using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui; using UnityEngine; using Rust; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Oxide.Core; using ProtoBuf; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("CopterTaxi", "Qbis", "1.2.0")] public class CopterTaxi : RustPlugin { #region [Vars] [PluginReference] Plugin ImageLibrary, Economics, IQEconomic, ServerRewards; private static CopterTaxi plugin; private List Copters = new List(); private Dictionary playersLastCall = new Dictionary(); private List SpawnsComp = new List() { new Vector3(13.2f, 11.1f, 3.0f), new Vector3(17.2f, 0.3f, -29.7f), new Vector3(-45.7f, 0.3f, -70.7f), new Vector3(50.7f, 0.3f, 57.7f) }; private List SpawnsBandit = new List() { new Vector3(45.2f, 15.1f, -20.0f), new Vector3(-15.2f, 5.1f, 5.0f), new Vector3(55.2f, 11.1f, 18.0f), new Vector3(13.2f, 11.1f, 63.0f) }; #endregion #region [Config] private PluginConfig config; protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { config = PluginConfig.DefaultConfig(); } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); config = Config.ReadObject(); if (config.PluginVersion < Version) UpdateConfigValues(); Config.WriteObject(config, true); } private void UpdateConfigValues() { PluginConfig baseConfig = PluginConfig.DefaultConfig(); if (config.PluginVersion < Version) { PrintWarning("Plugin update detected! Checking config values..."); if (Version == new VersionNumber(1, 0, 5)) { = 80f; } if(Version == new VersionNumber(1, 2, 0)) { = "compound"; } config.PluginVersion = Version; PrintWarning("Config checked completed!"); } config.PluginVersion = Version; } protected override void SaveConfig() { Config.WriteObject(config); } private class PluginConfig { [JsonProperty("Taxi Settings")] public TaxiSettings taxi; [JsonProperty("Taxi fare settings")] public PriceSettings price; [JsonProperty("Configuring the UI")] public UiSettings ui; [JsonProperty("Config version")] public VersionNumber PluginVersion = new VersionNumber(); public static PluginConfig DefaultConfig() { return new PluginConfig() { taxi = new TaxiSettings() { name = "Vitalya", clothes = new Dictionary { ["hat.cap"] = 2275597860, ["tshirt"] = 2442749397, ["pants"] = 2346785436, [""] = 1427198029 }, copterCount = 4, copterSpeed = 2f, copterFly = 80f, copterSpeedUp = 0.2f, copterSpeedLow = 0.5f, copterCallAgain = 600, copterWaitPay = 300, chatIcon = 76561198976168730, monument = "compound", permmission = "coptertaxi.use", discount = new Dictionary() { ["coptertaxi.discount10"] = 10, ["coptertaxi.discount20"] = 20, ["coptertaxi.discount30"] = 30 } }, price = new PriceSettings() { type = "Item", Cost = 100, shortname = "scrap", skinID = 0, url = "" }, ui = new UiSettings() { colorBG = "0 0 0 0.3", colorLines = "1.00 0.64 0.28 1.00", colorButtonPay = "0.09 0.39 0.14 0.85", colorButtonReturn = "0.39 0.09 0.14 0.85", colorButtonCall = "1.00 0.75 0.50 0.5", photoUrl = "" }, PluginVersion = new VersionNumber() }; } } public class TaxiSettings { [JsonProperty("Name for the taxi driver")] public string name; [JsonProperty("Taxi driver's clothes")] public Dictionary clothes; [JsonProperty("How much to create a taxi (from 1 to 4)")] public int copterCount; [JsonProperty("Taxi flight altitude (from 80 to 150) (change with caution!)")] public float copterFly; [JsonProperty("Taxi flight speed (change with caution!)")] public float copterSpeed; [JsonProperty("Taxi flight acceleration speed (change with caution!)")] public float copterSpeedUp; [JsonProperty("Taxi flight deceleration speed (change with caution!)")] public float copterSpeedLow; [JsonProperty("How long does the taxi driver wait for the player to assign a route (in seconds)")] public int copterWaitPay; [JsonProperty("How often a player can call a taxi (in seconds)")] public int copterCallAgain; [JsonProperty("Privilege to use a taxi")] public string permmission; [JsonProperty("Privileges for discounts")] public Dictionary discount; [JsonProperty("Avatar for notification in the chat (SteamID)")] public ulong chatIcon; [JsonProperty("City to spawn Scrap copter (compound, bandit_town)")] public string monument; } public class PriceSettings { [JsonProperty("Payment type for taxi Item, CustomItem, Economics, IQEconomic, ServerRewards")] public string type; [JsonProperty("The cost of 1km")] public int Cost; [JsonProperty("Item ShortName (for Item, CustomItem)")] public string shortname; [JsonProperty("Item SkinID (for CustomItem)")] public ulong skinID; [JsonProperty("Link to the image of the item/currency (except Item)")] public string url; } public class UiSettings { [JsonProperty("Background color")] public string colorBG; [JsonProperty("Outline color")] public string colorLines; [JsonProperty("Link to the logo")] public string photoUrl; [JsonProperty("Color of the 'Call' button")] public string colorButtonCall; [JsonProperty("Color of the 'Pay' button")] public string colorButtonPay; [JsonProperty("The color of the 'Refuse' button")] public string colorButtonReturn; } #endregion #region Localization⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["AlreadyCall"] = "You have already been allocated a taxi!", ["Cant"] = "There is an obstacle for landing in this place, choose another point!", ["Near"] = "To fly too close, and you can walk!", ["NoBuild1"] = "A taxi will soon sit in this place, construction is prohibited at times!", ["NoBuild2"] = "Building next to a taxi is prohibited!", ["NoPerm"] = "You don't have access to call a taxi!", ["Distance"] = "Remaining: {0}km", ["Marker"] = "Waiting for a marker: {0}m. {1}s.", ["Nofunds"] = "You don't have enough funds", ["Say1"] = "{0}: Hello, put a point on the map where to take you!", ["Say2"] = "{0}: Bye!", ["Say3"] = "{0}: Hello, I'm here! I ask you to board.", ["Say4"] = "{0}: I warm up the engine and fly to you!", ["Say5"] = "{0}: Fasten your seat belts, we take off!", ["UI_Header"] = "Vitala-Taxi LLC", ["UI_Text"] = "Tired of wasting resources? So call Vital!\nWe will deliver with comfort and a solid fart!", ["UI_Cost"] = "for 1 km | Discount {0}%", ["UI_Cost2"] = "flight cost | Distance {0} km | Discount {1}%", ["UI_Call"] = "A taxi call will be available in {0}h. {1}m. {2}s.", ["UI_NoCall"] = "There are no available taxis at the moment, please try again later", ["UI_Call2"] = "Call", ["UI_Pay"] = "Pay", ["UI_Close"] = "Close", ["UI_Refuse"] = "Refuse", ["UI_Free"] = "Free" }, this); lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["AlreadyCall"] = "Вам уже выделено такси!", ["Cant"] = "В этом месте есть помехи для посадки, выберите другую точку!", ["Near"] = "Слишком близко лететь, можно и пешочком!", ["NoBuild1"] = "В этом месте скоро сядет такси, постройка времена запрещена!", ["NoBuild2"] = "Постройка рядом с такси запрещена!", ["NoPerm"] = "У вас нет доступа для вызова такси!", ["Distance"] = "Осталось: {0}км", ["Marker"] = "Ожидание маркера: {0}м. {1}с.", ["Nofunds"] = "У вас недостаточно средств!", ["Say1"] = "{0}: Здравствуйте, поставьте точку на карте, куда Вас подвезти!", ["Say2"] = "{0}: До свидания!", ["Say3"] = "{0}: Здравствуйте, я на месте! Прошу Вас на борт.", ["Say4"] = "{0}: Прогреваю двигатель и вылетаю к Вам!", ["Say5"] = "{0}: Пристегнуть ремни, мы взлетаем!", ["UI_Header"] = "ООО Виталя-Такси", ["UI_Text"] = "Устал просирать ресурсы? Так вызови Виталю!\nДоставим с комфортом и цельным пуканом!", ["UI_Cost"] = "за 1 км | Скидка {0}%", ["UI_Cost2"] = "стоимость перелета | Расстояние {0}км | Скидка {1}%", ["UI_Call"] = "Вызов такси будет доступен через {0}ч. {1}м. {2}c.", ["UI_NoCall"] = "В данный момент нет свободных такси, попробуйте позже.", ["UI_Call2"] = "Вызвать", ["UI_Pay"] = "Оплатить", ["UI_Close"] = "Закрыть", ["UI_Refuse"] = "Отказаться", ["UI_Free"] = "Бесплатно" }, this, "ru"); } string GetMsg(string key, BasePlayer player = null) => lang.GetMessage(key, this, player?.UserIDString); string GetMsg(string key) => lang.GetMessage(key, this); #endregion #region [Func] private void SpawnHelicopters() { var monument = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType().Where(m =>; if(monument == null) { PrintError($"Monument {} not found!"); return; } List Spawns = new List(); if ( == "bandit_town") Spawns = SpawnsBandit; else Spawns = SpawnsComp; int i = 0; foreach (var spawn in Spawns) { if (i >= return; var copter = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", monument.transform.position + monument.transform.rotation * spawn) as ScrapTransportHelicopter; copter.enableSaving = false; copter.Spawn(); BasePlayer bot = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/player/player.prefab", copter.transform.position + new Vector3(-5f, 5f, 0f)).ToPlayer(); bot.enableSaving = false; bot.Spawn(); bot.displayName =; foreach (var cloth in { var item = ItemManager.CreateByName(cloth.Key, 1, cloth.Value); item.MoveToContainer(bot.inventory.containerWear); } BaseMountable seat; bot.MountObject(seat = copter.GetIdealMountPoint(bot.eyes.position, bot.transform.position, bot)); seat.AttemptMount(bot); var AI = copter.gameObject.AddComponent(); AI.SetCopterWaitOrderPos(monument.transform.position + monument.transform.rotation * spawn); AI.SetTaxiDriver(bot); Copters.Add(copter); i++; } } private bool IsPlayerOnHeli(BasePlayer player) { if (player.isMounted) { var heli = player.GetMountedVehicle() as ScrapTransportHelicopter; if (heli == null) return false; if (Copters.Contains(heli)) return true; } var ParentHeli = player.GetComponentInParent(); if (ParentHeli != null) if (Copters.Contains(ParentHeli)) return true; return false; } private bool IsPlayerDriver(BasePlayer player) { if (player.isMounted) { var heli = player.GetMountedVehicle() as ScrapTransportHelicopter; if (heli == null) return false; if (Copters.Contains(heli)) { var AI = heli.GetComponent(); if (AI == null) return false; if (AI.IsTaxiDriver(player)) return true; } } return false; } private bool ValidPosition(Vector3 randomPos, BasePlayer player = null) { if (WaterLevel.Test(randomPos + new Vector3(0, 1.3f, 0))) return false; var colliders = new List(); Vis.Colliders(randomPos, 8f, colliders); if (colliders.Where(col =>"prevent") &&"building")).Count() > 0) return false; var entities = new List(); Vis.Entities(randomPos, 8f, entities); if (entities.Where(ent => ent is BaseVehicle || ent is CargoShip || ent is BaseHelicopter || ent is BradleyAPC || ent is BuildingBlock).Count() > 0) return false; Vis.Entities(randomPos, 4f, entities); if (entities.Where(ent => ent.PrefabName.Contains("resource")).Count() > 0) return false; var cupboards = new List(); Vis.Entities(randomPos, 30f, cupboards); if (player == null) if (cupboards.Count > 0) return false; else { foreach (var cup in cupboards) if (cup.IsAuthed(player)) return true; } return true; } private bool IsAlreadyClient(BasePlayer player, AIcopter c) { foreach (var copter in Copters) { var AI = copter.GetComponent(); if (AI == null) continue; if (AI.GetTaxiClient() == player) { if (AI == c) return false; else return true; } } return false; } private bool IsAlreadyClient(BasePlayer player) { foreach (var copter in Copters) { var AI = copter.GetComponent(); if (AI == null) continue; if (AI.GetTaxiClient() == player) return true; } return false; } private int GetCost(float distance) => Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(distance / 1000 * config.price.Cost)); private bool HasPlayerItems(BasePlayer player, string shortname, int amount, ulong skinid = 0) { var playerHas = 0; foreach(var item in player.inventory.containerMain.itemList) { if ( == shortname && == skinid) playerHas += item.amount; if (playerHas >= amount) return true; } foreach (var item in player.inventory.containerBelt.itemList) { if ( == shortname && == skinid) playerHas += item.amount; if (playerHas >= amount) return true; } return false; } private void RemovePlayerItems(BasePlayer player, string shortname, int amount, ulong skinid = 0) { int count = amount; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { var item = player.inventory.containerMain.GetSlot(i); if (item == null) continue; if ( == shortname && == skinid) { if (item.amount > count) { item.UseItem(count); count = 0; } else if (item.amount < count) { count -= item.amount; item.UseItem(item.amount); } else { item.UseItem(item.amount); count = 0; } if (count == 0) return; } } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { var item = player.inventory.containerBelt.GetSlot(i); if (item == null) continue; if ( == shortname && == skinid) { if (item.amount > count) { item.UseItem(count); count = 0; } else if (item.amount < count) { count -= item.amount; item.UseItem(item.amount); } else { item.UseItem(item.amount); count = 0; } if (count == 0) return; } } } private string PayTaxi(BasePlayer player, int amount) { if (amount <= 0) return "paid"; switch(config.price.type) { case "Economics": return (bool)Economics?.Call("Withdraw", player.userID, Convert.ToDouble(amount)) ? "paid" : GetMsg("Nofunds", player); case "IQEconomic": if ((bool)IQEconomic.Call("API_IS_REMOVED_BALANCE", player.userID, amount) == false) return GetMsg("Nofunds", player); IQEconomic.Call("API_REMOVE_BALANCE", player.userID, amount); return "paid"; case "ServerRewards": return ServerRewards?.Call("TakePoints", player.userID, amount) == null ? GetMsg("Nofunds", player) : "paid"; case "Item": if (!HasPlayerItems(player, config.price.shortname, amount)) return GetMsg("Nofunds", player); RemovePlayerItems(player, config.price.shortname, amount); return "paid"; case "CustomItem": if (!HasPlayerItems(player, config.price.shortname, amount, config.price.skinID)) return GetMsg("Nofunds", player); RemovePlayerItems(player, config.price.shortname, amount, config.price.skinID); return "paid"; } return "Ошибка #100, сообщите администратору"; } private int GetPlayerDiscount(BasePlayer player) { var discount = 0; foreach(var dis in => d.Value)) { if(permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, dis.Key)) { discount = dis.Value; break; } } return discount; } private void DisMountAllPlayers(Vector3 checkPos) { var players = new List(); Vis.Entities(checkPos, 8f, players); float r = 0f; foreach(var player in players) { if (!player.IsConnected || !player.IsAlive()) continue; if(IsPlayerOnHeli(player)) { if (player.isMounted) { player.GetMounted().DismountPlayer(player); } player.Teleport(checkPos + new Vector3(-3f, 3f, r)); r += 1f; } } } #endregion #region [Oxide] private void OnServerInitialized() { SpawnHelicopters(); permission.RegisterPermission(, this); foreach (var perm in permission.RegisterPermission(perm.Key, this); ImageLibrary?.Call("AddImage", config.ui.photoUrl, "taxiPhoto"); if (config.price.type != "Item") ImageLibrary?.Call("AddImage", config.price.url, config.price.type + "_" + config.price.skinID); } private void Init() { plugin = this; } private void Unload() { plugin = null; foreach (var copter in Copters) { if (copter != null) { var AI = copter.gameObject.GetComponent(); AI.KillTaxiDriver(); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(AI); copter.Kill(); } } } private object OnSamSiteTarget(SamSite entity, BaseCombatEntity target) { if (entity == null || target == null) return null; var heli = target as ScrapTransportHelicopter; if (!heli) return null; if (!Copters.Contains(heli)) return null; return false; } private object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { if (entity == null || info == null) return null; if (entity as ScrapTransportHelicopter) { if (Copters.Contains(entity as ScrapTransportHelicopter)) return true; return null; } var attacker = info?.InitiatorPlayer; var victim = entity?.ToPlayer(); if (victim == null) return null; if (attacker == null) { if (IsPlayerOnHeli(victim)) return true; return null; } if (IsPlayerOnHeli(attacker) || IsPlayerOnHeli(victim)) return true; return null; } private object CanMountEntity(BasePlayer player, BaseMountable entity) { if (entity == null || player == null) return null; var copter = entity.VehicleParent() as ScrapTransportHelicopter; if (copter == null) return null; if (!Copters.Contains(copter)) return null; var AI = copter.GetComponent(); if (AI == null) return null; if (IsAlreadyClient(player, AI)) { CreatePayCopterTaxiUI(player, "", 0, GetMsg("AlreadyCall", player)); return false; } if (AI.IsBusy()) return null; var client = AI.GetTaxiClient(); if (client == null) { AI.SetStateWaitMarker(); AI.SetNewClient(player); player.SendConsoleCommand("chat.add", new object[] { 0,, String.Format(GetMsg("Say1", player),}); return null; } if (player.userID == AI.GetTaxiClient().userID && AI.CanSetMarker()) player.SendConsoleCommand("chat.add", new object[] { 0,, String.Format(GetMsg("Say1", player), }); return null; } private void OnEntityDismounted(BaseMountable entity, BasePlayer player) { var copter = entity.VehicleParent() as ScrapTransportHelicopter; if (copter == null) return; if (!Copters.Contains(copter)) return; var AI = copter.GetComponent(); if (AI == null) return; if (Vector3.Distance(copter.transform.position, AI.GetCopterWaitOrderPos()) < 10f) { AI.SetStateWaitOrder(); AI.SetNewClient(null); player.SendConsoleCommand("chat.add", new object[] { 0,, String.Format(GetMsg("Say2", player), }); return; } } private void OnMapMarkerAdded(BasePlayer player, MapNote note) { if (!player.isMounted) return; var copter = player.GetMountedVehicle() as ScrapTransportHelicopter; if (copter == null) return; if (!Copters.Contains(copter)) return; var AI = copter.GetComponent(); if (AI == null) return; if (!AI.CanSetMarker()) return; var client = AI.GetTaxiClient(); if (client == null) return; if (client.userID != player.userID) return; RaycastHit hitInfo; Physics.Raycast(note.worldPosition + new Vector3(0f, 120f, 0f), Vector3.down, out hitInfo, 500f, Layers.Solid); if (!ValidPosition(hitInfo.point, player)) { CreatePayCopterTaxiUI(player, "", 0, GetMsg("Cant", player)); return; } if (Vector3.Distance(copter.transform.position, hitInfo.point) < 50f) { CreatePayCopterTaxiUI(player, "", 0, GetMsg("Near", player)); return; } var metre = Vector3.Distance(hitInfo.point, AI.transform.position - new Vector3(0, AI.GetFlyHeight(), 0)); var cost = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(metre / 1000 * config.price.Cost)); var disc = GetPlayerDiscount(player); if (disc < 100) cost = cost - (cost / 100 * GetPlayerDiscount(player)); else cost = 0; CreatePayCopterTaxiUI(player, (metre / 1000).ToString("0.00"), cost); AI.SetMarkerPos(hitInfo.point); } private object CanBuild(Planner plan, Construction prefab) { if (plan == null) return null; var player = plan?.GetOwnerPlayer(); if (player == null) return null; foreach(var copter in Copters) { var AI = copter.GetComponent(); if (AI == null) continue; if (!AI.IsBusy()) continue; if (AI.GoToPlayer()) { if (Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, AI.GetCopterPlayerPos()) < 15f) { player.ChatMessage(GetMsg("NoBuild1", player)); return false; } } else if (AI.GoToMarker()) { if (Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, AI.GetCopterMarkerPos()) < 15f) { player.ChatMessage(GetMsg("NoBuild1", player)); return false; } } else if(AI.WaitMarker()) { if (Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, AI.transform.position) < 15f) { player.ChatMessage(GetMsg("NoBuild2", player)); return false; } } } return null; } private object OnTurretTarget(AutoTurret turret, BaseCombatEntity entity) { if (turret == null || entity == null) return null; if (entity.ToPlayer() == null) return null; if (IsPlayerDriver(entity.ToPlayer())) return false; return null; } #endregion #region [Command] [ChatCommand("taxi")] private void cmd_CallTaxi(BasePlayer player, string c, string[] a) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, { player.ChatMessage(GetMsg("NoPerm", player)); return; } CreateCallCopterTaxiUI(player); } [ChatCommand("tt")] void casdas(BasePlayer player, string c, string[] a) { var entities = new List(); Vis.Entities(player.transform.position, 1f, entities); foreach (var ent in entities) player.ChatMessage(ent.PrefabName); } #endregion #region [AI] public class AIcopter : MonoBehaviour { private ScrapTransportHelicopter copter; private EntityFuelSystem fuelSystem; private VehicleEngineController engineController; private BasePlayer client; private BasePlayer driver; private Vector3 WaitOrderPos; private Vector3 PlayerPos; private Vector3 MarkerPos; private Timer speedTimer; private float speed; private bool Up; private bool Down; private bool Rotate; private bool Stop; private bool Engine; private bool LowSpeed; private bool SearhedLet; private bool Let; private FlyStates State; private float rotationSpeed; private float FlyHeight; private float WaitSecondsMarker; private int time; private int wait; private RaycastHit hitInfo; private RaycastHit RayLine; private Vector3 move; private int HeightTime; private int testtime = 0; private enum FlyStates { FlyToPlayer = 1, FlyToStart = 2, FlyToMarker = 3, WaitOrder = 4, WaitMarker = 5 } private void Awake() { copter = gameObject.GetComponent(); fuelSystem = copter.GetFuelSystem(); engineController = copter.engineController; } private void Start() { Up = false; Down = false; Rotate = false; Stop = true; Engine = false; LowSpeed = true; SearhedLet = false; State = FlyStates.WaitOrder; speed =; rotationSpeed = 0.5f; FlyHeight =; if(FlyHeight < 80) { FlyHeight = 80; plugin.PrintError("Taxi FlyHeight cant be lower 80"); } WaitSecondsMarker =; } private void FixedUpdate() { if (Engine) { fuelSystem.TryUseFuel(0f, copter.fuelPerSec); engineController.FinishStartingEngine(); } if (Up || Down) speed = 0.5f; switch (State) { #region [FlyToPlayer] case FlyStates.FlyToPlayer: if (Stop) return; if (Up == true) { MoveObj(new Vector3(WaitOrderPos.x, FlyHeight, WaitOrderPos.z)); if (Rotate) RotateObj(new Vector3(PlayerPos.x, transform.position.y, PlayerPos.z)); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, new Vector3(WaitOrderPos.x, FlyHeight, WaitOrderPos.z)) < 5f) { Up = false; Rotate = false; LowSpeed = true; move = PlayerPos; move.y = FlyHeight; StartCoroutine(Hover(2f)); ChangeSpeed(1); } return; } if (Down == true) { if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, PlayerPos) < 15f) speed = 0.3f; if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, PlayerPos) < 10f) speed = 0.2f; MoveObj(PlayerPos); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, PlayerPos) < 1.5f) { Stop = true; Engine = false; State = FlyStates.WaitMarker; wait = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; StartCoroutine(WaitMarker(WaitSecondsMarker)); Down = false; client.SendConsoleCommand("chat.add", new object[] { 0,, String.Format(plugin.GetMsg("Say3", client), }); } return; } if (client != null) { if (Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current - time >= 2) { SetPlayerFlag(client, BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, true); client.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", 2.01f, Color.white, PlayerPos + new Vector3(0, 2f, 0), String.Format(plugin.GetMsg("Distance", client), (Vector3.Distance(transform.position - new Vector3(0, FlyHeight, 0), PlayerPos) / 1000 ).ToString("0.00"))); SetPlayerFlag(client, BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, false); time = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; } } if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, PlayerPos + new Vector3(0, FlyHeight, 0)) < 100f) if (LowSpeed) ChangeSpeed(2); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, move) < 10f) { StartCoroutine(Hover(2f)); Down = true; MoveObj(move); } else MoveObj(move); break; #endregion #region [FlyToStart] case FlyStates.FlyToStart: if (Stop) return; if (Up == true) { MoveObj(PlayerPos + new Vector3(0f, FlyHeight, 0f)); if (Rotate) RotateObj(new Vector3(WaitOrderPos.x, transform.position.y, WaitOrderPos.z)); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, PlayerPos + new Vector3(0f, FlyHeight, 0f)) < 5f) { Up = false; Rotate = false; LowSpeed = true; move = WaitOrderPos; move.y = FlyHeight; StartCoroutine(Hover(2f)); ChangeSpeed(1); } return; } if (Down == true) { if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, WaitOrderPos) < 15f) speed = 0.3f; if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, WaitOrderPos) < 10f) speed = 0.2f; MoveObj(WaitOrderPos); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, WaitOrderPos) < 0.8f) { Stop = true; Engine = false; State = FlyStates.WaitOrder; client = null; MarkerPos =; Down = false; } return; } if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, WaitOrderPos + new Vector3(0, FlyHeight, 0)) < 100f) if (LowSpeed) ChangeSpeed(2); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, move) < 10f) { StartCoroutine(Hover(2f)); Down = true; MoveObj(move); } else MoveObj(move); break; #endregion #region [FlyToMarker] case FlyStates.FlyToMarker: if (Stop) return; if (Up == true) { MoveObj(PlayerPos + new Vector3(0f, FlyHeight, 0f)); if (Rotate) RotateObj(new Vector3(MarkerPos.x, transform.position.y, MarkerPos.z)); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, PlayerPos + new Vector3(0f, FlyHeight, 0f)) < 5f) { Up = false; Rotate = false; LowSpeed = true; move = MarkerPos; move.y = FlyHeight; StartCoroutine(Hover(2f)); ChangeSpeed(1); } return; } if (Down == true) { if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, MarkerPos) < 15f) speed = 0.3f; if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, MarkerPos) < 10f) speed = 0.2f; MoveObj(MarkerPos); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, MarkerPos) < 1.5f) { StartCoroutine(WaitOut(15f)); Stop = true; Engine = false; Down = false; } return; } if (Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current - time >= 2) { if (client != null) { SetPlayerFlag(client, BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, true); client.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", 2.01f, Color.white, MarkerPos + new Vector3(0, 3f, 0), String.Format(plugin.GetMsg("Distance", client), (Vector3.Distance(MarkerPos, transform.position - new Vector3(0, FlyHeight, 0)) / 1000).ToString("0.00"))); SetPlayerFlag(client, BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, false); time = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; } } if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, MarkerPos + new Vector3(0, FlyHeight, 0)) < 100f) if (LowSpeed) ChangeSpeed(2); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, move) < 10f) { StartCoroutine(Hover(2f)); Down = true; MoveObj(move); } else MoveObj(move); break; #endregion #region [WaitMarker] case FlyStates.WaitMarker: if (client != null) { if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, WaitOrderPos) > 10f) { if (Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current - time >= 2) { var wtime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(wait + - Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current); SetPlayerFlag(client, BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, true); client.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", 2.01f, Color.white, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 4f, 0), String.Format(plugin.GetMsg("Marker", client), wtime.Minutes, wtime.Seconds)); SetPlayerFlag(client, BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, false); time = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; } } } break; #endregion } } private void MoveObj(Vector3 move) { if (transform.position.y < FlyHeight - 5f && SearhedLet && !Let) { transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, new Vector3(transform.position.x, FlyHeight, transform.position.z), 1f); } else { transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, move, speed); } } private void RotateObj(Vector3 look) { Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(look - transform.position); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } private void ChangeSpeed(int action) { speedTimer?.Destroy(); if (action == 1) { SearhedLet = true; InvokeRepeating("CheckLet", 0.5f, 0.5f); speedTimer = plugin.timer.Every(1f, () => { if (speed >= + { speed =; speedTimer.Destroy(); return; } speed +=; }); } else if (action == 2) { LowSpeed = false; SearhedLet = false; speedTimer = plugin.timer.Every(2f, () => { if (speed <= 1f) { speed = 1f; speedTimer.Destroy(); return; } speed -=; }); } } private void CheckLet() { if(!SearhedLet) { CancelInvoke("CheckLet"); return; } Vector3 pos = new Vector3(transform.position.x, FlyHeight - 5f, transform.position.z); Vector3 direct = pos + transform.rotation * new Vector3(0, 0, 100f); if (Physics.Linecast(pos, direct, out RayLine, Layers.Solid)) { if (RayLine.distance < 10f) return; Let = true; FlyHeight += 15; move.y = FlyHeight; } else { Let = false; } } #region [IEnumerator] IEnumerator GoToPoint(FlyStates state) { Engine = true; FlyHeight =; yield return new WaitForSeconds(7f); Stop = false; Rotate = true; Up = true; if(state == FlyStates.FlyToStart || state == FlyStates.FlyToMarker) PlayerPos = transform.position; State = state; yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); if (state == FlyStates.FlyToStart) plugin.DisMountAllPlayers(transform.position); yield return null; } IEnumerator WaitMarker(float wait) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(wait); if (State == FlyStates.WaitMarker) { PlayerPos = transform.position; State = FlyStates.FlyToStart; StartCoroutine(GoToPoint(FlyStates.FlyToStart)); } yield return null; } IEnumerator WaitOut(float wait) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(wait); PlayerPos = transform.position; MarkerPos =; client = null; StartCoroutine(GoToPoint(FlyStates.FlyToStart)); yield return null; } IEnumerator Hover(float time) { Stop = true; yield return new WaitForSeconds(time); Stop = false; yield return null; } #endregion #region [Func] public void SetCopterWaitOrderPos(Vector3 pos) => WaitOrderPos = pos; public Vector3 GetCopterWaitOrderPos() => WaitOrderPos; public Vector3 GetCopterPlayerPos() => PlayerPos; public Vector3 GetCopterMarkerPos() => MarkerPos; public void SetTaxiDriver(BasePlayer bot) => driver = bot; public bool IsTaxiDriver(BasePlayer bot) => driver == bot; public BasePlayer GetTaxiClient() => client; public void KillTaxiDriver() => driver.Kill(); public void SetStateWaitMarker() => State = FlyStates.WaitMarker; public void SetStateWaitOrder() => State = FlyStates.WaitOrder; public void SetNewClient(BasePlayer player) => client = player; public float GetFlyHeight() => FlyHeight; public void SetMarkerPos(Vector3 pos) => MarkerPos = pos; public bool IsBusy() { if (State == FlyStates.WaitOrder) return false; return true; } public bool CanSetMarker() { if (State == FlyStates.WaitMarker) return true; return false; } public bool GoToPlayer() { if (State == FlyStates.FlyToPlayer) return true; return false; } public bool GoToMarker() { if (State == FlyStates.FlyToMarker) return true; return false; } public bool WaitMarker() { if (State == FlyStates.WaitMarker) return true; return false; } public void SetCopterClient(BasePlayer player) { client = player; PlayerPos = player.transform.position; State = FlyStates.FlyToPlayer; StartCoroutine(GoToPoint(FlyStates.FlyToPlayer)); } public void GoMarkerPosition() { PlayerPos = transform.position; StartCoroutine(GoToPoint(FlyStates.FlyToMarker)); State = FlyStates.FlyToMarker; } void SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer.PlayerFlags f, bool b) { if (plugin.permission.UserHasGroup(player.UserIDString, "admin")) return; if (b) { if (player.HasPlayerFlag(f)) return; player.playerFlags |= f; } else { if (!player.HasPlayerFlag(f)) return; player.playerFlags &= ~f; } player.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(false); } #endregion } #endregion #region [UI] private void CreateCallCopterTaxiUI(BasePlayer player) { CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer(); container.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = "Overlay", Name = "TaxiMain", Components = { new CuiImageComponent { Color = "0 0 0 0", Material = "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur-ingamemenu.mat" }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0 0", AnchorMax = "1 1" }, new CuiNeedsCursorComponent() } }); UI.CreateButton(ref container, "TaxiMain", "0 0 0 0", "", 0, "0 0", "1 1", "UI_CLOSE_TAXI"); UI.CreatePanelBlur(ref container, "TaxiPanel", "TaxiMain", config.ui.colorBG, "0.20 0.15", "0.80 0.90"); //Lines UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiLine", "TaxiPanel", $"{config.ui.colorLines}", "0 0", "0.001 1"); UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiLine", "TaxiPanel", $"{config.ui.colorLines}", "0 0", "1 0.001"); UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiLine", "TaxiPanel", $"{config.ui.colorLines}", "0.999 0", "1 1"); UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiLine", "TaxiPanel", $"{config.ui.colorLines}", "0 0.999", "1 1"); UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiPanel", GetMsg("UI_Header", player), "1 1 1 0.9", $"0 0.9", $"1 1", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 28); CreateImage(ref container, "TaxiHeader", "TaxiPanel", "1 1 1 1", "taxiPhoto", "0.2408962 0.5882353", "0.8039216 0.8970588"); UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiPanel", GetMsg("UI_Text", player), "1 1 1 0.9", $"0.06 0.4", $"1 0.56", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 22); UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiPrice", "TaxiPanel", "0 0 0 0", "0 0.252451", "1 0.3897059"); if(config.price.type == "Item") CreateImage(ref container, "TaxiIcon", "TaxiPrice", "1 1 1 1", config.price.shortname, "0.4238683 0.09999967", "0.5249794 0.9400001"); else CreateImage(ref container, "TaxiIcon", "TaxiPrice", "1 1 1 1", config.price.type + "_" + config.price.skinID, "0.4238683 0.09999967", "0.5249794 0.9400001"); UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiIcon", $"x{config.price.Cost}", "1 1 1 0.9", $"0 0", $"1 1", TextAnchor.LowerRight, 18); UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiPrice", String.Format(GetMsg("UI_Cost", player), GetPlayerDiscount(player)), "1 1 1 0.9", $"0.5404664 0.09999967", $"0.9794239 0.9400001", TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 18); int lastcall; playersLastCall.TryGetValue(player.userID, out lastcall); if (Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current - lastcall < { var time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(lastcall + - Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current); UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiPanel", String.Format(GetMsg("UI_Call", player), time.Hours, time.Minutes, time.Seconds), "1 1 1 0.9", "0.009602189 0.0401606", "0.9903979 0.1506023", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 20); } else UI.CreateButton(ref container, "TaxiPanel", config.ui.colorButtonCall, GetMsg("UI_Call2", player), 24, "0.2866939 0.05220878", "0.7421124 0.1506023", "UI_CALL_TAXI", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, "callbutton"); UI.CreateButton(ref container, "TaxiPanel", "0 0 0 0", "✘", 28, "0.9350427 0.9369025", "0.9982907 0.998088", "UI_CLOSE_TAXI"); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "TaxiMain"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container); } private void CreatePayCopterTaxiUI(BasePlayer player, string km, int cost, string text = "") { CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer(); container.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = "Overlay", Name = "TaxiMain", Components = { new CuiImageComponent { Color = "0 0 0 0", Material = "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur-ingamemenu.mat" }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0 0", AnchorMax = "1 1" }, new CuiNeedsCursorComponent() } }); UI.CreateButton(ref container, "TaxiMain", "0 0 0 0", "", 0, "0 0", "1 1", "UI_CLOSE_TAXI"); UI.CreatePanelBlur(ref container, "TaxiPanel", "TaxiMain", config.ui.colorBG, "0.2515625 0.4652777", "0.6929688 0.6319445"); //Lines UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiLine", "TaxiPanel", $"{config.ui.colorLines}", "0 0", "0.001 1"); UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiLine", "TaxiPanel", $"{config.ui.colorLines}", "0 0", "1 0.001"); UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiLine", "TaxiPanel", $"{config.ui.colorLines}", "0.999 0", "1 1"); UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiLine", "TaxiPanel", $"{config.ui.colorLines}", "0 0.999", "1 1"); if (text == "") { UI.CreatePanel(ref container, "TaxiCost", "TaxiPanel", $"0 0 0 0", "0 0.35", "1 0.9"); UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiCost", String.Format(GetMsg("UI_Cost2", player), km, GetPlayerDiscount(player)), "1 1 1 0.9", $"0.18 0", $"1 1", TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 18); if (config.price.type == "Item") CreateImage(ref container, "TaxiIcon", "TaxiCost", "1 1 1 1", config.price.shortname, "0.0511505 0.07500029", "0.1628318 0.9333332"); else CreateImage(ref container, "TaxiIcon", "TaxiCost", "1 1 1 1", config.price.type + "_" + config.price.skinID, "0.1411505 0.07500029", "0.2528318 0.9333332"); if(cost > 0) UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiIcon", $"x{cost}", "1 1 1 0.9", $"0 0", $"1 1", TextAnchor.LowerRight, 16); else UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiIcon", GetMsg("UI_Free", player), "1 1 1 0.9", $"0 0", $"1 1", TextAnchor.LowerRight, 12); UI.CreateButton(ref container, "TaxiPanel", config.ui.colorButtonPay, GetMsg("UI_Pay", player), 18, "0.2144448 0.08266856", "0.5806452 0.3372779", $"UI_PAY_TAXI {cost}"); UI.CreateButton(ref container, "TaxiPanel", config.ui.colorButtonReturn, GetMsg("UI_Refuse", player), 18, "0.6079932 0.08266856", "0.9741937 0.3372779", "UI_CLOSE_TAXI"); } else { UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiPanel", text, "1 1 1 0.9", $"0.03 0", $"0.97 1", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 18); UI.CreateButton(ref container, "TaxiPanel", config.ui.colorButtonReturn, GetMsg("UI_Close", player), 18, "0.6079932 0.08266856", "0.9741937 0.3372779", "UI_CLOSE_TAXI"); } CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "TaxiMain"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container); } [ConsoleCommand("UI_CLOSE_TAXI")] private void cmd_UI_CLOSE_TAXI(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player == null) return; CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "TaxiMain"); } [ConsoleCommand("UI_CALL_TAXI")] private void cmd_UI_CALL_TAXI(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player == null) return; bool canCall = false; AIcopter callCopter = null; if (!playersLastCall.ContainsKey(player.userID)) playersLastCall.Add(player.userID, 0); foreach(var copter in Copters) { var AI = copter.GetComponent(); if (AI == null) return; if (!AI.IsBusy()) { canCall = true; callCopter = AI; break; } } if(!canCall || callCopter == null) { CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer(); UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiPanel", GetMsg("UI_NoCall", player), "1 1 1 0.9", "0.009602189 0.0401606", "0.9903979 0.1506023", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 16); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "callbutton"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container); return; } if(Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current - playersLastCall[player.userID] < { CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer(); int lastcall; playersLastCall.TryGetValue(player.userID, out lastcall); var time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(lastcall + - Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current); UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiPanel", String.Format(GetMsg("UI_Call", player), time.Hours, time.Minutes, time.Seconds), "1 1 1 0.9", "0.009602189 0.0401606", "0.9903979 0.1506023", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 16); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "callbutton"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container); return; } if(!ValidPosition(player.transform.position, player)) { CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer(); UI.CreateButton(ref container, "TaxiPanel", config.ui.colorButtonCall, GetMsg("Cant", player), 12, "0.2866939 0.05220878", "0.7421124 0.1506023", "UI_CALL_TAXI", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, "callbutton"); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "callbutton"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container); return; } if(player.IsSwimming() || !player.IsOnGround()) { CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer(); UI.CreateButton(ref container, "TaxiPanel", config.ui.colorButtonCall, GetMsg("Cant", player), 12, "0.2866939 0.05220878", "0.7421124 0.1506023", "UI_CALL_TAXI", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, "callbutton"); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "callbutton"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container); return; } if(IsAlreadyClient(player)) { CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer(); UI.CreateTextOutLine(ref container, "TaxiPanel", GetMsg("AlreadyCall", player), "1 1 1 0.9", "0.009602189 0.0401606", "0.9903979 0.1506023", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 16); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "callbutton"); CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container); return; } playersLastCall[player.userID] = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; callCopter.SetCopterClient(player); player.SendConsoleCommand("chat.add", new object[] { 0,, String.Format(GetMsg("Say4", player), }); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "TaxiMain"); } [ConsoleCommand("UI_PAY_TAXI")] private void cmd_UI_PAY_TAXI(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player == null) return; var result = PayTaxi(player, Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[0])); if(result != "paid") { CreatePayCopterTaxiUI(player, "", 0, result); return; } foreach (var copter in Copters) { var AI = copter.GetComponent(); if (AI == null) return; if (AI.GetTaxiClient() != player) continue; AI.GoMarkerPosition(); player.SendConsoleCommand("chat.add", new object[] { 0,, String.Format(GetMsg("Say5", player),}); CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "TaxiMain"); return; } } #region [UI generator] public class UI { public static void CreateButton(ref CuiElementContainer container, string panel, string color, string text, int size, string aMin, string aMax, string command, TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, string name = "button", float FadeIn = 0f) { container.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Color = color, Command = command, FadeIn = FadeIn }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax }, Text = { Text = text, FontSize = size, Align = align } }, panel, name); } public static void CreatePanel(ref CuiElementContainer container, string name, string parent, string color, string aMin, string aMax, float Fadeout = 0f, float Fadein = 0f) { container.Add(new CuiElement { Name = name, Parent = parent, Components = { new CuiImageComponent { Color = color, FadeIn = Fadein }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax} }, FadeOut = Fadeout }); } public static void CreatePanelBlur(ref CuiElementContainer container, string name, string parent, string color, string aMin, string aMax, float Fadeout = 0f, float Fadein = 0f) { container.Add(new CuiPanel() { CursorEnabled = true, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax }, Image = { Color = color, Material = "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur-ingamemenu.mat", FadeIn = Fadein }, FadeOut = Fadeout }, parent, name); } public static void CreateText(ref CuiElementContainer container, string parent, string text, string color, string aMin, string aMax, TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, int size = 14, string name = "name", float Fadein = 0f) { container.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = parent, Name = name, Components = { new CuiTextComponent(){ Color = color, Text = text, FontSize = size, Align = align, FadeIn = Fadein }, new CuiRectTransformComponent{ AnchorMin = aMin ,AnchorMax = aMax } } }); } public static void CreateTextOutLine(ref CuiElementContainer container, string parent, string text, string color, string aMin, string aMax, TextAnchor align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, int size = 14, string name = "name", float Fadein = 0f) { container.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = parent, Name = name, Components = { new CuiTextComponent(){ Color = color, Text = text, FontSize = size, Align = align, FadeIn = Fadein }, new CuiRectTransformComponent{ AnchorMin = aMin ,AnchorMax = aMax }, new CuiOutlineComponent{ Color = "0 0 0 1" } } }); } } public void CreateImage(ref CuiElementContainer container, string name, string panel, string color, string image, string aMin, string aMax, float Fadeout = 0f, float Fadein = 0f, ulong skin = 0) { container.Add(new CuiElement { Name = name, Parent = panel, Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent { Color = color, Png = (string)ImageLibrary.Call("GetImage", image, skin), FadeIn = Fadein }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = aMin, AnchorMax = aMax }, }, FadeOut = Fadeout }); } #endregion #endregion } }