using Facepunch; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using ProtoBuf; using Rust; using Rust.Ai; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("ZombieHorde", "k1lly0u", "0.4.8")] class ZombieHorde : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] private Plugin Kits, Spawns; private static ZombieHorde Instance { get; set; } public enum SpawnSystem { None, Random, SpawnsDatabase } public enum SpawnState { Spawn, Despawn } private static BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed DefaultRoamSpeed; private const string ADMIN_PERMISSION = "zombiehorde.admin"; private const string IGNORE_PERMISSION = "zombiehorde.ignore"; #region Oxide Hooks private void OnServerInitialized() { Instance = this; permission.RegisterPermission(ADMIN_PERMISSION, this); permission.RegisterPermission(IGNORE_PERMISSION, this); if (!Configuration.Member.TargetedByPeaceKeeperTurrets) Unsubscribe(nameof(CanEntityBeHostile)); if (Configuration.Member.TargetedByAPC) Unsubscribe(nameof(CanBradleyApcTarget)); DefaultRoamSpeed = ParseType(Configuration.Horde.DefaultRoamSpeed); ValidateLoadoutProfiles(); ValidateSpawnSystem(); CreateMonumentHordeOrders(); } private void OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity baseCombatEntity, HitInfo hitInfo) { if (hitInfo != null) { if (hitInfo.InitiatorPlayer is ZombieNPC) { if (hitInfo.damageTypes.Get(DamageType.Explosion) > 0) { hitInfo.damageTypes.ScaleAll(ConVar.Halloween.scarecrow_beancan_vs_player_dmg_modifier); return; } float damageMultiplier = (hitInfo.InitiatorPlayer as ZombieNPC).Loadout.DamageMultiplier; if (damageMultiplier != 1f) hitInfo.damageTypes.ScaleAll(damageMultiplier); } } } private void OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer player, HitInfo hitInfo) { if (player == null || hitInfo == null) return; if (player is ZombieNPC) { (player as ZombieNPC).Horde.OnMemberKilled((player as ZombieNPC), hitInfo.Initiator); return; } if (Configuration.Horde.CreateOnDeath && hitInfo.InitiatorPlayer is ZombieNPC) (hitInfo.InitiatorPlayer as ZombieNPC).Horde.OnPlayerKilled(player); } private void OnEntityKill(ZombieNPC zombieNPC) { if (zombieNPC != null && zombieNPC.Horde != null && !zombieNPC.Horde.isDespawning) zombieNPC.Horde.OnMemberKilled(zombieNPC, null); } private object CanBeTargeted(ZombieNPC zombieNPC, GunTrap gunTrap) => Configuration.Member.TargetedByTurrets ? null : (object)false; private object CanBeTargeted(ZombieNPC zombieNPC, FlameTurret flameTurret) => Configuration.Member.TargetedByTurrets ? null : (object)false; private object CanBeTargeted(ZombieNPC zombieNPC, AutoTurret autoTurret) { if (Configuration.Member.TargetedByTurrets) return null; if ((autoTurret.PeacekeeperMode() || autoTurret is NPCAutoTurret) && Configuration.Member.TargetedByPeaceKeeperTurrets) return null; return false; } private object CanEntityBeHostile(ZombieNPC zombieNPC) => true; private object CanBradleyApcTarget(BradleyAPC bradleyAPC, ZombieNPC zombieNPC) => false; private object OnNpcTarget(NPCPlayer npcPlayer, ZombieNPC zombieNPC) => Configuration.Member.TargetedByNPCs ? null : (object)true; private object OnNpcTarget(BaseNpc baseNpc, ZombieNPC zombieNPC) => Configuration.Member.TargetedByAnimals ? null : (object)true; private void Unload() { Horde.SpawnOrder.OnUnload(); for (int i = Horde.AllHordes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) Horde.AllHordes[i].Destroy(true, true); Horde.AllHordes.Clear(); ZombieNPC[] zombies = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(); for (int i = 0; i < zombies?.Length; i++) zombies[i].Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.None); Configuration = null; Instance = null; } #endregion #region Sensations private void OnEntityKill(TimedExplosive timedExplosive) { if (!Configuration.Horde.UseSenses) return; Sense.Stimulate(new Sensation() { Type = SensationType.Gunshot, Position = timedExplosive.transform.position, Radius = 80f, }); } private void OnEntityKill(TreeEntity treeEntity) { if (!Configuration.Horde.UseSenses) return; Sense.Stimulate(new Sensation() { Type = SensationType.Gunshot, Position = treeEntity.transform.position, Radius = 30f, }); } private void OnEntityKill(OreResourceEntity oreResourceEntity) { if (!Configuration.Horde.UseSenses) return; Sense.Stimulate(new Sensation() { Type = SensationType.Gunshot, Position = oreResourceEntity.transform.position, Radius = 30f, }); } private void OnDispenserGather(ResourceDispenser dispenser, BaseEntity entity, Item item) { if (!Configuration.Horde.UseSenses) return; Sense.Stimulate(new Sensation() { Type = SensationType.Gunshot, Position = dispenser.transform.position, Radius = 20f }); } #endregion #region Functions private T ParseType(string type) { try { return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), type, true); } catch { return default(T); } } #region Horde Spawning private List _spawnPoints; private SpawnSystem _spawnSystem = SpawnSystem.None; private const int SPAWN_RAYCAST_MASK = 1 << 0 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 15 | 1 << 17 | 1 << 21 | 1 << 29; private const TerrainTopology.Enum SPAWN_TOPOLOGY_MASK = (TerrainTopology.Enum.Ocean | TerrainTopology.Enum.River | TerrainTopology.Enum.Lake | TerrainTopology.Enum.Cliff | TerrainTopology.Enum.Cliffside | TerrainTopology.Enum.Offshore | TerrainTopology.Enum.Summit | TerrainTopology.Enum.Decor); private static bool ContainsTopologyAtPoint(TerrainTopology.Enum mask, Vector3 position) => (TerrainMeta.TopologyMap.GetTopology(position, 1f) & (int)mask) != 0; private bool ValidateSpawnSystem() { _spawnSystem = ParseType(Configuration.Horde.SpawnType); if (_spawnSystem == SpawnSystem.None) { PrintError("You have set an invalid value in the config entry \"Spawn Type\". Unable to spawn hordes!"); return false; } else if (_spawnSystem == SpawnSystem.SpawnsDatabase) { if (Spawns != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.Horde.SpawnFile)) { PrintError("You have selected SpawnsDatabase as your method of spawning hordes, however you have not specified a spawn file. Unable to spawn hordes!"); return false; } object success = Spawns?.Call("LoadSpawnFile", Configuration.Horde.SpawnFile); if (success is List) { _spawnPoints = success as List; if (_spawnPoints.Count > 0) return true; } PrintError("You have selected SpawnsDatabase as your method of spawning hordes, however the spawn file you have chosen is either invalid, or has no spawn points. Unable to spawn hordes!"); return false; } else PrintError("You have selected SpawnsDatabase as your method of spawning hordes, however SpawnsDatabase is not loaded on your server. Unable to spawn hordes!"); return false; } return true; } private Vector3 GetSpawnPoint() { switch (_spawnSystem) { case SpawnSystem.None: break; case SpawnSystem.SpawnsDatabase: { if (Spawns == null) { PrintError("Tried getting a spawn point but SpawnsDatabase is null. Make sure SpawnsDatabase is still loaded to continue using custom spawn points"); break; } if (_spawnPoints == null || _spawnPoints.Count == 0) { PrintError("No spawnpoints have been loaded from the designated spawnfile. Defaulting to Rust spawns"); break; } Vector3 spawnPoint = _spawnPoints.GetRandom(); _spawnPoints.Remove(spawnPoint); if (_spawnPoints.Count == 0) _spawnPoints = (List)Spawns.Call("LoadSpawnFile", Configuration.Horde.SpawnFile); return spawnPoint; } } float size = (World.Size / 2f) * 0.75f; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Vector2 randomInCircle = Random.insideUnitCircle * size; Vector3 position = new Vector3(randomInCircle.x, 0, randomInCircle.y); position.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(position); if (NavmeshSpawnPoint.Find(position, 25f, out position)) { if (Physics.SphereCast(new Ray(position + (Vector3.up * 5f), Vector3.down), 10f, 10f, SPAWN_RAYCAST_MASK)) continue; if (ContainsTopologyAtPoint(SPAWN_TOPOLOGY_MASK, position)) continue; if (WaterLevel.GetWaterDepth(position, true, null) <= 0.01f) return position; } } return ServerMgr.FindSpawnPoint().pos; } private void CreateMonumentHordeOrders() { int count = 0; GameObject[] allobjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(); foreach (GameObject gobject in allobjects) { if (count >= Configuration.Horde.MaximumHordes) break; if ("autospawn/monument")) { Transform tr = gobject.transform; Vector3 position = tr.position; if (position == continue; if ("powerplant_1") && Configuration.Monument.Powerplant.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-30.8f, 0.2f, -15.8f)), Configuration.Monument.Powerplant); count++; continue; } if ("military_tunnel_1") && Configuration.Monument.Tunnels.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-7.4f, 13.4f, 53.8f)), Configuration.Monument.Tunnels); count++; continue; } if ("harbor_1") && Configuration.Monument.LargeHarbor.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(54.7f, 5.1f, -39.6f)), Configuration.Monument.LargeHarbor); count++; continue; } if ("harbor_2") && Configuration.Monument.SmallHarbor.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-66.6f, 4.9f, 16.2f)), Configuration.Monument.SmallHarbor); count++; continue; } if ("airfield_1") && Configuration.Monument.Airfield.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-12.4f, 0.2f, -28.9f)), Configuration.Monument.Airfield); count++; continue; } if ("trainyard_1") && Configuration.Monument.Trainyard.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(35.8f, 0.2f, -0.8f)), Configuration.Monument.Trainyard); count++; continue; } if ("water_treatment_plant_1") && Configuration.Monument.WaterTreatment.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(11.1f, 0.3f, -80.2f)), Configuration.Monument.WaterTreatment); count++; continue; } if ("warehouse") && Configuration.Monument.Warehouse.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(16.6f, 0.1f, -7.5f)), Configuration.Monument.Warehouse); count++; continue; } if ("satellite_dish") && Configuration.Monument.Satellite.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(18.6f, 6.0f, -7.5f)), Configuration.Monument.Satellite); count++; continue; } if ("sphere_tank") && Configuration.Monument.Dome.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-44.6f, 5.8f, -3.0f)), Configuration.Monument.Dome); count++; continue; } if ("radtown_small_3") && Configuration.Monument.Radtown.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-16.3f, -2.1f, -3.3f)), Configuration.Monument.Radtown); count++; continue; } if ("launch_site_1") && Configuration.Monument.LaunchSite.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(222.1f, 3.3f, 0.0f)), Configuration.Monument.LaunchSite); count++; continue; } if ("gas_station_1") && Configuration.Monument.GasStation.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-9.8f, 3.0f, 7.2f)), Configuration.Monument.GasStation); count++; continue; } if ("supermarket_1") && Configuration.Monument.Supermarket.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(5.5f, 0.0f, -20.5f)), Configuration.Monument.Supermarket); count++; continue; } if ("mining_quarry_c") && Configuration.Monument.HQMQuarry.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(15.8f, 4.5f, -1.5f)), Configuration.Monument.HQMQuarry); count++; continue; } if ("mining_quarry_a") && Configuration.Monument.SulfurQuarry.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-0.8f, 0.6f, 11.4f)), Configuration.Monument.SulfurQuarry); count++; continue; } if ("mining_quarry_b") && Configuration.Monument.StoneQuarry.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-7.6f, 0.2f, 12.3f)), Configuration.Monument.StoneQuarry); count++; continue; } if ("junkyard_1") && Configuration.Monument.Junkyard.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(tr.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-16.7f, 0.2f, 1.4f)), Configuration.Monument.Junkyard); count++; continue; } } } foreach(ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.CustomSpawnPoints customSpawnPoint in Configuration.Monument.Custom) { if (customSpawnPoint.Enabled) { Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(customSpawnPoint.Location, Configuration.Horde.InitialMemberCount, customSpawnPoint.HordeSize, customSpawnPoint.RoamDistance, customSpawnPoint.Profile); count++; } } if (count < Configuration.Horde.MaximumHordes) CreateRandomHordes(); } private void CreateRandomHordes() { int amountToCreate = Configuration.Horde.MaximumHordes - Horde.AllHordes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < amountToCreate; i++) { float roamDistance = Configuration.Horde.LocalRoam ? Configuration.Horde.RoamDistance : -1; string profile = Configuration.Horde.UseProfiles ? Configuration.HordeProfiles.Keys.ToArray().GetRandom() : string.Empty; Horde.SpawnOrder.Create(GetSpawnPoint(), Configuration.Horde.InitialMemberCount, Configuration.Horde.MaximumMemberCount, roamDistance, profile); } } #endregion #region Loadouts private static LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[] _defaultLootSpawns; private static PlayerInventoryProperties[] _defaultLoadouts; private static LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[] DefaultLootSpawns { get { if (_defaultLootSpawns == null) { ScarecrowNPC scarecrowNPC = GameManager.server.FindPrefab("assets/prefabs/npc/scarecrow/scarecrow.prefab").GetComponent(); _defaultLootSpawns = scarecrowNPC.LootSpawnSlots; _defaultLoadouts = scarecrowNPC.loadouts; } return _defaultLootSpawns; } } private static PlayerInventoryProperties[] DefaultLoadouts { get { if (_defaultLoadouts == null) { ScarecrowNPC scarecrowNPC = GameManager.server.FindPrefab("assets/prefabs/npc/scarecrow/scarecrow.prefab").GetComponent(); _defaultLootSpawns = scarecrowNPC.LootSpawnSlots; _defaultLoadouts = scarecrowNPC.loadouts; } return _defaultLoadouts; } } private void ValidateLoadoutProfiles() { Puts("Validating horde profiles..."); bool hasChanged = false; for (int i = Configuration.HordeProfiles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { string key = Configuration.HordeProfiles.ElementAt(i).Key; for (int y = Configuration.HordeProfiles[key].Count - 1; y >= 0; y--) { string loadoutId = Configuration.HordeProfiles[key][y]; if (!Configuration.Member.Loadouts.Any(x => x.LoadoutID == loadoutId)) { Puts($"Loadout profile {loadoutId} does not exist. Removing from config"); Configuration.HordeProfiles[key].Remove(loadoutId); hasChanged = true; } } if (Configuration.HordeProfiles[key].Count <= 0) { Puts($"Horde profile {key} does not have any valid loadouts. Removing from config"); Configuration.HordeProfiles.Remove(key); hasChanged = true; } } if (hasChanged) SaveConfig(); } #endregion #region Spawning private static ZombieNPC _reference; private static ZombieNPC Reference { get { if (_reference == null) { const string SCIENTIST_PREFAB = "assets/"; GameObject gameObject = Instantiate.GameObject(GameManager.server.FindPrefab(SCIENTIST_PREFAB),, Quaternion.identity); = SCIENTIST_PREFAB; gameObject.SetActive(false); ScientistNPC scientistNPC = gameObject.GetComponent(); ScientistBrain scientistBrain = gameObject.GetComponent(); NPCPlayerNavigator scientistNavigator = gameObject.GetComponent(); ZombieNPC zombieNPC = gameObject.AddComponent(); ZombieNPCBrain zombieNPCBrain = gameObject.AddComponent(); ZombieNavigator zombieNavigator = gameObject.AddComponent(); CopySerializeableFields(scientistNPC, zombieNPC); CopySerializeableFields(scientistNavigator, zombieNavigator); zombieNPC.enableSaving = false; zombieNPCBrain.UseQueuedMovementUpdates = scientistBrain.UseQueuedMovementUpdates; zombieNPCBrain.AllowedToSleep = Configuration.Member.EnableDormantSystem; zombieNPCBrain.DefaultDesignSO = scientistBrain.DefaultDesignSO; zombieNPCBrain.Designs = new List(scientistBrain.Designs); zombieNPCBrain.InstanceSpecificDesign = scientistBrain.InstanceSpecificDesign; zombieNPCBrain.CheckLOS = scientistBrain.CheckLOS; zombieNPCBrain.UseAIDesign = true; zombieNPCBrain.Pet = false; scientistBrain._baseEntity = scientistNPC; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(scientistNavigator); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(scientistBrain, true); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(scientistNPC, true); _reference = zombieNPC; } return _reference; } } private static ZombieNPC InstantiateEntity(Vector3 position) { ZombieNPC zombieNPC = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Reference, position, Quaternion.identity); =; UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(zombieNPC.gameObject, Rust.Server.EntityScene); zombieNPC.gameObject.SetActive(true); return zombieNPC; } private static void CopySerializeableFields(T src, T dst) { FieldInfo[] srcFields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (FieldInfo field in srcFields) { object value = field.GetValue(src); field.SetValue(dst, value); } } private static class NavmeshSpawnPoint { private static NavMeshHit navmeshHit; private static RaycastHit raycastHit; private static readonly Collider[] _buffer = new Collider[256]; private const int WORLD_LAYER = 65536; public static bool Find(Vector3 targetPosition, float maxDistance, out Vector3 position) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { position = i == 0 ? targetPosition : targetPosition + (Random.onUnitSphere * maxDistance); if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(position, out navmeshHit, maxDistance, 1)) { if (IsInRockPrefab(navmeshHit.position)) continue; if (IsNearWorldCollider(navmeshHit.position)) continue; if (navmeshHit.position.y < TerrainMeta.WaterMap.GetHeight(navmeshHit.position)) continue; position = navmeshHit.position; return true; } } position = default(Vector3); return false; } private static bool IsInRockPrefab(Vector3 position) { Physics.queriesHitBackfaces = true; bool isInRock = Physics.Raycast(position, Vector3.up, out raycastHit, 20f, WORLD_LAYER, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore) && BLOCKED_COLLIDERS.Any(s => raycastHit.collider?.gameObject?.name.Contains(s, CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ?? false); Physics.queriesHitBackfaces = false; return isInRock; } private static bool IsNearWorldCollider(Vector3 position) { Physics.queriesHitBackfaces = true; int count = Physics.OverlapSphereNonAlloc(position, 2f, _buffer, WORLD_LAYER, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); Physics.queriesHitBackfaces = false; int removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (ACCEPTED_COLLIDERS.Any(s => _buffer[i], CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) removed++; } return count - removed > 0; } private static readonly string[] ACCEPTED_COLLIDERS = new string[] { "road", "carpark", "rocket_factory", "range", "train_track", "runway", "_grounds", "concrete_slabs", "lighthouse", "cave", "office", "walkways", "sphere", "tunnel", "industrial", "junkyard" }; private static readonly string[] BLOCKED_COLLIDERS = new string[] { "rock", "cliff", "junk", "range", "invisible" }; } #endregion #endregion public class Horde { public static List AllHordes = new List(); private static readonly Spatial.Grid HordeGrid = new Spatial.Grid(32, 8096f); private static readonly Horde[] HordeGridQueryResults = new Horde[4]; private static readonly BasePlayer[] PlayerVicinityQueryResults = new BasePlayer[32]; public List members; //public bool DebugMode = false; public readonly Vector3 InitialPosition; public readonly bool IsLocalHorde; public readonly float MaximumRoamDistance; private readonly int initialMemberCount; private readonly int maximumMemberCount; private readonly string hordeProfile; private float nextUpdateTime; private float nextSeperationCheckTime; private float nextGrowthTime; private float nextMergeTime; private float nextSleepTime; internal bool isDespawning; private const float HORDE_UPDATE_RATE = 1f; private const float SEPERATION_CHECK_RATE = 10f; private const float MERGE_CHECK_RATE = 10f; private const float SLEEP_CHECK_RATE = 5f; public ZombieNPC Leader { get; private set; } public bool IsSleeping { get; private set; } public Vector3 CentralLocation { get; private set; } public bool HordeOnAlert { get; private set; } public int MemberCount => members.Count; public static bool Create(SpawnOrder spawnOrder) { Horde horde = new Horde(spawnOrder); for (int i = 0; i < spawnOrder.InitialMemberCount; i++) horde.SpawnMember(spawnOrder.Position); if (horde.members.Count == 0) { horde.Destroy(); return false; } AllHordes.Add(horde); horde.CentralLocation = horde.CalculateCentralLocation(); HordeGrid.Add(horde, horde.CentralLocation.x, horde.CentralLocation.z); return true; } public Horde(SpawnOrder spawnOrder) { members = Pool.GetList(); InitialPosition = CentralLocation = spawnOrder.Position; IsLocalHorde = spawnOrder.MaximumRoamDistance > 0; MaximumRoamDistance = spawnOrder.MaximumRoamDistance; initialMemberCount = spawnOrder.InitialMemberCount; maximumMemberCount = spawnOrder.MaximumMemberCount; hordeProfile = spawnOrder.HordeProfile; nextSeperationCheckTime = Time.time + SEPERATION_CHECK_RATE; nextGrowthTime = Time.time + Configuration.Horde.GrowthRate; nextMergeTime = Time.time + MERGE_CHECK_RATE; nextSleepTime = Time.time + SLEEP_CHECK_RATE + Random.Range(1f, 5f); } public void Update() { if (members == null || members.Count == 0) return; if (Time.time < nextUpdateTime) return; nextUpdateTime = Time.time + HORDE_UPDATE_RATE; CentralLocation = CalculateCentralLocation(); if (Configuration.Member.EnableDormantSystem) DoSleepChecks(); //if (DebugMode) //{ // Debug.Log($"Horde Update ({CentralLocation}). Sleeping? {IsSleeping}"); // for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) // { // ZombieNPC zombieNPC = members[i]; // Debug.Log($"Member #{i} state {zombieNPC.Brain.CurrentState.StateType} (Is Leader? {zombieNPC.IsGroupLeader}"); // } //} if (IsSleeping) return; HordeGrid.Move(this, CentralLocation.x, CentralLocation.z); TryMergeHordes(); TryGrowHorde(); TryCongregateHorde(); MoveRoamersTowardsTarget(); } private void MoveRoamersTowardsTarget() { BaseEntity target; HordeOnAlert = AnyHasTarget(out target); if (Leader != null && !Leader.IsDestroyed && target != null && !target.IsDestroyed) SetLeaderRoamTarget(target.transform.position); } private void TryCongregateHorde() { if (Time.time > nextSeperationCheckTime) { nextSeperationCheckTime = Time.time + SEPERATION_CHECK_RATE; if (GetLargestSeperation() > 30f) { //if (DebugMode) // Debug.Log($"Horde is seperated, attempt re-group. Leader state {Leader.CurrentState}"); if (Leader.CurrentState <= AIState.Roam) SetLeaderRoamTarget(CentralLocation); for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) members[i].IsAlert = true; } } } public void RegisterInterestInTarget(ZombieNPC interestedMember, BaseEntity baseEntity) { if (baseEntity == null || members == null) return; //if (DebugMode) // Debug.Log($"Register interest in {baseEntity.ShortPrefabName} ({baseEntity.transform.position})."); for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { ZombieNPC hordeMember = members[i]; if (hordeMember == null || hordeMember.IsDestroyed || interestedMember == hordeMember) continue; hordeMember.Brain.Senses.Memory.SetKnown(baseEntity, hordeMember, null); } if (Leader != null && !Leader.IsDestroyed && !Leader.HasTarget) SetLeaderRoamTarget(baseEntity.transform.position); } public bool HasTarget() { if (members != null) { for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { ZombieNPC hordeMember = members[i]; if (hordeMember.HasTarget) return true; } } return false; } public bool AnyHasTarget(out BaseEntity target) { if (members != null) { for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { ZombieNPC hordeMember = members[i]; if (hordeMember.HasTarget) { target = hordeMember.CurrentTarget; return true; } } } target = null; return false; } public void ResetRoamTarget() { if (members == null) return; //if (DebugMode) // Debug.Log("Reset roam target"); for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { ZombieNPC hordeMember = members[i]; if (hordeMember.IsGroupLeader) continue; hordeMember.ResetRoamState(); } } public void SetLeaderRoamTarget(Vector3 position) { //if (DebugMode) // Debug.Log($"Set leader roam target {position}"); if (Leader != null && !Leader.IsDestroyed) Leader.SetRoamTargetOverride(position); ResetRoamTarget(); } public Vector3 GetLeaderDestination() { if (Leader == null || Leader.IsDestroyed || Leader.Brain == null || Leader.Brain.Events == null) return CentralLocation; return Leader.Brain.Navigator.Destination; } public void OnMemberKilled(ZombieNPC zombieNPC, BaseEntity initiator) { if (zombieNPC == null) return; if (members == null || !members.Contains(zombieNPC)) return; members.Remove(zombieNPC); if (members.Count == 0) Destroy(); else { if (zombieNPC.IsGroupLeader) { Leader = members.GetRandom(); Leader.IsGroupLeader = true; } if ((initiator is BasePlayer && Leader.CanTargetBasePlayer(initiator as BasePlayer)) || (initiator is BaseNpc && Leader.CanTargetEntity(initiator))) RegisterInterestInTarget(null, initiator); } } public void OnPlayerKilled(BasePlayer player) { if (Configuration.Horde.CreateOnDeath && MemberCount < maximumMemberCount) { Vector3 position; if (NavmeshSpawnPoint.Find(player.transform.position, 10f, out position)) SpawnMember(position); } } public void SpawnMember(Vector3 position) { ZombieNPC zombieNPC = InstantiateEntity(position); zombieNPC.SetHordeProfile(hordeProfile); zombieNPC.Horde = this; zombieNPC.Spawn(); members.Add(zombieNPC); if (members.Count == 1) { Leader = zombieNPC; Leader.IsGroupLeader = true; } else zombieNPC.Invoke(zombieNPC.OnInitialSpawn, 1f); } public void Destroy(bool permanent = false, bool killNpcs = true) { isDespawning = true; if (killNpcs) { for (int i = members.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ZombieNPC zombieNPC = members[i]; if (zombieNPC != null && !zombieNPC.IsDestroyed) zombieNPC.Kill(); } } members.Clear(); Pool.FreeList(ref members); HordeGrid.Remove(this); AllHordes.Remove(this); if (!permanent && AllHordes.Count <= Configuration.Horde.MaximumHordes) Instance.timer.In(Configuration.Horde.RespawnTime, () => SpawnOrder.Create(this)); } private Vector3 CalculateCentralLocation() { Vector3 location =; if (members == null || members.Count == 0) return location; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { ZombieNPC zombieNPC = members[i]; if (zombieNPC == null || zombieNPC.IsDestroyed) continue; location += zombieNPC.Transform.position; count++; } return location /= count; } private float GetLargestSeperation() { float distance = 0; if (members != null) { for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { ZombieNPC zombieNPC = members[i]; if (zombieNPC != null && !zombieNPC.IsDestroyed) { float d = Vector3.Distance(zombieNPC.Transform.position, CentralLocation); if (d > distance) distance = d; } } } return distance; } private void TryGrowHorde() { if (Configuration.Horde.GrowthRate <= 0 || nextGrowthTime < Time.time) { if (MemberCount < maximumMemberCount) SpawnMember(members.GetRandom().Transform.position); nextGrowthTime = Time.time + Configuration.Horde.GrowthRate; } } #region Horde Merging private static bool HordeMergeQuery(Horde horde) => horde.MemberCount < horde.maximumMemberCount; private void TryMergeHordes() { if (!Configuration.Horde.MergeHordes || nextMergeTime > Time.time) return; nextMergeTime = Time.time + MERGE_CHECK_RATE; if (members == null || MemberCount >= maximumMemberCount) return; int results = HordeGrid.Query(CentralLocation.x, CentralLocation.z, 30f, HordeGridQueryResults, HordeMergeQuery); if (results > 1) { int amountToMerge = maximumMemberCount - members.Count; for (int i = 0; i < results; i++) { Horde otherHorde = HordeGridQueryResults[i]; if (otherHorde == this) continue; if (MemberCount >= maximumMemberCount || otherHorde.members == null) break; if (amountToMerge >= otherHorde.members.Count) { for (int y = 0; y < otherHorde.members.Count; y++) { ZombieNPC zombieNPC = otherHorde.members[y]; members.Add(zombieNPC); zombieNPC.Horde = this; zombieNPC.OnInitialSpawn(); } otherHorde.members.Clear(); otherHorde.Destroy(); } else { for (int y = 0; y < amountToMerge; y++) { if (otherHorde.members.Count > 0) { ZombieNPC zombieNPC = otherHorde.members[otherHorde.MemberCount - 1]; members.Add(zombieNPC); zombieNPC.Horde = this; zombieNPC.OnInitialSpawn(); otherHorde.members.Remove(zombieNPC); } } } } } } #endregion #region Sleeping private void DoSleepChecks() { if (Time.time >= nextSleepTime) { nextSleepTime = Time.time + SLEEP_CHECK_RATE + Random.Range(1f, 5f); int count = BaseEntity.Query.Server.GetPlayersInSphere(CentralLocation, AiManager.ai_to_player_distance_wakeup_range, PlayerVicinityQueryResults, HordeSleepPlayerFilter); if (count > 0) { if (IsSleeping) SetSleeping(false); } else { if (!IsSleeping) SetSleeping(true); } } } private void SetSleeping(bool sleep) { if (members == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { ZombieNPC zombieNPC = members[i]; if (zombieNPC == null || zombieNPC.Brain == null) continue; if (zombieNPC.Brain.sleeping == sleep) continue; zombieNPC.Brain.SetSleeping(sleep); } IsSleeping = sleep; } public void ForceWakeFromSleep() { if (!IsSleeping) return; SetSleeping(false); } private static bool HordeSleepPlayerFilter(BaseEntity entity) { BasePlayer basePlayer = entity as BasePlayer; if (basePlayer == null || !basePlayer.IsConnected) return false; if (basePlayer is ZombieNPC) return false; if (Configuration.Member.IgnoreSleepers && basePlayer.IsSleeping()) return false; return true; } #endregion public int GetMemberIndex(ZombieNPC zombieNPC) => members.IndexOf(zombieNPC); public class SpawnOrder { public Vector3 Position { get; private set; } public int InitialMemberCount { get; private set; } public int MaximumMemberCount { get; private set; } public float MaximumRoamDistance { get; private set; } public string HordeProfile { get; private set; } public SpawnOrder(Vector3 position, int initialMemberCount, int maximumMemberCount, float maximumRoamDistance, string hordeProfile) { this.Position = position; this.InitialMemberCount = initialMemberCount; this.MaximumMemberCount = maximumMemberCount; this.MaximumRoamDistance = maximumRoamDistance; this.HordeProfile = hordeProfile; } #region Static private static Queue _spawnOrders = new Queue(); private static Coroutine _spawnRoutine; private static Coroutine _despawnRoutine; private static bool _isSpawning; private static bool _isDespawning; public static SpawnState State; static SpawnOrder() { State = Configuration.TimedSpawns.Enabled ? (ShouldSpawn() ? SpawnState.Spawn : SpawnState.Despawn) : SpawnState.Spawn; if (Configuration.TimedSpawns.Enabled) StartTimer(); } internal static void Create(Vector3 position, int initialMemberCount, int maximumMemberCount, float maximumRoamDistance, string hordeProfile) { if (NavmeshSpawnPoint.Find(position, 10f, out position)) { _spawnOrders.Enqueue(new SpawnOrder(position, initialMemberCount, maximumMemberCount, maximumRoamDistance, hordeProfile)); if (!_isSpawning && State == SpawnState.Spawn) DequeueAndSpawn(); } } internal static void Create(Horde horde) { Vector3 position; if (NavmeshSpawnPoint.Find(horde.IsLocalHorde ? horde.InitialPosition : Instance.GetSpawnPoint(), 10f, out position)) { _spawnOrders.Enqueue(new SpawnOrder(position, horde.initialMemberCount, horde.maximumMemberCount, horde.IsLocalHorde ? horde.MaximumRoamDistance : -1, horde.hordeProfile)); if (!_isSpawning && State == SpawnState.Spawn) DequeueAndSpawn(); } } internal static void Create(Vector3 position, ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings settings) { if (NavmeshSpawnPoint.Find(position, 10f, out position)) { _spawnOrders.Enqueue(new SpawnOrder(position, Configuration.Horde.InitialMemberCount, settings.HordeSize, settings.RoamDistance, settings.Profile)); if (!_isSpawning && State == SpawnState.Spawn) DequeueAndSpawn(); } } private static void DequeueAndSpawn() { _spawnRoutine = ServerMgr.Instance.StartCoroutine(ProcessSpawnOrders()); } private static void QueueAndDespawn() { _despawnRoutine = ServerMgr.Instance.StartCoroutine(ProcessDespawn()); } internal static void StopSpawning() { if (_spawnRoutine != null) ServerMgr.Instance.StopCoroutine(_spawnRoutine); _isSpawning = false; } internal static void StopDespawning() { if (_despawnRoutine != null) ServerMgr.Instance.StopCoroutine(_despawnRoutine); _isDespawning = false; } private static IEnumerator ProcessSpawnOrders() { if (_spawnOrders.Count == 0) yield break; _isSpawning = true; RESTART: if (_isDespawning) StopDespawning(); while (AllHordes.Count > Configuration.Horde.MaximumHordes) yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(10f); SpawnOrder spawnOrder = _spawnOrders.Dequeue(); if (spawnOrder != null) Horde.Create(spawnOrder); if (_spawnOrders.Count > 0) { yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(3f); goto RESTART; } _isSpawning = false; } private static IEnumerator ProcessDespawn() { _isDespawning = true; if (_isSpawning) StopSpawning(); while (AllHordes.Count > 0) { Horde horde = AllHordes.GetRandom(); if (!horde.HasTarget()) { Create(horde); horde.Destroy(true, true); } yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(3f); } _isDespawning = false; } internal static void OnUnload() { if (_spawnRoutine != null) ServerMgr.Instance.StopCoroutine(_spawnRoutine); if (_despawnRoutine != null) ServerMgr.Instance.StopCoroutine(_despawnRoutine); _isDespawning = false; _isSpawning = false; State = SpawnState.Spawn; _spawnOrders.Clear(); } private static void StartTimer() => Instance.timer.In(1f, CheckTime); private static bool ShouldSpawn() { float currentTime = TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour; if (Configuration.TimedSpawns.Start > Configuration.TimedSpawns.End) return currentTime > Configuration.TimedSpawns.Start || currentTime < Configuration.TimedSpawns.End; else return currentTime > Configuration.TimedSpawns.Start && currentTime < Configuration.TimedSpawns.End; } private static void CheckTime() { if (ShouldSpawn()) { if (State == SpawnState.Despawn) { State = SpawnState.Spawn; StopDespawning(); DequeueAndSpawn(); } } else { if (State == SpawnState.Spawn) { State = SpawnState.Despawn; if (Configuration.TimedSpawns.Despawn) { StopSpawning(); QueueAndDespawn(); } } } StartTimer(); } #endregion } } public class ZombieNPC : NPCPlayer, IAIAttack, IAISenses, IThinker { private float targetAimedDuration; private float lastAimSetTime; private float lastThinkTime; private bool isEquippingWeapon; private float nextThrowTime; private float abortDelta; private bool isThrowingExplosive; private bool abortThrowingExplosive; private bool lightsOn; public Transform Transform { get; private set; } public Horde Horde { get; internal set; } public ZombieNPCBrain Brain { get; private set; } public AIState CurrentState { get; internal set; } = AIState.Idle; public bool IsGroupLeader { get; internal set; } public BaseEntity CurrentTarget { get; private set; } public bool HasTarget { get { return CurrentTarget != null; } } public bool TargetUnreachable { get; internal set; } public AttackEntity CurrentWeapon { get; private set; } public Item ThrowableExplosive { get; private set; } public ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout Loadout { get; private set; } public Vector3 DestinationOverride { get; internal set; } public bool IsAlert { get; internal set; } private const int LOS_BLOCKING_LAYER = 1218519041; private const int AREA_MASK = 1; private const int AGENT_TYPE_ID = -1372625422; #region Horde public void SetHordeProfile(string hordeProfile) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hordeProfile) && Configuration.HordeProfiles.ContainsKey(hordeProfile)) { string loadoutId = Configuration.HordeProfiles[hordeProfile].GetRandom(); Loadout = Configuration.Member.Loadouts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LoadoutID == loadoutId); } if (Loadout == null) Loadout = Configuration.Member.Loadouts.GetRandom(); } public void SetRoamTargetOverride(Vector3 position) { if (IsGroupLeader) { DestinationOverride = position; ResetRoamState(); } } public void ResetRoamState() { if (Brain != null && CurrentState == AIState.Roam) { Brain.states[AIState.Roam].StateEnter(); //Brain.SwitchToState(AIState.Idle, IDLE_STATE_CONTAINER); } } public void OnInitialSpawn() { if (IsGroupLeader) return; if (Horde.Leader.HasTarget) Brain.Senses.Memory.SetKnown(Horde.Leader.CurrentTarget, this, null); } #endregion #region BaseNetworkable public override void DestroyShared() { base.DestroyShared(); AIThinkManager.Remove(this); } public override void ServerInit() { faction = Faction.Horror; loadouts = null; if (NavAgent == null) NavAgent = GetComponent(); NavAgent.areaMask = AREA_MASK; NavAgent.agentTypeID = AGENT_TYPE_ID; GetComponent().DefaultArea = "Walkable"; base.ServerInit(); Invoke(DelayedSetDisplayname, 1f); Loadout.GiveToPlayer(this); FindThrowableExplosive(); Brain = GetComponent(); Transform = transform; AIThinkManager.Add(this); InvokeRepeating(LightCheck, 1f, 30f); } private void DelayedSetDisplayname() => displayName = Loadout.Names.GetRandom(); #endregion #region BaseEntity public override float BoundsPadding() => (0.1f * Brain.Navigator.Agent.speed) + 0.1f; public override float StartHealth() => Loadout.Vitals.Health; public override float StartMaxHealth() => Loadout.Vitals.Health; public override float MaxHealth() => Loadout.Vitals.Health; public override void OnSensation(Sensation sensation) { if (!Configuration.Horde.UseSenses || sensation.Type == SensationType.Explosion) return; if (sensation.UsedEntity is TimedExplosive && sensation.Type == SensationType.ThrownWeapon) return; if (sensation.Initiator != null) { if (sensation.Initiator is ZombieNPC) return; Brain.Senses.Memory.SetKnown(sensation.Initiator, this, null); } if (IsGroupLeader && CurrentState <= AIState.Roam && !HasTarget) Horde.SetLeaderRoamTarget(sensation.Position); IsAlert = true; } public override void OnAttacked(HitInfo info) { base.OnAttacked(info); Horde.ForceWakeFromSleep(); } #endregion #region BasePlayer public override bool IsNpc => false; public override BaseNpc.AiStatistics.FamilyEnum Family => BaseNpc.AiStatistics.FamilyEnum.Zombie; public override string Categorize() => "Zombie"; public override bool ShouldDropActiveItem() => false; #endregion #region BaseCombatEntity public override bool IsHostile() => true; #endregion #region NPCPlayer public override bool IsLoadBalanced() => true; public override void EquipWeapon() { if (!isEquippingWeapon) StartCoroutine(EquipItem()); } private void FindThrowableExplosive() { for (int i = 0; i < inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Count; i++) { Item item = inventory.containerBelt.GetSlot(i); if (item != null && item.GetHeldEntity() is ThrownWeapon) { ThrowableExplosive = item; break; } } } private IEnumerator EquipItem(Item slot = null) { if (inventory != null && inventory.containerBelt != null) { isEquippingWeapon = true; if (slot == null) { for (int i = 0; i < inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Count; i++) { Item item = inventory.containerBelt.GetSlot(i); if (item != null && item.GetHeldEntity() is AttackEntity) { slot = item; break; } } } if (slot != null) { if (CurrentWeapon != null) { CurrentWeapon.SetHeld(false); CurrentWeapon = null; SendNetworkUpdate(NetworkQueue.Update); inventory.UpdatedVisibleHolsteredItems(); } yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(0.5f); UpdateActiveItem(slot.uid); HeldEntity heldEntity = slot.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (heldEntity != null) { if (heldEntity is AttackEntity) (heldEntity as AttackEntity).TopUpAmmo(); if (heldEntity is Chainsaw) ServerStartChainsaw(heldEntity as Chainsaw); } CurrentWeapon = heldEntity as AttackEntity; } isEquippingWeapon = false; } } public override float GetAimConeScale() => Loadout.AimConeScale; public float GetAimSwayScalar() => 1f - Mathf.InverseLerp(1f, 3f, Time.time - lastGunShotTime); public override Vector3 GetAimDirection() { if (Brain != null && Brain.Navigator != null && Brain.Navigator.IsOverridingFacingDirection) return Brain.Navigator.FacingDirectionOverride; return base.GetAimDirection(); } public override void SetAimDirection(Vector3 newAim) { if (newAim == return; float num = Time.time - lastAimSetTime; lastAimSetTime = Time.time; AttackEntity attackEntity = CurrentWeapon; if (attackEntity) newAim = attackEntity.ModifyAIAim(newAim, GetAimSwayScalar()); if (isMounted) { BaseMountable baseMountable = GetMounted(); Vector3 eulerAngles = baseMountable.transform.eulerAngles; Quaternion aimRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Quaternion.LookRotation(newAim, baseMountable.transform.up).eulerAngles); Vector3 lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.InverseTransformDirection(aimRotation * Vector3.forward), transform.up).eulerAngles; lookRotation = BaseMountable.ConvertVector(lookRotation); Quaternion clampedRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Mathf.Clamp(lookRotation.x, baseMountable.pitchClamp.x, baseMountable.pitchClamp.y), Mathf.Clamp(lookRotation.y, baseMountable.yawClamp.x, baseMountable.yawClamp.y), eulerAngles.z); newAim = BaseMountable.ConvertVector(Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.TransformDirection(clampedRotation * Vector3.forward), transform.up).eulerAngles); } else { BaseEntity parentEntity = GetParentEntity(); if (parentEntity) { Vector3 aimDirection = parentEntity.transform.InverseTransformDirection(newAim); Vector3 forward = new Vector3(newAim.x, aimDirection.y, newAim.z); eyes.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(eyes.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, parentEntity.transform.up), num * 25f); viewAngles = eyes.bodyRotation.eulerAngles; ServerRotation = eyes.bodyRotation; return; } } eyes.rotation = (isMounted ? Quaternion.Slerp(eyes.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(newAim), num * 70f) : Quaternion.Lerp(eyes.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(newAim, transform.up), num * 25f)); viewAngles = eyes.rotation.eulerAngles; ServerRotation = eyes.rotation; } public override void Hurt(HitInfo info) { if (info.InitiatorPlayer is ZombieNPC) return; if (info.Initiator is ResourceEntity) { info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(0); return; } if (Configuration.Member.HeadshotKills && info.isHeadshot) info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(1000); base.Hurt(info); BaseEntity initiator = info.Initiator; if (initiator != null && !initiator.EqualNetID(this)) { if ((initiator is BasePlayer && CanTargetBasePlayer(initiator as BasePlayer)) || (initiator is BaseNpc && CanTargetEntity(initiator))) Horde.RegisterInterestInTarget(this, initiator); } } public override BaseCorpse CreateCorpse() { NPCPlayerCorpse npcplayerCorpse = DropCorpse("assets/prefabs/npc/murderer/murderer_corpse.prefab") as NPCPlayerCorpse; if (npcplayerCorpse) { RemoveItemsOnDeath(); ResetModifiedWeaponRange(); npcplayerCorpse.transform.position = npcplayerCorpse.transform.position + Vector3.down * NavAgent.baseOffset; npcplayerCorpse.SetLootableIn(2f); npcplayerCorpse.SetFlag(Flags.Reserved5, HasPlayerFlag(PlayerFlags.DisplaySash), false, true); npcplayerCorpse.SetFlag(Flags.Reserved2, true, false, true); npcplayerCorpse.TakeFrom(new ItemContainer[] { inventory.containerMain, inventory.containerWear, inventory.containerBelt }); npcplayerCorpse.playerName = displayName; npcplayerCorpse.playerSteamID = userID; npcplayerCorpse.Spawn(); npcplayerCorpse.TakeChildren(this); if (Configuration.Loot.DropInventory) { npcplayerCorpse.containers[1].Clear(); } else { ItemContainer[] containers = npcplayerCorpse.containers; for (int i = 0; i < containers.Length; i++) containers[i].Clear(); int count = Random.Range(Configuration.Loot.Random.Minimum, Configuration.Loot.Random.Maximum); int spawnedCount = 0; int loopCount = 0; while (true) { loopCount++; if (loopCount > 3) goto EndLootSpawn; float probability = Random.Range(0f, 1f); List definitions = new List(Configuration.Loot.Random.List); for (int i = 0; i < Configuration.Loot.Random.List.Count; i++) { ConfigData.LootTable.RandomLoot.LootDefinition lootDefinition = definitions.GetRandom(); definitions.Remove(lootDefinition); if (lootDefinition.Probability >= probability) { lootDefinition.Create(containers[0]); spawnedCount++; if (spawnedCount >= count) goto EndLootSpawn; } } } } } EndLootSpawn: return npcplayerCorpse; } private void RemoveItemsOnDeath() { if (Configuration.Member.GiveGlowEyes) { for (int i = inventory.containerWear.itemList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Item item = inventory.containerWear.itemList[i]; if ( == ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout.GlowEyes) { item.RemoveFromContainer(); item.Remove(0f); } } } if (Configuration.Loot.DropInventory && Configuration.Loot.DroppedBlacklist.Length > 0f) { Action removeBlacklistedItems = new Action((ItemContainer itemContainer) => { for (int i = itemContainer.itemList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Item item = itemContainer.itemList[i]; if (Configuration.Loot.DroppedBlacklist.Contains( { item.RemoveFromContainer(); item.Remove(0f); } } }); removeBlacklistedItems(inventory.containerBelt); removeBlacklistedItems(inventory.containerMain); } } private void ResetModifiedWeaponRange() { float effectiveRange; for (int i = 0; i < inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Count; i++) { Item item = inventory.containerBelt.itemList[i]; if (item != null) { HeldEntity heldEntity = item.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (heldEntity != null) { if (heldEntity is BaseProjectile) { if (ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout.GetDefaultEffectiveRange(, out effectiveRange)) (heldEntity as BaseProjectile).effectiveRange = effectiveRange; } if (heldEntity is BaseMelee) { if (ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout.GetDefaultEffectiveRange(, out effectiveRange)) (heldEntity as BaseMelee).effectiveRange = effectiveRange; } } } } } public override void AttackerInfo(PlayerLifeStory.DeathInfo info) { base.AttackerInfo(info); info.inflictorName = inventory.containerBelt.GetSlot(0)?.info?.shortname; info.attackerName = "zombie"; } public override bool IsOnGround() => true; #endregion #region IAIAttack public void AttackTick(float delta, BaseEntity target, bool targetIsLOS) { if (target == null) return; if (Brain.Navigator.IsSwimming() && (!(CurrentWeapon is BaseMelee) || CurrentWeapon is Chainsaw)) return; Vector3 forward = eyes.BodyForward(); Vector3 direction = target.CenterPoint() - eyes.position; float dot = Vector3.Dot(forward, direction.normalized); if (!targetIsLOS) { if (dot < 0.5f) targetAimedDuration = 0f; CancelBurst(); } else { if (dot > 0.2f) targetAimedDuration += delta; } if (targetAimedDuration >= 0.2f && targetIsLOS) { float distanceToTarget; if (IsTargetInAttackRange(target, out distanceToTarget)) { if (CurrentWeapon is ThrownWeapon) { if (!abortThrowingExplosive) { abortDelta += delta; if (abortDelta > 3f) { if (isThrowingExplosive) abortThrowingExplosive = true; else { EquipWeapon(); nextThrowTime = Time.time + 2f; } } } } else { ServerUseCurrentWeapon(); } } else { if (CurrentState == AIState.Chase && TargetUnreachable) { if (CurrentWeapon == null) return; if (CanThrowWeapon()) { if (!(CurrentWeapon is ThrownWeapon)) EquipThrowableExplosive(); else { if (!isThrowingExplosive) StartCoroutine(ServerUseThrowableExplosive()); } } } } } else CancelBurst(); } private void ServerUseCurrentWeapon() { AttackEntity attackEntity = CurrentWeapon; if (attackEntity == null) return; BaseProjectile baseProjectile = attackEntity as BaseProjectile; if (baseProjectile) { if (baseProjectile.primaryMagazine.contents <= 0) { baseProjectile.ServerReload(); return; } if (baseProjectile.NextAttackTime > Time.time) return; } if (Mathf.Approximately(attackEntity.attackLengthMin, -1f)) { attackEntity.ServerUse(damageScale, null); lastGunShotTime = Time.time; return; } if (IsInvoking(TriggerDown)) return; if (Time.time < nextTriggerTime) return; InvokeRepeating(TriggerDown, 0f, 0.01f); triggerEndTime = Time.time + Random.Range(attackEntity.attackLengthMin, attackEntity.attackLengthMax); TriggerDown(); } #region Throw Explosives private bool EquipThrowableExplosive() { if (isEquippingWeapon) return false; if (ThrowableExplosive != null && ThrowableExplosive.amount > 0) { StartCoroutine(EquipItem(ThrowableExplosive)); nextThrowTime = Time.time + 1f; return true; } return false; } private IEnumerator ServerUseThrowableExplosive() { isThrowingExplosive = true; nextThrowTime = Time.time + ConVar.Halloween.scarecrow_throw_beancan_global_delay + Random.Range(1f, 6f); modelState.aiming = true; SendNetworkUpdate(NetworkQueue.Update); yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(1f); if (!abortThrowingExplosive && HasTarget && Vector3.Distance(CurrentTarget.transform.position, transform.position) < 25f) { Brain.Navigator.ApplyFacingDirectionOverride(); ThrowableExplosive.amount += 1; (CurrentWeapon as ThrownWeapon).ServerThrow(CurrentTarget.transform.position); } else { nextThrowTime = Time.time + 2f; } modelState.aiming = false; SendNetworkUpdate(NetworkQueue.Update); yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(0.5f); EquipWeapon(); yield return CoroutineEx.waitForSeconds(0.5f); isThrowingExplosive = false; abortThrowingExplosive = false; abortDelta = 0f; } private bool CanThrowWeapon() { if (!ConVar.AI.npc_use_thrown_weapons || !ConVar.Halloween.scarecrows_throw_beancans) return false; if (Time.time < nextThrowTime) return false; if (isEquippingWeapon) return false; if (CurrentWeapon is BaseProjectile) return false; if (ThrowableExplosive == null || ThrowableExplosive.amount <= 0) return false; if (!HasTarget) return false; if (Brain.Navigator.IsSwimming()) return false; return true; } #endregion public bool CanAttack(BaseEntity entity) => true; public bool CanSeeTarget(BaseEntity entity) { if (!(entity is BaseCombatEntity)) return false; if (entity is BasePlayer) return IsPlayerVisibleToUs((entity as BasePlayer), LOS_BLOCKING_LAYER); return (IsVisible(entity.CenterPoint(), eyes.worldStandingPosition, float.PositiveInfinity) || IsVisible(entity.transform.position, eyes.worldStandingPosition, float.PositiveInfinity)); } public float CooldownDuration() => 5f; public float EngagementRange() { AttackEntity attackEntity = CurrentWeapon; if (!attackEntity) return Brain.SenseRange; return attackEntity is ThrownWeapon ? -1f : attackEntity.effectiveRange; } public float GetAmmoFraction() { if (CurrentWeapon is BaseProjectile) return AmmoFractionRemaining(); return 1f; } public BaseEntity GetBestTarget() { BaseEntity target = null; float delta = -1f; foreach (BaseEntity baseEntity in Brain.Senses.Memory.Targets) { if (baseEntity == null || baseEntity.Health() <= 0f) continue; if (baseEntity is BasePlayer && !CanTargetBasePlayer(baseEntity as BasePlayer)) continue; if (!CanTargetEntity(baseEntity)) continue; float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(baseEntity.transform.position, transform.position); if (distanceToTarget > Brain.TargetLostRange) continue; float rangeDelta = 1f - Mathf.InverseLerp(1f, Brain.SenseRange, distanceToTarget); float dot = Vector3.Dot((baseEntity.transform.position - eyes.position).normalized, eyes.BodyForward()); if (Loadout.Sensory.IgnoreNonVisionSneakers && dot < Brain.VisionCone) continue; rangeDelta += Mathf.InverseLerp(Brain.VisionCone, 1f, dot) / 2f; rangeDelta += (Brain.Senses.Memory.IsLOS(baseEntity) ? 2f : 0f); if (rangeDelta <= delta) continue; target = baseEntity; delta = rangeDelta; } if (target != null) Horde.RegisterInterestInTarget(this, target); CurrentTarget = target; return target; } public bool CanTargetBasePlayer(BasePlayer player) { if (player.IsFlying) return false; if (Configuration.Member.IgnoreSleepers && player.IsSleeping()) return false; if (!Configuration.Member.TargetHumanNPCs && !player.IsNpc && !player.userID.IsSteamId()) return false; if (player.userID.IsSteamId() && Instance.permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, IGNORE_PERMISSION)) return false; if (Loadout.Sensory.IgnoreSafeZonePlayers && player.InSafeZone()) return false; return true; } public bool CanTargetEntity(BaseEntity baseEntity) { if (!(baseEntity is BasePlayer) && !(baseEntity is BaseNpc)) return false; if (Configuration.Horde.RestrictLocalChaseDistance && Horde.IsLocalHorde) { if (Vector3.Distance(baseEntity.transform.position, Horde.InitialPosition) > Horde.MaximumRoamDistance * 1.5f) return false; } if (!Configuration.Member.TargetAnimals && baseEntity is BaseNpc) return false; if (Vector3.Distance(baseEntity.transform.position, Transform.position) > Brain.TargetLostRange) return false; return true; } public bool IsOnCooldown() => false; public bool IsTargetInRange(BaseEntity entity, out float distance) { if (CurrentWeapon == null || CurrentWeapon is BaseMelee) { distance = float.MaxValue; return false; } else return IsTargetInAttackRange(entity, out distance); } public bool IsTargetInAttackRange(BaseEntity entity, out float distance) { distance = Vector3.Distance(entity.transform.position, Transform.position); return distance <= EngagementRange(); } public bool NeedsToReload() => false; public bool Reload() => true; public bool StartAttacking(BaseEntity entity) => true; public void StopAttacking() { } #endregion #region IAISenses public bool IsFriendly(BaseEntity entity) => entity is ZombieNPC; public bool IsTarget(BaseEntity entity) => !IsFriendly(entity); public bool IsThreat(BaseEntity entity) => IsTarget(entity); #endregion #region IThinker public void TryThink() { if (Configuration.Member.CanSwim) { modelState.waterLevel = Mathf.InverseLerp(0f, 1.8f, TerrainMeta.WaterMap.GetDepth(Transform.position)); SendNetworkUpdate(NetworkQueue.Update); if (CurrentWeapon is Chainsaw) { if (Brain.Navigator.IsSwimming()) ServerStopChainsaw((CurrentWeapon as Chainsaw)); else ServerStartChainsaw((CurrentWeapon as Chainsaw)); } } base.ServerThink(Time.time - lastThinkTime); lastThinkTime = Time.time; if (Brain.ShouldServerThink()) Brain.DoThink(); } #endregion #region Lights private void LightCheck() { if ((TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour > 18 || TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour < 6) && !lightsOn) ToggleLights(true); if ((TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour < 18 && TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour > 6) && lightsOn) ToggleLights(false); } private void ToggleLights(bool lightsOn) { Item activeItem = GetActiveItem(); if (activeItem != null) { HeldEntity heldEntity = activeItem.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (heldEntity != null) heldEntity.SendMessage("SetLightsOn", lightsOn, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } foreach (Item item in inventory.containerWear.itemList) { ItemModWearable itemModWearble =; if (itemModWearble && itemModWearble.emissive) { item.SetFlag(global::Item.Flag.IsOn, lightsOn); item.MarkDirty(); } } if (isMounted) GetMounted().LightToggle(this); this.lightsOn = lightsOn; } #endregion #region Chainsaw Hackery private void ServerStartChainsaw(Chainsaw chainsaw) { if (chainsaw.HasFlag(Flags.On)) return; chainsaw.DoReload(default(BaseEntity.RPCMessage)); chainsaw.SetEngineStatus(true); chainsaw.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(false); Invoke(ChainsawRefuel, 1f); } private void ServerStopChainsaw(Chainsaw chainsaw) { if (!chainsaw.HasFlag(Flags.On)) return; chainsaw.SetEngineStatus(false); chainsaw.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(false); CancelInvoke(ChainsawRefuel); } private void ChainsawRefuel() { if (!(CurrentWeapon is Chainsaw)) return; (CurrentWeapon as Chainsaw).ammo = (CurrentWeapon as Chainsaw).maxAmmo; Invoke(ChainsawRefuel, 1f); } #endregion } public class ZombieNavigator : NPCPlayerNavigator { public override void Init(BaseCombatEntity entity, NavMeshAgent agent) { TriggerStuckEvent = true; base.Init(entity, agent); } public override void OnStuck() { ZombieNPC zombieNPC = BaseEntity as ZombieNPC; if (zombieNPC.Brain != null && zombieNPC.Brain.Navigator != null && zombieNPC.Brain.Events != null) { //if (zombieNPC.Horde.DebugMode) // Debug.Log($"Member #{zombieNPC.Horde.GetMemberIndex(zombieNPC)} stuck ({zombieNPC.Transform.position})"); zombieNPC.Brain.SwitchToState(AIState.Idle, IDLE_STATE_CONTAINER); } } public override bool IsSwimming() { if (!Configuration.Member.CanSwim) return false; return (BaseEntity as ZombieNPC).modelState.waterLevel > 0.75f; } protected override float GetTargetSpeed() { if (IsSwimming()) return Speed; return base.GetTargetSpeed(); } protected override void UpdatePositionAndRotation(Vector3 moveToPosition, float delta) { if (IsSwimming()) moveToPosition.y = WaterSystem.GetHeight(moveToPosition)/* TerrainMeta.WaterMap.GetHeight(moveToPosition)*/ - 1.1f; base.UpdatePositionAndRotation(moveToPosition, delta); } protected override bool CanEnableNavMeshNavigation() { if (IsSwimming()) return false; return base.CanEnableNavMeshNavigation(); } public override void ApplyFacingDirectionOverride() { base.ApplyFacingDirectionOverride(); if (overrideFacingDirectionMode == OverrideFacingDirectionMode.None) return; if (overrideFacingDirectionMode == OverrideFacingDirectionMode.Direction) { NPCPlayerEntity.SetAimDirection(facingDirectionOverride); return; } if (facingDirectionEntity != null) { Vector3 aimDirection = GetAimDirection(NPCPlayerEntity, facingDirectionEntity); facingDirectionOverride = aimDirection; NPCPlayerEntity.SetAimDirection(facingDirectionOverride); } } private static Vector3 GetAimDirection(BasePlayer aimingPlayer, BaseEntity target) { if (target == null) return Vector3Ex.Direction2D(aimingPlayer.transform.position + aimingPlayer.eyes.BodyForward() * 1000f, aimingPlayer.transform.position); if (Vector3Ex.Distance2D(aimingPlayer.transform.position, target.transform.position) <= 0.75f) return Vector3Ex.Direction2D(target.transform.position, EyesPosition(aimingPlayer)); return (TargetAimPositionOffset(target) - EyesPosition(aimingPlayer)).normalized; } private static Vector3 EyesPosition(BasePlayer aimingPlayer) => aimingPlayer.eyes.position - Vector3.up * 0.15f; private static Vector3 TargetAimPositionOffset(BaseEntity target) { BasePlayer basePlayer = target as BasePlayer; if (basePlayer == null) return target.CenterPoint(); if (basePlayer.IsSleeping() || basePlayer.IsWounded()) return basePlayer.transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.1f; return basePlayer.eyes.position - Vector3.up * 0.15f; } } private const int IDLE_STATE_CONTAINER = 2; public class ZombieNPCBrain : BaseAIBrain { public override void InitializeAI() { SenseTypes = Configuration.Member.GetSenseTypes(); ZombieNPC zombieNPC = GetEntity(); zombieNPC.Loadout.Sensory.ApplySettingsToBrain(this); base.InitializeAI(); ThinkMode = AIThinkMode.Interval; thinkRate = 0.25f; PathFinder = new HumanPathFinder(); ((HumanPathFinder)PathFinder).Init(zombieNPC); zombieNPC.Loadout.Movement.ApplySettingsToNavigator(Navigator); Navigator.MaxRoamDistanceFromHome = zombieNPC.Horde.IsLocalHorde ? zombieNPC.Horde.MaximumRoamDistance : -1f; LoadAIDesign(ProtoBuf.AIDesign.Deserialize(Design), null, 0); } public override void AddStates() { states = new Dictionary(); AddState(new RoamState()); AddState(new ChaseState()); AddState(new BaseIdleState()); } public override void Think(float delta) { base.Think(delta); ZombieNPC zombieNPC = GetEntity(); if (zombieNPC.IsGroupLeader) zombieNPC.Horde.Update(); if (sleeping) return; if (!Configuration.Member.CanSwim && Configuration.Member.KillUnderWater) { if (zombieNPC != null && zombieNPC.WaterFactor() > 0.85f && !zombieNPC.IsDestroyed) { const float DROWN_TIMER = 5f; zombieNPC.Hurt(delta * (zombieNPC.MaxHealth() / DROWN_TIMER), DamageType.Drowned, null, true); } } } protected override void OnStateChanged() { base.OnStateChanged(); GetEntity().CurrentState = CurrentState.StateType; //if (GetEntity().Horde.DebugMode) //{ // Debug.Log($"{(GetEntity().IsGroupLeader ? "[Leader] " : "")}#{GetEntity().Horde.GetMemberIndex(GetEntity())} OnStateChanged {CurrentState.StateType}"); // if (GetEntity().HasTarget) // { // Debug.Log($"Target {GetEntity().CurrentTarget.ShortPrefabName} ({GetEntity().CurrentTarget.transform.position})"); // } //} } public override void OnDestroy() { if (Rust.Application.isQuitting) return; ZombieNPC zombieNPC = GetEntity(); BaseEntity.Query.Server.RemoveBrain(zombieNPC); LeaveGroup(); } internal void SetSleeping(bool sleep) { if (sleep) { sleeping = true; if (Navigator != null) Navigator.Pause(); CancelInvoke(TickMovement); } else { sleeping = false; if (Navigator != null) Navigator.Resume(); CancelInvoke(TickMovement); InvokeRandomized(TickMovement, 1f, 0.1f, 0.010000001f); } } public class RoamState : BasicAIState { private StateStatus status = StateStatus.Error; private static readonly Vector3[] preferedTopologySamples = new Vector3[4]; private static readonly Vector3[] topologySamples = new Vector3[4]; private bool isAlert; public RoamState() : base(AIState.Roam) { } public override void StateEnter() { base.StateEnter(); status = StateStatus.Error; if (brain.PathFinder == null) return; ZombieNPC zombieNPC = GetEntity(); isAlert = zombieNPC.IsAlert || zombieNPC.Horde.HordeOnAlert; Vector3 bestRoamPosition; if (!zombieNPC.IsGroupLeader) { isAlert = zombieNPC.Horde.Leader.IsAlert; bestRoamPosition = zombieNPC.Horde.GetLeaderDestination(); bestRoamPosition = BasePathFinder.GetPointOnCircle(bestRoamPosition, Random.Range(2f, 7f), Random.Range(0f, 359f)); } else { if (zombieNPC.DestinationOverride != { bestRoamPosition = GetBestRoamPosition(brain.Navigator, zombieNPC.DestinationOverride, brain.Events.Memory.Position.Get(4), 0f, 20f); zombieNPC.DestinationOverride =; } else bestRoamPosition = zombieNPC.Horde.IsLocalHorde ? GetBestRoamPosition(brain.Navigator, zombieNPC.Horde.InitialPosition, brain.Events.Memory.Position.Get(4), 10f, zombieNPC.Horde.MaximumRoamDistance) : GetBestRoamPosition(brain.Navigator, zombieNPC.Transform.position, brain.Events.Memory.Position.Get(4), 20f, 100f); } if (brain.Navigator.SetDestination(bestRoamPosition, isAlert ? BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast : DefaultRoamSpeed, 0f, 0f)) { if (zombieNPC.IsGroupLeader) zombieNPC.Horde.ResetRoamTarget(); //if (zombieNPC.Horde.DebugMode) // Debug.Log($"Set member #{zombieNPC.Horde.GetMemberIndex(zombieNPC)} (leader ? {zombieNPC.IsGroupLeader}) destination to {bestRoamPosition}"); status = StateStatus.Running; return; } //if (zombieNPC.Horde.DebugMode) // Debug.Log($"Failed to set member #{zombieNPC.Horde.GetMemberIndex(zombieNPC)} (leader ? {zombieNPC.IsGroupLeader}) destination to {bestRoamPosition}"); status = StateStatus.Error; } public override void StateLeave() { base.StateLeave(); Stop(); if (isAlert) GetEntity().IsAlert = false; isAlert = false; } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta) { base.StateThink(delta); if (status == StateStatus.Error) return status; if (!isAlert && (GetEntity().Horde.HordeOnAlert || GetEntity().IsAlert)) { StateEnter(); return StateStatus.Running; } if (brain.Navigator.Moving) return StateStatus.Running; return StateStatus.Finished; } private void Stop() => brain.Navigator.Stop(); private Vector3 GetBestRoamPosition(BaseNavigator navigator, Vector3 localTo, Vector3 fallbackPos, float minRange, float maxRange) { int topologyIndex = 0; int preferredTopologyIndex = 0; for (float degree = 0f; degree < 360f; degree += 90f) { Vector3 position; Vector3 pointOnCircle = BasePathFinder.GetPointOnCircle(localTo, Random.Range(minRange, maxRange), degree + Random.Range(0f, 90f)); if (navigator.GetNearestNavmeshPosition(pointOnCircle, out position, 20f) && navigator.IsAcceptableWaterDepth(position)) { topologySamples[topologyIndex] = position; topologyIndex++; if (navigator.IsPositionATopologyPreference(position)) { preferedTopologySamples[preferredTopologyIndex] = position; preferredTopologyIndex++; } } } Vector3 chosenPosition; if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) <= 0.9f && preferredTopologyIndex > 0) chosenPosition = preferedTopologySamples[Random.Range(0, preferredTopologyIndex)]; else if (topologyIndex > 0) chosenPosition = topologySamples[Random.Range(0, topologyIndex)]; else chosenPosition = fallbackPos; return chosenPosition; } } public class ChaseState : BasicAIState { private StateStatus status = StateStatus.Error; private float nextPositionUpdateTime; private float originalStopDistance; private bool unreachableLastUpdate; public ChaseState() : base(AIState.Chase) { AgrresiveState = true; } public override void StateLeave() { base.StateLeave(); Stop(); brain.Navigator.StoppingDistance = originalStopDistance; GetEntity().TargetUnreachable = false; } public override void StateEnter() { base.StateEnter(); status = StateStatus.Error; if (brain.PathFinder == null) return; status = StateStatus.Running; nextPositionUpdateTime = 0f; originalStopDistance = brain.Navigator.StoppingDistance; AttackEntity attackEntity = GetEntity().CurrentWeapon; if (attackEntity is BaseMelee) brain.Navigator.StoppingDistance = 0.1f; brain.Navigator.SetCurrentSpeed(BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast); } private void Stop() { brain.Navigator.Stop(); brain.Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta) { base.StateThink(delta); if (status == StateStatus.Error) return status; ZombieNPC zombieNPC = GetEntity(); BaseEntity baseEntity = brain.Events.Memory.Entity.Get(brain.Events.CurrentInputMemorySlot); if (baseEntity == null || (baseEntity is BasePlayer && !zombieNPC.CanTargetBasePlayer(baseEntity as BasePlayer)) || !zombieNPC.CanTargetEntity(baseEntity)) { brain.Events.Memory.Entity.Remove(brain.Events.CurrentInputMemorySlot); Stop(); return StateStatus.Error; } FaceTarget(zombieNPC, baseEntity); if (Time.time > nextPositionUpdateTime) { if (!(zombieNPC.CurrentWeapon is BaseProjectile)) { if (unreachableLastUpdate) { Vector3 position = brain.PathFinder.GetRandomPositionAround(baseEntity.transform.position, 3f, 10f); brain.Navigator.SetDestination(position, BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast, 0.1f, 0f); nextPositionUpdateTime = Time.time + 3f; unreachableLastUpdate = false; return StateStatus.Running; } if (!brain.Navigator.SetDestination(baseEntity.transform.position, BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast, 0.1f, 0f)) return StateStatus.Error; if (brain.Navigator.Agent.path.status > NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete || (zombieNPC.CurrentWeapon is BaseMelee && Vector3.Distance(baseEntity.transform.position, brain.Navigator.Agent.destination) > zombieNPC.EngagementRange())) { zombieNPC.TargetUnreachable = true; unreachableLastUpdate = true; } else zombieNPC.TargetUnreachable = false; nextPositionUpdateTime = Time.time + 0.1f; if (!brain.Navigator.Moving) return StateStatus.Finished; } else { Vector3 position = brain.PathFinder.GetRandomPositionAround(baseEntity.transform.position, 10f, zombieNPC.EngagementRange() * 0.75f); if (brain.Navigator.SetDestination(position, BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast, 0f, 0f)) nextPositionUpdateTime = Random.Range(3f, 6f); else return StateStatus.Error; } } return StateStatus.Running; } private void FaceTarget(ZombieNPC zombieNPC, BaseEntity baseEntity) { float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(baseEntity.transform.position, zombieNPC.Transform.position); if (!(zombieNPC.CurrentWeapon is BaseProjectile) && (brain.Senses.Memory.IsLOS(baseEntity) || distanceToTarget <= 10f)) brain.Navigator.SetFacingDirectionEntity(baseEntity); else if (zombieNPC.CurrentWeapon is BaseProjectile && brain.Senses.Memory.IsLOS(baseEntity)) brain.Navigator.SetFacingDirectionEntity(baseEntity); else brain.Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); } } private static readonly byte[] Design = new byte[] { 8, 2, 8, 3, 8, 1, 18, 62, 8, 0, 16, 2, 26, 12, 8, 4, 16, 2, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 26, 12, 8, 2, 16, 2, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 26, 12, 8, 3, 16, 1, 24, 0, 32, 4, 40, 0, 48, 0, 26, 12, 8, 14, 16, 1, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 32, 0, 18, 117, 8, 1, 16, 3, 26, 12, 8, 4, 16, 2, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 26, 12, 8, 2, 16, 2, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 26, 21, 8, 15, 16, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 24, 1, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 26, 21, 8, 5, 16, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 26, 12, 8, 20, 16, 0, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 26, 21, 8, 16, 16, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 32, 0, 18, 61, 8, 2, 16, 1, 26, 25, 8, 0, 16, 0, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 162, 6, 10, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 205, 204, 204, 61, 26, 12, 8, 3, 16, 1, 24, 0, 32, 4, 40, 0, 48, 0, 26, 12, 8, 14, 16, 1, 24, 0, 32, 0, 40, 0, 48, 0, 32, 0, 24, 0, 34, 13, 90, 111, 109, 98, 105, 101, 32, 68, 101, 115, 105, 103, 110, 40, 0, 48, 0 }; } #region Commands //[ChatCommand("hordedebug")] //private void cmdHordeDebug(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) //{ // if (!player.IsAdmin) // return; // int number; // if (args.Length != 1 || !int.TryParse(args[0], out number)) // { // SendReply(player, "You must specify a horde number"); // return; // } // Horde horde = Horde.AllHordes[number]; // horde.DebugMode = !horde.DebugMode; // SendReply(player, $"Debug mode for horde #{number} set to {horde.DebugMode}"); //} [ChatCommand("horde")] private void cmdHorde(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, ADMIN_PERMISSION)) { SendReply(player, "You do not have permission to use this command"); return; } if (args.Length == 0) { SendReply(player, "/horde info - Show position and information about active zombie hordes"); SendReply(player, "/horde tpto - Teleport to the specified zombie horde"); SendReply(player, "/horde destroy - Destroy the specified zombie horde"); SendReply(player, "/horde create - Create a new zombie horde on your position, optionally specifying distance they can roam and the horde profile you want to use"); SendReply(player, "/horde createspawn - Save your current position as a custom horde spawn point"); SendReply(player, "/horde createloadout - Copy your current inventory to a new zombie loadout"); SendReply(player, "/horde hordecount - Set the maximum number of hordes allowed"); SendReply(player, "/horde membercount - Set the maximum number of members allowed per horde"); return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "info": int memberCount = 0; int hordeNumber = 0; foreach (Horde horde in Horde.AllHordes) { player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", 30,, horde.CentralLocation + new Vector3(0, 1.5f, 0), $"Zombie Horde {hordeNumber}"); memberCount += horde.MemberCount; hordeNumber++; } SendReply(player, $"There are {Horde.AllHordes.Count} active zombie hordes with a total of {memberCount} zombies"); return; case "destroy": { int number; if (args.Length != 2 || !int.TryParse(args[1], out number)) { SendReply(player, "You must specify a horde number"); return; } if (number < 0 || number >= Horde.AllHordes.Count) { SendReply(player, "An invalid horde number has been specified"); return; } Horde.AllHordes[number].Destroy(true, true); SendReply(player, $"You have destroyed zombie horde {number}"); return; } case "tpto": { int number; if (args.Length != 2 || !int.TryParse(args[1], out number)) { SendReply(player, "You must specify a horde number"); return; } if (number < 0 || number >= Horde.AllHordes.Count) { SendReply(player, "An invalid horde number has been specified"); return; } player.Teleport(Horde.AllHordes[number].CentralLocation); SendReply(player, $"You have teleported to zombie horde {number}"); return; } case "create": { float distance = -1; if (args.Length >= 2) { if (!float.TryParse(args[1], out distance)) { SendReply(player, "Invalid Syntax!"); return; } } string profile = string.Empty; if (args.Length >= 3 && Configuration.HordeProfiles.ContainsKey(args[2])) profile = args[2]; Vector3 position; if (NavmeshSpawnPoint.Find(player.transform.position, 5f, out position)) { if (Horde.Create(new Horde.SpawnOrder(position, Configuration.Horde.InitialMemberCount, Configuration.Horde.MaximumMemberCount, distance, profile))) { if (distance > 0) SendReply(player, $"You have created a zombie horde with a roam distance of {distance}"); else SendReply(player, "You have created a zombie horde"); return; } } SendReply(player, "Invalid spawn position, move to another more open position. Unable to spawn horde"); return; } case "createspawn": { int members = Configuration.Horde.InitialMemberCount; if (args.Length >= 2) { if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out members)) { SendReply(player, "Invalid Syntax!"); return; } } float distance = -1; if (args.Length >= 3) { if (!float.TryParse(args[2], out distance)) { SendReply(player, "Invalid Syntax!"); return; } } string profile = string.Empty; if (args.Length >= 4 && Configuration.HordeProfiles.ContainsKey(args[3])) profile = args[3]; Configuration.Monument.Custom.Add(new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.CustomSpawnPoints { Enabled = true, HordeSize = members, Location = player.transform.position, Profile = profile, RoamDistance = distance }); SaveConfig(); Vector3 position; if (NavmeshSpawnPoint.Find(player.transform.position, 5f, out position)) { if (Horde.Create(new Horde.SpawnOrder(position, Configuration.Horde.InitialMemberCount, Configuration.Horde.MaximumMemberCount, distance, profile))) { if (distance > 0) SendReply(player, $"You have created a custom horde spawn point with a roam distance of {distance}"); else SendReply(player, "You have created a custom horde spawn point"); return; } } SendReply(player, "Invalid spawn position, move to another more open position"); return; } case "createloadout": { ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout loadout = new ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout($"loadout-{Configuration.Member.Loadouts.Count}"); for (int i = 0; i < player.inventory.containerBelt.itemList.Count; i++) { Item item = player.inventory.containerBelt.itemList[i]; if (item == null || item.amount == 0) continue; loadout.BeltItems.Add(new ConfigData.LootTable.InventoryItem() { Amount = item.amount, Shortname =, SkinID = }); } for (int i = 0; i < player.inventory.containerMain.itemList.Count; i++) { Item item = player.inventory.containerMain.itemList[i]; if (item == null || item.amount == 0) continue; loadout.MainItems.Add(new ConfigData.LootTable.InventoryItem() { Amount = item.amount, Shortname =, SkinID = }); } for (int i = 0; i < player.inventory.containerWear.itemList.Count; i++) { Item item = player.inventory.containerWear.itemList[i]; if (item == null || item.amount == 0) continue; loadout.WearItems.Add(new ConfigData.LootTable.InventoryItem() { Amount = item.amount, Shortname =, SkinID = }); } Configuration.Member.Loadouts.Add(loadout); SaveConfig(); SendReply(player, "Saved your current inventory as a zombie loadout"); return; } case "hordecount": { int hordes; if (args.Length < 2 || !int.TryParse(args[1], out hordes)) { SendReply(player, "You must enter a number"); return; } Configuration.Horde.MaximumHordes = hordes; if (Horde.AllHordes.Count < hordes) CreateRandomHordes(); SaveConfig(); SendReply(player, $"Set maximum hordes to {hordes}"); return; } case "membercount": { int members; if (args.Length < 2 || !int.TryParse(args[1], out members)) { SendReply(player, "You must enter a number"); return; } Configuration.Horde.MaximumMemberCount = members; SaveConfig(); SendReply(player, $"Set maximum horde members to {members}"); return; } default: SendReply(player, "Invalid Syntax!"); break; } } [ConsoleCommand("horde")] private void ccmdHorde(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Connection != null) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(arg.Connection.userid.ToString(), ADMIN_PERMISSION)) { SendReply(arg, "You do not have permission to use this command"); return; } } if (arg.Args == null || arg.Args.Length == 0) { SendReply(arg, "horde info - Show position and information about active zombie hordes"); SendReply(arg, "horde destroy - Destroy the specified zombie horde"); SendReply(arg, "horde create - Create a new zombie horde at a random position, optionally specifying distance they can roam from the initial spawn point"); SendReply(arg, "horde addloadout - Convert the specified kit(s) into loadout(s) (add as many as you want)"); SendReply(arg, "horde hordecount - Set the maximum number of hordes allowed"); SendReply(arg, "horde membercount - Set the maximum number of members allowed per horde"); return; } switch (arg.Args[0].ToLower()) { case "info": int memberCount = 0; int hordeNumber = 0; foreach (Horde horde in Horde.AllHordes) { memberCount += horde.MemberCount; hordeNumber++; } SendReply(arg, $"There are {Horde.AllHordes.Count} active zombie hordes with a total of {memberCount} zombies"); return; case "destroy": int number; if (arg.Args.Length != 2 || !int.TryParse(arg.Args[1], out number)) { SendReply(arg, "You must specify a horde number"); return; } if (number < 1 || number > Horde.AllHordes.Count) { SendReply(arg, "An invalid horde number has been specified"); return; } Horde.AllHordes[number - 1].Destroy(true, true); SendReply(arg, $"You have destroyed zombie horde {number}"); return; case "create": float distance = -1; if (arg.Args.Length >= 2) { if (!float.TryParse(arg.Args[1], out distance)) { SendReply(arg, "Invalid Syntax!"); return; } } string profile = string.Empty; if (arg.Args.Length >= 3 && Configuration.HordeProfiles.ContainsKey(arg.Args[2])) profile = arg.Args[2]; Vector3 position; if (NavmeshSpawnPoint.Find(GetSpawnPoint(), 20f, out position) && Horde.Create(new Horde.SpawnOrder(position, Configuration.Horde.InitialMemberCount, Configuration.Horde.MaximumMemberCount, distance, profile))) { if (distance > 0) SendReply(arg, $"You have created a zombie horde with a roam distance of {distance}"); else SendReply(arg, "You have created a zombie horde"); } else SendReply(arg, "Invalid spawn position. Unable to spawn horde. Try again for a new random position"); return; case "addloadout": if (!Kits) { SendReply(arg, "Unable to find the kits plugin"); return; } if (arg.Args.Length < 2) { SendReply(arg, "horde addloadout - Convert the specified kit(s) into loadout(s) (add as many as you want)"); return; } for (int i = 1; i < arg.Args.Length; i++) { string kitname = arg.Args[i]; object success = Kits.Call("GetKitInfo", kitname); if (success == null) { SendReply(arg, $"Unable to find a kit with the name {kitname}"); continue; } JObject obj = success as JObject; JArray items = obj["items"] as JArray; ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout loadout = new ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout(kitname); for (int y = 0; y < items.Count; y++) { JObject item = items[y] as JObject; string container = (string)item["container"]; List list = container == "belt" ? loadout.BeltItems : container == "main" ? loadout.MainItems : loadout.WearItems; list.Add(new ConfigData.LootTable.InventoryItem { Amount = (int)item["amount"], Shortname = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition((int)item["itemid"])?.shortname, SkinID = (ulong)item["skinid"] }); } Configuration.Member.Loadouts.Add(loadout); SendReply(arg, $"Successfully converted the kit {kitname} to a zombie loadout"); } SaveConfig(); return; case "hordecount": int hordes; if (arg.Args.Length < 2 || !int.TryParse(arg.Args[1], out hordes)) { SendReply(arg, "You must enter a number"); return; } Configuration.Horde.MaximumHordes = hordes; if (Horde.AllHordes.Count < hordes) CreateRandomHordes(); SaveConfig(); SendReply(arg, $"Set maximum hordes to {hordes}"); return; case "membercount": int members; if (arg.Args.Length < 2 || !int.TryParse(arg.Args[1], out members)) { SendReply(arg, "You must enter a number"); return; } Configuration.Horde.MaximumMemberCount = members; SaveConfig(); SendReply(arg, $"Set maximum horde members to {members}"); return; default: SendReply(arg, "Invalid Syntax!"); break; } } private float nextCountTime; private string cachedString = string.Empty; private string GetInfoString() { if (nextCountTime < Time.time || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cachedString)) { int memberCount = 0; Horde.AllHordes.ForEach(x => memberCount += x.MemberCount); cachedString = $"There are currently {Horde.AllHordes.Count} hordes with a total of {memberCount} zombies"; nextCountTime = Time.time + 30f; } return cachedString; } [ChatCommand("hordeinfo")] private void cmdHordeInfo(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) => player.ChatMessage(GetInfoString()); [ConsoleCommand("hordeinfo")] private void ccmdHordeInfo(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Connection == null) PrintToChat(GetInfoString()); } #endregion #region Config public static ConfigData Configuration; internal class ConfigData { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Horde Options")] public HordeOptions Horde { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Horde Member Options")] public MemberOptions Member { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Loot Table")] public LootTable Loot { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Monument Spawn Options")] public MonumentSpawn Monument { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Timed Spawn Options")] public TimedSpawnOptions TimedSpawns { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Horde Profiles (profile name, list of applicable loadouts)")] public Dictionary> HordeProfiles { get; set; } public class TimedSpawnOptions { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Only allows spawns during the set time period")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Despawn hordes outside of the set time period")] public bool Despawn { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Start time (0.0 - 24.0)")] public float Start { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "End time (0.0 - 24.0)")] public float End { get; set; } } public class HordeOptions { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount of zombies to spawn when a new horde is created")] public int InitialMemberCount { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Maximum amount of spawned zombies per horde")] public int MaximumMemberCount { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Maximum amount of hordes at any given time")] public int MaximumHordes { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount of time from when a horde is destroyed until a new horde is created (seconds)")] public int RespawnTime { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount of time before a horde grows in size")] public int GrowthRate { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Add a zombie to the horde when a horde member kills a player")] public bool CreateOnDeath { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Merge hordes together if they collide")] public bool MergeHordes { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spawn system (SpawnsDatabase, Random)")] public string SpawnType { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spawn file (only required when using SpawnsDatabase)")] public string SpawnFile { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount of time a player needs to be outside of a zombies vision before it forgets about them")] public float ForgetTime { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Default roam speed (Slowest, Slow, Normal, Fast)")] public string DefaultRoamSpeed { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Force all hordes to roam locally")] public bool LocalRoam { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Local roam distance")] public float RoamDistance { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Restrict chase distance for local hordes (1.5x the maximum roam distance for that horde)")] public bool RestrictLocalChaseDistance { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use horde profiles for randomly spawned hordes")] public bool UseProfiles { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Sense nearby gunshots and explosions")] public bool UseSenses { get; set; } } public class MemberOptions { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Can target animals")] public bool TargetAnimals { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Can be targeted by turrets")] public bool TargetedByTurrets { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Can be targeted by peacekeeper turrets and NPC turrets")] public bool TargetedByPeaceKeeperTurrets { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Can be targeted by Bradley APC")] public bool TargetedByAPC { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Can be targeted by other NPCs")] public bool TargetedByNPCs { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Can be targeted by animals")] public bool TargetedByAnimals { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Can target other NPCs")] public bool TargetNPCs { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Can target NPCs from HumanNPC")] public bool TargetHumanNPCs { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ignore sleeping players")] public bool IgnoreSleepers { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Give all zombies glowing eyes")] public bool GiveGlowEyes { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Headshots instantly kill zombie")] public bool HeadshotKills { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Kill NPCs that are under water")] public bool KillUnderWater { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Can zombies swim across water")] public bool CanSwim { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable NPC dormant system. This will put NPCs to sleep when no players are nearby to improve performance")] public bool EnableDormantSystem { get; set; } public List Loadouts { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] private EntityType _senseTypes = 0; public EntityType GetSenseTypes() { if (_senseTypes == 0) { _senseTypes |= EntityType.Player; if (TargetNPCs) _senseTypes |= EntityType.BasePlayerNPC; if (TargetAnimals) _senseTypes |= EntityType.NPC; } return _senseTypes; } public class Loadout { public string LoadoutID { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Potential names for zombies using this loadout (chosen at random)")] public string[] Names { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Damage multiplier")] public float DamageMultiplier { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Aim cone scale (for projectile weapons)")] public float AimConeScale { get; set; } public VitalStats Vitals { get; set; } public MovementStats Movement { get; set; } public SensoryStats Sensory { get; set; } public List BeltItems { get; set; } public List MainItems { get; set; } public List WearItems { get; set; } public class VitalStats { public float Health { get; set; } } public class MovementStats { public float Speed { get; set; } public float Acceleration { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Turn speed")] public float TurnSpeed { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Speed multiplier - Slowest")] public float SlowestSpeedFraction { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Speed multiplier - Slow")] public float SlowSpeedFraction { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Speed multiplier - Normal")] public float NormalSpeedFraction { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Speed multiplier - Fast")] public float FastSpeedFraction { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Speed multiplier - Low health")] public float LowHealthMaxSpeedFraction { get; set; } public void ApplySettingsToNavigator(BaseNavigator baseNavigator) { baseNavigator.Acceleration = Acceleration; baseNavigator.FastSpeedFraction = FastSpeedFraction; baseNavigator.LowHealthMaxSpeedFraction = LowHealthMaxSpeedFraction; baseNavigator.NormalSpeedFraction = NormalSpeedFraction; baseNavigator.SlowestSpeedFraction = SlowestSpeedFraction; baseNavigator.SlowSpeedFraction = SlowSpeedFraction; baseNavigator.Speed = Speed; baseNavigator.TurnSpeed = TurnSpeed; baseNavigator.topologyPreference = (TerrainTopology.Enum)1673010749; if (Configuration.Member.CanSwim) { baseNavigator.MaxWaterDepth = 30f; baseNavigator.SwimmingSpeedMultiplier = 0.4f; baseNavigator.topologyPreference |= TerrainTopology.Enum.Ocean | TerrainTopology.Enum.Lake | TerrainTopology.Enum.River; } } } public class SensoryStats { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Attack range multiplier")] public float AttackRangeMultiplier { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Sense range")] public float SenseRange { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Listen range")] public float ListenRange { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Target lost range")] public float TargetLostRange { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ignore sneaking outside of vision range")] public bool IgnoreNonVisionSneakers { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Vision cone (0 - 180 degrees)")] public float VisionCone { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ignore players in safe zone")] public bool IgnoreSafeZonePlayers { get; set; } public void ApplySettingsToBrain(ZombieNPCBrain zombieNPCBrain) { zombieNPCBrain.AttackRangeMultiplier = 1f; zombieNPCBrain.SenseRange = SenseRange; zombieNPCBrain.ListenRange = ListenRange; zombieNPCBrain.TargetLostRange = TargetLostRange; zombieNPCBrain.CheckVisionCone = IgnoreNonVisionSneakers; zombieNPCBrain.IgnoreNonVisionSneakers = IgnoreNonVisionSneakers; zombieNPCBrain.IgnoreSafeZonePlayers = IgnoreSafeZonePlayers; zombieNPCBrain.VisionCone = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.forward, Quaternion.Euler(0f, VisionCone, 0f) * Vector3.forward); } } [JsonIgnore] private static Hash _effectiveRangeDefaults = new Hash(); [JsonIgnore] private static ItemDefinition _glowEyes; [JsonIgnore] public static ItemDefinition GlowEyes { get { if (_glowEyes == null) _glowEyes = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("gloweyes"); return _glowEyes; } } public Loadout() { Names = new string[] { "Zombie" }; DamageMultiplier = 1f; AimConeScale = 2f; Vitals = new VitalStats() { Health = 200f }; Movement = new MovementStats() { Speed = 6.2f, Acceleration = 12f, TurnSpeed = 120f, FastSpeedFraction = 1f, NormalSpeedFraction = 0.5f, SlowSpeedFraction = 0.3f, SlowestSpeedFraction = 0.16f, LowHealthMaxSpeedFraction = 0.5f, }; Sensory = new SensoryStats() { AttackRangeMultiplier = 1.5f, IgnoreNonVisionSneakers = true, IgnoreSafeZonePlayers = true, ListenRange = 20f, SenseRange = 30f, TargetLostRange = 40f, VisionCone = 135f }; BeltItems = new List(); MainItems = new List(); WearItems = new List(); } public Loadout(string loadoutID) : this() { LoadoutID = loadoutID; } internal void GiveToPlayer(ZombieNPC zombieNPC) { if (zombieNPC == null) return; zombieNPC.inventory.Strip(); foreach (LootTable.InventoryItem inventoryItem in BeltItems) { Item item = inventoryItem.Give(zombieNPC.inventory.containerBelt); if (item != null) { HeldEntity heldEntity = item.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (heldEntity != null) { if (heldEntity is BaseProjectile) { if (!_effectiveRangeDefaults.ContainsKey( _effectiveRangeDefaults[] = (heldEntity as BaseProjectile).effectiveRange; float effectiveRange; if (ProjectileEffectiveRange.TryGetValue(, out effectiveRange)) (heldEntity as BaseProjectile).effectiveRange = effectiveRange; else (heldEntity as BaseProjectile).effectiveRange *= 1.25f; } if (heldEntity is BaseMelee) { if (!_effectiveRangeDefaults.ContainsKey( _effectiveRangeDefaults[] = (heldEntity as BaseMelee).effectiveRange; (heldEntity as BaseMelee).effectiveRange *= 1.5f; } } } } foreach (LootTable.InventoryItem inventoryItem in MainItems) inventoryItem.Give(zombieNPC.inventory.containerMain); foreach (LootTable.InventoryItem inventoryItem in WearItems) inventoryItem.Give(zombieNPC.inventory.containerWear); if (Configuration.Member.GiveGlowEyes) { Item item = ItemManager.Create(GlowEyes); if (!item.MoveToContainer(zombieNPC.inventory.containerWear)) item.Remove(0f); } } private static readonly Hash ProjectileEffectiveRange = new Hash { ["bow.compound"] = 20, ["bow.hunting"] = 20, ["crossbow"] = 20, ["flamethrower"] = 8, ["gun.water"] = 10, ["lmg.m249"] = 150, ["multiplegrenadelauncher"] = 20, ["pistol.eoka"] = 5, ["pistol.m92"] = 15, ["pistol.nailgun"] = 10, ["pistol.python"] = 15, ["pistol.revolver"] = 15, ["pistol.semiauto"] = 15, ["pistol.water"] = 10, ["rifle.ak"] = 30, ["rifle.bolt"] = 80, ["rifle.l96"] = 100, ["rifle.lr300"] = 40, ["rifle.m39"] = 30, ["rifle.semiauto"] = 20, ["rocket.launcher"] = 20, ["shotgun.double"] = 15, ["shotgun.pump"] = 15, ["shotgun.spas12"] = 15, ["shotgun.waterpipe"] = 10, ["smg.2"] = 20, ["smg.mp5"] = 20, ["smg.thompson"] = 20, ["snowballgun"] = 10, ["speargun"] = 10, }; public static bool GetDefaultEffectiveRange(string shortname, out float value) => _effectiveRangeDefaults.TryGetValue(shortname, out value); } } public class LootTable { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Drop inventory on death instead of random loot")] public bool DropInventory { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Random loot table")] public RandomLoot Random { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Dropped inventory item blacklist (shortnames)")] public string[] DroppedBlacklist { get; set; } public class InventoryItem { public string Shortname { get; set; } public ulong SkinID { get; set; } public int Amount { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Attachments", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public InventoryItem[] SubSpawn { get; set; } public Item Give(ItemContainer itemContainer) { Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(Shortname, Amount, SkinID); if (item == null) return null; if (!item.MoveToContainer(itemContainer)) { item.Remove(0f); return null; } if (item.contents != null && SubSpawn?.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < SubSpawn.Length; i++) SubSpawn[i].Give(item.contents); } return item; } } public class RandomLoot { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Minimum amount of items to spawn")] public int Minimum { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Maximum amount of items to spawn")] public int Maximum { get; set; } public List List { get; set; } public class LootDefinition { public string Shortname { get; set; } public int Minimum { get; set; } public int Maximum { get; set; } public ulong SkinID { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spawn as blueprint")] public bool IsBlueprint { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Probability (0.0 - 1.0)")] public float Probability { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Minimum condition (0.0 - 1.0)")] public float MinCondition { get; set; } = 1f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Maximum condition (0.0 - 1.0)")] public float MaxCondition { get; set; } = 1f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spawn with")] public LootDefinition Required { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] private ItemDefinition _blueprintDefinition; [JsonIgnore] private ItemDefinition BlueprintDefinition { get { if (_blueprintDefinition == null) _blueprintDefinition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("blueprintbase"); return _blueprintDefinition; } } private int GetAmount() { if (Maximum <= 0f || Maximum <= Minimum) return Minimum; return UnityEngine.Random.Range(Minimum, Maximum); } public void Create(ItemContainer container) { Item item; if (!IsBlueprint) item = ItemManager.CreateByName(Shortname, GetAmount(), SkinID); else { item = ItemManager.Create(BlueprintDefinition); item.blueprintTarget = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(Shortname).itemid; } if (item != null) { if (!IsBlueprint) item.conditionNormalized = UnityEngine.Random.Range(Mathf.Clamp01(MinCondition), Mathf.Clamp01(MaxCondition)); item.OnVirginSpawn(); if (!item.MoveToContainer(container, -1, true)) item.Remove(0f); } if (Required != null) Required.Create(container); } } } } public class MonumentSpawn { public MonumentSettings Airfield { get; set; } public MonumentSettings Dome { get; set; } public MonumentSettings Junkyard { get; set; } public MonumentSettings LargeHarbor { get; set; } public MonumentSettings GasStation { get; set; } public MonumentSettings Powerplant { get; set; } public MonumentSettings StoneQuarry { get; set; } public MonumentSettings SulfurQuarry { get; set; } public MonumentSettings HQMQuarry { get; set; } public MonumentSettings Radtown { get; set; } public MonumentSettings LaunchSite { get; set; } public MonumentSettings Satellite { get; set; } public MonumentSettings SmallHarbor { get; set; } public MonumentSettings Supermarket { get; set; } public MonumentSettings Trainyard { get; set; } public MonumentSettings Tunnels { get; set; } public MonumentSettings Warehouse { get; set; } public MonumentSettings WaterTreatment { get; set; } public List Custom { get; set; } public class MonumentSettings : SpawnSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable spawns at this monument")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } } public class CustomSpawnPoints : MonumentSettings { public SerializedVector Location { get; set; } public class SerializedVector { public float X { get; set; } public float Y { get; set; } public float Z { get; set; } public SerializedVector() { } public SerializedVector(float x, float y, float z) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Z = z; } public static implicit operator Vector3(SerializedVector v) { return new Vector3(v.X, v.Y, v.Z); } public static implicit operator SerializedVector(Vector3 v) { return new SerializedVector(v.x, v.y, v.z); } } } } public class SpawnSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Distance that this horde can roam from their initial spawn point")] public float RoamDistance { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Maximum amount of members in this horde")] public int HordeSize { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Horde profile")] public string Profile { get; set; } } public Oxide.Core.VersionNumber Version { get; set; } } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); Configuration = Config.ReadObject(); if (Configuration.Version < Version) UpdateConfigValues(); Config.WriteObject(Configuration, true); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => Configuration = GetBaseConfig(); private ConfigData GetBaseConfig() { return new ConfigData { Horde = new ConfigData.HordeOptions { InitialMemberCount = 3, MaximumHordes = 5, MaximumMemberCount = 10, GrowthRate = 300, CreateOnDeath = true, ForgetTime = 10f, MergeHordes = true, RespawnTime = 900, SpawnType = "Random", SpawnFile = "", DefaultRoamSpeed = BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Slow.ToString(), LocalRoam = false, RoamDistance = 150, UseProfiles = false, UseSenses = true }, Member = new ConfigData.MemberOptions { IgnoreSleepers = false, TargetAnimals = true, TargetedByAnimals = true, TargetedByNPCs = true, TargetedByTurrets = false, TargetedByAPC = false, TargetNPCs = true, TargetHumanNPCs = false, GiveGlowEyes = true, HeadshotKills = true, Loadouts = BuildDefaultLoadouts(), KillUnderWater = true, TargetedByPeaceKeeperTurrets = true, EnableDormantSystem = true }, Loot = new ConfigData.LootTable { DropInventory = false, Random = BuildDefaultLootTable(), DroppedBlacklist = new string[] { "exampleitem.shortname1", "exampleitem.shortname2" } }, TimedSpawns = new ConfigData.TimedSpawnOptions { Enabled = false, Despawn = true, Start = 18f, End = 6f }, HordeProfiles = new Dictionary> { ["Profile1"] = new List { "loadout-1", "loadout-2", "loadout-3" }, ["Profile2"] = new List { "loadout-2", "loadout-3", "loadout-4" }, }, Monument = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn { Airfield = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 85, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "", }, Dome = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 50, HordeSize = 10, }, Junkyard = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 100, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, GasStation = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 40, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, LargeHarbor = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 120, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, Powerplant = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 120, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, HQMQuarry = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 40, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, StoneQuarry = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 40, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, SulfurQuarry = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 40, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, Radtown = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 85, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, LaunchSite = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 140, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, Satellite = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 60, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, SmallHarbor = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 85, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, Supermarket = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 20, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, Trainyard = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 100, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, Tunnels = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 90, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, Warehouse = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 40, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, WaterTreatment = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.MonumentSettings { Enabled = false, RoamDistance = 120, HordeSize = 10, Profile = "" }, Custom = new List() { new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.CustomSpawnPoints { Enabled = false, HordeSize = 3, Location = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.CustomSpawnPoints.SerializedVector { X = 0f, Y = 0f, Z = 0f }, Profile = string.Empty, RoamDistance = -1 }, new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.CustomSpawnPoints { Enabled = false, HordeSize = 3, Location = new ConfigData.MonumentSpawn.CustomSpawnPoints.SerializedVector { X = 0f, Y = 0f, Z = 0f }, Profile = string.Empty, RoamDistance = -1 } } }, Version = Version }; } private List BuildDefaultLoadouts() { List list = new List(); PlayerInventoryProperties[] loadouts = DefaultLoadouts; if (loadouts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < loadouts.Length; i++) { PlayerInventoryProperties inventoryProperties = loadouts[i]; ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout loadout = new ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout($"loadout-{list.Count}"); for (int belt = 0; belt < inventoryProperties.belt.Count; belt++) { PlayerInventoryProperties.ItemAmountSkinned item = inventoryProperties.belt[belt]; loadout.BeltItems.Add(new ConfigData.LootTable.InventoryItem() { Shortname = item.itemDef.shortname, SkinID = item.skinOverride, Amount = (int)item.amount }); } for (int main = 0; main < inventoryProperties.main.Count; main++) { PlayerInventoryProperties.ItemAmountSkinned item = inventoryProperties.main[main]; loadout.MainItems.Add(new ConfigData.LootTable.InventoryItem() { Shortname = item.itemDef.shortname, SkinID = item.skinOverride, Amount = (int)item.amount }); } for (int wear = 0; wear < inventoryProperties.wear.Count; wear++) { PlayerInventoryProperties.ItemAmountSkinned item = inventoryProperties.wear[wear]; loadout.WearItems.Add(new ConfigData.LootTable.InventoryItem() { Shortname = item.itemDef.shortname, SkinID = item.skinOverride, Amount = (int)item.amount }); } list.Add(loadout); } } return list; } private ConfigData.LootTable.RandomLoot BuildDefaultLootTable() { ConfigData.LootTable.RandomLoot randomLoot = new ConfigData.LootTable.RandomLoot(); randomLoot.Minimum = 3; randomLoot.Maximum = 9; randomLoot.List = new List(); LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[] loot = DefaultLootSpawns; if (loot != null) { for (int i = 0; i < loot.Length; i++) { LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot lootSpawn = loot[i]; for (int y = 0; y < lootSpawn.definition.subSpawn.Length; y++) { LootSpawn.Entry entry = lootSpawn.definition.subSpawn[y]; for (int c = 0; c < entry.category.items.Length; c++) { ItemAmountRanged itemAmountRanged = entry.category.items[c]; ConfigData.LootTable.RandomLoot.LootDefinition lootDefinition = new ConfigData.LootTable.RandomLoot.LootDefinition(); lootDefinition.Probability = lootSpawn.probability; lootDefinition.Shortname = itemAmountRanged.itemDef.shortname; lootDefinition.Minimum = (int)itemAmountRanged.amount; lootDefinition.Maximum = (int)itemAmountRanged.maxAmount; lootDefinition.SkinID = 0; lootDefinition.IsBlueprint = itemAmountRanged.itemDef.spawnAsBlueprint; lootDefinition.Required = null; randomLoot.List.Add(lootDefinition); } } } } return randomLoot; } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(Configuration, true); private void UpdateConfigValues() { PrintWarning("Config update detected! Updating config values..."); ConfigData baseConfig = GetBaseConfig(); if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 2, 0)) Configuration = baseConfig; if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 2, 1)) Configuration.Loot.Random = baseConfig.Loot.Random; if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 2, 2)) { for (int i = 0; i < Configuration.Member.Loadouts.Count; i++) Configuration.Member.Loadouts[i].LoadoutID = $"loadout-{i}"; Configuration.Horde.LocalRoam = false; Configuration.Horde.RoamDistance = 150; Configuration.Horde.UseProfiles = false; Configuration.HordeProfiles = baseConfig.HordeProfiles; Configuration.Monument.Airfield.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.Dome.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.GasStation.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.HQMQuarry.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.Junkyard.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.LargeHarbor.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.LaunchSite.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.Powerplant.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.Radtown.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.Satellite.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.SmallHarbor.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.StoneQuarry.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.SulfurQuarry.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.Supermarket.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.Trainyard.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.Tunnels.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.Warehouse.Profile = string.Empty; Configuration.Monument.WaterTreatment.Profile = string.Empty; } if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 2, 13)) Configuration.TimedSpawns = baseConfig.TimedSpawns; if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 2, 18)) Configuration.Member.TargetedByPeaceKeeperTurrets = Configuration.Member.TargetedByTurrets; if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 2, 30)) { if (Configuration.Horde.SpawnType == "RandomSpawns" || Configuration.Horde.SpawnType == "Default") Configuration.Horde.SpawnType = "Random"; } if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 2, 31)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.Horde.SpawnType)) Configuration.Horde.SpawnType = "Random"; } if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 3, 0)) { Configuration.Horde.UseSenses = true; } if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 3, 5)) { Configuration.Loot.DroppedBlacklist = baseConfig.Loot.DroppedBlacklist; } if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 4, 0)) { foreach(ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout loadout in Configuration.Member.Loadouts) { loadout.AimConeScale = 2f; loadout.Movement = new ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout.MovementStats { Speed = 6.2f, Acceleration = 12f, TurnSpeed = 120f, FastSpeedFraction = 1f, NormalSpeedFraction = 0.5f, SlowSpeedFraction = 0.3f, SlowestSpeedFraction = 0.16f, LowHealthMaxSpeedFraction = 0.5f }; loadout.Sensory = new ConfigData.MemberOptions.Loadout.SensoryStats { AttackRangeMultiplier = 1.5f, IgnoreNonVisionSneakers = true, IgnoreSafeZonePlayers = true, ListenRange = 20f, SenseRange = 30f, TargetLostRange = 40f, VisionCone = 135f }; } if (Configuration.Loot.DroppedBlacklist == null) Configuration.Loot.DroppedBlacklist = baseConfig.Loot.DroppedBlacklist; Configuration.Horde.DefaultRoamSpeed = BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Slow.ToString(); Configuration.Member.EnableDormantSystem = true; Configuration.Member.TargetAnimals = true; Configuration.Member.TargetedByNPCs = true; Configuration.Member.TargetedByPeaceKeeperTurrets = true; } if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 4, 2)) Configuration.Member.TargetedByAnimals = true; if (Configuration.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(0, 4, 8)) { if (Configuration.Monument.Custom == null) Configuration.Monument.Custom = baseConfig.Monument.Custom; Configuration.Member.CanSwim = true; Configuration.Member.KillUnderWater = false; } Configuration.Version = Version; PrintWarning("Config update completed!"); } #endregion } }