using ConVar; using Network; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using WebSocketSharp; namespace Oxide.Plugins { /* * This Version Changes: * - Carbon fixes */ [Info("Auto Demo Record", "Pho3niX90", "1.2.96")] [Description("Automatic recording based on conditions.")] internal class AutoDemoRecord : RustPlugin { const string PermissionRecord = "autodemorecord.record"; private List _reports = new List(); List _pendingUploads = new List(); private Dictionary _timers = new Dictionary(); private new Dictionary _blacklistPlayers = new Dictionary(); private ARConfig config; int lastSavedCount = 0; int lastSavedCount_blacklist = 0; int _discordSize = 6000000; const string DISCORD_INTRO_URL = ""; [PluginReference] Plugin ServerArmour; bool HasPermission(BasePlayer player, string permissionName = PermissionRecord) { return permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, permissionName); } private void Loaded() { if (!permission.PermissionExists(PermissionRecord, this)) permission.RegisterPermission(PermissionRecord, this); lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["Recording Started"] = "Recording started for player {0}, eta is {1} mins", ["Recording Ended"] = "Recording finished for player {0}, player was recorded for {1} mins", ["Your Recording Started"] = "Your recording has started, and will auto stop in {0} mins", ["Your Recording Ended"] = "Your recording has ended." }, this); LoadData(); foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { CheckUploads(player); } } private void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player) { CheckUploads(player); if (_blacklistPlayers.ContainsKey(player.userID)) { _recordOnInterval(player.userID, _blacklistPlayers[player.userID]); } else if (config.AR_Fyhack_Seconds > 0 && player.lastViolationType.Equals(AntiHackType.FlyHack)) { float secondsAgo = (UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup - player.lastViolationTime); if (secondsAgo <= config.AR_Fyhack_Seconds) { API_StartRecordingWithWebhook(player, $"Flyhacked {secondsAgo:0.000} seconds ago", null); } } } private void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer player) { StopRecording(player); if (_timers.ContainsKey(player.userID) && !_timers[player.userID].Destroyed) { _timers[player.userID].Destroy(); } } void OnPlayerCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!command.ToLower().Equals("report") || args.Length < 2) return; var target = BasePlayer.Find(args[0]); if (target == null) return; List reason = args.Skip(1).ToList(); var report = new ARReport(player.UserIDString, player.displayName, target.UserIDString, target.displayName, "Report", string.Join(" ", reason), "Report"); _reports.Add(report); ProcessF7(target.userID, report); } private void Unload() { SaveData(); foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (player.Connection.IsRecording) StopRecording(player); } _pendingUploads.Clear(); foreach (Timer timer in _timers.Values) { timer.Destroy(); } _timers.Clear(); _reports.Clear(); } string GetMsg(string key) => lang.GetMessage(key, this); [ChatCommand("testrec")] private void cmdTestRec(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (player.IsAdmin || player.UserIDString.Equals("76561198007433923")) { var report = new ARReport(player.UserIDString, player.displayName, player.UserIDString, player.displayName, "Test Subejct", "Test description/message", "Test type"); _reports.Add(report); ProcessF7(player.userID, report); } } [ChatCommand("record")] private void cmdRecord(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!HasPermission(player)) { SendReply(player, "You do not have rights to use this command."); return; } SendReply(player, string.Format(GetMsg("Your Recording Started"), config.AR_Report_Length_Self)); API_StartRecording4(player, $"Player {player.displayName} initiated self recording.", config.AR_Report_Length_Self, config.AR_Discord_Self_Webhook); } [ChatCommand("record.stop")] private void cmdRecordStop(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!HasPermission(player)) { SendReply(player, "You do not have rights to use this command."); return; } SendReply(player, string.Format(GetMsg("Your Recording Ended"), config.AR_Report_Length_Self)); StopRecording(player, config.AR_Discord_Webhook); } [ConsoleCommand("autodemorecord.record")] void cmdRecordConsole(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { ulong playerId; int minutes; if (ulong.TryParse(arg.Args[0], out playerId) && int.TryParse(arg.Args[1], out minutes)) { BasePlayer player = BasePlayer.FindByID(playerId); API_StartRecording4(player, $"Recording started of {player.displayName}.", minutes, config.AR_Discord_Webhook); } else { arg.ReplyWith("Syntax: autodemorecord.record steam64id minutes"); } } void _recordOnInterval(ulong playerId, BlacklistEntry entry) { BasePlayer player = BasePlayer.FindByID(playerId); if (player != null && player.IsConnected) API_StartRecordingWithLength(player, $"Recording started of {player.displayName}.", entry.recordingMinutes); } [ConsoleCommand("autodemorecord.blacklist")] void cmdRecordBlacklist(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { string action = ""; ulong playerId = 0; int minutes = 0; int interval = 0; action = arg.Args.Length > 0 ? arg.Args[0].ToLower() : ""; switch (action) { case "add": if (arg.Args.Length == 4 && ulong.TryParse(arg.Args[1], out playerId) && int.TryParse(arg.Args[2], out minutes) && int.TryParse(arg.Args[3], out interval)) { if (minutes == 0 && interval == 0) { goto default; } if (_blacklistPlayers.ContainsKey(playerId)) { arg.ReplyWith("Player already blacklisted, remove first."); } else { var entry = new BlacklistEntry(minutes, interval); if (_blacklistPlayers.TryAdd(playerId, entry)) { _recordOnInterval(playerId, entry); SaveData(); } } } else { goto default; } break; case "remove": if (arg.Args.Length > 0) { if (_blacklistPlayers.ContainsKey(playerId)) { if (_blacklistPlayers.Remove(playerId)) { arg.ReplyWith("Player removed from blacklist"); } } else { arg.ReplyWith("Player not blacklisted"); } } else { goto default; } break; default: arg.ReplyWith( "Syntax: autodemorecord.blacklist add [steam64id] [recordingMinutes] [intervalMinutes]\nautodemorecord.blacklist remove [steam64id]"); break; } } private void API_Report(string reporterId, string reporterName, string targetId, string targetName, string reason) => ProcessF7(ulong.Parse(targetId), new ARReport(reporterId, reporterName, targetId, targetName, reason)); void OnPlayerReported(BasePlayer reporter, string targetName, string targetId, string subject, string message, string type) { ulong targetIdLong = 0; if (ulong.TryParse(targetId, out targetIdLong)) { var report = new ARReport(reporter.UserIDString, reporter.displayName, targetId, targetName, subject, message, type); _reports.Add(report); ProcessF7(targetIdLong, report); } } void ProcessF7(ulong targetId, ARReport report = null) { BasePlayer accused = BasePlayer.FindByID(targetId); if (accused == null) return; if (accused.IsConnected) { // record player only if he has reaced the amount in the config. And only when there is no recording active. if (CheckReports(accused) >= config.AR_Report) { if (!accused.Connection.IsRecording) { StartRecording(accused, report); } else { //TODO extend recording period. } } else if (config.AR_SendAllReports) { NotifyDiscord(accused, null, true); } } } private void API_StartRecording(BasePlayer player, string reason) => StartRecording(player, null, reason); /* private void API_StartRecording(BasePlayer player, string reason, int length) => StartRecording(player, null, reason, null, length); private void API_StartRecording(BasePlayer player, string reason, string webhook) => StartRecording(player, null, reason, webhook); */ private void API_StartRecording(BasePlayer player, string reason, int length, string webhook) => StartRecording(player, null, reason, webhook, length); // broken method overloading fixes private void API_StartRecordingWithLength(BasePlayer player, string reason, int length) => StartRecording(player, null, reason, null, length); private void API_StartRecordingWithWebhook(BasePlayer player, string reason, string webhook) => StartRecording(player, null, reason, webhook); private void API_StartRecording4(BasePlayer player, string reason, int length, string webhook) => StartRecording(player, null, reason, webhook, length); Demo.Header GetHeader(Connection conn) { #if CARBON return player.Connection.recordHeader; #else return typeof(Connection) .GetField("recordHeader", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(conn) as Demo.Header; #endif } void NullifyHeader(BasePlayer player) { #if CARBON player.Connection.recordHeader = null #else typeof(Connection).GetField("recordHeader", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .SetValue(player.Connection, null); #endif } void StartRecording(BasePlayer player, ARReport report = null, string reason = null, string webhook = null, int length = 0) { Puts($"API_StartRecording called with reason: {reason}"); if (player == null) { Puts("Plugin sent a null player object. Cannot record."); return; } if (player.Connection.IsRecording) { Puts($"Already recording for {player.displayName}"); return; } if (length == 0) { Puts($"Recording length passed is 0, so defaulting to {config.AR_Report_Length}"); length = config.AR_Report_Length; } var msg = string.Format(GetMsg("Recording Started"), player.UserIDString, length); if (report != null) { AddReport(player.userID, report); } if (!reason.IsNullOrEmpty()) { AddReason(player.userID, reason); } else { AddReason(player.userID, "N/A"); } if (!webhook.IsNullOrEmpty() && webhook.Equals(config.AR_Discord_Self_Webhook)) { IsSelfReport(player.userID); } if (config.AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStart || config.AR_SendAllReports) NotifyDiscord(player, msg, true, webhook); if (config.AR_Upload_CombatLog) GenCombatLog(player, string.Format("{0} {1:yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss}.txt", player.UserIDString, DateTime.Now)); player.StartDemoRecording(); int recordingTime = length * 60; if (length > 0) { _timers[player.userID] = timer.Repeat(10, (recordingTime / 10) + 1, () => MonitorSplit(player, _timers[player.userID], webhook, length)); } } void StopRecording(BasePlayer player, string wh = "") { if (player.Connection.IsRecording) { PendingUploads pup = GetUploads(player.userID); if (pup != null && pup.isSelfRecord) { SendReply(player, GetMsg("Your Recording Ended")); } if (config.AR_Upload || !config.AR_SaveRecording) AddFile(player.Connection); if (!config.AR_SaveRecording) { if (!wh.IsNullOrEmpty() || !GetWebhook(pup.isSelfRecord).IsNullOrEmpty()) { NullifyHeader(player); } else { PrintWarning("Webhooks not setup. Won't upload."); } } player.StopDemoRecording(); // upload if (pup != null) { UploadFiles(pup, player, wh); if (config.AR_Clear_Counter) { _reports.RemoveAll(x => x.targetId == player.UserIDString); } } _timers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == player.userID).Value?.Destroy(); CheckUploads(player); } if (_blacklistPlayers.ContainsKey(player.userID)) { var entry = _blacklistPlayers[player.userID]; Puts( $"{player.displayName} is blacklisted, will start another recording again in {entry.intervalMinutes}m for {entry.recordingMinutes}m"); try { timer.Once(entry.intervalMinutes * 60, () => _recordOnInterval(player.userID, entry)); } catch (Exception e) { if (player && player.IsConnected) { _recordOnInterval(player.userID, entry); } else { Puts($"Blacklisted Player {player.displayName} went offline."); } } } } void SplitRecording(BasePlayer player, string wh) { if (player == null || !player.Connection.IsRecording) return; AddFile(player.Connection); if (!config.AR_SaveRecording) { NullifyHeader(player); } player?.StopDemoRecording(); UploadFiles(GetUploads(player.userID), player, wh); player?.StartDemoRecording(); } void MonitorSplit(BasePlayer player, Timer timer, string wh, int length = 0) { Connection conn = player.Connection; int recordLength = length > 0 ? length * 60 : config.AR_Report_Length * 60; if (conn != null && conn.IsRecording) { if ((recordLength <= Math.Round(GetTotalSecondsRecorded(conn))) || timer.Destroyed || !player.IsConnected) { StopRecording(player, wh); timer.Destroy(); _timers.Remove(player.userID); } else if (config.AR_Discord_Split && conn.RecordFilesize >= _discordSize) { //Puts($"conn.RecordFilesize {conn.RecordFilesize}"); SplitRecording(player, wh); } } else { timer.Destroy(); } } // Temporary reflection until fields are exposed. byte[] GetDemoFileBytes(Connection conn) { if (conn == null) { PrintWarning($"connection is null"); return null; } if (!conn.IsRecording) { PrintWarning($"no recording active"); return null; } // Temporary reflection until fields are exposed. #if CARBON var recordStream = player.connection.recordStream; #else var recordStream = typeof(Connection) .GetField("recordStream", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(conn); #endif if (recordStream == null) { PrintWarning($"record stream empty"); return null; } // Temporary reflection until fields are exposed. var recordHeader = GetHeader(conn); if (recordHeader != null) { // Manually converting data to a byte array since System.IO is unavailable to us. var demoRecordHeader = recordHeader; demoRecordHeader.length = (long)conn.RecordTimeElapsed.TotalMilliseconds; var protoBytes = demoRecordHeader.ToProtoBytes(); List bytes = new List() { 0x10 }; var encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true); bytes.AddRange(encoding.GetBytes("RUST DEMO FORMAT")); bytes.AddRange(GetIntBytes(protoBytes.Length)); bytes.AddRange(protoBytes); bytes.AddRange(encoding.GetBytes(new char[] { '\0' })); bytes.AddRange((byte[])recordStream.GetType() .GetMethod("ToArray", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public) .Invoke(recordStream, Array.Empty())); //UploadFile(fileName, bytes.ToArray()); return bytes.ToArray(); } else { PrintWarning($"record header empty"); return null; } } byte[] GetIntBytes(int value) { var buffer = new byte[4]; buffer[0] = (byte)value; buffer[1] = (byte)(value >> 8); buffer[2] = (byte)(value >> 16); buffer[3] = (byte)(value >> 24); return buffer; } int CheckReports(BasePlayer player) => config.AR_Report_Seconds > 0 ? this._reports.Count(x => secondsAgo(x.created) <= config.AR_Report_Seconds && x.targetId == player.UserIDString) : this._reports.Count(x => x.targetId == player.UserIDString); int secondsAgo(DateTime timeFrom) { DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; return (int)Math.Round((now - timeFrom).TotalSeconds); } DiscordMessageConfig GenerateFieldContent(BasePlayer player, ARReport report, string msgRec, string avatar = "") { List content = new List(); if (report != null) { string targetUserLink = $"{report.reporterName}\n{report.reporterId}\n[Steam]({player.UserIDString}) - [SA]({player.UserIDString}) - [BM]({player.UserIDString})"; content.Add(new FieldConfig() { Title = "Reporter", Value = targetUserLink, Inline = true, Enabled = true, Order = 3 }); content.Add(new FieldConfig() { Title = "Report Subject", Value = $"{report.type}: {report.subject}", Inline = false, Enabled = true, Order = 4 }); content.Add(new FieldConfig() { Title = "Report Message", Value = report.message, Inline = true, Enabled = true, Order = 5 }); } else { content.Add(new FieldConfig() { Title = "Reason", Value = string.Empty, Inline = false, Enabled = true, Order = 6 }); } string userLink = $"[{player?.displayName}\n{player.UserIDString}]({player.UserIDString})"; content.Add(new FieldConfig() { Title = "Player", Value = userLink, Inline = true, Enabled = true, Order = 2 }); content.Add(new FieldConfig() { Title = covalence.Server.Name, Value = $"[steam://connect/{covalence.Server.Address.MapToIPv4()}:{covalence.Server.Port}](steam://connect/{covalence.Server.Address}:{covalence.Server.Port})", Inline = false, Enabled = true, Order = 7 }); var msg = new DiscordMessageConfig { Content = string.Empty, Embed = new EmbedConfig { Title = config.AR_Discord_WebhookTitle, Description = msgRec, Color = config.AR_Discord_Color, Image = string.Empty, Thumbnail = avatar, // "", Fields = content, Footer = new FooterConfig { IconUrl = "", Text = $"{Title} V{Version} by {Author}", Enabled = true }, Enabled = true } }; return msg; } void NotifyDiscord(BasePlayer player, string msgRec, bool isStart = false, string webhook = null) { string webHook = !webhook.IsNullOrEmpty() && !webhook.Equals(DISCORD_INTRO_URL) ? webhook : config.AR_Discord_Webhook; if (!webHook.IsNullOrEmpty() && !config.Equals(DISCORD_INTRO_URL) && (config.AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStart || config.AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStop)) { PendingUploads pup = GetUploads(player.userID); if (pup == null) return; DiscordMessageConfig msg = null; if ((isStart && config.AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStartMsg) || (!isStart && config.AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStopMsg) || config.AR_SendAllReports) { msg = GenerateFieldContent(player,, msgRec); } else { msg = GenerateFieldContent(player, null, msgRec); } try { webrequest.Enqueue($"{player.userID}?xml=1", string.Empty, (code, result) => { if (code >= 200 && code <= 204) { msg.Embed.Thumbnail = new Regex( @"(?<=[\w\W]+)https://.+\.jpg(?=[\w\W]+<\/avatarMedium>)", RegexOptions.Compiled).Match(result).Value; DiscordMessage message = ParseMessage(msg); SendDiscordMessage(webHook, message); } else { throw new Exception(); } }, this); } catch (Exception e) { if (!webhook.IsNullOrEmpty()) { DiscordMessage message = ParseMessage(msg); SendDiscordMessage(webHook, message); } else { PrintWarning("Webhooks not setup. Won't upload."); } } } } #region Configuration string GetWebhook(bool isSelfStart) => isSelfStart && !config.AR_Discord_Self_Webhook.Replace(DISCORD_INTRO_URL, "").IsNullOrEmpty() ? config.AR_Discord_Self_Webhook : config.AR_Discord_Webhook.Replace(DISCORD_INTRO_URL, ""); private class ARConfig { // Config default vars public int AR_Report = 2; public int AR_Report_Length = 5; public int AR_Report_Length_Self = 10; public bool AR_Clear_Counter = false; public string AR_Discord_Webhook = DISCORD_INTRO_URL; public string AR_Discord_Self_Webhook = DISCORD_INTRO_URL; public string AR_Discord_Color = "#de8732"; public bool AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStart = false; public bool AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStop = false; public int AR_Report_Seconds = 0; public bool AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStartMsg = true; public bool AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStopMsg = false; public bool AR_Save_Reports = true; public bool AR_Upload = true; public bool AR_Upload_CombatLog = true; public bool AR_Discord_Split = true; public bool AR_SaveRecording = false; public bool AR_SendAllReports = false; public bool AR_Discord_SingleUpload = false; public int AR_Fyhack_Seconds = 600; public string AR_Discord_WebhookTitle = "Auto Demo Recorder"; // Plugin reference private AutoDemoRecord plugin; public ARConfig(AutoDemoRecord plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; /** * Load all saved config values * */ GetConfig(ref AR_Report, "Auto record after X reports"); GetConfig(ref AR_Report_Length, "Auto record for X minutes"); GetConfig(ref AR_Report_Length_Self, "Auto record for X minutes (Self record)"); GetConfig(ref AR_Clear_Counter, "Clear report counter after recording?"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_WebhookTitle, "Discord Webhook Title"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_Webhook, "Discord Webhook"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_Self_Webhook, "Discord Webhook - Self Record"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_Color, "Discord MSG Color"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStart, "Discord: Notify if recording is started"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStartMsg, "Discord: Include report with start message?"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStop, "Discord: Notify if recording is stopped"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_Notify_RecordStopMsg, "Discord: Include report with end message?"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_SingleUpload, "Discord: Single upload msg?"); GetConfig(ref AR_Report_Seconds, "Only record when reports within X seconds"); GetConfig(ref AR_Save_Reports, "Save/Load reports to datafile on reload"); GetConfig(ref AR_Upload, "Upload DEMO file to discord webhook?"); GetConfig(ref AR_SaveRecording, "Save recording to server?"); GetConfig(ref AR_Upload_CombatLog, "Upload Combat Log to discord webhook?"); GetConfig(ref AR_Discord_Split, "Split DEMO files for non nitro discord (8mb chunks)?"); GetConfig(ref AR_SendAllReports, "Send all reports/F7 to discord?"); GetConfig(ref AR_Fyhack_Seconds, "Record if FlyHacked in last X seconds"); plugin.SaveConfig(); } private void GetConfig(ref T variable, params string[] path) { if (path.Length == 0) return; if (plugin.Config.Get(path) == null) { SetConfig(ref variable, path); plugin.PrintWarning($"Added new field to config: {string.Join("/", path)}"); } variable = (T)Convert.ChangeType(plugin.Config.Get(path), typeof(T)); } private void SetConfig(ref T variable, params string[] path) => plugin.Config.Set(path.Concat(new object[] { variable }).ToArray()); } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); config = new ARConfig(this); } void LoadData() { try { _reports = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject>(this.Name); lastSavedCount = _reports.Count(); } catch (Exception e) { Puts(e.Message); } try { _blacklistPlayers = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject>( $"{this.Name}_blacklist"); lastSavedCount_blacklist = _blacklistPlayers.Count(); } catch (Exception e) { Puts(e.Message); } } void SaveData() { int records = _reports.Count(); int recordsDiff = records - lastSavedCount; lastSavedCount = records; if (config.AR_Save_Reports && recordsDiff != 0) { try { Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject(this.Name, _reports, true); } catch (Exception e) { Puts(e.Message); } } records = _blacklistPlayers.Count(); recordsDiff = records - lastSavedCount_blacklist; lastSavedCount_blacklist = records; if (recordsDiff == 0) return; try { Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"{this.Name}_blacklist", _blacklistPlayers, true); } catch (Exception e) { Puts(e.Message); } } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => PrintWarning("Generating new configuration file."); #endregion #region Classes public class PendingUploads { public ulong userID; public ARReport report; public string reason; public List files; public bool shouldUpload; public bool isSelfRecord; public PendingUploads(BasePlayer player) { this.userID = player.userID; this.files = new List(); this.reason = null; = null; this.shouldUpload = false; } public PendingUploads AddReport(ARReport report) { = report; return this; } public PendingUploads AddReason(string reason) { this.reason = reason; return this; } public PendingUploads AddFile(PFile file) { this.files.Add(file); return this; } public double GetTotalSeconds() { return this.files.Sum(x => x.totalSeconds); } } public class PFile { public string fileName; public byte[] fileBytes; public double totalSeconds; public PFile(string filename, byte[] bytes) { this.fileName = filename; this.fileBytes = bytes; this.totalSeconds = 0; } public PFile(string filename, byte[] bytes, double totalSeconds) { this.fileName = filename; this.fileBytes = bytes; this.totalSeconds = totalSeconds; } } public class ARReport { public string reporterName; public string reporterId; public string targetName; public string targetId; public string subject; public string message; public string type; public DateTime created; public ARReport() { } public ARReport(string reporterId, string reporterName, string targetId, string targetName, string subject, string message, string type) { this.reporterId = reporterId; this.reporterName = reporterName; this.targetId = targetId; this.targetName = targetName; this.subject = subject; this.message = message; this.type = type; this.created = DateTime.UtcNow; } public ARReport(string targetId, string targetName) { this.targetName = targetName; this.targetId = targetId; } public ARReport(string reporterId, string reporterName, string targetId, string targetName, string reason) { this.reporterId = reporterId; this.reporterName = reporterName; this.targetName = targetName; this.targetId = targetId; this.message = reason; } } public class BlacklistEntry { public BlacklistEntry() { } public BlacklistEntry(int rMin, int iMin) { this.recordingMinutes = rMin; this.intervalMinutes = iMin; } public int recordingMinutes; public int intervalMinutes; } #endregion #region Combat private void GenCombatLog(BasePlayer target, string filename, int logSize = 30) { var cLog = CombatLog.Get(target.userID); TextTable textTable = new TextTable(); textTable.AddColumns(new[] {"time", "attacker", "id", "target", "id", "weapon", "ammo", "area", "distance", "old_hp", "new_hp"}); int num = cLog.Count - logSize; int delay = ConVar.Server.combatlogdelay; timer.Once(delay, () => { foreach (CombatLog.Event evt in cLog) { string time = (UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup - evt.time).ToString("0s"); bool isPlayer = evt.attacker == "you"; string attackerName = isPlayer ? target.displayName : UintFind(evt.attacker_id); string attacker_id = isPlayer ? target.UserIDString : evt.attacker_id.ToString(); isPlayer = == "you"; string targetName = isPlayer ? target.displayName : UintFind(evt.target_id); string target_id = isPlayer ? target.UserIDString : evt.target_id.ToString(); textTable.AddRow(new string[] { time, attackerName, attacker_id, targetName, target_id, evt.weapon, evt.ammo, HitAreaUtil.Format(evt.area).ToLower(), evt.distance.ToString("0.0m"), evt.health_old.ToString("0.0"), evt.health_new.ToString("0.0") }); } if (config.AR_Upload_CombatLog && !filename.IsNullOrEmpty()) { if (config.AR_SaveRecording) { SaveCombatLog(filename, textTable); } try { AddFile(target.userID, filename, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(textTable.ToString())); //AddFile(target.userID, filename, textTable.ToString().Select(x =>Convert.ToByte(x)).ToArray()); } catch (OverflowException e) { Puts($"Cannot upload combatlog due to an error: size={textTable.ToString().Length}, msg={e.Message}"); } } }); } private void SaveCombatLog(string filename, TextTable data) => LogToFile($"{filename}_combatlog", data.ToString(), this, false); private string UintFind(ulong id) { BasePlayer player = null; try { player = BasePlayer.activePlayerList.First(x =>; } catch (Exception e) { } return player != null ? player.displayName : id.ToString(); } #endregion #region Data Handling PendingUploads CheckUploads(BasePlayer player) { _pendingUploads.RemoveAll(x => x.userID == player.userID); var pup = new PendingUploads(player); _pendingUploads.Add(pup); return pup; } public double GetTotalSecondsRecorded(Connection conn) { return _pendingUploads.Find(x => x.userID == conn.userid).GetTotalSeconds() + conn.RecordTimeElapsed.TotalSeconds; } PendingUploads GetUploads(ulong userid) { return _pendingUploads.Find(x => x.userID == userid); } private void AddFile(ulong userid, string filename, byte[] bytes) { _pendingUploads.Find(x => x.userID == userid).AddFile(new PFile(filename, bytes)); } private void AddFile(Connection conn) { var fileBytes = GetDemoFileBytes(conn); if (fileBytes != null) { _pendingUploads .Find(x => x.userID == conn.userid) ?.AddFile(new PFile($"{conn.userid} {conn.RecordFilename.Split('/').Last()}", fileBytes, conn.RecordTimeElapsed.TotalSeconds)); } } private void AddReport(ulong userid, ARReport report) { _pendingUploads.Find(x => x.userID == userid).AddReport(report); } private void IsSelfReport(ulong userid) { _pendingUploads.Find(x => x.userID == userid).isSelfRecord = true; } private void AddReason(ulong userid, string reason) { _pendingUploads.Find(x => x.userID == userid).AddReason(reason).isSelfRecord = false; } #endregion #region Discord Embed #region Send Embed Methods /// /// Headers when sending an embeded message /// private readonly Dictionary _headers = new Dictionary() { {"Content-Type", "application/json"} }; /// /// Sends the DiscordMessage to the specified webhook url /// /// Webhook url /// Message being sent private void SendDiscordMessage(string url, DiscordMessage message) { webrequest.Enqueue(url, message.ToJson(), SendDiscordMessageCallback, this, RequestMethod.POST, _headers); } /// /// Callback when sending the embed if any errors occured /// /// HTTP response code /// Response message private void SendDiscordMessageCallback(int code, string message) { if (code != 204) { if (code == 413) { if (!this.config.AR_Discord_Split) { this.config.AR_Discord_Split = true; PrintWarning($"Upload failed due too split not enabled for a non boosted server. Reverting settting"); SaveConfig(); } else { PrintWarning($"{_discordSize} bytes too large for your server, decreasing by 50K"); _discordSize -= 50000; } } PrintError(message); } } /// /// Sends the DiscordMessage to the specified webhook url with attachments /// /// Webhook url /// Message being sent /// Attachments to be added to the DiscordMessage private void SendDiscordAttachmentMessage(string url, DiscordMessage message, List files) { List formData = new List { new MultipartFormDataSection("payload_json", message.ToJson()) }; for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { Attachment attachment = files[i]; formData.Add(new MultipartFormFileSection($"file{i + 1}", attachment.Data, attachment.Filename, attachment.ContentType)); } InvokeHandler.Instance.StartCoroutine(SendDiscordAttachmentMessageHandler(url, formData)); } private IEnumerator SendDiscordAttachmentMessageHandler(string url, List data) { UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(url, data); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { PrintError($"{www.error} {www.downloadHandler.text}"); } } #endregion #region Helper Methods private const string OwnerIcon = ""; private void AddPluginInfoFooter(Embed embed) { embed.AddFooter($"{Title} V{Version} by {Author}", OwnerIcon); } private string GetPositionField(Vector3 pos) { return $"{pos.x:0.00} {pos.y:0.00} {pos.z:0.00}"; } #endregion #region Embed Classes private class DiscordMessage { /// /// The name of the user sending the message changing this will change the webhook bots name /// [JsonProperty("username")] private string Username { get; set; } /// /// The avatar url of the user sending the message changing this will change the webhook bots avatar /// [JsonProperty("avatar_url")] private string AvatarUrl { get; set; } /// /// String only content to be sent /// [JsonProperty("content")] private string Content { get; set; } /// /// Embeds to be sent /// [JsonProperty("embeds")] private List Embeds { get; } public DiscordMessage(string username = null, string avatarUrl = null) { Username = username; AvatarUrl = avatarUrl; Embeds = new List(); } public DiscordMessage(string content, string username = null, string avatarUrl = null) { Content = content; Username = username; AvatarUrl = avatarUrl; Embeds = new List(); } public DiscordMessage(Embed embed, string username = null, string avatarUrl = null) { Embeds = new List { embed }; Username = username; AvatarUrl = avatarUrl; } /// /// Adds a new embed to the list of embed to send /// /// Embed to add /// This /// Thrown if more than 10 embeds are added in a send as that is the discord limit public DiscordMessage AddEmbed(Embed embed) { if (Embeds.Count >= 10) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Only 10 embed are allowed per message"); } Embeds.Add(embed); return this; } /// /// Adds string content to the message /// /// /// public DiscordMessage AddContent(string content) { Content = content; return this; } /// /// Changes the username and avatar image for the bot sending the message /// /// username to change /// avatar img url to change /// This public DiscordMessage AddSender(string username, string avatarUrl) { Username = username; AvatarUrl = avatarUrl; return this; } /// /// Returns message as JSON to be sent in the web request /// /// public string ToJson() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }); } private class Embed { /// /// Color of the left side bar of the embed message /// [JsonProperty("color")] private int Color { get; set; } /// /// Fields to be added to the embed message /// [JsonProperty("fields")] private List Fields { get; } = new List(); /// /// Title of the embed message /// [JsonProperty("title")] private string Title { get; set; } /// /// Description of the embed message /// [JsonProperty("description")] private string Description { get; set; } /// /// Image to added to the embed message. Appears at the bottom of the message above the footer /// [JsonProperty("image")] private Image Image { get; set; } /// /// Thumbnail image added to the embed message. Appears in the top right corner /// [JsonProperty("thumbnail")] private Image Thumbnail { get; set; } /// /// Author to add to the embed message. Appears above the title. /// [JsonProperty("author")] private AuthorInfo Author { get; set; } /// /// Footer to add to the embed message. Appears below all content. /// [JsonProperty("footer")] private Footer Footer { get; set; } /// /// Adds a title to the embed message /// /// Title to add /// This public Embed AddTitle(string title) { Title = title; return this; } /// /// Adds a description to the embed message /// /// description to add /// This public Embed AddDescription(string description) { Description = description; return this; } /// /// Adds an author to the embed message. The author will appear above the title /// /// Name of the author /// Icon Url to use for the author /// Url to go to when the authors name is clicked on /// Backup icon url. Can be left null if you only have one icon url /// This public Embed AddAuthor(string name, string iconUrl = null, string url = null, string proxyIconUrl = null) { Author = new AuthorInfo(name, iconUrl, url, proxyIconUrl); return this; } /// /// Adds a footer to the embed message /// /// Text to be added to the footer /// Icon url to add in the footer. Appears to the left of the text /// Backup icon url. Can be left null if you only have one icon url /// This public Embed AddFooter(string text, string iconUrl = null, string proxyIconUrl = null) { Footer = new Footer(text, iconUrl, proxyIconUrl); return this; } /// /// Adds an int based color to the embed. Color appears as a bar on the left side of the message /// /// /// public Embed AddColor(int color) { if (color < 0x0 || color > 0xFFFFFF) { throw new Exception($"Color '{color}' is outside the valid color range"); } Color = color; return this; } /// /// Adds a hex based color. Color appears as a bar on the left side of the message /// /// Color in string hex format /// This /// Exception thrown if color is outside of range public Embed AddColor(string color) { int parsedColor = int.Parse(color.TrimStart('#'), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); if (parsedColor < 0x0 || parsedColor > 0xFFFFFF) { throw new Exception($"Color '{color}' is outside the valid color range"); } Color = parsedColor; return this; } /// /// Adds a RGB based color. Color appears as a bar on the left side of the message /// /// Red value between 0 - 255 /// Green value between 0 - 255 /// Blue value between 0 - 255 /// This /// Thrown if red, green, or blue is outside of range public Embed AddColor(int red, int green, int blue) { if (red < 0 || red > 255 || green < 0 || green > 255 || green < 0 || green > 255) { throw new Exception( $"Color Red:{red} Green:{green} Blue:{blue} is outside the valid color range. Must be between 0 - 255"); } Color = red * 65536 + green * 256 + blue; ; return this; } /// /// Adds a blank field. /// If inline it will add a blank column. /// If not inline will add a blank row /// /// If the field is inline /// This public Embed AddBlankField(bool inline) { Fields.Add(new Field("\u200b", "\u200b", inline)); return this; } /// /// Adds a new field with the name as the title and value as the value. /// If inline will add a new column. If row will add in a new row. /// /// /// /// /// public Embed AddField(string name, string value, bool inline) { Fields.Add(new Field(name, value, inline)); return this; } /// /// Adds an image to the embed. The url should point to the url of the image. /// If using attachment image you can make the url: "attachment://{image name}.{image extension} /// /// Url for the image /// width of the image /// height of the image /// Backup url for the image /// public Embed AddImage(string url, int? width = null, int? height = null, string proxyUrl = null) { Image = new Image(url, width, height, proxyUrl); return this; } /// /// Adds a thumbnail in the top right corner of the embed /// If using attachment image you can make the url: "attachment://{image name}.{image extension} /// /// Url for the image /// width of the image /// height of the image /// Backup url for the image /// public Embed AddThumbnail(string url, int? width = null, int? height = null, string proxyUrl = null) { Thumbnail = new Image(url, width, height, proxyUrl); return this; } } /// /// Field for and embed message /// private class Field { /// /// Name of the field /// [JsonProperty("name")] private string Name { get; } /// /// Value for the field /// [JsonProperty("value")] private string Value { get; } /// /// If the field should be in the same row or a new row /// [JsonProperty("inline")] private bool Inline { get; } public Field(string name, string value, bool inline) { Name = name; Value = value; Inline = inline; } } /// /// Image for an embed message /// private class Image { /// /// Url for the image /// [JsonProperty("url")] private string Url { get; } /// /// Width for the image /// [JsonProperty("width")] private int? Width { get; } /// /// Height for the image /// [JsonProperty("height")] private int? Height { get; } /// /// Proxy url for the image /// [JsonProperty("proxyURL")] private string ProxyUrl { get; } public Image(string url, int? width, int? height, string proxyUrl) { Url = url; Width = width; Height = height; ProxyUrl = proxyUrl; } } /// /// Author of an embed message /// private class AuthorInfo { /// /// Name of the author /// [JsonProperty("name")] private string Name { get; } /// /// Url to go to when clicking on the authors name /// [JsonProperty("url")] private string Url { get; } /// /// Icon url for the author /// [JsonProperty("icon_url")] private string IconUrl { get; } /// /// Proxy icon url for the author /// [JsonProperty("proxy_icon_url")] private string ProxyIconUrl { get; } public AuthorInfo(string name, string iconUrl, string url, string proxyIconUrl) { Name = name; Url = url; IconUrl = iconUrl; ProxyIconUrl = proxyIconUrl; } } /// /// Footer for an embed message /// private class Footer { /// /// Text for the footer /// [JsonProperty("text")] private string Text { get; } /// /// Icon url for the footer /// [JsonProperty("icon_url")] private string IconUrl { get; } /// /// Proxy icon url for the footer /// [JsonProperty("proxy_icon_url")] private string ProxyIconUrl { get; } public Footer(string text, string iconUrl, string proxyIconUrl) { Text = text; IconUrl = iconUrl; ProxyIconUrl = proxyIconUrl; } } #endregion #region Attachment Classes /// /// Enum for attachment content type /// private enum AttachmentContentType { Png, Jpg, Octet } private class Attachment { /// /// Attachment data /// public byte[] Data { get; } /// /// File name for the attachment. /// Used in the url field of an image /// public string Filename { get; } /// /// Content type for the attachment /// /// public string ContentType { get; } public Attachment(byte[] data, string filename, AttachmentContentType contentType) { Data = data; Filename = filename; switch (contentType) { case AttachmentContentType.Jpg: ContentType = "image/jpeg"; break; case AttachmentContentType.Png: ContentType = "image/png"; break; case AttachmentContentType.Octet: ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; break; } } public Attachment(byte[] data, string filename, string contentType) { Data = data; Filename = filename; ContentType = contentType; } } #endregion #region Config Classes private class DiscordMessageConfig { public string Content { get; set; } public EmbedConfig Embed { get; set; } } private class EmbedConfig { [JsonProperty("Title")] public string Title { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Description")] public string Description { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Embed Color")] public string Color { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Image Url")] public string Image { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Thumbnail Url")] public string Thumbnail { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Fields")] public List Fields { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Footer")] public FooterConfig Footer { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } } private class FieldConfig { [JsonProperty("Title")] public string Title { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Value")] public string Value { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Inline")] public bool Inline { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Order")] public int Order { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } } private class FooterConfig { [JsonProperty("Icon Url")] public string IconUrl { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Text")] public string Text { get; set; } [JsonProperty("Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } } #endregion #region Config Methods private DiscordMessage ParseMessage(DiscordMessageConfig config) { DiscordMessage message = new DiscordMessage(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Content)) { message.AddContent(config.Content); } if (config.Embed != null && config.Embed.Enabled) { Embed embed = new Embed(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Embed.Title)) { embed.AddTitle(config.Embed.Title); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Embed.Description)) { embed.AddDescription(config.Embed.Description); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Embed.Color)) { embed.AddColor(config.Embed.Color); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Embed.Image)) { embed.AddImage(config.Embed.Image); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Embed.Thumbnail)) { embed.AddThumbnail(config.Embed.Thumbnail); } foreach (FieldConfig field in config.Embed.Fields.Where(f => f.Enabled).OrderBy(f => f.Order)) { string value = field.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { PrintWarning($"Field: {field.Title} was skipped because the value was null or empty."); continue; } embed.AddField(field.Title, value, field.Inline); } if (config.Embed.Footer != null && config.Embed.Footer.Enabled) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Embed.Footer.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Embed.Footer.IconUrl)) { AddPluginInfoFooter(embed); } else { embed.AddFooter(config.Embed.Footer.Text, config.Embed.Footer.IconUrl); } } message.AddEmbed(embed); } return message; } #endregion #endregion #region Discord Uploading private List uploaded = new List(); private void UploadFiles(PendingUploads pup, BasePlayer player, string wh = "") { var webhook = wh != null ? wh : GetWebhook(pup.isSelfRecord); List attach = new List(); var totalBytesCurrent = 0; var seconds = 0d; bool clear = false; for (int i = 0, n = pup.files.Count(); i < n; i++) { if (clear) { clear = false; seconds = 0; } var file = pup.files[i]; int nextIndex = i + 1; var nextTotalBytes = 0; attach.Add(new Attachment(file.fileBytes, file.fileName, AttachmentContentType.Octet)); nextTotalBytes = totalBytesCurrent += file.fileBytes.Length; if (nextIndex < n - 1) { nextTotalBytes += pup.files[nextIndex].fileBytes.Length; } seconds += file.totalSeconds; // Puts($"config.AR_Discord_Split {config.AR_Discord_Split}\nnextTotalBytes {nextTotalBytes}\n_discordSize {_discordSize}\nnextIndex {nextIndex}"); if ((config.AR_Discord_Split && nextTotalBytes >= _discordSize) || nextIndex >= n) { uploaded.AddRange(attach.Select(x => x.Filename)); // Puts($"MULTI MSG {nextIndex} {n}"); DiscordMessageConfig dmc = GenerateFieldContent(player,, string.Format(GetMsg("Recording Ended"), player.userID, Math.Round(seconds / 60))); try { webrequest.Enqueue($"{player.userID}?xml=1", string.Empty, (code, result) => { if (code >= 200 && code <= 204) { dmc.Embed.Thumbnail = new Regex( @"(?<=[\w\W]+)https://.+\.jpg(?=[\w\W]+<\/avatarMedium>)", RegexOptions.Compiled).Match(result).Value; if (!webhook.IsNullOrEmpty()) { SendDiscordAttachmentMessage(webhook, ParseMessage(dmc), attach); foreach (var file1 in uploaded) { attach.RemoveAll(x => x.Filename == file1); } uploaded.Clear(); } else { PrintWarning("Webhooks not setup. Won't upload."); } } else { throw new Exception(); } }, this); } catch (Exception e) { if (!webhook.IsNullOrEmpty()) { uploaded.AddRange(attach.Select(x => x.Filename)); SendDiscordAttachmentMessage(webhook, ParseMessage(dmc), attach); foreach (var file2 in uploaded) { attach.RemoveAll(x => x.Filename == file2); } uploaded.Clear(); } else { PrintWarning("Webhooks not setup. Won't upload."); } } clear = true; } } _pendingUploads.Find(x => x.userID == pup.userID)?.files.Clear(); } #endregion } }