using Oxide.Core; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Rust; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using UnityEngine; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("WipeProtection", "FastBurst", "2.1.6")] [Description("Blocks raiding after wipe for so many hours")] class WipeProtection : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] Plugin HeliSupport; #region Vars private List cooldown = new List(); private float wipeprotecctime; private bool refund, broadcastend, msgadmin; private const string permUse = "wipeprotection.use"; private static WipeProtection Instance { get; set; } private StoredData storedData; private Dictionary raidtools = new Dictionary { {"", "rocket_fire" }, {"ammo.rocket.hv", "rocket_hv" }, {"ammo.rocket.basic", "rocket_basic" }, {"explosive.timed", "explosive.timed.deployed" }, {"surveycharge", "survey_charge.deployed" }, {"explosive.satchel", "explosive.satchel.deployed" }, {"grenade.beancan", "grenade.beancan.deployed" }, {"grenade.f1", "grenade.f1.deployed" }, {"ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "40mm_grenade_he"}, {"ammo.rifle", "riflebullet" }, {"ammo.rifle.explosive", "riflebullet_explosive" }, {"ammo.rifle.incendiary", "riflebullet_fire" }, {"ammo.pistol", "pistolbullet" }, {"", "pistolbullet_fire" }, {"ammo.shotgun", "shotgunbullet" }, {"", "shotgunbullet_fire" }, {"ammo.shotgun.slug", "shotgunslug" }, {"", "arrow_fire" } }; #endregion #region Oxide Hooks private void Unload() => SaveFile(); private void Init() { permission.RegisterPermission(permUse, this); lang.RegisterMessages(Messages, this); Instance = this; storedData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject(this.Name); CheckTime(); } private void CheckTime() { timer.Every(30f, () => { if (!storedData.wipeprotection) return; if (DateTime.Now >= Convert.ToDateTime(storedData.RaidStartTime)) { if (configData.Settings.broadcastend) SendChatMessage("raidprotection_ended"); storedData.wipeprotection = false; SaveFile(); return; } }); } private void OnNewSave(string filename) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime rs = now.AddHours(configData.Settings.wipeprotecctime); storedData.wipeprotection = true; storedData.lastwipe = SaveRestore.SaveCreatedTime.ToString(); storedData.RaidStartTime = rs.ToString(); SaveFile(); PrintWarning(msg("console_auto"), now, rs); } private void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player) { if (!player.IsAdmin || !configData.Settings.msgadmin || !storedData.wipeprotection) return; string remaining = Convert.ToDateTime(storedData.RaidStartTime).Subtract(DateTime.Now).ToShortString(); SendReply(player, msg("adminmsg"), "[WipeProtection]", storedData.RaidStartTime, remaining); } private object CanHelicopterTarget(PatrolHelicopterAI heli, BaseEntity entity) { if (heli != null && heli.helicopterBase != null && heli.helicopterBase.skinID != 0) return null; object successAFD = Instance.HeliSupport?.Call("IsHeliSupport", heli as PatrolHelicopterAI); if (successAFD is bool && (bool)successAFD) { return true; } return true; } private object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hitinfo) { if (hitinfo == null || entity == null || entity.OwnerID == hitinfo?.InitiatorPlayer?.userID || entity?.OwnerID == 0 || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == null) return null; if (!(entity is BuildingBlock || entity is Door || entity.PrefabName.Contains("deployable"))) return null; BasePlayer attacker = hitinfo.InitiatorPlayer; string name = null; if (hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "rocket_fire" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "rocket_hv" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "rocket_basic" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "explosive.timed.deployed" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "survey_charge.deployed" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "explosive.satchel.deployed" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "grenade.beancan.deployed" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "grenade.f1.deployed" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "40mm_grenade_he" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "ammo.rifle" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "ammo.rifle.explosive" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "ammo.rifle.incendiary" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "ammo.pistol" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "" || hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName == "ammo.rifle.explosive" ) { name = hitinfo?.WeaponPrefab?.ShortPrefabName; } else { name = hitinfo?.ProjectilePrefab?.name.ToString(); } if (cooldown.Contains(attacker)) { RemoveCD(attacker); if (WipeProtected()) { hitinfo.damageTypes = new DamageTypeList(); hitinfo.DoHitEffects = false; hitinfo.HitMaterial = 0; return true; } return null; } cooldown.Add(attacker); RemoveCD(attacker); if (WipeProtected()) { //Puts(name.ToString()); hitinfo.damageTypes = new DamageTypeList(); hitinfo.DoHitEffects = false; hitinfo.HitMaterial = 0; msgPlayer(attacker, entity); Refund(attacker, name, entity); return true; } return null; } #endregion #region Functions private void RemoveCD(BasePlayer player) { if (player == null) return; timer.In(0.1f, () => { if (cooldown.Contains(player)) cooldown.Remove(player); }); } bool WipeProtected() { if (!storedData.wipeprotection) return false; if (DateTime.Now < (Convert.ToDateTime(storedData.RaidStartTime))) return true; return false; } private void msgPlayer(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) { if (WipeProtected()) { SendReply(player, msg("wipe_blocked")); return; } } private void Refund(BasePlayer player, string name, BaseEntity ent) { if (configData.Settings.Refunds.RefundAmmo) { foreach (var entry in raidtools) { if (name == entry.Value) { Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(entry.Key, 1); player.GiveItem(item); if (configData.Settings.Refunds.NotifyRefund) SendReply(player, msg("refunded"),; } } } else { if (configData.Settings.Refunds.NotifyRefundNo) SendReply(player, msg("refundedNot")); } } private void SaveFile() => Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject(this.Name, storedData); #endregion #region Commands [ConsoleCommand("wp")] private void wipeCmd(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Connection != null) return; var player = arg.Player(); if (arg.Args == null || arg.Args.Length == 0) { Puts("Wipe Protection by:: FastBurst"); Puts("wp start - Manually start wipe protection"); Puts("wp stop - Manually stop wipe protection"); return; } if (arg.IsAdmin == true) { switch (arg.Args[0].ToLower()) { case "start": DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime rs = now.AddHours(configData.Settings.wipeprotecctime); storedData.wipeprotection = true; storedData.lastwipe = SaveRestore.SaveCreatedTime.ToString(); storedData.RaidStartTime = rs.ToString(); SaveFile(); Puts(msg("console_manual"), now, rs); return; case "stop": storedData.wipeprotection = false; SaveFile(); Puts(msg("console_stopped")); return; default: break; } } else { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, permUse) == false) { SendReply(arg, msg("permission")); return; } } } [ChatCommand("wp")] private void wipeCmd2(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, permUse) == false) { SendReply(player, msg("permission")); return; } if (args.Length == 0) { var helpmsg = new StringBuilder(); helpmsg.Append("Wipe Protection by: FastBurst\n"); helpmsg.Append("/wp start - Manually start wipe protection\n"); helpmsg.Append("/wp stop - Manually stop wipe protection\n"); SendReply(player, helpmsg.ToString().TrimEnd()); return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "start": DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime rs = now.AddHours(configData.Settings.wipeprotecctime); storedData.wipeprotection = true; storedData.lastwipe = SaveRestore.SaveCreatedTime.ToString(); storedData.RaidStartTime = rs.ToString(); SaveFile(); SendReply(player, msg("console_manual"), now, rs); return; case "stop": storedData.wipeprotection = false; SaveFile(); SendReply(player, msg("console_stopped")); return; default: player.ChatMessage("Invalid syntax!"); break; } } #endregion #region Config private static ConfigData configData; private class ConfigData { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Settings")] public SettingOptions Settings { get; set; } public class SettingOptions { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Broadcast to chat when raid block has ended")] public bool broadcastend { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Message admins on connection with info on when the raid block is ending")] public bool msgadmin { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Wipe protection time (hours)")] public float wipeprotecctime { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Refunding Options")] public RefundSettings Refunds { get; set; } public class RefundSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Refunding of Explosives & Rockets")] public bool RefundAmmo { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable notifican on refunding of ammo types")] public bool NotifyRefund { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable notifican on denial of refunding of ammo types")] public bool NotifyRefundNo { get; set; } } } public Oxide.Core.VersionNumber Version { get; set; } } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); configData = Config.ReadObject(); if (configData.Version < Version) UpdateConfigValues(); Config.WriteObject(configData, true); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => configData = GetBaseConfig(); private ConfigData GetBaseConfig() { return new ConfigData { Settings = new ConfigData.SettingOptions { broadcastend = true, msgadmin = true, wipeprotecctime = 24f, Refunds = new ConfigData.SettingOptions.RefundSettings { RefundAmmo = true, NotifyRefund = true, NotifyRefundNo = true } }, Version = Version }; } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(configData, true); private void UpdateConfigValues() { PrintWarning("Config update detected! Updating config values..."); ConfigData baseConfig = GetBaseConfig(); if (configData.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(2, 0, 0)) configData = baseConfig; if (configData.Version < new Core.VersionNumber(2, 0, 3)) configData.Settings.Refunds = baseConfig.Settings.Refunds; configData.Version = Version; PrintWarning("Config update completed!"); } private T GetConfig(string name, T defaultValue) { if (Config[name] == null) return defaultValue; return (T)Convert.ChangeType(Config[name], typeof(T)); } #endregion #region DataFile private class StoredData { public bool wipeprotection; public string lastwipe; public string RaidStartTime; public StoredData() { } } #endregion #region Lang private static void SendChatMessage(string key, params object[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count; i++) { BasePlayer player = BasePlayer.activePlayerList[i]; player.ChatMessage(args != null ? string.Format(msg(key, player.UserIDString), args) : msg(key, player.UserIDString)); } } private static string msg(string key, string playerId = null) => Instance.lang.GetMessage(key, Instance, playerId); private Dictionary Messages = new Dictionary { ["adminmsg"] = "Wipe protection ending at {0} ({1})", ["console_manual"] = "Manually setting {0} as wipe time and {1} as time after which raiding is possible", ["console_auto"] = "Detected wipe, setting {0} as wipe time and {1} as time after which raiding is possible", ["console_stopped"] = "Everything is now raidable", ["raidprotection_ended"] = "Wipe protection is now over.", ["dataFileWiped"] = "Data file successfully wiped", ["permission"] = "You don't have permission to use that!", ["refunded"] = "Your '{0}' was refunded.", ["refundedNot"] = "Your Ammo or Explosives are not being refunded and has been lost due to trying to raid before the time allowed.", ["wipe_blocked"] = "This entity cannot be destroyed because all raiding is currently blocked." }; #endregion } }