using Facepunch; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Plugins.TruePVEExtensionMethods; using Rust; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEngine; /* if (io is Igniter) info.damageTypes.ScaleAll(0f); */ namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("TruePVE", "nivex", "2.1.511")] [Description("Improvement of the default Rust PVE behavior")] internal // Thanks to the original author, ignignokt84. class TruePVE : RustPlugin { #region Variables private static TruePVE Instance; // config/data container private Configuration config = new(); [PluginReference] Plugin ZoneManager, LiteZones, Clans, Friends, AbandonedBases, RaidableBases; public string usageString; private enum Command { def, sched, trace, usage, enable, sleepers }; private class RuleFlags : FlagsAttribute { public const ulong None = 0; public const ulong AdminsHurtSleepers = 1L << 1; public const ulong AnimalsIgnoreSleepers = 1L << 2; public const ulong AuthorizedDamage = 1L << 3; public const ulong AuthorizedDamageRequiresOwnership = 1L << 4; public const ulong CupboardOwnership = 1L << 5; public const ulong FriendlyFire = 1L << 6; public const ulong HeliDamageLocked = 1L << 7; public const ulong HumanNPCDamage = 1L << 8; public const ulong LockedBoxesImmortal = 1L << 9; public const ulong LockedDoorsImmortal = 1L << 10; public const ulong NoPlayerDamageToCar = 1L << 11; public const ulong NoPlayerDamageToMini = 1L << 12; public const ulong NoPlayerDamageToScrap = 1L << 13; public const ulong NoHeliDamage = 1L << 14; public const ulong NoHeliDamagePlayer = 1L << 15; public const ulong NoHeliDamageQuarry = 1L << 16; public const ulong NoHeliDamageRidableHorses = 1L << 17; public const ulong NoHeliDamageSleepers = 1L << 18; public const ulong NoMLRSDamage = 1L << 19; public const ulong NpcsCanHurtAnything = 1L << 20; public const ulong PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers = 1L << 21; public const ulong ProtectedSleepers = 1L << 22; public const ulong TrapsIgnorePlayers = 1L << 23; public const ulong TrapsIgnoreScientist = 1L << 24; public const ulong TurretsIgnorePlayers = 1L << 25; public const ulong TurretsIgnoreScientist = 1L << 26; public const ulong TwigDamage = 1L << 27; public const ulong TwigDamageRequiresOwnership = 1L << 28; public const ulong VehiclesTakeCollisionDamageWithoutDriver = 1L << 29; public const ulong SamSitesIgnoreMLRS = 1L << 30; public const ulong SelfDamage = 1L << 31; public const ulong StaticSamSitesIgnorePlayers = 1L << 32; public const ulong StaticTurretsIgnorePlayers = 1L << 33; public const ulong SafeZoneTurretsIgnorePlayers = 1L << 34; public const ulong SuicideBlocked = 1L << 35; public const ulong NoHeliDamageBuildings = 1L << 36; public const ulong WoodenDamage = 1L << 37; public const ulong WoodenDamageRequiresOwnership = 1L << 38; public const ulong AuthorizedDamageCheckPrivilege = 1L << 39; public static ulong Get(string value) { switch (value) { case "None": default: return RuleFlags.None; case "AdminsHurtSleepers": return RuleFlags.AdminsHurtSleepers; case "AnimalsIgnoreSleepers": return RuleFlags.AnimalsIgnoreSleepers; case "AuthorizedDamage": return RuleFlags.AuthorizedDamage; case "AuthorizedDamageRequiresOwnership": return RuleFlags.AuthorizedDamageRequiresOwnership; case "CupboardOwnership": return RuleFlags.CupboardOwnership; case "FriendlyFire": return RuleFlags.FriendlyFire; case "HeliDamageLocked": return RuleFlags.HeliDamageLocked; case "HumanNPCDamage": return RuleFlags.HumanNPCDamage; case "LockedBoxesImmortal": return RuleFlags.LockedBoxesImmortal; case "LockedDoorsImmortal": return RuleFlags.LockedDoorsImmortal; case "NoPlayerDamageToCar": return RuleFlags.NoPlayerDamageToCar; case "NoPlayerDamageToMini": return RuleFlags.NoPlayerDamageToMini; case "NoPlayerDamageToScrap": return RuleFlags.NoPlayerDamageToScrap; case "NoHeliDamage": return RuleFlags.NoHeliDamage; case "NoHeliDamagePlayer": return RuleFlags.NoHeliDamagePlayer; case "NoHeliDamageQuarry": return RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageQuarry; case "NoHeliDamageRidableHorses": return RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageRidableHorses; case "NoHeliDamageSleepers": return RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageSleepers; case "NoMLRSDamage": return RuleFlags.NoMLRSDamage; case "NpcsCanHurtAnything": return RuleFlags.NpcsCanHurtAnything; case "PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers": return RuleFlags.PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers; case "ProtectedSleepers": return RuleFlags.ProtectedSleepers; case "TrapsIgnorePlayers": return RuleFlags.TrapsIgnorePlayers; case "TrapsIgnoreScientist": return RuleFlags.TrapsIgnoreScientist; case "TurretsIgnorePlayers": return RuleFlags.TurretsIgnorePlayers; case "TurretsIgnoreScientist": return RuleFlags.TurretsIgnoreScientist; case "TwigDamage": return RuleFlags.TwigDamage; case "TwigDamageRequiresOwnership": return RuleFlags.TwigDamageRequiresOwnership; case "VehiclesTakeCollisionDamageWithoutDriver": return RuleFlags.VehiclesTakeCollisionDamageWithoutDriver; case "SamSitesIgnoreMLRS": return RuleFlags.SamSitesIgnoreMLRS; case "SelfDamage": return RuleFlags.SelfDamage; case "StaticSamSitesIgnorePlayers": return RuleFlags.StaticSamSitesIgnorePlayers; case "StaticTurretsIgnorePlayers": return RuleFlags.StaticTurretsIgnorePlayers; case "SafeZoneTurretsIgnorePlayers": return RuleFlags.SafeZoneTurretsIgnorePlayers; case "NoHeliDamageBuildings": return RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageBuildings; case "SuicideBlocked": return RuleFlags.SuicideBlocked; case "WoodenDamage": return RuleFlags.WoodenDamage; case "WoodenDamageRequiresOwnership": return RuleFlags.WoodenDamageRequiresOwnership; case "AuthorizedDamageCheckPrivilege": return RuleFlags.AuthorizedDamageCheckPrivilege; } } } private Timer scheduleUpdateTimer; // timer to check for schedule updates private bool shareRedirectEnabled; // undocumented. UAYOR. private RuleSet dudRuleSet; // dud ruleset when no locations are shared private RuleSet currentRuleSet; // current ruleset private string currentBroadcastMessage; // current broadcast message private bool useZones; // internal useZones flag private const string Any = "any"; // constant "any" string for rules private const string AllZones = "allzones"; // constant "allzones" string for mappings private const string PermCanMap = "truepve.canmap"; // permission for mapping command private bool animalsIgnoreSleepers; // toggle flag to protect sleepers private bool trace = false; // trace flag private const string traceFile = "ruletrace"; // tracefile name private const float traceTimeout = 300f; // auto-disable trace after 300s (5m) private Timer traceTimer; // trace timeout timer private bool tpveEnabled = true; // toggle flag for damage handling private List damageTypes = new() { DamageType.Arrow, DamageType.Blunt, DamageType.Bullet, DamageType.Explosion, DamageType.Heat, DamageType.Generic, DamageType.Slash, DamageType.Stab, }; #endregion #region Loading/Unloading private void Unload() { Instance = null; scheduleUpdateTimer?.Destroy(); } private void OnPluginLoaded(Plugin plugin) { if (plugin.Name == "ZoneManager") ZoneManager = plugin; if (plugin.Name == "LiteZones") LiteZones = plugin; if (ZoneManager != null || LiteZones != null) useZones = config == null || config.options.useZones; } private void OnPluginUnloaded(Plugin plugin) { if (plugin.Name == "ZoneManager") ZoneManager = null; if (plugin.Name == "LiteZones") LiteZones = null; if (ZoneManager == null && LiteZones == null) useZones = false; traceTimer?.Destroy(); } private void Init() { Unsubscribe(nameof(OnEntityMarkHostile)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnEntitySpawned)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnEntityEnter)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnTurretTarget)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnEntityTakeDamage)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerConnected)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnSamSiteTarget)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnTrapTrigger)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnNpcTarget)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnMlrsFire)); Instance = this; // register console commands automagically foreach (Command command in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Command))) { AddCovalenceCommand($"tpve.{command}", nameof(CommandDelegator)); } // register chat commands AddCovalenceCommand("tpve_prod", nameof(CommandDelegator)); AddCovalenceCommand("tpve_enable", nameof(CommandDelegator)); AddCovalenceCommand("tpve", nameof(CommandDelegator)); permission.RegisterPermission(PermCanMap, this); // build usage string for console (without sizing) usageString = WrapColor("orange", GetMessage("Header_Usage")) + $" - {Version}{Environment.NewLine}" + WrapColor("cyan", $"tpve.{Command.def}") + $" - {GetMessage("Cmd_Usage_def")}{Environment.NewLine}" + WrapColor("cyan", $"tpve.{Command.trace}") + $" - {GetMessage("Cmd_Usage_trace")}{Environment.NewLine}" + WrapColor("cyan", $"tpve.{Command.sched} [enable|disable]") + $" - {GetMessage("Cmd_Usage_sched")}{Environment.NewLine}" + WrapColor("cyan", $"/tpve_prod") + $" - {GetMessage("Cmd_Usage_prod")}{Environment.NewLine}" + WrapColor("cyan", $"/tpve map") + $" - {GetMessage("Cmd_Usage_map")}"; } private void OnServerInitialized(bool isStartup) { // check for server pve setting if (ConVar.Server.pve) WarnPve(); // load configuration config.Init(); currentRuleSet = config.GetDefaultRuleSet(); dudRuleSet = config.GetDudRuleSet(); if (currentRuleSet == null) PrintWarning(GetMessage("Warning_NoRuleSet"), config.defaultRuleSet); useZones = config.options.useZones && (LiteZones != null || ZoneManager != null); if (useZones && config.mappings.Count == 1 && config.mappings.FirstOrDefault().Key.Equals(config.defaultRuleSet)) useZones = false; if (config.schedule.enabled) TimerLoop(true); if (config.ruleSets.Exists(ruleSet => ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.AnimalsIgnoreSleepers))) Subscribe(nameof(OnNpcTarget)); if (currentRuleSet == null) return; if (config.ruleSets.Exists(ruleSet => (ruleSet._flags & (RuleFlags.SafeZoneTurretsIgnorePlayers | RuleFlags.StaticTurretsIgnorePlayers | RuleFlags.TrapsIgnorePlayers | RuleFlags.TrapsIgnoreScientist | RuleFlags.TurretsIgnorePlayers | RuleFlags.TurretsIgnoreScientist)) != 0)) { Subscribe(nameof(OnEntityEnter)); Subscribe(nameof(OnTurretTarget)); } if (config.ruleSets.Exists(ruleSet => (ruleSet._flags & (RuleFlags.SamSitesIgnoreMLRS | RuleFlags.PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers | RuleFlags.StaticSamSitesIgnorePlayers)) != 0)) { Subscribe(nameof(OnSamSiteTarget)); } if (config.ruleSets.Exists(ruleSet => (ruleSet._flags & (RuleFlags.TrapsIgnorePlayers | RuleFlags.TrapsIgnoreScientist)) != 0)) { Subscribe(nameof(OnTrapTrigger)); } if (config.schedule.enabled && config.schedule.broadcast && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentBroadcastMessage)) { Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerConnected)); } if (config.options.disableBaseOvenSplash) { BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType().ForEach(oven => oven.disabledBySplash = false); } if (config.options.disableHostility) { Subscribe(nameof(OnEntityMarkHostile)); } Subscribe(nameof(OnEntitySpawned)); Subscribe(nameof(OnEntityTakeDamage)); Subscribe(nameof(OnMlrsFire)); } #endregion #region Command Handling // delegation method for commands private void CommandDelegator(IPlayer user, string command, string[] args) { // return if user doesn't have access to run console command if (!user.IsServer && !(user.Object as BasePlayer).IsAdmin) return; if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "map" && user.HasPermission(PermCanMap)) { CommandMap(user, command, args); return; } if (args.Contains("pvp")) { if (!currentRuleSet.rules.Remove("players cannot hurt players")) { currentRuleSet.rules.Add("players cannot hurt players"); } Puts("PVP toggled {0}", currentRuleSet.rules.Contains("players cannot hurt players") ? "on" : "off"); SaveConfig(); return; } if (command == "tpve_prod") { HandleProd(user); return; } if (command == "tpve_enable") { Message(user, "Enable", tpveEnabled = !tpveEnabled); return; } if (command == "tpve" && args.Length != 0) command = args[0]; else command = command.Replace("tpve.", string.Empty); if (!Enum.TryParse(command, out TruePVE.Command @enum)) { user.Reply($"Invalid argument: {command}"); return; } switch (@enum) { case Command.sleepers: HandleSleepers(user); return; case Command.def: HandleDef(user); return; case Command.sched: HandleScheduleSet(user, args); return; case Command.trace: if (!IsTraceEnabled()) { Message(user, "Trace options are not enabled in the config!"); return; } _tracesToServerConsole = 0; trace = !trace; if (!trace) { tracePlayer = null; traceEntity = null; } else tracePlayer = user.Object as BasePlayer; Message(user, "Notify_TraceToggle", new object[] { trace ? "on" : "off" }); if (trace) { traceTimer = timer.In(traceTimeout, () => trace = false); } else traceTimer?.Destroy(); return; case Command.enable: Message(user, "Enable", tpveEnabled = !tpveEnabled); return; case Command.usage: default: ShowUsage(user); return; } } private bool IsTraceEnabled() { if (config.options.MaxTraceDistance <= 0) return false; return config.options.PlayerConsole || config.options.ServerConsole; } private void HandleSleepers(IPlayer user) { if (animalsIgnoreSleepers) { animalsIgnoreSleepers = false; if (!config.ruleSets.Exists(ruleSet => ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.AnimalsIgnoreSleepers))) Unsubscribe(nameof(OnNpcTarget)); user.Reply("Sleepers are no longer protected from animals."); } else { animalsIgnoreSleepers = true; Subscribe(nameof(OnNpcTarget)); user.Reply("Sleepers are now protected from animals."); } } // handle setting defaults private void HandleDef(IPlayer user) { config.options = new(); Message(user, "Notify_DefConfigLoad"); LoadDefaultData(); Message(user, "Notify_DefDataLoad"); SaveConfig(); } // handle prod command (raycast to determine what player is looking at) private void HandleProd(IPlayer user) { var player = user.Object as BasePlayer; if (!player || !player.IsAdmin) { Message(user, "Error_NoPermission"); return; } if (!GetRaycastTarget(player, out var entity)) { SendReply(player, WrapSize(12, WrapColor("red", GetMessage("Error_NoEntityFound", player.UserIDString)))); return; } Message(player, "Notify_ProdResult", new object[] { entity.GetType(), entity.ShortPrefabName }); } private void CommandMap(IPlayer user, string command, string[] args) { // assume args[0] is the command (beyond /tpve) if (args.Length > 0) command = args[0]; // shift arguments args = args.Length > 1 ? args.Skip(1) : new string[0]; if (command != "map") { Message(user, "Error_InvalidCommand"); } else if (args.Length == 0) { Message(user, "Error_InvalidParamForCmd", command); } else { string from = args[0]; // mapping name string to = args.Length == 2 ? args[1] : null; // target ruleSet/exclude, otherwise delete mapping if (to != null) { if (to != "exclude" && !config.ruleSets.Exists(r => == to)) { // target ruleset must exist, or be "exclude" Message(user, "Error_InvalidMapping", from, to); return; } if (config.HasMapping(from)) { string old = config.mappings[from]; Message(user, "Notify_MappingUpdated", from, old, to); // update existing mapping } else Message(user, "Notify_MappingCreated", from, to); // add new mapping config.mappings[from] = to; SaveConfig(); } else { if (config.HasMapping(from)) { Message(user, "Notify_MappingDeleted", from, config.mappings[from]); config.mappings.Remove(from); // remove mapping SaveConfig(); } else Message(user, "Error_NoMappingToDelete", from); } } } // handles schedule enable/disable private void HandleScheduleSet(IPlayer user, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Message(user, "Error_InvalidParamForCmd"); return; } if (!config.schedule.valid) { Message(user, "Notify_InvalidSchedule"); } else if (args[0] == "enable") { if (config.schedule.enabled) return; config.schedule.enabled = true; TimerLoop(); Message(user, "Notify_SchedSetEnabled"); } else if (args[0] == "disable") { if (!config.schedule.enabled) return; config.schedule.enabled = false; if (scheduleUpdateTimer != null) scheduleUpdateTimer.Destroy(); Message(user, "Notify_SchedSetDisabled"); } else { Message(user, "Error_InvalidParameter", args[0]); } } #endregion #region Configuration/Data // load config protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); if (config == null) LoadDefaultConfig(); CheckData(); SaveConfig(); } catch (Exception ex) { Puts("{0}", ex); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { config = new Configuration { configVersion = Version.ToString(), options = new ConfigurationOptions() }; LoadDefaultData(); } // save data protected override void SaveConfig() { Config.WriteObject(config); } // check rulesets and groups private void CheckData() { if (config.ruleSets.IsNullOrEmpty() || config.groups.IsNullOrEmpty()) { LoadDefaultData(); } if (config.schedule == null) { config.schedule = new Schedule(); } // check config version, update version to current version if (config.configVersion != Version.ToString()) { config.configVersion = Version.ToString(); } CheckMappings(); } // rebuild mappings private bool CheckMappings() { bool dirty = false; foreach (RuleSet rs in config.ruleSets) { if (!config.mappings.ContainsValue( { config.mappings[] =; dirty = true; } } return dirty; } // load default data to mappings, rulesets, and groups private bool LoadDefaultData() { config.mappings.Clear(); config.ruleSets.Clear(); config.groups.Clear(); config.schedule = new(); config.defaultRuleSet = "default"; // build groups first config.groups.Add(new("barricades") { members = "Barricade, icewall, GraveYardFence", // "barricade.cover.wood, door_barricade_a, door_barricade_a_large, door_barricade_b, door_barricade_dbl_a, door_barricade_dbl_a_large, door_barricade_dbl_b, door_barricade_dbl_b_large", exclusions = "barricade.concrete, barricade.sandbags, barricade.metal, barricade.stone, barricade.wood, barricade.woodwire" }); config.groups.Add(new("dispensers") { members = "BaseCorpse, HelicopterDebris, PlayerCorpse, NPCPlayerCorpse, HorseCorpse, SkyLantern" }); config.groups.Add(new("fire") { members = "FireBall, FlameExplosive, FlameThrower, BaseOven, FlameTurret, rocket_heli_napalm, napalm, oilfireball2" }); config.groups.Add(new("guards") { members = "bandit_guard, scientistpeacekeeper, sentry.scientist.static" }); config.groups.Add(new("heli") { members = "PatrolHelicopter" }); config.groups.Add(new("highwalls") { members = "SimpleBuildingBlock,, gates.external.high.stone, gates.external.high.wood" }); config.groups.Add(new("ridablehorses") { members = "RidableHorse" }); config.groups.Add(new("cars") { members = "BasicCar, ModularCar, BaseModularVehicle, BaseVehicleModule, VehicleModuleEngine, VehicleModuleSeating, VehicleModuleStorage, VehicleModuleTaxi, ModularCarSeat" }); config.groups.Add(new("mini") { members = "minicopter.entity" }); config.groups.Add(new("scrapheli") { members = "ScrapTransportHelicopter" }); config.groups.Add(new("ch47") { members = "ch47.entity" }); config.groups.Add(new("npcs") { members = "ch47scientists.entity, BradleyAPC, CustomScientistNpc, ScarecrowNPC, HumanNPC, NPCPlayer, ScientistNPC, TunnelDweller, SimpleShark, UnderwaterDweller, ZombieNPC" }); config.groups.Add(new("players") { members = "BasePlayer, FrankensteinPet" }); config.groups.Add(new("resources") { members = "ResourceEntity, TreeEntity, OreResourceEntity, LootContainer", exclusions = "hobobarrel.deployed" }); config.groups.Add(new("snowmobiles") { members = "snowmobile, tomahasnowmobile" }); config.groups.Add(new("traps") { members = "AutoTurret, BearTrap, FlameTurret, Landmine, GunTrap, ReactiveTarget, TeslaCoil, spikes.floor" }); config.groups.Add(new("junkyard") { members = "magnetcrane.entity, carshredder.entity" }); config.groups.Add(new("tugboats") { members = "Tugboat" }); config.groups.Add(new("heliturrets") { members = "turret_attackheli" }); // create default ruleset RuleSet defaultRuleSet = new(config.defaultRuleSet) { _flags = RuleFlags.HumanNPCDamage | RuleFlags.LockedBoxesImmortal | RuleFlags.LockedDoorsImmortal | RuleFlags.PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers | RuleFlags.TrapsIgnorePlayers | RuleFlags.TurretsIgnorePlayers, flags = "HumanNPCDamage, LockedBoxesImmortal, LockedDoorsImmortal, PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers, TrapsIgnorePlayers, TurretsIgnorePlayers" }; // create rules and add to ruleset defaultRuleSet.AddRule("anything can hurt dispensers"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("anything can hurt resources"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("anything can hurt barricades"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("anything can hurt traps"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("anything can hurt heli"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("anything can hurt npcs"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("anything can hurt players"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("nothing can hurt ch47"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("nothing can hurt cars"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("nothing can hurt mini"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("nothing can hurt snowmobiles"); //defaultRuleSet.AddRule("nothing can hurt guards"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("nothing can hurt ridablehorses"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("cars cannot hurt anything"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("mini cannot hurt anything"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("ch47 cannot hurt anything"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("scrapheli cannot hurt anything"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("players cannot hurt players"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("players cannot hurt traps"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("guards cannot hurt players"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("fire cannot hurt players"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("traps cannot hurt players"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("highwalls cannot hurt players"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("barricades cannot hurt players"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("mini cannot hurt mini"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("npcs can hurt players"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("junkyard cannot hurt anything"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("junkyard can hurt cars"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("players cannot hurt tugboats"); defaultRuleSet.AddRule("heliturrets cannot hurt players"); config.ruleSets.Add(defaultRuleSet); // add ruleset to rulesets list config.mappings[config.defaultRuleSet] = config.defaultRuleSet; // create mapping for ruleset return true; } private bool ResetRules(string key) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || config == null) { return false; } string old = config.defaultRuleSet; config.defaultRuleSet = key; currentRuleSet = config.GetDefaultRuleSet(); if (currentRuleSet == null) { config.defaultRuleSet = old; currentRuleSet = config.GetDefaultRuleSet(); return false; } return true; } #endregion #region Trace private StringBuilder _tsb = new StringBuilder(); private BaseEntity traceEntity; private BasePlayer tracePlayer; private const int _tracesToServerConsoleLimit = 50; private int _tracesToServerConsole = 0; private void Trace(string message, int indentation = 0) { if (config.options.PlayerConsole || config.options.ServerConsole) { if (tracePlayer.IsReallyConnected() && traceEntity != null) { if (config.options.MaxTraceDistance == 0 || tracePlayer.Distance(traceEntity) <= config.options.MaxTraceDistance) { if (config.options.PlayerConsole) { tracePlayer.ConsoleMessage(message); } if (config.options.ServerConsole && ++_tracesToServerConsole <= _tracesToServerConsoleLimit) { Puts(message); } _tsb.AppendLine(string.Empty.PadLeft(indentation, ' ') + message); } } } else _tsb.AppendLine(string.Empty.PadLeft(indentation, ' ') + message); } private void LogTrace() { var text = _tsb.ToString(); traceEntity = null; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { LogToFile(traceFile, text, this); } } catch (IOException) { timer.Once(1f, () => LogToFile(traceFile, text, this)); return; } _tsb.Length = 0; } #endregion Trace #region Hooks/Handler Procedures private void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player) { if (config.schedule.broadcast && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentBroadcastMessage)) { SendReply(player, GetMessage("Prefix") + currentBroadcastMessage); } } private string CurrentRuleSetName() => currentRuleSet?.name; private bool IsEnabled() => tpveEnabled; // handle damage - if another mod must override TruePVE damages or take priority, // set handleDamage to false and reference HandleDamage from the other mod(s) private object OnEntityTakeDamage(ResourceEntity entity, HitInfo hitInfo) { // if default global is not enabled, return true (allow all damage) if (!IsEnabled() || hitInfo == null || currentRuleSet == null || currentRuleSet.IsEmpty() || !currentRuleSet.enabled) { return null; } // get entity and initiator locations (zones) List entityLocations = GetLocationKeys(entity); List initiatorLocations = GetLocationKeys(hitInfo.Initiator); // check for exclusion zones (zones with no rules mapped) if (CheckExclusion(entityLocations, initiatorLocations, trace)) { if (trace) Trace("Exclusion found; allow and return", 1); return null; } if (trace) Trace("No exclusion found - looking up RuleSet...", 1); // process location rules RuleSet ruleSet = GetRuleSet(entityLocations, initiatorLocations); return EvaluateRules(entity, hitInfo, ruleSet) ? (object)null : true; } private object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hitInfo) { if (entity.IsNull() || entity.IsDestroyed || hitInfo == null || AllowKillingSleepers(entity, hitInfo)) { return null; } if (Interface.CallHook("CanEntityTakeDamage", new object[] { entity, hitInfo }) is bool val) { if (val) { return null; } CancelHit(hitInfo); return true; } if (!IsEnabled() || !config.options.handleDamage || hitInfo.damageTypes.Total() <= 0f) { return null; } var majority = hitInfo.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType(); if (majority == DamageType.Decay || majority == DamageType.Fall || majority == DamageType.Radiation) { return null; } if (config.scrap) { if (hitInfo.Initiator is ScrapTransportHelicopter && entity is BasePlayer player) { hitInfo.damageTypes.Clear(); return null; } if (hitInfo.Initiator is BasePlayer && hitInfo.WeaponPrefab is ScrapTransportHelicopter) { hitInfo.damageTypes.Clear(); return null; } } if (!AllowDamage(entity, hitInfo)) { if (trace) LogTrace(); CancelHit(hitInfo); return true; } if (trace) LogTrace(); return null; } private void CancelHit(HitInfo hitInfo) { hitInfo.damageTypes = new(); hitInfo.DidHit = false; hitInfo.DoHitEffects = false; } private bool AllowKillingSleepers(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hitInfo) { if (entity.ShortPrefabName == "player" && (config.AllowKillingSleepersAlly || config.AllowKillingSleepers || config.AllowKillingSleepersAuthorization)) { var victim = entity.ToPlayer(); if (!victim.IsSleeping()) { return false; } if (config.AllowKillingSleepersAuthorization && hitInfo.Initiator is BasePlayer attacker && AllowAuthorizationDamage(victim, attacker)) { return true; } if (config.AllowKillingSleepersAlly && hitInfo.Initiator is BasePlayer attacker2) { return IsAlly(victim.userID, attacker2.userID); } return config.AllowKillingSleepers; } return false; } private bool IsAuthed(DecayEntity entity, BasePlayer attacker) { return entity.GetBuilding() is BuildingManager.Building building && building.GetDominatingBuildingPrivilege() is BuildingPrivlidge priv && priv.AnyAuthed() && priv.IsAuthed(attacker); } public bool IsAuthed(Tugboat tugboat, BasePlayer attacker) { return !tugboat.children.IsNullOrEmpty() && tugboat.children.Exists(child => child is VehiclePrivilege vehiclePrivilege && vehiclePrivilege.AnyAuthed() && vehiclePrivilege.IsAuthed(attacker)); } public bool IsAuthed(BaseHelicopter heli, BasePlayer attacker) { return attacker.GetBuildingPrivilege(heli.WorldSpaceBounds()) is BuildingPrivlidge priv && priv.AnyAuthed() && priv.IsAuthed(attacker); } private bool AllowAuthorizationDamage(BasePlayer victim, BasePlayer attacker) { if (!attacker.userID.IsSteamId()) { return false; } if (victim.GetParentEntity() is Tugboat tugboat && tugboat.IsAuthed(attacker)) { return true; } if (victim.GetBuildingPrivilege() is BuildingPrivlidge priv && priv.IsAuthed(attacker)) { return true; } return false; } // determines if an entity is "allowed" to take damage private bool AllowDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hitInfo) { if (trace) { traceEntity = entity; _tsb.Length = 0; } // if default global is not enabled or entity is npc, allow all damage if (currentRuleSet == null || currentRuleSet.IsEmpty() || !currentRuleSet.enabled || entity is BaseNpc) { return true; } // allow damage to door barricades and covers if (entity is TrainBarricade || entity is Barricade && (entity.ShortPrefabName.Contains("door_barricade") || entity.ShortPrefabName.Contains("cover"))) { return true; } // if entity is a barrel, trash can, or giftbox, allow damage (exclude water and hobo barrels) if (!entity.ShortPrefabName.Equals("waterbarrel") && entity.prefabID != 1748062128 && ((entity.ShortPrefabName.Contains("barrel") && entity is LootContainer) || entity.ShortPrefabName.Equals("loot_trash") || entity.ShortPrefabName.Equals("giftbox_loot"))) { return true; } var weapon = hitInfo.Initiator ?? hitInfo.Weapon ?? hitInfo.WeaponPrefab; TrySetInitiator(hitInfo, weapon); if (trace) { // Sometimes the initiator is not the attacker (turrets) Trace("======================" + Environment.NewLine + "== STARTING TRACE ==" + Environment.NewLine + "== " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fffff") + " ==" + Environment.NewLine + "======================"); Trace($"From: {weapon?.GetType().Name ?? "Unknown_Weapon"}, {weapon?.ShortPrefabName ?? "Unknown_Prefab"}", 1); Trace($"To: {entity.GetType().Name}, {entity.ShortPrefabName}", 1); } // get entity and initiator locations (zones) List entityLocations = GetLocationKeys(entity); List initiatorLocations = GetLocationKeys(weapon); // check for exclusion zones (zones with no rules mapped) if (CheckExclusion(entityLocations, initiatorLocations, trace)) { if (trace) Trace("Exclusion found; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (trace) Trace("No exclusion found - looking up RuleSet...", 1); // process location rules RuleSet ruleSet = GetRuleSet(entityLocations, initiatorLocations); if (trace) Trace($"Using RuleSet \"{}\"", 1); if (entity is PatrolHelicopter) { if (weapon is BasePlayer) { bool isBlocked = !EvaluateRules(entity, weapon, ruleSet, false); if (trace) Trace($"Target is PatrolHelicopter; {(isBlocked ? "block and return" : "allow and return")}", 1); return !isBlocked; } return true; } if (weapon?.ShortPrefabName == "maincannonshell" || weapon is BradleyAPC) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is BradleyAPC; evaluating RuleSet rules...", 1); return EvaluateRules(entity, weapon, ruleSet); } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.VehiclesTakeCollisionDamageWithoutDriver) && entity is BaseVehicle vehicle && weapon == vehicle && vehicle.GetDriver() == null) { if (trace) Trace($"Vehicle collision: No driver; allow and return", 1); return true; } // check heli and turret var heli = CheckHeliInitiator(ruleSet, hitInfo); if (config.Firework && entity is BaseFirework) { return heli is not bool; } if (heli is bool val1) { if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.LockedBoxesImmortal) && entity is StorageContainer && !(entity is LootContainer) || ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.LockedDoorsImmortal) && entity is Door) { object hurt = CheckLock(ruleSet, entity, hitInfo); // check for lock if (trace) Trace($"Door/StorageContainer detected with immortal flag; lock check results: {(hurt == null ? "null (no lock or unlocked); continue checks" : (bool)hurt ? "allow and return" : "block and return")}", 1); if (hurt is bool) return (bool)hurt; } return HandleHelicopter(ruleSet, entity, weapon, val1); } var damageType = hitInfo.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType(); // after heli check, return true if initiator is null if (hitInfo.Initiator.IsRealNull()) { if ((damageType == DamageType.Slash || damageType == DamageType.Stab) && (entity.lastAttacker is not BasePlayer lastAttacker || !lastAttacker.userID.IsSteamId())) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is hurt trigger; allow damage and return", 1); return true; } if (damageTypes.Exists(x => hitInfo.damageTypes.Get(x) > 0f)) { if (trace) Trace($"Initiator empty for player damage; block and return", 1); return false; } if (weapon is MLRSRocket) { if (trace) Trace($"Initiator empty for MLRS Rocket; block and return", 1); return false; } if (trace) Trace($"Initiator empty; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.LockedBoxesImmortal) && entity is StorageContainer && !(entity is LootContainer) || ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.LockedDoorsImmortal) && entity is Door) { object hurt = CheckLock(ruleSet, entity, hitInfo); // check for lock if (trace) Trace($"Door/StorageContainer detected with immortal flag; lock check results: {(hurt == null ? "null (no lock or unlocked); continue checks" : (bool)hurt ? "allow and return" : "block and return")}", 1); if (hurt is bool) return (bool)hurt; } if (hitInfo.Initiator is SamSite ss && (entity is BasePlayer || entity is BaseMountable)) { if (CheckExclusion(ss)) { if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is samsite, and target is player; exclusion found; allow and return", 1); return true; } bool isAllowed = ss.staticRespawn ? !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.StaticSamSitesIgnorePlayers) : !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers); if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is samsite, and target is player; {(isAllowed ? "flag not set; allow and return" : "flag set; block and return")}", 1); return isAllowed; } var attacker = hitInfo.Initiator as BasePlayer; var isAttacker = attacker is BasePlayer; var isVictim = entity is BasePlayer; if (isAttacker && !attacker.userID.IsSteamId() || hitInfo.Initiator is BaseNpc) { if (isVictim && ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.ProtectedSleepers) && entity.ToPlayer().IsSleeping()) { if (trace) Trace("Target is sleeping player, with ProtectedSleepers flag set; block and return", 1); return false; } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NpcsCanHurtAnything)) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is NPC; flag set; allow damage and return", 1); return true; } } if (isVictim) { var victim = entity as BasePlayer; if (hitInfo.Initiator is AutoTurret && hitInfo.Initiator.OwnerID == 0 && victim.userID.IsSteamId()) { if (hitInfo.Initiator is NPCAutoTurret) { return !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.SafeZoneTurretsIgnorePlayers); } return !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.StaticTurretsIgnorePlayers); } if (entity == attacker && damageType == DamageType.Bullet && hitInfo.damageTypes.Total() < 0f) { return true; } // handle suicide if (damageType == DamageType.Suicide && victim.userID.IsSteamId()) { bool isBlocked = ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.SuicideBlocked); if (trace) Trace($"DamageType is suicide; blocked? {(isBlocked ? "true; block and return" : "false; allow and return")}", 1); if (isBlocked) Message(victim, "Error_NoSuicide"); return !isBlocked; } // allow players to hurt themselves if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.SelfDamage) && victim.userID.IsSteamId() && hitInfo.Initiator == entity) { if (trace) Trace($"SelfDamage flag; player inflicted damage to self; allow and return", 1); return true; } } if (isAttacker) { if (attacker.GetMounted() is BaseMountable mounted && !EvaluateRules(entity, mounted, ruleSet, false)) { return false; } if (entity is BuildingBlock block) { if (hitInfo.Initiator is Minicopter) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is minicopter, target is building; evaluate and return", 1); return EvaluateRules(entity, hitInfo, ruleSet); } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.TwigDamage) && block.grade == BuildingGrade.Enum.Twigs) { bool isAllowed = !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.TwigDamageRequiresOwnership) || IsAlly(entity.OwnerID, attacker.userID) || IsAuthed(block, attacker); if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is player and target is twig block, with TwigDamage flag set; {(isAllowed ? "allow" : "block")} and return", 1); return isAllowed; } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.WoodenDamage) && block.grade == BuildingGrade.Enum.Wood) { bool isAllowed = !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.WoodenDamageRequiresOwnership) || IsAlly(entity.OwnerID, attacker.userID) || IsAuthed(block, attacker); if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is player and target is wood block, with WoodenDamage flag set; {(isAllowed ? "allow" : "block")} and return", 1); return isAllowed; } } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoPlayerDamageToMini) && entity is Minicopter) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player and target is Minicopter, with NoPlayerDamageToMini flag set; block and return", 1); return false; } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoPlayerDamageToScrap) && entity is ScrapTransportHelicopter) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player and target is ScrapTransportHelicopter, with NoPlayerDamageToScrap flag set; block and return", 1); return false; } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoPlayerDamageToCar) &&"modularcar")) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player and target is ModularCar, with NoPlayerDamageToCar flag set; block and return", 1); return false; } if (entity.OwnerID == 0 && entity is AdvancedChristmasLights) { return false; } if (entity is GrowableEntity) { return entity.GetParentEntity() is not PlanterBox planter || !planter.OwnerID.IsSteamId() || IsAlly(planter.OwnerID, attacker.userID); } if (config.SleepingBags && entity is SleepingBag) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player and target is sleeping bag; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (config.Campfires &&"campfire")) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player and target is campfire; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (config.Ladders && entity is BaseLadder) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player and target is ladder; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (isVictim) { var victim = entity as BasePlayer; if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.FriendlyFire) && victim.userID.IsSteamId() && victim.userID != attacker.userID && IsAlly(attacker.userID, victim.userID)) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator and target are allied players, with FriendlyFire flag set; allow and return", 1); return true; } // allow sleeper damage by admins if configured if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.AdminsHurtSleepers) && attacker.IsAdmin && victim.IsSleeping()) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is admin player and target is sleeping player, with AdminsHurtSleepers flag set; allow and return", 1); return true; } // allow Human NPC damage if configured if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.HumanNPCDamage) && IsHumanNPC(attacker, victim)) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator or target is HumanNPC, with HumanNPCDamage flag set; allow and return", 1); return true; } } else if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.AuthorizedDamage) && !isVictim && !entity.IsNpc && attacker.userID.IsSteamId()) { // ignore checks if authorized damage enabled (except for players and npcs) if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.AuthorizedDamageCheckPrivilege)) { if (entity is DecayEntity decayEntity && IsAuthed(decayEntity, attacker)) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player with building priv over target; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (entity is BaseHelicopter playerHelicopter && !(entity is PatrolHelicopter) && IsAuthed(playerHelicopter, attacker)) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player with heli priv over target; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (entity is Tugboat tugboat && IsAuthed(tugboat, attacker)) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player with tugboat priv over target; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (entity.HasParent() && entity.GetParentEntity() is Tugboat tugboat2 && IsAuthed(tugboat2, attacker)) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player with tugboat priv over target; allow and return", 1); return true; } } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.AuthorizedDamageRequiresOwnership) && !IsAlly(entity.OwnerID, attacker.userID) && CanAuthorize(entity, attacker, ruleSet)) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player who does not own the target; block and return", 1); return false; } bool cupboardOwnership = ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.CupboardOwnership); if (CheckAuthorized(entity, attacker, ruleSet, cupboardOwnership)) { if (entity is SamSite ||"modular") || entity is BaseMountable) { if (trace) Trace($"Target is {entity.GetType().Name}; evaluate and return", 1); return EvaluateRules(entity, hitInfo, ruleSet); } if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player with authorization over target; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (cupboardOwnership) { if (trace) Trace("Initiator is player without authorization over target; block and return", 1); return false; } } } if (trace) Trace("No match in pre-checks; evaluating RuleSet rules...", 1); return EvaluateRules(entity, hitInfo, ruleSet); } private void TrySetInitiator(HitInfo hitInfo, BaseEntity weapon) { if (weapon == null) { return; } if (!(hitInfo.Initiator is BasePlayer) && weapon.creatorEntity is BasePlayer) { hitInfo.Initiator = weapon.creatorEntity; } if (hitInfo.Initiator == null) { hitInfo.Initiator = weapon.GetParentEntity(); } if (hitInfo.Initiator == null) { hitInfo.Initiator = weapon; } } private bool HandleHelicopter(RuleSet ruleSet, BaseCombatEntity entity, BaseEntity weapon, bool allow) { if (entity is BasePlayer victim) { if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageSleepers)) { if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is heli, and target is player; flag check results: {(victim.IsSleeping() ? "victim is sleeping; block and return" : "victim is not sleeping; continue checks")}", 1); if (victim.IsSleeping()) return false; } if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is heli, and target is player; flag check results: {(ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamagePlayer) ? "flag set; block and return" : "flag not set; allow and return")}", 1); return !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamagePlayer); } if (entity is MiningQuarry) { if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is heli, and target is quarry; flag check results: {(ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageQuarry) ? "flag set; block and return" : "flag not set; allow and return")}", 1); return !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageQuarry); } if (entity is RidableHorse) { if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is heli, and target is ridablehorse; flag check results: {(ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageRidableHorses) ? "flag set; block and return" : "flag not set; allow and return")}", 1); return !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageRidableHorses); } if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamageBuildings) && IsPlayerEntity(entity)) { if (!entity.HasParent() && entity is DecayEntity decayEntity && !HasBuildingPrivilege(decayEntity)) { if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is heli, {entity.ShortPrefabName} is not within TC; allow and return", 1); return true; } if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is heli, {entity.ShortPrefabName} is within TC; block and return", 1); return false; } if (trace) Trace($"Initiator is heli, target is non-player; {(allow ? "allow and return" : "block and return")}", 1); return allow; } private bool HasBuildingPrivilege(DecayEntity decayEntity) { var building = decayEntity.GetBuilding(); if (building == null) return false; return building.GetDominatingBuildingPrivilege(); } public bool IsAlly(ulong playerId, ulong targetId) { if (playerId == targetId) { return true; } if (RelationshipManager.ServerInstance.playerToTeam.TryGetValue(playerId, out var team) && team.members.Contains(targetId)) { return true; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(Clans?.Call("IsClanMember", playerId.ToString(), targetId.ToString()))) { return true; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(Friends?.Call("AreFriends", playerId.ToString(), targetId.ToString()))) { return true; } return false; } private bool CanAuthorize(BaseEntity entity, BasePlayer attacker, RuleSet ruleSet) { if (entity is BaseVehicle && !EvaluateRules(entity, attacker, ruleSet, false)) { return false; } if (entity.OwnerID == 0) { return entity is Minicopter; } return IsPlayerEntity(entity); } private HashSet _deployables = new HashSet(); private bool IsPlayerEntity(BaseEntity entity) { if (_deployables.Count == 0) { foreach (var def in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions()) { if (def.TryGetComponent(out var imd)) { _deployables.Add(imd.entityPrefab.resourcePath); } } } return entity.PrefabName.Contains("building") || entity.PrefabName.Contains("modular") || entity is BaseMountable || _deployables.Contains(entity.PrefabName); } // process rules to determine whether to allow damage private bool EvaluateRules(BaseEntity entity, BaseEntity attacker, RuleSet ruleSet, bool returnDefaultValue = true) { List e0Groups = config.ResolveEntityGroups(attacker); List e1Groups = config.ResolveEntityGroups(entity); if (trace) { Trace($"Initiator EntityGroup matches: {(e0Groups.IsNullOrEmpty() ? "none" : string.Join(", ", e0Groups.ToArray()))}", 2); Trace($"Target EntityGroup matches: {(e1Groups.IsNullOrEmpty() ? "none" : string.Join(", ", e1Groups.ToArray()))}", 2); } return ruleSet.Evaluate(e0Groups, e1Groups, attacker, returnDefaultValue); } private bool EvaluateRules(BaseEntity entity, HitInfo hitInfo, RuleSet ruleSet) { return EvaluateRules(entity, hitInfo.Initiator ?? hitInfo.WeaponPrefab, ruleSet); } // checks an entity to see if it has a lock private object CheckLock(RuleSet ruleSet, BaseEntity entity, HitInfo hitInfo) { var slot = entity.GetSlot(BaseEntity.Slot.Lock); // check for lock if (slot.IsNull() || !slot.IsLocked()) { return null; // no lock or unlocked, continue checks } // if HeliDamageLocked flag is false or NoHeliDamage flag, all damage is cancelled from immortal flag if (!ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.HeliDamageLocked) || ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamage)) { return false; } return CheckHeliInitiator(ruleSet, hitInfo) is bool val ? val : (object)null; // cancel damage except from heli } private object CheckHeliInitiator(RuleSet ruleSet, HitInfo hitInfo) { // Check for heli initiator if (hitInfo.Initiator is PatrolHelicopter || (hitInfo.Initiator != null && (hitInfo.Initiator.ShortPrefabName.Equals("oilfireballsmall") || hitInfo.Initiator.ShortPrefabName.Equals("napalm")))) { return !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamage); } else if (hitInfo.WeaponPrefab != null && (hitInfo.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName.Equals("rocket_heli") || hitInfo.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName.Equals("rocket_heli_napalm"))) { return !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoHeliDamage); } return null; } // checks if the player is authorized to damage the entity private bool CheckAuthorized(BaseEntity entity, BasePlayer player, RuleSet ruleSet, bool cupboardOwnership) { if (!cupboardOwnership) { return entity.OwnerID == 0 && !entity.InSafeZone() || IsAlly(entity.OwnerID, player.userID); // allow damage to entities that the player owns } // treat entities outside of cupboard range as unowned, and entities inside cupboard range require authorization var priv = player.GetBuildingPrivilege(entity.WorldSpaceBounds()); return priv == null || priv.AnyAuthed() && priv.IsAuthed(player); } private bool IsFunTurret(AutoTurret turret) { return turret.GetAttachedWeapon() is BaseProjectile projectile && projectile.GetItem() is Item weapon &&"fun."); } private object OnSamSiteTarget(SamSite ss, BaseEntity entity) { if (Interface.CallHook("CanEntityBeTargeted", new object[] { entity, ss }) is bool val) { if (val) { if (trace) Trace($"CanEntityBeTargeted allowed {entity.ShortPrefabName} to be targetted by SamSite", 1); return null; } if (trace) Trace($"CanEntityBeTargeted blocked {entity.ShortPrefabName} from being targetted by SamSite", 1); ss.CancelInvoke(ss.WeaponTick); return true; } RuleSet ruleSet = GetRuleSet(entity, ss); if (ruleSet == null) { if (trace) Trace($"OnSamSiteTarget allowed {entity.ShortPrefabName} to be targetted; no ruleset found.", 1); return null; } if (entity is MLRSRocket) { if (ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.SamSitesIgnoreMLRS)) return SamSiteHelper(ss, entity); return null; } if (ss.staticRespawn && ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.StaticSamSitesIgnorePlayers)) return SamSiteHelper(ss, entity); if (!ss.staticRespawn && ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers)) return SamSiteHelper(ss, entity); return null; } private object OnMlrsFire(MLRS mlrs, BasePlayer player) { if (mlrs == null || player == null) { return true; } if (Interface.CallHook("CanMlrsTargetLocation", new object[] { mlrs, player }) is bool val) { if (val) { if (trace) Trace($"CanMlrsTargetLocation allowed {mlrs.TrueHitPos} to be targetted by {player.displayName}", 1); return null; } if (trace) Trace($"CanMlrsTargetLocation blocked {mlrs.TrueHitPos} from being targetted by {player.displayName}", 1); return true; } RuleSet ruleSet = GetRuleSet(player, mlrs); if (ruleSet == null) { if (trace) Trace($"CanMlrsTargetLocation allowed {mlrs.TrueHitPos} to be targetted by {player.displayName}; no ruleset found.", 1); return null; } return ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.NoMLRSDamage) ? true : (object)null; } private object OnEntityMarkHostile(BasePlayer player, float duration) => true; private void OnEntitySpawned(BaseOven oven) { if (config.options.disableBaseOvenSplash) { oven.disabledBySplash = false; } } private void OnEntitySpawned(MLRSRocket rocket) { if (rocket.IsNull()) return; List systems = new(); Vis.Entities(rocket.transform.position, 15f, systems, -1); if (systems.Count == 0 || CheckIsEventTerritory(systems[0].TrueHitPos)) return; if (systems[0].rocketOwnerRef.Get(true) is not BasePlayer owner) return; rocket.creatorEntity = owner; rocket.OwnerID = owner.userID; } private bool CheckIsEventTerritory(Vector3 position) { if (AbandonedBases.CanCall() && Convert.ToBoolean(AbandonedBases?.Call("EventTerritory", position))) return true; if (RaidableBases.CanCall() && Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.Call("EventTerritory", position))) return true; return false; } private object SamSiteHelper(SamSite ss, BaseEntity entity) { var entityLocations = GetLocationKeys(entity); var initiatorLocations = GetLocationKeys(ss); // check for exclusion zones (zones with no rules mapped) if (CheckExclusion(entityLocations, initiatorLocations, false)) { if (trace) Trace($"OnSamSiteTarget allowed {entity.ShortPrefabName} to be targetted; exclusion of zone found.", 1); return null; } // check for exclusions in entity groups if (CheckExclusion(ss)) { if (trace) Trace($"OnSamSiteTarget allowed {entity.ShortPrefabName} to be targetted; exclusion found in entity group.", 1); return null; } if (trace && entity is BasePlayer) Trace($"SamSitesIgnorePlayers blocked {entity.ShortPrefabName} from being targetted.", 1); else if (trace && entity is MLRSRocket) Trace($"SamSitesIgnoreMLRS blocked {entity.ShortPrefabName} from being targetted.", 1); ss.CancelInvoke(ss.WeaponTick); return true; } // check if entity can be targeted private object OnEntityEnter(TargetTrigger trigger, BasePlayer target) { if (trigger == null || target == null) { return null; } var entity = trigger.GetComponentInParent(); return OnEntityEnterInternal(entity, target); } private object OnEntityEnterInternal(BaseEntity entity, BasePlayer target) { if (entity == null || target == null) { return null; } if (Interface.CallHook("CanEntityBeTargeted", new object[] { target, entity }) is bool val) { return val ? (object)null : true; } RuleSet ruleSet = GetRuleSet(target, entity); if (ruleSet == null) { return null; } var isAutoTurret = entity is AutoTurret; var isStatic = !entity.OwnerID.IsSteamId(); var isSafeZone = entity is NPCAutoTurret && entity.OwnerID == 0; if (target.IsNpc || !target.userID.IsSteamId()) { if (isAutoTurret) { return ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.TurretsIgnoreScientist) && entity.OwnerID.IsSteamId() ? true : (object)null; } else { return ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.TrapsIgnoreScientist) ? true : (object)null; } } else if (isSafeZone) { return ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.SafeZoneTurretsIgnorePlayers) ? true : (object)null; } else if (isAutoTurret && ruleSet.HasFlag(isStatic ? RuleFlags.StaticTurretsIgnorePlayers : RuleFlags.TurretsIgnorePlayers) || !isAutoTurret && ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.TrapsIgnorePlayers)) { if (isAutoTurret && IsFunTurret(entity as AutoTurret)) { return null; } var entityLocations = GetLocationKeys(target); var initiatorLocations = GetLocationKeys(entity); // check for exclusion zones (zones with no rules mapped) if (CheckExclusion(entityLocations, initiatorLocations, trace)) { return null; } // check for exclusions in entity group if (CheckExclusion(target, entity) || CheckExclusion(entity)) { return null; } return true; } return null; } private object OnTurretTarget(AutoTurret turret, BasePlayer target) { return OnEntityEnterInternal(turret, target); } // ignore players stepping on traps if configured private object OnTrapTrigger(BaseTrap trap, GameObject go) { var player = go.GetComponent(); if (player.IsNull() || trap.IsNull()) { return null; } if (Interface.CallHook("CanEntityTrapTrigger", new object[] { trap, player }) is bool val) { return val ? (object)null : true; } var entityLocations = GetLocationKeys(player); var initiatorLocations = GetLocationKeys(trap); RuleSet ruleSet = GetRuleSet(player, trap); if (ruleSet == null) { return null; } if ((player.IsNpc || !player.userID.IsSteamId()) && ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.TrapsIgnoreScientist)) { return true; } else if (!player.IsNpc && player.userID.IsSteamId() && ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.TrapsIgnorePlayers)) { // check for exclusion zones (zones with no rules mapped) if (CheckExclusion(entityLocations, initiatorLocations, false)) { return null; } if (CheckExclusion(trap)) { return null; } return true; } return null; } private object OnNpcTarget(BaseNpc npc, BasePlayer target) { if (!target.IsValid() || !target.userID.IsSteamId() || !target.IsSleeping()) { return null; } RuleSet ruleSet = GetRuleSet(target, npc); if (ruleSet == null || !animalsIgnoreSleepers && !ruleSet.HasFlag(RuleFlags.AnimalsIgnoreSleepers)) { return null; } var entityLocations = GetLocationKeys(target); var initiatorLocations = GetLocationKeys(npc); // check for exclusion zones (zones with no rules mapped) if (CheckExclusion(entityLocations, initiatorLocations, false)) { return null; } return true; } // Check for exclusions in entity groups (attacker) private bool CheckExclusion(BaseEntity attacker) { string attackerName = attacker.GetType().Name; return config.groups.Exists(group => group.IsExclusion(attacker.ShortPrefabName) || group.IsExclusion(attackerName)); } // Check for exclusions in entity groups (target, attacker) private bool CheckExclusion(BaseEntity target, BaseEntity attacker) { string targetName = target.GetType().Name; if (!config.groups.Exists(group => group.IsMember(target.ShortPrefabName) || group.IsExclusion(targetName))) { return false; } string attackerName = attacker.GetType().Name; return config.groups.Exists(group => group.IsExclusion(attacker.ShortPrefabName) || group.IsExclusion(attackerName)); } private RuleSet GetRuleSet(List vicLocations, List atkLocations) { RuleSet ruleSet = currentRuleSet; if (atkLocations == null) atkLocations = vicLocations; // Allow TruePVE to be used on PVP servers that want to add PVE zones via Zone Manager (just do this inside of Zone Manager instead...) if (!vicLocations.IsNullOrEmpty() && !atkLocations.IsNullOrEmpty()) { if (trace) Trace($"Beginning RuleSet lookup for [{(vicLocations.Count == 0 ? "empty" : string.Join(", ", vicLocations.ToArray()))}] and [{(atkLocations.Count == 0 ? "empty" : string.Join(", ", atkLocations.ToArray()))}]", 2); var locations = GetSharedLocations(vicLocations, atkLocations); if (trace) Trace($"Shared locations: {(locations.Count == 0 ? "none" : string.Join(", ", locations.ToArray()))}", 3); if (locations?.Count > 0) { var names = locations.Select(s => config.mappings[s]).ToList(); var sets = config.ruleSets.Where(r => names.Contains(; if (trace) Trace($"Found {names.Count} location names, with {sets.Count} mapped RuleSets", 3); if (sets.Count == 0 && config.mappings.ContainsKey(AllZones) && config.ruleSets.Exists(r => == config.mappings[AllZones])) { sets.Add(config.ruleSets.FirstOrDefault(r => == config.mappings[AllZones])); if (trace) Trace($"Found allzones mapped RuleSet", 3); } if (sets.Count > 1) { if (trace) Trace($"WARNING: Found multiple RuleSets: {string.Join(", ", sets.Select(s =>}", 3); PrintWarning(string.Join(", ", sets.Select(s =>; } ruleSet = sets.FirstOrDefault(); if (trace) Trace($"Found RuleSet: {ruleSet?.name ?? "null"}", 3); } } else if (shareRedirectEnabled && atkLocations?.Count == 0 && vicLocations?.Count > 0) { return dudRuleSet; } if (ruleSet == null) { ruleSet = currentRuleSet; if (trace) Trace($"No RuleSet found; assigned current global RuleSet: {ruleSet?.name ?? "null"}", 3); } return ruleSet; } private RuleSet GetRuleSet(BaseEntity e0, BaseEntity e1) { return GetRuleSet(GetLocationKeys(e0), GetLocationKeys(e1)); } // get locations shared between the two passed location lists private List GetSharedLocations(List e0Locations, List e1Locations) { //return System.Linq.Enumerable.Intersect(e0Locations, e1Locations).Where(s => config.HasMapping(s)).ToList(); return e0Locations.Intersect(e1Locations).Where(s => config.HasMapping(s)).ToList(); } // Check exclusion for given entity locations private bool CheckExclusion(List e0Locations, List e1Locations, bool trace) { if (e0Locations == null || e1Locations == null) { if (trace) Trace("No shared locations (empty location) - no exclusions", 3); return false; } if (trace) Trace($"Checking exclusions between [{(e0Locations.Count == 0 ? "empty" : string.Join(", ", e0Locations.ToArray()))}] and [{(e1Locations.Count == 0 ? "empty" : string.Join(", ", e1Locations.ToArray()))}]", 2); List locations = GetSharedLocations(e0Locations, e1Locations); if (trace) Trace($"Shared locations: {(locations.Count == 0 ? "none" : string.Join(", ", locations.ToArray()))}", 3); if (!locations.IsNullOrEmpty()) { foreach (string loc in locations) { if (config.HasEmptyMapping(loc)) { if (trace) Trace($"Found exclusion mapping for location: {loc}", 3); return true; } } } if (trace) Trace("No shared locations, or no matching exclusion mapping - no exclusions", 3); return false; } // add or update a mapping private bool AddOrUpdateMapping(string key, string ruleset) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || config == null || ruleset == null || (ruleset != "exclude" && !config.ruleSets.Exists(r => == ruleset))) return false; config.mappings[key] = ruleset; SaveConfig(); return true; } // remove a mapping private bool RemoveMapping(string key) { if (config.mappings.Remove(key)) { SaveConfig(); return true; } return false; } #endregion #region Messaging private void Message(BasePlayer player, string key, params object[] args) => SendReply(player, BuildMessage(player, key, args)); private void Message(IPlayer user, string key, params object[] args) => user.Reply(RemoveFormatting(BuildMessage(user.Object as BasePlayer, key, args))); // build message string private string BuildMessage(BasePlayer player, string key, params object[] args) { string message = GetMessage(key, player?.UserIDString); if (args.Length > 0) message = string.Format(message, args); string type = key.Split('_')[0]; if (player != null) { string size = GetMessage("Format_" + type + "Size"); string color = GetMessage("Format_" + type + "Color"); return WrapSize(size, WrapColor(color, message)); } else { string color = GetMessage("Format_" + type + "Color"); return WrapColor(color, message); } } // prints the value of an Option private void PrintValue(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg, string text, bool value) { SendReply(arg, WrapSize(GetMessage("Format_NotifySize"), WrapColor(GetMessage("Format_NotifyColor"), text + ": ") + value)); } // wrap string in tag, handles parsing size string to integer private string WrapSize(string size, string input) { return int.TryParse(size, out var i) ? WrapSize(i, input) : input; } // wrap a string in a tag with the passed size private string WrapSize(int size, string input) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) return input; return "" + input + ""; } // wrap a string in a tag with the passed color private string WrapColor(string color, string input) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(color)) return input; return "" + input + ""; } // show usage information private void ShowUsage(IPlayer user) => user.Reply(RemoveFormatting(usageString)); public string RemoveFormatting(string source) => source.Contains(">") ? Regex.Replace(source, "<.*?>", string.Empty) : source; // warn that the server is set to PVE mode private void WarnPve() => PrintWarning(GetMessage("Warning_PveMode")); #endregion #region Helper Procedures // is player a HumanNPC private bool IsHumanNPC(BasePlayer attacker, BasePlayer victim) { return attacker.IsNpc || !attacker.userID.IsSteamId() || victim.IsNpc || !victim.userID.IsSteamId(); } // get location keys from ZoneManager (zone IDs) or LiteZones (zone names) private List GetLocationKeys(BaseEntity entity) { if (!useZones || !entity) return null; List locations = new List(); string zname; if (ZoneManager.CanCall()) { List zmloc = new List(); if (entity is BasePlayer player) { // BasePlayer fix from chadomat string[] zmlocply = (string[])ZoneManager.Call("GetPlayerZoneIDs", new object[] { player }); if (!zmlocply.IsNullOrEmpty()) zmloc.AddRange(zmlocply); } else if (entity.IsValid()) { string[] zmlocent = (string[])ZoneManager.Call("GetEntityZoneIDs", new object[] { entity }); if (!zmlocent.IsNullOrEmpty()) zmloc.AddRange(zmlocent); } if (zmloc != null && zmloc.Count > 0) { // Add names into list of ID numbers foreach (string s in zmloc) { locations.Add(s); zname = (string)ZoneManager.Call("GetZoneName", s); if (zname != null) locations.Add(zname); } } } if (LiteZones.CanCall()) { List lzloc = (List)LiteZones?.Call("GetEntityZones", new object[] { entity }); if (lzloc != null && lzloc.Count > 0) { locations.AddRange(lzloc); } } return locations; } private List _foundMessages = new List(); // handle raycast from player (for prodding) private bool GetRaycastTarget(BasePlayer player, out BaseEntity closestEntity) { if (Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out var hit, 10f) && hit.GetEntity() is BaseEntity hitEntity) { closestEntity = hitEntity; return closestEntity != null; } closestEntity = null; return false; } // loop to update current ruleset private void TimerLoop(bool firstRun = false) { config.schedule.ClockUpdate(out var ruleSetName, out currentBroadcastMessage); if ( != ruleSetName || firstRun) { currentRuleSet = config.ruleSets.FirstOrDefault(r => == ruleSetName); currentRuleSet ??= new(ruleSetName); // create empty ruleset to hold name if (config.schedule.broadcast && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentBroadcastMessage)) { Server.Broadcast(currentBroadcastMessage, GetMessage("Prefix")); Puts(RemoveFormatting(GetMessage("Prefix") + " Schedule Broadcast: " + currentBroadcastMessage)); } } if (config.schedule.enabled) scheduleUpdateTimer = timer.Once(config.schedule.useRealtime ? 30f : 3f, () => TimerLoop()); } #endregion #region Subclasses // configuration and data storage container private class ConfigurationOptions { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "handleDamage")] // (true) enable TruePVE damage handling hooks public bool handleDamage { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "useZones")] // (true) use ZoneManager/LiteZones for zone-specific damage behavior (requires modification of ZoneManager.cs) public bool useZones { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Trace To Player Console")] public bool PlayerConsole { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Trace To Server Console")] public bool ServerConsole { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Maximum Distance From Player To Trace")] public float MaxTraceDistance { get; set; } = 50f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Prevent Water From Extinguishing BaseOven")] public bool disableBaseOvenSplash { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Prevent Players From Being Marked Hostile")] public bool disableHostility { get; set; } } private class Configuration { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Config Version")] public string configVersion = null; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Default RuleSet")] public string defaultRuleSet = "default"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Configuration Options")] public ConfigurationOptions options = new(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Mappings")] public Dictionary mappings = new(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Schedule")] public Schedule schedule = new(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "RuleSets")] public List ruleSets = new(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Entity Groups")] public List groups = new(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Killing Sleepers")] public bool AllowKillingSleepers; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Killing Sleepers (Ally Only)")] public bool AllowKillingSleepersAlly; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Killing Sleepers (Authorization Only)")] public bool AllowKillingSleepersAuthorization; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ignore Firework Damage")] public bool Firework = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ignore Campfire Damage")] public bool Campfires; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ignore Ladder Damage")] public bool Ladders; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ignore Sleeping Bag Damage")] public bool SleepingBags; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Block Scrap Heli Damage")] public bool scrap = true; Dictionary> groupCache = new(); public void Init() { schedule.Init(); foreach (RuleSet rs in ruleSets) rs.Build(); ruleSets.Remove(null); } public List ResolveEntityGroups(BaseEntity entity) { if (!entity.IsNull()) { if (! { if (!groupCache.TryGetValue(, out var groupList)) { groupCache[] = groupList = groups.Where(g => g.Contains(entity)).Select(g =>; } return groupList; } return groups.Where(g => g.Contains(entity)).Select(g =>; } return null; } public bool HasMapping(string key) { return mappings.ContainsKey(key) || mappings.ContainsKey(AllZones); } public bool HasEmptyMapping(string key) { if (mappings.ContainsKey(AllZones) && mappings[AllZones].Equals("exclude")) return true; // exlude all zones if (!mappings.ContainsKey(key)) return false; if (mappings[key].Equals("exclude")) return true; RuleSet r = ruleSets.FirstOrDefault(rs =>[key])); return r == null || r.IsEmpty(); } public RuleSet GetDefaultRuleSet() { try { return ruleSets.Single(r => == defaultRuleSet); } catch (Exception) { Interface.Oxide.LogWarning($"Warning - duplicate ruleset found for default RuleSet: '{defaultRuleSet}'"); return ruleSets.FirstOrDefault(r => == defaultRuleSet); } } public RuleSet GetDudRuleSet() { return new("override") { _flags = RuleFlags.None, defaultAllowDamage = false, enabled = true }; } } private class RuleSet { public string name; public bool enabled = true; public bool defaultAllowDamage = false; public string flags = string.Empty; [JsonIgnore] public ulong _flags = RuleFlags.None; [JsonIgnore] public bool Changed; public HashSet rules = new(); HashSet parsedRules = new(); public RuleSet() { } public RuleSet(string name) { = name; } // evaluate the passed lists of entity groups against rules public bool Evaluate(List eg1, List eg2, BaseEntity attacker, bool returnDefaultValue = true) { if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace("Evaluating Rules...", 3); if (parsedRules.IsNullOrEmpty()) { if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace($"No rules found; returning default value: {defaultAllowDamage}", 4); return defaultAllowDamage; } bool? res; if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace("Checking direct initiator->target rules...", 4); // check all direct links bool resValue = defaultAllowDamage; bool resFound = false; if (eg1 != null && eg1.Count > 0 && eg2 != null && eg2.Count > 0) { foreach (string s1 in eg1) { foreach (string s2 in eg2) { if ((res = Evaluate(s1, s2)).HasValue) { resValue = res.Value; resFound = true; break; } } } } if (!resFound && eg1 != null && eg1.Count > 0) { if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace("No direct match rules found; continuing...", 4); foreach (string s1 in eg1) {// check group -> any if ((res = Evaluate(s1, Any)).HasValue) { resValue = res.Value; resFound = true; break; } } } if (!resFound && eg2 != null && eg2.Count > 0) { if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace("No matching initiator->any rules found; continuing...", 4); foreach (string s2 in eg2) {// check any -> group if ((res = Evaluate(Any, s2)).HasValue) { resValue = res.Value; resFound = true; break; } } } if (resFound) { /*if (attacker.IsValid() && => group.IsExclusion(attacker.GetType().Name) || group.IsExclusion(attacker.ShortPrefabName))) { if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace($"Exclusion found; allow damage? {!resValue}", 6); return !resValue; }*/ return resValue; } if (returnDefaultValue) { if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace($"No matching any->target rules found; returning default value: {defaultAllowDamage}", 4); return defaultAllowDamage; } return true; } // evaluate two entity groups against rules public bool? Evaluate(string eg1, string eg2) { if (eg1 == null || eg2 == null || parsedRules.IsNullOrEmpty()) return null; if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace($"Evaluating \"{eg1}->{eg2}\"...", 5); Rule rule = parsedRules.FirstOrDefault(r => r.valid && r.key.Equals(eg1 + "->" + eg2)); if (rule != null) { if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace($"Match found; allow damage? {rule.hurt}", 6); return rule.hurt; } if (Instance.trace) Instance.Trace($"No match found", 6); return null; } // build rule strings to rules public void Build() { foreach (string ruleText in rules) parsedRules.Add(new(ruleText)); parsedRules.Remove(null); ValidateRules(); if (flags.Length == 0) { _flags |= RuleFlags.None; return; } foreach (string _value in flags.Split(',')) { string value = _value.Trim(); ulong flag = RuleFlags.Get(value); if (flag == RuleFlags.None) { if (value == "SamSitesIgnorePlayers") { ConvertSamSiteFlag(); } else if (value == "TrapsIgnoreScientists") { ConvertTrapsIgnoreScientists(); } else if (value == "TurretsIgnoreScientists") { ConvertTurretsIgnoreScientists(); } else { Instance.Puts("WARNING - invalid flag: '{0}' (does this flag still exist?)", value); } } else if (!HasFlag(flag)) { _flags |= flag; } } if (Changed) { Instance.SaveConfig(); Changed = false; } } private void ConvertSamSiteFlag() { flags = flags.Replace("SamSitesIgnorePlayers", "PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers, StaticSamSitesIgnorePlayers"); if (!HasFlag(RuleFlags.PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers)) { _flags |= RuleFlags.PlayerSamSitesIgnorePlayers; } if (!HasFlag(RuleFlags.StaticSamSitesIgnorePlayers)) { _flags |= RuleFlags.StaticSamSitesIgnorePlayers; } Changed = true; } private void ConvertTrapsIgnoreScientists() { flags = flags.Replace("TrapsIgnoreScientists", "TrapsIgnoreScientist"); if (!HasFlag(RuleFlags.TrapsIgnoreScientist)) { _flags |= RuleFlags.TrapsIgnoreScientist; } Changed = true; } private void ConvertTurretsIgnoreScientists() { flags = flags.Replace("TurretsIgnoreScientists", "TurretsIgnoreScientist"); if (!HasFlag(RuleFlags.TurretsIgnoreScientist)) { _flags |= RuleFlags.TurretsIgnoreScientist; } Changed = true; } public void ValidateRules() { foreach (Rule rule in parsedRules) if (!rule.valid) Interface.Oxide.LogWarning($"Warning - invalid rule: {rule.ruleText}"); } // add a rule public void AddRule(string ruleText) { rules.Add(ruleText); parsedRules.Add(new(ruleText)); } public bool HasAnyFlag(ulong flags) => (_flags | flags) != RuleFlags.None; public bool HasFlag(ulong flag) => (_flags & flag) == flag; public bool IsEmpty() => rules.IsNullOrEmpty() && _flags == RuleFlags.None; } private class Rule { public string ruleText; [JsonIgnore] public string key; [JsonIgnore] public bool hurt; [JsonIgnore] public bool valid; public Rule() { } public Rule(string ruleText) { this.ruleText = ruleText; valid = RuleTranslator.Translate(this); } public override int GetHashCode() { return key.GetHashCode(); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; if (obj == this) return true; if (obj is Rule) return key.Equals((obj as Rule).key); return false; } } // helper class to translate rule text to rules private class RuleTranslator { static readonly Regex regex = new(@"\s+"); static readonly List synonyms = new() { "anything", "nothing", "all", "any", "none", "everything" }; public static bool Translate(Rule rule) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.ruleText)) return false; string str = rule.ruleText; string[] splitStr = regex.Split(str); // first and last words should be ruleset names string rs0 = splitStr[0]; string rs1 = splitStr[splitStr.Length - 1]; string[] mid = splitStr.Skip(1).Take(splitStr.Length - 2).ToArray(); if (mid == null || mid.Length == 0) return false; bool canHurt = true; foreach (string s in mid) if (s.Equals("cannot") || s.Equals("can't")) canHurt = false; // rs0 and rs1 shouldn't ever be "nothing" simultaneously if (rs0.Equals("nothing") || rs1.Equals("nothing") || rs0.Equals("none") || rs1.Equals("none")) canHurt = !canHurt; if (synonyms.Contains(rs0)) rs0 = Any; if (synonyms.Contains(rs1)) rs1 = Any; rule.key = rs0 + "->" + rs1; rule.hurt = canHurt; return true; } } // container for mapping entities private class EntityGroup { private List memberList { get; set; } = new(); private List exclusionList { get; set; } = new(); public string name { get; set; } public string members { get { if (memberList.Count == 0) return string.Empty; return string.Join(", ", memberList.ToArray()); } set { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return; memberList = value.Split(',').Select(s => s.Trim()).ToList(); } } public string exclusions { get { if (exclusionList.Count == 0) return string.Empty; return string.Join(", ", exclusionList.ToArray()); } set { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return; exclusionList = value.Split(',').Select(s => s.Trim()).ToList(); } } public EntityGroup() { } public EntityGroup(string name) { = name; } public bool IsMember(string value) { foreach (var member in memberList) { if (member.Equals(value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return true; } } return false; } public bool IsExclusion(string value) { foreach (var exclusion in exclusionList) { if (exclusion.Equals(value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return true; } } return false; } public bool Contains(BaseEntity entity) { if (entity.IsNull()) return false; return (memberList.Contains(entity.GetType().Name) || memberList.Contains(entity.ShortPrefabName)) && !(exclusionList.Contains(entity.GetType().Name) || exclusionList.Contains(entity.ShortPrefabName)); } } // scheduler private class Schedule { public bool enabled; public bool useRealtime; public bool broadcast; public List entries = new(); List parsedEntries = new(); [JsonIgnore] public bool valid; public void Init() { foreach (string str in entries) parsedEntries.Add(new(str)); // schedule not valid if entries are empty, there are less than 2 entries, or there are less than 2 rulesets defined if (parsedEntries.IsNullOrEmpty() || parsedEntries.Sum(e => e.valid ? 1 : 0) < 2 || parsedEntries.Select(e => e.ruleSet).Distinct().Count < 2) enabled = false; else valid = true; } // returns delta between current time and next schedule entry public void ClockUpdate(out string ruleSetName, out string message) { TimeSpan time = useRealtime ? new TimeSpan((int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek, 0, 0, 0).Add(DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay) : TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.DateTime.TimeOfDay; try { ScheduleEntry se = null; // get the most recent schedule entry if (parsedEntries.Where(t => !t.isDaily).Count > 0) se = parsedEntries.FirstOrDefault(e => e.time == parsedEntries.Where(t => t.valid && t.time <= time && ((useRealtime && !t.isDaily) || !useRealtime)).Max(t => t.time)); // if realtime, check for daily if (useRealtime) { ScheduleEntry daily = null; try { daily = parsedEntries.FirstOrDefault(e => e.time == parsedEntries.Where(t => t.valid && t.time <= DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay && t.isDaily).Max(t => t.time)); } catch (Exception) { // no daily entries } if (daily != null && se == null) se = daily; if (daily != null && daily.time.Add(new((int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek, 0, 0, 0)) > se.time) se = daily; } ruleSetName = se.ruleSet; message = se.message; } catch (Exception) { ScheduleEntry se = null; // if time is earlier than all schedule entries, use max time if (parsedEntries.Where(t => !t.isDaily).Count > 0) se = parsedEntries.FirstOrDefault(e => e.time == parsedEntries.Where(t => t.valid && ((useRealtime && !t.isDaily) || !useRealtime)).Max(t => t.time)); if (useRealtime) { ScheduleEntry daily = null; try { daily = parsedEntries.FirstOrDefault(e => e.time == parsedEntries.Where(t => t.valid && t.isDaily).Max(t => t.time)); } catch (Exception) { // no daily entries } if (daily != null && se == null) se = daily; if (daily != null && daily.time.Add(new((int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek, 0, 0, 0)) > se.time) se = daily; } ruleSetName = se?.ruleSet; message = se?.message; } } } // helper class to translate schedule text to schedule entries private class ScheduleTranslator { static readonly Regex regex = new(@"\s+"); public static bool Translate(ScheduleEntry entry) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.scheduleText)) return false; string str = entry.scheduleText; string[] splitStr = regex.Split(str, 3); // split into 3 parts // first word should be a timespan string ts = splitStr[0]; // second word should be a ruleset name string rs = splitStr[1]; // remaining should be message string message = splitStr.Length > 2 ? splitStr[2] : null; try { if (ts.StartsWith("*.")) { entry.isDaily = true; ts = ts.Substring(2); } entry.time = TimeSpan.Parse(ts); entry.ruleSet = rs; entry.message = message; return true; } catch { return false; } } } private class ScheduleEntry { public string ruleSet; public string message; public string scheduleText; public bool valid; public TimeSpan time { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public bool isDaily = false; public ScheduleEntry() { } public ScheduleEntry(string scheduleText) { this.scheduleText = scheduleText; valid = ScheduleTranslator.Translate(this); } } #endregion #region Lang // load default messages to Lang protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new() { {"Prefix", "[ TruePVE ]" }, {"Enable", "TruePVE enable set to {0}" }, {"Header_Usage", "---- TruePVE usage ----"}, {"Cmd_Usage_def", "Loads default configuration and data"}, {"Cmd_Usage_sched", "Enable or disable the schedule" }, {"Cmd_Usage_prod", "Show the prefab name and type of the entity being looked at"}, {"Cmd_Usage_map", "Create/remove a mapping entry" }, {"Cmd_Usage_trace", "Toggle tracing on/off" }, {"Warning_PveMode", "ConVar server.pve is TRUE! TruePVE is designed for PVP mode, and may cause unexpected behavior in PVE mode."}, {"Warning_NoRuleSet", "No RuleSet found for \"{0}\"" }, {"Warning_DuplicateRuleSet", "Multiple RuleSets found for \"{0}\"" }, {"Error_InvalidCommand", "Invalid command" }, {"Error_InvalidParameter", "Invalid parameter: {0}"}, {"Error_InvalidParamForCmd", "Invalid parameters for command \"{0}\""}, {"Error_InvalidMapping", "Invalid mapping: {0} => {1}; Target must be a valid RuleSet or \"exclude\"" }, {"Error_NoMappingToDelete", "Cannot delete mapping: \"{0}\" does not exist" }, {"Error_NoPermission", "Cannot execute command: No permission"}, {"Error_NoSuicide", "You are not allowed to commit suicide"}, {"Error_NoEntityFound", "No entity found"}, {"Notify_AvailOptions", "Available Options: {0}"}, {"Notify_DefConfigLoad", "Loaded default configuration"}, {"Notify_DefDataLoad", "Loaded default mapping data"}, {"Notify_ProdResult", "Prod results: type={0}, prefab={1}"}, {"Notify_SchedSetEnabled", "Schedule enabled" }, {"Notify_SchedSetDisabled", "Schedule disabled" }, {"Notify_InvalidSchedule", "Schedule is not valid" }, {"Notify_MappingCreated", "Mapping created for \"{0}\" => \"{1}\"" }, {"Notify_MappingUpdated", "Mapping for \"{0}\" changed from \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"" }, {"Notify_MappingDeleted", "Mapping for \"{0}\" => \"{1}\" deleted" }, {"Notify_TraceToggle", "Trace mode toggled {0}" }, {"Format_EnableColor", "#00FFFF"}, // cyan {"Format_EnableSize", "12"}, {"Format_NotifyColor", "#00FFFF"}, // cyan {"Format_NotifySize", "12"}, {"Format_HeaderColor", "#FFA500"}, // orange {"Format_HeaderSize", "14"}, {"Format_ErrorColor", "#FF0000"}, // red {"Format_ErrorSize", "12"}, }, this); } // get message from Lang private string GetMessage(string key, string userId = null) => lang.GetMessage(key, this, userId); #endregion } } namespace Oxide.Plugins.TruePVEExtensionMethods { public static class ExtensionMethods { public static List Distinct(this IEnumerable a) { var b = new List(); using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { if (!b.Contains(c.Current)) { b.Add(c.Current); } } } return b; } public static bool Exists(this IEnumerable a, Func b = null) { using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { if (b == null || b(c.Current)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static IEnumerable Intersect(this IEnumerable a, IEnumerable b) { var d = new List(); foreach (T item in b) { d.Add(item); } foreach (T e in a) { if (d.Remove(e)) { yield return e; } } } public static T FirstOrDefault(this IEnumerable a, Func b = null) { using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { if (b == null || b(c.Current)) { return c.Current; } } } return default(T); } public static T Single(this IEnumerable a, Func b) { var d = new List(); using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { if (b(c.Current)) { d.Add(c.Current); } } } if (d.Count > 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("single"); return d[0]; } public static IEnumerable Select(this IEnumerable a, Func b) { var c = new List(); if (a == null) return c; using (var d = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (d.MoveNext()) { c.Add(b(d.Current)); } } return c; } public static string[] Skip(this string[] a, int b) { if (a.Length == 0) { return Array.Empty(); } string[] c = new string[a.Length - b]; int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { if (i < b) continue; c[n] = a[i]; n++; } return c; } public static List Take(this IList a, int b) { var c = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { if (c.Count == b) { break; } c.Add(a[i]); } return c; } public static List ToList(this IEnumerable a) { var b = new List(); using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { b.Add(c.Current); } } return b; } public static List Where(this IEnumerable a, Func b) { var c = new List(); using (var d = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (d.MoveNext()) { if (b(d.Current)) { c.Add(d.Current); } } } return c; } public static List OfType(this IEnumerable a) where T : BaseEntity { var b = new List(); using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { if (c.Current is T) { b.Add(c.Current as T); } } } return b; } public static R Max(this IList a, Func b) { R c = default(R); Comparer @default = Comparer.Default; for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { var d = b(a[i]); if (@default.Compare(d, c) > 0) { c = d; } } return c; } public static int Sum(this IList a, Func b) { int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { var d = b(a[i]); if (!float.IsNaN(d)) { c += d; } } return c; } public static bool IsReallyConnected(this BasePlayer a) { return (object)a != null && (object) != null && (object) != null; } public static bool IsNull(this T a) where T : class { return (object)a == null; } public static bool CanCall(this Plugin a) { return a != null && a.IsLoaded; } } }