var attackPlayer = info?.Initiator as BasePlayer; bData = bot.GetComponent(); if (configData.Global.Pve_Safe) { if (info.Initiator?.ToString() == null && info.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType() == Rust.DamageType.Bullet) { return True; //new autoturrets } if (info.Initiator?.ToString() == null || info.Initiator.ToString().Contains("cactus") || info.Initiator.ToString().Contains("barricade")) { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(0); return True; } } if (attackPlayer != null) { if (NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(attackPlayer.userID))//and attacker is one of mine if (attackPlayer.GetComponent().monumentName == bData.monumentName) return True; //wont attack their own if (configData.Global.PeaceKeepers_Ignore_Melee) { if (bData.profile.Peace_Keeper && (info.Weapon is BaseMelee || info.Weapon is TorchWeapon))//prevent melee farming with peacekeeper on { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(0); return True; } } if (info != null && bData.profile.Die_Instantly_From_Headshot && info.isHeadshot) { var weap = info?.Weapon?.ShortPrefabName; var weaps = bData.profile.Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons; if (weaps.Count == 0 || weap != null && weaps.Contains(weap)) { info.damageTypes.Set(0,; return null; } } if (Vector3.Distance(attackPlayer.transform.position, bot.transform.position) > bot.Stats.AggressionRange) { if (bot.Stats.AggressionRange < 400) { bot.Stats.AggressionRange += 400; bot.Stats.DeaggroRange += 400; } ForceMemory(bot, attackPlayer); timer.Repeat(1f, 20, () => { if (bot != null) { bot.RandomMove(); if (bot.AttackTarget != null && bot.AttackTarget.IsVisible(bot.eyes.position, (bot.AttackTarget as BasePlayer).eyes.position, 400)) Rust.Ai.HumanAttackOperator.AttackEnemy(bot.AiContext, Rust.Ai.AttackOperator.AttackType.LongRange); } }); timer.Once(20, () => { if (bot == null) return; bot.Stats.AggressionRange = bData.profile.Aggro_Range; bot.Stats.DeaggroRange += bData.profile.DeAggro_Range; }); } bot.AttackTarget = attackPlayer; bot.lastAttacker = attackPlayer; bData.goingHome = False; } } NPCPlayerApex attackNPC = info?.Initiator as NPCPlayerApex; //if attacker is one of mine if (attackNPC != null && entity is BasePlayer && NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(attackNPC.userID)) { bData = attackNPC.GetComponent(); float rand = GetRand(1, 101); float distance = Vector3.Distance(info.Initiator.transform.position, entity.transform.position); float newAccuracy = bData.profile.Bot_Accuracy_Percent; float newDamage = bData.profile.Bot_Damage_Percent / 100f; if (distance > 100f && bData.enemyDistance != 4) //sniper exemption { newAccuracy = bData.profile.Bot_Accuracy_Percent / (distance / 100f); newDamage = newDamage / (distance / 100f); } if (!melee && newAccuracy < rand) return True; info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(newDamage); } return null; } void OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) { if (player == null) return; if (HumanNPCs.Contains(player.userID)) HumanNPCs.Remove(player.userID); NPCPlayerApex npc = player as NPCPlayerApex; if (npc != null) OnEntityKill(npc, info); } List CrateIDs = new List(); void OnEntityKill(NPCPlayerApex npc, HitInfo info) { if (npc?.userID != null && NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npc.userID) && !botInventories.ContainsKey(npc.userID)) { var bData = npc.GetComponent(); if (bData == null) return; if (!AllProfiles.ContainsKey(bData.monumentName)) return; if (bData.respawn) AdjustPop(bData.monumentName, -1); var pos = npc.transform.position; if (info?.InitiatorPlayer != null) { if (bData.profile.ServerRewardsValue > 0) ServerRewards?.Call("AddPoints", info.InitiatorPlayer.userID, bData.profile.ServerRewardsValue); if (bData.profile.Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent > GetRand(1, 101) && npc.WaterFactor() < 0.1f) { timer.Once(2f, () => { var Crate = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab", pos + new Vector3(1, 2, 0), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); Crate.Spawn(); CrateIDs.Add(; (Crate as HackableLockedCrate).hackSeconds = HackableLockedCrate.requiredHackSeconds - bData.profile.Death_Crate_LockDuration; timer.Once(1.4f, () => { if (Crate == null) return; if (CustomLoot && bData.profile.Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile != string.Empty) { var container = Crate?.GetComponent(); if (container != null) { container.inventory.capacity = 36; container.onlyAcceptCategory = ItemCategory.All; container.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); container.inventory.Clear(); List loot = (List)CustomLoot?.Call("MakeLoot", bData.profile.Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile); if (loot != null) foreach (var item in loot) if (!item.MoveToContainer(container.inventory, -1, True)) item.Remove(); } } }); }); } } Item activeItem = npc.GetActiveItem(); if (bData.profile.Weapon_Drop_Percent >= GetRand(1, 101) && activeItem != null) { var numb = GetRand(Mathf.Min(bData.profile.Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent, bData.profile.Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent), bData.profile.Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent); numb = Convert.ToInt16((numb / 100f) * activeItem.maxCondition); activeItem.condition = numb; activeItem.Drop(npc.eyes.position, new Vector3(), new Quaternion()); npc.svActiveItemID = 0; npc.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); } ItemContainer[] source = { npc.inventory.containerMain, npc.inventory.containerWear, npc.inventory.containerBelt }; Inv botInv = new Inv() { profile = bData.profile }; botInventories.Add(npc.userID, botInv); for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++) foreach (var item in source[i].itemList) botInv.inventory[i].Add(new InvContents { ID =, amount = item.amount, skinID =, }); if (bData.profile.Disable_Radio == True) npc.DeathEffect = new GameObjectRef();//kill radio effects DeadNPCPlayerIds.Add(npc.userID); no_of_AI--; if (bData.respawn == False) return; if (bData.biome && spawnLists.ContainsKey(bData.monumentName)) { List spawnList = new List(); spawnList = spawnLists[bData.monumentName]; int spawnPos = random.Next(spawnList.Count); if (CanRespawn(bData.monumentName, 1, False) == 1) { timer.Once(bData.profile.Respawn_Timer, () => { if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(bData.monumentName)) { if (CanRespawn(bData.monumentName, 1, True) == 1) { SpawnBots(bData.monumentName, AllProfiles[bData.monumentName], "biome", null, spawnList[spawnPos], -1); if (bData.profile.Announce_Spawn && bData.profile.Announcement_Text != String.Empty) PrintToChat(bData.profile.Announcement_Text); } } }); } return; } int num = spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[bData.monumentName].Count; if (!buffer.Contains(bData.monumentName) && CanRespawn(bData.monumentName, 1, False) == 1) { timer.Once(bData.profile.Respawn_Timer, () => { int spawnnum = 0; if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(bData.monumentName)) { if (CanRespawn(bData.monumentName, 1, True) == 1) { if (num > 0 && bData.profile.UseCustomSpawns) { if (!bData.profile.ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath) spawnnum = bData.CustomSpawnNum; else { availableStatSpawns[bData.monumentName].Add(bData.CustomSpawnNum); spawnnum = GetNextSpawn(bData.monumentName, bData.profile); } } SpawnBots(bData.monumentName, AllProfiles[bData.monumentName], null, null, new Vector3(), spawnnum); if (bData.profile.Announce_Spawn && bData.profile.Announcement_Text != String.Empty) PrintToChat(bData.profile.Announcement_Text); } else if (bData.profile.UseCustomSpawns)// && !bData.profile.ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath) availableStatSpawns[bData.monumentName].Add(bData.CustomSpawnNum); } }); } else if (bData.profile.UseCustomSpawns)// && !bData.profile.ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath) availableStatSpawns[bData.monumentName].Add(bData.CustomSpawnNum); //UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(npc.GetComponent()); } } public static readonly FieldInfo AllScientists = typeof(Scientist).GetField("AllScientists", (BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)); //NRE AskQuestion workaround void OnEntitySpawned(Scientist sci) { if (loaded && sci != null) AllScientists.SetValue(sci, new HashSet());//NRE AskQuestion workaround } void OnEntitySpawned(DroppedItemContainer container) { NextTick(() => { if (!loaded || container == null || container.IsDestroyed) return; if (container.playerSteamID == 0) return; if (configData.Global.Remove_BackPacks_Percent >= GetRand(1, 101)) if (DeadNPCPlayerIds.Contains(container.playerSteamID)) { container.Kill(); DeadNPCPlayerIds.Remove(container.playerSteamID); return; } }); } void OnEntitySpawned(SupplySignal signal) { timer.Once(2.3f, () => { if (!loaded || signal != null) SmokeGrenades.Add(new Vector3(signal.transform.position.x, 0, signal.transform.position.z)); }); } void OnEntitySpawned(SupplyDrop drop) { if (!loaded || (!"supply_drop") && !"sleigh/presentdrop"))) return; if (!configData.Global.Supply_Enabled) { foreach (var location in SmokeGrenades.Where(location => Vector3.Distance(location, new Vector3(drop.transform.position.x, 0, drop.transform.position.z)) < 35f)) { SmokeGrenades.Remove(location); return; } } if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey("AirDrop")) { var prof = AllProfiles["AirDrop"]; if (prof.AutoSpawn == True && prof.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount > 0) { var profile = AllProfiles["AirDrop"]; if (profile.Announce_Spawn && profile.Announcement_Text != String.Empty) PrintToChat(profile.Announcement_Text); timer.Repeat(1f, profile.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount, () => { if (drop == null) return; profile.Location = drop.transform.position; SpawnBots("AirDrop", profile, "AirDrop", null, new Vector3(), -1); }); } } } void OnCrateHack(HackableLockedCrate crate) { if (!HasNav(crate.transform.position)) return; NextTick(() => { if (crate == null || CrateIDs.Contains( return; if (CrateIDs.Contains( CrateIDs.Remove(; if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey("HackableLockedCrate")) { var prof = AllProfiles["HackableLockedCrate"]; if (prof.AutoSpawn == True && prof.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount > 0) { var profile = AllProfiles["HackableLockedCrate"]; if (profile.Announce_Spawn && profile.Announcement_Text != String.Empty) PrintToChat(profile.Announcement_Text); timer.Repeat(1f, profile.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount, () => { if (crate == null) return; profile.Location = crate.transform.position; SpawnBots("HackableLockedCrate", profile, "HackableLockedCrate", null, new Vector3(), -1); }); } } }); } void OnEntitySpawned(NPCPlayerCorpse corpse) { if (!loaded || corpse == null) return; ulong id = corpse.playerSteamID; timer.Once(0.1f, () => { if (corpse == null || corpse.IsDestroyed || !botInventories.ContainsKey(id)) return; Inv botInv = botInventories[id]; DataProfile profile = botInv.profile; timer.Once(profile.Corpse_Duration, () => { if (corpse != null && !corpse.IsDestroyed) corpse?.Kill(); }); timer.Once(2, () => corpse?.ResetRemovalTime(profile.Corpse_Duration)); List toDestroy = new List(); foreach (var item in corpse.containers[0].itemList) { if (item.ToString().ToLower().Contains("keycard") && configData.Global.Remove_KeyCard) toDestroy.Add(item); } foreach (var item in toDestroy) item.Remove(); if (!(profile.Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent >= GetRand(1, 101))) { corpse.containers[0].Clear(); corpse.containers[1].Clear(); corpse.containers[2].Clear(); } Item playerSkull = ItemManager.CreateByName("skull.human", 1); = string.Concat($"Skull of {corpse.playerName}"); ItemAmount SkullInfo = new ItemAmount() { itemDef =, amount = 1, startAmount = 1 }; var dispenser = corpse.GetComponent(); if (dispenser != null) { dispenser.containedItems.Add(SkullInfo); dispenser.Initialize(); } for (int i = 0; i < botInv.inventory.Length; i++) { foreach (var item in botInv.inventory[i]) { var giveItem = ItemManager.CreateByItemID(item.ID, item.amount, item.skinID); if (!giveItem.MoveToContainer(corpse.containers[i], -1, True)) giveItem.Remove(); } } timer.Once(5f, () => { botInventories.Remove(id); }); if (profile.Wipe_Belt_Percent >= GetRand(1, 101)) corpse.containers[2].Clear(); if (profile.Wipe_Clothing_Percent >= GetRand(1, 101)) corpse.containers[1].Clear(); ItemManager.DoRemoves(); }); } #endregion #region WeaponSwitching void SelectWeapon(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer) { if (npcPlayer == null) return; Item active = npcPlayer.GetActiveItem(); var bData = npcPlayer.GetComponent(); if (bData == null) return; Item targetItem = null; List rangeToUse = new List(); if (active == null) { rangeToUse = bData.Weapons[0]; targetItem = rangeToUse[random.Next(rangeToUse.Count)]; foreach (var item in npcPlayer.inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Where(item => == targetItem = item; } else if (npcPlayer.AttackTarget == null) { ToggleAggro(npcPlayer, Convert.ToByte(!bData.profile.Peace_Keeper), bData.profile.Aggro_Range); if (bData.profile.AlwaysUseLights || IsNight) { foreach (var item in npcPlayer.inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Where(item => item.GetHeldEntity() is TorchWeapon)) targetItem = item; if (LightEquipped(npcPlayer) != null) targetItem = LightEquipped(npcPlayer); } } else { float distance = Vector3.Distance(npcPlayer.transform.position, npcPlayer.AttackTarget.transform.position); if (bData.Weapons[0].Count == 1 || bData.enemyDistance == GetRange(distance)) targetItem = active; else { bData.enemyDistance = GetRange(distance); rangeToUse = bData.Weapons[bData.enemyDistance]; if (!rangeToUse.Any()) { if (active.GetHeldEntity() as BaseMelee != null && GetRange(distance) > 1) foreach (var weapon in bData.Weapons[0]) if (weapon != active) targetItem = weapon; } else targetItem = rangeToUse[random.Next(rangeToUse.Count)]; } } if (targetItem != null) UpdateActiveItem(npcPlayer, targetItem); else UpdateActiveItem(npcPlayer, active); } int GetRange(float distance) { if (distance < 2f) return 1; if (distance < 10f) return 2; if (distance < 40f) return 3; return 4; } void UpdateActiveItem(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer, Item item) { Item activeItem1 = npcPlayer.GetActiveItem(); HeldEntity heldEntity; HeldEntity heldEntity1; if (activeItem1 != item) { npcPlayer.svActiveItemID = 0U; if (activeItem1 != null) { heldEntity = activeItem1.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (heldEntity != null) heldEntity.SetHeld(False); } npcPlayer.svActiveItemID = item.uid; npcPlayer.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); npcPlayer.inventory.UpdatedVisibleHolsteredItems(); npcPlayer.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); SetRange(npcPlayer, item); heldEntity1 = npcPlayer.GetActiveItem()?.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (heldEntity1 != null) heldEntity1.SetHeld(True); } else { var lights = npcPlayer.GetComponent().profile.AlwaysUseLights; heldEntity1 = npcPlayer.GetActiveItem()?.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (heldEntity1 != null) heldEntity1.SetLightsOn(lights ? True : IsNight); HeadLampToggle(npcPlayer, lights ? True : IsNight); } } Item LightEquipped(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer) { foreach (var item in npcPlayer.inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Where(item => item.GetHeldEntity() is BaseProjectile && item.contents != null)) foreach (var mod in (item.contents.itemList).Where(mod => mod.GetHeldEntity() as ProjectileWeaponMod != null && == "flashlightmod.item")) return item; return null; } void SetRange(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer, Item item) { var bData = npcPlayer.GetComponent(); var weapon = npcPlayer.GetHeldEntity() as AttackEntity; if (bData != null && weapon != null) weapon.effectiveRange = bData.Weapons[1].Contains(item) ? 2 : 350; } void HeadLampToggle(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer, bool On) { foreach (var item in npcPlayer.inventory.containerWear.itemList) if ("hat.miner") ||"hat.candle")) { if ((On && !item.IsOn()) || (!On && item.IsOn())) { item.SwitchOnOff(On); npcPlayer.inventory.ServerUpdate(0f); break; } } } #endregion List HumanNPCs = new List(); void OnEntitySpawned(BasePlayer player) { if (player?.net?.connection == null) foreach (var comp in player?.GetComponents()) if (comp.GetType().Name == "HumanPlayer") { HumanNPCs.Add(player.userID); break; } } #region onnpHooks object OnNpcResume(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer) { var bData = npcPlayer.GetComponent(); return (bData != null && (bData.inAir || bData.stationary)) ? True : Null; } object OnNpcDestinationSet(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer) { if (npcPlayer == null || !npcPlayer.GetNavAgent.isOnNavMesh) return True; var bData = npcPlayer.GetComponent(); return (bData != null && bData.goingHome) ? True : Null; } object OnNpcTarget(IHTNAgent npc, NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer) { if (npcPlayer != null && NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npcPlayer.userID) && !configData.Global.HTNs_Attack_BotSpawn) return True; return Null; } Dictionary CoolDowns = new Dictionary(); object OnNpcTarget(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer, BaseEntity entity) { if (npcPlayer == null || entity == null) return null; bool attackerIsMine = NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npcPlayer.userID); NPCPlayer botVictim = entity as NPCPlayer; if (botVictim != null) { bool vicIsMine = NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(botVictim.userID); if (npcPlayer == botVictim) return null; if (vicIsMine && !attackerIsMine && !configData.Global.NPCs_Attack_BotSpawn)//stop oustideNPCs attacking BotSpawn bots return True; if (!attackerIsMine) return null; if (vicIsMine) { var bData = npcPlayer.GetComponent(); if (!bData.profile.Attacks_Other_Profiles || bData.monumentName == botVictim.GetComponent().monumentName) return True; ForceMemory(npcPlayer, botVictim); } if (!vicIsMine && !configData.Global.BotSpawn_Attacks_NPCs)//stop BotSpawn bots attacking outsideNPCs return True; } if (!attackerIsMine) return null; BasePlayer victim = entity as BasePlayer; if (victim != null) { if ((victim.InSafeZone() || npcPlayer.InSafeZone()) && !victim.IsHostile()) { return True; } if (configData.Global.Ignore_HumanNPC && HumanNPCs.Contains(victim.userID)) return True; var bData = npcPlayer.GetComponent(); bData.goingHome = False; var active = npcPlayer?.GetActiveItem()?.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (active == null) return null; if (bData.profile.Peace_Keeper) { bool attack = False; var held = victim.GetHeldEntity(); if (victim.svActiveItemID == 0u || held == null) attack = False; bool isMelee = held is BaseMelee || held is TorchWeapon; bool isGun = held is BaseProjectile || held is FlameThrower; if (isGun || (!configData.Global.PeaceKeepers_Ignore_Melee && isMelee)) attack = True; if (attack) { if (!bData.AggroPlayers.Contains(victim.userID)) { bData.AggroPlayers.Add(victim.userID); if (!CoolDowns.ContainsKey(victim.userID)) CoolDowns.Add(victim.userID, null); } bData.coolDownPlayers.Add(victim.userID); CoolDowns[victim.userID]?.Destroy(); CoolDowns[victim.userID] = timer.Once(bData.profile.Peace_Keeper_Cool_Down, () => { if (bData.AggroPlayers.Contains(victim.userID)) { bData.AggroPlayers.Remove(victim.userID); bData.coolDownPlayers.Remove(victim.userID); } }); } if (!bData.AggroPlayers.Contains(victim.userID)) return True; } bool OnNav = npcPlayer.GetNavAgent.isOnNavMesh; if (OnNav) { var distance = Vector3.Distance(npcPlayer.transform.position, victim.transform.position); if (distance < 50) { var heightDifference = victim.transform.position.y - npcPlayer.transform.position.y; if (heightDifference > 5) npcPlayer.SetDestination(npcPlayer.transform.position - (Quaternion.Euler(npcPlayer.serverInput.current.aimAngles) * Vector3.forward * 2)); } } if (!bData.stationary && !bData.inAir && npcPlayer is NPCMurderer) { var distance = Vector3.Distance(npcPlayer.transform.position, victim.transform.position); if (npcPlayer.lastAttacker != victim && distance > npcPlayer.Stats.AggressionRange && distance > npcPlayer.Stats.DeaggroRange) return True; var held = npcPlayer.GetHeldEntity(); if (held != null) { if (held as BaseProjectile == null && OnNav) { NavMeshPath pathToEntity = new NavMeshPath(); npcPlayer.AiContext.AIAgent.GetNavAgent.CalculatePath(victim.ServerPosition, pathToEntity); if (npcPlayer.lastAttacker != null && victim == npcPlayer.lastAttacker && pathToEntity.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathInvalid && !bData.fleeing) { var heightDifference = victim.transform.position.y - npcPlayer.transform.position.y; if (heightDifference > 1 && distance < 50) { bData.fleeing = True; timer.Once(10f, () => { if (npcPlayer != null) bData.fleeing = False; }); WipeMemory(npcPlayer); return True; } } if (pathToEntity.status != NavMeshPathStatus.PathInvalid && bData.fleeing) { ForceMemory(npcPlayer, victim); return null; } } } ForceMemory(npcPlayer, victim); } bData.goingHome = False; if (victim.IsSleeping() && configData.Global.Ignore_Sleepers) return True; if (npcPlayer.AttackTarget == null) npcPlayer.AttackTarget = victim; ToggleAggro(npcPlayer, 1, npcPlayer.Stats.AggressionRange); npcPlayer.lastAttacker = victim; } return (("agents/") && !(entity is BasePlayer)) || (entity is HTNPlayer && configData.Global.Ignore_HTN)) ? True : Null; } object OnNpcTarget(BaseNpc npc, NPCPlayer npcPlayer)//stops animals targeting bots { return (npcPlayer != null && NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npcPlayer.userID) && configData.Global.Animal_Safe) ? True : Null; } object OnNpcStopMoving(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer) { if (npcPlayer == null) return null; return NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npcPlayer.userID) ? True : Null; } #endregion void WipeMemory(NPCPlayerApex npc) { npc.lastDealtDamageTime = Time.time; npc.lastAttackedTime = Time.time; npc.AttackTarget = null; npc.lastAttacker = null; npc.SetFact(NPCPlayerApex.Facts.HasEnemy, 0, True, True); npc.SetFact(NPCPlayerApex.Facts.IsAggro, 0, True, True); npc.SetFact(NPCPlayerApex.Facts.IsAfraid, 0, True, True); npc.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Relaxed, true); } void ForceMemory(NPCPlayerApex npc, BasePlayer victim) { npc.SetFact(NPCPlayerApex.Facts.HasEnemy, 1, True, True); Vector3 vector3; float single, single1, single2; Rust.Ai.BestPlayerDirection.Evaluate(npc, victim.ServerPosition, out vector3, out single); Rust.Ai.BestPlayerDistance.Evaluate(npc, victim.ServerPosition, out single1, out single2); var info = new Rust.Ai.Memory.ExtendedInfo(); npc.AiContext.Memory.Update(victim, victim.ServerPosition, 1, vector3, single, single1, 1, True, 1f, out info); } #region SetUpLocations public Dictionary GotMonuments = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary mons = new Dictionary(); public List RemoveObj = new List(); void CheckMonuments(bool add) { foreach (var monumentInfo in TerrainMeta.Path.Monuments.OrderBy(x => x.displayPhrase.english)) { var displayPhrase = monumentInfo.displayPhrase.english.Replace("\n", String.Empty); if (displayPhrase.Contains("Oil Rig") || displayPhrase.Contains("Water Well")) continue; GameObject gobject = monumentInfo.gameObject; var pos = monumentInfo.gameObject.transform.position; var rot = monumentInfo.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles.y; int counter = 0; if (displayPhrase != String.Empty) { if (add) { foreach (var entry in AllProfiles.Where(x => x.Key.Contains(displayPhrase) && x.Key.Length == displayPhrase.Length + 2)) counter++; if (counter < 10) { mons.Add($"{displayPhrase} {counter}", gobject); AddProfile($"{displayPhrase} {counter}", null, pos); } } else { foreach (var entry in GotMonuments.Where(x => x.Key.Contains(displayPhrase) && x.Key.Length == displayPhrase.Length + 2)) counter++; if (counter < 10) GotMonuments.Add($"{displayPhrase} {counter}", new ConfigProfile()); } } } } private void SetupProfiles() { CheckMonuments(True); int BiomeCounter = 1; foreach (var entry in defaultData.Biomes) { ConfigProfile prof = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry.Value)); AddProfile(entry.Key, prof, new Vector3()); if (entry.Value.AutoSpawn) GenerateSpawnPoints(entry.Key, Mathf.Max(prof.Night_Time_Spawn_Amount, prof.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount), timers[entry.Key], BiomeCounter); BiomeCounter *= 2; } DataProfile Airdrop = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultData.Events.AirDrop)); AllProfiles.Add("AirDrop", Airdrop); DataProfile HackableLockedCrate = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultData.Events.HackableLockedCrate)); AllProfiles.Add("HackableLockedCrate", HackableLockedCrate); foreach (var profile in storedData.DataProfiles) AddData(profile.Key, profile.Value); SaveData(); SetupSpawnsFile(); foreach (var profile in AllProfiles) { popinfo.Add(profile.Key, new PopInfo()); if (timers.ContainsKey(profile.Key) || profile.Key.Contains("AirDrop") || profile.Key.Contains("HackableLockedCrate")) continue; if (profile.Value.Kit.Count > 0 && Kits == null) PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("nokits", this), profile.Key); int num = spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[profile.Key].Count; if (profile.Value.AutoSpawn == True && (profile.Value.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount > 0 || profile.Value.Night_Time_Spawn_Amount > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) availableStatSpawns[profile.Key].Add(i); int target = TargetAmount(profile.Value); if (target > 0) { int amount = CanRespawn(profile.Key, target, False); if (amount > 0) timer.Repeat(0.5f, amount, () => { if (AllProfiles.Contains(profile) && CanRespawn(profile.Key, 1, True) == 1) { int point = GetNextSpawn(profile.Key, profile.Value); SpawnBots(profile.Key, AllProfiles[profile.Key], null, null, new Vector3(), point); } }); } } } } void AddProfile(string name, ConfigProfile monument, Vector3 pos)//bring config data into live data { if (monument == null && defaultData.Monuments.ContainsKey(name)) monument = defaultData.Monuments[name]; else if (monument == null) { monument = new ConfigProfile(); } var toAdd = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(monument); DataProfile toAddDone = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(toAdd); if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) return; AllProfiles.Add(name, toAddDone); AllProfiles[name].Location = pos; foreach (var custom in storedData.DataProfiles) {; if (custom.Value.Parent_Monument == name && storedData.MigrationDataDoNotEdit.ContainsKey(custom.Key)) { var path = storedData.MigrationDataDoNotEdit[custom.Key]; if (path.ParentMonument == new Vector3()) { Puts($"Parent_Monument added for {custom.Key}. Removing any existing custom spawn points"); spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[custom.Key].Clear(); SaveSpawns(); path.ParentMonument = pos; path.Offset = mons[name].transform.InverseTransformPoint(custom.Value.Location); } } else if (custom.Value.Parent_Monument == "" && storedData.MigrationDataDoNotEdit[custom.Key].ParentMonument != new Vector3()) { Puts($"Parent_Monument removed for {custom.Key}. Removing any existing custom spawn points"); spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[custom.Key].Clear(); storedData.MigrationDataDoNotEdit[custom.Key] = new ProfileRelocation(); SaveSpawns(); } } //SaveData(); } void AddData(string name, DataProfile profile) { if (!storedData.MigrationDataDoNotEdit.ContainsKey(name)) storedData.MigrationDataDoNotEdit.Add(name, new ProfileRelocation()); var path = storedData.MigrationDataDoNotEdit[name]; if (profile.Parent_Monument != String.Empty) { if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(profile.Parent_Monument) && !timers.ContainsKey(profile.Parent_Monument)) { if (path.ParentMonument != AllProfiles[profile.Parent_Monument].Location) { bool userChanged = False; foreach (var monument in AllProfiles) if (monument.Value.Location == AllProfiles[profile.Parent_Monument].Location && monument.Key != profile.Parent_Monument) { userChanged = True; break; } profile.Location = mons[profile.Parent_Monument].transform.TransformPoint(path.Offset); if (userChanged) { Puts($"Parent_Monument change detected for {name}. Removing any existing custom spawn points"); spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Clear(); SaveSpawns(); } path.ParentMonument = AllProfiles[profile.Parent_Monument].Location; path.Offset = mons[profile.Parent_Monument].transform.InverseTransformPoint(profile.Location); } } else { if (profile.AutoSpawn == True) { Puts($"Parent monument {profile.Parent_Monument} does not exist for custom profile {name}"); return; } } } SaveData(); AllProfiles[name] = profile; GameObject obj = new GameObject(); obj.transform.position = profile.Location; mons[name] = obj; RemoveObj.Add(obj); } void SetupSpawnsFile() { bool flag = False; foreach (var entry in AllProfiles.Where(entry => !timers.ContainsKey(entry.Key) && entry.Key != "AirDrop" && entry.Key != "HackableLockedCrate")) { if (!spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations.ContainsKey(entry.Key)) { spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations.Add(entry.Key, new List()); flag = True; } if (!availableStatSpawns.ContainsKey(entry.Key)) availableStatSpawns.Add(entry.Key, new List()); CheckSpawnPop(entry.Key, entry.Value); } if (flag) SaveSpawns(); } void CheckSpawnPop(string name, DataProfile profile) { if (profile.AutoSpawn && profile.UseCustomSpawns) { if (spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Count < profile.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount) { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("notenoughspawns", this), name); profile.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount = spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Count; } if (spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Count < profile.Night_Time_Spawn_Amount) { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("notenoughspawns", this), name); profile.Night_Time_Spawn_Amount = spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Count; } else if (spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Count == 0) PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("nospawns", this), name); } } #endregion #region Commands [ConsoleCommand("bot.count")] void CmdBotCount() { string msg = (NPCPlayers.Count == 1) ? "numberOfBot" : "numberOfBots"; PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage(msg, this), NPCPlayers.Count); } [ConsoleCommand("bots.count")] void CmdBotsCount() { var records = BotSpawnBots(); if (records.Count == 0) { PrintWarning("There are no spawned npcs"); return; } bool none = True; foreach (var entry in records) if (entry.Value.Count > 0) none = False; if (none) { PrintWarning("There are no spawned npcs"); return; } foreach (var entry in BotSpawnBots().Where(x => AllProfiles[x.Key].AutoSpawn == True)) PrintWarning(entry.Key + " - " + entry.Value.Count); } [ConsoleCommand("botspawn")] private void CmdBotSpawn(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Connection?.player as BasePlayer; if ((player != null && player?.net?.connection.authLevel < 2) || arg?.Args?.Length != 2) return; if (arg.Args[0] == "spawn") { var profile = arg.Args[1]; foreach (var entry in AllProfiles.Where(entry => entry.Key.ToLower() == profile.ToLower())) { if (timers.ContainsKey(entry.Key) || entry.Key == "AirDrop" || entry.Key == "HackableLockedCrate") { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + lang.GetMessage("norespawn", this)); continue; } var loc = entry.Value.UseCustomSpawns && spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[entry.Key].Count > 0 ? : entry.Value.Location; if (TargetAmount(AllProfiles[entry.Key]) == 0) { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + lang.GetMessage("targetzero", this), entry.Key); return; } timer.Repeat(1f, TargetAmount(entry.Value), () => DeployNpcs(loc, entry.Key, entry.Value, null, GetNextSpawn(entry.Key, entry.Value))); PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + lang.GetMessage("deployed", this), entry.Key, entry.Value.Location); return; } PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); } if (arg.Args[0] == "kill") { var profile = arg.Args[1]; BotData bData = null; List killList = new List(); bool found = False; foreach (var entry in AllProfiles.Where(entry => entry.Key.ToLower() == profile.ToLower())) { foreach (var npc in NPCPlayers) { bData = npc.Value.GetComponent(); if (bData.monumentName.ToLower() == entry.Key.ToLower() && !bData.respawn) { found = True; killList.Add(npc.Value); } } if (found) { NextTick(() => { PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + lang.GetMessage("killed", this), entry.Key); foreach (var npc in killList.ToList()) npc.Kill(); }); } else PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + lang.GetMessage("nonpcs", this)); return; } PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); } } public NPCPlayerApex GetNPCPlayer(BasePlayer player) { Vector3 start = player.eyes.position; Ray ray = new Ray(start, Quaternion.Euler(player.eyes.rotation.eulerAngles) * Vector3.forward); var hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray); foreach (var hit in hits) { var npc = hit.collider?.GetComponentInParent(); if (npc?.GetComponent() != null && hit.distance < 2f) return npc; } return null; } string TitleText => "" + lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + ""; [ConsoleCommand("botspawn.toplayer")] private void botspawnToPlayer(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() == null || arg?.Args.Length < 2) return; Botspawn(arg.Player(), "botspawn", new string[] { "toplayer", arg.Args[0], arg.Args[1] }); } [ConsoleCommand("botspawn.addspawn")] private void botspawnAddSpawn(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() == null) return; Botspawn(arg.Player(), "botspawn", new string[] { "addspawn" }); } [ConsoleCommand("botspawn.removespawn")] private void botspawnRemoveSpawn(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() == null) return; Botspawn(arg.Player(), "botspawn", new string[] { "removespawn" }); } [ConsoleCommand("")] private void botspawnInfo(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() == null) return; Botspawn(arg.Player(), "botspawn", new string[] { "info" }); } [ChatCommand("botspawn")] void Botspawn(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!HasPermission(player.UserIDString, permAllowed) && !IsAuth(player)) return; string pn = string.Empty; var sp = spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations; if (args != null && args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] == "info") { var npc = GetNPCPlayer(player); if (npc == null) SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("nonpc", this)); else SendReply(player, TitleText + "NPC from profile - " + npc.GetComponent().monumentName); return; } if (args[0] == "list") { var outMsg = lang.GetMessage("ListTitle", this); foreach (var profile in storedData.DataProfiles) outMsg += $"\n{profile.Key}"; PrintToChat(player, outMsg); return; } if (editing.ContainsKey(player.userID) && AllProfiles.ContainsKey(editing[player.userID])) pn = editing[player.userID]; else { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("notediting", this)); return; } if (args[0] == "addspawn") { var rot = player.viewAngles.y; if (!HasNav(player.transform.position) && !AllProfiles[pn].Stationary) SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("noNavHere", this)); var t = mons.ContainsKey(AllProfiles[pn].Parent_Monument) ? mons[AllProfiles[pn].Parent_Monument].transform : mons.ContainsKey(pn) ? mons[pn].transform : null; if (t != null) { Vector3 loc = t.InverseTransformPoint(player.transform.position); sp[pn].Add($"{loc.x},{loc.y},{loc.z},{rot - t.eulerAngles.y}"); SaveSpawns(); ShowSpawn(player, player.transform.position, sp[pn].Count, configData.Global.AddSpawn_Show_Seconds); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("addedspawn", this), sp[pn].Count, pn); } return; } if (args[0] == "removespawn") { if (sp[pn].Count > 0) { sp[pn].RemoveAt(sp[pn].Count - 1); SaveSpawns(); CheckSpawnPop(pn, AllProfiles[pn]); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("removedspawn", this), pn, sp[pn].Count); } else { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("nospawns", this), pn, sp[pn].Count); } return; } SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("error", this)); } else if (args != null && args.Length == 2) { var name = args[1]; if (args[0] == "reload") { buffer.Add(name); timer.Once(10f, () => buffer.Remove(name)); if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { foreach (var npc in NPCPlayers.ToList()) { var bData = npc.Value.GetComponent(); if (bData.monumentName == name) { bData.profile = AllProfiles[name].Clone(); bData.profile.Respawn_Timer = 1; npc.Value.Kill(); } } ReloadData(name); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("reloaded", this)); return; } SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); } if (args[0] == "show") { int amount; if (int.TryParse(args[1], out amount)) { string entry = null; if (editing.ContainsKey(player.userID)) entry = editing[player.userID]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry)) { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("notediting", this)); return; } if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(entry) && !timers.ContainsKey(entry) && name != "AirDrop" && name != "HackableLockedCrate") { if (editing.ContainsKey(player.userID)) editing[player.userID] = entry; else editing.Add(player.userID, entry); var path = spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[entry]; for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++) { var t = mons.ContainsKey(AllProfiles[entry].Parent_Monument) ? mons[AllProfiles[entry].Parent_Monument].transform : mons.ContainsKey(entry) ? mons[entry].transform : null; ShowSpawn(player, t.TransformPoint(s2v(path[i])), i + 1, amount); } return; } } else SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("showduration", this), name); } if (args[0] == "edit") { if (!spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations.ContainsKey(name)) { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); return; } var path = spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name]; if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(name) && !timers.ContainsKey(name) && name != "AirDrop" && name != "HackableLockedCrate") { if (editing.ContainsKey(player.userID)) editing[player.userID] = name; else editing.Add(player.userID, name); for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++) { var t = mons.ContainsKey(AllProfiles[name].Parent_Monument) ? mons[AllProfiles[name].Parent_Monument].transform : mons.ContainsKey(name) ? mons[name].transform : null; ShowSpawn(player, t.TransformPoint(s2v(path[i])), i + 1, 10f); } SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("editingname", this), name); } else SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); return; } if (args[0] == "add") { if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("alreadyexists", this), name); return; } var customSettings = new DataProfile() { AutoSpawn = False, BotNames = new List { String.Empty }, Location = player.transform.position, }; storedData.DataProfiles.Add(name, customSettings); AddData(name, customSettings); popinfo.Add(name, new PopInfo()); SetupSpawnsFile(); if (editing.ContainsKey(player.userID)) editing[player.userID] = name; else editing.Add(player.userID, name); SaveData(); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("customsaved", this), player.transform.position); return; } if (args[0] == "move") { if (storedData.DataProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { var d = storedData.DataProfiles[name]; d.Location = player.transform.position; if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(d.Parent_Monument)) storedData.MigrationDataDoNotEdit[name].Offset = mons[d.Parent_Monument].transform.InverseTransformPoint(player.transform.position); SaveData(); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("custommoved", this), name); } else SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); return; } if (args[0] == "remove") { if (storedData.DataProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { List toDestroy = new List(); foreach (var bot in NPCPlayers) { if (bot.Value == null) continue; var bData = bot.Value.GetComponent(); if (bData.monumentName == name) toDestroy.Add(bot.Value); } NextTick(() => { foreach (var killBot in toDestroy) killBot.Kill(); }); spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[name].Clear(); SaveSpawns(); AllProfiles.Remove(name); storedData.DataProfiles.Remove(name); storedData.MigrationDataDoNotEdit.Remove(name); SaveData(); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("customremoved", this), name); } else SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); return; } if (args[0] == "spawn") { var profile = args[1]; foreach (var entry in AllProfiles.Where(entry => entry.Key.ToLower() == profile.ToLower())) { if (timers.ContainsKey(entry.Key) || entry.Key == "AirDrop" || entry.Key == "HackableLockedCrate") { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("norespawn", this)); continue; } var loc = entry.Value.UseCustomSpawns && spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[entry.Key].Count > 0 ? : entry.Value.Location; if (TargetAmount(AllProfiles[entry.Key]) == 0) { SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("Title", this) + lang.GetMessage("targetzero", this), entry.Key); return; } timer.Repeat(1f, TargetAmount(AllProfiles[entry.Key]), () => DeployNpcs(loc, entry.Key, entry.Value, null, GetNextSpawn(entry.Key, entry.Value))); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("deployed", this), entry.Key, entry.Value.Location); return; } SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); return; } if (args[0] == "kill") { var profile = args[1]; var found = False; List killList = new List(); foreach (var npc in NPCPlayers) { var bData = npc.Value.GetComponent(); if (bData.monumentName.ToLower() == profile.ToLower() && !bData.respawn) { found = True; killList.Add(npc.Value); } } NextTick(() => { if (found) { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("killed", this), profile); foreach (var npc in killList.ToList()) npc.Kill(); } else SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("nonpcs", this)); }); return; } int num = -1; int.TryParse(args[1], out num); if (num < 1) return; if (args[0] == "removespawn") { if (editing.ContainsKey(player.userID) && AllProfiles.ContainsKey(editing[player.userID])) pn = editing[player.userID]; else { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("notediting", this)); return; } if (sp[pn].Count() - 1 >= num) { sp[pn].RemoveAt(num - 1); SaveSpawns(); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("removednum", this), num, pn); return; } SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("notthatmany", this), pn, Mathf.Max(1, num)); return; } if (args[0] == "movespawn") { if (editing.ContainsKey(player.userID) && AllProfiles.ContainsKey(editing[player.userID])) pn = editing[player.userID]; else { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("notediting", this)); return; } if (sp[pn].Count() >= num) { var rot = player.viewAngles.y; if (!HasNav(player.transform.position) && !AllProfiles[pn].Stationary) SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("noNavHere", this)); var t = mons.ContainsKey(AllProfiles[pn].Parent_Monument) ? mons[AllProfiles[pn].Parent_Monument].transform : mons.ContainsKey(pn) ? mons[pn].transform : null; if (t != null) { Vector3 loc = t.InverseTransformPoint(player.transform.position); sp[pn][num - 1] = ($"{loc.x},{loc.y},{loc.z},{rot - t.transform.eulerAngles.y}"); SaveSpawns(); ShowSpawn(player, player.transform.position, num, 10f); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("movedspawn", this), num, pn); return; } } SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("notthatmany", this), pn, Mathf.Max(1, num)); return; } SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("error", this)); return; } else if (args != null && args.Length == 3) { if (args[0] == "toplayer") { var name = args[1]; var profile = args[2].ToLower(); BasePlayer target = FindPlayerByName(name); Vector3 location = CalculateGroundPos(player.transform.position); var found = False; if (target == null) { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("namenotfound", this), name); return; } foreach (var entry in AllProfiles.Where(entry => entry.Key.ToLower() == profile.ToLower())) { if (TargetAmount(AllProfiles[entry.Key]) == 0) { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("targetzero", this), entry.Key); return; } timer.Repeat(1f, TargetAmount(AllProfiles[entry.Key]), () => DeployNpcs(location, entry.Key, entry.Value, null, -1)); SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("deployed", this), entry.Key, target.displayName); found = True; return; } if (!found) { SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("noprofile", this)); return; } return; } SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("error", this)); } else SendReply(player, TitleText + lang.GetMessage("error", this)); } void ShowSpawn(BasePlayer player, Vector3 loc, int num, float duration) => player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", duration,, loc, $"{num}"); #endregion public List DeadNPCPlayerIds = new List(); //to tracebackpacks public Dictionary KitRemoveList = new Dictionary(); public List SmokeGrenades = new List(); public Dictionary botInventories = new Dictionary(); public class Inv { public DataProfile profile = new DataProfile(); public List[] inventory = { new List(), new List(), new List() }; } public class InvContents { public int ID; public int amount; public ulong skinID; } #region BotMono public class BotData : MonoBehaviour { public NPCPlayerApex npc; public List AggroPlayers = new List(); public List coolDownPlayers = new List(); public DataProfile profile; public Vector3 spawnPoint; public List[] Weapons = { new List(), new List(), new List(), new List(), new List() }; public int CustomSpawnNum, enemyDistance, landingAttempts; public string monumentName, group; //external hook identifier public bool noweapon, fleeing, hasHeadLamp, stationary, inAir, goingHome, biome, respawn; CapsuleCollider capcol; Vector3 landingDirection =; int updateCounter; void Start() { npc = GetComponent(); if (npc.WaterFactor() > 0.9f) { npc.Kill(); return; } if (profile.Chute && !stationary) { inAir = True; capcol = npc.GetComponent(); if (capcol != null) { capcol.isTrigger = True; npc.GetComponent().radius += 2f; } botSpawn.ToggleAggro(npc, 1, 300f); } if (stationary || inAir) { npc.utilityAiComponent.enabled = True; npc.Stats.VisionCone = -1f; } float delay = random.Next(300, 1200); if (respawn) InvokeRepeating("Relocate", delay, delay); if (!noweapon) InvokeRepeating("SelectWeapon", 0, 2.99f); } void SelectWeapon() => botSpawn.SelectWeapon(npc); public void OnDestroy() { botSpawn.NPCPlayers.Remove(npc.userID); if (botSpawn.weaponCheck.ContainsKey(npc.userID)) { botSpawn.weaponCheck[npc.userID].Destroy(); botSpawn.weaponCheck.Remove(npc.userID); } CancelInvoke("Relocate"); CancelInvoke("SelectWeapon"); } void Relocate() { if (!respawn || stationary || (profile.UseCustomSpawns == True && botSpawn.spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[monumentName].Count > 0)) return; if (biome) { spawnPoint = botSpawn.spawnLists[monumentName][random.Next(botSpawn.spawnLists[monumentName].Count)]; return; } var randomTerrainPoint = botSpawn.TryGetSpawn(profile.Location, profile.Radius); if (randomTerrainPoint != new Vector3()) spawnPoint = randomTerrainPoint + new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0); } private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) { if (!inAir) return; var rb = npc.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (landingAttempts == 0) landingDirection = npc.transform.forward; NavMeshHit hit; if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(npc.transform.position, out hit, 30, -1) || landingAttempts > 5) //NavMesh.AllAreas { if (npc.WaterFactor() > 0.9f) { npc.Kill(); return; } if (capcol != null) { capcol.isTrigger = False; npc.GetComponent().radius -= 2f; } rb.isKinematic = True; rb.useGravity = False; npc.gameObject.layer = 17; npc.ServerPosition = hit.position; npc.GetNavAgent.Warp(npc.ServerPosition); botSpawn.ToggleAggro(npc, Convert.ToByte(!profile.Peace_Keeper), profile.Aggro_Range); foreach (var child in npc.children.Where(child =>"parachute"))) { child.SetParent(null); child.Kill(); break; } SetSpawn(npc); landingAttempts = 0; } else { landingAttempts++; rb.useGravity = True; rb.velocity = new Vector3(landingDirection.x * 15, 11, landingDirection.z * 15); rb.drag = 1f; } } bool done = False; void SetSpawn(NPCPlayerApex bot) { inAir = False; spawnPoint = bot.transform.position; bot.SpawnPosition = bot.transform.position; bot.Resume(); } void Update() { updateCounter++; if (updateCounter == 50) { if (Time.time - npc.lastAttackedTime > 15) { botSpawn.ToggleAggro(npc, 0, profile.Aggro_Range); botSpawn.WipeMemory(npc); } updateCounter = 0; if (inAir || stationary) { if (npc?.AttackTarget != null && npc.AttackTarget is BasePlayer) { if (npc.IsVisibleStanding(npc.AttackTarget.ToPlayer()) && Interface.CallHook("OnNpcTarget", npc, npc.AttackTarget) == null) { npc.SetAimDirection((npc.AttackTarget.transform.position - npc.GetPosition()).normalized); npc.StartAttack(); } else npc.SetAimDirection(new Vector3(npc.transform.forward.x, 0, npc.transform.forward.z)); } else npc.SetAimDirection(new Vector3(npc.transform.forward.x, 0, npc.transform.forward.z)); goingHome = False; return; } if (npc.GetFact(NPCPlayerApex.Facts.IsAggro) == 0 && npc.AttackTarget == null && npc.GetNavAgent.isOnNavMesh) { npc.CurrentBehaviour = BaseNpc.Behaviour.Wander; npc.SetFact(NPCPlayerApex.Facts.Speed, (byte)NPCPlayerApex.SpeedEnum.Walk, True, True); npc.TargetSpeed = 2.4f; var distance = Vector3.Distance(npc.transform.position, spawnPoint); if (!goingHome && distance > profile.Roam_Range || npc.WaterFactor() > 0.1f) goingHome = True; if (goingHome && distance > 5) { npc.GetNavAgent.SetDestination(spawnPoint); npc.Destination = spawnPoint; } else goingHome = False; } } } } public void ToggleAggro(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer, int hostility, float distance) { var bData = npcPlayer.GetComponent(); if (bData != null) { npcPlayer.Stats.VisionRange = distance + 20; npcPlayer.Stats.AggressionRange = distance; npcPlayer.Stats.DeaggroRange = npcPlayer.Stats.AggressionRange + 20; npcPlayer.Stats.Hostility = hostility; } } #endregion #region Config private ConfigData configData; public class Global { public int AddSpawn_Show_Seconds = 10, DayStartHour = 8, NightStartHour = 20; public bool PeaceKeepers_Ignore_Melee = False, NPCs_Attack_BotSpawn = True, HTNs_Attack_BotSpawn, BotSpawn_Attacks_NPCs = True, APC_Safe = True, Turret_Safe = True, Animal_Safe = True, Supply_Enabled, Staggered_Despawn = false; public int Remove_BackPacks_Percent = 100; public bool Remove_KeyCard = True, Ignore_HumanNPC = True, Ignore_HTN = True, Ignore_Sleepers = True, Pve_Safe = True; public int Max_Chute_Wind_Speed = 100, Max_Chute_Fall_Speed = 100; } class ConfigData { public string DataPrefix = "default"; public Global Global = new Global(); } private void LoadConfigVariables() { configData = Config.ReadObject(); SaveConfig(configData); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { LoadConfigVariables(); Puts("Creating new config file."); } void SaveConfig(ConfigData config) { Config.WriteObject(config, True); } #endregion #region Data class StoredData { public Dictionary DataProfiles = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary MigrationDataDoNotEdit = new Dictionary(); } public class ProfileRelocation { public Vector3 ParentMonument = new Vector3(); public Vector3 Offset = new Vector3(); } class DefaultData { public Events Events = new Events(); public Dictionary Monuments = botSpawn.GotMonuments; public Dictionary Biomes = new Dictionary() { {"BiomeArid", new BiomeProfile() }, {"BiomeTemperate", new BiomeProfile() }, {"BiomeTundra", new BiomeProfile() }, {"BiomeArctic", new BiomeProfile() }, }; } class UpdateData { public Events Events = new Events(); public Dictionary Monuments = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary Biomes = new Dictionary() { {"BiomeArid", new BiomeProfile() }, {"BiomeTemperate", new BiomeProfile() }, {"BiomeTundra", new BiomeProfile() }, {"BiomeArctic", new BiomeProfile() }, }; } class SpawnsData { public Dictionary> CustomSpawnLocations = new Dictionary>(); } StoredData storedData = new StoredData(); DefaultData defaultData; SpawnsData spawnsData = new SpawnsData(); void SaveSpawns() => Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"BotSpawn/{configData.DataPrefix}-SpawnsData", spawnsData); void SaveData() { storedData.DataProfiles = storedData.DataProfiles.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); defaultData.Monuments = defaultData.Monuments.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"BotSpawn/{configData.DataPrefix}-CustomProfiles", storedData); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"BotSpawn/{configData.DataPrefix}-DefaultProfiles", defaultData); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"BotSpawn/{configData.DataPrefix}-SpawnsData", spawnsData); } void ReloadData(string profile) { storedData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject($"BotSpawn/{configData.DataPrefix}-CustomProfiles"); defaultData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject($"BotSpawn/{configData.DataPrefix}-DefaultProfiles"); if (storedData.DataProfiles.ContainsKey(profile)) { AllProfiles.Remove(profile); AddData(profile, storedData.DataProfiles[profile]); } DataProfile prof = null; Vector3 loc =; if (defaultData.Monuments.ContainsKey(profile)) prof = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultData.Monuments[profile])); if (defaultData.Biomes.ContainsKey(profile)) prof = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultData.Biomes[profile])); if (prof != null) { loc = AllProfiles[profile].Location; AllProfiles[profile] = prof; AllProfiles[profile].Location = loc; } if (timers.ContainsKey(profile) || profile.Contains("AirDrop") || profile.Contains("HackableLockedCrate")) return; prof = AllProfiles[profile]; if (prof.Kit.Count > 0 && Kits == null) PrintWarning(lang.GetMessage("nokits", this), profile); int num = spawnsData.CustomSpawnLocations[profile].Count; if (availableStatSpawns.ContainsKey(profile)) { availableStatSpawns.Remove(profile); SetupSpawnsFile(); } if (prof.AutoSpawn == True && (prof.Day_Time_Spawn_Amount > 0 || prof.Night_Time_Spawn_Amount > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) availableStatSpawns[profile].Add(i); } popinfo[profile] = new PopInfo(); CheckSpawnPop(profile, prof); } Vector3 s2v(string input) { String[] p = input.Split(','); return new Vector3(float.Parse(p[0]), float.Parse(p[1]), float.Parse(p[2])); } float s2r(string input)=>float.Parse(input.Split(',')[3]); public class Events { public AirDropProfile AirDrop = new AirDropProfile { }; public AirDropProfile HackableLockedCrate = new AirDropProfile { }; } public class BaseProfile { [JsonProperty(Order = 1)] public bool AutoSpawn; [JsonProperty(Order = 2)] public bool Murderer; [JsonProperty(Order = 3)] public List BotNames = new List(); [JsonProperty(Order = 4)] public string BotNamePrefix = String.Empty; [JsonProperty(Order = 5)] public bool Keep_Default_Loadout; [JsonProperty(Order = 6)] public List Kit = new List(); [JsonProperty(Order = 7)] public int Day_Time_Spawn_Amount = 5; [JsonProperty(Order = 8)] public int Night_Time_Spawn_Amount = 0; [JsonProperty(Order = 10)] public int Roam_Range = 40; [JsonProperty(Order = 11)] public bool Chute; [JsonProperty(Order = 15)] public bool Announce_Spawn; [JsonProperty(Order = 16)] public string Announcement_Text = String.Empty; [JsonProperty(Order = 17)] public int BotHealth = 100; [JsonProperty(Order = 18)] public int Bot_Accuracy_Percent = 40; [JsonProperty(Order = 19)] public int Bot_Damage_Percent = 40; [JsonProperty(Order = 20)] public int Aggro_Range = 30; [JsonProperty(Order = 21)] public int DeAggro_Range = 40; [JsonProperty(Order = 22)] public bool Peace_Keeper = true; [JsonProperty(Order = 23)] public int Peace_Keeper_Cool_Down = 5; [JsonProperty(Order = 24)] public bool Attacks_Other_Profiles = false; [JsonProperty(Order = 25)] public int Suicide_Timer = 300; [JsonProperty(Order = 26)] public bool Die_Instantly_From_Headshot = false; [JsonProperty(Order = 27)] public List Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons = new List(); [JsonProperty(Order = 28)] public int Weapon_Drop_Percent; [JsonProperty(Order = 29)] public int Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent = 50; [JsonProperty(Order = 30)] public int Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent = 100; [JsonProperty(Order = 31)] public int Wipe_Belt_Percent = 100; [JsonProperty(Order = 32)] public int Wipe_Clothing_Percent = 100; [JsonProperty(Order = 33)] public int Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent = 100; [JsonProperty(Order = 34)] public int Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent; [JsonProperty(Order = 35)] public string Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile = ""; [JsonProperty(Order = 36)] public int Death_Crate_LockDuration = 600; [JsonProperty(Order = 37)] public bool Disable_Radio = true; [JsonProperty(Order = 38)] public float Running_Speed_Boost; [JsonProperty(Order = 39)] public bool AlwaysUseLights; [JsonProperty(Order = 40)] public int Corpse_Duration = 60; [JsonProperty(Order = 41)] public int ServerRewardsValue = 0; } public class BiomeProfile : BaseProfile { [JsonProperty(Order = 41)] public int Respawn_Timer = 60; } public class AirDropProfile : BaseProfile { [JsonProperty(Order = 9)] public int Radius = 100; } public class ConfigProfile : AirDropProfile { [JsonProperty(Order = 41)] public int Respawn_Timer = 60; [JsonProperty(Order = 12)] public bool Stationary; [JsonProperty(Order = 13)] public bool UseCustomSpawns; [JsonProperty(Order = 14)] public bool ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath; } public class DataProfile : AirDropProfile { public DataProfile Clone() { return MemberwiseClone() as DataProfile; } [JsonProperty(Order = 3)] public int Respawn_Timer = 60; [JsonProperty(Order = 12)] public bool Stationary; [JsonProperty(Order = 13)] public bool UseCustomSpawns; [JsonProperty(Order = 14)] public bool ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath; [JsonProperty(Order = 41)] public Vector3 Location; [JsonProperty(Order = 42)] public string Parent_Monument = String.Empty; } #endregion #region Messages readonly Dictionary Messages = new Dictionary() { {"Title", "BotSpawn : " }, {"error", "\nProfile commands are :\nlist\nshow \nadd ProfileName\nremove ProfileName\nmove ProfileName\ntoplayer ProfileName \nspawn\nkill\nSpawns commands are :\nedit ProfileName\naddspawn\nremovespawn\nremovespawn Number\nmovespawn Number" }, {"customsaved", "Custom Location Saved @ {0}" }, {"custommoved", "Custom Location {0} has been moved to your current position." }, {"nonpc", "No BotSpawn npc found directly in front of you." }, {"noNavHere", "No navmesh was found at this location.\nConsider removing this point or using Stationary : true." }, {"editingname", "Editing spawnpoints for {0}." }, {"addedspawn", "Spawnpoint {0} added to {1}." }, {"removedspawn", "Removed last spawn point from {0}. {1} points remaining." }, {"savedspawn", "Spawnpoints saved for {0}." }, {"notediting", "You are not editing a profile. '/botspawn edit profilename'" }, {"imported", "Spawn points imported from {0} to {1}." }, {"nospawns", "No custom spawn points were found for profile - {0}." }, {"targetzero", "Target amount for time of day is zero at - {0}." }, {"notenoughspawns", "There are not enough spawn points for population at profile - {0}. Reducing population" }, {"removednum", "Removed point {0} from {1}." }, {"movedspawn", "Moved point {0} in {1}." }, {"notthatmany", "Number of spawn points in {0} is less than {1}." }, {"alreadyexists", "Custom Location already exists with the name {0}." }, {"customremoved", "Custom Location {0} Removed." }, {"norespawn", "Please choose a respawning profile with set location, or associated spawns file." }, {"deployed", "'{0}' bots deployed to {1}." }, {"ListTitle", "Custom Locations" }, {"killed", "Non-respawning npcs of profile {0} have been destroyed." }, {"reloaded", "Profile was reloaded from data." }, {"noprofile", "There is no profile by that name in default or custom profiles jsons." }, {"showduration", "Correct formate is /botspawn show " }, {"nonpcs", "No npcs were found belonging to a profile of that name" }, {"namenotfound", "Player '{0}' was not found" }, {"nokits", "Kits is not installed but you have declared custom kits at {0}." }, {"noWeapon", "A bot at {0} has no weapon. Check your kits." }, {"numberOfBot", "There is {0} spawned bot alive." }, {"numberOfBots", "There are {0} spawned bots alive." }, {"dupID", "Duplicate userID save attempted. Please notify author." }, {"noSpawn", "Failed to find spawnpoints at {0}." }, {"noNav", "Spawn point {1} in Spawns file {0} is too far away from navmesh." } }; #endregion #region ExternalHooks private string NpcGroup(NPCPlayer npc) { if (NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npc.userID)) return npc.GetComponent().group; return "No Group"; } private string NPCProfile(NPCPlayer npc) { if (NPCPlayers.ContainsKey(npc.userID)) return npc.GetComponent().monumentName; return "No Name"; } private Dictionary> BotSpawnBots() { var BotSpawnBots = new Dictionary>(); foreach (var entry in AllProfiles) BotSpawnBots.Add(entry.Key, new List()); foreach (var bot in NPCPlayers) { var bData = bot.Value.GetComponent(); if (BotSpawnBots.ContainsKey(bData.monumentName)) BotSpawnBots[bData.monumentName].Add(bot.Key); else BotSpawnBots.Add(bData.monumentName, new List { bot.Key }); } return BotSpawnBots; } private string[] AddGroupSpawn(Vector3 location, string profileName, string group) { if (location == new Vector3() || profileName == null || group == null) return new string[] { "error", "Null parameter" }; string lowerProfile = profileName.ToLower(); foreach (var entry in AllProfiles) { if (entry.Key.ToLower() == lowerProfile) { var profile = entry.Value; if (TargetAmount(AllProfiles[entry.Key]) == 0) return new string[] { "false", "Target spawn amount for time of day is zero.}" }; timer.Repeat(1f, TargetAmount(AllProfiles[entry.Key]), () => DeployNpcs(location, entry.Key, profile, group.ToLower(), -1)); return new string[] { "true", "Group successfully added" }; } } return new string[] { "false", "Group add failed - Check profile name and try again" }; } private string[] RemoveGroupSpawn(string group) { if (group == null) return new string[] { "error", "No group specified." }; List toDestroy = new List(); bool flag = False; foreach (var bot in NPCPlayers.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value)) { if (bot.Value == null) continue; var bData = bot.Value.GetComponent(); if ( == group.ToLower()) { flag = True; NPCPlayers[bot.Key].Kill(); } } return flag ? new string[] { "true", $"Group {group} was destroyed." } : new string[] { "true", $"There are no bots belonging to {group}" }; } private string[] CreateNewProfile(string name, string profile) { if (name == null) return new string[] { "error", "No name specified." }; if (profile == null) return new string[] { "error", "No profile settings specified." }; if (storedData == null) return new string[] { "BotSpawn was not yet initialised. Please reload the plugin which is attempting to add profiles."}; DataProfile newProfile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(profile); if (storedData.DataProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { storedData.DataProfiles[name] = newProfile; AllProfiles[name] = newProfile; foreach (var npc in NPCPlayers.ToList()) { var bData = npc.Value.GetComponent(); if (bData.monumentName == name) { bData.profile = AllProfiles[name].Clone(); bData.profile.Respawn_Timer = 0; npc.Value.Kill(); } } return new string[] { "true", $"Profile {name} was updated" }; } storedData.DataProfiles.Add(name, newProfile); SaveData(); AllProfiles.Add(name, newProfile); popinfo.Add(name, new PopInfo()); return new string[] { "true", $"New Profile {name} was created." }; } private string[] ProfileExists(string name) { if (name == null) return new string[] { "error", "No name specified." }; if (AllProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) return new string[] { "true", $"{name} exists." }; return new string[] { "false", $"{name} Does not exist." }; } private string[] RemoveProfile(string name) { if (name == null) return new string[] { "error", "No name specified." }; if (storedData.DataProfiles.ContainsKey(name)) { foreach (var bot in NPCPlayers.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value)) { if (bot.Value == null) continue; var bData = bot.Value.GetComponent(); if (bData.monumentName == name) NPCPlayers[bot.Key].Kill(); } AllProfiles.Remove(name); storedData.DataProfiles.Remove(name); SaveData(); return new string[] { "true", $"Profile {name} was removed." }; } else return new string[] { "false", $"Profile {name} Does Not Exist." }; } #endregion } }