using Facepunch; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using Oxide.Plugins.DangerousTreasuresExtensionMethods; using Rust; using Rust.Ai; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Dangerous Treasures", "nivex", "2.3.511")] [Description("Event with treasure chests.")] internal class DangerousTreasures : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] Plugin LustyMap, ZoneManager, Economics, ServerRewards, Map, GUIAnnouncements, MarkerManager, Kits, Duelist, RaidableBases, AbandonedBases, Notify, AdvancedAlerts; private new const string Name = "Dangerous Treasures"; private static DangerousTreasures Instance; private bool wipeChestsSeed; private StoredData data = new StoredData(); private List BlockedLayers = new List { (int)Layer.Water, (int)Layer.Construction, (int)Layer.Trigger, (int)Layer.Prevent_Building, (int)Layer.Deployed, (int)Layer.Tree, (int)Layer.Clutter }; private Dictionary HumanoidBrains = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary allowedMonuments = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary monuments = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary managedZones = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary mapMarkers = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary lustyMarkers = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary treasureChests = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary looters = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary _definitions = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary Skins = new Dictionary(); private List newmanProtections = new List(); private List indestructibleWarnings = new List(); // indestructible messages limited to once every 10 seconds private List drawGrants = new List(); // limit draw to once every 15 seconds by default private List obstructionLayers = new List { Layers.Mask.Player_Server, Layers.Mask.Construction, Layers.Mask.Deployed }; private List _blockedColliders = new List { "powerline_", "invisible_", "TopCol", "train", "swamp_", "floating_" }; private List underground = new List { "Cave", "Sewer Branch", "Military Tunnel", "Underwater Lab", "Train Tunnel" }; private List _gridPositions = new List(); private const int TARGET_MASK = 8454145; private const int targetMask = Layers.Mask.World | Layers.Mask.Terrain | Layers.Mask.Default; private const int visibleMask = Layers.Mask.Deployed | Layers.Mask.Construction | targetMask; private const int obstructionLayer = Layers.Mask.Player_Server | Layers.Mask.Construction | Layers.Mask.Deployed; private const int heightLayer = TARGET_MASK | Layers.Mask.Construction | Layers.Mask.Deployed | Layers.Mask.Clutter; private StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder(); private Vector3 sd_customPos; public class ZoneInfo { public Vector3 Position; public Vector3 Size; public float Distance; public OBB OBB; } private class MonInfo { public Vector3 Position; public float Radius; public MonInfo(Vector3 pos, float radius) { Position = pos; Radius = radius; } } public class SkinInfo { public List skins = new List(); public List workshopSkins = new List(); public List importedSkins = new List(); public List allSkins = new List(); } private class MapInfo { public string Url; public string IconName; public Vector3 Position; public MapInfo() { } } private class PlayerInfo { public int StolenChestsTotal; public int StolenChestsSeed; public PlayerInfo() { } } private class StoredData { public readonly Dictionary Players = new Dictionary(); public List NID = new List(); public List MID = new List(); public double SecondsUntilEvent = double.MinValue; public string CustomPosition; public int TotalEvents = 0; public StoredData() { } } public class HumanoidBrain : ScientistBrain { internal enum AttackType { BaseProjectile, FlameThrower, Melee, Water, None } internal ScientistNPC npc; private AttackEntity _attackEntity; private FlameThrower flameThrower; private LiquidWeapon liquidWeapon; private BaseMelee baseMelee; private BasePlayer AttackTarget; internal NpcSettings Settings; internal TreasureChest tc; private List positions; internal Vector3 DestinationOverride; internal bool isMurderer; internal ulong uid; private float lastWarpTime; internal float softLimitSenseRange; private float nextAttackTime; private float attackRange; private float attackCooldown; internal AttackType attackType = AttackType.None; private BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed CurrentSpeed = BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Normal; internal Vector3 AttackPosition => AttackTarget.ServerPosition; internal Vector3 ServerPosition => npc.ServerPosition; internal AttackEntity AttackEntity { get { if (_attackEntity.IsNull()) { IdentifyWeapon(); } return _attackEntity; } } internal void IdentifyWeapon() { _attackEntity = GetEntity().GetAttackEntity(); attackRange = 0f; attackCooldown = 99999f; attackType = AttackType.None; baseMelee = null; flameThrower = null; liquidWeapon = null; if (_attackEntity.IsNull()) { return; } switch (_attackEntity.ShortPrefabName) { case "double_shotgun.entity": case "shotgun_pump.entity": case "shotgun_waterpipe.entity": case "spas12.entity": SetAttackRestrictions(AttackType.BaseProjectile, 30f, 0f, 30f); break; case "ak47u.entity": case "ak47u_ice.entity": case "bolt_rifle.entity": case "glock.entity": case "hmlmg.entity": case "l96.entity": case "lr300.entity": case "m249.entity": case "m39.entity": case "m92.entity": case "mp5.entity": case "nailgun.entity": case "pistol_eoka.entity": case "pistol_revolver.entity": case "pistol_semiauto.entity": case "python.entity": case "semi_auto_rifle.entity": case "thompson.entity": case "smg.entity": SetAttackRestrictions(AttackType.BaseProjectile, 300f, 0f, 150f); break; case "snowballgun.entity": SetAttackRestrictions(AttackType.BaseProjectile, 15f, 0.1f, 15f); break; case "chainsaw.entity": case "jackhammer.entity": baseMelee = _attackEntity as BaseMelee; SetAttackRestrictions(AttackType.Melee, 2.5f, (_attackEntity.animationDelay + _attackEntity.deployDelay) * 2f); break; case "axe_salvaged.entity": case "bone_club.entity": case "butcherknife.entity": case "candy_cane.entity": case "hammer_salvaged.entity": case "hatchet.entity": case "icepick_salvaged.entity": case "knife.combat.entity": case "knife_bone.entity": case "longsword.entity": case "mace.entity": case "machete.weapon": case "pickaxe.entity": case "pitchfork.entity": case "salvaged_cleaver.entity": case "salvaged_sword.entity": case "sickle.entity": case "spear_stone.entity": case "spear_wooden.entity": case "stone_pickaxe.entity": case "stonehatchet.entity": baseMelee = _attackEntity as BaseMelee; SetAttackRestrictions(AttackType.Melee, 2.5f, _attackEntity.animationDelay + _attackEntity.deployDelay); break; case "flamethrower.entity": flameThrower = _attackEntity as FlameThrower; SetAttackRestrictions(AttackType.FlameThrower, 10f, (_attackEntity.animationDelay + _attackEntity.deployDelay) * 2f); break; case "compound_bow.entity": case "crossbow.entity": case "speargun.entity": SetAttackRestrictions(AttackType.BaseProjectile, 200f, (_attackEntity.animationDelay + _attackEntity.deployDelay) * 1.25f, 150f); break; case "watergun.entity": case "waterpistol.entity": liquidWeapon = _attackEntity as LiquidWeapon; liquidWeapon.AutoPump = true; SetAttackRestrictions(AttackType.Water, 10f, 2f); break; default: _attackEntity = null; break; } } private void SetAttackRestrictions(AttackType attackType, float attackRange, float attackCooldown, float effectiveRange = 0f) { if (effectiveRange != 0f) { _attackEntity.effectiveRange = effectiveRange; } this.attackType = attackType; this.attackRange = attackRange; this.attackCooldown = attackCooldown; } public bool ValidTarget { get { if (AttackTarget.IsKilled() || ShouldForgetTarget(AttackTarget)) { return false; } return true; } } public override void OnDestroy() { if (!Rust.Application.isQuitting) { BaseEntity.Query.Server.RemoveBrain(GetEntity()); Instance?.HumanoidBrains?.Remove(uid); LeaveGroup(); } CancelInvoke(); } public override void InitializeAI() { base.InitializeAI(); base.ForceSetAge(0f); Pet = false; sleeping = false; UseAIDesign = true; AllowedToSleep = false; HostileTargetsOnly = false; AttackRangeMultiplier = 2f; MaxGroupSize = 0; Senses.Init( owner: GetEntity(), brain: this, memoryDuration: 5f, range: 50f, targetLostRange: 75f, visionCone: -1f, checkVision: false, checkLOS: true, ignoreNonVisionSneakers: true, listenRange: 15f, hostileTargetsOnly: false, senseFriendlies: false, ignoreSafeZonePlayers: false, senseTypes: EntityType.Player, refreshKnownLOS: true ); CanUseHealingItems = true; } public override void AddStates() { base.AddStates(); states[AIState.Attack] = new AttackState(this); } public class AttackState : BaseAttackState { private new HumanoidBrain brain; private global::HumanNPC npc; private IAIAttack attack => brain.Senses.ownerAttack; public AttackState(HumanoidBrain humanoidBrain) { base.brain = brain = humanoidBrain; base.AgrresiveState = true; npc = brain.GetBrainBaseEntity() as global::HumanNPC; } public override void StateEnter(BaseAIBrain _brain, BaseEntity _entity) { if (brain.ValidTarget) { if (InAttackRange()) { StartAttacking(); } else { StopAttacking(); } if (brain.Navigator.CanUseNavMesh) { brain.Navigator.SetDestination(brain.DestinationOverride, BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast, 0f, 0f); } } } public override void StateLeave(BaseAIBrain _brain, BaseEntity _entity) { StopAttacking(); } private void StopAttacking() { if (attack != null) { attack.StopAttacking(); brain.Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); } } public override StateStatus StateThink(float delta, BaseAIBrain _brain, BaseEntity _entity) { if (attack == null) { return StateStatus.Error; } if (!brain.ValidTarget) { StopAttacking(); return StateStatus.Finished; } if (brain.Senses.ignoreSafeZonePlayers && brain.AttackTarget.InSafeZone()) { return StateStatus.Error; } if (brain.Navigator.CanUseNavMesh && !brain.Navigator.SetDestination(brain.DestinationOverride, BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast, 0f, 0f)) { return StateStatus.Error; } if (!brain.CanLeave(brain.AttackPosition) || !brain.CanShoot()) { brain.Forget(); StopAttacking(); return StateStatus.Finished; } if (InAttackRange()) { StartAttacking(); } else { StopAttacking(); } return StateStatus.Running; } private bool InAttackRange() { return attack.CanAttack(brain.AttackTarget) && brain.IsInAttackRange() && brain.CanSeeTarget(brain.AttackTarget); } private void StartAttacking() { brain.SetAimDirection(); if (!brain.CanShoot() || brain.IsAttackOnCooldown()) { return; } if (brain.attackType == AttackType.BaseProjectile) { npc.ShotTest(brain.AttackPosition.Distance(brain.ServerPosition)); } else if (brain.attackType == AttackType.FlameThrower) { brain.UseFlameThrower(); } else if (brain.attackType == AttackType.Water) { brain.UseWaterGun(); } else brain.MeleeAttack(); } } private bool init; public void Init() { if (init) return; init = true; lastWarpTime = Time.time; npc.spawnPos = tc.containerPos; npc.AdditionalLosBlockingLayer = visibleMask; IdentifyWeapon(); SetupNavigator(GetEntity(), GetComponent(), tc.Radius); } private void Converge() { foreach (var brain in Instance.HumanoidBrains.Values) { if (brain != this && brain.attackType == attackType && brain.CanConverge(npc) && CanLeave(AttackPosition)) { brain.SetTarget(AttackTarget, false); brain.TryToAttack(AttackTarget); } } } public void Forget() { Senses.Players.Clear(); Senses.Memory.All.Clear(); Senses.Memory.Threats.Clear(); Senses.Memory.Targets.Clear(); Senses.Memory.Players.Clear(); Navigator.ClearFacingDirectionOverride(); DestinationOverride = GetRandomRoamPosition(); SenseRange = ListenRange = isMurderer ? Settings.Murderers.AggressionRange : Settings.Scientists.AggressionRange; TargetLostRange = SenseRange * 1.25f; AttackTarget = null; TryReturnHome(); } private void RandomMove(float radius) { var to = AttackPosition + UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * radius; to.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(to); SetDestination(to); } public void SetupNavigator(BaseCombatEntity owner, BaseNavigator navigator, float distance) { navigator.CanUseNavMesh = !Rust.Ai.AiManager.nav_disable; navigator.MaxRoamDistanceFromHome = navigator.BestMovementPointMaxDistance = navigator.BestRoamPointMaxDistance = distance * 0.85f; navigator.DefaultArea = "Walkable"; navigator.topologyPreference = ((TerrainTopology.Enum)TerrainTopology.EVERYTHING); navigator.Agent.agentTypeID = -1372625422; navigator.MaxWaterDepth = 3f; if (navigator.CanUseNavMesh) { navigator.Init(owner, navigator.Agent); } } private void SetAimDirection() { Navigator.SetFacingDirectionEntity(AttackTarget); } private void SetDestination() { SetDestination(GetRandomRoamPosition()); } private void SetDestination(Vector3 destination) { if (!CanLeave(destination)) { if (attackType != AttackType.BaseProjectile) { destination = ((destination.XZ3D() - tc.containerPos.XZ3D()).normalized * (tc.Radius * 0.75f)) + tc.containerPos; destination += UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * (tc.Radius * 0.2f); } else { destination = GetRandomRoamPosition(); } CurrentSpeed = BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Normal; } if (destination != DestinationOverride) { destination.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(destination); DestinationOverride = destination; } Navigator.SetCurrentSpeed(CurrentSpeed); if (Navigator.CurrentNavigationType == BaseNavigator.NavigationType.None && !Rust.Ai.AiManager.ai_dormant && !Rust.Ai.AiManager.nav_disable) { Navigator.SetCurrentNavigationType(BaseNavigator.NavigationType.NavMesh); } if (Navigator.Agent == null || !Navigator.CanUseNavMesh || !Navigator.SetDestination(destination, CurrentSpeed)) { Navigator.Destination = destination; npc.finalDestination = destination; } } public void SetTarget(BasePlayer player, bool converge = true) { if (npc.IsKilled()) { Destroy(this); return; } if (AttackTarget == player || player.IsKilled()) { return; } Senses.Memory.SetKnown(player, npc, null); npc.lastAttacker = player; AttackTarget = player; if (!IsInSenseRange(player.transform.position)) { SenseRange = ListenRange = (isMurderer ? Settings.Murderers.AggressionRange : Settings.Scientists.AggressionRange) + player.transform.position.Distance(ServerPosition); TargetLostRange = SenseRange + (SenseRange * 0.25f); } else { SenseRange = ListenRange = softLimitSenseRange; TargetLostRange = softLimitSenseRange * 1.25f; } if (converge) { Converge(); } } private void TryReturnHome() { if (Settings.CanLeave && !IsInHomeRange()) { CurrentSpeed = BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Normal; Warp(); } } private void TryToAttack() => TryToAttack(null); private void TryToAttack(BasePlayer attacker) { if (attacker.IsNull()) { attacker = GetBestTarget(); } if (attacker.IsNull()) { return; } if (ShouldForgetTarget(attacker)) { Forget(); return; } SetTarget(attacker); if (!CanSeeTarget(attacker)) { return; } if (attackType == AttackType.BaseProjectile) { TryScientistActions(); } else { TryMurdererActions(); } SwitchToState(AIState.Attack, -1); } private void TryMurdererActions() { CurrentSpeed = BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast; if (!IsInReachableRange()) { RandomMove(15f); } else if (!IsInAttackRange()) { if (attackType == AttackType.FlameThrower) { RandomMove(attackRange); } else { SetDestination(AttackPosition); } } } private void TryScientistActions() { CurrentSpeed = BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Fast; SetDestination(); } public void SetupMovement(List positions) { this.positions = positions; InvokeRepeating(TryToRoam, 0f, 7.5f); InvokeRepeating(TryToAttack, 1f, 1f); } private void TryToRoam() { if (Settings.KillUnderwater && npc.IsSwimming()) { npc.SafelyKill(); Destroy(this); return; } if (ValidTarget) { return; } if (IsStuck()) { Warp(); Navigator.stuckTimer = 0f; } CurrentSpeed = BaseNavigator.NavigationSpeed.Normal; SetDestination(); } private bool IsStuck() => false; //InRange(npc.transform.position, Navigator.stuckCheckPosition, Navigator.StuckDistance); public void Warp() { if (Time.time < lastWarpTime) { return; } lastWarpTime = Time.time + 1f; DestinationOverride = GetRandomRoamPosition(); Navigator.Warp(DestinationOverride); } private void UseFlameThrower() { if (flameThrower.ammo < flameThrower.maxAmmo * 0.25) { flameThrower.SetFlameState(false); flameThrower.ServerReload(); return; } npc.triggerEndTime = Time.time + attackCooldown; flameThrower.SetFlameState(true); flameThrower.Invoke(() => flameThrower.SetFlameState(false), 2f); } private void UseWaterGun() { RaycastHit hit; Physics.Raycast(npc.eyes.BodyRay(), out hit, 10f, 1218652417); List damage = new List(); WaterBall.DoSplash(hit.point, 2f, ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("water"), 10); DamageUtil.RadiusDamage(npc, liquidWeapon.LookupPrefab(), hit.point, 0.15f, 0.15f, damage, 131072, true); } private void UseChainsaw() { AttackEntity.TopUpAmmo(); AttackEntity.ServerUse(); AttackTarget.Hurt(10f * AttackEntity.npcDamageScale, DamageType.Bleeding, npc); } private void MeleeAttack() { if (baseMelee.IsNull()) { return; } if (AttackEntity is Chainsaw) { UseChainsaw(); return; } Vector3 position = AttackPosition; AttackEntity.StartAttackCooldown(AttackEntity.repeatDelay * 2f); npc.SignalBroadcast(BaseEntity.Signal.Attack, string.Empty, null); if (baseMelee.swingEffect.isValid) { Effect.server.Run(baseMelee.swingEffect.resourcePath, position, Vector3.forward, npc.Connection, false); } HitInfo hitInfo = new HitInfo { damageTypes = new DamageTypeList(), DidHit = true, Initiator = npc, HitEntity = AttackTarget, HitPositionWorld = position, HitPositionLocal = AttackTarget.transform.InverseTransformPoint(position), HitNormalWorld = npc.eyes.BodyForward(), HitMaterial = StringPool.Get("Flesh"), PointStart = ServerPosition, PointEnd = position, Weapon = AttackEntity, WeaponPrefab = AttackEntity }; hitInfo.damageTypes.Set(DamageType.Slash, baseMelee.TotalDamage() * AttackEntity.npcDamageScale); Effect.server.ImpactEffect(hitInfo); AttackTarget.OnAttacked(hitInfo); } private bool CanConverge(global::HumanNPC other) { if (ValidTarget && !ShouldForgetTarget(AttackTarget)) return false; if (other.IsKilled() || other.IsDead()) return false; return IsInTargetRange(other.transform.position); } private bool CanLeave(Vector3 destination) { return Settings.CanLeave || IsInLeaveRange(destination); } private bool CanSeeTarget(BasePlayer target) { if (Navigator.CurrentNavigationType == BaseNavigator.NavigationType.None && (attackType == AttackType.FlameThrower || attackType == AttackType.Melee)) { return true; } if (InRange(ServerPosition, target.ServerPosition, 10f) || Senses.Memory.IsLOS(target)) { return true; } nextAttackTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 1f; return false; } public bool CanRoam(Vector3 destination) { return destination == DestinationOverride && IsInSenseRange(destination); } private bool CanShoot() { if (attackType == AttackType.None) { return false; } return true; } public BasePlayer GetBestTarget() { if (npc.IsWounded()) { return null; } float delta = -1f; BasePlayer target = null; foreach (var player in Senses.Memory.Targets.OfType()) { if (player.IsNull() || <= 0f || player.IsDead() || player.limitNetworking) continue; if (!player.IsHuman() && !config.NPC.TargetNpcs) continue; float dist = player.transform.position.Distance(npc.transform.position); float rangeDelta = 1f - Mathf.InverseLerp(1f, SenseRange, dist); rangeDelta += (CanSeeTarget(player) ? 2f : 0f); if (rangeDelta <= delta) continue; target = player; delta = rangeDelta; } return target; } private Vector3 GetRandomRoamPosition() { return positions.GetRandom(); } private bool IsAttackOnCooldown() { if (attackType == AttackType.None || Time.realtimeSinceStartup < nextAttackTime) { return true; } if (attackCooldown > 0f) { nextAttackTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + attackCooldown; } return false; } private bool IsInAttackRange(float range = 0f) { return InRange(ServerPosition, AttackPosition, range == 0f ? attackRange : range); } private bool IsInHomeRange() { return InRange(ServerPosition, tc.containerPos, Mathf.Max(tc.Radius, TargetLostRange)); } private bool IsInLeaveRange(Vector3 destination) { return InRange(tc.containerPos, destination, tc.Radius); } private bool IsInReachableRange() { if (AttackPosition.y - ServerPosition.y > attackRange) { return false; } return attackType != AttackType.Melee || InRange(AttackPosition, ServerPosition, 15f); } private bool IsInSenseRange(Vector3 destination) { return InRange2D(tc.containerPos, destination, SenseRange); } private bool IsInTargetRange(Vector3 destination) { return InRange2D(tc.containerPos, destination, TargetLostRange); } private bool IsInThrowRange() { return InRange(ServerPosition, AttackPosition, attackRange); } private bool ShouldForgetTarget(BasePlayer target) { return <= 0f || target.IsDead() || target.limitNetworking || !IsInTargetRange(target.transform.position); } } private class GuidanceSystem : FacepunchBehaviour { private TimedExplosive missile; private ServerProjectile projectile; private BaseEntity target; private Vector3 launchPos; private List newmans = new List(); private void Awake() { missile = GetComponent(); projectile = missile.GetComponent(); launchPos = missile.transform.position; launchPos.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(launchPos); projectile.gravityModifier = 0f; projectile.speed = 0.1f; projectile.InitializeVelocity(Vector3.up); missile.explosionRadius = 0f; missile.timerAmountMin = config.MissileLauncher.Lifetime; missile.timerAmountMax = config.MissileLauncher.Lifetime; missile.damageTypes = new List(); // no damage } public void SetTarget(BaseEntity target) { = target; } public void Launch(float targettingTime) { missile.Spawn(); Instance.timer.Once(targettingTime, () => { if (missile.IsKilled()) return; var list = new List(); var players = FindEntitiesOfType(launchPos, config.Event.Radius + config.MissileLauncher.Distance, Layers.Mask.Player_Server); for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++) { var player = players[i]; if (player.IsKilled() || !player.IsHuman() || !player.CanInteract()) continue; if (config.MissileLauncher.IgnoreFlying && player.IsFlying) continue; if (newmans.Contains(player.userID) || Instance.newmanProtections.Contains(player.userID)) continue; list.Add(player); // acquire a player target } if (list.Count > 0) { target = list.GetRandom(); // pick a random player } else if (!config.MissileLauncher.TargetChest) { missile.SafelyKill(); return; } projectile.speed = config.Rocket.Speed * 2f; InvokeRepeating(GuideMissile, 0.1f, 0.1f); }); } public void Exclude(List newmans) { if (newmans != null && newmans.Count > 0) { this.newmans = newmans.ToList(); } } private void GuideMissile() { if (target == null) return; if (target.IsDestroyed) { missile.SafelyKill(); return; } if (missile.IsKilled() || projectile == null) { Destroy(this); return; } if (InRange(target.transform.position, missile.transform.position, 1f)) { missile.Explode(); return; } var direction = (target.transform.position - missile.transform.position) + Vector3.down; // direction to guide the missile projectile.InitializeVelocity(direction); // guide the missile to the target's position } private void OnDestroy() { CancelInvoke(); Destroy(this); } } public class TreasureChest : FacepunchBehaviour { internal StorageContainer container; internal Vector3 containerPos; internal Vector3 lastFirePos; internal int npcMaxAmountMurderers; internal int npcMaxAmountScientists; internal int npcSpawnedAmount; internal int countdownTime; internal bool started; internal bool opened; internal bool firstEntered; internal bool markerCreated; internal bool killed; internal bool IsUnloading; internal bool requireAllNpcsDie; internal bool whenNpcsDie; internal float claimTime; internal float _radius; internal long _unlockTime; internal NetworkableId uid; private Dictionary> npcKits = Pool.Get>>(); private Dictionary fireticks = Pool.Get>(); private List fireballs = Pool.GetList(); private List newmans = Pool.GetList(); private List traitors = Pool.GetList(); private List protects = Pool.GetList(); private List players = Pool.GetList(); private List missiles = Pool.GetList(); private List times = Pool.GetList(); private List spheres = Pool.GetList(); private List missilePositions = Pool.GetList(); private List firePositions = Pool.GetList(); public List npcs = Pool.GetList(); private Timer destruct, unlock, countdown, announcement; private MapMarkerExplosion explosionMarker; private MapMarkerGenericRadius genericMarker; private VendingMachineMapMarker vendingMarker; public float Radius { get { return _radius; } set { _radius = value; Awaken(); } } private void Free() { fireballs.ResetToPool(); newmans.ResetToPool(); traitors.ResetToPool(); protects.ResetToPool(); missiles.ResetToPool(); times.ResetToPool(); spheres.ResetToPool(); missilePositions.ResetToPool(); firePositions.ResetToPool(); npcKits.ResetToPool(); destruct?.Destroy(); unlock?.Destroy(); countdown?.Destroy(); announcement?.Destroy(); } private class NewmanTracker : FacepunchBehaviour { BasePlayer player; TreasureChest chest; void Awake() { player = GetComponent(); } public void Assign(TreasureChest chest) { this.chest = chest; InvokeRepeating(Track, 1f, 0.1f); } void Track() { if (!chest || chest.started || player.IsKilled() || !player.IsConnected || !chest.players.Contains(player.userID)) { Destroy(this); return; } if (!InRange2D(player.transform.position, chest.containerPos, chest.Radius)) { return; } if (config.NewmanMode.Aura || config.NewmanMode.Harm) { if (player.inventory.AllItems().Sum(item => player.IsHostileItem(item) ? 1 : 0) == 0) { if (config.NewmanMode.Aura && !chest.newmans.Contains(player.userID) && !chest.traitors.Contains(player.userID)) { Message(player, "Newman Enter"); chest.newmans.Add(player.userID); } if (config.NewmanMode.Harm && !Instance.newmanProtections.Contains(player.userID) && !chest.protects.Contains(player.userID) && !chest.traitors.Contains(player.userID)) { Message(player, "Newman Protect"); Instance.newmanProtections.Add(player.userID); chest.protects.Add(player.userID); } if (!chest.traitors.Contains(player.userID)) { return; } } if (chest.newmans.Remove(player.userID)) { Message(player, config.Fireballs.Enabled ? "Newman Traitor Burn" : "Newman Traitor"); if (!chest.traitors.Contains(player.userID)) chest.traitors.Add(player.userID); Instance.newmanProtections.Remove(player.userID); chest.protects.Remove(player.userID); } } if (!config.Fireballs.Enabled || player.IsFlying) { return; } var stamp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if (!chest.fireticks.ContainsKey(player.userID)) { chest.fireticks[player.userID] = stamp + config.Fireballs.SecondsBeforeTick; } if (chest.fireticks[player.userID] - stamp <= 0) { chest.fireticks[player.userID] = stamp + config.Fireballs.SecondsBeforeTick; chest.SpawnFire(player.transform.position); } } void OnDestroy() { CancelInvoke(Track); Destroy(this); } } public void Kill(bool isUnloading) { IsUnloading = isUnloading; if (killed) return; if (!container.IsKilled()) { container.inventory.Clear(); ItemManager.DoRemoves(); container.Kill(); } RemoveMapMarkers(); KillNpc(); CancelInvoke(); DestroyLauncher(); DestroySphere(); DestroyFire(); killed = true; Interface.CallHook("OnDangerousEventEnded", containerPos); } public bool HasRustMarker { get { return explosionMarker != null || vendingMarker != null; } } public static bool HasNPC(ulong userID) { return Instance.HumanoidBrains.ContainsKey(userID); } public static TreasureChest Get(Vector3 target) { foreach (var x in Instance.treasureChests.Values) { if (InRange2D(x.containerPos, target, x.Radius)) { return x; } } return null; } public void Awaken() { var collider = gameObject.GetComponent() ?? gameObject.AddComponent(); =; collider.radius = Radius; collider.isTrigger = true; collider.enabled = true; requireAllNpcsDie = config.Unlock.RequireAllNpcsDie; whenNpcsDie = config.Unlock.WhenNpcsDie; if (config.Event.Spheres && config.Event.SphereAmount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < config.Event.SphereAmount; i++) { var sphere = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(StringPool.Get(3211242734), containerPos) as SphereEntity; if (sphere == null) { Puts(_("Invalid Constant", null, 3211242734)); config.Event.Spheres = false; break; } sphere.currentRadius = 1f; sphere.Spawn(); sphere.LerpRadiusTo(Radius * 2f, 5f); spheres.Add(sphere); } } if (config.Rocket.Enabled) { foreach (var position in GetRandomPositions(containerPos, Radius * 3f, config.Rocket.Amount, 0f)) { var prefab = config.Rocket.FireRockets ? "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_fire.prefab" : "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_basic.prefab"; var missile = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(prefab, position) as TimedExplosive; var gs = missile.gameObject.AddComponent(); gs.SetTarget(container); gs.Launch(0.1f); } } if (config.Fireballs.Enabled) { firePositions = GetRandomPositions(containerPos, Radius, 25, containerPos.y + 25f); if (firePositions.Count > 0) InvokeRepeating(SpawnFire, 0.1f, config.Fireballs.SecondsBeforeTick); } if (config.MissileLauncher.Enabled) { missilePositions = GetRandomPositions(containerPos, Radius, 25, 1); if (missilePositions.Count > 0) { InvokeRepeating(LaunchMissile, 0.1f, config.MissileLauncher.Frequency); LaunchMissile(); } } InvokeRepeating(UpdateMarker, 5f, 30f); Interface.CallHook("OnDangerousEventStarted", containerPos); } void Awake() { gameObject.layer = (int)Layer.Reserved1; container = GetComponent(); container.OwnerID = 0; container.dropsLoot = false; containerPos = container.transform.position; uid =; container.inventory.SetFlag(ItemContainer.Flag.NoItemInput, true); SetupNpcKits(); } public void SpawnLoot(StorageContainer container, List treasure) { if (container.IsKilled() || treasure == null || treasure.Count == 0) { return; } var loot = treasure.ToList(); int j = 0; container.inventory.Clear(); container.inventory.capacity = Math.Min(config.Event.TreasureAmount, loot.Count); while (j++ < container.inventory.capacity && loot.Count > 0) { var lootItem = loot.GetRandom(); var definition = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(lootItem.shortname); loot.Remove(lootItem); if (UnityEngine.Random.value > lootItem.probability) { continue; } if (definition == null) { Instance.PrintError("Invalid shortname in config: {0}", lootItem.shortname); continue; } int amount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(lootItem.amountMin, lootItem.amount + 1); if (amount <= 0) { j--; continue; } if (definition.stackable == 1 || (definition.condition.enabled && definition.condition.max > 0f)) { amount = 1; } ulong skin = lootItem.skins.Count > 0 ? lootItem.skins.GetRandom() :; Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(definition.shortname, amount, skin); if ( > 1 && !item.hasCondition) { item.amount = GetPercentIncreasedAmount(amount); } if (item.hasCondition) { item.condition = lootItem.condition *; } if (config.Treasure.RandomSkins && skin == 0) { = GetItemSkin(definition,, false); } if (skin != 0 && item.GetHeldEntity()) { item.GetHeldEntity().skinID = skin; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { =; } item.MarkDirty(); if (!item.MoveToContainer(container.inventory, -1, true)) { item.Remove(0.1f); } } } private Dictionary skinIds { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); private static bool IsBlacklistedSkin(ItemDefinition def, int num) { var skinId = ItemDefinition.FindSkin(def.isRedirectOf?.itemid ?? def.itemid, num); var dirSkin = def.isRedirectOf == null ? def.skins.FirstOrDefault(x => (ulong) == skinId) : def.isRedirectOf.skins.FirstOrDefault(x => (ulong) == skinId); var itemSkin = ( == 0) ? null : (dirSkin.invItem as ItemSkin); return itemSkin?.Redirect != null || def.isRedirectOf != null; } public ulong GetItemSkin(ItemDefinition def, ulong defaultSkin, bool unique) { ulong skin = defaultSkin; if (def.shortname != "explosive.satchel" && def.shortname != "grenade.f1") { if (!skinIds.TryGetValue(def.shortname, out skin)) // apply same skin once randomly chosen so items with skins can stack properly { skin = defaultSkin; } if (!unique || skin == 0) { var si = GetItemSkins(def); var random = new List(); if ((def.shortname == "box.wooden.large" && config.Skins.RandomWorkshopSkins) || (def.shortname != "box.wooden.large" && config.Treasure.RandomWorkshopSkins)) { if (si.workshopSkins.Count > 0) { random.Add(si.workshopSkins.GetRandom()); } } if (config.Skins.RandomSkins && si.skins.Count > 0) { random.Add(si.skins.GetRandom()); } if (random.Count != 0) { skinIds[def.shortname] = skin = random.GetRandom(); } } } return skin; } public static SkinInfo GetItemSkins(ItemDefinition def) { SkinInfo si; if (!Instance.Skins.TryGetValue(def.shortname, out si)) { Instance.Skins[def.shortname] = si = new SkinInfo(); foreach (var skin in def.skins) { if (IsBlacklistedSkin(def, { continue; } var id = Convert.ToUInt64(; si.skins.Add(id); si.allSkins.Add(id); } if (def.skins2 == null) { return si; } foreach (var skin in def.skins2) { if (IsBlacklistedSkin(def, (int)skin.WorkshopId)) { continue; } if (!si.workshopSkins.Contains(skin.WorkshopId)) { si.workshopSkins.Add(skin.WorkshopId); si.allSkins.Add(skin.WorkshopId); } } } return si; } void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { if (started) return; var player = col.ToBaseEntity() as BasePlayer; if (!player || !player.IsHuman()) return; Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerEnteredDangerousEvent", player, containerPos, config.TruePVE.AllowPVPAtEvents); if (players.Contains(player.userID)) return; if (config.EventMessages.FirstEntered && !firstEntered && !player.IsFlying) { firstEntered = true; foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { Message(target, "OnFirstPlayerEntered", player.displayName, FormatGridReference(containerPos)); } } string key; if (config.EventMessages.NoobWarning) { Message(player, whenNpcsDie && npcSpawnedAmount > 0 ? "Npc Event" : requireAllNpcsDie && npcSpawnedAmount > 0 ? "Timed Npc Event" : "Timed Event"); } else if (config.EventMessages.Entered) { Message(player, config.Fireballs.Enabled ? "Dangerous Zone Protected" : "Dangerous Zone Unprotected"); } var tracker = player.gameObject.GetComponent() ?? player.gameObject.AddComponent(); tracker.Assign(this); players.Add(player.userID); } void OnTriggerExit(Collider col) { var player = col.ToBaseEntity() as BasePlayer; if (!player.IsValid()) return; if (player.IsHuman()) Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerExitedDangerousEvent", player, containerPos, config.TruePVE.AllowPVPAtEvents); else if (player is ScientistNPC) { var npc = player as ScientistNPC; if (npcs.Contains(npc)) { if (npc.NavAgent == null || !npc.NavAgent.isOnNavMesh) npc.finalDestination = containerPos; else npc.NavAgent.SetDestination(containerPos); npc.finalDestination = containerPos; } } if (config.NewmanMode.Harm) { if (protects.Remove(player.userID)) { Instance.newmanProtections.Remove(player.userID); Message(player, "Newman Protect Fade"); } newmans.Remove(player.userID); } } public void SpawnNpcs() { container.SendNetworkUpdate(); npcMaxAmountMurderers = config.NPC.Murderers.SpawnAmount > 0 ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(config.NPC.Murderers.SpawnMinAmount, config.NPC.Murderers.SpawnAmount + 1) : config.NPC.Murderers.SpawnAmount; npcMaxAmountScientists = config.NPC.Scientists.SpawnAmount > 0 ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(config.NPC.Scientists.SpawnMinAmount, config.NPC.Scientists.SpawnAmount + 1) : config.NPC.Scientists.SpawnAmount; if (npcMaxAmountMurderers > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < npcMaxAmountMurderers; i++) { SpawnNpc(true); } } if (npcMaxAmountScientists > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < npcMaxAmountScientists; i++) { SpawnNpc(false); } } npcSpawnedAmount = npcs.Count; } private NavMeshHit _navHit; private Vector3 FindPointOnNavmesh(Vector3 target, float radius) { int tries = 0; while (++tries < 100) { if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(target, out _navHit, radius, NavMesh.AllAreas)) { float y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(_navHit.position); if (_navHit.position.y < y || !IsAcceptableWaterDepth(_navHit.position)) { continue; } if (!InRange2D(_navHit.position, containerPos, Radius - 2.5f)) { continue; } if (TestInsideRock(_navHit.position) || TestInsideObject(_navHit.position)) { continue; } return _navHit.position; } } return; } private RaycastHit _hit; private bool IsAcceptableWaterDepth(Vector3 position) { return WaterLevel.GetOverallWaterDepth(position, true, true, null, false) <= 0.75f; } private bool TestInsideObject(Vector3 position) { return GamePhysics.CheckSphere(position, 0.5f, Layers.Mask.Player_Server | Layers.Server.Deployed, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); } private bool TestInsideRock(Vector3 a) { Physics.queriesHitBackfaces = true; bool flag = IsRockFaceUpwards(a); Physics.queriesHitBackfaces = false; return flag || IsRockFaceDownwards(a); } private bool IsRockFaceDownwards(Vector3 a) { Vector3 b = a + new Vector3(0f, 20f, 0f); Vector3 d = a - b; RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(b, d, d.magnitude, TARGET_MASK); return hits.Exists(hit => IsRock(; } private bool IsRockFaceUpwards(Vector3 point) { if (!Physics.Raycast(point, Vector3.up, out _hit, 20f, TARGET_MASK)) return false; return IsRock(; } private bool IsRock(string name) => _prefabs.Exists(value => name.Contains(value, CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); private List _prefabs = new List { "rock", "formation", "junk", "cliff", "invisible" }; private ScientistNPC InstantiateEntity(Vector3 position, bool isMurderer, out HumanoidBrain humanoidBrain) { var prefabName = StringPool.Get(1536035819); var prefab = GameManager.server.FindPrefab(prefabName); var go = Facepunch.Instantiate.GameObject(prefab, position, Quaternion.identity); go.SetActive(false); = prefabName; ScientistBrain scientistBrain = go.GetComponent(); ScientistNPC npc = go.GetComponent(); humanoidBrain = go.AddComponent(); humanoidBrain.DestinationOverride = position; humanoidBrain.CheckLOS = humanoidBrain.RefreshKnownLOS = true; humanoidBrain.SenseRange = isMurderer ? config.NPC.Murderers.AggressionRange : config.NPC.Scientists.AggressionRange; humanoidBrain.softLimitSenseRange = humanoidBrain.SenseRange + (humanoidBrain.SenseRange * 0.25f); humanoidBrain.TargetLostRange = humanoidBrain.SenseRange * 1.25f; humanoidBrain.Settings = config.NPC; humanoidBrain.UseAIDesign = false; humanoidBrain._baseEntity = npc; = this; humanoidBrain.npc = npc; DestroyImmediate(scientistBrain, true); SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(go, Rust.Server.EntityScene); go.SetActive(true); //go.AwakeFromInstantiate(); return npc; } private Vector3 RandomPosition(float radius) { return RandomWanderPositions(Radius * 0.9f).FirstOrDefault(); } private List RandomWanderPositions(float radius) { var list = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var target = GetRandomPoint(radius); var vector = FindPointOnNavmesh(target, radius); if (vector != { list.Add(vector); } } return list; } private Vector3 GetRandomPoint(float radius) { var vector = containerPos + UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * radius; vector.y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(vector); return vector; } private ScientistNPC SpawnNpc(bool isMurderer) { var positions = RandomWanderPositions(Radius * 0.9f); if (positions.Count == 0) { return null; } var position = RandomPosition(Radius * 0.9f); if (position == { return null; } HumanoidBrain brain; ScientistNPC npc = InstantiateEntity(position, isMurderer, out brain); if (npc == null) { return null; } npc.userID = (ulong)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10000000); npc.UserIDString = npc.userID.ToString(); if (isMurderer) { npc.displayName = config.NPC.Murderers.RandomNames.Count > 0 ? config.NPC.Murderers.RandomNames.GetRandom() : RandomUsernames.Get(npc.userID); } else npc.displayName = config.NPC.Scientists.RandomNames.Count > 0 ? config.NPC.Scientists.RandomNames.GetRandom() : RandomUsernames.Get(npc.userID); var loadout = GetLoadout(npc, brain, isMurderer); if (loadout.belt.Count > 0 || loadout.main.Count > 0 || loadout.wear.Count > 0) { npc.loadouts = new PlayerInventoryProperties[1]; npc.loadouts[0] = loadout; } else npc.loadouts = new PlayerInventoryProperties[0]; BasePlayer.bots.Add(npc); Instance.HumanoidBrains[brain.uid = npc.userID] = brain; brain.isMurderer = isMurderer; npc.Spawn(); npc.CancelInvoke(npc.EquipTest); npcs.Add(npc); SetupNpc(npc, brain, isMurderer, positions); return npc; } public class Loadout { public List belt = new List(); public List main = new List(); public List wear = new List(); } private PlayerInventoryProperties GetLoadout(ScientistNPC npc, HumanoidBrain brain, bool isMurderer) { var loadout = CreateLoadout(npc, brain, isMurderer); var pip = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); pip.belt = loadout.belt; pip.main = loadout.main; pip.wear = loadout.wear; return pip; } private Loadout CreateLoadout(ScientistNPC npc, HumanoidBrain brain, bool isMurderer) { var loadout = new Loadout(); switch (isMurderer) { case true: AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Murderers.Items.Boots); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Murderers.Items.Gloves); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Murderers.Items.Helm); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Murderers.Items.Pants); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Murderers.Items.Shirt); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Murderers.Items.Torso); if (!config.NPC.Murderers.Items.Torso.Exists(v => v.Contains("suit"))) { AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Murderers.Items.Kilts); } AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.belt, config.NPC.Murderers.Items.Weapon); break; case false: AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Scientists.Items.Boots); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Scientists.Items.Gloves); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Scientists.Items.Helm); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Scientists.Items.Pants); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Scientists.Items.Shirt); AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Scientists.Items.Torso); if (!config.NPC.Scientists.Items.Torso.Exists(v => v.Contains("suit"))) { AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.wear, config.NPC.Scientists.Items.Kilts); } AddItemAmountSkinned(loadout.belt, config.NPC.Scientists.Items.Weapon); break; } return loadout; } private void AddItemAmountSkinned(List source, List shortnames) { if (shortnames.Count == 0) { return; } string shortname = shortnames.GetRandom(); if (shortname == "bow.hunting") { shortname = "bow.compound"; } ItemDefinition def = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(shortname); if (def == null) { Puts("Invalid shortname for npc: {0}", shortname); return; } ulong skin = 0uL; if (config.Skins.Npcs) { skin = GetItemSkin(def, 0uL, config.Skins.UniqueNpcs); } source.Add(new PlayerInventoryProperties.ItemAmountSkinned { amount = 1, itemDef = def, skinOverride = skin, startAmount = 1 }); } private void SetupNpc(ScientistNPC npc, HumanoidBrain brain, bool isMurderer, List positions) { if (isMurderer && config.NPC.Murderers.DespawnInventory || !isMurderer && config.NPC.Scientists.DespawnInventory) { npc.LootSpawnSlots = new LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[0]; } var alternate = isMurderer ? config.NPC.Murderers.Alternate : config.NPC.Scientists.Alternate; if (alternate.Enabled && alternate.IDs.Count > 0) { var id = alternate.GetRandom(); var lootSpawnSlots = GameManager.server.FindPrefab(StringPool.Get(id))?.GetComponent()?.LootSpawnSlots; if (lootSpawnSlots != null) { npc.LootSpawnSlots = lootSpawnSlots; } } npc.CancelInvoke(npc.PlayRadioChatter); npc.DeathEffects = new GameObjectRef[0]; npc.RadioChatterEffects = new GameObjectRef[0]; npc.radioChatterType = ScientistNPC.RadioChatterType.NONE; npc.startHealth = isMurderer ? config.NPC.Murderers.Health : config.NPC.Scientists.Health; npc.InitializeHealth(npc.startHealth, npc.startHealth); npc.Invoke(() => UpdateItems(npc, brain, isMurderer), 0.2f); npc.Invoke(() => brain.SetupMovement(positions), 0.3f); } private void UpdateItems(ScientistNPC npc, HumanoidBrain brain, bool isMurderer) { brain.isMurderer = isMurderer; List kits; if (npcKits.TryGetValue(isMurderer ? "murderer" : "scientist", out kits) && kits.Count > 0) { string kit = kits.GetRandom(); npc.inventory.Strip(); Instance.Kits?.Call("GiveKit", npc, kit); } EquipWeapon(npc, brain); if (!ToggleNpcMinerHat(npc, TOD_Sky.Instance?.IsNight == true)) { npc.inventory.ServerUpdate(0f); } } private bool ToggleNpcMinerHat(ScientistNPC npc, bool state) { if (npc.IsNull() || npc.inventory == null || npc.IsDead()) { return false; } var slot = npc.inventory.FindItemID("hat.miner"); if (slot == null) { return false; } if (state && slot.contents != null) { slot.contents.AddItem(ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("lowgradefuel"), 50); } slot.SwitchOnOff(state); npc.inventory.ServerUpdate(0f); return true; } public void EquipWeapon(ScientistNPC npc, HumanoidBrain brain) { foreach (Item item in npc.inventory.AllItems()) { var e = item.GetHeldEntity() as HeldEntity; if (e.IsReallyValid()) {; if ( != 0) { e.skinID =; e.SendNetworkUpdate(); } if (!brain.AttackEntity.IsNull() || == "syringe.medical") { continue; } var weapon = e as BaseProjectile; if (weapon.IsReallyValid()) { weapon.primaryMagazine.contents = weapon.primaryMagazine.capacity; weapon.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); } if (e is AttackEntity && item.GetRootContainer() == npc.inventory.containerBelt) { var attackEntity = e as AttackEntity; if (attackEntity.hostile || == "syringe.medical") { UpdateWeapon(npc, brain, attackEntity, item); } } } item.MarkDirty(); } } private void UpdateWeapon(ScientistNPC npc, HumanoidBrain brain, AttackEntity attackEntity, Item item) { npc.UpdateActiveItem(item.uid); if (attackEntity is Chainsaw) { (attackEntity as Chainsaw).ServerNPCStart(); } npc.damageScale = 1f; attackEntity.TopUpAmmo(); attackEntity.SetHeld(true); brain.Init(); } void SetupNpcKits() { npcKits = new Dictionary> { { "murderer", config.NPC.Murderers.Kits.Where(kit => IsKit(kit)).ToList() }, { "scientist", config.NPC.Scientists.Kits.Where(kit => IsKit(kit)).ToList() } }; } bool IsKit(string kit) { return Convert.ToBoolean(Instance.Kits?.Call("isKit", kit)); } public void UpdateMarker() { if (!config.Event.MarkerVending && !config.Event.MarkerExplosion) { CancelInvoke(UpdateMarker); } if (markerCreated) { if (!explosionMarker.IsKilled()) { explosionMarker.SendNetworkUpdate(); } if (!genericMarker.IsKilled()) { genericMarker.SendUpdate(); } if (!vendingMarker.IsKilled()) { vendingMarker.SendNetworkUpdate(); } return; } if (Instance.MarkerManager.CanCall()) { Interface.CallHook("API_CreateMarker", container as BaseEntity, "DangerousTreasures", 0, 10f, 0.25f, config.Event.MarkerName, "FF0000", "00FFFFFF"); markerCreated = true; return; } if (Instance.treasureChests.Sum(e => e.Value.HasRustMarker ? 1 : 0) > 10) { return; } //explosionmarker cargomarker ch47marker cratemarker if (config.Event.MarkerVending) { vendingMarker = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(StringPool.Get(3459945130), containerPos) as VendingMachineMapMarker; if (vendingMarker != null) { vendingMarker.enabled = false; vendingMarker.markerShopName = config.Event.MarkerName; vendingMarker.Spawn(); } CreateGenericMarker(); } else if (config.Event.MarkerExplosion) { explosionMarker = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(StringPool.Get(4060989661), containerPos) as MapMarkerExplosion; if (explosionMarker != null) { explosionMarker.Spawn(); explosionMarker.Invoke(() => explosionMarker.CancelInvoke(explosionMarker.DelayedDestroy), 1f); } CreateGenericMarker(); } markerCreated = true; } private void CreateGenericMarker() { genericMarker = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(StringPool.Get(2849728229), containerPos) as MapMarkerGenericRadius; if (genericMarker != null) { genericMarker.alpha = 0.75f; genericMarker.color2 = __(config.Event.MarkerColor); genericMarker.radius = Mathf.Min(1f, World.Size <= 3600 ? config.Event.MarkerRadiusSmall : config.Event.MarkerRadius); genericMarker.Spawn(); genericMarker.SendUpdate(); } } private void KillNpc() { npcs.ForEach(npc => npc.SafelyKill()); } public void RemoveMapMarkers() { Instance.RemoveLustyMarker(uid); Instance.RemoveMapMarker(uid); if (!explosionMarker.IsKilled()) { explosionMarker.CancelInvoke(explosionMarker.DelayedDestroy); explosionMarker.Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.None); } genericMarker.SafelyKill(); vendingMarker.SafelyKill(); } void OnDestroy() { Kill(IsUnloading); if (Instance != null && !IsUnloading && Instance.treasureChests.Remove(uid) && Instance.treasureChests.Count == 0) { Instance.SubscribeHooks(false); } Free(); } public void LaunchMissile() { if (!config.MissileLauncher.Enabled) { DestroyLauncher(); return; } var missilePos = missilePositions.GetRandom(); float y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(missilePos) + 15f; missilePos.y = 200f; RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(missilePos, Vector3.down, out hit, heightLayer)) // don't want the missile to explode before it leaves its spawn location missilePos.y = Mathf.Max(hit.point.y, y); var prefab = config.Rocket.FireRockets ? "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_fire.prefab" : "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_basic.prefab"; var missile = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(prefab, missilePos) as TimedExplosive; if (!missile) { config.MissileLauncher.Enabled = false; DestroyLauncher(); return; } missiles.Add(missile); missiles.RemoveAll(x => x.IsKilled()); var gs = missile.gameObject.AddComponent(); gs.Exclude(newmans); gs.SetTarget(container); gs.Launch(config.MissileLauncher.TargettingTime); } void SpawnFire() { var firePos = firePositions.GetRandom(); int retries = firePositions.Count; while (InRange2D(firePos, lastFirePos, Radius * 0.35f) && --retries > 0) { firePos = firePositions.GetRandom(); } SpawnFire(firePos); lastFirePos = firePos; } void SpawnFire(Vector3 firePos) { if (!config.Fireballs.Enabled) return; if (fireballs.Count >= 6) // limit fireballs { foreach (var entry in fireballs) { entry.SafelyKill(); fireballs.Remove(entry); break; } } var fireball = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(StringPool.Get(3550347674), firePos) as FireBall; if (fireball == null) { Puts(_("Invalid Constant", null, 3550347674)); config.Fireballs.Enabled = false; CancelInvoke(SpawnFire); firePositions.Clear(); return; } fireball.Spawn(); fireball.damagePerSecond = config.Fireballs.DamagePerSecond; fireball.generation = config.Fireballs.Generation; fireball.lifeTimeMax = config.Fireballs.LifeTimeMax; fireball.lifeTimeMin = config.Fireballs.LifeTimeMin; fireball.radius = config.Fireballs.Radius; fireball.tickRate = config.Fireballs.TickRate; fireball.waterToExtinguish = config.Fireballs.WaterToExtinguish; fireball.SendNetworkUpdate(); fireball.Think(); float lifeTime = UnityEngine.Random.Range(config.Fireballs.LifeTimeMin, config.Fireballs.LifeTimeMax); Instance.timer.Once(lifeTime, () => fireball?.Extinguish()); fireballs.Add(fireball); } public void Destruct() { if (config.EventMessages.Destruct) { var posStr = FormatGridReference(containerPos); foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) Message(target, "OnChestDespawned", posStr); } container.SafelyKill(); } void Unclaimed() { if (!started) return; float time = claimTime - Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if (time < 60f) return; string eventPos = FormatGridReference(containerPos); foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) Message(target, "DestroyingTreasure", eventPos, Instance.FormatTime(time, target.UserIDString), config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); } public string GetUnlockTime(string userID = null) { return started ? null : Instance.FormatTime(_unlockTime - Time.realtimeSinceStartup, userID); } public void Unlock() { if (unlock != null && !unlock.Destroyed) { unlock.Destroy(); } if (!started) { DestroyFire(); DestroySphere(); DestroyLauncher(); if (config.Event.DestructTime > 0f && destruct == null) destruct = Instance.timer.Once(config.Event.DestructTime, Destruct); if (config.EventMessages.Started) { foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { Message(target, requireAllNpcsDie && npcSpawnedAmount > 0 ? "StartedNpcs" : "Started", FormatGridReference(containerPos)); } Puts(Instance.msg(requireAllNpcsDie && npcSpawnedAmount > 0 ? "StartedNpcs" : "Started", null, FormatGridReference(containerPos))); } if (config.UnlootedAnnouncements.Enabled) { claimTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + config.Event.DestructTime; announcement = Instance.timer.Repeat(config.UnlootedAnnouncements.Interval * 60f, 0, Unclaimed); } started = true; } if (requireAllNpcsDie && npcSpawnedAmount > 0 && npcs != null) { npcs.RemoveAll(npc => npc.IsKilled() || npc.IsDead()); if (npcs.Count > 0) { Invoke(Unlock, 1f); return; } } container.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.Locked, false); container.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.OnFire, false); } public void SetUnlockTime(float time) { countdownTime = Convert.ToInt32(time); _unlockTime = Convert.ToInt64(Time.realtimeSinceStartup + time); if (npcSpawnedAmount == 0 && config.NPC.Murderers.SpawnAmount + config.NPC.Scientists.SpawnAmount > 0 && config.NPC.Enabled) { if (requireAllNpcsDie || whenNpcsDie) { whenNpcsDie = false; requireAllNpcsDie = false; } } unlock = Instance.timer.Once(time, Unlock); if (config.Countdown.Enabled && config.Countdown.Times?.Count > 0 && countdownTime > 0) { if (times.Count == 0) times.AddRange(config.Countdown.Times); countdown = Instance.timer.Repeat(1f, 0, () => { countdownTime--; if (started || times.Count == 0) { countdown.Destroy(); return; } if (times.Contains(countdownTime)) { string eventPos = FormatGridReference(containerPos); foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) Message(target, "Countdown", eventPos, Instance.FormatTime(countdownTime, target.UserIDString)); times.Remove(countdownTime); } }); } } private void SafelyKill(BaseEntity e) => e.SafelyKill(); public void DestroyLauncher() { if (missilePositions.Count > 0) { CancelInvoke(LaunchMissile); missilePositions.Clear(); } if (missiles.Count > 0) { missiles.ForEach(SafelyKill); missiles.Clear(); } } public void DestroySphere() { if (spheres.Count > 0) { spheres.ForEach(SafelyKill); spheres.Clear(); } } public void DestroyFire() { CancelInvoke(SpawnFire); firePositions.Clear(); if (fireballs.Count > 0) { fireballs.ForEach(SafelyKill); fireballs.Clear(); } Instance.newmanProtections.RemoveAll(protects.Contains); traitors.Clear(); newmans.Clear(); protects.Clear(); } } void OnNewSave(string filename) => wipeChestsSeed = true; void Init() { Instance = this; SubscribeHooks(false); Unsubscribe(nameof(Unload)); } void OnServerInitialized(bool isStartup) { LoadData(); TryWipeData(); BlockZoneManagerZones(); LoadMonuments(); RemoveAllTemporaryMarkers(); InitializeSkins(); StartAutomation(); timer.Repeat(Mathf.Clamp(config.EventMessages.Interval, 1f, 60f), 0, CheckNotifications); } void Unload() { foreach (var chest in treasureChests.Values.ToList()) { if (chest != null) { Puts(_("Destroyed Treasure Chest", null, chest.containerPos)); chest.Kill(true); } } lustyMarkers.Keys.ToList().ForEach(RemoveLustyMarker); mapMarkers.Keys.ToList().ForEach(RemoveMapMarker); RemoveAllTemporaryMarkers(); config = null; Instance = null; DangerousTreasuresExtensionMethods.ExtensionMethods.p = null; } object canTeleport(BasePlayer player) { return EventTerritory(player.transform.position) ? msg("CannotTeleport", player.UserIDString) : null; } object CanTeleport(BasePlayer player) { return EventTerritory(player.transform.position) ? msg("CannotTeleport", player.UserIDString) : null; } object CanBradleyApcTarget(BradleyAPC apc, ScientistNPC npc) { return npc != null && TreasureChest.HasNPC(npc.userID) ? (object)false : null; } object OnEntityEnter(TriggerBase trigger, BasePlayer player) { if (player.IsValid()) { if (newmanProtections.Contains(player.userID) || TreasureChest.HasNPC(player.userID)) { return true; } } return null; } private object OnNpcDuck(ScientistNPC npc) => npc != null && TreasureChest.HasNPC(npc.userID) ? true : (object)null; private object OnNpcDestinationSet(ScientistNPC npc, Vector3 newDestination) { if (npc.IsNull() || npc.NavAgent == null || !npc.NavAgent.enabled || !npc.NavAgent.isOnNavMesh) { return true; } HumanoidBrain brain; if (!HumanoidBrains.TryGetValue(npc.userID, out brain) || brain.CanRoam(newDestination)) { return null; } return true; } private object OnNpcResume(ScientistNPC npc) { if (npc.IsNull()) { return null; } HumanoidBrain brain; if (!HumanoidBrains.TryGetValue(npc.userID, out brain)) { return null; } return true; } object OnNpcTarget(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer target) { if (player == null || target == null) { return null; } if (TreasureChest.HasNPC(player.userID) && !target.userID.IsSteamId()) { return true; } else if (TreasureChest.HasNPC(target.userID) && !player.userID.IsSteamId()) { return true; } else if (newmanProtections.Contains(target.userID)) { return true; } return null; } object OnNpcTarget(BaseNpc npc, BasePlayer target) { if (npc == null || target == null) { return null; } if (TreasureChest.HasNPC(target.userID) || newmanProtections.Contains(target.userID)) { return true; } return null; } object OnNpcTarget(BasePlayer target, BaseNpc npc) => OnNpcTarget(npc, target); void OnPlayerDeath(ScientistNPC npc) { if (npc == null) { return; } HumanoidBrain brain; if (!HumanoidBrains.TryGetValue(npc.userID, out brain) || == null) { return; } if (brain.isMurderer && config.NPC.Murderers.DespawnInventory || !brain.isMurderer && config.NPC.Scientists.DespawnInventory) { npc.inventory.Strip(); } npc.svActiveItemID = default(ItemId); npc.SendNetworkUpdate(BasePlayer.NetworkQueue.Update);; if ( && == 0) {; } } void OnEntitySpawned(BaseLock entity) { NextTick(() => { if (!entity.IsKilled()) { foreach (var x in treasureChests.Values) { if (entity.HasParent() && entity.GetParentEntity() == x.container) { entity.SafelyKill(); break; } } } }); } void OnEntitySpawned(NPCPlayerCorpse corpse) { if (!config.NPC.Enabled || corpse == null) { return; } HumanoidBrain brain; if (!HumanoidBrains.TryGetValue(corpse.playerSteamID, out brain) || == null) { return; } => npc.IsKilled() || npc.userID == corpse.playerSteamID); if (brain.isMurderer && config.NPC.Murderers.DespawnInventory || !brain.isMurderer && config.NPC.Scientists.DespawnInventory) { corpse.Invoke(corpse.SafelyKill, 30f); } UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(brain); if (!treasureChests.Values.Exists(x => x.npcs.Count > 0)) { Unsubscribe(nameof(OnNpcTarget)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnNpcResume)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnNpcDestinationSet)); Unsubscribe(nameof(CanBradleyApcTarget)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerDeath)); } } object CanBuild(Planner planner, Construction prefab, Construction.Target target) { var player = planner?.GetOwnerPlayer(); if (!player || player.IsAdmin) return null; var chest = TreasureChest.Get(player.transform.position); if (chest != null) { Message(player, "Building is blocked!"); return false; } return null; } void OnLootEntity(BasePlayer player, BoxStorage container) { if (player == null || !container.IsValid() || !treasureChests.ContainsKey( return; if (player.isMounted) { Message(player, "CannotBeMounted"); player.Invoke(player.EndLooting, 0.1f); return; } else looters[] = player.UserIDString; if (!config.EventMessages.FirstOpened) { return; } var chest = treasureChests[]; if (chest.opened) { return; } chest.opened = true; var posStr = FormatGridReference(container.transform.position); foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { Message(target, "OnChestOpened", player.displayName, posStr); } } void OnItemRemovedFromContainer(ItemContainer container, Item item) { if (container?.entityOwner == null || !(container.entityOwner is StorageContainer)) return; NextTick(() => { var box = container?.entityOwner as StorageContainer; if (!box.IsValid() || !treasureChests.ContainsKey( return; var looter = item.GetOwnerPlayer(); if (looter != null) { looters[] = looter.UserIDString; } if (box.inventory.itemList.Count == 0) { if (looter == null && looters.ContainsKey( looter = BasePlayer.Find(looters[]); if (looter != null) { if (config.RankedLadder.Enabled) { if (!data.Players.ContainsKey(looter.UserIDString)) data.Players.Add(looter.UserIDString, new PlayerInfo()); data.Players[looter.UserIDString].StolenChestsTotal++; data.Players[looter.UserIDString].StolenChestsSeed++; SaveData(); } var posStr = FormatGridReference(looter.transform.position); Puts(_("Thief", null, posStr, looter.displayName)); if (config.EventMessages.Thief) { foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) Message(target, "Thief", posStr, looter.displayName); } looter.EndLooting(); if (config.Rewards.Economics && config.Rewards.Money > 0 && Economics.CanCall()) { Economics?.Call("Deposit", looter.UserIDString, config.Rewards.Money); Message(looter, "EconomicsDeposit", config.Rewards.Money); } if (config.Rewards.ServerRewards && config.Rewards.Points > 0 && ServerRewards.CanCall()) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(ServerRewards?.Call("AddPoints", looter.userID, (int)config.Rewards.Points))) { Message(looter, "ServerRewardPoints", (int)config.Rewards.Points); } } Interface.CallHook("OnDangerousEventWon", looter); } RemoveLustyMarker(; RemoveMapMarker(; box.SafelyKill(); if (treasureChests.Count == 0) SubscribeHooks(false); } }); } object CanEntityBeTargeted(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity target) { return !player.IsKilled() && player.IsHuman() && EventTerritory(player.transform.position) && !target.IsKilled() && IsTrueDamage(target) ? (object)true : null; } object CanEntityTrapTrigger(BaseTrap trap, BasePlayer player) { return !player.IsKilled() && player.IsHuman() && EventTerritory(player.transform.position) ? (object)true : null; } object CanEntityTakeDamage(BaseEntity entity, HitInfo hitInfo) // TruePVE!!!! <3 @ignignokt84 { if (entity.IsKilled() || hitInfo == null || hitInfo.Initiator == null || entity.skinID == 14922524) { return null; } if (entity is ScientistNPC && TreasureChest.HasNPC(entity.ToPlayer().userID)) { return true; } var victim = entity as BasePlayer; var attacker = hitInfo.Initiator as BasePlayer; if (config.TruePVE.ServerWidePVP && treasureChests.Count > 0 && attacker != null && victim != null) // 1.2.9 & 1.3.3 & 1.6.4 { return HandleEvent(attacker, victim); } var a = entity.transform.position; if (EventTerritory(a)) // 1.5.8 & 1.6.4 { var b = hitInfo.Initiator.transform.position; if (entity is NPCPlayerCorpse || IsTrueDamage(hitInfo.Initiator)) { return HandleEvent(a, b); } if (config.TruePVE.AllowPVPAtEvents && attacker != null && victim != null && EventTerritory(b)) // 1.2.9 { return HandleEvent(attacker, victim); } if (config.TruePVE.AllowBuildingDamageAtEvents &&"building") && attacker != null && EventTerritory(b)) // 1.3.3 { return HandleEvent(attacker); } } return null; // 1.6.4 rewrite } private object HandleEvent(BasePlayer player) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.Call("EventTerritory", player.transform.position)) || Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.Call("HasPVPDelay", player.userID))) { return null; } return true; } private object HandleEvent(BasePlayer attacker, BasePlayer victim) { if (HandleEvent(attacker) == null) { return null; } if (HandleEvent(victim) == null) { return null; } return true; } private object HandleEvent(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.Call("EventTerritory", a)) || Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.Call("EventTerritory", b))) { return null; } return true; } void OnEntityTakeDamage(BasePlayer player, HitInfo hitInfo) { if (player == null || hitInfo == null) { return; } if (TreasureChest.HasNPC(player.userID)) { NpcDamageHelper(player, hitInfo); return; } if (newmanProtections.Contains(player.userID)) { ProtectionDamageHelper(hitInfo, "Newman Protected"); return; } var attacker = hitInfo.Initiator as BasePlayer; if (attacker == null) { return; } HumanoidBrain brain; if (HumanoidBrains.TryGetValue(attacker.userID, out brain) && brain != null && (brain.isMurderer && UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 100f) > config.NPC.Murderers.Accuracy.Get(brain) || !brain.isMurderer && UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 100f) > config.NPC.Scientists.Accuracy.Get(brain))) { hitInfo.damageTypes = new DamageTypeList(); hitInfo.DidHit = false; hitInfo.DoHitEffects = false; } } void OnEntityTakeDamage(BoxStorage box, HitInfo hitInfo) { if (hitInfo != null && box.IsValid() && treasureChests.ContainsKey( { ProtectionDamageHelper(hitInfo, "Indestructible"); hitInfo.damageTypes.ScaleAll(0f); } } private void ProtectionDamageHelper(HitInfo hitInfo, string key) { var attacker = hitInfo.Initiator as BasePlayer; if (attacker.IsValid() && attacker.IsHuman() && !indestructibleWarnings.Contains(attacker.userID)) { ulong uid = attacker.userID; indestructibleWarnings.Add(uid); timer.Once(10f, () => indestructibleWarnings.Remove(uid)); Message(attacker, key); } hitInfo.damageTypes.ScaleAll(0f); } object OnNpcKits(ulong targetId) { return TreasureChest.HasNPC(targetId) ? true : (object)null; } bool IsTrueDamage(BaseEntity entity) { if (entity.IsNull()) { return false; } return entity is AutoTurret || entity is BearTrap || entity is FlameTurret || entity is Landmine || entity is GunTrap || entity is ReactiveTarget ||"spikes.floor") || entity is FireBall; } bool EventTerritory(Vector3 target) { foreach (var x in treasureChests.Values) { if (Vector3Ex.Distance2D(x.containerPos, target) <= x.Radius) { return true; } } return false; } bool IsOnSameTeam(ulong playerId, ulong targetId) { RelationshipManager.PlayerTeam team; if (RelationshipManager.ServerInstance.playerToTeam.TryGetValue(playerId, out team)) { return team.members.Contains(targetId); } return false; } void LoadData() { try { data = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject(Name); } catch { } sd_customPos = string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.CustomPosition) ? : data.CustomPosition.ToVector3(); if (data == null || data.Players == null || data.NID == null) { data = new StoredData(); } if (data.NID.Count > 0) { foreach (var uid in data.NID.ToList()) { data.NID.Remove(uid); BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(uid).SafelyKill(); } } } private bool IsEmptyMap() { foreach (var b in BuildingManager.server.buildingDictionary) { if (b.Value.HasDecayEntities() && b.Value.decayEntities.Exists(de => de != null && de.OwnerID.IsSteamId())) { return false; } } return true; } void TryWipeData() { if (wipeChestsSeed || IsEmptyMap()) { if (data.Players.Count > 0) { var ladder = data.Players.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.StolenChestsSeed > 0).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value.StolenChestsSeed).ToList(); if (ladder.Count > 0 && AssignTreasureHunters(ladder)) { foreach (var pi in data.Players.Values.ToList()) { pi.StolenChestsSeed = 0; } } } data.CustomPosition = string.Empty; sd_customPos =; wipeChestsSeed = false; SaveData(); } } void BlockZoneManagerZones() { if (!ZoneManager.CanCall()) { return; } var zoneIds = ZoneManager?.Call("GetZoneIDs") as string[]; if (zoneIds == null) { return; } managedZones.Clear(); foreach (string zoneId in zoneIds) { var zoneLoc = ZoneManager.Call("GetZoneLocation", zoneId); if (!(zoneLoc is Vector3)) { continue; } var position = (Vector3)zoneLoc; if (position == { continue; } var zoneInfo = new ZoneInfo(); var radius = ZoneManager.Call("GetZoneRadius", zoneId); if (radius is float) { zoneInfo.Distance = (float)radius; } var size = ZoneManager.Call("GetZoneSize", zoneId); if (size is Vector3) { zoneInfo.Size = (Vector3)size; } zoneInfo.Position = position; zoneInfo.OBB = new OBB(zoneInfo.Position, zoneInfo.Size, Quaternion.identity); managedZones[position] = zoneInfo; } if (managedZones.Count > 0) { Puts("Blocked {0} zone manager zones", managedZones.Count); } } void LoadMonuments() { monuments.Clear(); allowedMonuments.Clear(); int num1 = config.Monuments.Blacklist.Count; int num2 = config.NPC.BlacklistedMonuments.Count; foreach (var monument in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType()) { if (monument.IsSafeZone ||"cave") ||"power_sub")) { continue; } string name = monument.displayPhrase.english; if (monuments.ContainsKey(name)) name += ":" + monument.transform.position.GetHashCode(); monuments[name] = new MonInfo(monument.transform.position, GetMonumentFloat(name)); name = monument.displayPhrase.english.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && !config.NPC.BlacklistedMonuments.ContainsKey(name)) { config.NPC.BlacklistedMonuments.Add(name, false); } } if (monuments.Count > 0) { allowedMonuments = monuments.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, k => k.Value); } foreach (var key in allowedMonuments.Keys.ToList()) { string value = (key.Contains(":") ? key.Substring(0, key.LastIndexOf(":")) : key.TrimEnd()).Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { continue; } if (!config.Monuments.Blacklist.ContainsKey(value)) { config.Monuments.Blacklist.Add(value, false); } else if (config.Monuments.Blacklist[value]) { allowedMonuments.Remove(key); } if (!config.Monuments.Underground && underground.Exists(x => x.Contains(value, CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { allowedMonuments.Remove(key); } } if (config.Monuments.Blacklist.Count != num1 || config.NPC.BlacklistedMonuments.Count != num2) { config.Monuments.Blacklist = System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderBy(config.Monuments.Blacklist, x => x.Key).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); config.NPC.BlacklistedMonuments = System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderBy(config.NPC.BlacklistedMonuments, x => x.Key).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); SaveConfig(); } } void InitializeSkins() { foreach (var def in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions()) { ItemModDeployable imd; if (def.TryGetComponent(out imd)) { _definitions[imd.entityPrefab.resourcePath] = def; } } } void StartAutomation() { if (config.Event.Automated) { if (data.SecondsUntilEvent != double.MinValue) if (data.SecondsUntilEvent - Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current > config.Event.IntervalMax) // Allows users to lower max event time data.SecondsUntilEvent = double.MinValue; timer.Once(1f, CheckSecondsUntilEvent); } } private static List FindEntitiesOfType(Vector3 a, float n, int m = -1) where T : BaseEntity { int hits = Physics.OverlapSphereNonAlloc(a, n, Vis.colBuffer, m, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide); List entities = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < hits; i++) { var entity = Vis.colBuffer[i]?.ToBaseEntity(); if (entity is T) entities.Add(entity as T); Vis.colBuffer[i] = null; } return entities; } void NpcDamageHelper(BasePlayer player, HitInfo hitInfo) { HumanoidBrain brain; if (!HumanoidBrains.TryGetValue(player.userID, out brain)) { return; } if (config.NPC.Range > 0f && hitInfo.ProjectileDistance > config.NPC.Range || hitInfo.hasDamage && !(hitInfo.Initiator is BasePlayer) && !(hitInfo.Initiator is AutoTurret)) // immune to fire/explosions/other { hitInfo.damageTypes = new DamageTypeList(); hitInfo.DidHit = false; hitInfo.DoHitEffects = false; } else if (hitInfo.isHeadshot && (brain.isMurderer && config.NPC.Murderers.Headshot || !brain.isMurderer && config.NPC.Scientists.Headshot)) { player.Die(hitInfo); } else if (hitInfo.Initiator is BasePlayer) { var attacker = hitInfo.Initiator as BasePlayer; var e = attacker.HasParent() ? attacker.GetParentEntity() : null; if (!(e == null) && (e is ScrapTransportHelicopter || e is HotAirBalloon || e is CH47Helicopter)) { hitInfo.damageTypes.ScaleAll(0f); return; } brain.SetTarget(attacker); } } private static bool InRange2D(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float distance) { return (new Vector3(a.x, 0f, a.z) - new Vector3(b.x, 0f, b.z)).sqrMagnitude <= distance * distance; } private static bool InRange(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float distance) { return (a - b).sqrMagnitude <= distance * distance; } bool IsMelee(BasePlayer player) { var attackEntity = player.GetHeldEntity() as AttackEntity; if (attackEntity == null) { return false; } return attackEntity is BaseMelee; } void SaveData() => Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject(Name, data); protected new static void Puts(string format, params object[] args) { Interface.Oxide.LogInfo("[{0}] {1}", Name, (args.Length != 0) ? string.Format(format, args) : format); } void SubscribeHooks(bool flag) { if (flag) { if (config.NPC.Enabled) { if (config.NPC.BlockNpcKits) { Subscribe(nameof(OnNpcKits)); } Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerDeath)); } Subscribe(nameof(CanEntityTakeDamage)); Subscribe(nameof(OnNpcTarget)); Subscribe(nameof(OnNpcResume)); Subscribe(nameof(OnNpcDestinationSet)); Subscribe(nameof(OnEntitySpawned)); Subscribe(nameof(CanBradleyApcTarget)); Subscribe(nameof(OnEntityTakeDamage)); Subscribe(nameof(OnItemRemovedFromContainer)); Subscribe(nameof(OnLootEntity)); Subscribe(nameof(CanBuild)); Subscribe(nameof(CanTeleport)); Subscribe(nameof(canTeleport)); Subscribe(nameof(OnEntityEnter)); } else { Unsubscribe(nameof(OnNpcKits)); Unsubscribe(nameof(CanTeleport)); Unsubscribe(nameof(canTeleport)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnEntityEnter)); Unsubscribe(nameof(CanEntityTakeDamage)); Unsubscribe(nameof(CanBradleyApcTarget)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnNpcTarget)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnNpcResume)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnEntitySpawned)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnEntityTakeDamage)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnItemRemovedFromContainer)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnLootEntity)); Unsubscribe(nameof(CanBuild)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerDeath)); } } static List GetRandomPositions(Vector3 destination, float radius, int amount, float y) { var positions = new List(); if (amount <= 0) return positions; int retries = 100; float space = (radius / amount); // space each rocket out from one another for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { var position = destination + UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * radius; position.y = y != 0f ? y : UnityEngine.Random.Range(100f, 200f); var match =; foreach (var p in positions) { if (InRange2D(p, position, space)) { match = p; break; } } if (match != { if (--retries < 0) break; i--; continue; } retries = 100; positions.Add(position); } return positions; } private bool IsInsideBounds(OBB obb, Vector3 worldPos) { return obb.ClosestPoint(worldPos) == worldPos; } public Vector3 GetEventPosition() { if (sd_customPos != { return sd_customPos; } var maxRetries = 500; var eventPos = TryGetMonumentDropPosition(); if (eventPos != { return eventPos; } bool isDuelist = Duelist.CanCall(); bool isRaidable = RaidableBases.CanCall(); bool isAbandoned = AbandonedBases.CanCall(); do { var r = RandomDropPosition(); eventPos = GetSafeDropPosition(r); if (eventPos == { _gridPositions.Remove(r); continue; } if (IsTooClose(eventPos)) { eventPos =; } else if (IsZoneBlocked(eventPos)) { eventPos =; } else if (IsMonumentPosition(eventPos)) { eventPos =; } else if (isDuelist && Convert.ToBoolean(Duelist?.Call("DuelistTerritory", eventPos))) { eventPos =; } else if (isRaidable && Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.Call("EventTerritory", eventPos))) { eventPos =; } else if (isAbandoned && Convert.ToBoolean(AbandonedBases?.Call("EventTerritory", eventPos))) { eventPos =; } } while (eventPos == && --maxRetries > 0); return eventPos; } Vector3 TryGetMonumentDropPosition() { if (allowedMonuments.Count == 0) { return; } if (config.Monuments.Only) { return GetMonumentDropPosition(); } if (config.Monuments.Chance > 0f) { var value = UnityEngine.Random.value; if (value <= config.Monuments.Chance) { return GetMonumentDropPosition(); } } return; } bool IsTooClose(Vector3 vector, float multi = 2f) { foreach (var x in treasureChests.Values) { if (InRange2D(x.containerPos, vector, x.Radius * multi)) { return true; } } return false; } bool IsZoneBlocked(Vector3 vector) { foreach (var zone in managedZones) { if (zone.Value.Size != { if (IsInsideBounds(zone.Value.OBB, vector)) { return true; } } else if (InRange2D(zone.Key, vector, zone.Value.Distance)) { return true; } } return false; } bool IsSafeZone(Vector3 a) { return TriggerSafeZone.allSafeZones.Exists(triggerSafeZone => InRange2D(triggerSafeZone.transform.position, a, 200f)); } Vector3 GetSafeDropPosition(Vector3 position) { RaycastHit hit; position.y += 200f; if (!Physics.Raycast(position, Vector3.down, out hit, 1000f, heightLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide)) { return; } if (BlockedLayers.Contains(hit.collider.gameObject.layer)) { return; } if (IsSafeZone(hit.point)) { return; } if ("powerline_") ||"invisible_")) { return; } float h = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(position); position.y = Mathf.Max(hit.point.y, GetSpawnHeight(position)); if (TerrainMeta.WaterMap.GetHeight(position) - h > 0.1f) { return; } if (IsLayerBlocked(position, config.Event.Radius + 10f, obstructionLayer)) { return; } return position; } float GetSpawnHeight(Vector3 target, bool flag = true, bool draw = false) { float y = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(target); float w = TerrainMeta.WaterMap.GetHeight(target); float p = TerrainMeta.HighestPoint.y + 250f; RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(target.WithY(p), Vector3.down, out hit, ++p, TARGET_MASK, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { if (!_blockedColliders.Exists( { y = Mathf.Max(y, hit.point.y); } } return flag ? Mathf.Max(y, w) : y; } bool IsLayerBlocked(Vector3 position, float radius, int mask) { var entities = FindEntitiesOfType(position, radius, mask); entities.RemoveAll(entity => entity.IsNpc || !entity.OwnerID.IsSteamId()); bool blocked = entities.Count > 0; return blocked; } Vector3 GetRandomMonumentDropPosition(Vector3 position) { foreach (var monument in allowedMonuments) { if (!InRange2D(monument.Value.Position, position, 75f)) { continue; } int attempts = 100; while (--attempts > 0) { var randomPoint = monument.Value.Position + UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * 75f; randomPoint.y = 100f; RaycastHit hit; if (!Physics.Raycast(randomPoint, Vector3.down, out hit, 100.5f, Layers.Solid, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { continue; } if (IsSafeZone(hit.point)) { continue; } if (hit.point.y - TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(hit.point) > 3f) { continue; } if (IsLayerBlocked(hit.point, config.Event.Radius + 10f, obstructionLayer)) { continue; } return hit.point; } } return; } bool IsMonumentPosition(Vector3 target) { foreach (var monument in monuments) { if (Vector3Ex.Distance2D(monument.Value.Position, target) < monument.Value.Radius) { return true; } } return false; } Vector3 GetMonumentDropPosition(int retry = 0) { if (retry >= 100) { return; } var list = allowedMonuments.ToList(); var position =; while (position == && list.Count > 0) { var mon = list.GetRandom(); var pos = mon.Value.Position; if (!IsTooClose(pos, 1f) && !IsZoneBlocked(pos) && !IsLayerBlocked(pos, config.Event.Radius + 10f, obstructionLayer)) { position = pos; break; } list.Remove(mon); } if (position == { return; } var entities = Pool.GetList(); foreach (var e in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType()) { if (!e.IsKilled() && !entities.Contains(e) && InRange2D(e.transform.position, position, config.Event.Radius)) { if (e.IsNpc || e is LootContainer) { entities.Add(e); } } } if (!config.Monuments.Underground) { entities.RemoveAll(e => e.IsKilled() || e.transform.position.y < position.y); } else entities.RemoveAll(e => e.IsKilled()); if (entities.Count < 2) { position = GetRandomMonumentDropPosition(position); Pool.FreeList(ref entities); return position == ? GetMonumentDropPosition(++retry) : position; } var entity = entities.GetRandom(); position = entity.transform.position; entity.Invoke(entity.SafelyKill, 0.1f); Pool.FreeList(ref entities); return position; } void SetupPositions() { int minPos = (int)(World.Size / -2f); int maxPos = (int)(World.Size / 2f); for (float x = minPos; x < maxPos; x += 25f) { for (float z = minPos; z < maxPos; z += 25f) { var pos = new Vector3(x, 0f, z); pos.y = GetSpawnHeight(pos); _gridPositions.Add(pos); } } } public Vector3 RandomDropPosition() { if (_gridPositions.Count < 5000) { SetupPositions(); } return _gridPositions.GetRandom(); } TreasureChest TryOpenEvent(BasePlayer player = null) { var eventPos =; if (!player.IsKilled()) { RaycastHit hit; if (!Physics.Raycast(player.eyes.HeadRay(), out hit, Mathf.Infinity, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { return null; } eventPos = hit.point; } else { var randomPos = GetEventPosition(); if (randomPos == { return null; } eventPos = randomPos; } var container = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(StringPool.Get(2206646561), eventPos) as StorageContainer; if (container == null) { return null; } container.dropsLoot = false; container.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.Locked, true); container.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.OnFire, true); container.enableSaving = false; container.Spawn(); var chest = container.gameObject.AddComponent(); chest.Radius = config.Event.Radius; chest.SpawnLoot(container, ChestLoot); if (config.Skins.PresetSkin != 0uL) { container.skinID = config.Skins.PresetSkin; } else if (config.Skins.Custom.Count > 0) { container.skinID = config.Skins.Custom.GetRandom(); container.SendNetworkUpdate(); } else if (config.Skins.RandomSkins) { var skin = chest.GetItemSkin(ItemManager.FindItemDefinition("box.wooden.large"), 0, false); container.skinID = skin; container.SendNetworkUpdate(); } var uid =; float unlockTime = UnityEngine.Random.Range(config.Unlock.MinTime, config.Unlock.MaxTime); SubscribeHooks(true); treasureChests.Add(uid, chest); var posStr = FormatGridReference(container.transform.position); Puts("{0}: {1}", posStr, string.Join(", ", container.inventory.itemList.Select(item => string.Format("{0} ({1})",, item.amount)))); //if (!_config.Event.SpawnMax && treasureChests.Count > 1) //{ // AnnounceEventSpawn(container, unlockTime, posStr); //} foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { double distance = Math.Round(target.transform.position.Distance(container.transform.position), 2); string unlockStr = FormatTime(unlockTime, target.UserIDString); if (config.EventMessages.Opened) { Message(target, "Opened", posStr, unlockStr, distance, config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); } if (config.GUIAnnouncement.Enabled && GUIAnnouncements.CanCall() && distance <= config.GUIAnnouncement.Distance) { string message = msg("Opened", target.UserIDString, posStr, unlockStr, distance, config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); GUIAnnouncements?.Call("CreateAnnouncement", message, config.GUIAnnouncement.TintColor, config.GUIAnnouncement.TextColor, target); } if (config.Rocket.Enabled && config.EventMessages.Barrage) { Message(target, "Barrage", config.Rocket.Amount); } if (config.Event.DrawTreasureIfNearby && config.Event.AutoDrawDistance > 0f && distance <= config.Event.AutoDrawDistance) { DrawText(target, container.transform.position, msg("Treasure Chest", target.UserIDString, distance)); } } var position = container.transform.position; data.TotalEvents++; SaveData(); if (config.LustyMap.Enabled) AddLustyMarker(position, uid); if (Map.CanCall()) AddMapMarker(position, uid); bool canSpawnNpcs = true; foreach (var x in monuments) { if (InRange2D(x.Value.Position, position, x.Value.Radius)) { foreach (var value in config.NPC.BlacklistedMonuments) { if (!value.Value && x.Key.Trim() == value.Key.Trim()) { canSpawnNpcs = false; break; } } break; } } if (!AiManager.nav_disable && canSpawnNpcs) chest.Invoke(chest.SpawnNpcs, 1f); chest.Invoke(() => chest.SetUnlockTime(unlockTime), 2f); return chest; } void AnnounceEventSpawn() { foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { string message = msg("OpenedX", target.UserIDString, config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); if (config.EventMessages.Opened) { Player.Message(target, message); } if (config.GUIAnnouncement.Enabled && GUIAnnouncements.CanCall()) { foreach (var chest in treasureChests) { double distance = Math.Round(target.transform.position.Distance(chest.Value.containerPos), 2); string unlockStr = FormatTime(chest.Value.countdownTime, target.UserIDString); var posStr = FormatGridReference(chest.Value.containerPos); string text = msg2("Opened", target.UserIDString, posStr, unlockStr, distance, config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); if (distance <= config.GUIAnnouncement.Distance) { GUIAnnouncements?.Call("CreateAnnouncement", text, config.GUIAnnouncement.TintColor, config.GUIAnnouncement.TextColor, target); } if (config.Event.DrawTreasureIfNearby && config.Event.AutoDrawDistance > 0f && distance <= config.Event.AutoDrawDistance) { DrawText(target, chest.Value.containerPos, msg2("Treasure Chest", target.UserIDString, distance)); } } } if (config.Rocket.Enabled && config.EventMessages.Barrage) Message(target, "Barrage", config.Rocket.Amount); } } void AnnounceEventSpawn(StorageContainer container, float unlockTime, string posStr) { foreach (var target in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { double distance = Math.Round(target.transform.position.Distance(container.transform.position), 2); string unlockStr = FormatTime(unlockTime, target.UserIDString); string message = msg("Opened", target.UserIDString, posStr, unlockStr, distance, config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); if (config.EventMessages.Opened) { Player.Message(target, message); } if (config.GUIAnnouncement.Enabled && GUIAnnouncements.CanCall() && distance <= config.GUIAnnouncement.Distance) { GUIAnnouncements?.Call("CreateAnnouncement", message, config.GUIAnnouncement.TintColor, config.GUIAnnouncement.TextColor, target); } if (config.Rocket.Enabled && config.EventMessages.Barrage) { Message(target, "Barrage", config.Rocket.Amount); } if (config.Event.DrawTreasureIfNearby && config.Event.AutoDrawDistance > 0f && distance <= config.Event.AutoDrawDistance) { DrawText(target, container.transform.position, msg2("Treasure Chest", target.UserIDString, distance)); } } } void API_SetContainer(StorageContainer container, float radius, bool spawnNpcs) // Expansion Mode for Raidable Bases plugin { if (!container.IsValid()) { return; } container.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.Locked, true); container.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.OnFire, true); var chest = container.gameObject.AddComponent(); float unlockTime = UnityEngine.Random.Range(config.Unlock.MinTime, config.Unlock.MaxTime); chest.Radius = radius; treasureChests.Add(, chest); chest.Invoke(() => chest.SetUnlockTime(unlockTime), 2f); data.TotalEvents++; SaveData(); Subscribe(nameof(OnEntityTakeDamage)); Subscribe(nameof(OnItemRemovedFromContainer)); Subscribe(nameof(OnLootEntity)); if (spawnNpcs) { Subscribe(nameof(OnNpcTarget)); Subscribe(nameof(OnNpcResume)); Subscribe(nameof(OnNpcDestinationSet)); Subscribe(nameof(OnEntityEnter)); Subscribe(nameof(OnEntitySpawned)); Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerDeath)); Subscribe(nameof(CanBradleyApcTarget)); chest.Invoke(chest.SpawnNpcs, 1f); } else if (config.NewmanMode.Harm) { Subscribe(nameof(OnEntityEnter)); } } float GetMonumentFloat(string monumentName) { string name = (monumentName.Contains(":") ? monumentName.Substring(0, monumentName.LastIndexOf(":")) : monumentName).TrimEnd(); switch (name) { case "Abandoned Cabins": return 54f; case "Abandoned Supermarket": return 50f; case "Airfield": return 200f; case "Bandit Camp": return 125f; case "Barn": case "Large Barn": return 75f; case "Fishing Village": case "Large Fishing Village": return 50f; case "Junkyard": return 125f; case "Giant Excavator Pit": return 225f; case "Harbor": return 150f; case "HQM Quarry": return 37.5f; case "Ice Lake": return 50f; case "Large Oil Rig": return 200f; case "Launch Site": case "Arctic Research Base": return 300f; case "Lighthouse": return 48f; case "Military Tunnel": return 100f; case "Mining Outpost": return 45f; case "Oil Rig": return 100f; case "Outpost": return 250f; case "Oxum's Gas Station": return 65f; case "Power Plant": return 140f; case "power_sub_small_1": case "power_sub_small_2": case "power_sub_big_1": case "power_sub_big_2": return 30f; case "Ranch": return 75f; case "Satellite Dish": return 90f; case "Sewer Branch": return 100f; case "Stone Quarry": return 27.5f; case "Sulfur Quarry": return 27.5f; case "The Dome": return 70f; case "Train Yard": return 150f; case "Underwater Lab": return 65f; case "Water Treatment Plant": return 185f; case "Water Well": return 24f; case "Wild Swamp": return 24f; } return 200f; } void CheckSecondsUntilEvent() { var eventInterval = UnityEngine.Random.Range(config.Event.IntervalMin, config.Event.IntervalMax); float stamp = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; if (data.SecondsUntilEvent == double.MinValue) // first time users { data.SecondsUntilEvent = stamp + eventInterval; Puts(_("Next Automated Event", null, FormatTime(eventInterval), DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(eventInterval).ToString())); //Puts(_("View Config")); SaveData(); } float time = 1f; if (config.Event.Automated && data.SecondsUntilEvent - stamp <= 0 && treasureChests.Count < config.Event.Max && BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count >= config.Event.PlayerLimit) { bool save = false; if (config.Event.SpawnMax) { save = TryOpenEvent() != null && treasureChests.Count >= config.Event.Max; } else save = TryOpenEvent() != null; if (save) { if (config.Event.SpawnMax && treasureChests.Count > 1) { AnnounceEventSpawn(); } data.SecondsUntilEvent = stamp + eventInterval; Puts(_("Next Automated Event", null, FormatTime(eventInterval), DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(eventInterval).ToString())); SaveData(); } else time = config.Event.Stagger; } timer.Once(time, CheckSecondsUntilEvent); } public static string FormatGridReference(Vector3 position) { string monumentName = null; float distance = 10000f; foreach (var x in Instance.monuments) // request MrSmallZzy { float magnitude = x.Value.Position.Distance(position); if (magnitude <= x.Value.Radius && magnitude < distance) { monumentName = (x.Key.Contains(":") ? x.Key.Substring(0, x.Key.LastIndexOf(":")) : x.Key).TrimEnd(); distance = magnitude; } } if (config.Settings.ShowXZ) { string pos = string.Format("{0} {1}", position.x.ToString("N2"), position.z.ToString("N2")); return string.IsNullOrEmpty(monumentName) ? pos : $"{monumentName} ({pos})"; } return string.IsNullOrEmpty(monumentName) ? PhoneController.PositionToGridCoord(position) : $"{monumentName} ({PhoneController.PositionToGridCoord(position)})"; } string FormatTime(double seconds, string id = null) { if (seconds == 0) { return BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count < config.Event.PlayerLimit ? msg2("Not Enough Online", id, config.Event.PlayerLimit) : "0s"; } var ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds); return string.Format("{0:D2}h {1:D2}m {2:D2}s", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds); } bool AssignTreasureHunters(List> ladder) { foreach (var target in covalence.Players.All) { if (target == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.Id)) { continue; } if (target.HasPermission(config.RankedLadder.Permission)) { permission.RevokeUserPermission(target.Id, config.RankedLadder.Permission); } if (target.UserHasGroup(config.RankedLadder.Group)) { permission.RemoveUserGroup(target.Id, config.RankedLadder.Group); } } if (!config.RankedLadder.Enabled) { return true; } ladder.Sort((x, y) => y.Value.CompareTo(x.Value)); foreach (var kvp in ladder.Take(config.RankedLadder.Amount)) { var userid = kvp.Key; if (permission.UserHasPermission(userid, "dangeroustreasures.notitle")) { continue; } var target = covalence.Players.FindPlayerById(userid); if (target != null && target.IsBanned) { continue; } permission.GrantUserPermission(userid, config.RankedLadder.Permission, this); permission.AddUserGroup(userid, config.RankedLadder.Group); LogToFile("treasurehunters", DateTime.Now.ToString() + " : " + msg("Log Stolen", null, target?.Name ?? userid, userid, kvp.Value), this, true); Puts(_("Log Granted", null, target?.Name ?? userid, userid, config.RankedLadder.Permission, config.RankedLadder.Group)); } string file = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}_{3}-{4}.txt", Interface.Oxide.LogDirectory, System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Name, "treasurehunters", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); Puts(_("Log Saved", null, file)); return true; } void AddMapMarker(Vector3 position, NetworkableId uid) { mapMarkers[uid] = new MapInfo { IconName = config.LustyMap.IconName, Position = position, Url = config.LustyMap.IconFile }; Map?.Call("ApiAddPointUrl", config.LustyMap.IconFile, config.LustyMap.IconName, position); data.MID.Add(uid); } void RemoveMapMarker(NetworkableId uid) { if (!mapMarkers.ContainsKey(uid)) return; var mapInfo = mapMarkers[uid]; Map?.Call("ApiRemovePointUrl", mapInfo.Url, mapInfo.IconName, mapInfo.Position); mapMarkers.Remove(uid); data.MID.Remove(uid); } void AddLustyMarker(Vector3 pos, NetworkableId uid) { string name = string.Format("{0}_{1}", config.LustyMap.IconName, data.TotalEvents).ToLower(); LustyMap?.Call("AddTemporaryMarker", pos.x, pos.z, name, config.LustyMap.IconFile, config.LustyMap.IconRotation); lustyMarkers[uid] = name; data.MID.Add(uid); } void RemoveLustyMarker(NetworkableId uid) { if (!lustyMarkers.ContainsKey(uid)) return; LustyMap?.Call("RemoveTemporaryMarker", lustyMarkers[uid]); lustyMarkers.Remove(uid); data.MID.Remove(uid); } void RemoveAllTemporaryMarkers() { if (data.MID.Count == 0) return; if (LustyMap.CanCall()) { foreach (var marker in data.MID) { LustyMap.Call("RemoveMarker", marker.ToString()); } } if (Map.CanCall()) { foreach (var marker in data.MID.ToList()) { RemoveMapMarker(marker); } } data.MID.Clear(); SaveData(); } void RemoveAllMarkers() { int removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.TotalEvents + 1; i++) { string name = string.Format("{0}_{1}", config.LustyMap.IconName, i).ToLower(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(LustyMap?.Call("RemoveMarker", name))) { removed++; } } data.MID.Clear(); if (removed > 0) { Puts("Removed {0} existing markers", removed); } else Puts("No markers found"); } void DrawText(BasePlayer player, Vector3 drawPos, string text) { if (!player || !player.IsConnected || drawPos == || string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || config.Event.DrawTime < 1f) return; bool isAdmin = player.IsAdmin; try { if (config.Event.GrantDraw && !player.IsAdmin) { var uid = player.userID; if (!drawGrants.Contains(uid)) { drawGrants.Add(uid); timer.Once(config.Event.DrawTime, () => drawGrants.Remove(uid)); } player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, true); player.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); } if (player.IsAdmin || drawGrants.Contains(player.userID)) player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", config.Event.DrawTime, Color.yellow, drawPos, text); } catch (Exception ex) { config.Event.GrantDraw = false; Puts("DrawText Exception: {0}", ex); Puts("Disabled drawing for players!"); } if (!isAdmin) { if (player.HasPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin)) { player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.IsAdmin, false); player.SendNetworkUpdateImmediate(); } } } void AddItem(BasePlayer player, string[] args) { if (args.Length >= 2) { string shortname = args[0]; var itemDef = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(shortname); if (itemDef == null) { Message(player, "InvalidItem", shortname, config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); return; } int amount; if (int.TryParse(args[1], out amount)) { if (itemDef.stackable == 1 || (itemDef.condition.enabled && itemDef.condition.max > 0f) || amount < 1) amount = 1; ulong skin = 0uL; if (args.Length >= 3) { ulong num; if (ulong.TryParse(args[2], out num)) skin = num; else Message(player, "InvalidValue", args[2]); } int minAmount = amount; if (args.Length >= 4) { int num; if (int.TryParse(args[3], out num)) minAmount = num; else Message(player, "InvalidValue", args[3]); } foreach (var loot in ChestLoot) { if (loot.shortname == shortname) { loot.amount = amount; = skin; loot.amountMin = minAmount; } } SaveConfig(); Message(player, "AddedItem", shortname, amount, skin); } else Message(player, "InvalidValue", args[2]); return; } Message(player, "InvalidItem", args.Length >= 1 ? args[0] : "?", config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); } void cmdTreasureHunter(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (drawGrants.Contains(player.userID)) return; if (config.RankedLadder.Enabled) { if (args.Length >= 1 && (args[0].ToLower() == "ladder" || args[0].ToLower() == "lifetime")) { if (data.Players.Count == 0) { Message(player, "Ladder Insufficient Players"); return; } if (args.Length == 2 && args[1] == "resetme") if (data.Players.ContainsKey(player.UserIDString)) data.Players[player.UserIDString].StolenChestsSeed = 0; int rank = 0; var ladder = data.Players.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => args[0].ToLower() == "ladder" ? v.Value.StolenChestsSeed : v.Value.StolenChestsTotal).Where(kvp => kvp.Value > 0).ToList(); ladder.Sort((x, y) => y.Value.CompareTo(x.Value)); Message(player, args[0].ToLower() == "ladder" ? "Ladder" : "Ladder Total"); foreach (var kvp in ladder.Take(10)) { string name = covalence.Players.FindPlayerById(kvp.Key)?.Name ?? kvp.Key; string value = kvp.Value.ToString("N0"); Message(player, "TreasureHunter", ++rank, name, value); } return; } Message(player, "Wins", data.Players.ContainsKey(player.UserIDString) ? data.Players[player.UserIDString].StolenChestsSeed : 0, config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); } if (args.Length >= 1 && player.IsAdmin) { if (args[0] == "wipe") { Message(player, "Log Saved", "treasurehunters"); wipeChestsSeed = true; TryWipeData(); return; } else if (args[0] == "markers") { RemoveAllMarkers(); return; } else if (args[0] == "resettime") { data.SecondsUntilEvent = double.MinValue; return; } else if (args[0] == "now") { data.SecondsUntilEvent = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current; return; } else if (args[0] == "tp" && treasureChests.Count > 0) { float dist = float.MaxValue; var position =; foreach (var entry in treasureChests) { var v3 = entry.Value.containerPos.Distance(player.transform.position); if (treasureChests.Count > 1 && v3 < 25f) // 0.2.0 fix - move admin to the next nearest chest continue; if (v3 < dist) { dist = v3; position = entry.Value.containerPos; } } if (position != { if (player.IsFlying) { player.Teleport(position.y > player.transform.position.y ? position : position.WithY(player.transform.position.y)); } else player.Teleport(position); } } else if (args[0].ToLower() == "additem") { AddItem(player, args.Skip(1)); return; } else if (args[0].ToLower() == "showdebuggrid") { if (_gridPositions.Count < 5000) SetupPositions(); _gridPositions.ForEach(pos => { if (player.Distance(pos) > 1000f) return; player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", 30f,, pos, "X"); }); return; } else if (args[0].ToLower() == "testblocked") { Player.Message(player, $"IsLayerBlocked: {IsLayerBlocked(player.transform.position, 25f, obstructionLayer)}"); Player.Message(player, $"SafeZone: {IsSafeZone(player.transform.position)}"); var entities = new List(); foreach (var e in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType()) { if (!entities.Contains(e) && InRange2D(e.transform.position, player.transform.position, config.Event.Radius)) { if (e.IsNpc || e is LootContainer) { entities.Add(e); player.SendConsoleCommand("ddraw.text", 30f,, e.transform.position, e.ShortPrefabName); } } } return; } } if (treasureChests.Count == 0) { double time = Math.Max(0, data.SecondsUntilEvent - Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current); Message(player, "Next", FormatTime(time, player.UserIDString)); return; } foreach (var chest in treasureChests) { double distance = Math.Round(player.transform.position.Distance(chest.Value.containerPos), 2); string posStr = FormatGridReference(chest.Value.containerPos); if (chest.Value.GetUnlockTime() != null) { Message(player, "Info", chest.Value.GetUnlockTime(player.UserIDString), posStr, distance, config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); } else Message(player, "Already", posStr, distance, config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand); if (config.Settings.AllowDrawText) { DrawText(player, chest.Value.containerPos, msg2("Treasure Chest", player.UserIDString, distance)); } } } private void ccmdDangerousTreasures(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Player(); var args = arg.Args ?? new string[0]; if (!arg.IsAdmin) { if (player == null || !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, config.Settings.PermName)) { Message(arg, "No Permission"); return; } } if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0].ToLower() == "help") { if (player == null) { Puts("Monuments:"); foreach (var m in monuments) Puts(m.Key); } Message(arg, "Help", config.Settings.EventChatCommand); } else if (args[0].ToLower() == "5sec") data.SecondsUntilEvent = Facepunch.Math.Epoch.Current + 5f; return; } var position =; bool isTeleport = false; int num = 0, amount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { int num2; if (int.TryParse(args[i], out num2)) { amount = num2; } else if (args[i].Equals("tp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { isTeleport = true; } } if (amount < 1) { amount = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if (treasureChests.Count >= config.Event.Max && !arg.IsAdmin) { Message(arg, "Max Manual Events", config.Event.Max); break; } var chest = TryOpenEvent(); if (chest != null) { position = chest.containerPos; num++; } } if (position != { if (args.Length > 0 && isTeleport && !player.IsKilled() && player.IsAdmin) { if (player.IsFlying) { player.Teleport(position.y > player.transform.position.y ? position : position.WithY(player.transform.position.y)); } else player.Teleport(position); } } else Message(arg, "Manual Event Failed"); if (num > 1) { Message(arg, "OpenedEvents", num, amount); } } void cmdDangerousTreasures(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, config.Settings.PermName) && !player.IsAdmin) { Message(player, "No Permission"); return; } if (args.Length == 1) { var arg = args[0].ToLower(); if (arg == "help") { Message(player, "Monuments: " + string.Join(", ", monuments.Select(m => m.Key))); Message(player, "Help", config.Settings.EventChatCommand); return; } else if (player.IsAdmin) { if (arg == "custom") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.CustomPosition)) { data.CustomPosition = player.transform.position.ToString(); sd_customPos = player.transform.position; Message(player, "CustomPositionSet", data.CustomPosition); } else { data.CustomPosition = string.Empty; sd_customPos =; Message(player, "CustomPositionRemoved"); } SaveData(); return; } } } if (treasureChests.Count >= config.Event.Max && < 2) { Message(player, "Max Manual Events", config.Event.Max); return; } var chest = TryOpenEvent(args.Length == 1 && args[0] == "me" && player.IsAdmin ? player : null); if (chest != null) { if (args.Length == 1 && args[0].ToLower() == "tp" && player.IsAdmin) { if (player.IsFlying) { player.Teleport(chest.containerPos.y > player.transform.position.y ? chest.containerPos : chest.containerPos.WithY(player.transform.position.y)); } else player.Teleport(chest.containerPos); } } else { Message(player, "Manual Event Failed"); } } #region Config Dictionary GetMessages() { return new Dictionary { {"No Permission", "You do not have permission to use this command."}, {"Building is blocked!", "Building is blocked near treasure chests!"}, {"Max Manual Events", "Maximum number of manual events {0} has been reached!"}, {"Dangerous Zone Protected", "You have entered a dangerous zone protected by a fire aura! You must leave before you die!"}, {"Dangerous Zone Unprotected", "You have entered a dangerous zone!"}, {"Manual Event Failed", "Event failed to start! Unable to obtain a valid position. Please try again."}, {"Help", "/{0} - start a manual event, and teleport to the position if TP argument is specified and you are an admin."}, {"Started", "The event has started at {0}! The protective fire aura has been obliterated!"}, {"StartedNpcs", "The event has started at {0}! The protective fire aura has been obliterated! Npcs must be killed before the treasure will become lootable."}, {"Opened", "An event has opened at {0}! Event will start in {1}. You are {2}m away. Use /{3} for help."}, {"OpenedX", "Multiple events have opened! Use /{0} for help."}, {"Barrage", "A barrage of {0} rockets can be heard at the location of the event!"}, {"Info", "Event will start in {0} at {1}. You are {2}m away."}, {"Already", "The event has already started at {0}! You are {1}m away."}, {"Next", "No events are open. Next event in {0}"}, {"Thief", "The treasures at {0} have been stolen by {1}!"}, {"Wins", "You have stolen {0} treasure chests! View the ladder using /{1} ladder or /{1} lifetime"}, {"Ladder", "[ Top 10 Treasure Hunters (This Wipe) ]:"}, {"Ladder Total", "[ Top 10 Treasure Hunters (Lifetime) ]:"}, {"Ladder Insufficient Players", "No players are on the ladder yet!"}, {"Event At", "Event at {0}"}, {"Next Automated Event", "Next automated event in {0} at {1}"}, {"Not Enough Online", "Not enough players online ({0} minimum)"}, {"Treasure Chest", "Treasure Chest {0}m"}, {"Invalid Constant", "Invalid constant {0} - please notify the author!"}, {"Destroyed Treasure Chest", "Destroyed a left over treasure chest at {0}"}, {"Indestructible", "Treasure chests are indestructible!"}, {"View Config", "Please view the config if you haven't already."}, {"Newman Enter", "To walk with clothes is to set one-self on fire. Tread lightly."}, {"Newman Traitor Burn", "Tempted by the riches you have defiled these grounds. Vanish from these lands or PERISH!"}, {"Newman Traitor", "Tempted by the riches you have defiled these grounds. Vanish from these lands!"}, {"Newman Protected", "This newman is temporarily protected on these grounds!"}, {"Newman Protect", "You are protected on these grounds. Do not defile them."}, {"Newman Protect Fade", "Your protection has faded."}, {"Log Stolen", "{0} ({1}) chests stolen {2}"}, {"Log Granted", "Granted {0} ({1}) permission {2} for group {3}"}, {"Log Saved", "Treasure Hunters have been logged to: {0}"}, {"MessagePrefix", "[ Dangerous Treasures ] "}, {"Countdown", "Event at {0} will start in {1}!"}, {"RestartDetected", "Restart detected. Next event in {0} minutes."}, {"DestroyingTreasure", "The treasure at {0} will be destroyed by fire in {1} if not looted! Use /{2} to find this chest."}, {"EconomicsDeposit", "You have received ${0} for stealing the treasure!"}, {"ServerRewardPoints", "You have received {0} RP for stealing the treasure!"}, {"InvalidItem", "Invalid item shortname: {0}. Use /{1} additem [skin]"}, {"AddedItem", "Added item: {0} amount: {1}, skin: {2}"}, {"CustomPositionSet", "Custom event spawn location set to: {0}"}, {"CustomPositionRemoved", "Custom event spawn location removed."}, {"OpenedEvents", "Opened {0}/{1} events."}, {"OnFirstPlayerEntered", "{0} is the first to enter the dangerous treasure event at {1}"}, {"OnChestOpened", "{0} is the first to see the treasures at {1}!"}, {"OnChestDespawned", "The treasures at {0} have been lost forever! Better luck next time."}, {"CannotBeMounted", "You cannot loot the treasure while mounted!"}, {"CannotTeleport", "You are not allowed to teleport from this event."}, {"TreasureHunter", "{0}. {1} ({2})"}, {"Timed Event", "You cannot loot until the fire aura expires! Tread lightly, the fire aura is very deadly!)"}, {"Timed Npc Event", "You cannot loot until you kill all of the npcs and wait for the fire aura to expire! Tread lightly, the fire aura is very deadly!)"}, {"Npc Event", "You cannot loot until you kill all of the npcs surrounding the fire aura! Tread lightly, the fire aura is very deadly!)"}, }; } protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(GetMessages(), this); } static int GetPercentIncreasedAmount(int amount) { if (config.Treasure.UseDOWL && !config.Treasure.Increased && config.Treasure.PercentLoss > 0m) { return UnityEngine.Random.Range(Convert.ToInt32(amount - (amount * config.Treasure.PercentLoss)), amount + 1); } decimal percentIncrease = 0m; switch (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek) { case DayOfWeek.Monday: { percentIncrease = config.Treasure.PercentIncreaseOnMonday; break; } case DayOfWeek.Tuesday: { percentIncrease = config.Treasure.PercentIncreaseOnTuesday; break; } case DayOfWeek.Wednesday: { percentIncrease = config.Treasure.PercentIncreaseOnWednesday; break; } case DayOfWeek.Thursday: { percentIncrease = config.Treasure.PercentIncreaseOnThursday; break; } case DayOfWeek.Friday: { percentIncrease = config.Treasure.PercentIncreaseOnFriday; break; } case DayOfWeek.Saturday: { percentIncrease = config.Treasure.PercentIncreaseOnSaturday; break; } case DayOfWeek.Sunday: { percentIncrease = config.Treasure.PercentIncreaseOnSunday; break; } } if (percentIncrease > 1m) { percentIncrease /= 100; } if (percentIncrease > 0m) { amount = Convert.ToInt32(amount + (amount * percentIncrease)); if (config.Treasure.PercentLoss > 0m) { amount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(Convert.ToInt32(amount - (amount * config.Treasure.PercentLoss)), amount + 1); } } return amount; } public static Color __(string hex) { Color color; if (!ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(hex.StartsWith("#") ? hex : $"#{hex}", out color)) { color =; } return color; } static string _(string key, string id = null, params object[] args) { return Instance.RemoveFormatting(Instance.msg(key, id, args)); } string msg(string key, string id = null, params object[] args) { string message = config.EventMessages.Prefix && id != null && id != "server_console" ? lang.GetMessage("MessagePrefix", this, null) + lang.GetMessage(key, this, id) : lang.GetMessage(key, this, id); return message.Contains("{0}") ? string.Format(message, args) : message; } string msg2(string key, string id, params object[] args) { string message = lang.GetMessage(key, this, id); return message.Contains("{0}") ? string.Format(message, args) : message; } string RemoveFormatting(string source) => source.Contains(">") ? System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(source, "<.*?>", string.Empty) : source; static void Message(BasePlayer player, string key, params object[] args) { if (player == null) return; string message = Instance.msg(key, player.UserIDString, args); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { return; } if (config.EventMessages.Message) { Instance.Player.Message(player, message, 0uL); } if (config.EventMessages.AA.Enabled || config.EventMessages.NotifyType != -1) { List notifications; if (!Instance._notifications.TryGetValue(player.userID, out notifications)) { Instance._notifications[player.userID] = notifications = new List(); } notifications.Add(new Notification { player = player, messageEx = message }); } } static void Message(IPlayer user, string key, params object[] args) { if (user != null) { user.Reply(Instance.msg2(key, user.Id, args)); } } static void Message(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg, string key, params object[] args) { if (arg != null) { arg.ReplyWith(Instance.msg2(key, arg.Player()?.UserIDString, args)); } } public class Notification { public BasePlayer player; public string messageEx; } private Dictionary> _notifications = new Dictionary>(); private void CheckNotifications() { if (_notifications.Count > 0) { foreach (var entry in _notifications.ToList()) { var notification = entry.Value.ElementAt(0); SendNotification(notification); entry.Value.Remove(notification); if (entry.Value.Count == 0) { _notifications.Remove(entry.Key); } } } } private static void SendNotification(Notification notification) { if (!notification.player.IsReallyConnected()) { return; } if (config.EventMessages.AA.Enabled && Instance.AdvancedAlerts.CanCall()) { Instance.AdvancedAlerts?.Call("SpawnAlert", notification.player, "hook", notification.messageEx, config.EventMessages.AA.AnchorMin, config.EventMessages.AA.AnchorMax, config.EventMessages.AA.Time); } if (config.EventMessages.NotifyType != -1 && Instance.Notify.CanCall()) { Instance.Notify?.Call("SendNotify", notification.player, config.EventMessages.NotifyType, notification.messageEx); } } #endregion #region Configuration private static Configuration config; private static List DefaultLoot { get { return new List { new LootItem { shortname = "ammo.pistol", amount = 40, skin = 0, amountMin = 40 }, new LootItem { shortname = "", amount = 40, skin = 0, amountMin = 40 }, new LootItem { shortname = "ammo.pistol.hv", amount = 40, skin = 0, amountMin = 40 }, new LootItem { shortname = "ammo.rifle", amount = 60, skin = 0, amountMin = 60 }, new LootItem { shortname = "ammo.rifle.explosive", amount = 60, skin = 0, amountMin = 60 }, new LootItem { shortname = "ammo.rifle.hv", amount = 60, skin = 0, amountMin = 60 }, new LootItem { shortname = "ammo.rifle.incendiary", amount = 60, skin = 0, amountMin = 60 }, new LootItem { shortname = "ammo.shotgun", amount = 24, skin = 0, amountMin = 24 }, new LootItem { shortname = "ammo.shotgun.slug", amount = 40, skin = 0, amountMin = 40 }, new LootItem { shortname = "surveycharge", amount = 20, skin = 0, amountMin = 20 }, new LootItem { shortname = "metal.refined", amount = 150, skin = 0, amountMin = 150 }, new LootItem { shortname = "bucket.helmet", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "coffeecan.helmet", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "explosive.timed", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "metal.facemask", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "metal.plate.torso", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "mining.quarry", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "pistol.m92", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "rifle.ak", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "rifle.bolt", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "rifle.lr300", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "smg.2", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "smg.mp5", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "smg.thompson", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "supply.signal", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, new LootItem { shortname = "", amount = 1, skin = 0, amountMin = 1 }, }; } } public class PluginSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Permission Name")] public string PermName { get; set; } = "dangeroustreasures.use"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Event Chat Command")] public string EventChatCommand { get; set; } = "dtevent"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Distance Chat Command")] public string DistanceChatCommand { get; set; } = "dtd"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Draw Location On Screen With Distance Command")] public bool AllowDrawText { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Event Console Command")] public string EventConsoleCommand { get; set; } = "dtevent"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show X Z Coordinates")] public bool ShowXZ { get; set; } = false; } public class CountdownSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Countdown Before Event Starts")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Time In Seconds", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Times { get; set; } = new List { 120, 60, 30, 15 }; } public class EventSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Automated")] public bool Automated { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Every Min Seconds")] public float IntervalMin { get; set; } = 3600f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Every Max Seconds")] public float IntervalMax { get; set; } = 7200f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Vending Map Marker")] public bool MarkerVending { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Explosion Map Marker")] public bool MarkerExplosion { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Marker Color")] public string MarkerColor { get; set; } = "#FF0000"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Marker Radius")] public float MarkerRadius { get; set; } = 0.25f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Marker Radius (Smaller Maps)")] public float MarkerRadiusSmall { get; set; } = 0.5f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Marker Event Name")] public string MarkerName { get; set; } = "Dangerous Treasures Event"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Max Manual Events")] public int Max { get; set; } = 1; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Always Spawn Max Manual Events")] public bool SpawnMax { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Stagger Spawns Every X Seconds")] public float Stagger { get; set; } = 10f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount Of Items To Spawn")] public int TreasureAmount { get; set; } = 6; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Spheres")] public bool Spheres { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount Of Spheres")] public int SphereAmount { get; set; } = 5; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Player Limit For Event")] public int PlayerLimit { get; set; } = 1; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fire Aura Radius (Advanced Users Only)")] public float Radius { get; set; } = 25f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Auto Draw On New Event For Nearby Players")] public bool DrawTreasureIfNearby { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Auto Draw Minimum Distance")] public float AutoDrawDistance { get; set; } = 300f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Grant DDRAW temporarily to players")] public bool GrantDraw { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Grant Draw Time")] public float DrawTime { get; set; } = 15f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Time To Loot")] public float DestructTime { get; set; } = 900f; } public class UIAdvancedAlertSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Anchor Min")] public string AnchorMin { get; set; } = "0.35 0.85"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Anchor Max")] public string AnchorMax { get; set; } = "0.65 0.95"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Time Shown")] public float Time { get; set; } = 5f; } public class EventMessageSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Advanced Alerts UI")] public UIAdvancedAlertSettings AA { get; set; } = new UIAdvancedAlertSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Notify Plugin - Type (-1 = disabled)")] public int NotifyType { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "UI Popup Interval")] public float Interval { get; set; } = 1f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show Noob Warning Message")] public bool NoobWarning { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show Barrage Message")] public bool Barrage { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show Despawn Message")] public bool Destruct { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show You Have Entered")] public bool Entered { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show First Player Entered")] public bool FirstEntered { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show First Player Opened")] public bool FirstOpened { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show Opened Message")] public bool Opened { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show Prefix")] public bool Prefix { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show Started Message")] public bool Started { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show Thief Message")] public bool Thief { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Send Messages To Player")] public bool Message { get; set; } = true; } public class FireballSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Damage Per Second")] public float DamagePerSecond { get; set; } = 10f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Lifetime Min")] public float LifeTimeMin { get; set; } = 7.5f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Lifetime Max")] public float LifeTimeMax { get; set; } = 10f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Radius")] public float Radius { get; set; } = 1f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Tick Rate")] public float TickRate { get; set; } = 1f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Generation")] public float Generation { get; set; } = 5f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Water To Extinguish")] public int WaterToExtinguish { get; set; } = 25; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spawn Every X Seconds")] public int SecondsBeforeTick { get; set; } = 5; } public class GUIAnnouncementSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Text Color")] public string TextColor { get; set; } = "White"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Banner Tint Color")] public string TintColor { get; set; } = "Grey"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Maximum Distance")] public float Distance { get; set; } = 300f; } public class LustyMapSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Icon Name")] public string IconName { get; set; } = "dtchest"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Icon File")] public string IconFile { get; set; } = ""; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Icon Rotation")] public float IconRotation { get; set; } = 0f; } public class MissileLauncherSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Acquire Time In Seconds")] public float TargettingTime { get; set; } = 10f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Damage Per Missile")] public float Damage { get; set; } = 0.0f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Detection Distance")] public float Distance { get; set; } = 15f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Life Time In Seconds")] public float Lifetime { get; set; } = 60f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ignore Flying Players")] public bool IgnoreFlying { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spawn Every X Seconds")] public float Frequency { get; set; } = 15f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Target Chest If No Player Target")] public bool TargetChest { get; set; } = false; } public class MonumentSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Blacklisted Monuments", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary Blacklist { get; set; } = new Dictionary { ["Bandit Camp"] = true, ["Barn"] = true, ["Fishing Village"] = true, ["Junkyard"] = true, ["Large Barn"] = true, ["Large Fishing Village"] = true, ["Outpost"] = true, ["Ranch"] = true, ["Train Tunnel"] = true, ["Underwater Lab"] = true, }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Auto Spawn At Monuments Only")] public bool Only { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chance To Spawn At Monuments Instead")] public float Chance { get; set; } = 0.0f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Treasure Loot Underground")] public bool Underground { get; set; } = false; } public class NewmanModeSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Protect Nakeds From Fire Aura")] public bool Aura { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Protect Nakeds From Other Harm")] public bool Harm { get; set; } = false; } public class MurdererKitSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Helm", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Helm { get; set; } = new List { "metal.facemask" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Torso", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Torso { get; set; } = new List { "metal.plate.torso" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Pants", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Pants { get; set; } = new List { "pants" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Gloves", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Gloves { get; set; } = new List { "tactical.gloves" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Boots", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Boots { get; set; } = new List { "boots.frog" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Shirt", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Shirt { get; set; } = new List { "tshirt" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Kilts", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Kilts { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Weapon", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Weapon { get; set; } = new List { "machete" }; } public class ScientistKitSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Helm", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Helm { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Torso", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Torso { get; set; } = new List { "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Pants", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Pants { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Gloves", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Gloves { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Boots", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Boots { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Shirt", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Shirt { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Kilts", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Kilts { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Weapon", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Weapon { get; set; } = new List { "rifle.ak" }; } public class NpcLootSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Prefab ID List", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List IDs { get; set; } = new List { "cargo", "turret_any", "ch47_gunner", "excavator", "full_any", "heavy", "junkpile_pistol", "oilrig", "patrol", "peacekeeper", "roam", "roamtethered" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } public uint GetRandom() { if (IDs.Count > 0) { switch (IDs.GetRandom()) { case "cargo": return 3623670799; case "turret_any": return 1639447304; case "ch47_gunner": return 1017671955; case "excavator": return 4293908444; case "full_any": return 1539172658; case "heavy": return 1536035819; case "junkpile_pistol": return 2066159302; case "cargo_turret": return 881071619; case "oilrig": return 548379897; case "patrol": return 4272904018; case "peacekeeper": return 2390854225; case "roam": return 4199494415; case "roamtethered": return 529928930; } } return 1536035819; } } public class NpcSettingsAccuracy { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "AK47")] public double AK47 { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "AK47 ICE")] public double AK47ICE { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Bolt Rifle")] public double BOLT_RIFLE { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Compound Bow")] public double COMPOUND_BOW { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Crossbow")] public double CROSSBOW { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Double Barrel Shotgun")] public double DOUBLE_SHOTGUN { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Eoka")] public double EOKA { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Glock")] public double GLOCK { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "HMLMG")] public double HMLMG { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "L96")] public double L96 { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "LR300")] public double LR300 { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "M249")] public double M249 { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "M39")] public double M39 { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "M92")] public double M92 { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "MP5")] public double MP5 { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Nailgun")] public double NAILGUN { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Pump Shotgun")] public double PUMP_SHOTGUN { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Python")] public double PYTHON { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Revolver")] public double REVOLVER { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Semi Auto Pistol")] public double SEMI_AUTO_PISTOL { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Semi Auto Rifle")] public double SEMI_AUTO_RIFLE { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spas12")] public double SPAS12 { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Speargun")] public double SPEARGUN { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "SMG")] public double SMG { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Snowball Gun")] public double SNOWBALL_GUN { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Thompson")] public double THOMPSON { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Waterpipe Shotgun")] public double WATERPIPE_SHOTGUN { get; set; } public NpcSettingsAccuracy(double accuracy) { AK47 = AK47ICE = BOLT_RIFLE = COMPOUND_BOW = CROSSBOW = DOUBLE_SHOTGUN = EOKA = GLOCK = HMLMG = L96 = LR300 = M249 = M39 = M92 = MP5 = NAILGUN = PUMP_SHOTGUN = PYTHON = REVOLVER = SEMI_AUTO_PISTOL = SEMI_AUTO_RIFLE = SPAS12 = SPEARGUN = SMG = SNOWBALL_GUN = THOMPSON = WATERPIPE_SHOTGUN = accuracy; } public double Get(HumanoidBrain brain) { switch (brain.AttackEntity?.ShortPrefabName) { case "ak47u.entity": return AK47; case "ak47u_ice.entity": return AK47ICE; case "bolt_rifle.entity": return BOLT_RIFLE; case "compound_bow.entity": return COMPOUND_BOW; case "crossbow.entity": return CROSSBOW; case "double_shotgun.entity": return DOUBLE_SHOTGUN; case "glock.entity": return GLOCK; case "hmlmg.entity": return HMLMG; case "l96.entity": return L96; case "lr300.entity": return LR300; case "m249.entity": return M249; case "m39.entity": return M39; case "m92.entity": return M92; case "mp5.entity": return MP5; case "nailgun.entity": return NAILGUN; case "pistol_eoka.entity": return EOKA; case "pistol_revolver.entity": return REVOLVER; case "pistol_semiauto.entity": return SEMI_AUTO_PISTOL; case "python.entity": return PYTHON; case "semi_auto_rifle.entity": return SEMI_AUTO_RIFLE; case "shotgun_pump.entity": return PUMP_SHOTGUN; case "shotgun_waterpipe.entity": return WATERPIPE_SHOTGUN; case "spas12.entity": return SPAS12; case "speargun.entity": return SPEARGUN; case "smg.entity": return SMG; case "snowballgun.entity": return SNOWBALL_GUN; case "thompson.entity": default: return THOMPSON; } } } public class NpcSettingsMurderer { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Random Names", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List RandomNames { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Items)")] public MurdererKitSettings Items { get; set; } = new MurdererKitSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Kits", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Kits { get; set; } = new List { "murderer_kit_1", "murderer_kit_2" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spawn Alternate Loot")] public NpcLootSettings Alternate { get; set; } = new NpcLootSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Weapon Accuracy (0 - 100)")] public NpcSettingsAccuracy Accuracy { get; set; } = new NpcSettingsAccuracy(100); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Aggression Range")] public float AggressionRange { get; set; } = 70f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Despawn Inventory On Death")] public bool DespawnInventory { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Die Instantly From Headshots")] public bool Headshot { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount To Spawn (min)")] public int SpawnMinAmount { get; set; } = 2; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount To Spawn (max)")] public int SpawnAmount { get; set; } = 2; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Health")] public float Health { get; set; } = 150f; } public class NpcSettingsScientist { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Random Names", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List RandomNames { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Items")] public ScientistKitSettings Items { get; set; } = new ScientistKitSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Kits", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Kits { get; set; } = new List { "scientist_kit_1", "scientist_kit_2" }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Spawn Alternate Loot")] public NpcLootSettings Alternate { get; set; } = new NpcLootSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Weapon Accuracy (0 - 100)")] public NpcSettingsAccuracy Accuracy { get; set; } = new NpcSettingsAccuracy(20); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Aggression Range")] public float AggressionRange { get; set; } = 70f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Despawn Inventory On Death")] public bool DespawnInventory { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Die Instantly From Headshots")] public bool Headshot { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount To Spawn (min)")] public int SpawnMinAmount { get; set; } = 2; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Amount To Spawn (max)")] public int SpawnAmount { get; set; } = 2; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Health (100 min, 5000 max)")] public float Health { get; set; } = 150f; } public class NpcSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Blacklisted Monuments", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary BlacklistedMonuments { get; set; } = new Dictionary { ["Bandit Camp"] = true, ["Barn"] = true, ["Fishing Village"] = true, ["Junkyard"] = true, ["Large Barn"] = true, ["Large Fishing Village"] = true, ["Outpost"] = true, ["Ranch"] = true, ["Train Tunnel"] = true, ["Underwater Lab"] = true, }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Murderers")] public NpcSettingsMurderer Murderers { get; set; } = new NpcSettingsMurderer(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Scientists")] public NpcSettingsScientist Scientists { get; set; } = new NpcSettingsScientist(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Npcs To Leave Dome When Attacking")] public bool CanLeave { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Npcs To Target Other Npcs")] public bool TargetNpcs { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Block Damage From Players Beyond X Distance (0 = disabled)")] public float Range { get; set; } = 0f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Block Npc Kits Plugin")] public bool BlockNpcKits { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Kill Underwater Npcs")] public bool KillUnderwater { get; set; } = true; } public class PasteOption { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Option")] public string Key { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Value")] public string Value { get; set; } } public class RankedLadderSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Award Top X Players On Wipe")] public int Amount { get; set; } = 3; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Group Name")] public string Group { get; set; } = "treasurehunter"; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Permission Name")] public string Permission { get; set; } = ""; } public class RewardSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Economics Money")] public double Money { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "ServerRewards Points")] public double Points { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Economics")] public bool Economics { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use ServerRewards")] public bool ServerRewards { get; set; } = false; } public class RocketOpenerSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Rockets")] public int Amount { get; set; } = 8; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Speed")] public float Speed { get; set; } = 5f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Fire Rockets")] public bool FireRockets { get; set; } = false; } public class SkinSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Custom Skins", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Custom { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Random Skin")] public bool RandomSkins { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Preset Skin")] public ulong PresetSkin { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Include Workshop Skins")] public bool RandomWorkshopSkins { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Randomize Npc Item Skins")] public bool Npcs { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Identical Skins For All Npcs")] public bool UniqueNpcs { get; set; } = true; } public class LootItem { public string shortname { get; set; } = ""; public string name { get; set; } = ""; public int amount { get; set; } public ulong skin { get; set; } public int amountMin { get; set; } public float condition { get; set; } = 1f; public float probability { get; set; } = 1f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Skins", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List skins { get; set; } = new List(); } public class TreasureSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Loot", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List Loot { get; set; } = DefaultLoot; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Minimum Percent Loss")] public decimal PercentLoss { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Percent Increase When Using Day Of Week Loot")] public bool Increased { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Random Skins")] public bool RandomSkins { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Include Workshop Skins")] public bool RandomWorkshopSkins { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Day Of Week Loot Monday", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List DOWL_Monday { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Day Of Week Loot Tuesday", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List DOWL_Tuesday { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Day Of Week Loot Wednesday", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List DOWL_Wednesday { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Day Of Week Loot Thursday", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List DOWL_Thursday { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Day Of Week Loot Friday", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List DOWL_Friday { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Day Of Week Loot Saturday", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List DOWL_Saturday { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Day Of Week Loot Sunday", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public List DOWL_Sunday { get; set; } = new List(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Day Of Week Loot")] public bool UseDOWL { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Percent Increase On Monday")] public decimal PercentIncreaseOnMonday { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Percent Increase On Tuesday")] public decimal PercentIncreaseOnTuesday { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Percent Increase On Wednesday")] public decimal PercentIncreaseOnWednesday { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Percent Increase On Thursday")] public decimal PercentIncreaseOnThursday { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Percent Increase On Friday")] public decimal PercentIncreaseOnFriday { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Percent Increase On Saturday")] public decimal PercentIncreaseOnSaturday { get; set; } = 0; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Percent Increase On Sunday")] public decimal PercentIncreaseOnSunday { get; set; } = 0; } public class TruePVESettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Building Damage At Events")] public bool AllowBuildingDamageAtEvents { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow PVP At Events")] public bool AllowPVPAtEvents { get; set; } = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow PVP Server-Wide During Events")] public bool ServerWidePVP { get; set; } = false; } public class UnlockSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Min Seconds")] public float MinTime { get; set; } = 300f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Max Seconds")] public float MaxTime { get; set; } = 480f; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Unlock When Npcs Die")] public bool WhenNpcsDie { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Require All Npcs Die Before Unlocking")] public bool RequireAllNpcsDie { get; set; } = false; } public class UnlootedAnnouncementSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enabled")] public bool Enabled { get; set; } = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Notify Every X Minutes (Minimum 1)")] public float Interval { get; set; } = 3f; } public class Configuration { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Settings")] public PluginSettings Settings = new PluginSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Countdown")] public CountdownSettings Countdown = new CountdownSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Events")] public EventSettings Event = new EventSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Event Messages")] public EventMessageSettings EventMessages = new EventMessageSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fireballs")] public FireballSettings Fireballs = new FireballSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "GUIAnnouncements")] public GUIAnnouncementSettings GUIAnnouncement = new GUIAnnouncementSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Lusty Map")] public LustyMapSettings LustyMap = new LustyMapSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Monuments")] public MonumentSettings Monuments = new MonumentSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Newman Mode")] public NewmanModeSettings NewmanMode = new NewmanModeSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "NPCs")] public NpcSettings NPC = new NpcSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Missile Launcher")] public MissileLauncherSettings MissileLauncher = new MissileLauncherSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Ranked Ladder")] public RankedLadderSettings RankedLadder = new RankedLadderSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Rewards")] public RewardSettings Rewards = new RewardSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Rocket Opener")] public RocketOpenerSettings Rocket = new RocketOpenerSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Skins")] public SkinSettings Skins = new SkinSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Treasure")] public TreasureSettings Treasure = new TreasureSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "TruePVE")] public TruePVESettings TruePVE = new TruePVESettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Unlock Time")] public UnlockSettings Unlock = new UnlockSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Unlooted Announcements")] public UnlootedAnnouncementSettings UnlootedAnnouncements = new UnlootedAnnouncementSettings(); } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); if (config == null) throw new Exception("config is null"); ValidateConfig(); SaveConfig(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } private void ValidateConfig() { if (config.Rocket.Speed > 0.1f) config.Rocket.Speed = 0.1f; if (config.Treasure.PercentLoss > 0) config.Treasure.PercentLoss /= 100m; if (config.Monuments.Chance < 0) config.Monuments.Chance = 0f; if (config.Monuments.Chance > 1f) config.Monuments.Chance /= 100f; if (config.Event.Radius < 10f) config.Event.Radius = 10f; if (config.Event.Radius > 150f) config.Event.Radius = 150f; if (config.MissileLauncher.Distance < 1f) config.MissileLauncher.Distance = 15f; if (config.MissileLauncher.Distance > config.Event.Radius * 15) config.MissileLauncher.Distance = config.Event.Radius * 2; if (config.LustyMap.IconFile == "special") config.LustyMap.IconFile = ""; if (config.NPC.Murderers.Accuracy.GLOCK == 0f) { config.NPC.Murderers.Accuracy.AK47ICE = config.NPC.Murderers.Accuracy.GLOCK = config.NPC.Murderers.Accuracy.HMLMG = 100f; } if (config.NPC.Scientists.Accuracy.GLOCK == 0f) { config.NPC.Scientists.Accuracy.AK47ICE = config.NPC.Scientists.Accuracy.GLOCK = config.NPC.Scientists.Accuracy.HMLMG = 20f; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Settings.PermName) && !permission.PermissionExists(config.Settings.PermName)) permission.RegisterPermission(config.Settings.PermName, this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Settings.EventChatCommand)) cmd.AddChatCommand(config.Settings.EventChatCommand, this, cmdDangerousTreasures); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand)) cmd.AddChatCommand(config.Settings.DistanceChatCommand, this, cmdTreasureHunter); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Settings.EventConsoleCommand)) cmd.AddConsoleCommand(config.Settings.EventConsoleCommand, this, nameof(ccmdDangerousTreasures)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.RankedLadder.Permission)) config.RankedLadder.Permission = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.RankedLadder.Group)) config.RankedLadder.Group = "treasurehunter"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.LustyMap.IconFile) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.LustyMap.IconName)) config.LustyMap.Enabled = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.RankedLadder.Permission)) { if (!permission.PermissionExists(config.RankedLadder.Permission)) permission.RegisterPermission(config.RankedLadder.Permission, this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.RankedLadder.Group)) { permission.CreateGroup(config.RankedLadder.Group, config.RankedLadder.Group, 0); permission.GrantGroupPermission(config.RankedLadder.Group, config.RankedLadder.Permission, this); } } permission.RegisterPermission("dangeroustreasures.notitle", this); if (config.UnlootedAnnouncements.Interval < 1f) config.UnlootedAnnouncements.Interval = 1f; if (config.Event.AutoDrawDistance < 0f) config.Event.AutoDrawDistance = 0f; if (config.Event.AutoDrawDistance > ConVar.Server.worldsize) config.Event.AutoDrawDistance = ConVar.Server.worldsize; if (config.GUIAnnouncement.TintColor.ToLower() == "black") config.GUIAnnouncement.TintColor = "grey"; if (config.NPC.Murderers.SpawnAmount + config.NPC.Scientists.SpawnAmount < 1) config.NPC.Enabled = false; if (config.NPC.Murderers.SpawnAmount > 25) config.NPC.Murderers.SpawnAmount = 25; if (config.NPC.Scientists.SpawnAmount > 25) config.NPC.Scientists.SpawnAmount = 25; } List ChestLoot { get { if (config.Treasure.UseDOWL) { switch (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek) { case DayOfWeek.Monday: return config.Treasure.DOWL_Monday; case DayOfWeek.Tuesday: return config.Treasure.DOWL_Tuesday; case DayOfWeek.Wednesday: return config.Treasure.DOWL_Wednesday; case DayOfWeek.Thursday: return config.Treasure.DOWL_Thursday; case DayOfWeek.Friday: return config.Treasure.DOWL_Friday; case DayOfWeek.Saturday: return config.Treasure.DOWL_Saturday; case DayOfWeek.Sunday: return config.Treasure.DOWL_Sunday; } } return config.Treasure.Loot; } } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(config); protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => config = new Configuration(); #endregion } } namespace Oxide.Plugins.DangerousTreasuresExtensionMethods { public static class ExtensionMethods { internal static Core.Libraries.Permission p; public static bool All(this IEnumerable a, Func b) { foreach (T c in a) { if (!b(c)) { return false; } } return true; } public static T ElementAt(this IEnumerable a, int b) { using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { if (b == 0) { return c.Current; } b--; } } return default(T); } public static bool Exists(this IEnumerable a, Func b = null) { using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { if (b == null || b(c.Current)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static T FirstOrDefault(this IEnumerable a, Func b = null) { using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { if (b == null || b(c.Current)) { return c.Current; } } } return default(T); } public static int RemoveAll(this IDictionary c, Func d) { int a = 0; foreach (var b in c.ToList()) { if (d(b.Key, b.Value)) { c.Remove(b.Key); a++; } } return a; } public static IEnumerable Select(this IEnumerable a, Func b) { var c = new List(); using (var d = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (d.MoveNext()) { c.Add(b(d.Current)); } } return c; } public static string[] Skip(this string[] a, int b) { if (a.Length == 0) { return Array.Empty(); } string[] c = new string[a.Length - b]; int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { if (i < b) continue; c[n] = a[i]; n++; } return c; } public static List Take(this IList a, int b) { var c = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { if (c.Count == b) { break; } c.Add(a[i]); } return c; } public static Dictionary ToDictionary(this IEnumerable a, Func b, Func c) { var d = new Dictionary(); using (var e = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (e.MoveNext()) { d[b(e.Current)] = c(e.Current); } } return d; } public static List ToList(this IEnumerable a) { var b = new List(); if (a == null) { return b; } using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { b.Add(c.Current); } } return b; } public static List Where(this IEnumerable a, Func b) { var c = new List(); using (var d = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (d.MoveNext()) { if (b(d.Current)) { c.Add(d.Current); } } } return c; } public static List OfType(this IEnumerable a) where T : BaseEntity { var b = new List(); using (var c = a.GetEnumerator()) { while (c.MoveNext()) { if (c.Current is T) { b.Add(c.Current as T); } } } return b; } public static int Sum(this IEnumerable a, Func b) { int c = 0; foreach (T d in a) { c = checked(c + b(d)); } return c; } public static bool HasPermission(this string a, string b) { if (p == null) { p = Interface.Oxide.GetLibrary(null); } return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a) && p.UserHasPermission(a, b); } public static bool HasPermission(this BasePlayer a, string b) { return a.UserIDString.HasPermission(b); } public static bool HasPermission(this ulong a, string b) { return a.ToString().HasPermission(b); } public static bool UserHasGroup(this string a, string b) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a)) return false; if (p == null) { p = Interface.Oxide.GetLibrary(null); } return p.UserHasGroup(a, b); } public static bool UserHasGroup(this IPlayer a, string b) { return !(a == null) && a.Id.UserHasGroup(b); } public static bool IsReallyConnected(this BasePlayer a) { return a.IsReallyValid() && != null; } public static bool IsKilled(this BaseNetworkable a) { return (object)a == null || a.IsDestroyed; } public static bool IsNull(this T a) where T : class { return a == null; } public static bool IsNull(this BasePlayer a) { return (object)a == null; } public static bool IsReallyValid(this BaseNetworkable a) { return !((object)a == null || a.IsDestroyed || (object) == null); } public static void SafelyKill(this BaseNetworkable a) { if (a.IsKilled()) { return; } a.Kill(BaseNetworkable.DestroyMode.None); } public static bool CanCall(this Plugin o) { return (object)o != null && o.IsLoaded; } public static bool IsInBounds(this OBB o, Vector3 a) { return o.ClosestPoint(a) == a; } public static bool IsHuman(this BasePlayer a) { return !(a.IsNpc || !a.userID.IsSteamId()); } public static bool IsCheating(this BasePlayer a) { return a._limitedNetworking || a.IsFlying || a.UsedAdminCheat(30f) || a.IsGod() || a.metabolism?.calories?.min == 500; } public static void SetAiming(this BasePlayer a, bool f) { a.modelState.aiming = f; a.SendNetworkUpdate(); } public static BasePlayer ToPlayer(this IPlayer user) { return user.Object as BasePlayer; } public static string ObjectName(this Collider collider) { try { return collider.gameObject?.name ?? string.Empty; } catch { return string.Empty; } } public static Vector3 GetPosition(this Collider collider) { try { return collider.transform?.position ??; } catch { return; } } public static string ObjectName(this BaseEntity entity) { try { return ?? string.Empty; } catch { return string.Empty; } } public static T GetRandom(this HashSet h) { if (h == null || h.Count == 0) { return default(T); } return h.ElementAt(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, h.Count)); } public static float Distance(this Vector3 a, Vector3 b) => (a - b).magnitude; public static void ResetToPool(this Dictionary collection) { collection.Clear(); Pool.Free(ref collection); } public static void ResetToPool(this List collection) { collection.Clear(); Pool.Free(ref collection); } } }