using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using UnityEngine; using Facepunch; using Oxide.Ext.Discord; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Attributes; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Builders; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Activities; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Channels; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Gatway; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Gatway.Commands; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Gatway.Events; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Guilds; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Messages; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Messages.Embeds; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Users; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Entities.Permissions; using Oxide.Ext.Discord.Logging; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Rustcord", "Kirollos & OuTSMoKE", "3.3.11")] [Description("Complete game server monitoring through discord.")] internal class Rustcord : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] Plugin PrivateMessages, BetterChatMute, Clans, AdminChat, DiscordAuth, AdminHammer, AdminRadar, Kits, Vanish, RaidableBases, DangerousTreasures, NoGiveNotices, Give, AirEvent, HarborEvent, JunkyardEvent, PowerPlantEvent; [DiscordClient] private DiscordClient _client; #region Back End Shit private Settings _settings; private int? _channelCount; private Snowflake _botId; private UpdatePresenceCommand DiscordPresence = new UpdatePresenceCommand { Activities = new List { new DiscordActivity { Type = ActivityType.Game, Name = "Rustcord Initializing..." } } }; private Timer StatusTimer = null; private object FindUserByID(DiscordUser user) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private static string FormatTime(TimeSpan time) { var values = new List(); if (time.Days != 0) values.Add($"{time.Days} day(s)"); if (time.Hours != 0) values.Add($"{time.Hours} hour(s)"); if (time.Minutes != 0) values.Add($"{time.Minutes} minute(s)"); if (time.Seconds != 0) values.Add($"{time.Seconds} second(s)"); return values.ToSentence(); } private string GetPlayerFormattedField(IPlayer player) { return $"{player.Name} ([{player.Id}]({player.Id}))"; } private string GetFormattedSteamID(string id) { return $"[{id}]({id})"; } private string FindGridPosition(Vector3 position) => PhoneController.PositionToGridCoord(position); enum CacheType { OnPlayerChat = 0, OnPlayerConnected = 1, OnPlayerDisconnected = 2, OnPlayerJoin = 3 } Dictionary>> cache = new Dictionary>>(); private string rbdiff; Dictionary GetPlayerCache(BasePlayer player, string message, CacheType type) { switch (type) { case CacheType.OnPlayerChat: { Dictionary dict; if (!cache[CacheType.OnPlayerChat].TryGetValue(player, out dict)) { cache[CacheType.OnPlayerChat].Add(player, dict = new Dictionary { ["playername"] = player.displayName, ["message"] = message, ["playersteamid"] = player.UserIDString, ["time"] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("hh:mm tt") }); } dict["playername"] = player.displayName; dict["message"] = message; dict["playersteamid"] = player.UserIDString; dict["time"] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("hh:mm tt"); return dict; } case CacheType.OnPlayerConnected: { Dictionary dict; if (!cache[CacheType.OnPlayerConnected].TryGetValue(player, out dict)) { cache[CacheType.OnPlayerConnected].Add(player, dict = new Dictionary { ["playername"] = player.displayName, ["playerip"] = message.Substring(0, message.IndexOf(":")), ["playersteamid"] = player.UserIDString, ["time"] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("hh:mm tt") }); } dict["playername"] = player.displayName; dict["playerip"] = message.Substring(0, message.IndexOf(":")); dict["playersteamid"] = player.UserIDString; dict["time"] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("hh:mm tt"); return dict; } case CacheType.OnPlayerJoin: { Dictionary dict; if (!cache[CacheType.OnPlayerJoin].TryGetValue(player, out dict)) { cache[CacheType.OnPlayerDisconnected].Add(player, dict = new Dictionary { ["playername"] = player.displayName, ["time"] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("hh:mm tt") }); } dict["playername"] = player.displayName; dict["time"] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("hh:mm tt"); return dict; } case CacheType.OnPlayerDisconnected: default: { Dictionary dict; if (!cache[CacheType.OnPlayerDisconnected].TryGetValue(player, out dict)) { cache[CacheType.OnPlayerDisconnected].Add(player, dict = new Dictionary { ["playername"] = player.displayName, ["reason"] = message, ["time"] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("hh:mm tt") }); } dict["playername"] = player.displayName; dict["reason"] = message; dict["time"] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("hh:mm tt"); return dict; } } } private void OnDiscordClientCreated() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.General.Apikey) || _settings.General.Apikey == null || _settings.General.Apikey == "BotToken") { PrintError("API key is empty or invalid!"); return; } bool flag = true; try { DiscordSettings settings = new DiscordSettings { ApiToken = _settings.General.Apikey, Intents = GatewayIntents.Guilds | GatewayIntents.GuildMembers | GatewayIntents.GuildMessages | GatewayIntents.DirectMessages, LogLevel = _settings.General.ExtensionDebugging }; _client.Connect(settings); } catch (Exception e) { flag = false; PrintError($"Rustcord failed to create client! Exception message: {e}"); } if (flag) { cmd.AddChatCommand(_settings.General.ReportCommand, this, "cmdReport"); cmd.AddChatCommand("bug", this, "cmdBug"); SubscribeHooks(); } if (_settings.GameLog.EnableCustomLogging) UnityEngine.Application.logMessageReceived += ConsoleLog; } private void Reload() { rust.RunServerCommand("oxide.reload Rustcord"); } void OnDiscordGatewayReady(GatewayReadyEvent rdy) { _botId = rdy.User.Id; SubscribeHooks(); _channelCount = _settings?.Channels.Count; if (_settings.General.EnableBotStatus) { NextFrame(() => { if (StatusTimer != null && !StatusTimer.Destroyed) { StatusTimer.Destroy(); } StatusTimer = timer.Every(6f, () => { var text = new Dictionary { ["playercount"] = Convert.ToString(BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count), ["maxplayers"] = Convert.ToString(ConVar.Server.maxplayers), ["sleepercount"] = Convert.ToString(BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList.Count) }; var msg = Translate("Discord_Status", text); DiscordPresence.Activities[0].Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) ? "Rustcord initializing...." : msg; _client.Bot.UpdateStatus(DiscordPresence); }); }); } } void OnDiscordGuildCreated(DiscordGuild newguild) { for (int i = 0; i < _channelCount; i++) { if (_settings.Channels[i].perms.Contains("msg_plugininit")) { GetChannel(_client, _settings.Channels[i].Channelid, c => { c.CreateMessage(_client, "Rustcord Initialized!"); }, newguild.Id); } } } private void Unload() { if (StatusTimer != null && !StatusTimer.Destroyed) { StatusTimer.Destroy(); } if (_settings.GameLog.EnableCustomLogging) UnityEngine.Application.logMessageReceived -= ConsoleLog; } private void OnDiscordGuildMessageCreated(DiscordMessage message) { if ((message.Content?.Length ?? 0) == 0) return; Settings.Channel channelidx = FindChannelById(message.ChannelId); if (channelidx == null) return; if (message.Author.Id == _botId) return; if (message.Content[0] == _settings.DiscordSide.Commandprefix[0]) { if (!channelidx.perms.Contains("cmd_allow")) return; string cmd; string msg; try { cmd = message.Content.Split(' ')[0].ToLower(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd.Trim())) cmd = message.Content.Trim().ToLower(); } catch { cmd = message.Content.Trim().ToLower(); } cmd = cmd.Remove(0, 1); msg = message.Content.Remove(0, 1 + cmd.Length).Trim(); cmd = cmd.Trim(); cmd = cmd.ToLower(); if (!channelidx.perms.Contains("cmd_" + cmd)) return; if (!_settings.Commandroles.ContainsKey(cmd)) { DiscordToGameCmd(cmd, msg, message.Author, message.ChannelId); return; } var roles = _settings.Commandroles[cmd]; if (roles.Count == 0) { DiscordToGameCmd(cmd, msg, message.Author, message.ChannelId); return; } foreach (var roleid in message.Member.Roles) { var rolename = GetRoleNameById(roleid); if (roles.Contains(rolename)) { DiscordToGameCmd(cmd, msg, message.Author, message.ChannelId); break; } } } else { var chattag = _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatTag; var chattagcolor = _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatTagColor; var chatnamecolor = _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatNameColor; var chattextcolor = _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatTextColor; if (!channelidx.perms.Contains("msg_chat")) return; string nickname = message.Member?.Nickname ?? ""; if (nickname.Length == 0) nickname = message.Author.Username; //PrintToChat("" + chattag + " " + "" + nickname + ": " + "" + message.content + ""); string text = $"{chattag} {nickname}: {message.Content}"; foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) Player.Message(player, text, _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatIconSteamID); Puts("[DISCORD] " + nickname + ": " + message.Content); } } private string Translate(string msg, Dictionary parameters = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) return string.Empty; msg = lang.GetMessage(msg, this); if (parameters != null) { foreach (var lekey in parameters) { if (msg.Contains("{" + lekey.Key + "}")) msg = msg.Replace("{" + lekey.Key + "}", lekey.Value); } } return msg; } private Settings.Channel FindChannelById(Snowflake id) { for (int i = 0; i < _channelCount; i++) { if (_settings.Channels[i].Channelid == id) return _settings.Channels[i]; } return null; } private void GetChannel(DiscordClient c, Snowflake chan_id, Action cb, Snowflake guildid = default(Snowflake)) { //Guild g = guildid == null ? c.DiscordServers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.channels.FirstOrDefault(y => == chan_id) != null) : c.GetGuild(guildid); DiscordGuild g = null; DiscordChannel foundchan = null; if (guildid.IsValid()) g = c.Bot.GetGuild(guildid); else foreach (var G in c.Bot.Servers.Values) { foundchan = G.Channels[chan_id]; if (foundchan != null) { g = G; break; } } if (g == null) { PrintWarning($"Rustcord failed to fetch channel! (chan_id={chan_id}). Guild is invalid."); return; } if (g.Unavailable ?? false == true) { PrintWarning($"Rustcord failed to fetch channel! (chan_id={chan_id}). Guild is possibly invalid or not available yet."); return; } //Channel foundchan = g?.channels?.FirstOrDefault(z => == chan_id); if (foundchan == null) { if (guildid.IsValid()) return; // Ignore printing error PrintWarning($"Rustcord failed to fetch channel! (chan_id={chan_id})."); return; } if (foundchan.Id != chan_id) return; cb?.Invoke(foundchan); } private string GetRoleNameById(Snowflake id) { //var role = _client.DiscordServers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.roles.FirstOrDefault(y => == id) != null)?.roles.FirstOrDefault(z => == id); //return role?.name ?? ""; foreach (var r in _client.Bot.Servers.Values) { var role = r.Roles[id]; if (role != null) { return role.Name; } } return string.Empty; } private IPlayer FindPlayer(string nameorId) { foreach (var player in covalence.Players.Connected) { if (player.Id == nameorId) return player; if (player.Name == nameorId) return player; } return null; } private DiscordUser FindUserByID(Snowflake id) { foreach (DiscordGuild guild in _client.Bot.Servers.Values) { var member = guild.Members[id]; if (member != null) { return member.User; } } return null; } private BasePlayer FindPlayerByID(string Id) { foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { if (player.UserIDString == Id) return player; } return null; } private IPlayer GetPlayer(string id) { return covalence.Players.FindPlayerById(id); } private IPlayer GetPlayer(ulong id) { return GetPlayer(id.ToString()); } #endregion #region Config Layout private class Settings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "General Settings")] public GeneralSettings General { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord to Game Settings")] public DiscordSideSettings DiscordSide { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Rust Logging Settings")] public GameLogSettings GameLog { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Plugin Logging Settings")] public PluginLogSettings PluginLog { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Premium Plugin Logging Settings")] public PremiumPluginLogSettings PremiumPluginLog { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord Output Formatting")] public OutputSettings OutputFormat { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Logging Exclusions")] public ExcludedSettings Excluded { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Filter Settings")] public FilterSettings Filters { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord Logging Channels")] public List Channels { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord Command Role Assignment (Empty = All roles can use command.)")] public Dictionary> Commandroles { get; set; } public class Channel { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord Channel ID #")] public Snowflake Channelid { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Channel Flags")] public List perms { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Custom: Words/Phrases to Log")] public List CustomFilter { get; set; } } } public class GeneralSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "API Key (Bot Token)")] public string Apikey { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Auto Reload Plugin")] public bool AutoReloadPlugin { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Auto Reload Time (Seconds)")] public int AutoReloadTime { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Bot Status")] public bool EnableBotStatus { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "In-Game Report Command")] public string ReportCommand { get; set; } [JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter))] [DefaultValue(DiscordLogLevel.Info)] [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord Extension Log Level (Verbose/Debug/Info/Warning/Error/Exception/Off)")] public DiscordLogLevel ExtensionDebugging { get; set; } = DiscordLogLevel.Info; } public class DiscordSideSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord Command Prefix")] public string Commandprefix { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord to Game Chat: Icon (Steam ID)")] public ulong GameChatIconSteamID { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord to Game Chat: Tag")] public string GameChatTag { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord to Game Chat: Tag Color (Hex)")] public string GameChatTagColor { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord to Game Chat: Player Name Color (Hex)")] public string GameChatNameColor { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Discord to Game Chat: Message Color (Hex)")] public string GameChatTextColor { get; set; } } public class GameLogSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Player Chat")] public bool LogChat { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Joins & Quits")] public bool LogJoinQuits { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Deaths")] public bool LogDeaths { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Vehicle Spawns (Heli/APC/Plane/Ship)")] public bool LogVehicleSpawns { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Crate Drops (Hackable/Supply)")] public bool LogCrateDrops { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Usergroup Changes")] public bool LogUserGroups { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Permission Changes")] public bool LogPermissions { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Kicks & Bans")] public bool LogKickBans { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Player Name Changes")] public bool LogNameChanges { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Server Commands (Gestures/Note Edits)")] public bool LogServerCommands { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Server Messages (Give/Item Spawns)")] public bool LogServerMessages { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Player F7 Reports")] public bool LogF7Reports { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Team Changes")] public bool LogTeams { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: RCON Connections")] public bool LogRCON { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Spectates")] public bool LogSpectates { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Server Wipe")] public bool LogServerWipe { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Custom Logging")] public bool EnableCustomLogging { get; set; } } public class PluginLogSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: AdminHammer")] public bool LogPluginAdminHammer { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Admin Radar")] public bool LogPluginAdminRadar { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Better Chat Mute")] public bool LogPluginBetterChatMute { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Clans")] public bool LogPluginClans { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Dangerous Treasures")] public bool LogPluginDangerousTreasures { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Discord Auth")] public bool LogPluginDiscordAuth { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Godmode")] public bool LogPluginGodmode { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Kits")] public bool LogPluginKits { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Private Messages")] public bool LogPluginPrivateMessages { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Raidable Bases")] public bool LogPluginRaidableBases { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Sign Artist")] public bool LogPluginSignArtist { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Vanish")] public bool LogPluginVanish { get; set; } } public class PremiumPluginLogSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Air Event")] public bool LogPluginAirEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Armored Train Event")] public bool LogPluginArmoredTrainEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Cargo Train Event")] public bool LogPluginCargoTrainEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Convoy Event")] public bool LogPluginConvoyEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Harbor Event")] public bool LogPluginHarborEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Junkyard Event")] public bool LogPluginJunkyardEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Power Plant Event")] public bool LogPluginPowerPlantEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Satellite Dish Event")] public bool LogPluginSatDishEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Sputnik Event")] public bool LogPluginSputnikEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Enable Logging: Water Event")] public bool LogPluginWaterEvent { get; set; } } public class OutputSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Bans (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeBans { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Bug Report (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeBugs { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Deaths (Simple/Embed/DeathNotes)")] public string OutputTypeDeaths { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: F7 Reports (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeF7Report { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Join/Quit (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeJoinQuit { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Join Player Info (Admin Channel) (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeJoinAdminChan { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Kicks (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeKicks { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Note Logging (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeNoteLog { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Player Name Change (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeNameChange { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: /Report (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeReports { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Server Wipe (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeServerWipe { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type: Teams (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeTeams { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Admin Hammer (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeAdminHammer { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Admin Radar (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeAdminRadar { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Better Chat Mute (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeBetterChatMute { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Clans (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeClans { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Dangerous Treasures (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeDangerousTreasures { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Discord Auth (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeDiscordAuth { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Godmode (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeGodmode { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Kits (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeKits { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Private Messages (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypePMs { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Raidable Bases (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeRaidableBases { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Plugin): Vanish (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeVanish { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): AirEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeAirEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): ArmoredTrainEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeArmoredTrainEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): CargoTrainEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeCargoTrainEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): ConvoyEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeConvoyEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): HarborEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeHarborEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): JunkyardEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeJunkyardEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): PowerPlantEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypePowerPlantEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): SatDishEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeSatDishEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): SputnikEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeSputnikEvent { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Type (Premium Plugin): WaterEvent (Simple/Embed)")] public string OutputTypeWaterEvent { get; set; } } public class ExcludedSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Exclude Listed Groups From log_groups")] public List LogExcludeGroups { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Exclude Listed Permissions From log_perms")] public List LogExcludePerms { get; set; } } public class FilterSettings { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat Filter: Replacement Word")] public string FilteredWord { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat Filter: Words to Filter")] public List FilterWords { get; set; } } #endregion #region Default Config private Settings GetDefaultSettings() { return new Settings { General = new GeneralSettings { Apikey = "BotToken", AutoReloadPlugin = false, AutoReloadTime = 901, EnableBotStatus = false, ReportCommand = "report", ExtensionDebugging = DiscordLogLevel.Info }, DiscordSide = new DiscordSideSettings { Commandprefix = "!", GameChatIconSteamID = 76561199066612103, GameChatTag = "[RUSTCORD]", GameChatTagColor = "#7289DA", GameChatNameColor = "#55aaff", GameChatTextColor = "#ffffff", }, GameLog = new GameLogSettings { LogChat = true, LogJoinQuits = true, LogDeaths = false, LogVehicleSpawns = false, LogCrateDrops = false, LogUserGroups = false, LogPermissions = false, LogKickBans = true, LogNameChanges = false, LogServerCommands = false, LogServerMessages = false, LogF7Reports = false, LogTeams = false, LogRCON = false, LogSpectates = false, LogServerWipe = false, EnableCustomLogging = false }, PluginLog = new PluginLogSettings { LogPluginAdminHammer = false, LogPluginAdminRadar = false, LogPluginBetterChatMute = false, LogPluginClans = false, LogPluginDangerousTreasures = false, LogPluginDiscordAuth = false, LogPluginGodmode = false, LogPluginKits = false, LogPluginPrivateMessages = false, LogPluginRaidableBases = false, LogPluginSignArtist = false, LogPluginVanish = false }, PremiumPluginLog = new PremiumPluginLogSettings { LogPluginAirEvent = false, LogPluginArmoredTrainEvent = false, LogPluginCargoTrainEvent = false, LogPluginConvoyEvent = false, LogPluginHarborEvent = false, LogPluginJunkyardEvent = false, LogPluginPowerPlantEvent = false, LogPluginSputnikEvent = false, LogPluginSatDishEvent = false, LogPluginWaterEvent = false }, OutputFormat = new OutputSettings { OutputTypeBans = "Simple", OutputTypeBugs = "Simple", OutputTypeDeaths = "Simple", OutputTypeF7Report = "Simple", OutputTypeJoinQuit = "Simple", OutputTypeJoinAdminChan = "Simple", OutputTypeKicks = "Simple", OutputTypeNameChange = "Simple", OutputTypeNoteLog = "Simple", OutputTypeReports = "Simple", OutputTypeServerWipe = "Simple", OutputTypeTeams = "Simple", OutputTypeAdminHammer = "Simple", OutputTypeAdminRadar = "Simple", OutputTypeBetterChatMute = "Simple", OutputTypeClans = "Simple", OutputTypeDangerousTreasures = "Simple", OutputTypeDiscordAuth = "Simple", OutputTypeGodmode = "Simple", OutputTypeKits = "Simple", OutputTypePMs = "Simple", OutputTypeRaidableBases = "Simple", OutputTypeVanish = "Simple", OutputTypeAirEvent = "Simple", OutputTypeArmoredTrainEvent = "Simple", OutputTypeCargoTrainEvent = "Simple", OutputTypeConvoyEvent = "Simple", OutputTypeHarborEvent = "Simple", OutputTypeJunkyardEvent = "Simple", OutputTypePowerPlantEvent = "Simple", OutputTypeSputnikEvent = "Simple", OutputTypeSatDishEvent = "Simple", OutputTypeWaterEvent = "Simple" }, Channels = new List { new Settings.Channel { perms = new List { "cmd_allow", "cmd_players", "cmd_kick", "cmd_com", "cmd_mute", "cmd_unmute", "msg_join", "msg_quit", "death_pvp", "msg_chat", "game_bug", "msg_serverinit" }, CustomFilter = new List { "keyword1", "keyword2" } }, new Settings.Channel { perms = new List { "msg_joinlog", "game_report", "msg_teamchat", "game_bug" }, CustomFilter = new List { "keyword1", "keyword2" } } }, Commandroles = new Dictionary> { { "players", new List() { "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" } }, { "mute", new List() { "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" } }, { "unmute", new List() { "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" } }, { "kick", new List() { "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" } }, { "ban", new List() { "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" } }, { "timeban", new List() { "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" } }, { "unban", new List() { "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" } }, { "com", new List() { "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" } } }, Filters = new FilterSettings { FilterWords = new List { "badword1", "badword2" }, FilteredWord = "", }, Excluded = new ExcludedSettings { LogExcludeGroups = new List { "example-group1", "example-group2" }, LogExcludePerms = new List { "example.permission1", "example.permission2" } }, }; } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { PrintWarning("Attempting to create default config..."); Config.Clear(); Config.WriteObject(GetDefaultSettings(), true); Config.Save(); } #endregion #region Hooks void SubscribeHooks() { if (_settings.GameLog.LogChat) Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerChat)); if (_settings.GameLog.LogJoinQuits) { Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerConnected)); Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerDisconnected)); } if (_settings.GameLog.LogDeaths) { if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeDeaths == "DeathNotes") Subscribe(nameof(OnDeathNotice)); if ((_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeDeaths == "Simple") || (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeDeaths == "Embed")) Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerDeath)); } if (_settings.GameLog.LogVehicleSpawns) Subscribe(nameof(OnEntitySpawned)); if (_settings.GameLog.LogCrateDrops) { Subscribe(nameof(OnCrateDropped)); Subscribe(nameof(OnSupplyDropLanded)); } if (_settings.GameLog.LogUserGroups) { Subscribe(nameof(OnGroupCreated)); Subscribe(nameof(OnGroupDeleted)); Subscribe(nameof(OnUserGroupAdded)); Subscribe(nameof(OnUserGroupRemoved)); } if (_settings.GameLog.LogPermissions) { Subscribe(nameof(OnUserPermissionGranted)); Subscribe(nameof(OnGroupPermissionGranted)); Subscribe(nameof(OnUserPermissionRevoked)); Subscribe(nameof(OnGroupPermissionRevoked)); } if (_settings.GameLog.LogKickBans) { Subscribe(nameof(OnUserKicked)); Subscribe(nameof(OnUserBanned)); Subscribe(nameof(OnUserUnbanned)); } if (_settings.GameLog.LogNameChanges) Subscribe(nameof(OnUserNameUpdated)); if (_settings.GameLog.LogServerMessages) Subscribe(nameof(OnServerMessage)); if (_settings.GameLog.LogServerCommands) Subscribe(nameof(OnServerCommand)); if (_settings.GameLog.LogF7Reports) Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerReported)); if (_settings.GameLog.LogServerWipe) Subscribe(nameof(OnNewSave)); if (_settings.GameLog.LogTeams) { Subscribe(nameof(OnTeamCreated)); Subscribe(nameof(OnTeamAcceptInvite)); Subscribe(nameof(OnTeamLeave)); Subscribe(nameof(OnTeamKick)); Subscribe(nameof(OnTeamDisbanded)); } if (_settings.GameLog.LogRCON) { Subscribe(nameof(OnRconConnection)); } if (_settings.GameLog.LogSpectates) { Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerSpectate)); Subscribe(nameof(OnPlayerSpectateEnd)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginAdminHammer) { Subscribe(nameof(OnAdminHammerEnabled)); Subscribe(nameof(OnAdminHammerDisabled)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginAdminRadar) { Subscribe(nameof(OnRadarActivated)); Subscribe(nameof(OnRadarDeactivated)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginBetterChatMute) { Subscribe(nameof(OnBetterChatMuted)); Subscribe(nameof(OnBetterChatTimeMuted)); Subscribe(nameof(OnBetterChatUnmuted)); Subscribe(nameof(OnBetterChatMuteExpired)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginClans) { Subscribe(nameof(OnClanCreate)); Subscribe(nameof(OnClanDisbanded)); Subscribe(nameof(OnClanChat)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginDangerousTreasures) { Subscribe(nameof(OnDangerousEventStarted)); Subscribe(nameof(OnDangerousEventEnded)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginGodmode) { Subscribe(nameof(OnGodmodeToggled)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginKits) { Subscribe(nameof(OnKitRedeemed)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginPrivateMessages) Subscribe(nameof(OnPMProcessed)); if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginRaidableBases) { Subscribe(nameof(OnRaidableBaseStarted)); Subscribe(nameof(OnRaidableBaseEnded)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginSignArtist) Subscribe(nameof(OnImagePost)); if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginDiscordAuth) { Subscribe(nameof(OnDiscordPlayerLinked)); Subscribe(nameof(OnDiscordPlayerUnlinked)); } if (_settings.PluginLog.LogPluginVanish) { Subscribe(nameof(OnVanishDisappear)); Subscribe(nameof(OnVanishReappear)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginAirEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnAirEventStart)); Subscribe(nameof(OnAirEventEnd)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginArmoredTrainEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnArmoredTrainEventStart)); Subscribe(nameof(OnArmoredTrainEventStop)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginCargoTrainEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnTrainEventStarted)); Subscribe(nameof(OnTrainEventEnded)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginConvoyEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnConvoyStart)); Subscribe(nameof(OnConvoyStop)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginHarborEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnHarborEventStart)); Subscribe(nameof(OnHarborEventEnd)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginJunkyardEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnJunkyardEventStart)); Subscribe(nameof(OnJunkyardEventEnd)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginPowerPlantEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnPowerPlantEventStart)); Subscribe(nameof(OnPowerPlantEventEnd)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginSputnikEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnSputnikEventStart)); Subscribe(nameof(OnSputnikEventStop)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginSatDishEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnSatDishEventStart)); Subscribe(nameof(OnSatDishEventEnd)); } if (_settings.PremiumPluginLog.LogPluginWaterEvent) { Subscribe(nameof(OnWaterEventStart)); Subscribe(nameof(OnWaterEventEnd)); } } private void Init() { cache[CacheType.OnPlayerChat] = new Dictionary>(); cache[CacheType.OnPlayerConnected] = new Dictionary>(); cache[CacheType.OnPlayerDisconnected] = new Dictionary>(); cache[CacheType.OnPlayerJoin] = new Dictionary>(); UnsubscribeHooks(); } void UnsubscribeHooks() { Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerChat)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerConnected)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerDisconnected)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnDeathNotice)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerDeath)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnEntitySpawned)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnCrateDropped)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnSupplyDropLanded)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnGroupCreated)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnGroupDeleted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnUserGroupAdded)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnUserGroupRemoved)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnUserPermissionGranted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnGroupPermissionGranted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnUserPermissionRevoked)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnGroupPermissionRevoked)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnUserKicked)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnUserBanned)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnUserUnbanned)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnUserNameUpdated)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnServerMessage)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnServerCommand)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerReported)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnTeamCreated)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnTeamAcceptInvite)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnTeamLeave)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnTeamKick)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnTeamDisbanded)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnRconConnection)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerSpectate)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPlayerSpectateEnd)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnAdminHammerEnabled)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnAdminHammerDisabled)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnRadarActivated)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnRadarDeactivated)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnBetterChatTimeMuted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnBetterChatMuted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnBetterChatTimeMuted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnBetterChatUnmuted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnBetterChatMuteExpired)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnClanCreate)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnClanDisbanded)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnClanChat)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPMProcessed)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnImagePost)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnDiscordPlayerLinked)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnDiscordPlayerUnlinked)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnRaidableBaseStarted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnRaidableBaseEnded)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnGodmodeToggled)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnKitRedeemed)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnDangerousEventStarted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnDangerousEventEnded)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnAirEventStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnAirEventEnd)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnArmoredTrainEventStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnArmoredTrainEventStop)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnTrainEventStarted)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnTrainEventEnded)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnConvoyStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnConvoyStop)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnHarborEventStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnHarborEventEnd)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnJunkyardEventStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnJunkyardEventEnd)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPowerPlantEventStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnPowerPlantEventEnd)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnSatDishEventStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnSatDishEventEnd)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnSputnikEventStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnSputnikEventStop)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnWaterEventStart)); Unsubscribe(nameof(OnWaterEventEnd)); } #endregion #region Null Config Check private void Loaded() { _settings = Config.ReadObject(); // Make sure objects are not taken off the config, otherwise some parts of code will release NRE. if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeBans == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeBans = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeBugs == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeBugs = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeDeaths == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeDeaths = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeF7Report == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeF7Report = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeJoinQuit == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeJoinQuit = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeJoinAdminChan == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeJoinAdminChan = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeKicks == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeKicks = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeNameChange == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeNameChange = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeNoteLog == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeNoteLog = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeReports == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeReports = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeServerWipe == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeServerWipe = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeTeams == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeTeams = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeAdminHammer == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeAdminHammer = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeAdminRadar == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeAdminRadar = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeBetterChatMute == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeBetterChatMute = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeClans == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeClans = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeDangerousTreasures == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeDangerousTreasures = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeDiscordAuth == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeDiscordAuth = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeKits == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeKits = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypePMs == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypePMs = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeRaidableBases == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeRaidableBases = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeVanish == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeVanish = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeAirEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeAirEvent = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeArmoredTrainEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeArmoredTrainEvent = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeCargoTrainEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeCargoTrainEvent = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeConvoyEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeConvoyEvent = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeHarborEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeHarborEvent = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeJunkyardEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeJunkyardEvent = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypePowerPlantEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypePowerPlantEvent = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeSatDishEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeSatDishEvent = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeSputnikEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeSputnikEvent = "Simple"; if (_settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeWaterEvent == null) _settings.OutputFormat.OutputTypeWaterEvent = "Simple"; foreach (var channel in _settings.Channels) { if (channel.CustomFilter == null) { channel.CustomFilter = new List(); } } if (_settings.General.ReportCommand == null) _settings.General.ReportCommand = "report"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.DiscordSide.GameChatTag)) _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatTag = "[Rustcord]"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.DiscordSide.GameChatTagColor)) _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatTagColor = "#7289DA"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.DiscordSide.GameChatNameColor)) _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatNameColor = "#55aaff"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.DiscordSide.GameChatTextColor)) _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatTextColor = "#ffffff"; if (_settings.DiscordSide.GameChatIconSteamID.Equals(0uL)) _settings.DiscordSide.GameChatIconSteamID = 76561199066612103; if (_settings.Channels == null) _settings.Channels = new List(); if (_settings.Commandroles == null) _settings.Commandroles = new Dictionary>(); _settings.Filters = new FilterSettings { FilteredWord = _settings.Filters?.FilteredWord ?? "", FilterWords = _settings.Filters?.FilterWords ?? new List() }; if (_settings.Excluded.LogExcludeGroups == null) _settings.Excluded.LogExcludeGroups = new List(); if (_settings.Excluded.LogExcludePerms == null) _settings.Excluded.LogExcludePerms = new List(); Config.WriteObject(_settings, true); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ } #endregion #region Language File protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { { "Discord_PlayersResponse", ":mag_right: Connected Players [{playercount}/{maxplayers}]: {playerslist}" }, { "Discord_Status", "{playercount}/{maxplayers} Online, {sleepercount} Sleepers." }, { "RUST_OnInitMsg", ":vertical_traffic_light: Server is back online! Players may now re-join. :vertical_traffic_light:" }, { "RUST_OnServerShutdown", ":vertical_traffic_light: Server shutting down. :vertical_traffic_light:" }, { "RUST_OnPlayerGesture", ":speech_left: {playername}: {gesture}"}, { "RUST_OnPlayerChat", ":speech_left: {playername}: {message}"}, { "RUST_OnPlayerTeamChat", ":speech_left: {playername}: {message}"}, { "RUST_OnPlayerJoin", ":white_check_mark: {playername} has connected!" }, { "RUST_OnPlayerJoinAdminLog", ":clipboard: {playername} has connected! (IP: {playerip} SteamID: {playersteamid})" }, { "RUST_OnPlayerQuit", ":x: {playername} has disconnected! ({reason})" }, { "RUST_OnPlayerBug", ":beetle: {playername}: {message}"}, { "RUST_OnPlayerReport", ":warning: {playername}: {message}"}, { "RUST_OnPlaneSpawn", ":airplane: Cargo Plane has spawned."}, { "RUST_OnBradleySpawn", ":trolleybus: Bradley APC has spawned."}, { "RUST_OnShipSpawn", ":ship: Cargo Ship has spawned."}, { "RUST_OnSupplyDrop", ":airplane: A supply drop has landed."}, { "RUST_OnHeliSpawn", ":helicopter: Patrol Helicopter has spawned."}, { "RUST_OnChinookSpawn", ":helicopter: Chinook Helicopter has spawned."}, { "RUST_OnCrateDropped", ":helicopter: A Chinook has delivered a crate."}, { "RUST_OnTeamAcceptInvite", ":family_mwgb: {playername} joined {teamleader}'s team. ({teamid})"}, { "RUST_OnTeamCreated", ":family_mwgb: {playername} created a new team. ({teamid})"}, { "RUST_OnTeamKicked", ":family_mwgb: {teamleader} kicked {playername} from their team. ({teamid})"}, { "RUST_OnTeamLeave", ":family_mwgb: {playername} left {teamleader}'s team ({teamid})."}, { "RUST_OnTeamDisbanded", ":family_mwgb: {teamleader}'s team has been disbanded. ({teamid})"}, { "RUST_OnGroupCreated", ":desktop: Group {groupname} has been created."}, { "RUST_OnGroupDeleted", ":desktop: Group {groupname} has been deleted."}, { "RUST_OnUserGroupAdded", ":desktop: {playername} ({playersteamid}) has been added to group: {groupname}."}, { "RUST_OnUserGroupRemoved", ":desktop: {playername} ({playersteamid}) has been removed from group: {groupname}."}, { "RUST_OnUserPermissionGranted", ":desktop: {playername} ({playersteamid}) has been granted permission: {permission}."}, { "RUST_OnGroupPermissionGranted", ":desktop: Group {groupname} has been granted permission: {permission}."}, { "RUST_OnUserPermissionRevoked", ":desktop: {playername} ({playersteamid}) has been revoked permission: {permission}."}, { "RUST_OnGroupPermissionRevoked", ":desktop: Group {groupname} has been revoked permission: {permission}."}, { "RUST_OnPlayerKicked", ":desktop: {playername} has been kicked for: {reason}"}, { "RUST_OnPlayerBanned", ":desktop: {playername} ({playersteamid}/{playerip}) has been banned for: {reason}"}, //only works with vanilla/native system atm { "RUST_OnPlayerUnBanned", ":desktop: {playername} ({playersteamid}/{playerip}) has been unbanned."}, //only works with vanilla/native system atm { "RUST_OnPlayerNameChange", ":desktop: {oldname} ({playersteamid}) is now playing as {newname}."}, { "RUST_OnPlayerReported", ":desktop: {reporter} reported {targetname} ({targetsteamid}) to Facepunch for {reason}. Message: {message}"}, { "RUST_OnPlayerDeath", ":skull_crossbones: {killer} killed {victim}."}, { "RUST_OnF1ItemSpawn", ":desktop: {playername}: {givemessage}."}, { "RUST_OnNoteUpdate", ":desktop: [NOTES] {playername}: {notemessage}."}, { "RUST_OnRCONConnected", ":desktop: [RCON] New connection from: {ip}."}, { "RUST_OnPlayerSpectate", ":desktop: {playername} is spectating {targetname}"}, { "RUST_CustomLog", ":desktop: [Custom] {logtext}"}, { "RUST_OnPlayerSpectateEnd", ":desktop: {playername} stopped spectating {targetname}"}, { "RUST_OnServerWipe", ":map: Server has started a fresh wipe!"}, { "PLUGIN_AdminHammer_Enabled", ":hammer: {playername} has enabled Admin Hammer."}, { "PLUGIN_AdminHammer_Disabled", ":hammer: {playername} has disabled Admin Hammer."}, { "PLUGIN_AdminRadar_Enabled", ":satellite: {playername} has enabled Admin Radar."}, { "PLUGIN_AdminRadar_Disabled", ":satellite: {playername} has disabled Admin Radar."}, { "PLUGIN_BetterChatMute_Mute", "[MUTE] :zipper_mouth: {muter} has permanently muted {targetname}. Reason: {reason}"}, { "PLUGIN_BetterChatMute_UnMute", "[MUTE] :loudspeaker: {unmuter} has unmuted {targetname}."}, { "PLUGIN_BetterChatMute_TimedMute", "[MUTE] :hourglass_flowing_sand: {muter} has been temporarily muted {targetname} for {duration}. Reason: {reason}"}, { "PLUGIN_BetterChatMute_MuteExpire", "[MUTE] :hourglass: {targetname}'s temporary mute has expired."}, { "PLUGIN_Clans_Chat", ":speech_left: [CLANS] {playername}: {message}"}, { "PLUGIN_Clans_CreateClan", ":family_mwgb: Clan [{clantag}] has been created."}, { "PLUGIN_Clans_DisbandClan", ":family_mwgb: Clan [{clantag}] has been disbanded."}, { "PLUGIN_DangerousTreasures_Started", ":moneybag: Dangerous Treasure event has started at {gridtile} {position}."}, { "PLUGIN_DangerousTreasures_Ended", ":moneybag: Dangerous Treasure event at {gridtile} has ended."}, { "PLUGIN_DeathNotes_Death", ":skull_crossbones: {deathmessage}"}, { "PLUGIN_DiscordAuth_Auth", ":lock: {gamename} has linked to Discord account {discordname}."}, { "PLUGIN_DiscordAuth_Deauth", ":unlock: {gamename} has been unlinked from Discord."}, { "PLUGIN_Godmode_Enabled", ":shield: {playername} has enabled God Mode."}, { "PLUGIN_Godmode_Disabled", ":shield: {playername} has disabled God Mode."}, { "PLUGIN_Kits_Redeemed", ":gift: {playername} redeemed kit: {kitname}."}, { "PLUGIN_PrivateMessages_PM", "[PM] {sendername} :incoming_envelope: {targetname}: {message}"}, { "PLUGIN_RaidableBases_Started", ":house: {difficulty} Raidable Base has spawned at {position}."}, { "PLUGIN_RaidableBases_Ended", ":house: {difficulty} Raidable Base at {position} has ended."}, { "PLUGIN_SignArtist", "{playername} posted an image to a sign.\nPosition: ({position})"}, { "PLUGIN_Vanish_Disappear", ":ghost: {playername} has vanished." }, { "PLUGIN_Vanish_Reappear", ":ghost: {playername} has reappeared." }, { "PLUGIN_AirEvent_Started", ":helicopter: Air Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_AirEvent_Ended", ":helicopter: Air Event has ended." }, { "PLUGIN_ArmoredTrainEvent_Started", ":train2: Armored Train Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_ArmoredTrainEvent_Ended", ":train2: Armored Train Event has ended." }, { "PLUGIN_CargoTrainEvent_Started", ":tram: Cargo Train Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_CargoTrainEvent_Ended", ":tram: Cargo Train Event has ended." }, { "PLUGIN_ConvoyEvent_Started", ":truck: Convoy Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_ConvoyEvent_Ended", ":truck: Convoy Event has ended." }, { "PLUGIN_HarborEvent_Started", ":ship: Harbor Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_HarborEvent_Ended", ":ship: Harbor Event has ended." }, { "PLUGIN_JunkyardEvent_Started", ":construction_site: Junkyard Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_JunkyardEvent_Ended", ":construction_site: Junkyard Event has ended." }, { "PLUGIN_PowerPlantEvent_Started", ":zap: Power Plant Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_PowerPlantEvent_Ended", ":zap: Power Plant Event has ended." }, { "PLUGIN_SatDishEvent_Started", ":satellite: Satellite Dish Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_SatDishEvent_Ended", ":satellite: Satellite Dish Event has ended." }, { "PLUGIN_SputnikEvent_Started", ":satellite_orbital: Sputnik Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_SputnikEvent_Ended", ":satellite_orbital: Sputnik Dish Event has ended." }, { "PLUGIN_WaterEvent_Started", ":anchor: Water Event has started." }, { "PLUGIN_WaterEvent_Ended", ":anchor: Water Event has ended." } }, this); } #endregion #region Discord Commands private void DiscordToGameCmd(string command, string param, DiscordUser author, Snowflake channelid) { switch (command) { case "players": { string listStr = string.Empty; var pList = BasePlayer.activePlayerList; int i = 0; foreach (var player in pList) { listStr += player.displayName + " " + "[" + (i++ + 1) + "]"; if (i != pList.Count) listStr += ", "; if (i % 25 == 0 || i == pList.Count) { var text = new Dictionary { ["playercount"] = Convert.ToString(BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count), ["maxplayers"] = Convert.ToString(ConVar.Server.maxplayers), ["playerslist"] = listStr }; GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, Translate("Discord_PlayersResponse", text)); }); text.Clear(); listStr = string.Empty; } } if (pList.Count < 1) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Server is empty!"); }); } break; } case "kick": { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(param)) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Syntax: !kick "); }); return; } string[] _param = param.Split(' '); if (_param.Length < 2) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Syntax: !kick "); }); return; } BasePlayer plr = BasePlayer.Find(_param[0]); if (plr == null) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Error: player not found"); }); return; } plr.Kick(param.Remove(0, _param[0].Length + 1)); GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Success: Kick command executed!"); }); break; } case "timeban": { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param)) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Syntax: !timeban "); }); return; } string[] _param = param.Split(' '); if (_param.Length < 3) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Syntax: !timeban "); }); return; } var plr = covalence.Players.FindPlayer(_param[0]); if (plr == null) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Error: player not found"); }); return; } string[] args = new string[4]; args[0] = _param[0]; // id args[1] = _param[1]; // name args[2] = "\""; // reason for (int i = 3; i < _param.Length; i++) { args[2] += _param[i]; if (i != _param.Length - 1) args[2] += " "; } args[2] += "\""; args[3] = _param[2]; this.Server.Command("banid", args); GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Success: Ban command executed!"); }); break; } case "ban": { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param)) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Syntax: !ban "); }); return; } string[] _param = param.Split(' '); if (_param.Length < 2) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Syntax: !ban "); }); return; } var plr = covalence.Players.FindPlayer(_param[0]); if (plr == null) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Error: player not found"); }); return; } plr.Ban(param.Remove(0, _param[0].Length + 1)); GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Success: Ban command executed!"); }); break; } case "unban": { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param)) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Syntax: !unban "); }); return; } string[] _param = param.Split(' '); var plr = covalence.Players.FindPlayer(_param[0]); if (plr == null) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Error: player not found"); }); return; } plr.Unban(); GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Success: Unban command executed!"); }); break; } case "com": { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(param)) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Syntax: !com "); }); return; } string[] _param = param.Split(' '); if (_param.Length > 1) { string[] args = new string[_param.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(_param, 1, args, 0, args.Length); this.Server.Command(_param[0], args); } else { this.Server.Command(param); } GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Success: Console command executed!"); }); break; } case "mute": { if (BetterChatMute == null) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "This command requires the Better Chat Mute plugin."); return; }); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param)) { GetChannel(_client, channelid, chan => { chan.CreateMessage(_client, "Syntax: !mute