using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Newtonsoft.Json; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui; using Facepunch; // V1.2.3 update notes. // Fix for failure to detect held/active item when using commands for custom item creation. // Fixed 'All' parameter not working when using commands for custom item creation. // General performance improvements. // Added APCScientist and APCScientistHeavy // Auto set min/max stack to 1 if zero and probability > 0. //// Add presents, eggs, etc? namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("CustomLoot", "Steenamaroo", "1.2.3", ResourceId = 16)] [Description("Custom loot table plugin for NPC corpses, crates, and containers.")] public class CustomLoot : RustPlugin { #region Declarations [PluginReference] Plugin BotReSpawn; bool loaded; static CustomLoot cl; List LootTableNames = new List(); public System.Random random = new System.Random(); public ItemDefinition water = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("water"); Dictionary LootTables = new Dictionary(); Dictionary> BalancedCategories = new Dictionary>(); Dictionary>>> BalancedItems = new Dictionary>>>(); Dictionary> BotReSpawnBots = new Dictionary>(); public List AllContainers = new List(); public Dictionary ContainerTypesFromGame = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary GotCategories = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary> GotLootTypes = new Dictionary>(); public Dictionary> BotTypes = new Dictionary>(); BackupData backupData; #endregion [ConsoleCommand("Repop")] private void Repop(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Connection?.player as BasePlayer; if (player == null || IsAuth(player)) foreach (var group in SpawnHandler.Instance.SpawnGroups.ToList()) group.Fill(); } #region Hooks void OnServerInitialized() { BalancedCategories = new Dictionary>(); BalancedItems = new Dictionary>>>(); GotCategories = new Dictionary(); ContainerTypesFromGame = new Dictionary(); GotLootTypes = new Dictionary>(); BotTypes = new Dictionary>(); List names = new List(); foreach (var entry in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().Where(x => !x.isSpawned)) { if (entry.PrefabName.Contains("underwater_labs")) names.Add("underwater_labs_" + entry.ShortPrefabName); else names.Add(entry.ShortPrefabName); } names = names.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var entry in names) if (!entry.Contains("test") && !entry.Contains("stocking")) ContainerTypesFromGame.Add(entry, new Settings()); cl = this; if (BotReSpawn) RefreshBotReSpawn(); var cats = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ItemCategory)).ToList(); List exclude = new List { "Search", "Favourite", "All", "Common" }; backupData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject("CustomLoot/BotReSpawnBackups"); LoadConfigVariables(); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject("CustomLoot/BotReSpawnBackups", backupData); foreach (LootContainer container in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType()) { string name = container.PrefabName.Contains("underwater_labs") ? "underwater_labs_" + container.ShortPrefabName : container.ShortPrefabName; if (configData.ContainerTypes.ContainsKey(name) && configData.ContainerTypes[name].enabled) ProcessContainer(container, true); } timer.Once(5f, () => ServerMgr.Instance.StartCoroutine(FillContainers(AllContainers))); loaded = true; foreach (BasePlayer player in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType()) if (player is NPCPlayer || player is global::HumanNPC) AddToBotList(player); foreach (var cat in cats.Where(cat => !exclude.Contains(cat))) { GotCategories.Add(cat, new CategorySettings()); GotLootTypes.Add(cat, new Dictionary()); } foreach (var lT in LootTableNames.ToList()) if (CreateLootTable(lT)) { BalanceCategories(lT); BalanceItems(lT); } } #endregion #region ContainerTypes void ProcessContainer(LootContainer container, bool start) { if (container.shouldRefreshContents) container.Invoke(new Action(container.SpawnLoot), UnityEngine.Random.Range(container.minSecondsBetweenRefresh, container.maxSecondsBetweenRefresh)); if (container?.net?.ID == null) return; if (Interface.CallHook("OnCustomLootContainer", != null) return; if (container.OwnerID != 0 && !(container is SupplyDrop)) return; if (start) AllContainers.Add(container); else PopulateContainer(container); } void PopulateContainer(LootContainer container) { if (container == null) return; string name = container.PrefabName.Contains("underwater_labs") ? "underwater_labs_" + container.ShortPrefabName : container.ShortPrefabName; Settings settings = configData.ContainerTypes[name]; timer.Once(1f, () => { if (container == null) return; container.inventory.capacity = 48; container.onlyAcceptCategory = ItemCategory.All; container.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); var lootObj = MakeLoot(name, container); if (lootObj == null) return; if (settings.ClearContainerFirst) container.inventory.Clear(); bool crate = container.ShortPrefabName.Contains("hackable"); if (crate) container.inventory.onItemAddedRemoved = null; foreach (var item in lootObj) if (!item.MoveToContainer(container.inventory, -1, true)) item.Remove(); else { var vessel = item?.GetHeldEntity() as BaseLiquidVessel; if (vessel != null && vessel.hasLid) { int percentage = Mathf.Clamp(settings.WaterPreFillPercent, 0, 100); var stack = item?.info?.GetComponent()?.maxStackSize; if (percentage == 0 || stack == null) continue; Item waterItem = ItemManager.Create(water, (int)(stack / 100f * percentage), 0); if (!waterItem.MoveToContainer(item.contents, -1, true)) waterItem.Remove(); } } if (crate) timer.Once(1f, () => container.inventory.onItemAddedRemoved = new Action(container.OnItemAddedOrRemoved)); Pool.FreeList(ref lootObj); }); } object OnLootSpawn(LootContainer container) { if (!loaded) return null; string name = container.PrefabName.Contains("underwater_labs") ? "underwater_labs_" + container.ShortPrefabName : container.ShortPrefabName; if (configData.ContainerTypes.ContainsKey(name) && configData.ContainerTypes[name].enabled) { timer.Once(0.3f, () => { if (container == null) return; ProcessContainer(container, false); }); return true; } return null; } public IEnumerator FillContainers(List AllContainers) { foreach (var container in AllContainers.ToList()) { cl.PopulateContainer(container); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } cl.PrintWarning("Finished populating all containers."); yield return null; } #endregion ContainerTypes #region Methods bool IsAuth(BasePlayer player) => player?.net?.connection != null && == 2; Settings GetSettings(object record) { var outRecord = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(outRecord); response.enabled = true; return response; } #endregion #region BotHandling void OnEntitySpawned(LootableCorpse corpse) { if (!loaded) return; if (corpse == null) return; ulong ID = corpse.playerSteamID; foreach (var entry in BotTypes.Where(entry => entry.Value.Contains(corpse.playerSteamID))) { timer.Once(0.3f, () => { if (corpse == null) return; var lootObj = MakeLoot(entry.Key, null); if (lootObj == null) return; if (configData.CorpseTypes[entry.Key].ClearContainerFirst) corpse.containers[0].Clear(); foreach (var item in lootObj) { if (!item.MoveToContainer(corpse.containers[0], -1, true)) item.Remove(); else { var vessel = item?.GetHeldEntity() as BaseLiquidVessel; if (vessel != null && vessel.hasLid) { int percentage = Mathf.Clamp(configData.CorpseTypes[entry.Key].WaterPreFillPercent, 0, 100); var stack = item?.info?.GetComponent()?.maxStackSize; if (percentage == 0 || stack == null) continue; Item waterItem = ItemManager.Create(water, (int)(stack / 100f * percentage), 0); if (!waterItem.MoveToContainer(item.contents, -1, true)) waterItem.Remove(); } } } Pool.FreeList(ref lootObj); timer.Once(0.2f, () => RemoveFromMemory(ID)); }); } } void OnEntitySpawned(NPCPlayer player) { if (!loaded) return; if (player == null || player.IsDestroyed) return; if (BotReSpawn) { NextTick(() => { if (player != null) { RefreshBotReSpawn(); AddToBotList(player); } }); } else AddToBotList(player); } void RefreshBotReSpawn() => BotReSpawnBots = (Dictionary>)BotReSpawn?.Call("BotReSpawnBots"); void AddToBotList(BasePlayer player) { if (player == null) return; if (Interface.CallHook("OnCustomLootNPC", != null) return; if (player.Categorize() == "Zombie") { ProcessNpc(player, "ZombieHorde"); return; } if (BotReSpawn) { foreach (var monument in BotReSpawnBots.Where(monument => monument.Value.Contains(player.userID))) { AddBotReSpawn(player, monument.Key); return; } } // Check for spawnpopulations var instance = player?.GetComponent()?.parentSpawnPoint; if (instance != null) { var name = instance?.GetComponentInParent()?.ToString(); if (name != null) { foreach (var n in names) if (name.Contains(n.Key)) { ProcessNpc(player, n.Value); return; } } } foreach (var entry in names) if (player.ShortPrefabName == entry.Key) { timer.Once(0.3f, () => ProcessNpc(player, entry.Value)); return; } foreach (var entry in names) if (player.ShortPrefabName.Contains(entry.Key)) if (player.ShortPrefabName.Contains(entry.Key)) { timer.Once(0.3f, () => ProcessNpc(player, entry.Value)); return; } //Puts($"Prefab name {player.PrefabName}"); //foreach (var p in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) // p.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.line", 5f,, player.transform.position, player.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 100, 0)); } Dictionary names = new Dictionary() { {"oilrig", "OilRig"}, {"excavator", "Excavator"}, {"peacekeeper", "CompoundScientist"}, {"bandit_guard", "BanditTown"}, {"_ch47_gunner", "MountedScientist"}, {"junkpile", "JunkPileScientist"}, {"scarecrow_dungeon", "DungeonScarecrow"}, {"scarecrow.", "ScareCrow"}, {"military_tunnel", "MilitaryTunnelScientist"}, {"scientist_full", "MilitaryTunnelScientist"}, {"scientist_turret", "CargoShip"}, {"scientistnpc_cargo", "CargoShip"}, {"scientist_astar", "CargoShip"}, {"scientistnpc_bradley", "APCScientist" }, {"scientistnpc_bradley_heavy", "APCScientistHeavy" }, {"scientistnpc_heavy", "HeavyScientist"}, {"tunneldweller", "TunnelDweller"}, {"underwaterdweller" , "UnderwaterDweller"}, {"trainyard" , "Trainyard"}, {"airfield" , "Airfield"}, {"scientistnpc_roamtethered", "DesertScientist"}, {"arctic_research_base", "ArcticResearchBase"}, {"nuclear_missile_silo", "NuclearMissileSilo" }, {"launch_site", "LaunchSite"}, {"gingerbread", "Gingerbread"}, {"ZombieHorde", "ZombieHorde"} }; void ProcessNpc(BasePlayer player, string NPCType) { var record = configData.CorpseTypes[NPCType]; if (record == null) return; if (record.enabled) BotTypes[NPCType].Add(player.userID); } void AddBotReSpawn(BasePlayer npc, string monument) { if (configData.GlobalSettings.corpseTypePerBotReSpawnProfile) { if (!BotTypes.ContainsKey("BotReSpawn-" + monument)) OnServerInitialized(); if (configData.CorpseTypes["BotReSpawn-" + monument].enabled) BotTypes["BotReSpawn-" + monument].Add(npc.userID); } else if (configData.CorpseTypes["BotReSpawn"].enabled) BotTypes["BotReSpawn"].Add(npc.userID); } void RemoveFromMemory(ulong userID) { foreach (var botList in BotTypes.Where(botList => botList.Value.Contains(userID))) { botList.Value.Remove(userID); break; } } #endregion #region LootHandling public void BalanceCategories(string lootTable) { int counter = 0; BalancedCategories.Add(lootTable, new Dictionary()); foreach (var category in LootTables[lootTable].Categories) { if (!HasValidItem(lootTable, category.Key)) continue; for (int i = 0; i < category.Value.probability; i++) { BalancedCategories[lootTable].Add(counter, category.Key); counter++; } } } public void BalanceItems(string lootTable) { BalancedItems.Add(lootTable, new Dictionary>>()); foreach (var category in LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes.Where(category => LootTables[lootTable].Categories[category.Key].probability > 0)) { int counter = 0; if (!HasValidItem(lootTable, category.Key)) continue; BalancedItems[lootTable].Add(category.Key, new Dictionary>()); foreach (var entry in category.Value) { entry.Value.minStack = Mathf.Max(entry.Value.minStack, 1); entry.Value.maxStack = Mathf.Max(entry.Value.maxStack, 1); for (int i = 0; i < entry.Value.probability; i++) { var blank = new KeyValuePair(entry.Key, entry.Value); BalancedItems[lootTable][category.Key].Add(counter, blank); counter++; } } } } public bool HasValidItem(string lootTable, string category) { if (LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes[category].Count == 0) return false; foreach (var item in LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes[category].Where(item => item.Value.probability > 0)) return true; return false; } private List MakeLoot(string config, LootContainer container = null) { Settings settings = null; if (configData.CorpseTypes.ContainsKey(config)) settings = configData.CorpseTypes[config]; else if (configData.ContainerTypes.ContainsKey(config)) settings = configData.ContainerTypes[config]; else if (configData.API.ContainsKey(config)) settings = GetSettings(configData.API[config]); else { Puts("CustomLoot had a call for a profile that doesn't exist."); Puts($"Adding profile {config} using loottable 'default'."); configData.API.Add(config, new BaseSettings()); SaveConfig(configData); settings = GetSettings(configData.API[config]); } if (settings == null) return null; string lootTable = settings.lootTable; if (!LootTableNames.Contains(lootTable)) return null; int safety = 0; int number = settings.maxItems; List newLoot = Pool.GetList(); if (settings.maxItems > settings.minItems) number = random.Next(settings.minItems, settings.maxItems + 1); int BPs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { safety++; bool duplicate = false; if (safety > 50) { break; } string category = GetCategory(lootTable); if (category == "zero") return null; Item item = null; bool forced = false; if (LootTables[lootTable].AlwaysSpawnList.Count >= i + 1) { foreach (var cat in LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes) { if (cat.Value.ContainsKey(LootTables[lootTable].AlwaysSpawnList[i])) { forced = true; item = GetItem(settings, cat.Key, BPs, LootTables[lootTable].AlwaysSpawnList[i], container, LootTables[lootTable].Spawn_Vanilla_Scrap); break; } } } if (!forced) item = GetItem(settings, category, BPs, string.Empty, container, LootTables[lootTable].Spawn_Vanilla_Scrap); if (item == null) { i--; continue; } if (item.blueprintTarget != 0) BPs++; foreach (var newItem in newLoot) { if ( == && == && !configData.GlobalSettings.allowDuplicates) duplicate = true; if (newItem.blueprintTarget != 0 && item.blueprintTarget != 0 && newItem.blueprintTarget == item.blueprintTarget && !configData.GlobalSettings.allowDuplicates) duplicate = true; } if (duplicate) { item.Remove(); i--; continue; } else { if (settings.noGuns) { if (item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile) { i--; item.Remove(); continue; } } newLoot.Add(item); if (category == "Weapon") { if (settings.gunsWithAmmo && item.blueprintTarget == 0) { string matchedAmmo = (item.GetHeldEntity() as BaseProjectile)?.primaryMagazine?.ammoType?.shortname; lootData ammopath; if ( != "flamethrower") { if (matchedAmmo == null || !LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes["Ammunition"].ContainsKey(matchedAmmo)) if ("hunting")) continue; ammopath = LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes["Ammunition"][matchedAmmo]; } else //if (LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes["Resources"].ContainsKey("lowgradefuel")) { ammopath = LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes["Resources"]["lowgradefuel"]; matchedAmmo = "lowgradefuel"; } //else // continue; int stack = random.Next(ammopath.minStack, ammopath.maxStack); if (stack > 10) stack = (stack / 10) * 10; if (ammopath.probability > 0) { Item ammoItem = ItemManager.CreateByName(matchedAmmo, stack); newLoot.Add(ammoItem); i++; } } } } } if (newLoot.Count > number) foreach (var entry in newLoot.Where(entry => != ItemCategory.Weapon && != ItemCategory.Ammunition).ToList()) { entry.Remove(); newLoot.Remove(entry); break; } return newLoot; } float GetCondition(int min, int max, float itemMax) { min = Mathf.Max(1, min); max = Mathf.Max(1, max); if (min >= max) { return itemMax / 100f * max; } return itemMax / 100f * random.Next(min, max); } public string GetCategory(string lootTable) { if (!BalancedCategories.ContainsKey(lootTable)) { Puts($"Balanced categories did not contain {lootTable}"); return "zero"; } if (BalancedCategories[lootTable].Count == 0) return "zero"; int catnumber = random.Next(BalancedCategories[lootTable].Count); return BalancedCategories[lootTable][catnumber]; } Dictionary>> skinref = new Dictionary>>(); [ChatCommand("CustomLoot")] void CustomLootChatCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!player.IsAdmin) return; var held = player.GetActiveItem(); if (held == null) { SendReply(player, "Make sure you're holding an item, with the desired skin, first."); SendReply(player, "For consumables, you can use scroll to set them as active without consuming."); return; } if ( == 0) { SendReply(player, $"Currently held item skin is 0/default."); SendReply(player, $"Please hold an item with a custom skin and try again."); return; } if (args.Length != 3) { SendReply(player, "Please specify the existing loottable (or All), the category, and a custom name to use."); SendReply(player, "example - /CustomLoot NPCTable Resources Money"); return; } if (!LootTableNames.Contains(args[0]) && args[0] != "All") { SendReply(player, $"No loot table {args[0]} exists."); return; } if (!GotCategories.ContainsKey(args[1])) { SendReply(player, $"No category {args[1]} exists."); return; } int added = 0; foreach (var lt in LootTables) { if (args[0] == "All" || args[0] == lt.Key) { if (lt.Value.LootTypes[args[1]].ContainsKey(args[2]) && lt.Value.LootTypes[args[1]][args[2]].ItemShortname != "") continue; lt.Value.LootTypes[args[1]][args[2]] = new lootData() { item =, ItemShortname =, skins = new List() { } }; Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"CustomLoot/{lt.Key}", lt.Value); if (args[0] != "All") SendReply(player, $"Item {args[2]} successfully added to {args[1]} for {args[0]}."); added++; } } if (args[0] == "All" && added > 0) SendReply(player, $"Item {args[2]} successfully added to {args[1]} for {added} loot tables."); } ItemDefinition bpb = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("blueprintbase"); public Item GetItem(Settings settings, string category, int BPs, string perma, LootContainer container, bool vanillascrap) { string lootTable = settings.lootTable; if (!skinref.ContainsKey(lootTable)) skinref.Add(lootTable, new Dictionary>()); var skins = skinref[lootTable]; Item item = new Item(); int chosenItem; string name = string.Empty; lootData path = null; if (perma != string.Empty) { name = perma; path = LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes[category][perma]; } else { chosenItem = random.Next(BalancedItems[lootTable][category].Count); name = BalancedItems[lootTable][category]?[chosenItem].Key; path = BalancedItems[lootTable]?[category]?[chosenItem].Value; } if (name == string.Empty || path == null) return null; int stack = path.maxStack; if (name == "scrap" && container?.scrapAmount > 0 && vanillascrap) stack = container.scrapAmount; else { if (path.minStack < path.maxStack) stack = random.Next(path.minStack, path.maxStack); } if (category == "Resources" && stack > 10) stack = (stack / 10) * 10; item = ItemManager.CreateByName(path.ItemShortname != "" ? path.ItemShortname : name, stack, 0); if (!skins.ContainsKey(name)) skins.Add(name, path.skins); if (path.IncludeAllApprovedSkins) foreach (var entry in Rust.Workshop.Approved.All) { if (entry.Value?.Skinnable == null) continue; if (entry.Value.Skinnable.ItemName == name && !skins[name].Contains(entry.Value.WorkshopdId)) skins[name].Add(entry.Value.WorkshopdId); } if (skins[name].Count > 0) = skins[name][random.Next(skins[name].Count)]; if ( item.condition = GetCondition(path.MinConditionPercent, path.MaxConditionPercent,; CategorySettings confPath = LootTables[lootTable].Categories[category]; ItemDefinition def = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(; if (confPath.allowBlueprints && random.Next(99) < path.blueprintChancePercent && != null && IsBP(def)) { if (BPs == settings.MaxBps) return null; item.Remove(); item = ItemManager.Create(bpb, 1, 0uL); item.blueprintTarget = def.itemid; } if (path.ItemShortname != "") { = name; // = name; } if (item == null) Puts($"Null-item spawn attempted. Please notify Author - '{name}'"); else { item.MarkDirty(); BaseEntity held = item.GetHeldEntity(); if (held != null) { held.skinID =; held.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update); } } return item; } bool IsBP(ItemDefinition def) => def?.Blueprint != null && def.Blueprint.isResearchable && !def.Blueprint.defaultBlueprint; #endregion #region Data public class BackupData { public Dictionary BotReSpawnBackups = new Dictionary(); } public class LootTable { public bool allowChristmas, allowHalloween, allowKeycards = false; public List BlackList = new List(); public List AlwaysSpawnList = new List(); public bool Spawn_Vanilla_Scrap = false; public Dictionary Categories = cl.GotCategories.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); public Dictionary> LootTypes = cl.GotLootTypes.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); } public class CategorySettings { public int probability; public bool allowBlueprints = true; } public class lootData { [JsonIgnore] public ItemDefinition item; [JsonProperty(Order = 1)] public string ItemShortname = ""; [JsonProperty(Order = 2)] public int probability; [JsonProperty(Order = 3)] public int minStack = 1; [JsonProperty(Order = 4)] public int maxStack = 1; [JsonProperty(Order = 5)] public int blueprintChancePercent = 0; [JsonProperty(Order = 6)] public List skins = new List(); [JsonProperty(Order = 7)] public bool IncludeAllApprovedSkins = false; [JsonProperty(Order = 8)] public int MinConditionPercent = 90; [JsonProperty(Order = 9)] public int MaxConditionPercent = 100; public bool ShouldSerializeItemShortname() => ItemShortname != ""; public bool ShouldSerializeblueprintChancePercent() => item != null && cl.IsBP(item); public bool ShouldSerializeskins() => ItemShortname != "" || (item != null && (cl.configData.GlobalSettings.AllowSkinsFor.Contains(item.shortname) || cl.configData.GlobalSettings.Show_Skins_For_All_Items || item.HasSkins)); public bool ShouldSerializeIncludeAllApprovedSkins() => item != null && ( cl.configData.GlobalSettings.Show_Skins_For_All_Items || item.HasSkins); public bool ShouldSerializeMaxConditionPercent() => item != null && item.condition.enabled; public bool ShouldSerializeMinConditionPercent() => item != null && item.condition.enabled; } public List DefaultBlackList = new List { "glue", "door.key", "note", "bleach", "ducttape", "blood", "", "grenade.smoke", "ammo.rocket.smoke", "battery", "bone.fragments", "blueprintbase", "water.salt", "jackhammer" }; public bool CreateLootTable(string lootTable) { try { LootTables[lootTable] = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject($"CustomLoot/{lootTable}"); } catch { Puts($"There is an error in data file {lootTable}."); LootTableNames.Remove(lootTable); return false; } try { var catPath = string.Empty; var path = LootTables[lootTable]; Dictionary> itemCheck = new Dictionary>(); Dictionary> toRemove = new Dictionary>(); if (path.BlackList.Count == 0) path.BlackList = DefaultBlackList; path.BlackList.Sort(); foreach (ItemDefinition rustItem in ItemManager.itemList) { catPath = rustItem.category.ToString(); if (!path.LootTypes.ContainsKey(catPath)) { Puts($"New item category *{catPath}* added to game. Please notify author."); continue; } if (IsJunk(lootTable, rustItem.shortname) || (!path.allowChristmas && rustItem.shortname.Contains("xmas")) || (!path.allowHalloween && rustItem.shortname.Contains("halloween")) || (!path.allowKeycards && rustItem.shortname.Contains("keycard_"))) { path.LootTypes[catPath].Remove(rustItem.shortname); continue; } if (!itemCheck.ContainsKey(catPath)) itemCheck.Add(catPath, new List()); itemCheck[catPath].Add(rustItem.shortname); if (path.LootTypes[catPath].ContainsKey(rustItem.shortname)) { path.LootTypes[catPath][rustItem.shortname].item = rustItem; continue; } var stackPath = path.Categories[catPath]; path.LootTypes[catPath].Add(rustItem.shortname, new lootData { item = rustItem }); } foreach (var cat in itemCheck) foreach (var item in path.LootTypes[cat.Key].Where(x => x.Value.ItemShortname == "")) if (!itemCheck[cat.Key].Contains(item.Key)) { if (!toRemove.ContainsKey(cat.Key)) toRemove.Add(cat.Key, new List()); toRemove[cat.Key].Add(item.Key); } foreach (var odd in toRemove) foreach (var oddItem in odd.Value) path.LootTypes[odd.Key].Remove(oddItem); LootTables[lootTable].Categories = LootTables[lootTable].Categories.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes = LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); foreach (var entry in LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value)) LootTables[lootTable].LootTypes[entry.Key] = entry.Value.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"CustomLoot/{lootTable}", path); return true; } catch { Puts($"There was an error loading data file {lootTable}."); LootTableNames.Remove(lootTable); return false; } } public bool IsJunk(string lootTable, string rustItem) { List junk = LootTables[lootTable].BlackList; if (junk.Contains(rustItem)) return true; return false; } public bool IsReal(string rustItem) { var createTest = ItemManager.CreateByName(rustItem, 1); if (createTest != null) { createTest.Remove(0f); return true; } return false; } #endregion //#region CUI //Dictionary UiUsers = new Dictionary(); //void Unload() //{ // foreach (BasePlayer player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) // DestroyMenu(player, true); //} //void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player) //{ // if (player.IsReceivingSnapshot) // { // timer.Once(1f, () => { OnPlayerConnected(player); }); // return; // } //} //void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player) //{ // if (UiUsers.ContainsKey(player.userID)) // DestroyMenu(player, true); //} //void OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer player, HitInfo info) //{ // if (UiUsers.ContainsKey(player.userID)) // DestroyMenu(player, false); //} //void DestroyMenu(BasePlayer player, bool all) //{ // if (all) // CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "CLUIBG"); // CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "CLUI"); // UiUsers.Remove(player.userID); //} //[ConsoleCommand("CLRefreshUI")] //private void CLRefreshUI(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) //{ // if (arg.Player() == null) // return; // CLUI(arg.Player(), Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[0]), Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1])); //} //[ConsoleCommand("CLClose")] //private void CLClose(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) //{ // if (arg.Player() == null) // return; // DestroyMenu(arg.Player(), true); //} //[ChatCommand("CustomLootUI")] //void template(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) //{ // CLUIBG(player); // CLUI(player, 0, 0); //} //void CLUIBG(BasePlayer player) //{ // DestroyMenu(player, true); // var elements = new CuiElementContainer(); // var mainName = elements.Add(new CuiPanel { Image = { Color = $"0.1 0.1 0.1 1" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02 0.02", AnchorMax = "0.98 0.98" }, CursorEnabled = true, FadeOut = 0.1f }, "Overlay", "CLUIBG"); // CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements); //} //void CLUI(BasePlayer player, int page, int subpage) //{ // DestroyMenu(player, false); // UiUsers[player.userID] = page; // var elements = new CuiElementContainer(); // var mainName = elements.Add(new CuiPanel { Image = { Color = $"0.1 0.1 0.1 0" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02 0.02", AnchorMax = "0.98 0.98" }, CursorEnabled = true, FadeOut = 0.1f }, "Overlay", "CLUI"); // elements.Add(new CuiLabel { FadeOut = 0.5f, Text = { FadeIn = 0.5f, Text = "Category Probabilities", Color = "1 1 1 0.5", FontSize = 20, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0 0.9", AnchorMax = $"1 1" } }, mainName); // float height1 = 0.87f; // float height2 = 0.9f; // float largest = 0; // foreach (var entry in LootTables["default"].Categories) // largest = Mathf.Max(largest, entry.Value.probability); // foreach (var entry in LootTables["default"].LootTypes) // { // float p = LootTables["default"].Categories[entry.Key].probability; // if (p > 0) // p = p / largest * 0.86f; // elements.Add(new CuiLabel { FadeOut = 0.5f, Text = { FadeIn = 0.5f, Text = entry.Key, Color = "1 1 1 0.5", FontSize = 12, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.01 {height1}", AnchorMax = $"0.06 {height2}" } }, mainName); // elements.Add(new CuiLabel { FadeOut = 0.5f, Text = { FadeIn = 0.5f, Text = LootTables["default"].Categories[entry.Key].probability.ToString(), Color = "1 1 1 0.5", FontSize = 13, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.08 {height1}", AnchorMax = $"0.1 {height2}" } }, mainName); // elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = $"cl.decrease default {entry.Key}", Color = "1 1 1 0.4" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.06 {height1}", AnchorMax = $"0.08 {height2}" }, Text = { Text = "-", Color = "1 1 1 1", FontSize = 18, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); // elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = $"cl.increase default {entry.Key}", Color = "1 1 1 0.4" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.1 {height1}", AnchorMax = $"0.12 {height2}" }, Text = { Text = "+", Color = "1 1 1 1", FontSize = 18, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); // elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "", Color = "1 0.9 0.9 0.7" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = $"0.13 {height1}", AnchorMax = $"{0.13 + p} {height2}" }, Text = { Text = "", FontSize = 11, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); // height1 -= 0.04f; // height2 -= 0.04f; // } // elements.Add(new CuiButton { Button = { Command = "CLClose", Color = "0.1 0.1 0.1 0" }, RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.97 0.97", AnchorMax = "0.995 0.995" }, Text = { Text = "X", FontSize = 11, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter } }, mainName); // CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements); //} //[ConsoleCommand("cl.increase")] //private void clincrease(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) //{ // if (arg.Player() == null) // return; // DestroyMenu(arg.Player(), false); // LootTables[arg.Args[0]].Categories[arg.Args[1]].probability++; // Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"CustomLoot/{arg.Args[0]}", LootTables[arg.Args[0]]); // CLUI(arg.Player(), 0, 0); //} //[ConsoleCommand("cl.decrease")] //private void cldecrease(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) //{ // if (arg.Player() == null) // return; // DestroyMenu(arg.Player(), false); // if (LootTables[arg.Args[0]].Categories[arg.Args[1]].probability > 0) // LootTables[arg.Args[0]].Categories[arg.Args[1]].probability--; // Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"CustomLoot/{arg.Args[0]}", LootTables[arg.Args[0]]); // CLUI(arg.Player(), 0, 0); //} //#endregion #region Config private ConfigData configData; class ConfigData { public GlobalSettings GlobalSettings = new GlobalSettings(); public Dictionary CorpseTypes = new Dictionary { {"Excavator", new Settings()}, {"OilRig", new Settings()}, {"CompoundScientist", new Settings()}, {"BanditTown", new Settings()}, {"MountedScientist", new Settings()}, {"JunkPileScientist", new Settings()}, {"DungeonScarecrow", new Settings() }, {"ScareCrow", new Settings()}, {"MilitaryTunnelScientist", new Settings()}, {"CargoShip", new Settings()}, {"HeavyScientist", new Settings()}, {"APCScientist", new Settings()}, {"APCScientistHeavy", new Settings()}, {"TunnelDweller", new Settings()}, {"UnderwaterDweller", new Settings()}, {"Trainyard", new Settings()}, {"Airfield", new Settings()}, {"DesertScientist", new Settings() }, {"ArcticResearchBase", new Settings() }, {"NuclearMissileSilo", new Settings() }, {"LaunchSite", new Settings() }, {"Gingerbread", new Settings()}, {"ZombieHorde", new Settings()}, {"BotReSpawn", new Settings()}, {"Scientist", new Settings()}, }; public Dictionary ContainerTypes = cl.ContainerTypesFromGame; public Dictionary API = new Dictionary(); } public class GlobalSettings { public bool allowDuplicates = false; public bool corpseTypePerBotReSpawnProfile = false; public bool Include_DM_Crates = false; public bool Show_Skins_For_All_Items = false; public string[] AllowSkinsFor = new string[] { "note" }; } public class BaseSettings { [JsonProperty(Order = 1)] public string lootTable = "default"; [JsonProperty(Order = 2)] public int maxItems = 6; [JsonProperty(Order = 3)] public int minItems = 6; [JsonProperty(Order = 4)] public bool gunsWithAmmo; [JsonProperty(Order = 5)] public bool noGuns; [JsonProperty(Order = 6)] public int MaxBps = 3; [JsonProperty(Order = 7)] public int WaterPreFillPercent = 20; [JsonProperty(Order = 8)] public bool ClearContainerFirst = true; } public class Settings : BaseSettings { [JsonProperty(Order = 1)] public bool enabled; } List Remove = new List() {"crate_fuel","crate_ammunition","crate_food_1","crate_food_2","crate_medical","tech_parts_1","tech_parts_2"}; private void LoadConfigVariables() { BotTypes.Clear(); LootTableNames = new List() { "default" }; configData = Config.ReadObject(); bool perBotReSpawn = false; foreach (var entry in configData.ContainerTypes.ToList()) if (Remove.Contains(entry.Key)) configData.ContainerTypes.Remove(entry.Key); if (configData.GlobalSettings.corpseTypePerBotReSpawnProfile) { perBotReSpawn = true; if (configData.CorpseTypes.ContainsKey("BotReSpawn")) { if (backupData.BotReSpawnBackups.ContainsKey("BotReSpawn")) backupData.BotReSpawnBackups["BotReSpawn"] = configData.CorpseTypes["BotReSpawn"]; else if (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(configData.CorpseTypes["BotReSpawn"]) != JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Settings())) backupData.BotReSpawnBackups.Add("BotReSpawn", configData.CorpseTypes["BotReSpawn"]); configData.CorpseTypes.Remove("BotReSpawn"); } foreach (var entry in BotReSpawnBots.Where(entry => !configData.CorpseTypes.ContainsKey($"BotReSpawn-{entry.Key}"))) { if (backupData.BotReSpawnBackups.ContainsKey($"BotReSpawn-{entry.Key}")) configData.CorpseTypes.Add($"BotReSpawn-{entry.Key}", backupData.BotReSpawnBackups[$"BotReSpawn-{entry.Key}"]); else configData.CorpseTypes.Add($"BotReSpawn-{entry.Key}", new Settings()); } } else { if (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(configData.CorpseTypes["BotReSpawn"]) == JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Settings())) { if (backupData.BotReSpawnBackups.ContainsKey("BotReSpawn")) configData.CorpseTypes["BotReSpawn"] = backupData.BotReSpawnBackups["BotReSpawn"]; } if (BotReSpawn) { foreach (var entry in configData.CorpseTypes.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value).Where(entry => (!perBotReSpawn && entry.Key.Contains("BotReSpawn-")) || (perBotReSpawn && entry.Key.Contains("BotReSpawn-") && !BotReSpawnBots.ContainsKey(entry.Key.Remove(0, 9))))) { if (backupData.BotReSpawnBackups.ContainsKey(entry.Key)) backupData.BotReSpawnBackups[entry.Key] = configData.CorpseTypes[entry.Key]; else backupData.BotReSpawnBackups.Add(entry.Key, configData.CorpseTypes[entry.Key]); configData.CorpseTypes.Remove(entry.Key); } } } if (!configData.GlobalSettings.Include_DM_Crates) foreach (var entry in configData.ContainerTypes.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value).Where(x => x.Key.Contains("dm "))) configData.ContainerTypes.Remove(entry.Key); foreach (var entry in configData.CorpseTypes.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value)) { BotTypes.Add(entry.Key, new List()); if (!LootTableNames.Contains(entry.Value.lootTable)) LootTableNames.Add(entry.Value.lootTable); } foreach (var entry in configData.ContainerTypes) if (!LootTableNames.Contains(entry.Value.lootTable)) LootTableNames.Add(entry.Value.lootTable); foreach (var entry in configData.API) if (!LootTableNames.Contains(entry.Value.lootTable)) LootTableNames.Add(entry.Value.lootTable); SaveConfig(configData); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { Puts("Creating new config file."); } void SaveConfig(ConfigData config) { config.CorpseTypes = config.CorpseTypes.OrderBy(x => x.Key).OrderBy(x => x.Key.Contains("BotReSpawn")).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); configData.ContainerTypes = configData.ContainerTypes.OrderBy(x => x.Key).OrderByDescending(x => x.Key.Contains("barrel")).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); configData.API = configData.API.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); Config.WriteObject(config, true); } #endregion } }