"Settings": { "Experimental [* = everything]": { "Apply Custom Auto Height To": [], "Bunker Bases Or Profiles": [], "Multi Foundation Bases Or Profiles": [] }, "Raid Management": { "Grids To Block Spawns At": [], "Block Spawns At Positions": [ { "position": "(0.00, 0.00, 0.00)", "radius": 200.0 } ], "Additional Map Prefabs To Block Spawns At": { "test_prefab": 150.0, "test_prefab_2": 125.25 }, "Eject Mounts": { "All Controlled Mounts": false, "All Other Mounts": false, "Attack Helicopters": false, "Boats": false, "Campers": true, "Cars (Basic)": false, "Cars (Modular)": false, "Chinook": false, "Flying Carpet": false, "Horses": false, "HotAirBalloon": true, "Jetpacks": true, "MiniCopters": false, "Parachutes": false, "Pianos": true, "Scrap Transport Helicopters": false, "Snowmobiles": false, "Tugboats": false }, "Max Amount Of Players Allowed To Enter Each Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = none)": { "Easy": { "Buyable Events": 0, "Maintained Events": 0, "Manual Events": 0, "Scheduled Events": 0 }, "Medium": { "Buyable Events": 0, "Maintained Events": 0, "Manual Events": 0, "Scheduled Events": 0 }, "Hard": { "Buyable Events": 0, "Maintained Events": 0, "Manual Events": 0, "Scheduled Events": 0 }, "Expert": { "Buyable Events": 0, "Maintained Events": 0, "Manual Events": 0, "Scheduled Events": 0 }, "Nightmare": { "Buyable Events": 0, "Maintained Events": 0, "Manual Events": 0, "Scheduled Events": 0 }, "Bypass For PVP Bases": false }, "Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = disabled)": { "Allow Max Amount Increase From Difficulties Disabled On A Specific Day Of The Week": false, "Easy": 3, "Medium": 3, "Hard": 2, "Expert": 1, "Nightmare": 1 }, "Chance To Automatically Spawn Each Difficulty (-1 = ignore)": { "Use Cumulative Probability": true, "Easy": -1.0, "Medium": -1.0, "Hard": -1.0, "Expert": -1.0, "Nightmare": -1.0 }, "Player Lockouts (0 = ignore)": { "Apply Lockouts To PVE": true, "Apply Lockouts To PVP": true, "Apply All Lockouts Everytime": false, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Easy)": 0.0, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Medium)": 0.0, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Hard)": 0.0, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Expert)": 0.0, "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Nightmare)": 0.0, "Block Clans From Owning More Than One Raid": false, "Block Friends From Owning More Than One Raid": false, "Block Teams From Owning More Than One Raid": false, "Block Players From Joining A Clan/Team To Exploit Restrictions": false }, "Easy Raids Can Spawn On": { "Monday": true, "Tuesday": true, "Wednesday": true, "Thursday": true, "Friday": true, "Saturday": true, "Sunday": true }, "Medium Raids Can Spawn On": { "Monday": true, "Tuesday": true, "Wednesday": true, "Thursday": true, "Friday": true, "Saturday": true, "Sunday": true }, "Hard Raids Can Spawn On": { "Monday": true, "Tuesday": true, "Wednesday": true, "Thursday": true, "Friday": true, "Saturday": true, "Sunday": true }, "Expert Raids Can Spawn On": { "Monday": true, "Tuesday": true, "Wednesday": true, "Thursday": true, "Friday": true, "Saturday": true, "Sunday": true }, "Nightmare Raids Can Spawn On": { "Monday": true, "Tuesday": true, "Wednesday": true, "Thursday": true, "Friday": true, "Saturday": true, "Sunday": true }, "Additional Containers To Include As Boxes": [], "Difficulty Colors (Border)": { "Easy": "000000", "Medium": "000000", "Hard": "000000", "Expert": "000000", "Nightmare": "000000" }, "Difficulty Colors (Inner)": { "Easy": "00FF00", "Medium": "FFEB04", "Hard": "FF0000", "Expert": "0000FF", "Nightmare": "000000" }, "Entities Allowed To Drop Loot": { "Auto Turrets": false, "Flame Turret": false, "Fog Machine": false, "Gun Trap": false, "SAM Site": false }, "Additional Blocked Colliders": [ "cubes" ], "Allow Teleport": false, "Allow Teleport Ignores Respawning": false, "Allow Cupboard Loot To Drop": true, "Allow Players To Build": true, "Allow Players To Build (Exclusions)": [], "Allow Players To Use Ladders": true, "Allow Players To Upgrade Event Buildings": false, "Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVP Bases": true, "Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVE Bases": true, "Allow Players To Loot Traps": false, "Allow Npcs To Target Other Npcs": false, "Allow Raid Bases Inland": true, "Allow Raid Bases On Beaches": true, "Allow Raid Bases On Ice Sheets": false, "Allow Raid Bases On Roads": false, "Allow Raid Bases On Rivers": true, "Allow Raid Bases On Railroads": false, "Allow Raid Bases On Building Topology": true, "Allow Raid Bases On Monument Topology": false, "Allow Raid Bases In Biomes": { "Arctic": false, "Arid": true, "Temperate": true, "Tundra": true }, "Amount Of Spawn Position Checks Per Frame (ADVANCED USERS ONLY)": 25, "Allow Vending Machines To Broadcast": false, "Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVE Bases": true, "Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVP Bases": true, "Backpacks Drop At PVE Bases": false, "Backpacks Drop At PVP Bases": false, "Block Custom Loot Plugin": false, "Block Npc Kits Plugin": false, "Block Helicopter Damage To Bases": false, "Block Mounted Damage To Bases And Players": false, "Block Mini Collision Damage": false, "Block DoubleJump Plugin": true, "Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVP Bases": false, "Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVE Bases": false, "Block LifeSupport Plugin": true, "Block Rewards During Server Restart": false, "Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVE Bases": false, "Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVP Bases": false, "Despawn Spawned Mounts": true, "Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables": true, "Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures": true, "Divide Rewards Among All Raiders": true, "Draw Corpse Time (Seconds)": 300.0, "Destroy Boxes Clipped Too Far Into Terrain": true, "Destroy Turrets Clipped Too Far Into Terrain": true, "Eject Sleepers Before Spawning Base": true, "Eject Scavengers When Raid Is Completed": true, "Eject Mountables Before Spawning A Base": false, "Kill Deployables Before Spawning A Base": false, "Eject Deployables Before Spawning A Base": false, "Extra Distance To Spawn From Monuments": 25.0, "Move Cookables Into Ovens": true, "Move Food Into BBQ Or Fridge": true, "Blacklist For BBQ And Fridge": [ "syrup", "pancakes" ], "Move Resources Into Tool Cupboard": true, "Move Items Into Lockers": false, "Divide Locker Loot When Enabled": true, "Lock Treasure To First Attacker": true, "Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time (Minutes)": 20.0, "Assign Lockout When Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time Expires": false, "Lock Players To Raid Base After Entering Zone": false, "Only Award First Attacker and Allies": false, "Only Award Owner Of Raid": false, "Mounts Can Take Damage From Players": false, "Player Cupboard Detection Radius": 125.0, "Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Anything Inside Zone": false, "Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Other Players With PVP Delay Anywhere": false, "PVP Delay Between Zone Hopping": 10.0, "PVP Delay Triggers When Entity Destroyed From Outside Zone": false, "Prevent Fire From Spreading": true, "Prevent Players From Hogging Raids": true, "Prevent Fall Damage When Base Despawns": false, "Require Cupboard To Be Looted Before Despawning": false, "Destroying The Cupboard Completes The Raid": false, "Require All Bases To Spawn Before Respawning An Existing Base": false, "Require All Bases To Spawn Persists On Restart": false, "Turn Lights On At Night": true, "Turn Lights On Indefinitely": false, "Turn Lights On Bypasses NightLantern": false, "Ignore List For Turn Lights On": [ "laserlight", "weaponrack", "lightswitch", "soundlight", "xmas" ], "Traps And Turrets Ignore Users Using NOCLIP": true, "Use Random Codes On Code Locks": true, "Wait To Start Despawn Timer When Base Takes Damage From Player": false, "Maximum Water Depth For All Npcs": 3.0, "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting (min: 1)": 15, "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting Resets When Damaged": false, "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive (0 = disabled)": 120, "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged": true }, "Map Markers": { "Marker Name": "Raidable Base Event", "Radius": 0.25, "Radius (Map Size 3600 Or Less)": 0.5, "Use Vending Map Marker": true, "Show Owners Name on Map Marker": true, "Show If Purchased On Map Marker": false, "Use Explosion Map Marker": false, "Create Markers For Buyable Events": true, "Create Markers For Maintained Events": true, "Create Markers For Scheduled Events": true, "Create Markers For Manual Events": true }, "Buyable Events": { "Max Amount Purchasable Per Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = disabled)": { "Easy": 0, "Medium": 0, "Hard": 0, "Expert": 0, "Nightmare": 0 }, "Cooldowns (0 = No Cooldown)": { "Reset Cooldown Costs": { "Custom Currency": { "Enabled": false, "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Name": null, "Amount": 0, "Skin": 0 }, "Economics Money": 0.0, "ServerRewards Points": 0 }, "Easy": { "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 1800.0, "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0, "Server Admins": 0.0, "Normal Users": 1800.0 }, "Medium": { "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 1800.0, "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0, "Server Admins": 0.0, "Normal Users": 1800.0 }, "Hard": { "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 1800.0, "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0, "Server Admins": 0.0, "Normal Users": 1800.0 }, "Expert": { "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 1800.0, "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0, "Server Admins": 0.0, "Normal Users": 1800.0 }, "Nightmare": { "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 1800.0, "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0, "Server Admins": 0.0, "Normal Users": 1800.0 }, "Apply Cooldown To Entire Clan And Team": false, "Apply All Cooldowns": false }, "Refunds": { "Refund Despawned Bases": false, "Base Becomes Ineligible For Rewards On Despawn": true, "Block Refund If Base Is Damaged": true, "Block Despawn If Base Is Damaged": true, "Block Despawn If Anything Is Looted": true, "Refund Percentage": 100.0, "Refund Resets Cooldown Timer": false }, "Allow Players To Spawn Specified Base Files": false, "Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids": false, "Allow Ally With Lockouts To Enter": true, "Lock Raid To Buyer And Friends": true, "Max Buyable Events": 15, "Prevent Players From Hogging Purchased Raids": false, "Reset Purchased Owner After X Minutes Offline": 10.0, "Use Permission (raidablebases.buyraid)": false, "Spawn At Closest Position From Player": true, "Convert PVE To PVP": false, "Convert PVP To PVE": true, "Ignore Safe Checks": false, "Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0, "Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false, "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 100.0, "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none" }, "Maintained Events": { "Always Maintain Max Events": true, "Max Maintained Events": 10, "Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 0.0, "Include PVE Bases": true, "Include PVP Bases": true, "Minimum Required Players Online": 0, "Maximum Limit Of Players Online": 300, "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 60.0, "Convert PVE To PVP": false, "Convert PVP To PVE": true, "Ignore Safe Checks": false, "Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0, "Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false, "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 100.0, "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none" }, "Manual Events": { "Convert PVE To PVP": false, "Convert PVP To PVE": true, "Max Manual Events": 1, "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none" }, "Scheduled Events": { "Enabled": false, "Every Min Seconds": 3600.0, "Every Max Seconds": 7200.0, "Max Scheduled Events": 1, "Max To Spawn At Once (0 = Use Max Scheduled Events Amount)": 0, "Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 0.0, "Include PVE Bases": true, "Include PVP Bases": true, "Minimum Required Players Online": 1, "Maximum Limit Of Players Online": 300, "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 15.0, "Convert PVE To PVP": false, "Convert PVP To PVE": true, "Ignore Safe Checks": false, "Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0, "Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false, "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 100.0, "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none" }, "Allowed Zone Manager Zones": [ "pvp", "99999999" ], "Buyable Event Costs": { "Require Custom Costs": true, "Require Economics Costs": true, "Require Server Rewards Costs": true }, "Economics Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled)": { "Easy": 0.0, "Medium": 0.0, "Hard": 0.0, "Expert": 0.0, "Nightmare": 0.0 }, "ServerRewards Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled)": { "Easy": 0, "Medium": 0, "Hard": 0, "Expert": 0, "Nightmare": 0 }, "Custom Buy Raid Cost": { "Easy": [ { "Enabled": false, "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Name": null, "Amount": 50, "Skin": 0 } ], "Medium": [ { "Enabled": false, "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Name": null, "Amount": 100, "Skin": 0 } ], "Hard": [ { "Enabled": false, "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Name": null, "Amount": 150, "Skin": 0 } ], "Expert": [ { "Enabled": false, "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Name": null, "Amount": 200, "Skin": 0 } ], "Nightmare": [ { "Enabled": false, "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Name": null, "Amount": 250, "Skin": 0 } ] }, "Use Grid Locations In Allowed Zone Manager Zones Only": false, "Extended Distance To Spawn Away From Zone Manager Zones": 25.0, "Blacklisted Commands (PVE)": [], "Blacklisted Commands (PVP)": [], "Automatically Teleport Admins To Their Map Marker Positions": true, "Automatically Destroy Markers That Admins Teleport To": false, "Block Archery Plugin At PVE Events": false, "Block Archery Plugin At PVP Events": false, "Block Wizardry Plugin At PVE Events": false, "Block Wizardry Plugin At PVP Events": false, "Chat Steam64ID": 76561199564392767, "Expansion Mode (Dangerous Treasures)": false, "Remove Admins From Raiders List": true, "Show Direction To Coordinates": false, "Show X Z Coordinates": false, "Buy Raid Command": "buyraid", "Event Command": "rbe", "Hunter Command": "rb", "Server Console Command": "rbevent" }, "Event Messages": { "Ineligible For Rewards": { "Flying": false, "Vanished": false, "Inactive": true, "Not An Ally": true, "Not The Owner": true, "Not A Participant": true, "Remove Admins From Raiders List": false }, "Announce Raid Unlocked": false, "Announce Buy Base Messages": false, "Announce Thief Message": true, "Announce PVE/PVP Enter/Exit Messages": true, "Show Destroy Warning": true, "Show Opened Message For PVE Bases": true, "Show Opened Message For PVP Bases": true, "Show Opened Message For Paid Bases": true, "Show Message For Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Players Inside": false, "Show Message When Purchase Becomes Available": true, "Show Prefix": true, "Notify Plugin - Type (-1 = disabled)": -1, "Notification Interval": 1.0, "Send Messages To Player": true, "Save Thieves To Log File": false }, "GUIAnnouncements": { "Enabled": false, "Banner Tint Color": "Grey", "Maximum Distance": 300.0, "Text Color": "White" }, "Ranked Ladder": { "Award Top X Players On Wipe": 3, "Enabled": true, "Show Top X Ladder": 10, "Assign Rank After X Completions": { "Assign To Owner Of Raid Only": false, "Easy": 0, "Medium": 0, "Hard": 0, "Expert": 0, "Nightmare": 0 }, "Difficulty Points": { "Assign To Owner Of Raid Only": false, "Easy": 1, "Medium": 2, "Hard": 3, "Expert": 4, "Nightmare": 5 } }, "Skins": { "Boxes": { "Preset Skins": [], "Ignore If Skinned Already": false, "Use Identical Skins": false, "Use Random Skin": true, "Use Workshop Skins": true, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false }, "Npcs": { "Use Identical Skins": true, "Use Random Skin": true, "Use Workshop Skins": true, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false }, "Loot Items": { "Use Identical Skins For Stackable Items": true, "Use Identical Skins For Non-Stackable Items": false, "Use Random Skin": true, "Use Workshop Skins": true, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false }, "Deployables": { "Partial Names": [ "door", "barricade", "chair", "fridge", "furnace", "locker", "reactivetarget", "rug", "sleepingbag", "table", "vendingmachine", "waterpurifier", "skullspikes", "skulltrophy", "summer_dlc", "sled" ], "Preset Door Skins": [], "Skin Everything": true, "Ignore If Skinned Already": false, "Use Identical Skins": false, "Use Random Skin": true, "Use Workshop Skins": true, "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": true, "Use Approved Workshop Skins Only": false } }, "Treasure": { "Resources Not Moved To Cupboards": [ "skull.human", "battery.small", "bone.fragments", "can.beans.empty", "can.tuna.empty", "water.salt", "water", "skull.wolf" ], "Use Day Of Week Loot": false, "Do Not Duplicate Base Loot": false, "Do Not Duplicate Difficulty Loot": false, "Do Not Duplicate Default Loot": false, "Use Stack Size Limit For Spawning Items": false }, "UI": { "Advanced Alerts UI": { "Enabled": false, "Anchor Min": "0.35 0.85", "Anchor Max": "0.65 0.95", "Time Shown": 5.0, "Title Background Color": "#000000" }, "Buyable Events UI": { "Enabled": true, "Offset Min": "-34.159 86.718", "Offset Max": "179.959 254.682", "Panel Alpha": 0.98, "Cursor Enabled": false, "Background Color": "#252121", "Button Alpha": 1.0, "Title Background Color": "#000000", "X Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Font Size": 14, "Use Contrast Colors For Text Color": true, "Use Difficulty Colors For Buttons": true, "X Button Color": "#497CAF", "Easy Button Color": "#497CAF", "Easy Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Medium Button Color": "#497CAF", "Medium Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Hard Button Color": "#497CAF", "Hard Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Expert Button Color": "#497CAF", "Expert Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Nightmare Button Color": "#497CAF", "Nightmare Text Color": "#FFFFFF" }, "Buyable Cooldowns UI": { "Enabled": true, "Offset Min": "-117.966 -77.055", "Offset Max": "-17.834 -33.74", "Panel Alpha": 0.98, "Background Color": "#242020", "Title Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Title Embed Color": "#242020", "Title Panel Color": "#000000" }, "Delay UI": { "Enabled": true, "Offset Min": "-34.488 87.056", "Offset Max": "179.631 124.804", "Font Size": 14, "Panel Alpha": 0.98, "Text Color": "#FF0000", "Background Color": "#252121", "Title Background Color": "#000000" }, "Lockouts UI": { "Enabled": true, "Offset Min": "-117.966 -149.658", "Offset Max": "-17.834 -106.342", "Panel Alpha": 0.98, "Background Color": "#242020", "Title Text Color": "#FFFFFF", "Title Embed Color": "#242020", "Title Panel Color": "#000000" }, "Status UI": { "Font Size": 12, "Panel Color": "#252121", "PVP Color": "#FF0000", "PVE Color": "#008000", "Show Loot Left": true, "Enabled": true, "Offset Min": "191.957 17.056", "Offset Max": "327.626 79.024", "Panel Alpha": 0.98, "Background Color": "#252121", "Title Background Color": "#000000", "No Owner Color": "#FFFFFF", "Negative Color": "#FF0000", "Positive Color": "#008000" } }, "Weapons": { "Infinite Ammo": { "AutoTurret": true, "FlameTurret": true, "FogMachine": true, "GunTrap": true, "SamSite": true }, "Ammo": { "AutoTurret": 256, "FlameTurret": 256, "FogMachine": 5, "GunTrap": 128, "SamSite": 24 }, "Fog Machine Allows Motion Toggle": true, "Fog Machine Requires A Power Source": true, "Spooky Speakers Requires Power Source": false, "Test Generator Power": 100.0, "Furnace Starting Fuel": 1000 }, "Log Debug To File": false }